// Copyright 2015 by Thorsten von Eicken, see LICENSE.txt
# include <esp8266.h>
# include "config.h"
# include "serled.h"
# include "cgiwifi.h"
# include "tcpclient.h"
//===== "CONN" LED status indication
static ETSTimer ledTimer ;
// Set the LED on or off, respecting the defined polarity
static void ICACHE_FLASH_ATTR setLed ( int on ) {
int8_t pin = flashConfig . conn_led_pin ;
if ( pin < 0 ) return ; // disabled
// LED is active-low
if ( on ) {
gpio_output_set ( 0 , ( 1 < < pin ) , ( 1 < < pin ) , 0 ) ;
} else {
gpio_output_set ( ( 1 < < pin ) , 0 , ( 1 < < pin ) , 0 ) ;
static uint8_t ledState = 0 ;
// Timer callback to update the LED
static void ICACHE_FLASH_ATTR ledTimerCb ( void * v ) {
int time = 1000 ;
if ( wifiState = = wifiGotIP ) {
// connected, all is good, solid light with a short dark blip every 3 seconds
ledState = 1 - ledState ;
time = ledState ? 2900 : 100 ;
} else if ( wifiState = = wifiIsConnected ) {
// waiting for DHCP, go on/off every second
ledState = 1 - ledState ;
time = 1000 ;
} else {
// not connected
switch ( wifi_get_opmode ( ) ) {
case 1 : // STA
ledState = 0 ;
break ;
case 2 : // AP
ledState = 1 - ledState ;
time = ledState ? 50 : 1950 ;
break ;
case 3 : // STA+AP
ledState = 1 - ledState ;
time = ledState ? 50 : 950 ;
break ;
setLed ( ledState ) ;
os_timer_arm ( & ledTimer , time , 0 ) ;
// change the wifi state indication
void ICACHE_FLASH_ATTR statusWifiUpdate ( uint8_t state ) {
wifiState = state ;
// schedule an update (don't want to run into concurrency issues)
os_timer_disarm ( & ledTimer ) ;
os_timer_setfn ( & ledTimer , ledTimerCb , NULL ) ;
os_timer_arm ( & ledTimer , 500 , 0 ) ;
//===== RSSI Status update sent to GroveStreams
# define RSSI_INTERVAL (60*1000)
static ETSTimer rssiTimer ;
# define GS_STREAM "rssi"
// Timer callback to send an RSSI update to a monitoring system
static void ICACHE_FLASH_ATTR rssiTimerCb ( void * v ) {
if ( ! flashConfig . rssi_enable | | ! flashConfig . tcp_enable | | flashConfig . api_key [ 0 ] = = 0 )
return ;
sint8 rssi = wifi_station_get_rssi ( ) ;
os_printf ( " timer rssi=%d \n " , rssi ) ;
if ( rssi > = 0 ) return ; // not connected or other error
// compose TCP command
uint8_t chan = MAX_TCP_CHAN - 1 ;
tcpClientCommand ( chan , ' T ' , " grovestreams.com:80 " ) ;
// compose http header
char buf [ 1024 ] ;
int hdrLen = os_sprintf ( buf ,
" PUT /api/feed?api_key=%s HTTP/1.0 \r \n "
" Content-Type: application/json \r \n "
" Content-Length: XXXXX \r \n \r \n " ,
flashConfig . api_key ) ;
// http body
int dataLen = os_sprintf ( buf + hdrLen ,
" [{ \" compId \" : \" %s \" , \" streamId \" : \" %s \" , \" data \" :%d}] \r " ,
flashConfig . hostname , GS_STREAM , rssi ) ;
buf [ hdrLen + dataLen + + ] = 0 ;
buf [ hdrLen + dataLen + + ] = ' \n ' ;
// hackish way to fill in the content-length
os_sprintf ( buf + hdrLen - 9 , " %5d " , dataLen ) ;
buf [ hdrLen - 4 ] = ' \r ' ; // fix-up the \0 inserted by sprintf (hack!)
// send the request off and forget about it...
for ( short i = 0 ; i < hdrLen + dataLen ; i + + ) {
tcpClientSendChar ( chan , buf [ i ] ) ;
tcpClientSendPush ( chan ) ;
//===== Init status stuff
void ICACHE_FLASH_ATTR statusInit ( void ) {
if ( flashConfig . conn_led_pin > = 0 ) {
makeGpio ( flashConfig . conn_led_pin ) ;
setLed ( 1 ) ;
os_printf ( " CONN led=%d \n " , flashConfig . conn_led_pin ) ;
os_timer_disarm ( & ledTimer ) ;
os_timer_setfn ( & ledTimer , ledTimerCb , NULL ) ;
os_timer_arm ( & ledTimer , 2000 , 0 ) ;
os_timer_disarm ( & rssiTimer ) ;
os_timer_setfn ( & rssiTimer , rssiTimerCb , NULL ) ;
os_timer_arm ( & rssiTimer , RSSI_INTERVAL , 1 ) ; // recurring timer