/* ============================================================================== This file is part of the JUCE library. Copyright (c) 2013 - Raw Material Software Ltd. Permission is granted to use this software under the terms of either: a) the GPL v2 (or any later version) b) the Affero GPL v3 Details of these licenses can be found at: www.gnu.org/licenses JUCE is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ To release a closed-source product which uses JUCE, commercial licenses are available: visit www.juce.com for more information. ============================================================================== */ #ifndef JUCE_EDGETABLE_H_INCLUDED #define JUCE_EDGETABLE_H_INCLUDED //============================================================================== /** A table of horizontal scan-line segments - used for rasterising Paths. @see Path, Graphics */ class JUCE_API EdgeTable { public: //============================================================================== /** Creates an edge table containing a path. A table is created with a fixed vertical range, and only sections of the path which lie within this range will be added to the table. @param clipLimits only the region of the path that lies within this area will be added @param pathToAdd the path to add to the table @param transform a transform to apply to the path being added */ EdgeTable (const Rectangle<int>& clipLimits, const Path& pathToAdd, const AffineTransform& transform); /** Creates an edge table containing a rectangle. */ explicit EdgeTable (const Rectangle<int>& rectangleToAdd); /** Creates an edge table containing a rectangle list. */ explicit EdgeTable (const RectangleList<int>& rectanglesToAdd); /** Creates an edge table containing a rectangle list. */ explicit EdgeTable (const RectangleList<float>& rectanglesToAdd); /** Creates an edge table containing a rectangle. */ explicit EdgeTable (const Rectangle<float>& rectangleToAdd); /** Creates a copy of another edge table. */ EdgeTable (const EdgeTable& other); /** Copies from another edge table. */ EdgeTable& operator= (const EdgeTable& other); /** Destructor. */ ~EdgeTable(); //============================================================================== void clipToRectangle (const Rectangle<int>& r); void excludeRectangle (const Rectangle<int>& r); void clipToEdgeTable (const EdgeTable& other); void clipLineToMask (int x, int y, const uint8* mask, int maskStride, int numPixels); bool isEmpty() noexcept; const Rectangle<int>& getMaximumBounds() const noexcept { return bounds; } void translate (float dx, int dy) noexcept; /** Scales all the alpha-levels in the table by the given multiplier. */ void multiplyLevels (float factor); /** Reduces the amount of space the table has allocated. This will shrink the table down to use as little memory as possible - useful for read-only tables that get stored and re-used for rendering. */ void optimiseTable(); //============================================================================== /** Iterates the lines in the table, for rendering. This function will iterate each line in the table, and call a user-defined class to render each pixel or continuous line of pixels that the table contains. @param iterationCallback this templated class must contain the following methods: @code inline void setEdgeTableYPos (int y); inline void handleEdgeTablePixel (int x, int alphaLevel) const; inline void handleEdgeTablePixelFull (int x) const; inline void handleEdgeTableLine (int x, int width, int alphaLevel) const; inline void handleEdgeTableLineFull (int x, int width) const; @endcode (these don't necessarily have to be 'const', but it might help it go faster) */ template <class EdgeTableIterationCallback> void iterate (EdgeTableIterationCallback& iterationCallback) const noexcept { const int* lineStart = table; for (int y = 0; y < bounds.getHeight(); ++y) { const int* line = lineStart; lineStart += lineStrideElements; int numPoints = line[0]; if (--numPoints > 0) { int x = *++line; jassert ((x >> 8) >= bounds.getX() && (x >> 8) < bounds.getRight()); int levelAccumulator = 0; iterationCallback.setEdgeTableYPos (bounds.getY() + y); while (--numPoints >= 0) { const int level = *++line; jassert (isPositiveAndBelow (level, (int) 256)); const int endX = *++line; jassert (endX >= x); const int endOfRun = (endX >> 8); if (endOfRun == (x >> 8)) { // small segment within the same pixel, so just save it for the next // time round.. levelAccumulator += (endX - x) * level; } else { // plot the fist pixel of this segment, including any accumulated // levels from smaller segments that haven't been drawn yet levelAccumulator += (0x100 - (x & 0xff)) * level; levelAccumulator >>= 8; x >>= 8; if (levelAccumulator > 0) { if (levelAccumulator >= 255) iterationCallback.handleEdgeTablePixelFull (x); else iterationCallback.handleEdgeTablePixel (x, levelAccumulator); } // if there's a run of similar pixels, do it all in one go.. if (level > 0) { jassert (endOfRun <= bounds.getRight()); const int numPix = endOfRun - ++x; if (numPix > 0) iterationCallback.handleEdgeTableLine (x, numPix, level); } // save the bit at the end to be drawn next time round the loop. levelAccumulator = (endX & 0xff) * level; } x = endX; } levelAccumulator >>= 8; if (levelAccumulator > 0) { x >>= 8; jassert (x >= bounds.getX() && x < bounds.getRight()); if (levelAccumulator >= 255) iterationCallback.handleEdgeTablePixelFull (x); else iterationCallback.handleEdgeTablePixel (x, levelAccumulator); } } } } private: //============================================================================== // table line format: number of points; point0 x, point0 levelDelta, point1 x, point1 levelDelta, etc struct LineItem { int x, level; bool operator< (const LineItem& other) const noexcept { return x < other.x; } }; HeapBlock<int> table; Rectangle<int> bounds; int maxEdgesPerLine, lineStrideElements; bool needToCheckEmptiness; void allocate(); void clearLineSizes() noexcept; void addEdgePoint (int x, int y, int winding); void addEdgePointPair (int x1, int x2, int y, int winding); void remapTableForNumEdges (int newNumEdgesPerLine); void intersectWithEdgeTableLine (int y, const int* otherLine); void clipEdgeTableLineToRange (int* line, int x1, int x2) noexcept; void sanitiseLevels (bool useNonZeroWinding) noexcept; static void copyEdgeTableData (int* dest, int destLineStride, const int* src, int srcLineStride, int numLines) noexcept; JUCE_LEAK_DETECTOR (EdgeTable) }; #endif // JUCE_EDGETABLE_H_INCLUDED