/* ============================================================================== This file is part of the JUCE library. Copyright (c) 2013 - Raw Material Software Ltd. Permission is granted to use this software under the terms of either: a) the GPL v2 (or any later version) b) the Affero GPL v3 Details of these licenses can be found at: www.gnu.org/licenses JUCE is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ To release a closed-source product which uses JUCE, commercial licenses are available: visit www.juce.com for more information. ============================================================================== */ InterprocessConnection::InterprocessConnection (const bool callbacksOnMessageThread, const uint32 magicMessageHeaderNumber) : Thread ("Juce IPC connection"), callbackConnectionState (false), useMessageThread (callbacksOnMessageThread), magicMessageHeader (magicMessageHeaderNumber), pipeReceiveMessageTimeout (-1) { } InterprocessConnection::~InterprocessConnection() { callbackConnectionState = false; disconnect(); masterReference.clear(); } //============================================================================== bool InterprocessConnection::connectToSocket (const String& hostName, const int portNumber, const int timeOutMillisecs) { disconnect(); const ScopedLock sl (pipeAndSocketLock); socket = new StreamingSocket(); if (socket->connect (hostName, portNumber, timeOutMillisecs)) { connectionMadeInt(); startThread(); return true; } else { socket = nullptr; return false; } } bool InterprocessConnection::connectToPipe (const String& pipeName, const int timeoutMs) { disconnect(); ScopedPointer newPipe (new NamedPipe()); if (newPipe->openExisting (pipeName)) { const ScopedLock sl (pipeAndSocketLock); pipeReceiveMessageTimeout = timeoutMs; initialiseWithPipe (newPipe.release()); return true; } return false; } bool InterprocessConnection::createPipe (const String& pipeName, const int timeoutMs) { disconnect(); ScopedPointer newPipe (new NamedPipe()); if (newPipe->createNewPipe (pipeName)) { const ScopedLock sl (pipeAndSocketLock); pipeReceiveMessageTimeout = timeoutMs; initialiseWithPipe (newPipe.release()); return true; } return false; } void InterprocessConnection::disconnect() { signalThreadShouldExit(); { const ScopedLock sl (pipeAndSocketLock); if (socket != nullptr) socket->close(); if (pipe != nullptr) pipe->close(); } stopThread (4000); deletePipeAndSocket(); connectionLostInt(); } void InterprocessConnection::deletePipeAndSocket() { const ScopedLock sl (pipeAndSocketLock); socket = nullptr; pipe = nullptr; } bool InterprocessConnection::isConnected() const { const ScopedLock sl (pipeAndSocketLock); return ((socket != nullptr && socket->isConnected()) || (pipe != nullptr && pipe->isOpen())) && isThreadRunning(); } String InterprocessConnection::getConnectedHostName() const { if (pipe != nullptr) return "localhost"; if (socket != nullptr) { if (! socket->isLocal()) return socket->getHostName(); return "localhost"; } return String(); } //============================================================================== bool InterprocessConnection::sendMessage (const MemoryBlock& message) { uint32 messageHeader[2]; messageHeader [0] = ByteOrder::swapIfBigEndian (magicMessageHeader); messageHeader [1] = ByteOrder::swapIfBigEndian ((uint32) message.getSize()); MemoryBlock messageData (sizeof (messageHeader) + message.getSize()); messageData.copyFrom (messageHeader, 0, sizeof (messageHeader)); messageData.copyFrom (message.getData(), sizeof (messageHeader), message.getSize()); int bytesWritten = 0; const ScopedLock sl (pipeAndSocketLock); if (socket != nullptr) bytesWritten = socket->write (messageData.getData(), (int) messageData.getSize()); else if (pipe != nullptr) bytesWritten = pipe->write (messageData.getData(), (int) messageData.getSize(), pipeReceiveMessageTimeout); return bytesWritten == (int) messageData.getSize(); } //============================================================================== void InterprocessConnection::initialiseWithSocket (StreamingSocket* newSocket) { jassert (socket == nullptr && pipe == nullptr); socket = newSocket; connectionMadeInt(); startThread(); } void InterprocessConnection::initialiseWithPipe (NamedPipe* newPipe) { jassert (socket == nullptr && pipe == nullptr); pipe = newPipe; connectionMadeInt(); startThread(); } //============================================================================== struct ConnectionStateMessage : public MessageManager::MessageBase { ConnectionStateMessage (InterprocessConnection* ipc, bool connected) noexcept : owner (ipc), connectionMade (connected) {} void messageCallback() override { if (InterprocessConnection* const ipc = owner) { if (connectionMade) ipc->connectionMade(); else ipc->connectionLost(); } } WeakReference owner; bool connectionMade; JUCE_DECLARE_NON_COPYABLE_WITH_LEAK_DETECTOR (ConnectionStateMessage) }; void InterprocessConnection::connectionMadeInt() { if (! callbackConnectionState) { callbackConnectionState = true; if (useMessageThread) (new ConnectionStateMessage (this, true))->post(); else connectionMade(); } } void InterprocessConnection::connectionLostInt() { if (callbackConnectionState) { callbackConnectionState = false; if (useMessageThread) (new ConnectionStateMessage (this, false))->post(); else connectionLost(); } } struct DataDeliveryMessage : public Message { DataDeliveryMessage (InterprocessConnection* ipc, const MemoryBlock& d) : owner (ipc), data (d) {} void messageCallback() override { if (InterprocessConnection* const ipc = owner) ipc->messageReceived (data); } WeakReference owner; MemoryBlock data; }; void InterprocessConnection::deliverDataInt (const MemoryBlock& data) { jassert (callbackConnectionState); if (useMessageThread) (new DataDeliveryMessage (this, data))->post(); else messageReceived (data); } //============================================================================== bool InterprocessConnection::readNextMessageInt() { uint32 messageHeader[2]; const int bytes = socket != nullptr ? socket->read (messageHeader, sizeof (messageHeader), true) : pipe ->read (messageHeader, sizeof (messageHeader), -1); if (bytes == sizeof (messageHeader) && ByteOrder::swapIfBigEndian (messageHeader[0]) == magicMessageHeader) { int bytesInMessage = (int) ByteOrder::swapIfBigEndian (messageHeader[1]); if (bytesInMessage > 0) { MemoryBlock messageData ((size_t) bytesInMessage, true); int bytesRead = 0; while (bytesInMessage > 0) { if (threadShouldExit()) return false; const int numThisTime = jmin (bytesInMessage, 65536); void* const data = addBytesToPointer (messageData.getData(), bytesRead); const int bytesIn = socket != nullptr ? socket->read (data, numThisTime, true) : pipe ->read (data, numThisTime, -1); if (bytesIn <= 0) break; bytesRead += bytesIn; bytesInMessage -= bytesIn; } if (bytesRead >= 0) deliverDataInt (messageData); } } else if (bytes < 0) { if (socket != nullptr) deletePipeAndSocket(); connectionLostInt(); return false; } return true; } void InterprocessConnection::run() { while (! threadShouldExit()) { if (socket != nullptr) { const int ready = socket->waitUntilReady (true, 0); if (ready < 0) { deletePipeAndSocket(); connectionLostInt(); break; } if (ready == 0) { wait (1); continue; } } else if (pipe != nullptr) { if (! pipe->isOpen()) { deletePipeAndSocket(); connectionLostInt(); break; } } else { break; } if (threadShouldExit() || ! readNextMessageInt()) break; } }