* - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
* " THE BEER-WARE LICENSE " ( Revision 42 ) :
* Jeroen Domburg < jeroen @ spritesmods . com > wrote this file . As long as you retain
* this notice you can do whatever you want with this stuff . If we meet some day ,
* and you think this stuff is worth it , you can buy me a beer in return .
* - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
* Heavily modified and enhanced by Thorsten von Eicken in 2015
* - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
# include <esp8266.h>
# include "httpd.h"
# include "httpdespfs.h"
# include "cgi.h"
# include "cgiwifi.h"
# include "cgipins.h"
# include "cgiflash.h"
# include "auth.h"
# include "espfs.h"
# include "uart.h"
# include "serbridge.h"
# include "status.h"
# include "serled.h"
# include "console.h"
# include "config.h"
# include "log.h"
# include <gpio.h>
//#define SHOW_HEAP_USE
//Function that tells the authentication system what users/passwords live on the system.
//This is disabled in the default build; if you want to try it, enable the authBasic line in
//the builtInUrls below.
int myPassFn ( HttpdConnData * connData , int no , char * user , int userLen , char * pass , int passLen ) {
if ( no = = 0 ) {
os_strcpy ( user , " admin " ) ;
os_strcpy ( pass , " s3cr3t " ) ;
return 1 ;
//Add more users this way. Check against incrementing no for each user added.
// } else if (no==1) {
// os_strcpy(user, "user1");
// os_strcpy(pass, "something");
// return 1;
return 0 ;
This is the main url - > function dispatching data struct .
In short , it ' s a struct with various URLs plus their handlers . The handlers can
be ' standard ' CGI functions you wrote , or ' special ' CGIs requiring an argument .
They can also be auth - functions . An asterisk will match any url starting with
everything before the asterisks ; " * " matches everything . The list will be
handled top - down , so make sure to put more specific rules above the more
general ones . Authorization things ( like authBasic ) act as a ' barrier ' and
should be placed above the URLs they protect .
HttpdBuiltInUrl builtInUrls [ ] = {
{ " / " , cgiRedirect , " /home.html " } ,
{ " /menu " , cgiMenu , NULL } ,
{ " /flash/next " , cgiGetFirmwareNext , NULL } ,
{ " /flash/upload " , cgiUploadFirmware , NULL } ,
{ " /flash/reboot " , cgiRebootFirmware , NULL } ,
//{"/home.html", cgiEspFsHtml, NULL},
//{"/log.html", cgiEspFsHtml, NULL},
{ " /log/text " , ajaxLog , NULL } ,
{ " /log/dbg " , ajaxLogDbg , NULL } ,
//{"/console.html", cgiEspFsHtml, NULL},
{ " /console/reset " , ajaxConsoleReset , NULL } ,
{ " /console/baud " , ajaxConsoleBaud , NULL } ,
{ " /console/text " , ajaxConsole , NULL } ,
//Routines to make the /wifi URL and everything beneath it work.
//Enable the line below to protect the WiFi configuration with an username/password combo.
// {"/wifi/*", authBasic, myPassFn},
{ " /wifi " , cgiRedirect , " /wifi/wifi.html " } ,
{ " /wifi/ " , cgiRedirect , " /wifi/wifi.html " } ,
//{"/wifi/wifi.html", cgiEspFsHtml, NULL},
{ " /wifi/info " , cgiWifiInfo , NULL } ,
{ " /wifi/scan " , cgiWiFiScan , NULL } ,
{ " /wifi/connect " , cgiWiFiConnect , NULL } ,
{ " /wifi/connstatus " , cgiWiFiConnStatus , NULL } ,
{ " /wifi/setmode " , cgiWiFiSetMode , NULL } ,
{ " /wifi/special " , cgiWiFiSpecial , NULL } ,
{ " /pins " , cgiPins , NULL } ,
{ " * " , cgiEspFsHook , NULL } , //Catch-all cgi function for the filesystem
} ;
//#define SHOW_HEAP_USE
static ETSTimer prHeapTimer ;
static void ICACHE_FLASH_ATTR prHeapTimerCb ( void * arg ) {
os_printf ( " Heap: %ld \n " , ( unsigned long ) system_get_free_heap_size ( ) ) ;
# endif
void user_rf_pre_init ( void ) {
// address of espfs binary blob
extern uint32_t _binary_espfs_img_start ;
static char * rst_codes [ ] = {
" normal " , " wdt reset " , " exception " , " soft wdt " , " restart " , " deep sleep " , " ??? " ,
} ;
# define VERS_STR_STR(V) #V
char * esp_link_version = VERS_STR ( VERSION ) ;
//Main routine. Initialize stdout, the I/O, filesystem and the webserver and we're done.
void user_init ( void ) {
// get the flash config so we know how to init things
//configWipe(); // uncomment to reset the config for testing purposes
bool restoreOk = configRestore ( ) ;
// init gpio pin registers
gpio_init ( ) ;
// init UART
uart_init ( flashConfig . baud_rate , 115200 ) ;
logInit ( ) ; // must come after init of uart
// say hello (leave some time to cause break in TX after boot loader's msg
os_delay_us ( 10000L ) ;
os_printf ( " \n \n ** %s \n " , esp_link_version ) ;
os_printf ( " Flash config restore %s \n " , restoreOk ? " ok " : " *FAILED* " ) ;
// Status LEDs
statusInit ( ) ;
serledInit ( ) ;
// Wifi
wifiInit ( ) ;
// init the flash filesystem with the html stuff
EspFsInitResult res = espFsInit ( & _binary_espfs_img_start ) ;
os_printf ( " espFsInit %s \n " , res ? " ERR " : " ok " ) ;
// mount the http handlers
httpdInit ( builtInUrls , 80 ) ;
// init the wifi-serial transparent bridge (port 23)
serbridgeInit ( 23 ) ;
uart_add_recv_cb ( & serbridgeUartCb ) ;
os_timer_disarm ( & prHeapTimer ) ;
os_timer_setfn ( & prHeapTimer , prHeapTimerCb , NULL ) ;
os_timer_arm ( & prHeapTimer , 10000 , 1 ) ;
# endif
struct rst_info * rst_info = system_get_rst_info ( ) ;
os_printf ( " Reset cause: %d=%s \n " , rst_info - > reason , rst_codes [ rst_info - > reason ] ) ;
os_printf ( " exccause=%d epc1=0x%x epc2=0x%x epc3=0x%x excvaddr=0x%x depc=0x%x \n " ,
rst_info - > exccause , rst_info - > epc1 , rst_info - > epc2 , rst_info - > epc3 ,
rst_info - > excvaddr , rst_info - > depc ) ;
os_printf ( " Flash map %d, chip %08X \n " , system_get_flash_size_map ( ) , spi_flash_get_id ( ) ) ;
os_printf ( " ** esp-link ready \n " ) ;