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343 lines
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This file is part of the JUCE library.
Copyright (c) 2013 - Raw Material Software Ltd.
Permission is granted to use this software under the terms of either:
a) the GPL v2 (or any later version)
b) the Affero GPL v3
Details of these licenses can be found at: www.gnu.org/licenses
JUCE is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY
WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR
A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details.
To release a closed-source product which uses JUCE, commercial licenses are
available: visit www.juce.com for more information.
MenuBarComponent::MenuBarComponent (MenuBarModel* model_)
: model (nullptr),
itemUnderMouse (-1),
currentPopupIndex (-1),
topLevelIndexClicked (0)
setRepaintsOnMouseActivity (true);
setWantsKeyboardFocus (false);
setMouseClickGrabsKeyboardFocus (false);
setModel (model_);
setModel (nullptr);
Desktop::getInstance().removeGlobalMouseListener (this);
MenuBarModel* MenuBarComponent::getModel() const noexcept
return model;
void MenuBarComponent::setModel (MenuBarModel* const newModel)
if (model != newModel)
if (model != nullptr)
model->removeListener (this);
model = newModel;
if (model != nullptr)
model->addListener (this);
menuBarItemsChanged (nullptr);
void MenuBarComponent::paint (Graphics& g)
const bool isMouseOverBar = currentPopupIndex >= 0 || itemUnderMouse >= 0 || isMouseOver();
getLookAndFeel().drawMenuBarBackground (g,
if (model != nullptr)
for (int i = 0; i < menuNames.size(); ++i)
Graphics::ScopedSaveState ss (g);
g.setOrigin (xPositions [i], 0);
g.reduceClipRegion (0, 0, xPositions[i + 1] - xPositions[i], getHeight());
getLookAndFeel().drawMenuBarItem (g,
xPositions[i + 1] - xPositions[i],
i == itemUnderMouse,
i == currentPopupIndex,
void MenuBarComponent::resized()
int x = 0;
xPositions.add (x);
for (int i = 0; i < menuNames.size(); ++i)
x += getLookAndFeel().getMenuBarItemWidth (*this, i, menuNames[i]);
xPositions.add (x);
int MenuBarComponent::getItemAt (Point<int> p)
for (int i = 0; i < xPositions.size(); ++i)
if (p.x >= xPositions[i] && p.x < xPositions[i + 1])
return reallyContains (p, true) ? i : -1;
return -1;
void MenuBarComponent::repaintMenuItem (int index)
if (isPositiveAndBelow (index, xPositions.size()))
const int x1 = xPositions [index];
const int x2 = xPositions [index + 1];
repaint (x1 - 2, 0, x2 - x1 + 4, getHeight());
void MenuBarComponent::setItemUnderMouse (const int index)
if (itemUnderMouse != index)
repaintMenuItem (itemUnderMouse);
itemUnderMouse = index;
repaintMenuItem (itemUnderMouse);
void MenuBarComponent::setOpenItem (int index)
if (currentPopupIndex != index)
repaintMenuItem (currentPopupIndex);
currentPopupIndex = index;
repaintMenuItem (currentPopupIndex);
Desktop& desktop = Desktop::getInstance();
if (index >= 0)
desktop.addGlobalMouseListener (this);
desktop.removeGlobalMouseListener (this);
void MenuBarComponent::updateItemUnderMouse (Point<int> p)
setItemUnderMouse (getItemAt (p));
void MenuBarComponent::showMenu (int index)
if (index != currentPopupIndex)
menuBarItemsChanged (nullptr);
setOpenItem (index);
setItemUnderMouse (index);
if (index >= 0)
PopupMenu m (model->getMenuForIndex (itemUnderMouse,
menuNames [itemUnderMouse]));
if (m.lookAndFeel == nullptr)
m.setLookAndFeel (&getLookAndFeel());
const Rectangle<int> itemPos (xPositions [index], 0, xPositions [index + 1] - xPositions [index], getHeight());
m.showMenuAsync (PopupMenu::Options().withTargetComponent (this)
.withTargetScreenArea (localAreaToGlobal (itemPos))
.withMinimumWidth (itemPos.getWidth()),
ModalCallbackFunction::forComponent (menuBarMenuDismissedCallback, this, index));
void MenuBarComponent::menuBarMenuDismissedCallback (int result, MenuBarComponent* bar, int topLevelIndex)
if (bar != nullptr)
bar->menuDismissed (topLevelIndex, result);
void MenuBarComponent::menuDismissed (int topLevelIndex, int itemId)
topLevelIndexClicked = topLevelIndex;
postCommandMessage (itemId);
void MenuBarComponent::handleCommandMessage (int commandId)
const Point<int> mousePos (getMouseXYRelative());
updateItemUnderMouse (mousePos);
if (currentPopupIndex == topLevelIndexClicked)
setOpenItem (-1);
if (commandId != 0 && model != nullptr)
model->menuItemSelected (commandId, topLevelIndexClicked);
void MenuBarComponent::mouseEnter (const MouseEvent& e)
if (e.eventComponent == this)
updateItemUnderMouse (e.getPosition());
void MenuBarComponent::mouseExit (const MouseEvent& e)
if (e.eventComponent == this)
updateItemUnderMouse (e.getPosition());
void MenuBarComponent::mouseDown (const MouseEvent& e)
if (currentPopupIndex < 0)
const MouseEvent e2 (e.getEventRelativeTo (this));
updateItemUnderMouse (e2.getPosition());
currentPopupIndex = -2;
showMenu (itemUnderMouse);
void MenuBarComponent::mouseDrag (const MouseEvent& e)
const MouseEvent e2 (e.getEventRelativeTo (this));
const int item = getItemAt (e2.getPosition());
if (item >= 0)
showMenu (item);
void MenuBarComponent::mouseUp (const MouseEvent& e)
const MouseEvent e2 (e.getEventRelativeTo (this));
updateItemUnderMouse (e2.getPosition());
if (itemUnderMouse < 0 && getLocalBounds().contains (e2.x, e2.y))
setOpenItem (-1);
void MenuBarComponent::mouseMove (const MouseEvent& e)
const MouseEvent e2 (e.getEventRelativeTo (this));
if (lastMousePos != e2.getPosition())
if (currentPopupIndex >= 0)
const int item = getItemAt (e2.getPosition());
if (item >= 0)
showMenu (item);
updateItemUnderMouse (e2.getPosition());
lastMousePos = e2.getPosition();
bool MenuBarComponent::keyPressed (const KeyPress& key)
bool used = false;
const int numMenus = menuNames.size();
const int currentIndex = jlimit (0, menuNames.size() - 1, currentPopupIndex);
if (key.isKeyCode (KeyPress::leftKey))
showMenu ((currentIndex + numMenus - 1) % numMenus);
used = true;
else if (key.isKeyCode (KeyPress::rightKey))
showMenu ((currentIndex + 1) % numMenus);
used = true;
return used;
void MenuBarComponent::menuBarItemsChanged (MenuBarModel* /*menuBarModel*/)
StringArray newNames;
if (model != nullptr)
newNames = model->getMenuBarNames();
if (newNames != menuNames)
menuNames = newNames;
void MenuBarComponent::menuCommandInvoked (MenuBarModel* /*menuBarModel*/,
const ApplicationCommandTarget::InvocationInfo& info)
if (model == nullptr || (info.commandFlags & ApplicationCommandInfo::dontTriggerVisualFeedback) != 0)
for (int i = 0; i < menuNames.size(); ++i)
const PopupMenu menu (model->getMenuForIndex (i, menuNames [i]));
if (menu.containsCommandItem (info.commandID))
setItemUnderMouse (i);
startTimer (200);
void MenuBarComponent::timerCallback()
updateItemUnderMouse (getMouseXYRelative());