
   This file is part of the JUCE library.
   Copyright (c) 2013 - Raw Material Software Ltd.

   Permission is granted to use this software under the terms of either:
   a) the GPL v2 (or any later version)
   b) the Affero GPL v3

   Details of these licenses can be found at: www.gnu.org/licenses

   JUCE is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY
   WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR
   A PARTICULAR PURPOSE.  See the GNU General Public License for more details.


   To release a closed-source product which uses JUCE, commercial licenses are
   available: visit www.juce.com for more information.


namespace CDReaderHelpers
    inline const XmlElement* getElementForKey (const XmlElement& xml, const String& key)
        forEachXmlChildElementWithTagName (xml, child, "key")
            if (child->getAllSubText().trim() == key)
                return child->getNextElement();

        return nullptr;

    static int getIntValueForKey (const XmlElement& xml, const String& key, int defaultValue = -1)
        const XmlElement* const block = getElementForKey (xml, key);
        return block != nullptr ? block->getAllSubText().trim().getIntValue() : defaultValue;

    // Get the track offsets for a CD given an XmlElement representing its TOC.Plist.
    // Returns NULL on success, otherwise a const char* representing an error.
    static const char* getTrackOffsets (XmlDocument& xmlDocument, Array<int>& offsets)
        const ScopedPointer<XmlElement> xml (xmlDocument.getDocumentElement());
        if (xml == nullptr)
            return "Couldn't parse XML in file";

        const XmlElement* const dict = xml->getChildByName ("dict");
        if (dict == nullptr)
            return "Couldn't get top level dictionary";

        const XmlElement* const sessions = getElementForKey (*dict, "Sessions");
        if (sessions == nullptr)
            return "Couldn't find sessions key";

        const XmlElement* const session = sessions->getFirstChildElement();
        if (session == nullptr)
            return "Couldn't find first session";

        const int leadOut = getIntValueForKey (*session, "Leadout Block");
        if (leadOut < 0)
            return "Couldn't find Leadout Block";

        const XmlElement* const trackArray = getElementForKey (*session, "Track Array");
        if (trackArray == nullptr)
            return "Couldn't find Track Array";

        forEachXmlChildElement (*trackArray, track)
            const int trackValue = getIntValueForKey (*track, "Start Block");
            if (trackValue < 0)
                return "Couldn't find Start Block in the track";

            offsets.add (trackValue * AudioCDReader::samplesPerFrame - 88200);

        offsets.add (leadOut * AudioCDReader::samplesPerFrame - 88200);
        return nullptr;

    static void findDevices (Array<File>& cds)
        File volumes ("/Volumes");
        volumes.findChildFiles (cds, File::findDirectories, false);

        for (int i = cds.size(); --i >= 0;)
            if (! cds.getReference(i).getChildFile (".TOC.plist").exists())
                cds.remove (i);

    struct TrackSorter
        static int getCDTrackNumber (const File& file)
            return file.getFileName().initialSectionContainingOnly ("0123456789").getIntValue();

        static int compareElements (const File& first, const File& second)
            const int firstTrack  = getCDTrackNumber (first);
            const int secondTrack = getCDTrackNumber (second);

            jassert (firstTrack > 0 && secondTrack > 0);

            return firstTrack - secondTrack;

StringArray AudioCDReader::getAvailableCDNames()
    Array<File> cds;
    CDReaderHelpers::findDevices (cds);

    StringArray names;

    for (int i = 0; i < cds.size(); ++i)
        names.add (cds.getReference(i).getFileName());

    return names;

AudioCDReader* AudioCDReader::createReaderForCD (const int index)
    Array<File> cds;
    CDReaderHelpers::findDevices (cds);

    if (cds[index].exists())
        return new AudioCDReader (cds[index]);

    return nullptr;

AudioCDReader::AudioCDReader (const File& volume)
   : AudioFormatReader (0, "CD Audio"),
     volumeDir (volume),
     currentReaderTrack (-1),
     reader (0)
     sampleRate = 44100.0;
     bitsPerSample = 16;
     numChannels = 2;
     usesFloatingPointData = false;



void AudioCDReader::refreshTrackLengths()
    lengthInSamples = 0;

    volumeDir.findChildFiles (tracks, File::findFiles | File::ignoreHiddenFiles, false, "*.aiff");

    CDReaderHelpers::TrackSorter sorter;
    tracks.sort (sorter);

    const File toc (volumeDir.getChildFile (".TOC.plist"));

    if (toc.exists())
        XmlDocument doc (toc);
        const char* error = CDReaderHelpers::getTrackOffsets (doc, trackStartSamples);
        (void) error; // could be logged..

        lengthInSamples = trackStartSamples.getLast() - trackStartSamples.getFirst();

bool AudioCDReader::readSamples (int** destSamples, int numDestChannels, int startOffsetInDestBuffer,
                                 int64 startSampleInFile, int numSamples)
    while (numSamples > 0)
        int track = -1;

        for (int i = 0; i < trackStartSamples.size() - 1; ++i)
            if (startSampleInFile < trackStartSamples.getUnchecked (i + 1))
                track = i;

        if (track < 0)
            return false;

        if (track != currentReaderTrack)
            reader = nullptr;

            if (FileInputStream* const in = tracks [track].createInputStream())
                BufferedInputStream* const bin = new BufferedInputStream (in, 65536, true);

                AiffAudioFormat format;
                reader = format.createReaderFor (bin, true);

                if (reader == nullptr)
                    currentReaderTrack = -1;
                    currentReaderTrack = track;

        if (reader == nullptr)
            return false;

        const int startPos = (int) (startSampleInFile - trackStartSamples.getUnchecked (track));
        const int numAvailable = (int) jmin ((int64) numSamples, reader->lengthInSamples - startPos);

        reader->readSamples (destSamples, numDestChannels, startOffsetInDestBuffer, startPos, numAvailable);

        numSamples -= numAvailable;
        startSampleInFile += numAvailable;

    return true;

bool AudioCDReader::isCDStillPresent() const
    return volumeDir.exists();

void AudioCDReader::ejectDisk()
        [[NSWorkspace sharedWorkspace] unmountAndEjectDeviceAtPath: juceStringToNS (volumeDir.getFullPathName())];

bool AudioCDReader::isTrackAudio (int trackNum) const
    return tracks [trackNum].hasFileExtension (".aiff");

void AudioCDReader::enableIndexScanning (bool)
    // any way to do this on a Mac??

int AudioCDReader::getLastIndex() const
    return 0;

Array<int> AudioCDReader::findIndexesInTrack (const int /*trackNumber*/)
    return Array<int>();