Your ROOT_URL in app.ini is but you are visiting You should set ROOT_URL correctly, otherwise the web may not work correctly.

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#ifndef CONFIG_H
#define CONFIG_H
// Flash configuration settings. When adding new items always add them at the end and formulate
// them such that a value of zero is an appropriate default or backwards compatible. Existing
// modules that are upgraded will have zero in the new fields. This ensures that an upgrade does
// not wipe out the old settings.
typedef struct {
uint32_t seq; // flash write sequence number
uint16_t magic, crc;
int8_t reset_pin, isp_pin, conn_led_pin, ser_led_pin;
int32_t baud_rate;
char hostname[32]; // if using DHCP
uint32_t staticip, netmask, gateway; // using DHCP if staticip==0
uint8_t log_mode; // UART log debug mode
uint8_t swap_uart; // swap uart0 to gpio 13&15
uint8_t tcp_enable, rssi_enable; // TCP client settings
char api_key[48]; // RSSI submission API key (Grovestreams for now)
} FlashConfig;
extern FlashConfig flashConfig;
bool configSave(void);
bool configRestore(void);
void configWipe(void);