// Copyright 2015 by Thorsten von Eicken, see LICENSE.txt
// Adapted from: github.com/tuanpmt/esp_bridge, Created on: Jan 9, 2015, Author: Minh
# include "esp8266.h"
# include "cmd.h"
# include <cgiwifi.h>
# ifdef MQTT
# include <mqtt_cmd.h>
# endif
# ifdef REST
# include <rest.h>
# endif
# ifdef CMD_DBG
# define DBG(format, ...) do { os_printf(format, ## __VA_ARGS__); } while(0)
# else
# define DBG(format, ...) do { } while(0)
# endif
static uint32_t CMD_Null ( CmdPacket * cmd ) ;
static uint32_t CMD_IsReady ( CmdPacket * cmd ) ;
static uint32_t CMD_Reset ( CmdPacket * cmd ) ;
static uint32_t CMD_WifiConnect ( CmdPacket * cmd ) ;
static uint32_t CMD_AddCallback ( CmdPacket * cmd ) ;
// keep track of last status sent to uC so we can notify it when it changes
static uint8_t lastWifiStatus = wifiIsDisconnected ;
static bool wifiCbAdded = false ;
// Command dispatch table for serial -> ESP commands
const CmdList commands [ ] = {
{ CMD_NULL , CMD_Null } ,
{ CMD_RESET , CMD_Reset } ,
{ CMD_IS_READY , CMD_IsReady } ,
{ CMD_WIFI_CONNECT , CMD_WifiConnect } ,
# ifdef MQTT
# endif
# ifdef REST
# endif
{ CMD_CB_ADD , CMD_AddCallback } ,
} ;
// WifiCb plus 10 for sensors
# define MAX_CALLBACKS 12
cmdCallback callbacks [ MAX_CALLBACKS ] ; // cleared in CMD_Reset
// Command handler for IsReady (healthcheck) command
static uint32_t ICACHE_FLASH_ATTR
CMD_IsReady ( CmdPacket * cmd ) {
return 1 ;
// Command handler for Null command
static uint32_t ICACHE_FLASH_ATTR
CMD_Null ( CmdPacket * cmd ) {
return 1 ;
// Command handler for Reset command, this was originally to reset the ESP but we don't want to
// do that is esp-link. It is still good to clear any information the ESP has about the attached
// uC.
static uint32_t ICACHE_FLASH_ATTR
CMD_Reset ( CmdPacket * cmd ) {
// clear callbacks table
os_memset ( callbacks , 0 , sizeof ( callbacks ) ) ;
return 1 ;
static uint32_t ICACHE_FLASH_ATTR
CMD_AddCb ( char * name , uint32_t cb ) {
for ( uint8_t i = 0 ; i < MAX_CALLBACKS ; i + + ) {
//os_printf("CMD_AddCb: index %d name=%s cb=%p\n", i, callbacks[i].name,
// (void *)callbacks[i].callback);
// find existing callback or add to the end
if ( os_strncmp ( callbacks [ i ] . name , name , CMD_CBNLEN ) = = 0 | | callbacks [ i ] . name [ 0 ] = = ' \0 ' ) {
os_strncpy ( callbacks [ i ] . name , name , sizeof ( callbacks [ i ] . name ) ) ;
callbacks [ i ] . name [ CMD_CBNLEN - 1 ] = 0 ; // strncpy doesn't null terminate
callbacks [ i ] . callback = cb ;
DBG ( " CMD_AddCb: cb %s added at index %d \n " , callbacks [ i ] . name , i ) ;
return 1 ;
return 0 ;
CMD_GetCbByName ( char * name ) {
for ( uint8_t i = 0 ; i < MAX_CALLBACKS ; i + + ) {
//os_printf("CMD_GetCbByName: index %d name=%s cb=%p\n", i, callbacks[i].name,
// (void *)callbacks[i].callback);
// if callback doesn't exist or it's null
if ( os_strncmp ( callbacks [ i ] . name , name , CMD_CBNLEN ) = = 0 ) {
DBG ( " CMD_GetCbByName: cb %s found at index %d \n " , name , i ) ;
return & callbacks [ i ] ;
os_printf ( " CMD_GetCbByName: cb %s not found \n " , name ) ;
return 0 ;
// Callback from wifi subsystem to notify us of status changes
CMD_WifiCb ( uint8_t wifiStatus ) {
if ( wifiStatus ! = lastWifiStatus ) {
DBG ( " CMD_WifiCb: wifiStatus=%d \n " , wifiStatus ) ;
lastWifiStatus = wifiStatus ;
cmdCallback * wifiCb = CMD_GetCbByName ( " wifiCb " ) ;
if ( ( uint32_t ) wifiCb - > callback ! = - 1 ) {
uint8_t status = wifiStatus = = wifiGotIP ? 5 : 1 ;
uint16_t crc = CMD_ResponseStart ( CMD_WIFI_CONNECT , ( uint32_t ) wifiCb - > callback , 0 , 1 ) ;
crc = CMD_ResponseBody ( crc , ( uint8_t * ) & status , 1 ) ;
CMD_ResponseEnd ( crc ) ;
// Command handler for Wifi connect command
static uint32_t ICACHE_FLASH_ATTR
CMD_WifiConnect ( CmdPacket * cmd ) {
CmdRequest req ;
CMD_Request ( & req , cmd ) ;
if ( cmd - > argc ! = 2 | | cmd - > callback = = 0 )
return 0 ;
if ( ! wifiCbAdded ) {
wifiAddStateChangeCb ( CMD_WifiCb ) ; // register our callback with wifi subsystem
wifiCbAdded = true ;
CMD_AddCb ( " wifiCb " , ( uint32_t ) cmd - > callback ) ; // save the MCU's callback
lastWifiStatus = 0xff ; // set to invalid value so we immediately send status cb in all cases
CMD_WifiCb ( wifiState ) ;
return 1 ;
// Command handler to add a callback to the named-callbacks list, this is for a callback to the uC
static uint32_t ICACHE_FLASH_ATTR
CMD_AddCallback ( CmdPacket * cmd ) {
CmdRequest req ;
CMD_Request ( & req , cmd ) ;
if ( cmd - > argc ! = 1 | | cmd - > callback = = 0 )
return 0 ;
char name [ 16 ] ;
uint16_t len ;
// get the sensor name
len = CMD_ArgLen ( & req ) ;
if ( len > 15 ) return 0 ; // max size of name is 15 characters
if ( CMD_PopArg ( & req , ( uint8_t * ) name , len ) ) return 0 ;
name [ len ] = 0 ;
DBG ( " CMD_AddCallback: name=%s \n " , name ) ;
return CMD_AddCb ( name , ( uint32_t ) cmd - > callback ) ; // save the sensor callback