mirror of https://github.com/dcoredump/dexed.git
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332 lines
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This file is part of the JUCE library.
Copyright (c) 2013 - Raw Material Software Ltd.
Permission is granted to use this software under the terms of either:
a) the GPL v2 (or any later version)
b) the Affero GPL v3
Details of these licenses can be found at: www.gnu.org/licenses
JUCE is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY
WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR
A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details.
To release a closed-source product which uses JUCE, commercial licenses are
available: visit www.juce.com for more information.
Creates a floating carbon window that can be used to hold a carbon UI.
This is a handy class that's designed to be inlined where needed, e.g.
in the audio plugin hosting code.
class CarbonViewWrapperComponent : public Component,
public ComponentMovementWatcher,
public Timer
: ComponentMovementWatcher (this),
keepPluginWindowWhenHidden (false),
wrapperWindow (0),
carbonWindow (0),
embeddedView (0),
recursiveResize (false),
repaintChildOnCreation (true)
jassert (embeddedView == 0); // must call deleteWindow() in the subclass's destructor!
virtual HIViewRef attachView (WindowRef windowRef, HIViewRef rootView) = 0;
virtual void removeView (HIViewRef embeddedView) = 0;
virtual void handleMouseDown (int, int) {}
virtual void handlePaint() {}
virtual bool getEmbeddedViewSize (int& w, int& h)
if (embeddedView == 0)
return false;
HIRect bounds;
HIViewGetBounds (embeddedView, &bounds);
w = jmax (1, roundToInt (bounds.size.width));
h = jmax (1, roundToInt (bounds.size.height));
return true;
void createWindow()
if (wrapperWindow == 0)
Rect r;
r.left = (short) getScreenX();
r.top = (short) getScreenY();
r.right = (short) (r.left + getWidth());
r.bottom = (short) (r.top + getHeight());
CreateNewWindow (kDocumentWindowClass,
(WindowAttributes) (kWindowStandardHandlerAttribute | kWindowCompositingAttribute
| kWindowNoShadowAttribute | kWindowNoTitleBarAttribute),
&r, &wrapperWindow);
jassert (wrapperWindow != 0);
if (wrapperWindow == 0)
carbonWindow = [[NSWindow alloc] initWithWindowRef: wrapperWindow];
[getOwnerWindow() addChildWindow: carbonWindow
ordered: NSWindowAbove];
embeddedView = attachView (wrapperWindow, HIViewGetRoot (wrapperWindow));
// Check for the plugin creating its own floating window, and if there is one,
// we need to reparent it to make it visible..
if (NSWindow* floatingChildWindow = [[carbonWindow childWindows] objectAtIndex: 0])
[getOwnerWindow() addChildWindow: floatingChildWindow
ordered: NSWindowAbove];
EventTypeSpec windowEventTypes[] =
{ kEventClassWindow, kEventWindowGetClickActivation },
{ kEventClassWindow, kEventWindowHandleDeactivate },
{ kEventClassWindow, kEventWindowBoundsChanging },
{ kEventClassMouse, kEventMouseDown },
{ kEventClassMouse, kEventMouseMoved },
{ kEventClassMouse, kEventMouseDragged },
{ kEventClassMouse, kEventMouseUp },
{ kEventClassWindow, kEventWindowDrawContent },
{ kEventClassWindow, kEventWindowShown },
{ kEventClassWindow, kEventWindowHidden }
EventHandlerUPP upp = NewEventHandlerUPP (carbonEventCallback);
InstallWindowEventHandler (wrapperWindow, upp,
sizeof (windowEventTypes) / sizeof (EventTypeSpec),
windowEventTypes, this, &eventHandlerRef);
creationTime = Time::getCurrentTime();
void deleteWindow()
removeView (embeddedView);
embeddedView = 0;
if (wrapperWindow != 0)
NSWindow* ownerWindow = getOwnerWindow();
if ([[ownerWindow childWindows] count] > 0)
[ownerWindow removeChildWindow: carbonWindow];
[carbonWindow close];
RemoveEventHandler (eventHandlerRef);
DisposeWindow (wrapperWindow);
wrapperWindow = 0;
void setOurSizeToEmbeddedViewSize()
int w, h;
if (getEmbeddedViewSize (w, h))
if (w != getWidth() || h != getHeight())
startTimer (50);
setSize (w, h);
if (Component* p = getParentComponent())
p->setSize (w, h);
startTimer (jlimit (50, 500, getTimerInterval() + 20));
void setEmbeddedWindowToOurSize()
if (! recursiveResize)
recursiveResize = true;
if (embeddedView != 0)
HIRect r;
r.origin.x = 0;
r.origin.y = 0;
r.size.width = (float) getWidth();
r.size.height = (float) getHeight();
HIViewSetFrame (embeddedView, &r);
if (wrapperWindow != 0)
jassert (getTopLevelComponent()->getDesktopScaleFactor() == 1.0f);
Rectangle<int> screenBounds (getScreenBounds() * Desktop::getInstance().getGlobalScaleFactor());
Rect wr;
wr.left = (short) screenBounds.getX();
wr.top = (short) screenBounds.getY();
wr.right = (short) screenBounds.getRight();
wr.bottom = (short) screenBounds.getBottom();
SetWindowBounds (wrapperWindow, kWindowContentRgn, &wr);
// This group stuff is mainly a workaround for Mackie plugins like FinalMix..
WindowGroupRef group = GetWindowGroup (wrapperWindow);
WindowRef attachedWindow;
if (GetIndexedWindow (group, 2, kWindowGroupContentsReturnWindows, &attachedWindow) == noErr)
SelectWindow (attachedWindow);
ActivateWindow (attachedWindow, TRUE);
HideWindow (wrapperWindow);
ShowWindow (wrapperWindow);
recursiveResize = false;
void componentMovedOrResized (bool /*wasMoved*/, bool /*wasResized*/) override
// (overridden to intercept movements of the top-level window)
void componentMovedOrResized (Component& component, bool wasMoved, bool wasResized) override
ComponentMovementWatcher::componentMovedOrResized (component, wasMoved, wasResized);
if (&component == getTopLevelComponent())
void componentPeerChanged() override
void componentVisibilityChanged() override
if (isShowing())
else if (! keepPluginWindowWhenHidden)
static void recursiveHIViewRepaint (HIViewRef view)
HIViewSetNeedsDisplay (view, true);
HIViewRef child = HIViewGetFirstSubview (view);
while (child != 0)
recursiveHIViewRepaint (child);
child = HIViewGetNextView (child);
void timerCallback() override
if (isShowing())
// To avoid strange overpainting problems when the UI is first opened, we'll
// repaint it a few times during the first second that it's on-screen..
if (repaintChildOnCreation && (Time::getCurrentTime() - creationTime).inMilliseconds() < 1000)
recursiveHIViewRepaint (HIViewGetRoot (wrapperWindow));
void setRepaintsChildHIViewWhenCreated (bool b) noexcept
repaintChildOnCreation = b;
OSStatus carbonEventHandler (EventHandlerCallRef /*nextHandlerRef*/, EventRef event)
switch (GetEventKind (event))
case kEventWindowHandleDeactivate:
ActivateWindow (wrapperWindow, TRUE);
return noErr;
case kEventWindowGetClickActivation:
getTopLevelComponent()->toFront (false);
[carbonWindow makeKeyAndOrderFront: nil];
ClickActivationResult howToHandleClick = kActivateAndHandleClick;
SetEventParameter (event, kEventParamClickActivation, typeClickActivationResult,
sizeof (ClickActivationResult), &howToHandleClick);
if (embeddedView != 0)
HIViewSetNeedsDisplay (embeddedView, true);
return noErr;
return eventNotHandledErr;
static pascal OSStatus carbonEventCallback (EventHandlerCallRef nextHandlerRef, EventRef event, void* userData)
return ((CarbonViewWrapperComponent*) userData)->carbonEventHandler (nextHandlerRef, event);
bool keepPluginWindowWhenHidden;
WindowRef wrapperWindow;
NSWindow* carbonWindow;
HIViewRef embeddedView;
bool recursiveResize, repaintChildOnCreation;
Time creationTime;
EventHandlerRef eventHandlerRef;
NSWindow* getOwnerWindow() const { return [((NSView*) getWindowHandle()) window]; }