This is a simple read - only implementation of a file system . It uses a block of data coming from the
mkespfsimg tool , and can use that block to do abstracted operations on the files that are in there .
It ' s written for use with httpd , but doesn ' t need to be used as such .
* - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
* " THE BEER-WARE LICENSE " ( Revision 42 ) :
* Jeroen Domburg < jeroen @ spritesmods . com > wrote this file . As long as you retain
* this notice you can do whatever you want with this stuff . If we meet some day ,
* and you think this stuff is worth it , you can buy me a beer in return .
* - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
//These routines can also be tested by comping them in with the espfstest tool. This
//simplifies debugging, but needs some slightly different headers. The #ifdef takes
//care of that.
# ifdef __ets__
//esp build
# include <esp8266.h>
# else
//Test build
# include <stdio.h>
# include <stdint.h>
# include <stdlib.h>
# include <string.h>
# define os_malloc malloc
# define os_free free
# define os_memcpy memcpy
# define os_strncmp strncmp
# define os_strcmp strcmp
# define os_strcpy strcpy
# define os_printf printf
# endif
# include "espfsformat.h"
# include "espfs.h"
static char * espFsData = NULL ;
struct EspFsFile {
EspFsHeader * header ;
char decompressor ;
int32_t posDecomp ;
char * posStart ;
char * posComp ;
void * decompData ;
} ;
Available locations , at least in my flash , with boundaries partially guessed . This
is using 0.9 .1 / 0.9 .2 SDK on a not - too - new module .
0x00000 ( 0x10000 ) : Code / data ( RAM data ? )
0x10000 ( 0x02000 ) : Gets erased by something ?
0x12000 ( 0x2E000 ) : Free ( filled with zeroes ) ( parts used by ESPCloud and maybe SSL )
0x40000 ( 0x20000 ) : Code / data ( ROM data ? )
0x60000 ( 0x1C000 ) : Free
0x7c000 ( 0x04000 ) : Param store
0x80000 - end of flash
Accessing the flash through the mem emulation at 0x40200000 is a bit hairy : All accesses
* must * be aligned 32 - bit accesses . Reading a short , byte or unaligned word will result in
a memory exception , crashing the program .
EspFsInitResult ICACHE_FLASH_ATTR espFsInit ( void * flashAddress ) {
// base address must be aligned to 4 bytes
if ( ( ( int ) flashAddress & 3 ) ! = 0 ) {
// check if there is valid header at address
EspFsHeader testHeader ;
os_memcpy ( & testHeader , flashAddress , sizeof ( EspFsHeader ) ) ;
if ( testHeader . magic ! = ESPFS_MAGIC ) {
espFsData = ( char * ) flashAddress ;
//Copies len bytes over from dst to src, but does it using *only*
//aligned 32-bit reads. Yes, it's no too optimized but it's short and sweet and it works.
//ToDo: perhaps os_memcpy also does unaligned accesses?
# ifdef __ets__
void ICACHE_FLASH_ATTR memcpyAligned ( char * dst , char * src , int len ) {
int x ;
int w , b ;
for ( x = 0 ; x < len ; x + + ) {
b = ( ( int ) src & 3 ) ;
w = * ( ( int * ) ( src - b ) ) ;
if ( b = = 0 ) * dst = ( w > > 0 ) ;
if ( b = = 1 ) * dst = ( w > > 8 ) ;
if ( b = = 2 ) * dst = ( w > > 16 ) ;
if ( b = = 3 ) * dst = ( w > > 24 ) ;
dst + + ; src + + ;
# else
# define memcpyAligned memcpy
# endif
// Returns flags of opened file.
int ICACHE_FLASH_ATTR espFsFlags ( EspFsFile * fh ) {
if ( fh = = NULL ) {
# ifdef ESPFS_DBG
os_printf ( " File handle not ready \n " ) ;
# endif
return - 1 ;
int8_t flags ;
memcpyAligned ( ( char * ) & flags , ( char * ) & fh - > header - > flags , 1 ) ;
return ( int ) flags ;
//Open a file and return a pointer to the file desc struct.
EspFsFile ICACHE_FLASH_ATTR * espFsOpen ( char * fileName ) {
if ( espFsData = = NULL ) {
# ifdef ESPFS_DBG
os_printf ( " Call espFsInit first! \n " ) ;
# endif
return NULL ;
char * p = espFsData ;
char * hpos ;
char namebuf [ 256 ] ;
EspFsHeader h ;
EspFsFile * r ;
//Strip initial slashes
while ( fileName [ 0 ] = = ' / ' ) fileName + + ;
//Go find that file!
while ( 1 ) {
hpos = p ;
//Grab the next file header.
os_memcpy ( & h , p , sizeof ( EspFsHeader ) ) ;
if ( h . magic ! = ESPFS_MAGIC ) {
# ifdef ESPFS_DBG
os_printf ( " Magic mismatch. EspFS image broken. \n " ) ;
# endif
return NULL ;
if ( h . flags & FLAG_LASTFILE ) {
//os_printf("End of image.\n");
return NULL ;
//Grab the name of the file.
p + = sizeof ( EspFsHeader ) ;
os_memcpy ( namebuf , p , sizeof ( namebuf ) ) ;
// os_printf("Found file '%s'. Namelen=%x fileLenComp=%x, compr=%d flags=%d\n",
// namebuf, (unsigned int)h.nameLen, (unsigned int)h.fileLenComp, h.compression, h.flags);
if ( os_strcmp ( namebuf , fileName ) = = 0 ) {
//Yay, this is the file we need!
p + = h . nameLen ; //Skip to content.
r = ( EspFsFile * ) os_malloc ( sizeof ( EspFsFile ) ) ; //Alloc file desc mem
//os_printf("Alloc %p[%d]\n", r, sizeof(EspFsFile));
if ( r = = NULL ) return NULL ;
r - > header = ( EspFsHeader * ) hpos ;
r - > decompressor = h . compression ;
r - > posComp = p ;
r - > posStart = p ;
r - > posDecomp = 0 ;
if ( h . compression = = COMPRESS_NONE ) {
r - > decompData = NULL ;
} else {
# ifdef ESPFS_DBG
os_printf ( " Invalid compression: %d \n " , h . compression ) ;
# endif
return NULL ;
return r ;
//We don't need this file. Skip name and file
p + = h . nameLen + h . fileLenComp ;
if ( ( int ) p & 3 ) p + = 4 - ( ( int ) p & 3 ) ; //align to next 32bit val
//Read len bytes from the given file into buff. Returns the actual amount of bytes read.
int ICACHE_FLASH_ATTR espFsRead ( EspFsFile * fh , char * buff , int len ) {
int flen , fdlen ;
if ( fh = = NULL ) return 0 ;
//Cache file length.
memcpyAligned ( ( char * ) & flen , ( char * ) & fh - > header - > fileLenComp , 4 ) ;
memcpyAligned ( ( char * ) & fdlen , ( char * ) & fh - > header - > fileLenDecomp , 4 ) ;
//Do stuff depending on the way the file is compressed.
if ( fh - > decompressor = = COMPRESS_NONE ) {
int toRead ;
toRead = flen - ( fh - > posComp - fh - > posStart ) ;
if ( len > toRead ) len = toRead ;
// os_printf("Reading %d bytes from %x\n", len, (unsigned int)fh->posComp);
memcpyAligned ( buff , fh - > posComp , len ) ;
fh - > posDecomp + = len ;
fh - > posComp + = len ;
// os_printf("Done reading %d bytes, pos=%x\n", len, fh->posComp);
return len ;
return 0 ;
//Close the file.
void ICACHE_FLASH_ATTR espFsClose ( EspFsFile * fh ) {
if ( fh = = NULL ) return ;
//os_printf("Freed %p\n", fh);
os_free ( fh ) ;