Your ROOT_URL in app.ini is but you are visiting
You should set ROOT_URL correctly, otherwise the web may not work correctly.
<p id="id"/><br/><div id="id"/><br/><tr id="id"/><br/><th id="id"/><br/><td id="id"/><br/><textarea id="id"/> | String (HTML) | MCU can replace the inner HTML part of the control at LOAD/REFRESH queries. The string (sent by MCU) is handled as HTML, so <img...> will be displayed as an image on the page | NO |
<button id="id"/> | String | When button is pressed, a message is transmitted to MCU containing the id (BUTTON_PRESS) | NO |
<input name="id"/> | String <br/> Integer <br/> Float <br/> Boolean | MCU can replace the value or checked properties of the HTML control in the form (LOAD/REFRESH). At form submission, the content of value will be transmitted to MCU (SET_FIELD). | YES |
<select name="id"/> | String | MCU can choose a value from the drop down (LOAD/REFRESH). At form submission the currently selected value will be transmitted to MCU (SET_FIELD) | YES |
<ul id="id"/><br/><ol id="id"/> | JSON list <br/> ["1","2","3"] | MCU can send a JSON list which is transformed to an HTML list ( <li/> ) (LOAD/REFRESH) | NO |
<table id="id"/> | JSON table <br/> [["1","2"], <br/> ["3","4"]] | MCU sends a JSON table which is transformed to an HTML table (LOAD/REFRESH) | NO |