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This file is part of the JUCE library.
Copyright (c) 2013 - Raw Material Software Ltd.
Permission is granted to use this software under the terms of either:
a) the GPL v2 (or any later version)
b) the Affero GPL v3
Details of these licenses can be found at: www.gnu.org/licenses
JUCE is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY
WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR
A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details.
To release a closed-source product which uses JUCE, commercial licenses are
available: visit www.juce.com for more information.
A scrollbar component.
To use a scrollbar, set up its total range using the setRangeLimits() method - this
sets the range of values it can represent. Then you can use setCurrentRange() to
change the position and size of the scrollbar's 'thumb'.
Registering a ScrollBar::Listener with the scrollbar will allow you to find out when
the user moves it, and you can use the getCurrentRangeStart() to find out where
they moved it to.
The scrollbar will adjust its own visibility according to whether its thumb size
allows it to actually be scrolled.
For most purposes, it's probably easier to use a Viewport or ListBox
instead of handling a scrollbar directly.
@see ScrollBar::Listener
class JUCE_API ScrollBar : public Component,
public AsyncUpdater,
private Timer
/** Creates a Scrollbar.
@param isVertical specifies whether the bar should be a vertical or horizontal
ScrollBar (bool isVertical);
/** Destructor. */
/** Returns true if the scrollbar is vertical, false if it's horizontal. */
bool isVertical() const noexcept { return vertical; }
/** Changes the scrollbar's direction.
You'll also need to resize the bar appropriately - this just changes its internal
@param shouldBeVertical true makes it vertical; false makes it horizontal.
void setOrientation (bool shouldBeVertical);
/** Tells the scrollbar whether to make itself invisible when not needed.
The default behaviour is for a scrollbar to become invisible when the thumb
fills the whole of its range (i.e. when it can't be moved). Setting this
value to false forces the bar to always be visible.
@see autoHides()
void setAutoHide (bool shouldHideWhenFullRange);
/** Returns true if this scrollbar is set to auto-hide when its thumb is as big
as its maximum range.
@see setAutoHide
bool autoHides() const noexcept;
/** Sets the minimum and maximum values that the bar will move between.
The bar's thumb will always be constrained so that the entire thumb lies
within this range.
@see setCurrentRange
void setRangeLimits (Range<double> newRangeLimit,
NotificationType notification = sendNotificationAsync);
/** Sets the minimum and maximum values that the bar will move between.
The bar's thumb will always be constrained so that the entire thumb lies
within this range.
@see setCurrentRange
void setRangeLimits (double minimum, double maximum,
NotificationType notification = sendNotificationAsync);
/** Returns the current limits on the thumb position.
@see setRangeLimits
Range<double> getRangeLimit() const noexcept { return totalRange; }
/** Returns the lower value that the thumb can be set to.
This is the value set by setRangeLimits().
double getMinimumRangeLimit() const noexcept { return totalRange.getStart(); }
/** Returns the upper value that the thumb can be set to.
This is the value set by setRangeLimits().
double getMaximumRangeLimit() const noexcept { return totalRange.getEnd(); }
/** Changes the position of the scrollbar's 'thumb'.
This sets both the position and size of the thumb - to just set the position without
changing the size, you can use setCurrentRangeStart().
If this method call actually changes the scrollbar's position, it will trigger an
asynchronous call to ScrollBar::Listener::scrollBarMoved() for all the listeners that
are registered.
The notification parameter can be used to optionally send or inhibit a callback to
any scrollbar listeners.
@returns true if the range was changed, or false if nothing was changed.
@see getCurrentRange. setCurrentRangeStart
bool setCurrentRange (Range<double> newRange,
NotificationType notification = sendNotificationAsync);
/** Changes the position of the scrollbar's 'thumb'.
This sets both the position and size of the thumb - to just set the position without
changing the size, you can use setCurrentRangeStart().
@param newStart the top (or left) of the thumb, in the range
getMinimumRangeLimit() <= newStart <= getMaximumRangeLimit(). If the
value is beyond these limits, it will be clipped.
@param newSize the size of the thumb, such that
getMinimumRangeLimit() <= newStart + newSize <= getMaximumRangeLimit(). If the
size is beyond these limits, it will be clipped.
@param notification specifies if and how a callback should be made to any listeners
if the range actually changes
@see setCurrentRangeStart, getCurrentRangeStart, getCurrentRangeSize
void setCurrentRange (double newStart, double newSize,
NotificationType notification = sendNotificationAsync);
/** Moves the bar's thumb position.
This will move the thumb position without changing the thumb size. Note
that the maximum thumb start position is (getMaximumRangeLimit() - getCurrentRangeSize()).
If this method call actually changes the scrollbar's position, it will trigger an
asynchronous call to ScrollBar::Listener::scrollBarMoved() for all the listeners that
are registered.
@see setCurrentRange
void setCurrentRangeStart (double newStart,
NotificationType notification = sendNotificationAsync);
/** Returns the current thumb range.
@see getCurrentRange, setCurrentRange
Range<double> getCurrentRange() const noexcept { return visibleRange; }
/** Returns the position of the top of the thumb.
@see getCurrentRange, setCurrentRangeStart
double getCurrentRangeStart() const noexcept { return visibleRange.getStart(); }
/** Returns the current size of the thumb.
@see getCurrentRange, setCurrentRange
double getCurrentRangeSize() const noexcept { return visibleRange.getLength(); }
/** Sets the amount by which the up and down buttons will move the bar.
The value here is in terms of the total range, and is added or subtracted
from the thumb position when the user clicks an up/down (or left/right) button.
void setSingleStepSize (double newSingleStepSize) noexcept;
/** Moves the scrollbar by a number of single-steps.
This will move the bar by a multiple of its single-step interval (as
specified using the setSingleStepSize() method).
A positive value here will move the bar down or to the right, a negative
value moves it up or to the left.
@returns true if the scrollbar's position actually changed.
bool moveScrollbarInSteps (int howManySteps,
NotificationType notification = sendNotificationAsync);
/** Moves the scroll bar up or down in pages.
This will move the bar by a multiple of its current thumb size, effectively
doing a page-up or down.
A positive value here will move the bar down or to the right, a negative
value moves it up or to the left.
@returns true if the scrollbar's position actually changed.
bool moveScrollbarInPages (int howManyPages,
NotificationType notification = sendNotificationAsync);
/** Scrolls to the top (or left).
This is the same as calling setCurrentRangeStart (getMinimumRangeLimit());
@returns true if the scrollbar's position actually changed.
bool scrollToTop (NotificationType notification = sendNotificationAsync);
/** Scrolls to the bottom (or right).
This is the same as calling setCurrentRangeStart (getMaximumRangeLimit() - getCurrentRangeSize());
@returns true if the scrollbar's position actually changed.
bool scrollToBottom (NotificationType notification = sendNotificationAsync);
/** Changes the delay before the up and down buttons autorepeat when they are held
For an explanation of what the parameters are for, see Button::setRepeatSpeed().
@see Button::setRepeatSpeed
void setButtonRepeatSpeed (int initialDelayInMillisecs,
int repeatDelayInMillisecs,
int minimumDelayInMillisecs = -1);
/** A set of colour IDs to use to change the colour of various aspects of the component.
These constants can be used either via the Component::setColour(), or LookAndFeel::setColour()
@see Component::setColour, Component::findColour, LookAndFeel::setColour, LookAndFeel::findColour
enum ColourIds
backgroundColourId = 0x1000300, /**< The background colour of the scrollbar. */
thumbColourId = 0x1000400, /**< A base colour to use for the thumb. The look and feel will probably use variations on this colour. */
trackColourId = 0x1000401 /**< A base colour to use for the slot area of the bar. The look and feel will probably use variations on this colour. */
A class for receiving events from a ScrollBar.
You can register a ScrollBar::Listener with a ScrollBar using the ScrollBar::addListener()
method, and it will be called when the bar's position changes.
@see ScrollBar::addListener, ScrollBar::removeListener
class JUCE_API Listener
/** Destructor. */
virtual ~Listener() {}
/** Called when a ScrollBar is moved.
@param scrollBarThatHasMoved the bar that has moved
@param newRangeStart the new range start of this bar
virtual void scrollBarMoved (ScrollBar* scrollBarThatHasMoved,
double newRangeStart) = 0;
/** Registers a listener that will be called when the scrollbar is moved. */
void addListener (Listener* listener);
/** Deregisters a previously-registered listener. */
void removeListener (Listener* listener);
/** This abstract base class is implemented by LookAndFeel classes to provide
scrollbar-drawing functionality.
struct JUCE_API LookAndFeelMethods
virtual ~LookAndFeelMethods() {}
virtual bool areScrollbarButtonsVisible() = 0;
/** Draws one of the buttons on a scrollbar.
@param g the context to draw into
@param scrollbar the bar itself
@param width the width of the button
@param height the height of the button
@param buttonDirection the direction of the button, where 0 = up, 1 = right, 2 = down, 3 = left
@param isScrollbarVertical true if it's a vertical bar, false if horizontal
@param isMouseOverButton whether the mouse is currently over the button (also true if it's held down)
@param isButtonDown whether the mouse button's held down
virtual void drawScrollbarButton (Graphics& g,
ScrollBar& scrollbar,
int width, int height,
int buttonDirection,
bool isScrollbarVertical,
bool isMouseOverButton,
bool isButtonDown) = 0;
/** Draws the thumb area of a scrollbar.
@param g the context to draw into
@param scrollbar the bar itself
@param x the x position of the left edge of the thumb area to draw in
@param y the y position of the top edge of the thumb area to draw in
@param width the width of the thumb area to draw in
@param height the height of the thumb area to draw in
@param isScrollbarVertical true if it's a vertical bar, false if horizontal
@param thumbStartPosition for vertical bars, the y coordinate of the top of the
thumb, or its x position for horizontal bars
@param thumbSize for vertical bars, the height of the thumb, or its width for
horizontal bars. This may be 0 if the thumb shouldn't be drawn.
@param isMouseOver whether the mouse is over the thumb area, also true if the mouse is
currently dragging the thumb
@param isMouseDown whether the mouse is currently dragging the scrollbar
virtual void drawScrollbar (Graphics& g, ScrollBar& scrollbar,
int x, int y, int width, int height,
bool isScrollbarVertical,
int thumbStartPosition,
int thumbSize,
bool isMouseOver,
bool isMouseDown) = 0;
/** Returns the component effect to use for a scrollbar */
virtual ImageEffectFilter* getScrollbarEffect() = 0;
/** Returns the minimum length in pixels to use for a scrollbar thumb. */
virtual int getMinimumScrollbarThumbSize (ScrollBar&) = 0;
/** Returns the default thickness to use for a scrollbar. */
virtual int getDefaultScrollbarWidth() = 0;
/** Returns the length in pixels to use for a scrollbar button. */
virtual int getScrollbarButtonSize (ScrollBar&) = 0;
/** @internal */
bool keyPressed (const KeyPress&) override;
/** @internal */
void mouseWheelMove (const MouseEvent&, const MouseWheelDetails&) override;
/** @internal */
void lookAndFeelChanged() override;
/** @internal */
void mouseDown (const MouseEvent&) override;
/** @internal */
void mouseDrag (const MouseEvent&) override;
/** @internal */
void mouseUp (const MouseEvent&) override;
/** @internal */
void paint (Graphics&) override;
/** @internal */
void resized() override;
Range <double> totalRange, visibleRange;
double singleStepSize, dragStartRange;
int thumbAreaStart, thumbAreaSize, thumbStart, thumbSize;
int dragStartMousePos, lastMousePos;
int initialDelayInMillisecs, repeatDelayInMillisecs, minimumDelayInMillisecs;
bool vertical, isDraggingThumb, autohides;
class ScrollbarButton;
friend struct ContainerDeletePolicy<ScrollbarButton>;
ScopedPointer<ScrollbarButton> upButton, downButton;
ListenerList<Listener> listeners;
void handleAsyncUpdate() override;
void updateThumbPosition();
void timerCallback() override;
/** This typedef is just for compatibility with old code - newer code should use the ScrollBar::Listener class directly. */
typedef ScrollBar::Listener ScrollBarListener;