/* ============================================================================== This file is part of the JUCE library. Copyright (c) 2013 - Raw Material Software Ltd. Permission is granted to use this software under the terms of either: a) the GPL v2 (or any later version) b) the Affero GPL v3 Details of these licenses can be found at: www.gnu.org/licenses JUCE is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ To release a closed-source product which uses JUCE, commercial licenses are available: visit www.juce.com for more information. ============================================================================== */ #undef GetSystemMetrics // multimon overrides this for some reason and causes a mess.. // these are in the windows SDK, but need to be repeated here for GCC.. #ifndef GET_APPCOMMAND_LPARAM #define GET_APPCOMMAND_LPARAM(lParam) ((short) (HIWORD (lParam) & ~FAPPCOMMAND_MASK)) #define FAPPCOMMAND_MASK 0xF000 #define APPCOMMAND_MEDIA_NEXTTRACK 11 #define APPCOMMAND_MEDIA_PREVIOUSTRACK 12 #define APPCOMMAND_MEDIA_STOP 13 #define APPCOMMAND_MEDIA_PLAY_PAUSE 14 #endif #ifndef WM_APPCOMMAND #define WM_APPCOMMAND 0x0319 #endif extern void juce_repeatLastProcessPriority(); extern void juce_checkCurrentlyFocusedTopLevelWindow(); // in juce_TopLevelWindow.cpp extern bool juce_isRunningInWine(); typedef bool (*CheckEventBlockedByModalComps) (const MSG&); extern CheckEventBlockedByModalComps isEventBlockedByModalComps; static bool shouldDeactivateTitleBar = true; extern void* getUser32Function (const char*); //============================================================================== typedef BOOL (WINAPI* UpdateLayeredWinFunc) (HWND, HDC, POINT*, SIZE*, HDC, POINT*, COLORREF, BLENDFUNCTION*, DWORD); static UpdateLayeredWinFunc updateLayeredWindow = nullptr; bool Desktop::canUseSemiTransparentWindows() noexcept { if (updateLayeredWindow == nullptr && ! juce_isRunningInWine()) updateLayeredWindow = (UpdateLayeredWinFunc) getUser32Function ("UpdateLayeredWindow"); return updateLayeredWindow != nullptr; } //============================================================================== #ifndef WM_TOUCH #define WM_TOUCH 0x0240 #define TOUCH_COORD_TO_PIXEL(l) ((l) / 100) #define TOUCHEVENTF_MOVE 0x0001 #define TOUCHEVENTF_DOWN 0x0002 #define TOUCHEVENTF_UP 0x0004 #define TOUCHEVENTF_PRIMARY 0x0010 DECLARE_HANDLE (HTOUCHINPUT); DECLARE_HANDLE (HGESTUREINFO); struct TOUCHINPUT { LONG x; LONG y; HANDLE hSource; DWORD dwID; DWORD dwFlags; DWORD dwMask; DWORD dwTime; ULONG_PTR dwExtraInfo; DWORD cxContact; DWORD cyContact; }; struct GESTUREINFO { UINT cbSize; DWORD dwFlags; DWORD dwID; HWND hwndTarget; POINTS ptsLocation; DWORD dwInstanceID; DWORD dwSequenceID; ULONGLONG ullArguments; UINT cbExtraArgs; }; #endif typedef BOOL (WINAPI* RegisterTouchWindowFunc) (HWND, ULONG); typedef BOOL (WINAPI* GetTouchInputInfoFunc) (HTOUCHINPUT, UINT, TOUCHINPUT*, int); typedef BOOL (WINAPI* CloseTouchInputHandleFunc) (HTOUCHINPUT); typedef BOOL (WINAPI* GetGestureInfoFunc) (HGESTUREINFO, GESTUREINFO*); typedef BOOL (WINAPI* SetProcessDPIAwareFunc)(); static RegisterTouchWindowFunc registerTouchWindow = nullptr; static GetTouchInputInfoFunc getTouchInputInfo = nullptr; static CloseTouchInputHandleFunc closeTouchInputHandle = nullptr; static GetGestureInfoFunc getGestureInfo = nullptr; static SetProcessDPIAwareFunc setProcessDPIAware = nullptr; static bool hasCheckedForMultiTouch = false; static bool canUseMultiTouch() { if (registerTouchWindow == nullptr && ! hasCheckedForMultiTouch) { hasCheckedForMultiTouch = true; registerTouchWindow = (RegisterTouchWindowFunc) getUser32Function ("RegisterTouchWindow"); getTouchInputInfo = (GetTouchInputInfoFunc) getUser32Function ("GetTouchInputInfo"); closeTouchInputHandle = (CloseTouchInputHandleFunc) getUser32Function ("CloseTouchInputHandle"); getGestureInfo = (GetGestureInfoFunc) getUser32Function ("GetGestureInfo"); } return registerTouchWindow != nullptr; } static Rectangle<int> rectangleFromRECT (const RECT& r) noexcept { return Rectangle<int>::leftTopRightBottom ((int) r.left, (int) r.top, (int) r.right, (int) r.bottom); } static void setWindowPos (HWND hwnd, Rectangle<int> bounds, UINT flags) { SetWindowPos (hwnd, 0, bounds.getX(), bounds.getY(), bounds.getWidth(), bounds.getHeight(), flags); } static RECT getWindowRect (HWND hwnd) { RECT r; GetWindowRect (hwnd, &r); return r; } static void setWindowZOrder (HWND hwnd, HWND insertAfter) { SetWindowPos (hwnd, insertAfter, 0, 0, 0, 0, SWP_NOMOVE | SWP_NOSIZE | SWP_NOACTIVATE | SWP_NOSENDCHANGING); } //============================================================================== static void setDPIAwareness() { if (JUCEApplicationBase::isStandaloneApp()) { if (setProcessDPIAware == nullptr) { setProcessDPIAware = (SetProcessDPIAwareFunc) getUser32Function ("SetProcessDPIAware"); if (setProcessDPIAware != nullptr) setProcessDPIAware(); } } } static double getDPI() { setDPIAwareness(); HDC dc = GetDC (0); const double dpi = (GetDeviceCaps (dc, LOGPIXELSX) + GetDeviceCaps (dc, LOGPIXELSY)) / 2.0; ReleaseDC (0, dc); return dpi; } double Desktop::getDefaultMasterScale() { return JUCEApplicationBase::isStandaloneApp() ? getDPI() / 96.0 : 1.0; } //============================================================================== Desktop::DisplayOrientation Desktop::getCurrentOrientation() const { return upright; } int64 getMouseEventTime() { static int64 eventTimeOffset = 0; static LONG lastMessageTime = 0; const LONG thisMessageTime = GetMessageTime(); if (thisMessageTime < lastMessageTime || lastMessageTime == 0) { lastMessageTime = thisMessageTime; eventTimeOffset = Time::currentTimeMillis() - thisMessageTime; } return eventTimeOffset + thisMessageTime; } //============================================================================== const int extendedKeyModifier = 0x10000; const int KeyPress::spaceKey = VK_SPACE; const int KeyPress::returnKey = VK_RETURN; const int KeyPress::escapeKey = VK_ESCAPE; const int KeyPress::backspaceKey = VK_BACK; const int KeyPress::deleteKey = VK_DELETE | extendedKeyModifier; const int KeyPress::insertKey = VK_INSERT | extendedKeyModifier; const int KeyPress::tabKey = VK_TAB; const int KeyPress::leftKey = VK_LEFT | extendedKeyModifier; const int KeyPress::rightKey = VK_RIGHT | extendedKeyModifier; const int KeyPress::upKey = VK_UP | extendedKeyModifier; const int KeyPress::downKey = VK_DOWN | extendedKeyModifier; const int KeyPress::homeKey = VK_HOME | extendedKeyModifier; const int KeyPress::endKey = VK_END | extendedKeyModifier; const int KeyPress::pageUpKey = VK_PRIOR | extendedKeyModifier; const int KeyPress::pageDownKey = VK_NEXT | extendedKeyModifier; const int KeyPress::F1Key = VK_F1 | extendedKeyModifier; const int KeyPress::F2Key = VK_F2 | extendedKeyModifier; const int KeyPress::F3Key = VK_F3 | extendedKeyModifier; const int KeyPress::F4Key = VK_F4 | extendedKeyModifier; const int KeyPress::F5Key = VK_F5 | extendedKeyModifier; const int KeyPress::F6Key = VK_F6 | extendedKeyModifier; const int KeyPress::F7Key = VK_F7 | extendedKeyModifier; const int KeyPress::F8Key = VK_F8 | extendedKeyModifier; const int KeyPress::F9Key = VK_F9 | extendedKeyModifier; const int KeyPress::F10Key = VK_F10 | extendedKeyModifier; const int KeyPress::F11Key = VK_F11 | extendedKeyModifier; const int KeyPress::F12Key = VK_F12 | extendedKeyModifier; const int KeyPress::F13Key = VK_F13 | extendedKeyModifier; const int KeyPress::F14Key = VK_F14 | extendedKeyModifier; const int KeyPress::F15Key = VK_F15 | extendedKeyModifier; const int KeyPress::F16Key = VK_F16 | extendedKeyModifier; const int KeyPress::numberPad0 = VK_NUMPAD0 | extendedKeyModifier; const int KeyPress::numberPad1 = VK_NUMPAD1 | extendedKeyModifier; const int KeyPress::numberPad2 = VK_NUMPAD2 | extendedKeyModifier; const int KeyPress::numberPad3 = VK_NUMPAD3 | extendedKeyModifier; const int KeyPress::numberPad4 = VK_NUMPAD4 | extendedKeyModifier; const int KeyPress::numberPad5 = VK_NUMPAD5 | extendedKeyModifier; const int KeyPress::numberPad6 = VK_NUMPAD6 | extendedKeyModifier; const int KeyPress::numberPad7 = VK_NUMPAD7 | extendedKeyModifier; const int KeyPress::numberPad8 = VK_NUMPAD8 | extendedKeyModifier; const int KeyPress::numberPad9 = VK_NUMPAD9 | extendedKeyModifier; const int KeyPress::numberPadAdd = VK_ADD | extendedKeyModifier; const int KeyPress::numberPadSubtract = VK_SUBTRACT | extendedKeyModifier; const int KeyPress::numberPadMultiply = VK_MULTIPLY | extendedKeyModifier; const int KeyPress::numberPadDivide = VK_DIVIDE | extendedKeyModifier; const int KeyPress::numberPadSeparator = VK_SEPARATOR | extendedKeyModifier; const int KeyPress::numberPadDecimalPoint = VK_DECIMAL | extendedKeyModifier; const int KeyPress::numberPadEquals = 0x92 /*VK_OEM_NEC_EQUAL*/ | extendedKeyModifier; const int KeyPress::numberPadDelete = VK_DELETE | extendedKeyModifier; const int KeyPress::playKey = 0x30000; const int KeyPress::stopKey = 0x30001; const int KeyPress::fastForwardKey = 0x30002; const int KeyPress::rewindKey = 0x30003; //============================================================================== class WindowsBitmapImage : public ImagePixelData { public: WindowsBitmapImage (const Image::PixelFormat format, const int w, const int h, const bool clearImage) : ImagePixelData (format, w, h) { jassert (format == Image::RGB || format == Image::ARGB); static bool alwaysUse32Bits = isGraphicsCard32Bit(); // NB: for 32-bit cards, it's faster to use a 32-bit image. pixelStride = (alwaysUse32Bits || format == Image::ARGB) ? 4 : 3; lineStride = -((w * pixelStride + 3) & ~3); zerostruct (bitmapInfo); bitmapInfo.bV4Size = sizeof (BITMAPV4HEADER); bitmapInfo.bV4Width = w; bitmapInfo.bV4Height = h; bitmapInfo.bV4Planes = 1; bitmapInfo.bV4CSType = 1; bitmapInfo.bV4BitCount = (unsigned short) (pixelStride * 8); if (format == Image::ARGB) { bitmapInfo.bV4AlphaMask = 0xff000000; bitmapInfo.bV4RedMask = 0xff0000; bitmapInfo.bV4GreenMask = 0xff00; bitmapInfo.bV4BlueMask = 0xff; bitmapInfo.bV4V4Compression = BI_BITFIELDS; } else { bitmapInfo.bV4V4Compression = BI_RGB; } HDC dc = GetDC (0); hdc = CreateCompatibleDC (dc); ReleaseDC (0, dc); SetMapMode (hdc, MM_TEXT); hBitmap = CreateDIBSection (hdc, (BITMAPINFO*) &(bitmapInfo), DIB_RGB_COLORS, (void**) &bitmapData, 0, 0); previousBitmap = SelectObject (hdc, hBitmap); if (format == Image::ARGB && clearImage) zeromem (bitmapData, (size_t) std::abs (h * lineStride)); imageData = bitmapData - (lineStride * (h - 1)); } ~WindowsBitmapImage() { SelectObject (hdc, previousBitmap); // Selecting the previous bitmap before deleting the DC avoids a warning in BoundsChecker DeleteDC (hdc); DeleteObject (hBitmap); } ImageType* createType() const override { return new NativeImageType(); } LowLevelGraphicsContext* createLowLevelContext() override { return new LowLevelGraphicsSoftwareRenderer (Image (this)); } void initialiseBitmapData (Image::BitmapData& bitmap, int x, int y, Image::BitmapData::ReadWriteMode) override { bitmap.data = imageData + x * pixelStride + y * lineStride; bitmap.pixelFormat = pixelFormat; bitmap.lineStride = lineStride; bitmap.pixelStride = pixelStride; } ImagePixelData* clone() override { WindowsBitmapImage* im = new WindowsBitmapImage (pixelFormat, width, height, false); for (int i = 0; i < height; ++i) memcpy (im->imageData + i * lineStride, imageData + i * lineStride, (size_t) lineStride); return im; } void blitToWindow (HWND hwnd, HDC dc, const bool transparent, const int x, const int y, const uint8 updateLayeredWindowAlpha) noexcept { SetMapMode (dc, MM_TEXT); if (transparent) { RECT windowBounds = getWindowRect (hwnd); POINT p = { -x, -y }; POINT pos = { windowBounds.left, windowBounds.top }; SIZE size = { windowBounds.right - windowBounds.left, windowBounds.bottom - windowBounds.top }; BLENDFUNCTION bf; bf.AlphaFormat = 1 /*AC_SRC_ALPHA*/; bf.BlendFlags = 0; bf.BlendOp = AC_SRC_OVER; bf.SourceConstantAlpha = updateLayeredWindowAlpha; updateLayeredWindow (hwnd, 0, &pos, &size, hdc, &p, 0, &bf, 2 /*ULW_ALPHA*/); } else { StretchDIBits (dc, x, y, width, height, 0, 0, width, height, bitmapData, (const BITMAPINFO*) &bitmapInfo, DIB_RGB_COLORS, SRCCOPY); } } HBITMAP hBitmap; HGDIOBJ previousBitmap; BITMAPV4HEADER bitmapInfo; HDC hdc; uint8* bitmapData; int pixelStride, lineStride; uint8* imageData; private: static bool isGraphicsCard32Bit() { HDC dc = GetDC (0); const int bitsPerPixel = GetDeviceCaps (dc, BITSPIXEL); ReleaseDC (0, dc); return bitsPerPixel > 24; } JUCE_DECLARE_NON_COPYABLE_WITH_LEAK_DETECTOR (WindowsBitmapImage) }; //============================================================================== namespace IconConverters { Image createImageFromHBITMAP (HBITMAP bitmap) { Image im; if (bitmap != 0) { BITMAP bm; if (GetObject (bitmap, sizeof (BITMAP), &bm) && bm.bmWidth > 0 && bm.bmHeight > 0) { HDC tempDC = GetDC (0); HDC dc = CreateCompatibleDC (tempDC); ReleaseDC (0, tempDC); SelectObject (dc, bitmap); im = Image (Image::ARGB, bm.bmWidth, bm.bmHeight, true); Image::BitmapData imageData (im, Image::BitmapData::writeOnly); for (int y = bm.bmHeight; --y >= 0;) { for (int x = bm.bmWidth; --x >= 0;) { COLORREF col = GetPixel (dc, x, y); imageData.setPixelColour (x, y, Colour ((uint8) GetRValue (col), (uint8) GetGValue (col), (uint8) GetBValue (col))); } } DeleteDC (dc); } } return im; } Image createImageFromHICON (HICON icon) { ICONINFO info; if (GetIconInfo (icon, &info)) { Image mask (createImageFromHBITMAP (info.hbmMask)); Image image (createImageFromHBITMAP (info.hbmColor)); if (mask.isValid() && image.isValid()) { for (int y = image.getHeight(); --y >= 0;) { for (int x = image.getWidth(); --x >= 0;) { const float brightness = mask.getPixelAt (x, y).getBrightness(); if (brightness > 0.0f) image.multiplyAlphaAt (x, y, 1.0f - brightness); } } return image; } } return Image::null; } HICON createHICONFromImage (const Image& image, const BOOL isIcon, int hotspotX, int hotspotY) { WindowsBitmapImage* nativeBitmap = new WindowsBitmapImage (Image::ARGB, image.getWidth(), image.getHeight(), true); Image bitmap (nativeBitmap); { Graphics g (bitmap); g.drawImageAt (image, 0, 0); } HBITMAP mask = CreateBitmap (image.getWidth(), image.getHeight(), 1, 1, 0); ICONINFO info; info.fIcon = isIcon; info.xHotspot = (DWORD) hotspotX; info.yHotspot = (DWORD) hotspotY; info.hbmMask = mask; info.hbmColor = nativeBitmap->hBitmap; HICON hi = CreateIconIndirect (&info); DeleteObject (mask); return hi; } } //============================================================================== class HWNDComponentPeer : public ComponentPeer { public: enum RenderingEngineType { softwareRenderingEngine = 0, direct2DRenderingEngine }; //============================================================================== HWNDComponentPeer (Component& comp, const int windowStyleFlags, HWND parent, bool nonRepainting) : ComponentPeer (comp, windowStyleFlags), dontRepaint (nonRepainting), parentToAddTo (parent), currentRenderingEngine (softwareRenderingEngine), lastPaintTime (0), lastMagnifySize (0), fullScreen (false), isDragging (false), isMouseOver (false), hasCreatedCaret (false), constrainerIsResizing (false), currentWindowIcon (0), dropTarget (nullptr), updateLayeredWindowAlpha (255) { callFunctionIfNotLocked (&createWindowCallback, this); setTitle (component.getName()); if ((windowStyleFlags & windowHasDropShadow) != 0 && Desktop::canUseSemiTransparentWindows() && ((! hasTitleBar()) || SystemStats::getOperatingSystemType() < SystemStats::WinVista)) { shadower = component.getLookAndFeel().createDropShadowerForComponent (&component); if (shadower != nullptr) shadower->setOwner (&component); } } ~HWNDComponentPeer() { shadower = nullptr; // do this before the next bit to avoid messages arriving for this window // before it's destroyed JuceWindowIdentifier::setAsJUCEWindow (hwnd, false); callFunctionIfNotLocked (&destroyWindowCallback, (void*) hwnd); if (currentWindowIcon != 0) DestroyIcon (currentWindowIcon); if (dropTarget != nullptr) { dropTarget->clear(); dropTarget->Release(); dropTarget = nullptr; } #if JUCE_DIRECT2D direct2DContext = nullptr; #endif } //============================================================================== void* getNativeHandle() const override { return hwnd; } void setVisible (bool shouldBeVisible) override { ShowWindow (hwnd, shouldBeVisible ? SW_SHOWNA : SW_HIDE); if (shouldBeVisible) InvalidateRect (hwnd, 0, 0); else lastPaintTime = 0; } void setTitle (const String& title) override { // Unfortunately some ancient bits of win32 mean you can only perform this operation from the message thread. jassert (MessageManager::getInstance()->isThisTheMessageThread()); SetWindowText (hwnd, title.toWideCharPointer()); } void repaintNowIfTransparent() { if (isUsingUpdateLayeredWindow() && lastPaintTime > 0 && Time::getMillisecondCounter() > lastPaintTime + 30) handlePaintMessage(); } void updateBorderSize() { WINDOWINFO info; info.cbSize = sizeof (info); if (GetWindowInfo (hwnd, &info)) windowBorder = BorderSize<int> (info.rcClient.top - info.rcWindow.top, info.rcClient.left - info.rcWindow.left, info.rcWindow.bottom - info.rcClient.bottom, info.rcWindow.right - info.rcClient.right); #if JUCE_DIRECT2D if (direct2DContext != nullptr) direct2DContext->resized(); #endif } void setBounds (const Rectangle<int>& bounds, bool isNowFullScreen) override { fullScreen = isNowFullScreen; Rectangle<int> newBounds (windowBorder.addedTo (bounds)); if (isUsingUpdateLayeredWindow()) { if (HWND parentHwnd = GetParent (hwnd)) { RECT parentRect = getWindowRect (parentHwnd); newBounds.translate (parentRect.left, parentRect.top); } } const Rectangle<int> oldBounds (getBounds()); const bool hasMoved = (oldBounds.getPosition() != bounds.getPosition()); const bool hasResized = (oldBounds.getWidth() != bounds.getWidth() || oldBounds.getHeight() != bounds.getHeight()); DWORD flags = SWP_NOACTIVATE | SWP_NOZORDER | SWP_NOOWNERZORDER; if (! hasMoved) flags |= SWP_NOMOVE; if (! hasResized) flags |= SWP_NOSIZE; setWindowPos (hwnd, newBounds, flags); if (hasResized && isValidPeer (this)) { updateBorderSize(); repaintNowIfTransparent(); } } Rectangle<int> getBounds() const override { Rectangle<int> bounds (rectangleFromRECT (getWindowRect (hwnd))); if (HWND parentH = GetParent (hwnd)) { RECT r = getWindowRect (parentH); bounds.translate (-r.left, -r.top); } return windowBorder.subtractedFrom (bounds); } Point<int> getScreenPosition() const { RECT r = getWindowRect (hwnd); return Point<int> (r.left + windowBorder.getLeft(), r.top + windowBorder.getTop()); } Point<int> localToGlobal (Point<int> relativePosition) override { return relativePosition + getScreenPosition(); } Point<int> globalToLocal (Point<int> screenPosition) override { return screenPosition - getScreenPosition(); } void setAlpha (float newAlpha) override { const uint8 intAlpha = (uint8) jlimit (0, 255, (int) (newAlpha * 255.0f)); if (component.isOpaque()) { if (newAlpha < 1.0f) { SetWindowLong (hwnd, GWL_EXSTYLE, GetWindowLong (hwnd, GWL_EXSTYLE) | WS_EX_LAYERED); SetLayeredWindowAttributes (hwnd, RGB (0, 0, 0), intAlpha, LWA_ALPHA); } else { SetWindowLong (hwnd, GWL_EXSTYLE, GetWindowLong (hwnd, GWL_EXSTYLE) & ~WS_EX_LAYERED); RedrawWindow (hwnd, 0, 0, RDW_ERASE | RDW_INVALIDATE | RDW_FRAME | RDW_ALLCHILDREN); } } else { updateLayeredWindowAlpha = intAlpha; component.repaint(); } } void setMinimised (bool shouldBeMinimised) override { if (shouldBeMinimised != isMinimised()) ShowWindow (hwnd, shouldBeMinimised ? SW_MINIMIZE : SW_SHOWNORMAL); } bool isMinimised() const override { WINDOWPLACEMENT wp; wp.length = sizeof (WINDOWPLACEMENT); GetWindowPlacement (hwnd, &wp); return wp.showCmd == SW_SHOWMINIMIZED; } void setFullScreen (bool shouldBeFullScreen) override { setMinimised (false); if (isFullScreen() != shouldBeFullScreen) { fullScreen = shouldBeFullScreen; const WeakReference<Component> deletionChecker (&component); if (! fullScreen) { const Rectangle<int> boundsCopy (lastNonFullscreenBounds); if (hasTitleBar()) ShowWindow (hwnd, SW_SHOWNORMAL); if (! boundsCopy.isEmpty()) setBounds (boundsCopy, false); } else { if (hasTitleBar()) ShowWindow (hwnd, SW_SHOWMAXIMIZED); else SendMessageW (hwnd, WM_SETTINGCHANGE, 0, 0); } if (deletionChecker != nullptr) handleMovedOrResized(); } } bool isFullScreen() const override { if (! hasTitleBar()) return fullScreen; WINDOWPLACEMENT wp; wp.length = sizeof (wp); GetWindowPlacement (hwnd, &wp); return wp.showCmd == SW_SHOWMAXIMIZED; } bool contains (Point<int> localPos, bool trueIfInAChildWindow) const override { RECT r = getWindowRect (hwnd); if (! (isPositiveAndBelow (localPos.x, (int) (r.right - r.left)) && isPositiveAndBelow (localPos.y, (int) (r.bottom - r.top)))) return false; POINT p = { localPos.x + r.left + windowBorder.getLeft(), localPos.y + r.top + windowBorder.getTop() }; HWND w = WindowFromPoint (p); return w == hwnd || (trueIfInAChildWindow && (IsChild (hwnd, w) != 0)); } BorderSize<int> getFrameSize() const override { return windowBorder; } bool setAlwaysOnTop (bool alwaysOnTop) override { const bool oldDeactivate = shouldDeactivateTitleBar; shouldDeactivateTitleBar = ((styleFlags & windowIsTemporary) == 0); setWindowZOrder (hwnd, alwaysOnTop ? HWND_TOPMOST : HWND_NOTOPMOST); shouldDeactivateTitleBar = oldDeactivate; if (shadower != nullptr) handleBroughtToFront(); return true; } void toFront (bool makeActive) override { setMinimised (false); const bool oldDeactivate = shouldDeactivateTitleBar; shouldDeactivateTitleBar = ((styleFlags & windowIsTemporary) == 0); callFunctionIfNotLocked (makeActive ? &toFrontCallback1 : &toFrontCallback2, hwnd); shouldDeactivateTitleBar = oldDeactivate; if (! makeActive) { // in this case a broughttofront call won't have occured, so do it now.. handleBroughtToFront(); } } void toBehind (ComponentPeer* other) override { if (HWNDComponentPeer* const otherPeer = dynamic_cast <HWNDComponentPeer*> (other)) { setMinimised (false); // Must be careful not to try to put a topmost window behind a normal one, or Windows // promotes the normal one to be topmost! if (component.isAlwaysOnTop() == otherPeer->getComponent().isAlwaysOnTop()) setWindowZOrder (hwnd, otherPeer->hwnd); else if (otherPeer->getComponent().isAlwaysOnTop()) setWindowZOrder (hwnd, HWND_TOP); } else { jassertfalse; // wrong type of window? } } bool isFocused() const override { return callFunctionIfNotLocked (&getFocusCallback, 0) == (void*) hwnd; } void grabFocus() override { const bool oldDeactivate = shouldDeactivateTitleBar; shouldDeactivateTitleBar = ((styleFlags & windowIsTemporary) == 0); callFunctionIfNotLocked (&setFocusCallback, hwnd); shouldDeactivateTitleBar = oldDeactivate; } void textInputRequired (const Point<int>&) override { if (! hasCreatedCaret) { hasCreatedCaret = true; CreateCaret (hwnd, (HBITMAP) 1, 0, 0); } ShowCaret (hwnd); SetCaretPos (0, 0); } void dismissPendingTextInput() override { imeHandler.handleSetContext (hwnd, false); } void repaint (const Rectangle<int>& area) override { const RECT r = { area.getX(), area.getY(), area.getRight(), area.getBottom() }; InvalidateRect (hwnd, &r, FALSE); } void performAnyPendingRepaintsNow() override { MSG m; if (component.isVisible() && (PeekMessage (&m, hwnd, WM_PAINT, WM_PAINT, PM_REMOVE) || isUsingUpdateLayeredWindow())) handlePaintMessage(); } //============================================================================== static HWNDComponentPeer* getOwnerOfWindow (HWND h) noexcept { if (h != 0 && JuceWindowIdentifier::isJUCEWindow (h)) return (HWNDComponentPeer*) GetWindowLongPtr (h, 8); return nullptr; } //============================================================================== bool isInside (HWND h) const noexcept { return GetAncestor (hwnd, GA_ROOT) == h; } //============================================================================== static bool isKeyDown (const int key) noexcept { return (GetAsyncKeyState (key) & 0x8000) != 0; } static void updateKeyModifiers() noexcept { int keyMods = 0; if (isKeyDown (VK_SHIFT)) keyMods |= ModifierKeys::shiftModifier; if (isKeyDown (VK_CONTROL)) keyMods |= ModifierKeys::ctrlModifier; if (isKeyDown (VK_MENU)) keyMods |= ModifierKeys::altModifier; if (isKeyDown (VK_RMENU)) keyMods &= ~(ModifierKeys::ctrlModifier | ModifierKeys::altModifier); currentModifiers = currentModifiers.withOnlyMouseButtons().withFlags (keyMods); } static void updateModifiersFromWParam (const WPARAM wParam) { int mouseMods = 0; if (wParam & MK_LBUTTON) mouseMods |= ModifierKeys::leftButtonModifier; if (wParam & MK_RBUTTON) mouseMods |= ModifierKeys::rightButtonModifier; if (wParam & MK_MBUTTON) mouseMods |= ModifierKeys::middleButtonModifier; currentModifiers = currentModifiers.withoutMouseButtons().withFlags (mouseMods); updateKeyModifiers(); } //============================================================================== bool dontRepaint; static ModifierKeys currentModifiers; static ModifierKeys modifiersAtLastCallback; //============================================================================== class JuceDropTarget : public ComBaseClassHelper <IDropTarget> { public: JuceDropTarget (HWNDComponentPeer& p) : ownerInfo (new OwnerInfo (p)) {} void clear() { ownerInfo = nullptr; } JUCE_COMRESULT DragEnter (IDataObject* pDataObject, DWORD grfKeyState, POINTL mousePos, DWORD* pdwEffect) { HRESULT hr = updateFileList (pDataObject); if (FAILED (hr)) return hr; return DragOver (grfKeyState, mousePos, pdwEffect); } JUCE_COMRESULT DragLeave() { if (ownerInfo == nullptr) return S_FALSE; ownerInfo->owner.handleDragExit (ownerInfo->dragInfo); return S_OK; } JUCE_COMRESULT DragOver (DWORD /*grfKeyState*/, POINTL mousePos, DWORD* pdwEffect) { if (ownerInfo == nullptr) return S_FALSE; ownerInfo->dragInfo.position = ownerInfo->getMousePos (mousePos); const bool wasWanted = ownerInfo->owner.handleDragMove (ownerInfo->dragInfo); *pdwEffect = wasWanted ? (DWORD) DROPEFFECT_COPY : (DWORD) DROPEFFECT_NONE; return S_OK; } JUCE_COMRESULT Drop (IDataObject* pDataObject, DWORD /*grfKeyState*/, POINTL mousePos, DWORD* pdwEffect) { HRESULT hr = updateFileList (pDataObject); if (SUCCEEDED (hr)) { ownerInfo->dragInfo.position = ownerInfo->getMousePos (mousePos); const bool wasWanted = ownerInfo->owner.handleDragDrop (ownerInfo->dragInfo); *pdwEffect = wasWanted ? (DWORD) DROPEFFECT_COPY : (DWORD) DROPEFFECT_NONE; hr = S_OK; } return hr; } private: struct OwnerInfo { OwnerInfo (HWNDComponentPeer& p) : owner (p) {} Point<int> getMousePos (const POINTL& mousePos) const { return owner.globalToLocal (Point<int> (mousePos.x, mousePos.y)); } template <typename CharType> void parseFileList (const CharType* names, const SIZE_T totalLen) { unsigned int i = 0; for (;;) { unsigned int len = 0; while (i + len < totalLen && names [i + len] != 0) ++len; if (len == 0) break; dragInfo.files.add (String (names + i, len)); i += len + 1; } } HWNDComponentPeer& owner; ComponentPeer::DragInfo dragInfo; JUCE_DECLARE_NON_COPYABLE (OwnerInfo) }; ScopedPointer<OwnerInfo> ownerInfo; struct DroppedData { DroppedData (IDataObject* const dataObject, const CLIPFORMAT type) : data (nullptr) { FORMATETC format = { type, 0, DVASPECT_CONTENT, -1, TYMED_HGLOBAL }; STGMEDIUM resetMedium = { TYMED_HGLOBAL, { 0 }, 0 }; medium = resetMedium; if (SUCCEEDED (error = dataObject->GetData (&format, &medium))) { dataSize = GlobalSize (medium.hGlobal); data = GlobalLock (medium.hGlobal); } } ~DroppedData() { if (data != nullptr) GlobalUnlock (medium.hGlobal); } HRESULT error; STGMEDIUM medium; void* data; SIZE_T dataSize; }; HRESULT updateFileList (IDataObject* const dataObject) { if (ownerInfo == nullptr) return S_FALSE; ownerInfo->dragInfo.clear(); DroppedData textData (dataObject, CF_UNICODETEXT); if (SUCCEEDED (textData.error)) { ownerInfo->dragInfo.text = String (CharPointer_UTF16 ((const WCHAR*) textData.data), CharPointer_UTF16 ((const WCHAR*) addBytesToPointer (textData.data, textData.dataSize))); } else { DroppedData fileData (dataObject, CF_HDROP); if (SUCCEEDED (fileData.error)) { const LPDROPFILES dropFiles = static_cast <const LPDROPFILES> (fileData.data); const void* const names = addBytesToPointer (dropFiles, sizeof (DROPFILES)); if (dropFiles->fWide) ownerInfo->parseFileList (static_cast <const WCHAR*> (names), fileData.dataSize); else ownerInfo->parseFileList (static_cast <const char*> (names), fileData.dataSize); } else { return fileData.error; } } return S_OK; } JUCE_DECLARE_NON_COPYABLE (JuceDropTarget) }; private: HWND hwnd, parentToAddTo; ScopedPointer<DropShadower> shadower; RenderingEngineType currentRenderingEngine; #if JUCE_DIRECT2D ScopedPointer<Direct2DLowLevelGraphicsContext> direct2DContext; #endif uint32 lastPaintTime; ULONGLONG lastMagnifySize; bool fullScreen, isDragging, isMouseOver, hasCreatedCaret, constrainerIsResizing; BorderSize<int> windowBorder; HICON currentWindowIcon; JuceDropTarget* dropTarget; uint8 updateLayeredWindowAlpha; MultiTouchMapper<DWORD> currentTouches; //============================================================================== class TemporaryImage : public Timer { public: TemporaryImage() {} Image& getImage (const bool transparent, const int w, const int h) { const Image::PixelFormat format = transparent ? Image::ARGB : Image::RGB; if ((! image.isValid()) || image.getWidth() < w || image.getHeight() < h || image.getFormat() != format) image = Image (new WindowsBitmapImage (format, (w + 31) & ~31, (h + 31) & ~31, false)); startTimer (3000); return image; } void timerCallback() override { stopTimer(); image = Image::null; } private: Image image; JUCE_DECLARE_NON_COPYABLE_WITH_LEAK_DETECTOR (TemporaryImage) }; TemporaryImage offscreenImageGenerator; //============================================================================== class WindowClassHolder : private DeletedAtShutdown { public: WindowClassHolder() { // this name has to be different for each app/dll instance because otherwise poor old Windows can // get a bit confused (even despite it not being a process-global window class). String windowClassName ("JUCE_"); windowClassName << String::toHexString (Time::currentTimeMillis()); HINSTANCE moduleHandle = (HINSTANCE) Process::getCurrentModuleInstanceHandle(); TCHAR moduleFile [1024] = { 0 }; GetModuleFileName (moduleHandle, moduleFile, 1024); WORD iconNum = 0; WNDCLASSEX wcex = { 0 }; wcex.cbSize = sizeof (wcex); wcex.style = CS_OWNDC; wcex.lpfnWndProc = (WNDPROC) windowProc; wcex.lpszClassName = windowClassName.toWideCharPointer(); wcex.cbWndExtra = 32; wcex.hInstance = moduleHandle; wcex.hIcon = ExtractAssociatedIcon (moduleHandle, moduleFile, &iconNum); iconNum = 1; wcex.hIconSm = ExtractAssociatedIcon (moduleHandle, moduleFile, &iconNum); atom = RegisterClassEx (&wcex); jassert (atom != 0); isEventBlockedByModalComps = checkEventBlockedByModalComps; } ~WindowClassHolder() { if (ComponentPeer::getNumPeers() == 0) UnregisterClass (getWindowClassName(), (HINSTANCE) Process::getCurrentModuleInstanceHandle()); clearSingletonInstance(); } LPCTSTR getWindowClassName() const noexcept { return (LPCTSTR) MAKELONG (atom, 0); } juce_DeclareSingleton_SingleThreaded_Minimal (WindowClassHolder); private: ATOM atom; static bool isHWNDBlockedByModalComponents (HWND h) { for (int i = Desktop::getInstance().getNumComponents(); --i >= 0;) if (Component* const c = Desktop::getInstance().getComponent (i)) if ((! c->isCurrentlyBlockedByAnotherModalComponent()) && IsChild ((HWND) c->getWindowHandle(), h)) return false; return true; } static bool checkEventBlockedByModalComps (const MSG& m) { if (Component::getNumCurrentlyModalComponents() == 0 || JuceWindowIdentifier::isJUCEWindow (m.hwnd)) return false; switch (m.message) { case WM_MOUSEMOVE: case WM_NCMOUSEMOVE: case 0x020A: /* WM_MOUSEWHEEL */ case 0x020E: /* WM_MOUSEHWHEEL */ case WM_KEYUP: case WM_SYSKEYUP: case WM_CHAR: case WM_APPCOMMAND: case WM_LBUTTONUP: case WM_MBUTTONUP: case WM_RBUTTONUP: case WM_MOUSEACTIVATE: case WM_NCMOUSEHOVER: case WM_MOUSEHOVER: case WM_TOUCH: return isHWNDBlockedByModalComponents (m.hwnd); case WM_NCLBUTTONDOWN: case WM_NCLBUTTONDBLCLK: case WM_NCRBUTTONDOWN: case WM_NCRBUTTONDBLCLK: case WM_NCMBUTTONDOWN: case WM_NCMBUTTONDBLCLK: case WM_LBUTTONDOWN: case WM_LBUTTONDBLCLK: case WM_MBUTTONDOWN: case WM_MBUTTONDBLCLK: case WM_RBUTTONDOWN: case WM_RBUTTONDBLCLK: case WM_KEYDOWN: case WM_SYSKEYDOWN: if (isHWNDBlockedByModalComponents (m.hwnd)) { if (Component* const modal = Component::getCurrentlyModalComponent (0)) modal->inputAttemptWhenModal(); return true; } break; default: break; } return false; } JUCE_DECLARE_NON_COPYABLE (WindowClassHolder) }; //============================================================================== static void* createWindowCallback (void* userData) { static_cast <HWNDComponentPeer*> (userData)->createWindow(); return nullptr; } void createWindow() { DWORD exstyle = 0; DWORD type = WS_CLIPSIBLINGS | WS_CLIPCHILDREN; if (hasTitleBar()) { type |= WS_OVERLAPPED; if ((styleFlags & windowHasCloseButton) != 0) { type |= WS_SYSMENU; } else { // annoyingly, windows won't let you have a min/max button without a close button jassert ((styleFlags & (windowHasMinimiseButton | windowHasMaximiseButton)) == 0); } if ((styleFlags & windowIsResizable) != 0) type |= WS_THICKFRAME; } else if (parentToAddTo != 0) { type |= WS_CHILD; } else { type |= WS_POPUP | WS_SYSMENU; } if ((styleFlags & windowAppearsOnTaskbar) == 0) exstyle |= WS_EX_TOOLWINDOW; else exstyle |= WS_EX_APPWINDOW; if ((styleFlags & windowHasMinimiseButton) != 0) type |= WS_MINIMIZEBOX; if ((styleFlags & windowHasMaximiseButton) != 0) type |= WS_MAXIMIZEBOX; if ((styleFlags & windowIgnoresMouseClicks) != 0) exstyle |= WS_EX_TRANSPARENT; if ((styleFlags & windowIsSemiTransparent) != 0 && Desktop::canUseSemiTransparentWindows()) exstyle |= WS_EX_LAYERED; hwnd = CreateWindowEx (exstyle, WindowClassHolder::getInstance()->getWindowClassName(), L"", type, 0, 0, 0, 0, parentToAddTo, 0, (HINSTANCE) Process::getCurrentModuleInstanceHandle(), 0); if (hwnd != 0) { SetWindowLongPtr (hwnd, 0, 0); SetWindowLongPtr (hwnd, 8, (LONG_PTR) this); JuceWindowIdentifier::setAsJUCEWindow (hwnd, true); if (dropTarget == nullptr) { HWNDComponentPeer* peer = nullptr; if (dontRepaint) peer = getOwnerOfWindow (parentToAddTo); if (peer == nullptr) peer = this; dropTarget = new JuceDropTarget (*peer); } RegisterDragDrop (hwnd, dropTarget); if (canUseMultiTouch()) registerTouchWindow (hwnd, 0); setDPIAwareness(); setMessageFilter(); updateBorderSize(); // Calling this function here is (for some reason) necessary to make Windows // correctly enable the menu items that we specify in the wm_initmenu message. GetSystemMenu (hwnd, false); const float alpha = component.getAlpha(); if (alpha < 1.0f) setAlpha (alpha); } else { jassertfalse; } } static void* destroyWindowCallback (void* handle) { RevokeDragDrop ((HWND) handle); DestroyWindow ((HWND) handle); return nullptr; } static void* toFrontCallback1 (void* h) { SetForegroundWindow ((HWND) h); return nullptr; } static void* toFrontCallback2 (void* h) { setWindowZOrder ((HWND) h, HWND_TOP); return nullptr; } static void* setFocusCallback (void* h) { SetFocus ((HWND) h); return nullptr; } static void* getFocusCallback (void*) { return GetFocus(); } bool isUsingUpdateLayeredWindow() const { return ! component.isOpaque(); } bool hasTitleBar() const noexcept { return (styleFlags & windowHasTitleBar) != 0; } void setIcon (const Image& newIcon) { HICON hicon = IconConverters::createHICONFromImage (newIcon, TRUE, 0, 0); if (hicon != 0) { SendMessage (hwnd, WM_SETICON, ICON_BIG, (LPARAM) hicon); SendMessage (hwnd, WM_SETICON, ICON_SMALL, (LPARAM) hicon); if (currentWindowIcon != 0) DestroyIcon (currentWindowIcon); currentWindowIcon = hicon; } } void setMessageFilter() { typedef BOOL (WINAPI* ChangeWindowMessageFilterExFunc) (HWND, UINT, DWORD, PVOID); if (ChangeWindowMessageFilterExFunc changeMessageFilter = (ChangeWindowMessageFilterExFunc) getUser32Function ("ChangeWindowMessageFilterEx")) { changeMessageFilter (hwnd, WM_DROPFILES, 1 /*MSGFLT_ALLOW*/, nullptr); changeMessageFilter (hwnd, WM_COPYDATA, 1 /*MSGFLT_ALLOW*/, nullptr); changeMessageFilter (hwnd, 0x49, 1 /*MSGFLT_ALLOW*/, nullptr); } } struct ChildWindowClippingInfo { HDC dc; HWNDComponentPeer* peer; RectangleList<int>* clip; Point<int> origin; int savedDC; }; static BOOL CALLBACK clipChildWindowCallback (HWND hwnd, LPARAM context) { if (IsWindowVisible (hwnd)) { ChildWindowClippingInfo& info = *(ChildWindowClippingInfo*) context; HWND parent = GetParent (hwnd); if (parent == info.peer->hwnd) { RECT r = getWindowRect (hwnd); POINT pos = { r.left, r.top }; ScreenToClient (GetParent (hwnd), &pos); Rectangle<int> clip (Rectangle<int> (pos.x, pos.y, r.right - r.left, r.bottom - r.top)); info.clip->subtract (clip - info.origin); if (info.savedDC == 0) info.savedDC = SaveDC (info.dc); ExcludeClipRect (info.dc, clip.getX(), clip.getY(), clip.getRight(), clip.getBottom()); } } return TRUE; } //============================================================================== void handlePaintMessage() { #if JUCE_DIRECT2D if (direct2DContext != nullptr) { RECT r; if (GetUpdateRect (hwnd, &r, false)) { direct2DContext->start(); direct2DContext->clipToRectangle (rectangleFromRECT (r)); handlePaint (*direct2DContext); direct2DContext->end(); } } else #endif HRGN rgn = CreateRectRgn (0, 0, 0, 0); const int regionType = GetUpdateRgn (hwnd, rgn, false); PAINTSTRUCT paintStruct; HDC dc = BeginPaint (hwnd, &paintStruct); // Note this can immediately generate a WM_NCPAINT // message and become re-entrant, but that's OK // if something in a paint handler calls, e.g. a message box, this can become reentrant and // corrupt the image it's using to paint into, so do a check here. static bool reentrant = false; if (! (reentrant || dontRepaint)) { const ScopedValueSetter<bool> setter (reentrant, true, false); performPaint (dc, rgn, regionType, paintStruct); } DeleteObject (rgn); EndPaint (hwnd, &paintStruct); #ifndef JUCE_GCC _fpreset(); // because some graphics cards can unmask FP exceptions #endif lastPaintTime = Time::getMillisecondCounter(); } void performPaint (HDC dc, HRGN rgn, int regionType, PAINTSTRUCT& paintStruct) { int x = paintStruct.rcPaint.left; int y = paintStruct.rcPaint.top; int w = paintStruct.rcPaint.right - x; int h = paintStruct.rcPaint.bottom - y; const bool transparent = isUsingUpdateLayeredWindow(); if (transparent) { // it's not possible to have a transparent window with a title bar at the moment! jassert (! hasTitleBar()); RECT r = getWindowRect (hwnd); x = y = 0; w = r.right - r.left; h = r.bottom - r.top; } if (w > 0 && h > 0) { Image& offscreenImage = offscreenImageGenerator.getImage (transparent, w, h); RectangleList<int> contextClip; const Rectangle<int> clipBounds (w, h); bool needToPaintAll = true; if (regionType == COMPLEXREGION && ! transparent) { HRGN clipRgn = CreateRectRgnIndirect (&paintStruct.rcPaint); CombineRgn (rgn, rgn, clipRgn, RGN_AND); DeleteObject (clipRgn); char rgnData [8192]; const DWORD res = GetRegionData (rgn, sizeof (rgnData), (RGNDATA*) rgnData); if (res > 0 && res <= sizeof (rgnData)) { const RGNDATAHEADER* const hdr = &(((const RGNDATA*) rgnData)->rdh); if (hdr->iType == RDH_RECTANGLES && hdr->rcBound.right - hdr->rcBound.left >= w && hdr->rcBound.bottom - hdr->rcBound.top >= h) { needToPaintAll = false; const RECT* rects = (const RECT*) (rgnData + sizeof (RGNDATAHEADER)); for (int i = (int) ((RGNDATA*) rgnData)->rdh.nCount; --i >= 0;) { if (rects->right <= x + w && rects->bottom <= y + h) { const int cx = jmax (x, (int) rects->left); contextClip.addWithoutMerging (Rectangle<int> (cx - x, rects->top - y, rects->right - cx, rects->bottom - rects->top) .getIntersection (clipBounds)); } else { needToPaintAll = true; break; } ++rects; } } } } if (needToPaintAll) { contextClip.clear(); contextClip.addWithoutMerging (Rectangle<int> (w, h)); } ChildWindowClippingInfo childClipInfo = { dc, this, &contextClip, Point<int> (x, y), 0 }; EnumChildWindows (hwnd, clipChildWindowCallback, (LPARAM) &childClipInfo); if (! contextClip.isEmpty()) { if (transparent) for (const Rectangle<int>* i = contextClip.begin(), * const e = contextClip.end(); i != e; ++i) offscreenImage.clear (*i); // if the component's not opaque, this won't draw properly unless the platform can support this jassert (Desktop::canUseSemiTransparentWindows() || component.isOpaque()); { ScopedPointer<LowLevelGraphicsContext> context (component.getLookAndFeel() .createGraphicsContext (offscreenImage, Point<int> (-x, -y), contextClip)); handlePaint (*context); } static_cast <WindowsBitmapImage*> (offscreenImage.getPixelData()) ->blitToWindow (hwnd, dc, transparent, x, y, updateLayeredWindowAlpha); } if (childClipInfo.savedDC != 0) RestoreDC (dc, childClipInfo.savedDC); } } //============================================================================== void doMouseEvent (Point<int> position) { handleMouseEvent (0, position, currentModifiers, getMouseEventTime()); } StringArray getAvailableRenderingEngines() override { StringArray s ("Software Renderer"); #if JUCE_DIRECT2D if (SystemStats::getOperatingSystemType() >= SystemStats::Windows7) s.add ("Direct2D"); #endif return s; } int getCurrentRenderingEngine() const override { return currentRenderingEngine; } #if JUCE_DIRECT2D void updateDirect2DContext() { if (currentRenderingEngine != direct2DRenderingEngine) direct2DContext = 0; else if (direct2DContext == 0) direct2DContext = new Direct2DLowLevelGraphicsContext (hwnd); } #endif void setCurrentRenderingEngine (int index) override { (void) index; #if JUCE_DIRECT2D if (getAvailableRenderingEngines().size() > 1) { currentRenderingEngine = index == 1 ? direct2DRenderingEngine : softwareRenderingEngine; updateDirect2DContext(); repaint (component.getLocalBounds()); } #endif } static int getMinTimeBetweenMouseMoves() { if (SystemStats::getOperatingSystemType() >= SystemStats::WinVista) return 0; return 1000 / 60; // Throttling the incoming mouse-events seems to still be needed in XP.. } void doMouseMove (Point<int> position) { if (! isMouseOver) { isMouseOver = true; ModifierKeys::getCurrentModifiersRealtime(); // (This avoids a rare stuck-button problem when focus is lost unexpectedly) updateKeyModifiers(); TRACKMOUSEEVENT tme; tme.cbSize = sizeof (tme); tme.dwFlags = TME_LEAVE; tme.hwndTrack = hwnd; tme.dwHoverTime = 0; if (! TrackMouseEvent (&tme)) jassertfalse; Desktop::getInstance().getMainMouseSource().forceMouseCursorUpdate(); } else if (! isDragging) { if (! contains (position, false)) return; } static uint32 lastMouseTime = 0; static int minTimeBetweenMouses = getMinTimeBetweenMouseMoves(); const uint32 now = Time::getMillisecondCounter(); if (now >= lastMouseTime + minTimeBetweenMouses) { lastMouseTime = now; doMouseEvent (position); } } void doMouseDown (Point<int> position, const WPARAM wParam) { if (GetCapture() != hwnd) SetCapture (hwnd); doMouseMove (position); updateModifiersFromWParam (wParam); isDragging = true; doMouseEvent (position); } void doMouseUp (Point<int> position, const WPARAM wParam) { updateModifiersFromWParam (wParam); const bool wasDragging = isDragging; isDragging = false; // release the mouse capture if the user has released all buttons if ((wParam & (MK_LBUTTON | MK_RBUTTON | MK_MBUTTON)) == 0 && hwnd == GetCapture()) ReleaseCapture(); // NB: under some circumstances (e.g. double-clicking a native title bar), a mouse-up can // arrive without a mouse-down, so in that case we need to avoid sending a message. if (wasDragging) doMouseEvent (position); } void doCaptureChanged() { if (constrainerIsResizing) { if (constrainer != nullptr) constrainer->resizeEnd(); constrainerIsResizing = false; } if (isDragging) doMouseUp (getCurrentMousePos(), (WPARAM) 0); } void doMouseExit() { isMouseOver = false; doMouseEvent (getCurrentMousePos()); } ComponentPeer* findPeerUnderMouse (Point<int>& localPos) { const Point<int> globalPos (getCurrentMousePosGlobal()); // Because Windows stupidly sends all wheel events to the window with the keyboard // focus, we have to redirect them here according to the mouse pos.. POINT p = { globalPos.x, globalPos.y }; HWNDComponentPeer* peer = getOwnerOfWindow (WindowFromPoint (p)); if (peer == nullptr) peer = this; localPos = peer->globalToLocal (globalPos); return peer; } void doMouseWheel (const WPARAM wParam, const bool isVertical) { updateKeyModifiers(); const float amount = jlimit (-1000.0f, 1000.0f, 0.5f * (short) HIWORD (wParam)); MouseWheelDetails wheel; wheel.deltaX = isVertical ? 0.0f : amount / -256.0f; wheel.deltaY = isVertical ? amount / 256.0f : 0.0f; wheel.isReversed = false; wheel.isSmooth = false; Point<int> localPos; if (ComponentPeer* const peer = findPeerUnderMouse (localPos)) peer->handleMouseWheel (0, localPos, getMouseEventTime(), wheel); } bool doGestureEvent (LPARAM lParam) { GESTUREINFO gi; zerostruct (gi); gi.cbSize = sizeof (gi); if (getGestureInfo != nullptr && getGestureInfo ((HGESTUREINFO) lParam, &gi)) { updateKeyModifiers(); Point<int> localPos; if (ComponentPeer* const peer = findPeerUnderMouse (localPos)) { switch (gi.dwID) { case 3: /*GID_ZOOM*/ if (gi.dwFlags != 1 /*GF_BEGIN*/ && lastMagnifySize > 0) peer->handleMagnifyGesture (0, localPos, getMouseEventTime(), (float) (gi.ullArguments / (double) lastMagnifySize)); lastMagnifySize = gi.ullArguments; return true; case 4: /*GID_PAN*/ case 5: /*GID_ROTATE*/ case 6: /*GID_TWOFINGERTAP*/ case 7: /*GID_PRESSANDTAP*/ default: break; } } } return false; } LRESULT doTouchEvent (const int numInputs, HTOUCHINPUT eventHandle) { if ((styleFlags & windowIgnoresMouseClicks) != 0) if (HWNDComponentPeer* const parent = getOwnerOfWindow (GetParent (hwnd))) if (parent != this) return parent->doTouchEvent (numInputs, eventHandle); HeapBlock<TOUCHINPUT> inputInfo (numInputs); if (getTouchInputInfo (eventHandle, numInputs, inputInfo, sizeof (TOUCHINPUT))) { for (int i = 0; i < numInputs; ++i) { const DWORD flags = inputInfo[i].dwFlags; if ((flags & (TOUCHEVENTF_DOWN | TOUCHEVENTF_MOVE | TOUCHEVENTF_UP)) != 0) if (! handleTouchInput (inputInfo[i], (flags & TOUCHEVENTF_PRIMARY) != 0, (flags & TOUCHEVENTF_DOWN) != 0, (flags & TOUCHEVENTF_UP) != 0)) return 0; // abandon method if this window was deleted by the callback } } closeTouchInputHandle (eventHandle); return 0; } bool handleTouchInput (const TOUCHINPUT& touch, const bool isPrimary, const bool isDown, const bool isUp) { bool isCancel = false; const int touchIndex = currentTouches.getIndexOfTouch (touch.dwID); const int64 time = getMouseEventTime(); const Point<int> pos (globalToLocal (Point<int> ((int) TOUCH_COORD_TO_PIXEL (touch.x), (int) TOUCH_COORD_TO_PIXEL (touch.y)))); ModifierKeys modsToSend (currentModifiers); if (isDown) { currentModifiers = currentModifiers.withoutMouseButtons().withFlags (ModifierKeys::leftButtonModifier); modsToSend = currentModifiers; if (! isPrimary) { // this forces a mouse-enter/up event, in case for some reason we didn't get a mouse-up before. handleMouseEvent (touchIndex, pos, modsToSend.withoutMouseButtons(), time); if (! isValidPeer (this)) // (in case this component was deleted by the event) return false; } } else if (isUp) { modsToSend = modsToSend.withoutMouseButtons(); currentTouches.clearTouch (touchIndex); if (! currentTouches.areAnyTouchesActive()) isCancel = true; } else { modsToSend = currentModifiers.withoutMouseButtons().withFlags (ModifierKeys::leftButtonModifier); } if (isCancel) { currentTouches.clear(); currentModifiers = currentModifiers.withoutMouseButtons(); } if (! isPrimary) { handleMouseEvent (touchIndex, pos, modsToSend, time); if (! isValidPeer (this)) // (in case this component was deleted by the event) return false; } if ((isUp || isCancel) && ! isPrimary) { handleMouseEvent (touchIndex, Point<int> (-10, -10), currentModifiers, time); if (! isValidPeer (this)) return false; } return true; } //============================================================================== void sendModifierKeyChangeIfNeeded() { if (modifiersAtLastCallback != currentModifiers) { modifiersAtLastCallback = currentModifiers; handleModifierKeysChange(); } } bool doKeyUp (const WPARAM key) { updateKeyModifiers(); switch (key) { case VK_SHIFT: case VK_CONTROL: case VK_MENU: case VK_CAPITAL: case VK_LWIN: case VK_RWIN: case VK_APPS: case VK_NUMLOCK: case VK_SCROLL: case VK_LSHIFT: case VK_RSHIFT: case VK_LCONTROL: case VK_LMENU: case VK_RCONTROL: case VK_RMENU: sendModifierKeyChangeIfNeeded(); } return handleKeyUpOrDown (false) || Component::getCurrentlyModalComponent() != nullptr; } bool doKeyDown (const WPARAM key) { updateKeyModifiers(); bool used = false; switch (key) { case VK_SHIFT: case VK_LSHIFT: case VK_RSHIFT: case VK_CONTROL: case VK_LCONTROL: case VK_RCONTROL: case VK_MENU: case VK_LMENU: case VK_RMENU: case VK_LWIN: case VK_RWIN: case VK_CAPITAL: case VK_NUMLOCK: case VK_SCROLL: case VK_APPS: sendModifierKeyChangeIfNeeded(); break; case VK_LEFT: case VK_RIGHT: case VK_UP: case VK_DOWN: case VK_PRIOR: case VK_NEXT: case VK_HOME: case VK_END: case VK_DELETE: case VK_INSERT: case VK_F1: case VK_F2: case VK_F3: case VK_F4: case VK_F5: case VK_F6: case VK_F7: case VK_F8: case VK_F9: case VK_F10: case VK_F11: case VK_F12: case VK_F13: case VK_F14: case VK_F15: case VK_F16: used = handleKeyUpOrDown (true); used = handleKeyPress (extendedKeyModifier | (int) key, 0) || used; break; case VK_ADD: case VK_SUBTRACT: case VK_MULTIPLY: case VK_DIVIDE: case VK_SEPARATOR: case VK_DECIMAL: used = handleKeyUpOrDown (true); break; default: used = handleKeyUpOrDown (true); { MSG msg; if (! PeekMessage (&msg, hwnd, WM_CHAR, WM_DEADCHAR, PM_NOREMOVE)) { // if there isn't a WM_CHAR or WM_DEADCHAR message pending, we need to // manually generate the key-press event that matches this key-down. const UINT keyChar = MapVirtualKey ((UINT) key, 2); used = handleKeyPress ((int) LOWORD (keyChar), 0) || used; } } break; } return used || (Component::getCurrentlyModalComponent() != nullptr); } bool doKeyChar (int key, const LPARAM flags) { updateKeyModifiers(); juce_wchar textChar = (juce_wchar) key; const int virtualScanCode = (flags >> 16) & 0xff; if (key >= '0' && key <= '9') { switch (virtualScanCode) // check for a numeric keypad scan-code { case 0x52: case 0x4f: case 0x50: case 0x51: case 0x4b: case 0x4c: case 0x4d: case 0x47: case 0x48: case 0x49: key = (key - '0') + KeyPress::numberPad0; break; default: break; } } else { // convert the scan code to an unmodified character code.. const UINT virtualKey = MapVirtualKey ((UINT) virtualScanCode, 1); UINT keyChar = MapVirtualKey (virtualKey, 2); keyChar = LOWORD (keyChar); if (keyChar != 0) key = (int) keyChar; // avoid sending junk text characters for some control-key combinations if (textChar < ' ' && currentModifiers.testFlags (ModifierKeys::ctrlModifier | ModifierKeys::altModifier)) textChar = 0; } return handleKeyPress (key, textChar); } void forwardMessageToParent (UINT message, WPARAM wParam, LPARAM lParam) const { if (HWND parentH = GetParent (hwnd)) PostMessage (parentH, message, wParam, lParam); } bool doAppCommand (const LPARAM lParam) { int key = 0; switch (GET_APPCOMMAND_LPARAM (lParam)) { case APPCOMMAND_MEDIA_PLAY_PAUSE: key = KeyPress::playKey; break; case APPCOMMAND_MEDIA_STOP: key = KeyPress::stopKey; break; case APPCOMMAND_MEDIA_NEXTTRACK: key = KeyPress::fastForwardKey; break; case APPCOMMAND_MEDIA_PREVIOUSTRACK: key = KeyPress::rewindKey; break; default: break; } if (key != 0) { updateKeyModifiers(); if (hwnd == GetActiveWindow()) { handleKeyPress (key, 0); return true; } } return false; } bool isConstrainedNativeWindow() const { return constrainer != nullptr && (styleFlags & (windowHasTitleBar | windowIsResizable)) == (windowHasTitleBar | windowIsResizable); } Rectangle<int> getCurrentScaledBounds (float scale) const { return ScalingHelpers::unscaledScreenPosToScaled (scale, windowBorder.addedTo (ScalingHelpers::scaledScreenPosToUnscaled (scale, component.getBounds()))); } LRESULT handleSizeConstraining (RECT& r, const WPARAM wParam) { if (isConstrainedNativeWindow()) { const float scale = getComponent().getDesktopScaleFactor(); Rectangle<int> pos (ScalingHelpers::unscaledScreenPosToScaled (scale, rectangleFromRECT (r))); const Rectangle<int> current (getCurrentScaledBounds (scale)); constrainer->checkBounds (pos, current, Desktop::getInstance().getDisplays().getTotalBounds (true), wParam == WMSZ_TOP || wParam == WMSZ_TOPLEFT || wParam == WMSZ_TOPRIGHT, wParam == WMSZ_LEFT || wParam == WMSZ_TOPLEFT || wParam == WMSZ_BOTTOMLEFT, wParam == WMSZ_BOTTOM || wParam == WMSZ_BOTTOMLEFT || wParam == WMSZ_BOTTOMRIGHT, wParam == WMSZ_RIGHT || wParam == WMSZ_TOPRIGHT || wParam == WMSZ_BOTTOMRIGHT); pos = ScalingHelpers::scaledScreenPosToUnscaled (scale, pos); r.left = pos.getX(); r.top = pos.getY(); r.right = pos.getRight(); r.bottom = pos.getBottom(); } return TRUE; } LRESULT handlePositionChanging (WINDOWPOS& wp) { if (isConstrainedNativeWindow()) { if ((wp.flags & (SWP_NOMOVE | SWP_NOSIZE)) != (SWP_NOMOVE | SWP_NOSIZE) && ! Component::isMouseButtonDownAnywhere()) { const float scale = getComponent().getDesktopScaleFactor(); Rectangle<int> pos (ScalingHelpers::unscaledScreenPosToScaled (scale, Rectangle<int> (wp.x, wp.y, wp.cx, wp.cy))); const Rectangle<int> current (getCurrentScaledBounds (scale)); constrainer->checkBounds (pos, current, Desktop::getInstance().getDisplays().getTotalBounds (true), pos.getY() != current.getY() && pos.getBottom() == current.getBottom(), pos.getX() != current.getX() && pos.getRight() == current.getRight(), pos.getY() == current.getY() && pos.getBottom() != current.getBottom(), pos.getX() == current.getX() && pos.getRight() != current.getRight()); pos = ScalingHelpers::scaledScreenPosToUnscaled (scale, pos); wp.x = pos.getX(); wp.y = pos.getY(); wp.cx = pos.getWidth(); wp.cy = pos.getHeight(); } } if (((wp.flags & SWP_SHOWWINDOW) != 0 && ! component.isVisible())) component.setVisible (true); else if (((wp.flags & SWP_HIDEWINDOW) != 0 && component.isVisible())) component.setVisible (false); return 0; } void handleAppActivation (const WPARAM wParam) { modifiersAtLastCallback = -1; updateKeyModifiers(); if (isMinimised()) { component.repaint(); handleMovedOrResized(); if (! ComponentPeer::isValidPeer (this)) return; } Component* underMouse = component.getComponentAt (component.getMouseXYRelative()); if (underMouse == nullptr) underMouse = &component; if (underMouse->isCurrentlyBlockedByAnotherModalComponent()) { if (LOWORD (wParam) == WA_CLICKACTIVE) Component::getCurrentlyModalComponent()->inputAttemptWhenModal(); else ModalComponentManager::getInstance()->bringModalComponentsToFront(); } else { handleBroughtToFront(); } } void handleLeftClickInNCArea (WPARAM wParam) { if (! sendInputAttemptWhenModalMessage()) { switch (wParam) { case HTBOTTOM: case HTBOTTOMLEFT: case HTBOTTOMRIGHT: case HTGROWBOX: case HTLEFT: case HTRIGHT: case HTTOP: case HTTOPLEFT: case HTTOPRIGHT: if (isConstrainedNativeWindow()) { constrainerIsResizing = true; constrainer->resizeStart(); } break; default: break; } } } void initialiseSysMenu (HMENU menu) const { if (! hasTitleBar()) { if (isFullScreen()) { EnableMenuItem (menu, SC_RESTORE, MF_BYCOMMAND | MF_ENABLED); EnableMenuItem (menu, SC_MOVE, MF_BYCOMMAND | MF_GRAYED); } else if (! isMinimised()) { EnableMenuItem (menu, SC_MAXIMIZE, MF_BYCOMMAND | MF_GRAYED); } } } void doSettingChange() { Desktop& desktop = Desktop::getInstance(); const_cast <Desktop::Displays&> (desktop.getDisplays()).refresh(); if (fullScreen && ! isMinimised()) { const Desktop::Displays::Display& display = desktop.getDisplays().getDisplayContaining (component.getScreenBounds().getCentre()); setWindowPos (hwnd, display.userArea * display.scale, SWP_NOACTIVATE | SWP_NOOWNERZORDER | SWP_NOZORDER | SWP_NOSENDCHANGING); } } //============================================================================== public: static LRESULT CALLBACK windowProc (HWND h, UINT message, WPARAM wParam, LPARAM lParam) { if (HWNDComponentPeer* const peer = getOwnerOfWindow (h)) { jassert (isValidPeer (peer)); return peer->peerWindowProc (h, message, wParam, lParam); } return DefWindowProcW (h, message, wParam, lParam); } private: static void* callFunctionIfNotLocked (MessageCallbackFunction* callback, void* userData) { if (MessageManager::getInstance()->currentThreadHasLockedMessageManager()) return callback (userData); return MessageManager::getInstance()->callFunctionOnMessageThread (callback, userData); } static Point<int> getPointFromLParam (LPARAM lParam) noexcept { return Point<int> (GET_X_LPARAM (lParam), GET_Y_LPARAM (lParam)); } static Point<int> getCurrentMousePosGlobal() noexcept { return getPointFromLParam (GetMessagePos()); } Point<int> getCurrentMousePos() noexcept { return globalToLocal (getCurrentMousePosGlobal()); } LRESULT peerWindowProc (HWND h, UINT message, WPARAM wParam, LPARAM lParam) { switch (message) { //============================================================================== case WM_NCHITTEST: if ((styleFlags & windowIgnoresMouseClicks) != 0) return HTTRANSPARENT; if (! hasTitleBar()) return HTCLIENT; break; //============================================================================== case WM_PAINT: handlePaintMessage(); return 0; case WM_NCPAINT: if (wParam != 1) // (1 = a repaint of the entire NC region) handlePaintMessage(); // this must be done, even with native titlebars, or there are rendering artifacts. if (hasTitleBar()) break; // let the DefWindowProc handle drawing the frame. return 0; case WM_ERASEBKGND: case WM_NCCALCSIZE: if (hasTitleBar()) break; return 1; //============================================================================== case WM_MOUSEMOVE: doMouseMove (getPointFromLParam (lParam)); return 0; case WM_MOUSELEAVE: doMouseExit(); return 0; case WM_LBUTTONDOWN: case WM_MBUTTONDOWN: case WM_RBUTTONDOWN: doMouseDown (getPointFromLParam (lParam), wParam); return 0; case WM_LBUTTONUP: case WM_MBUTTONUP: case WM_RBUTTONUP: doMouseUp (getPointFromLParam (lParam), wParam); return 0; case 0x020A: /* WM_MOUSEWHEEL */ doMouseWheel (wParam, true); return 0; case 0x020E: /* WM_MOUSEHWHEEL */ doMouseWheel (wParam, false); return 0; case WM_CAPTURECHANGED: doCaptureChanged(); return 0; case WM_NCMOUSEMOVE: if (hasTitleBar()) break; return 0; case WM_TOUCH: if (getTouchInputInfo != nullptr) return doTouchEvent ((int) wParam, (HTOUCHINPUT) lParam); break; case 0x119: /* WM_GESTURE */ if (doGestureEvent (lParam)) return 0; break; //============================================================================== case WM_SIZING: return handleSizeConstraining (*(RECT*) lParam, wParam); case WM_WINDOWPOSCHANGING: return handlePositionChanging (*(WINDOWPOS*) lParam); case WM_WINDOWPOSCHANGED: { const Point<int> pos (getCurrentMousePos()); if (contains (pos, false)) doMouseEvent (pos); } handleMovedOrResized(); if (dontRepaint) break; // needed for non-accelerated openGL windows to draw themselves correctly.. return 0; //============================================================================== case WM_KEYDOWN: case WM_SYSKEYDOWN: if (doKeyDown (wParam)) return 0; forwardMessageToParent (message, wParam, lParam); break; case WM_KEYUP: case WM_SYSKEYUP: if (doKeyUp (wParam)) return 0; forwardMessageToParent (message, wParam, lParam); break; case WM_CHAR: if (doKeyChar ((int) wParam, lParam)) return 0; forwardMessageToParent (message, wParam, lParam); break; case WM_APPCOMMAND: if (doAppCommand (lParam)) return TRUE; break; case WM_MENUCHAR: // triggered when alt+something is pressed return MNC_CLOSE << 16; // (avoids making the default system beep) //============================================================================== case WM_SETFOCUS: updateKeyModifiers(); handleFocusGain(); break; case WM_KILLFOCUS: if (hasCreatedCaret) { hasCreatedCaret = false; DestroyCaret(); } handleFocusLoss(); break; case WM_ACTIVATEAPP: // Windows does weird things to process priority when you swap apps, // so this forces an update when the app is brought to the front if (wParam != FALSE) juce_repeatLastProcessPriority(); else Desktop::getInstance().setKioskModeComponent (nullptr); // turn kiosk mode off if we lose focus juce_checkCurrentlyFocusedTopLevelWindow(); modifiersAtLastCallback = -1; return 0; case WM_ACTIVATE: if (LOWORD (wParam) == WA_ACTIVE || LOWORD (wParam) == WA_CLICKACTIVE) { handleAppActivation (wParam); return 0; } break; case WM_NCACTIVATE: // while a temporary window is being shown, prevent Windows from deactivating the // title bars of our main windows. if (wParam == 0 && ! shouldDeactivateTitleBar) wParam = TRUE; // change this and let it get passed to the DefWindowProc. break; case WM_MOUSEACTIVATE: if (! component.getMouseClickGrabsKeyboardFocus()) return MA_NOACTIVATE; break; case WM_SHOWWINDOW: if (wParam != 0) { component.setVisible (true); handleBroughtToFront(); } break; case WM_CLOSE: if (! component.isCurrentlyBlockedByAnotherModalComponent()) handleUserClosingWindow(); return 0; case WM_QUERYENDSESSION: if (JUCEApplicationBase* const app = JUCEApplicationBase::getInstance()) { app->systemRequestedQuit(); return MessageManager::getInstance()->hasStopMessageBeenSent(); } return TRUE; case WM_SYNCPAINT: return 0; case WM_DISPLAYCHANGE: InvalidateRect (h, 0, 0); // intentional fall-through... case WM_SETTINGCHANGE: // note the fall-through in the previous case! doSettingChange(); break; case WM_INITMENU: initialiseSysMenu ((HMENU) wParam); break; case WM_SYSCOMMAND: switch (wParam & 0xfff0) { case SC_CLOSE: if (sendInputAttemptWhenModalMessage()) return 0; if (hasTitleBar()) { PostMessage (h, WM_CLOSE, 0, 0); return 0; } break; case SC_KEYMENU: // (NB mustn't call sendInputAttemptWhenModalMessage() here because of very obscure // situations that can arise if a modal loop is started from an alt-key keypress). if (hasTitleBar() && h == GetCapture()) ReleaseCapture(); break; case SC_MAXIMIZE: if (! sendInputAttemptWhenModalMessage()) setFullScreen (true); return 0; case SC_MINIMIZE: if (sendInputAttemptWhenModalMessage()) return 0; if (! hasTitleBar()) { setMinimised (true); return 0; } break; case SC_RESTORE: if (sendInputAttemptWhenModalMessage()) return 0; if (hasTitleBar()) { if (isFullScreen()) { setFullScreen (false); return 0; } } else { if (isMinimised()) setMinimised (false); else if (isFullScreen()) setFullScreen (false); return 0; } break; } break; case WM_NCLBUTTONDOWN: handleLeftClickInNCArea (wParam); break; case WM_NCRBUTTONDOWN: case WM_NCMBUTTONDOWN: sendInputAttemptWhenModalMessage(); break; case WM_IME_SETCONTEXT: imeHandler.handleSetContext (h, wParam == TRUE); lParam &= ~ISC_SHOWUICOMPOSITIONWINDOW; break; case WM_IME_STARTCOMPOSITION: imeHandler.handleStartComposition (*this); return 0; case WM_IME_ENDCOMPOSITION: imeHandler.handleEndComposition (*this, h); break; case WM_IME_COMPOSITION: imeHandler.handleComposition (*this, h, lParam); return 0; case WM_GETDLGCODE: return DLGC_WANTALLKEYS; default: break; } return DefWindowProcW (h, message, wParam, lParam); } bool sendInputAttemptWhenModalMessage() { if (component.isCurrentlyBlockedByAnotherModalComponent()) { if (Component* const current = Component::getCurrentlyModalComponent()) current->inputAttemptWhenModal(); return true; } return false; } //============================================================================== class IMEHandler { public: IMEHandler() { reset(); } void handleSetContext (HWND hWnd, const bool windowIsActive) { if (compositionInProgress && ! windowIsActive) { compositionInProgress = false; if (HIMC hImc = ImmGetContext (hWnd)) { ImmNotifyIME (hImc, NI_COMPOSITIONSTR, CPS_COMPLETE, 0); ImmReleaseContext (hWnd, hImc); } } } void handleStartComposition (ComponentPeer& owner) { reset(); if (TextInputTarget* const target = owner.findCurrentTextInputTarget()) target->insertTextAtCaret (String::empty); } void handleEndComposition (ComponentPeer& owner, HWND hWnd) { if (compositionInProgress) { // If this occurs, the user has cancelled the composition, so clear their changes.. if (TextInputTarget* const target = owner.findCurrentTextInputTarget()) { target->setHighlightedRegion (compositionRange); target->insertTextAtCaret (String::empty); compositionRange.setLength (0); target->setHighlightedRegion (Range<int>::emptyRange (compositionRange.getEnd())); target->setTemporaryUnderlining (Array<Range<int> >()); } if (HIMC hImc = ImmGetContext (hWnd)) { ImmNotifyIME (hImc, NI_CLOSECANDIDATE, 0, 0); ImmReleaseContext (hWnd, hImc); } } reset(); } void handleComposition (ComponentPeer& owner, HWND hWnd, const LPARAM lParam) { TextInputTarget* const target = owner.findCurrentTextInputTarget(); HIMC hImc = ImmGetContext (hWnd); if (target == nullptr || hImc == 0) return; if (compositionRange.getStart() < 0) compositionRange = Range<int>::emptyRange (target->getHighlightedRegion().getStart()); if ((lParam & GCS_RESULTSTR) != 0) // (composition has finished) { replaceCurrentSelection (target, getCompositionString (hImc, GCS_RESULTSTR), Range<int>::emptyRange (-1)); reset(); target->setTemporaryUnderlining (Array<Range<int> >()); } else if ((lParam & GCS_COMPSTR) != 0) // (composition is still in-progress) { replaceCurrentSelection (target, getCompositionString (hImc, GCS_COMPSTR), getCompositionSelection (hImc, lParam)); target->setTemporaryUnderlining (getCompositionUnderlines (hImc, lParam)); compositionInProgress = true; } moveCandidateWindowToLeftAlignWithSelection (hImc, owner, target); ImmReleaseContext (hWnd, hImc); } private: //============================================================================== Range<int> compositionRange; // The range being modified in the TextInputTarget bool compositionInProgress; //============================================================================== void reset() { compositionRange = Range<int>::emptyRange (-1); compositionInProgress = false; } String getCompositionString (HIMC hImc, const DWORD type) const { jassert (hImc != 0); const int stringSizeBytes = ImmGetCompositionString (hImc, type, 0, 0); if (stringSizeBytes > 0) { HeapBlock<TCHAR> buffer; buffer.calloc (stringSizeBytes / sizeof (TCHAR) + 1); ImmGetCompositionString (hImc, type, buffer, (DWORD) stringSizeBytes); return String (buffer); } return String::empty; } int getCompositionCaretPos (HIMC hImc, LPARAM lParam, const String& currentIMEString) const { jassert (hImc != 0); if ((lParam & CS_NOMOVECARET) != 0) return compositionRange.getStart(); if ((lParam & GCS_CURSORPOS) != 0) { const int localCaretPos = ImmGetCompositionString (hImc, GCS_CURSORPOS, 0, 0); return compositionRange.getStart() + jmax (0, localCaretPos); } return compositionRange.getStart() + currentIMEString.length(); } // Get selected/highlighted range while doing composition: // returned range is relative to beginning of TextInputTarget, not composition string Range<int> getCompositionSelection (HIMC hImc, LPARAM lParam) const { jassert (hImc != 0); int selectionStart = 0; int selectionEnd = 0; if ((lParam & GCS_COMPATTR) != 0) { // Get size of attributes array: const int attributeSizeBytes = ImmGetCompositionString (hImc, GCS_COMPATTR, 0, 0); if (attributeSizeBytes > 0) { // Get attributes (8 bit flag per character): HeapBlock<char> attributes ((size_t) attributeSizeBytes); ImmGetCompositionString (hImc, GCS_COMPATTR, attributes, (DWORD) attributeSizeBytes); selectionStart = 0; for (selectionStart = 0; selectionStart < attributeSizeBytes; ++selectionStart) if (attributes[selectionStart] == ATTR_TARGET_CONVERTED || attributes[selectionStart] == ATTR_TARGET_NOTCONVERTED) break; for (selectionEnd = selectionStart; selectionEnd < attributeSizeBytes; ++selectionEnd) if (attributes [selectionEnd] != ATTR_TARGET_CONVERTED && attributes[selectionEnd] != ATTR_TARGET_NOTCONVERTED) break; } } return Range<int> (selectionStart, selectionEnd) + compositionRange.getStart(); } void replaceCurrentSelection (TextInputTarget* const target, const String& newContent, Range<int> newSelection) { if (compositionInProgress) target->setHighlightedRegion (compositionRange); target->insertTextAtCaret (newContent); compositionRange.setLength (newContent.length()); if (newSelection.getStart() < 0) newSelection = Range<int>::emptyRange (compositionRange.getEnd()); target->setHighlightedRegion (newSelection); } Array<Range<int> > getCompositionUnderlines (HIMC hImc, LPARAM lParam) const { Array<Range<int> > result; if (hImc != 0 && (lParam & GCS_COMPCLAUSE) != 0) { const int clauseDataSizeBytes = ImmGetCompositionString (hImc, GCS_COMPCLAUSE, 0, 0); if (clauseDataSizeBytes > 0) { const size_t numItems = clauseDataSizeBytes / sizeof (uint32); HeapBlock<uint32> clauseData (numItems); if (ImmGetCompositionString (hImc, GCS_COMPCLAUSE, clauseData, (DWORD) clauseDataSizeBytes) > 0) for (size_t i = 0; i + 1 < numItems; ++i) result.add (Range<int> ((int) clauseData [i], (int) clauseData [i + 1]) + compositionRange.getStart()); } } return result; } void moveCandidateWindowToLeftAlignWithSelection (HIMC hImc, ComponentPeer& peer, TextInputTarget* target) const { if (Component* const targetComp = dynamic_cast <Component*> (target)) { const Rectangle<int> area (peer.getComponent().getLocalArea (targetComp, target->getCaretRectangle())); CANDIDATEFORM pos = { 0, CFS_CANDIDATEPOS, { area.getX(), area.getBottom() }, { 0, 0, 0, 0 } }; ImmSetCandidateWindow (hImc, &pos); } } JUCE_DECLARE_NON_COPYABLE (IMEHandler) }; IMEHandler imeHandler; //============================================================================== JUCE_DECLARE_NON_COPYABLE_WITH_LEAK_DETECTOR (HWNDComponentPeer) }; ModifierKeys HWNDComponentPeer::currentModifiers; ModifierKeys HWNDComponentPeer::modifiersAtLastCallback; ComponentPeer* Component::createNewPeer (int styleFlags, void* nativeWindowToAttachTo) { return new HWNDComponentPeer (*this, styleFlags, (HWND) nativeWindowToAttachTo, false); } ComponentPeer* createNonRepaintingEmbeddedWindowsPeer (Component* component, void* parent) { jassert (component != nullptr); return new HWNDComponentPeer (*component, ComponentPeer::windowIgnoresMouseClicks, (HWND) parent, true); } juce_ImplementSingleton_SingleThreaded (HWNDComponentPeer::WindowClassHolder); //============================================================================== void ModifierKeys::updateCurrentModifiers() noexcept { currentModifiers = HWNDComponentPeer::currentModifiers; } ModifierKeys ModifierKeys::getCurrentModifiersRealtime() noexcept { HWNDComponentPeer::updateKeyModifiers(); int mouseMods = 0; if (HWNDComponentPeer::isKeyDown (VK_LBUTTON)) mouseMods |= ModifierKeys::leftButtonModifier; if (HWNDComponentPeer::isKeyDown (VK_RBUTTON)) mouseMods |= ModifierKeys::rightButtonModifier; if (HWNDComponentPeer::isKeyDown (VK_MBUTTON)) mouseMods |= ModifierKeys::middleButtonModifier; HWNDComponentPeer::currentModifiers = HWNDComponentPeer::currentModifiers.withoutMouseButtons().withFlags (mouseMods); return HWNDComponentPeer::currentModifiers; } //============================================================================== bool KeyPress::isKeyCurrentlyDown (const int keyCode) { SHORT k = (SHORT) keyCode; if ((keyCode & extendedKeyModifier) == 0 && (k >= (SHORT) 'a' && k <= (SHORT) 'z')) k += (SHORT) 'A' - (SHORT) 'a'; const SHORT translatedValues[] = { (SHORT) ',', VK_OEM_COMMA, (SHORT) '+', VK_OEM_PLUS, (SHORT) '-', VK_OEM_MINUS, (SHORT) '.', VK_OEM_PERIOD, (SHORT) ';', VK_OEM_1, (SHORT) ':', VK_OEM_1, (SHORT) '/', VK_OEM_2, (SHORT) '?', VK_OEM_2, (SHORT) '[', VK_OEM_4, (SHORT) ']', VK_OEM_6 }; for (int i = 0; i < numElementsInArray (translatedValues); i += 2) if (k == translatedValues [i]) k = translatedValues [i + 1]; return HWNDComponentPeer::isKeyDown (k); } //============================================================================== bool JUCE_CALLTYPE Process::isForegroundProcess() { HWND fg = GetForegroundWindow(); if (fg == 0) return true; // when running as a plugin in IE8, the browser UI runs in a different process to the plugin, so // process ID isn't a reliable way to check if the foreground window belongs to us - instead, we // have to see if any of our windows are children of the foreground window fg = GetAncestor (fg, GA_ROOT); for (int i = ComponentPeer::getNumPeers(); --i >= 0;) if (HWNDComponentPeer* const wp = dynamic_cast <HWNDComponentPeer*> (ComponentPeer::getPeer (i))) if (wp->isInside (fg)) return true; return false; } // N/A on Windows as far as I know. void JUCE_CALLTYPE Process::makeForegroundProcess() {} void JUCE_CALLTYPE Process::hide() {} //============================================================================== static BOOL CALLBACK enumAlwaysOnTopWindows (HWND hwnd, LPARAM lParam) { if (IsWindowVisible (hwnd)) { DWORD processID = 0; GetWindowThreadProcessId (hwnd, &processID); if (processID == GetCurrentProcessId()) { WINDOWINFO info; if (GetWindowInfo (hwnd, &info) && (info.dwExStyle & WS_EX_TOPMOST) != 0) { *reinterpret_cast <bool*> (lParam) = true; return FALSE; } } } return TRUE; } bool juce_areThereAnyAlwaysOnTopWindows() { bool anyAlwaysOnTopFound = false; EnumWindows (&enumAlwaysOnTopWindows, (LPARAM) &anyAlwaysOnTopFound); return anyAlwaysOnTopFound; } //============================================================================== class WindowsMessageBox : public AsyncUpdater { public: WindowsMessageBox (AlertWindow::AlertIconType iconType, const String& boxTitle, const String& m, Component* associatedComponent, UINT extraFlags, ModalComponentManager::Callback* cb, const bool runAsync) : flags (extraFlags | getMessageBoxFlags (iconType)), owner (getWindowForMessageBox (associatedComponent)), title (boxTitle), message (m), callback (cb) { if (runAsync) triggerAsyncUpdate(); } int getResult() const { const int r = MessageBox (owner, message.toWideCharPointer(), title.toWideCharPointer(), flags); return (r == IDYES || r == IDOK) ? 1 : (r == IDNO ? 2 : 0); } void handleAsyncUpdate() override { const int result = getResult(); if (callback != nullptr) callback->modalStateFinished (result); delete this; } private: UINT flags; HWND owner; String title, message; ScopedPointer<ModalComponentManager::Callback> callback; static UINT getMessageBoxFlags (AlertWindow::AlertIconType iconType) noexcept { UINT flags = MB_TASKMODAL | MB_SETFOREGROUND; switch (iconType) { case AlertWindow::QuestionIcon: flags |= MB_ICONQUESTION; break; case AlertWindow::WarningIcon: flags |= MB_ICONWARNING; break; case AlertWindow::InfoIcon: flags |= MB_ICONINFORMATION; break; default: break; } return flags; } static HWND getWindowForMessageBox (Component* associatedComponent) { return associatedComponent != nullptr ? (HWND) associatedComponent->getWindowHandle() : 0; } }; #if JUCE_MODAL_LOOPS_PERMITTED void JUCE_CALLTYPE NativeMessageBox::showMessageBox (AlertWindow::AlertIconType iconType, const String& title, const String& message, Component* associatedComponent) { WindowsMessageBox box (iconType, title, message, associatedComponent, MB_OK, 0, false); (void) box.getResult(); } #endif void JUCE_CALLTYPE NativeMessageBox::showMessageBoxAsync (AlertWindow::AlertIconType iconType, const String& title, const String& message, Component* associatedComponent, ModalComponentManager::Callback* callback) { new WindowsMessageBox (iconType, title, message, associatedComponent, MB_OK, callback, true); } bool JUCE_CALLTYPE NativeMessageBox::showOkCancelBox (AlertWindow::AlertIconType iconType, const String& title, const String& message, Component* associatedComponent, ModalComponentManager::Callback* callback) { ScopedPointer<WindowsMessageBox> mb (new WindowsMessageBox (iconType, title, message, associatedComponent, MB_OKCANCEL, callback, callback != nullptr)); if (callback == nullptr) return mb->getResult() != 0; mb.release(); return false; } int JUCE_CALLTYPE NativeMessageBox::showYesNoCancelBox (AlertWindow::AlertIconType iconType, const String& title, const String& message, Component* associatedComponent, ModalComponentManager::Callback* callback) { ScopedPointer<WindowsMessageBox> mb (new WindowsMessageBox (iconType, title, message, associatedComponent, MB_YESNOCANCEL, callback, callback != nullptr)); if (callback == nullptr) return mb->getResult(); mb.release(); return 0; } //============================================================================== bool MouseInputSource::SourceList::addSource() { const int numSources = sources.size(); if (numSources == 0 || canUseMultiTouch()) { addSource (numSources, numSources == 0); return true; } return false; } Point<int> MouseInputSource::getCurrentRawMousePosition() { POINT mousePos; GetCursorPos (&mousePos); return Point<int> (mousePos.x, mousePos.y); } void MouseInputSource::setRawMousePosition (Point<int> newPosition) { SetCursorPos (newPosition.x, newPosition.y); } //============================================================================== class ScreenSaverDefeater : public Timer { public: ScreenSaverDefeater() { startTimer (10000); timerCallback(); } void timerCallback() override { if (Process::isForegroundProcess()) { INPUT input = { 0 }; input.type = INPUT_MOUSE; input.mi.mouseData = MOUSEEVENTF_MOVE; SendInput (1, &input, sizeof (INPUT)); } } }; static ScopedPointer<ScreenSaverDefeater> screenSaverDefeater; void Desktop::setScreenSaverEnabled (const bool isEnabled) { if (isEnabled) screenSaverDefeater = nullptr; else if (screenSaverDefeater == nullptr) screenSaverDefeater = new ScreenSaverDefeater(); } bool Desktop::isScreenSaverEnabled() { return screenSaverDefeater == nullptr; } //============================================================================== void LookAndFeel::playAlertSound() { MessageBeep (MB_OK); } //============================================================================== void SystemClipboard::copyTextToClipboard (const String& text) { if (OpenClipboard (0) != 0) { if (EmptyClipboard() != 0) { const size_t bytesNeeded = CharPointer_UTF16::getBytesRequiredFor (text.getCharPointer()) + 4; if (bytesNeeded > 0) { if (HGLOBAL bufH = GlobalAlloc (GMEM_MOVEABLE | GMEM_DDESHARE | GMEM_ZEROINIT, bytesNeeded + sizeof (WCHAR))) { if (WCHAR* const data = static_cast <WCHAR*> (GlobalLock (bufH))) { text.copyToUTF16 (data, bytesNeeded); GlobalUnlock (bufH); SetClipboardData (CF_UNICODETEXT, bufH); } } } } CloseClipboard(); } } String SystemClipboard::getTextFromClipboard() { String result; if (OpenClipboard (0) != 0) { if (HANDLE bufH = GetClipboardData (CF_UNICODETEXT)) { if (const WCHAR* const data = (const WCHAR*) GlobalLock (bufH)) { result = String (data, (size_t) (GlobalSize (bufH) / sizeof (WCHAR))); GlobalUnlock (bufH); } } CloseClipboard(); } return result; } //============================================================================== void Desktop::setKioskComponent (Component* kioskModeComponent, bool enableOrDisable, bool /*allowMenusAndBars*/) { if (enableOrDisable) kioskModeComponent->setBounds (getDisplays().getMainDisplay().totalArea); } //============================================================================== static BOOL CALLBACK enumMonitorsProc (HMONITOR, HDC, LPRECT r, LPARAM userInfo) { Array <Rectangle<int> >* const monitorCoords = (Array <Rectangle<int> >*) userInfo; monitorCoords->add (rectangleFromRECT (*r)); return TRUE; } void Desktop::Displays::findDisplays (float masterScale) { setDPIAwareness(); Array <Rectangle<int> > monitors; EnumDisplayMonitors (0, 0, &enumMonitorsProc, (LPARAM) &monitors); // make sure the first in the list is the main monitor for (int i = 1; i < monitors.size(); ++i) if (monitors.getReference(i).getPosition().isOrigin()) monitors.swap (i, 0); if (monitors.size() == 0) monitors.add (rectangleFromRECT (getWindowRect (GetDesktopWindow()))); RECT workArea; SystemParametersInfo (SPI_GETWORKAREA, 0, &workArea, 0); const double dpi = getDPI(); // (this has only one value for all monitors) for (int i = 0; i < monitors.size(); ++i) { Display d; d.userArea = d.totalArea = monitors.getReference(i) / masterScale; d.isMain = (i == 0); d.scale = masterScale; d.dpi = dpi; if (i == 0) d.userArea = d.userArea.getIntersection (rectangleFromRECT (workArea) / masterScale); displays.add (d); } } //============================================================================== static HICON extractFileHICON (const File& file) { WORD iconNum = 0; WCHAR name [MAX_PATH * 2]; file.getFullPathName().copyToUTF16 (name, sizeof (name)); return ExtractAssociatedIcon ((HINSTANCE) Process::getCurrentModuleInstanceHandle(), name, &iconNum); } Image juce_createIconForFile (const File& file) { Image image; if (HICON icon = extractFileHICON (file)) { image = IconConverters::createImageFromHICON (icon); DestroyIcon (icon); } return image; } //============================================================================== void* CustomMouseCursorInfo::create() const { const int maxW = GetSystemMetrics (SM_CXCURSOR); const int maxH = GetSystemMetrics (SM_CYCURSOR); Image im (image); int hotspotX = hotspot.x; int hotspotY = hotspot.y; if (im.getWidth() > maxW || im.getHeight() > maxH) { im = im.rescaled (maxW, maxH); hotspotX = (hotspotX * maxW) / image.getWidth(); hotspotY = (hotspotY * maxH) / image.getHeight(); } return IconConverters::createHICONFromImage (im, FALSE, hotspotX, hotspotY); } void MouseCursor::deleteMouseCursor (void* const cursorHandle, const bool isStandard) { if (cursorHandle != nullptr && ! isStandard) DestroyCursor ((HCURSOR) cursorHandle); } enum { hiddenMouseCursorHandle = 32500 // (arbitrary non-zero value to mark this type of cursor) }; void* MouseCursor::createStandardMouseCursor (const MouseCursor::StandardCursorType type) { LPCTSTR cursorName = IDC_ARROW; switch (type) { case NormalCursor: case ParentCursor: break; case NoCursor: return (void*) hiddenMouseCursorHandle; case WaitCursor: cursorName = IDC_WAIT; break; case IBeamCursor: cursorName = IDC_IBEAM; break; case PointingHandCursor: cursorName = MAKEINTRESOURCE(32649); break; case CrosshairCursor: cursorName = IDC_CROSS; break; case CopyingCursor: break; // can't seem to find one of these in the system list.. case LeftRightResizeCursor: case LeftEdgeResizeCursor: case RightEdgeResizeCursor: cursorName = IDC_SIZEWE; break; case UpDownResizeCursor: case TopEdgeResizeCursor: case BottomEdgeResizeCursor: cursorName = IDC_SIZENS; break; case TopLeftCornerResizeCursor: case BottomRightCornerResizeCursor: cursorName = IDC_SIZENWSE; break; case TopRightCornerResizeCursor: case BottomLeftCornerResizeCursor: cursorName = IDC_SIZENESW; break; case UpDownLeftRightResizeCursor: cursorName = IDC_SIZEALL; break; case DraggingHandCursor: { static void* dragHandCursor = nullptr; if (dragHandCursor == nullptr) { static const unsigned char dragHandData[] = { 71,73,70,56,57,97,16,0,16,0,145,2,0,0,0,0,255,255,255,0,0,0,0,0,0,33,249,4,1,0,0,2,0,44,0,0,0,0,16,0, 16,0,0,2,52,148,47,0,200,185,16,130,90,12,74,139,107,84,123,39,132,117,151,116,132,146,248,60,209,138, 98,22,203,114,34,236,37,52,77,217,247,154,191,119,110,240,193,128,193,95,163,56,60,234,98,135,2,0,59 }; dragHandCursor = CustomMouseCursorInfo (ImageFileFormat::loadFrom (dragHandData, sizeof (dragHandData)), 8, 7).create(); } return dragHandCursor; } default: jassertfalse; break; } HCURSOR cursorH = LoadCursor (0, cursorName); if (cursorH == 0) cursorH = LoadCursor (0, IDC_ARROW); return cursorH; } //============================================================================== void MouseCursor::showInWindow (ComponentPeer*) const { HCURSOR c = (HCURSOR) getHandle(); if (c == 0) c = LoadCursor (0, IDC_ARROW); else if (c == (HCURSOR) hiddenMouseCursorHandle) c = 0; SetCursor (c); } void MouseCursor::showInAllWindows() const { showInWindow (nullptr); }