
   This file is part of the JUCE library.
   Copyright (c) 2013 - Raw Material Software Ltd.

   Permission is granted to use this software under the terms of either:
   a) the GPL v2 (or any later version)
   b) the Affero GPL v3

   Details of these licenses can be found at: www.gnu.org/licenses

   JUCE is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY
   WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR
   A PARTICULAR PURPOSE.  See the GNU General Public License for more details.


   To release a closed-source product which uses JUCE, commercial licenses are
   available: visit www.juce.com for more information.


namespace PopupMenuSettings
    const int scrollZone = 24;
    const int borderSize = 2;
    const int timerInterval = 50;
    const int dismissCommandId = 0x6287345f;
    const int sectionHeaderID  = 0x4734a34f;

    static bool menuWasHiddenBecauseOfAppChange = false;

class PopupMenu::Item
    Item()  : itemID (0), isActive (true), isSeparator (true), isTicked (false),
              usesColour (false), commandManager (nullptr)

    Item (const int itemId,
          const String& name,
          const bool active,
          const bool ticked,
          const Image& im,
          const Colour colour,
          const bool useColour,
          CustomComponent* const custom,
          const PopupMenu* const sub,
          ApplicationCommandManager* const manager)

      : itemID (itemId), text (name), textColour (colour),
        isActive (active), isSeparator (false), isTicked (ticked),
        usesColour (useColour), image (im), customComp (custom),
        subMenu (createCopyIfNotNull (sub)), commandManager (manager)
        if (commandManager != nullptr && itemID != 0)
            String shortcutKey;

            const Array <KeyPress> keyPresses (commandManager->getKeyMappings()
                                                    ->getKeyPressesAssignedToCommand (itemID));

            for (int i = 0; i < keyPresses.size(); ++i)
                const String key (keyPresses.getReference(i).getTextDescriptionWithIcons());

                if (shortcutKey.isNotEmpty())
                    shortcutKey << ", ";

                if (key.length() == 1 && key[0] < 128)
                    shortcutKey << "shortcut: '" << key << '\'';
                    shortcutKey << key;

            shortcutKey = shortcutKey.trim();

            if (shortcutKey.isNotEmpty())
                text << "<end>" << shortcutKey;

    Item (const Item& other)
        : itemID (other.itemID),
          text (other.text),
          textColour (other.textColour),
          isActive (other.isActive),
          isSeparator (other.isSeparator),
          isTicked (other.isTicked),
          usesColour (other.usesColour),
          image (other.image),
          customComp (other.customComp),
          subMenu (createCopyIfNotNull (other.subMenu.get())),
          commandManager (other.commandManager)

    bool canBeTriggered() const noexcept    { return isActive && itemID != 0 && itemID != PopupMenuSettings::sectionHeaderID; }
    bool hasActiveSubMenu() const noexcept  { return isActive && subMenu != nullptr && subMenu->items.size() > 0; }

    const int itemID;
    String text;
    const Colour textColour;
    const bool isActive, isSeparator, isTicked, usesColour;
    Image image;
    ReferenceCountedObjectPtr <CustomComponent> customComp;
    ScopedPointer <PopupMenu> subMenu;
    ApplicationCommandManager* const commandManager;

    Item& operator= (const Item&);


struct PopupMenu::HelperClasses

class MouseSourceState;
class MenuWindow;

class ItemComponent  : public Component
    ItemComponent (const PopupMenu::Item& info, int standardItemHeight, MenuWindow& parent)
      : itemInfo (info),
        isHighlighted (false)
        addAndMakeVisible (itemInfo.customComp);
        parent.addAndMakeVisible (this);

        int itemW = 80;
        int itemH = 16;
        getIdealSize (itemW, itemH, standardItemHeight);
        setSize (itemW, jlimit (2, 600, itemH));

        addMouseListener (&parent, false);

        removeChildComponent (itemInfo.customComp);

    void getIdealSize (int& idealWidth, int& idealHeight, const int standardItemHeight)
        if (itemInfo.customComp != nullptr)
            itemInfo.customComp->getIdealSize (idealWidth, idealHeight);
            getLookAndFeel().getIdealPopupMenuItemSize (itemInfo.text,
                                                        idealWidth, idealHeight);

    void paint (Graphics& g) override
        if (itemInfo.customComp == nullptr)
            String mainText (itemInfo.text);
            String endText;
            const int endIndex = mainText.indexOf ("<end>");

            if (endIndex >= 0)
                endText = mainText.substring (endIndex + 5).trim();
                mainText = mainText.substring (0, endIndex);

                .drawPopupMenuItem (g, getWidth(), getHeight(),
                                    itemInfo.subMenu != nullptr && (itemInfo.itemID == 0 || itemInfo.subMenu->getNumItems() > 0),
                                    mainText, endText,
                                    itemInfo.image.isValid() ? &itemInfo.image : nullptr,
                                    itemInfo.usesColour ? &(itemInfo.textColour) : nullptr);

    void resized() override
        if (Component* const child = getChildComponent (0))
            child->setBounds (getLocalBounds().reduced (2, 0));

    void setHighlighted (bool shouldBeHighlighted)
        shouldBeHighlighted = shouldBeHighlighted && itemInfo.isActive;

        if (isHighlighted != shouldBeHighlighted)
            isHighlighted = shouldBeHighlighted;

            if (itemInfo.customComp != nullptr)
                itemInfo.customComp->setHighlighted (shouldBeHighlighted);


    PopupMenu::Item itemInfo;

    bool isHighlighted;


class MenuWindow  : public Component
    MenuWindow (const PopupMenu& menu, MenuWindow* const parentWindow,
                const Options& opts,
                const bool alignToRectangle,
                const bool shouldDismissOnMouseUp,
                ApplicationCommandManager** const manager)
       : Component ("menu"),
         parent (parentWindow),
         options (opts),
         managerOfChosenCommand (manager),
         componentAttachedTo (options.targetComponent),
         hasBeenOver (false),
         needsToScroll (false),
         dismissOnMouseUp (shouldDismissOnMouseUp),
         hideOnExit (false),
         disableMouseMoves (false),
         hasAnyJuceCompHadFocus (false),
         numColumns (0),
         contentHeight (0),
         childYOffset (0),
         windowCreationTime (Time::getMillisecondCounter()),
         lastFocusedTime (windowCreationTime),
         timeEnteredCurrentChildComp (windowCreationTime)
        setWantsKeyboardFocus (false);
        setMouseClickGrabsKeyboardFocus (false);
        setAlwaysOnTop (true);

        setLookAndFeel (parent != nullptr ? &(parent->getLookAndFeel())
                                          : menu.lookAndFeel);

        setOpaque (getLookAndFeel().findColour (PopupMenu::backgroundColourId).isOpaque()
                     || ! Desktop::canUseSemiTransparentWindows());

        for (int i = 0; i < menu.items.size(); ++i)
            PopupMenu::Item* const item = menu.items.getUnchecked(i);

            if (i < menu.items.size() - 1 || ! item->isSeparator)
                items.add (new ItemComponent (*item, options.standardHeight, *this));

        calculateWindowPos (options.targetArea, alignToRectangle);
        setTopLeftPosition (windowPos.getPosition());

        if (options.visibleItemID != 0)
            const int y = options.targetArea.getY() - windowPos.getY();
            ensureItemIsVisible (options.visibleItemID,
                                 isPositiveAndBelow (y, windowPos.getHeight()) ? y : -1);

        addToDesktop (ComponentPeer::windowIsTemporary
                       | ComponentPeer::windowIgnoresKeyPresses
                       | getLookAndFeel().getMenuWindowFlags());

        getActiveWindows().add (this);
        Desktop::getInstance().addGlobalMouseListener (this);

        getActiveWindows().removeFirstMatchingValue (this);
        Desktop::getInstance().removeGlobalMouseListener (this);
        activeSubMenu = nullptr;

    void paint (Graphics& g) override
        if (isOpaque())
            g.fillAll (Colours::white);

        getLookAndFeel().drawPopupMenuBackground (g, getWidth(), getHeight());

    void paintOverChildren (Graphics& g) override
        if (canScroll())
            LookAndFeel& lf = getLookAndFeel();

            if (isTopScrollZoneActive())
                lf.drawPopupMenuUpDownArrow (g, getWidth(), PopupMenuSettings::scrollZone, true);

            if (isBottomScrollZoneActive())
                g.setOrigin (0, getHeight() - PopupMenuSettings::scrollZone);
                lf.drawPopupMenuUpDownArrow (g, getWidth(), PopupMenuSettings::scrollZone, false);

    // hide this and all sub-comps
    void hide (const PopupMenu::Item* const item, const bool makeInvisible)
        if (isVisible())
            WeakReference<Component> deletionChecker (this);

            activeSubMenu = nullptr;
            currentChild = nullptr;

            if (item != nullptr
                 && item->commandManager != nullptr
                 && item->itemID != 0)
                *managerOfChosenCommand = item->commandManager;

            exitModalState (item != nullptr ? item->itemID : 0);

            if (makeInvisible && (deletionChecker != nullptr))
                setVisible (false);

    void dismissMenu (const PopupMenu::Item* const item)
        if (parent != nullptr)
            parent->dismissMenu (item);
            if (item != nullptr)
                // need a copy of this on the stack as the one passed in will get deleted during this call
                const PopupMenu::Item mi (*item);
                hide (&mi, false);
                hide (nullptr, false);

    bool keyPressed (const KeyPress& key) override
        if (key.isKeyCode (KeyPress::downKey))
            selectNextItem (1);
        else if (key.isKeyCode (KeyPress::upKey))
            selectNextItem (-1);
        else if (key.isKeyCode (KeyPress::leftKey))
            if (parent != nullptr)
                Component::SafePointer<MenuWindow> parentWindow (parent);
                ItemComponent* currentChildOfParent = parentWindow->currentChild;

                hide (nullptr, true);

                if (parentWindow != nullptr)
                    parentWindow->setCurrentlyHighlightedChild (currentChildOfParent);

            else if (componentAttachedTo != nullptr)
                componentAttachedTo->keyPressed (key);
        else if (key.isKeyCode (KeyPress::rightKey))

            if (showSubMenuFor (currentChild))
                if (isSubMenuVisible())
                    activeSubMenu->selectNextItem (1);
            else if (componentAttachedTo != nullptr)
                componentAttachedTo->keyPressed (key);
        else if (key.isKeyCode (KeyPress::returnKey))
        else if (key.isKeyCode (KeyPress::escapeKey))
            dismissMenu (nullptr);
            return false;

        return true;

    void inputAttemptWhenModal() override
        WeakReference<Component> deletionChecker (this);

        for (int i = mouseSourceStates.size(); --i >= 0;)

            if (deletionChecker == nullptr)

        if (! isOverAnyMenu())
            if (componentAttachedTo != nullptr)
                // we want to dismiss the menu, but if we do it synchronously, then
                // the mouse-click will be allowed to pass through. That's good, except
                // when the user clicks on the button that orginally popped the menu up,
                // as they'll expect the menu to go away, and in fact it'll just
                // come back. So only dismiss synchronously if they're not on the original
                // comp that we're attached to.
                const Point<int> mousePos (componentAttachedTo->getMouseXYRelative());

                if (componentAttachedTo->reallyContains (mousePos, true))
                    postCommandMessage (PopupMenuSettings::dismissCommandId); // dismiss asynchrounously

            dismissMenu (nullptr);

    void handleCommandMessage (int commandId) override
        Component::handleCommandMessage (commandId);

        if (commandId == PopupMenuSettings::dismissCommandId)
            dismissMenu (nullptr);

    void mouseMove  (const MouseEvent& e) override    { handleMouseEvent (e); }
    void mouseDown  (const MouseEvent& e) override    { handleMouseEvent (e); }
    void mouseDrag  (const MouseEvent& e) override    { handleMouseEvent (e); }
    void mouseUp    (const MouseEvent& e) override    { handleMouseEvent (e); }

    void mouseWheelMove (const MouseEvent&, const MouseWheelDetails& wheel) override
        alterChildYPos (roundToInt (-10.0f * wheel.deltaY * PopupMenuSettings::scrollZone));

    void handleMouseEvent (const MouseEvent& e)
        getMouseState (e.source).handleMouseEvent (e);

    bool windowIsStillValid()
        if (! isVisible())
            return false;

        if (componentAttachedTo != options.targetComponent)
            dismissMenu (nullptr);
            return false;

        if (MenuWindow* currentlyModalWindow = dynamic_cast<MenuWindow*> (Component::getCurrentlyModalComponent()))
            if (! treeContains (currentlyModalWindow))
                return false;

        return true;

    static Array<MenuWindow*>& getActiveWindows()
        static Array<MenuWindow*> activeMenuWindows;
        return activeMenuWindows;

    MouseSourceState& getMouseState (MouseInputSource source)
        for (int i = mouseSourceStates.size(); --i >= 0;)
            MouseSourceState& ms = *mouseSourceStates.getUnchecked(i);
            if (ms.source == source)
                return ms;

        MouseSourceState* ms = new MouseSourceState (*this, source);
        mouseSourceStates.add (ms);
        return *ms;

    bool isOverAnyMenu() const
        return parent != nullptr ? parent->isOverAnyMenu()
                                 : isOverChildren();

    bool isOverChildren() const
        return isVisible()
                && (isAnyMouseOver() || (activeSubMenu != nullptr && activeSubMenu->isOverChildren()));

    bool isAnyMouseOver() const
        for (int i = 0; i < mouseSourceStates.size(); ++i)
            if (mouseSourceStates.getUnchecked(i)->isOver())
                return true;

        return false;

    bool treeContains (const MenuWindow* const window) const noexcept
        const MenuWindow* mw = this;

        while (mw->parent != nullptr)
            mw = mw->parent;

        while (mw != nullptr)
            if (mw == window)
                return true;

            mw = mw->activeSubMenu;

        return false;

    bool doesAnyJuceCompHaveFocus()
        bool anyFocused = Process::isForegroundProcess();

        if (anyFocused && Component::getCurrentlyFocusedComponent() == nullptr)
            // because no component at all may have focus, our test here will
            // only be triggered when something has focus and then loses it.
            anyFocused = ! hasAnyJuceCompHadFocus;

            for (int i = ComponentPeer::getNumPeers(); --i >= 0;)
                if (ComponentPeer::getPeer (i)->isFocused())
                    anyFocused = true;
                    hasAnyJuceCompHadFocus = true;

        return anyFocused;

    void calculateWindowPos (const Rectangle<int>& target, const bool alignToRectangle)
        const Rectangle<int> mon (Desktop::getInstance().getDisplays()
                                     .getDisplayContaining (target.getCentre())
                                                           #if JUCE_MAC
                                                            .totalArea); // on windows, don't stop the menu overlapping the taskbar

        const int maxMenuHeight = mon.getHeight() - 24;

        int x, y, widthToUse, heightToUse;
        layoutMenuItems (mon.getWidth() - 24, maxMenuHeight, widthToUse, heightToUse);

        if (alignToRectangle)
            x = target.getX();

            const int spaceUnder = mon.getHeight() - (target.getBottom() - mon.getY());
            const int spaceOver = target.getY() - mon.getY();

            if (heightToUse < spaceUnder - 30 || spaceUnder >= spaceOver)
                y = target.getBottom();
                y = target.getY() - heightToUse;
            bool tendTowardsRight = target.getCentreX() < mon.getCentreX();

            if (parent != nullptr)
                if (parent->parent != nullptr)
                    const bool parentGoingRight = (parent->getX() + parent->getWidth() / 2
                                                    > parent->parent->getX() + parent->parent->getWidth() / 2);

                    if (parentGoingRight && target.getRight() + widthToUse < mon.getRight() - 4)
                        tendTowardsRight = true;
                    else if ((! parentGoingRight) && target.getX() > widthToUse + 4)
                        tendTowardsRight = false;
                else if (target.getRight() + widthToUse < mon.getRight() - 32)
                    tendTowardsRight = true;

            const int biggestSpace = jmax (mon.getRight() - target.getRight(),
                                           target.getX() - mon.getX()) - 32;

            if (biggestSpace < widthToUse)
                layoutMenuItems (biggestSpace + target.getWidth() / 3, maxMenuHeight, widthToUse, heightToUse);

                if (numColumns > 1)
                    layoutMenuItems (biggestSpace - 4, maxMenuHeight, widthToUse, heightToUse);

                tendTowardsRight = (mon.getRight() - target.getRight()) >= (target.getX() - mon.getX());

            if (tendTowardsRight)
                x = jmin (mon.getRight() - widthToUse - 4, target.getRight());
                x = jmax (mon.getX() + 4, target.getX() - widthToUse);

            y = target.getY();
            if (target.getCentreY() > mon.getCentreY())
                y = jmax (mon.getY(), target.getBottom() - heightToUse);

        x = jmax (mon.getX() + 1, jmin (mon.getRight() - (widthToUse + 6), x));
        y = jmax (mon.getY() + 1, jmin (mon.getBottom() - (heightToUse + 6), y));

        windowPos.setBounds (x, y, widthToUse, heightToUse);

        // sets this flag if it's big enough to obscure any of its parent menus
        hideOnExit = parent != nullptr
                      && parent->windowPos.intersects (windowPos.expanded (-4, -4));

    void layoutMenuItems (const int maxMenuW, const int maxMenuH, int& width, int& height)
        numColumns = 0;
        contentHeight = 0;
        int totalW;

        const int maximumNumColumns = options.maxColumns > 0 ? options.maxColumns : 7;

            totalW = workOutBestSize (maxMenuW);

            if (totalW > maxMenuW)
                numColumns = jmax (1, numColumns - 1);
                workOutBestSize (maxMenuW); // to update col widths
            else if (totalW > maxMenuW / 2 || contentHeight < maxMenuH)

        } while (numColumns < maximumNumColumns);

        const int actualH = jmin (contentHeight, maxMenuH);

        needsToScroll = contentHeight > actualH;

        width = updateYPositions();
        height = actualH + PopupMenuSettings::borderSize * 2;

    int workOutBestSize (const int maxMenuW)
        int totalW = 0;
        contentHeight = 0;
        int childNum = 0;

        for (int col = 0; col < numColumns; ++col)
            int colW = options.standardHeight, colH = 0;

            const int numChildren = jmin (items.size() - childNum,
                                          (items.size() + numColumns - 1) / numColumns);

            for (int i = numChildren; --i >= 0;)
                colW = jmax (colW, items.getUnchecked (childNum + i)->getWidth());
                colH += items.getUnchecked (childNum + i)->getHeight();

            colW = jmin (maxMenuW / jmax (1, numColumns - 2), colW + PopupMenuSettings::borderSize * 2);

            columnWidths.set (col, colW);
            totalW += colW;
            contentHeight = jmax (contentHeight, colH);

            childNum += numChildren;

        if (totalW < options.minWidth)
            totalW = options.minWidth;

            for (int col = 0; col < numColumns; ++col)
                columnWidths.set (0, totalW / numColumns);

        return totalW;

    void ensureItemIsVisible (const int itemID, int wantedY)
        jassert (itemID != 0)

        for (int i = items.size(); --i >= 0;)
            ItemComponent* const m = items.getUnchecked(i);

            if (m != nullptr
                && m->itemInfo.itemID == itemID
                && windowPos.getHeight() > PopupMenuSettings::scrollZone * 4)
                const int currentY = m->getY();

                if (wantedY > 0 || currentY < 0 || m->getBottom() > windowPos.getHeight())
                    if (wantedY < 0)
                        wantedY = jlimit (PopupMenuSettings::scrollZone,
                                          jmax (PopupMenuSettings::scrollZone,
                                                windowPos.getHeight() - (PopupMenuSettings::scrollZone + m->getHeight())),

                    const Rectangle<int> mon (Desktop::getInstance().getDisplays()
                                                .getDisplayContaining (windowPos.getPosition()).userArea);

                    int deltaY = wantedY - currentY;

                    windowPos.setSize (jmin (windowPos.getWidth(), mon.getWidth()),
                                       jmin (windowPos.getHeight(), mon.getHeight()));

                    const int newY = jlimit (mon.getY(),
                                             mon.getBottom() - windowPos.getHeight(),
                                             windowPos.getY() + deltaY);

                    deltaY -= newY - windowPos.getY();

                    childYOffset -= deltaY;
                    windowPos.setPosition (windowPos.getX(), newY);



    void resizeToBestWindowPos()
        Rectangle<int> r (windowPos);

        if (childYOffset < 0)
            r = r.withTop (r.getY() - childYOffset);
        else if (childYOffset > 0)
            const int spaceAtBottom = r.getHeight() - (contentHeight - childYOffset);

            if (spaceAtBottom > 0)
                r.setSize (r.getWidth(), r.getHeight() - spaceAtBottom);

        setBounds (r);

    void alterChildYPos (const int delta)
        if (canScroll())
            childYOffset += delta;

            if (delta < 0)
                childYOffset = jmax (childYOffset, 0);
            else if (delta > 0)
                childYOffset = jmin (childYOffset,
                                     contentHeight - windowPos.getHeight() + PopupMenuSettings::borderSize);

            childYOffset = 0;


    int updateYPositions()
        int x = 0;
        int childNum = 0;

        for (int col = 0; col < numColumns; ++col)
            const int numChildren = jmin (items.size() - childNum,
                                          (items.size() + numColumns - 1) / numColumns);

            const int colW = columnWidths [col];

            int y = PopupMenuSettings::borderSize - (childYOffset + (getY() - windowPos.getY()));

            for (int i = 0; i < numChildren; ++i)
                Component* const c = items.getUnchecked (childNum + i);
                c->setBounds (x, y, colW, c->getHeight());
                y += c->getHeight();

            x += colW;
            childNum += numChildren;

        return x;

    void setCurrentlyHighlightedChild (ItemComponent* const child)
        if (currentChild != nullptr)
            currentChild->setHighlighted (false);

        currentChild = child;

        if (currentChild != nullptr)
            currentChild->setHighlighted (true);
            timeEnteredCurrentChildComp = Time::getApproximateMillisecondCounter();

    bool isSubMenuVisible() const noexcept          { return activeSubMenu != nullptr && activeSubMenu->isVisible(); }

    bool showSubMenuFor (ItemComponent* const childComp)
        activeSubMenu = nullptr;

        if (childComp != nullptr
             && childComp->itemInfo.hasActiveSubMenu())
            activeSubMenu = new HelperClasses::MenuWindow (*(childComp->itemInfo.subMenu), this,
                                                           options.withTargetScreenArea (childComp->getScreenBounds())
                                                                  .withMinimumWidth (0)
                                                                  .withTargetComponent (nullptr),
                                                           false, dismissOnMouseUp, managerOfChosenCommand);

            activeSubMenu->setVisible (true); // (must be called before enterModalState on Windows to avoid DropShadower confusion)
            activeSubMenu->enterModalState (false);
            activeSubMenu->toFront (false);
            return true;

        return false;

    void triggerCurrentlyHighlightedItem()
        if (currentChild != nullptr
             && currentChild->itemInfo.canBeTriggered()
             && (currentChild->itemInfo.customComp == nullptr
                  || currentChild->itemInfo.customComp->isTriggeredAutomatically()))
            dismissMenu (&currentChild->itemInfo);

    void selectNextItem (const int delta)

        int start = jmax (0, items.indexOf (currentChild));

        for (int i = items.size(); --i >= 0;)
            start += delta;

            if (ItemComponent* mic = items.getUnchecked ((start + items.size()) % items.size()))
                if (mic->itemInfo.canBeTriggered() || mic->itemInfo.hasActiveSubMenu())
                    setCurrentlyHighlightedChild (mic);

    void disableTimerUntilMouseMoves()
        disableMouseMoves = true;

        if (parent != nullptr)

    bool canScroll() const noexcept                 { return childYOffset != 0 || needsToScroll; }
    bool isTopScrollZoneActive() const noexcept     { return canScroll() && childYOffset > 0; }
    bool isBottomScrollZoneActive() const noexcept  { return canScroll() && childYOffset < contentHeight - windowPos.getHeight(); }

    MenuWindow* parent;
    const Options options;
    OwnedArray<ItemComponent> items;
    ApplicationCommandManager** managerOfChosenCommand;
    WeakReference<Component> componentAttachedTo;
    Rectangle<int> windowPos;
    bool hasBeenOver, needsToScroll;
    bool dismissOnMouseUp, hideOnExit, disableMouseMoves, hasAnyJuceCompHadFocus;
    int numColumns, contentHeight, childYOffset;
    Component::SafePointer<ItemComponent> currentChild;
    ScopedPointer<MenuWindow> activeSubMenu;
    Array<int> columnWidths;
    uint32 windowCreationTime, lastFocusedTime, timeEnteredCurrentChildComp;
    OwnedArray<MouseSourceState> mouseSourceStates;


class MouseSourceState  : private Timer
    MouseSourceState (MenuWindow& w, MouseInputSource s)
        : window (w), source (s), scrollAcceleration (1.0),
          lastScrollTime (Time::getMillisecondCounter()),
          lastMouseMoveTime (0), isDown (false)

    void handleMouseEvent (const MouseEvent& e)
        if (! window.windowIsStillValid())

        startTimer (PopupMenuSettings::timerInterval);
        handleMousePosition (e.getScreenPosition());

    void timerCallback() override
        if (window.windowIsStillValid())
            handleMousePosition (source.getScreenPosition());

    bool isOver() const
        return window.reallyContains (window.getLocalPoint (nullptr, source.getScreenPosition()), true);

    MenuWindow& window;
    MouseInputSource source;

    Point<int> lastMousePos;
    double scrollAcceleration;
    uint32 lastScrollTime, lastMouseMoveTime;
    bool isDown;

    void handleMousePosition (Point<int> globalMousePos)
        const Point<int> localMousePos (window.getLocalPoint (nullptr, globalMousePos));

        const uint32 timeNow = Time::getMillisecondCounter();

        if (timeNow > window.timeEnteredCurrentChildComp + 100
             && window.reallyContains (localMousePos, true)
             && window.currentChild != nullptr
             && ! (window.disableMouseMoves || window.isSubMenuVisible()))
            window.showSubMenuFor (window.currentChild);

        highlightItemUnderMouse (globalMousePos, localMousePos, timeNow);

        const bool overScrollArea = scrollIfNecessary (localMousePos, timeNow);
        const bool isOverAny = window.isOverAnyMenu();

        if (window.hideOnExit && window.hasBeenOver && ! isOverAny)
            window.hide (nullptr, true);
            checkButtonState (localMousePos, timeNow, isDown, overScrollArea, isOverAny);

    void checkButtonState (Point<int> localMousePos, const uint32 timeNow,
                           const bool wasDown, const bool overScrollArea, const bool isOverAny)
        isDown = window.hasBeenOver
                    && (ModifierKeys::getCurrentModifiers().isAnyMouseButtonDown()
                         || ModifierKeys::getCurrentModifiersRealtime().isAnyMouseButtonDown());

        if (! window.doesAnyJuceCompHaveFocus())
            if (timeNow > window.lastFocusedTime + 10)
                PopupMenuSettings::menuWasHiddenBecauseOfAppChange = true;
                window.dismissMenu (nullptr);
                // Note: this object may have been deleted by the previous call..
        else if (wasDown && timeNow > window.windowCreationTime + 250
                   && ! (isDown || overScrollArea))
            if (window.reallyContains (localMousePos, true))
            else if ((window.hasBeenOver || ! window.dismissOnMouseUp) && ! isOverAny)
                window.dismissMenu (nullptr);

            // Note: this object may have been deleted by the previous call..
            window.lastFocusedTime = timeNow;

    void highlightItemUnderMouse (Point<int> globalMousePos, Point<int> localMousePos, const uint32 timeNow)
        if (globalMousePos != lastMousePos || timeNow > lastMouseMoveTime + 350)
            const bool isMouseOver = window.reallyContains (localMousePos, true);

            if (isMouseOver)
                window.hasBeenOver = true;

            if (lastMousePos.getDistanceFrom (globalMousePos) > 2)
                lastMouseMoveTime = timeNow;

                if (window.disableMouseMoves && isMouseOver)
                    window.disableMouseMoves = false;

            if (window.disableMouseMoves || (window.activeSubMenu != nullptr && window.activeSubMenu->isOverChildren()))

            const bool isMovingTowardsMenu = isMouseOver && globalMousePos != lastMousePos
                                                && isMovingTowardsSubmenu (globalMousePos);

            lastMousePos = globalMousePos;

            if (! isMovingTowardsMenu)
                Component* c = window.getComponentAt (localMousePos);
                if (c == &window)
                    c = nullptr;

                ItemComponent* itemUnderMouse = dynamic_cast<ItemComponent*> (c);

                if (itemUnderMouse == nullptr && c != nullptr)
                    itemUnderMouse = c->findParentComponentOfClass<ItemComponent>();

                if (itemUnderMouse != window.currentChild
                      && (isMouseOver || (window.activeSubMenu == nullptr) || ! window.activeSubMenu->isVisible()))
                    if (isMouseOver && (c != nullptr) && (window.activeSubMenu != nullptr))
                        window.activeSubMenu->hide (nullptr, true);

                    if (! isMouseOver)
                        itemUnderMouse = nullptr;

                    window.setCurrentlyHighlightedChild (itemUnderMouse);

    bool isMovingTowardsSubmenu (Point<int> newGlobalPos) const
        if (window.activeSubMenu == nullptr)
            return false;

        // try to intelligently guess whether the user is moving the mouse towards a currently-open
        // submenu. To do this, look at whether the mouse stays inside a triangular region that
        // extends from the last mouse pos to the submenu's rectangle..

        const Rectangle<int> itemScreenBounds (window.activeSubMenu->getScreenBounds());
        float subX = (float) itemScreenBounds.getX();

        Point<int> oldGlobalPos (lastMousePos);

        if (itemScreenBounds.getX() > window.getX())
            oldGlobalPos -= Point<int> (2, 0);  // to enlarge the triangle a bit, in case the mouse only moves a couple of pixels
            oldGlobalPos += Point<int> (2, 0);
            subX += itemScreenBounds.getWidth();

        Path areaTowardsSubMenu;
        areaTowardsSubMenu.addTriangle ((float) oldGlobalPos.x, (float) oldGlobalPos.y,
                                        subX, (float) itemScreenBounds.getY(),
                                        subX, (float) itemScreenBounds.getBottom());

        return areaTowardsSubMenu.contains (newGlobalPos.toFloat());

    bool scrollIfNecessary (Point<int> localMousePos, const uint32 timeNow)
        if (window.canScroll()
             && isPositiveAndBelow (localMousePos.x, window.getWidth())
             && (isPositiveAndBelow (localMousePos.y, window.getHeight()) || source.isDragging()))
            if (window.isTopScrollZoneActive() && localMousePos.y < PopupMenuSettings::scrollZone)
                return scroll (timeNow, -1);

            if (window.isBottomScrollZoneActive() && localMousePos.y > window.getHeight() - PopupMenuSettings::scrollZone)
                return scroll (timeNow, 1);

        scrollAcceleration = 1.0;
        return false;

    bool scroll (const uint32 timeNow, const int direction)
        if (timeNow > lastScrollTime + 20)
            scrollAcceleration = jmin (4.0, scrollAcceleration * 1.04);
            int amount = 0;

            for (int i = 0; i < window.items.size() && amount == 0; ++i)
                amount = ((int) scrollAcceleration) * window.items.getUnchecked(i)->getHeight();

            window.alterChildYPos (amount * direction);
            lastScrollTime = timeNow;

        return true;


class NormalComponentWrapper : public PopupMenu::CustomComponent
    NormalComponentWrapper (Component* const comp, const int w, const int h,
                            const bool triggerMenuItemAutomaticallyWhenClicked)
        : PopupMenu::CustomComponent (triggerMenuItemAutomaticallyWhenClicked),
          width (w), height (h)
        addAndMakeVisible (comp);

    void getIdealSize (int& idealWidth, int& idealHeight) override
        idealWidth = width;
        idealHeight = height;

    void resized() override
        if (Component* const child = getChildComponent(0))
            child->setBounds (getLocalBounds());

    const int width, height;


class HeaderItemComponent  : public PopupMenu::CustomComponent
    HeaderItemComponent (const String& name)
        : PopupMenu::CustomComponent (false)
        setName (name);

    void paint (Graphics& g) override
        g.setFont (getLookAndFeel().getPopupMenuFont().boldened());
        g.setColour (findColour (PopupMenu::headerTextColourId));

        g.drawFittedText (getName(),
                          12, 0, getWidth() - 16, proportionOfHeight (0.8f),
                          Justification::bottomLeft, 1);

    void getIdealSize (int& idealWidth, int& idealHeight)
        getLookAndFeel().getIdealPopupMenuItemSize (getName(), false, -1, idealWidth, idealHeight);
        idealHeight += idealHeight / 2;
        idealWidth += idealWidth / 4;

    JUCE_LEAK_DETECTOR (HeaderItemComponent)


    : lookAndFeel (nullptr)

PopupMenu::PopupMenu (const PopupMenu& other)
    : lookAndFeel (other.lookAndFeel)
    items.addCopiesOf (other.items);

PopupMenu& PopupMenu::operator= (const PopupMenu& other)
    if (this != &other)
        lookAndFeel = other.lookAndFeel;

        items.addCopiesOf (other.items);

    return *this;

PopupMenu::PopupMenu (PopupMenu&& other) noexcept
    : lookAndFeel (other.lookAndFeel)
    items.swapWith (other.items);

PopupMenu& PopupMenu::operator= (PopupMenu&& other) noexcept
    jassert (this != &other); // hopefully the compiler should make this situation impossible!

    items.swapWith (other.items);
    lookAndFeel = other.lookAndFeel;
    return *this;


void PopupMenu::clear()

void PopupMenu::addItem (const int itemResultID, const String& itemText,
                         const bool isActive, const bool isTicked, const Image& iconToUse)
    jassert (itemResultID != 0);    // 0 is used as a return value to indicate that the user
                                    // didn't pick anything, so you shouldn't use it as the id
                                    // for an item..

    items.add (new Item (itemResultID, itemText, isActive, isTicked, iconToUse,
                         Colours::black, false, nullptr, nullptr, nullptr));

void PopupMenu::addCommandItem (ApplicationCommandManager* commandManager,
                                const CommandID commandID,
                                const String& displayName)
    jassert (commandManager != nullptr && commandID != 0);

    if (const ApplicationCommandInfo* const registeredInfo = commandManager->getCommandForID (commandID))
        ApplicationCommandInfo info (*registeredInfo);
        ApplicationCommandTarget* const target = commandManager->getTargetForCommand (commandID, info);

        items.add (new Item (commandID,
                             displayName.isNotEmpty() ? displayName
                                                      : info.shortName,
                             target != nullptr && (info.flags & ApplicationCommandInfo::isDisabled) == 0,
                             (info.flags & ApplicationCommandInfo::isTicked) != 0,
                             nullptr, nullptr,

void PopupMenu::addColouredItem (const int itemResultID,
                                 const String& itemText,
                                 Colour itemTextColour,
                                 const bool isActive,
                                 const bool isTicked,
                                 const Image& iconToUse)
    jassert (itemResultID != 0);    // 0 is used as a return value to indicate that the user
                                    // didn't pick anything, so you shouldn't use it as the id
                                    // for an item..

    items.add (new Item (itemResultID, itemText, isActive, isTicked, iconToUse,
                         itemTextColour, true, nullptr, nullptr, nullptr));

void PopupMenu::addCustomItem (const int itemID, CustomComponent* const cc, const PopupMenu* subMenu)
    jassert (itemID != 0);    // 0 is used as a return value to indicate that the user
                              // didn't pick anything, so you shouldn't use it as the id
                              // for an item..

    items.add (new Item (itemID, String::empty, true, false, Image::null,
                         Colours::black, false, cc, subMenu, nullptr));

void PopupMenu::addCustomItem (const int itemResultID,
                               Component* customComponent,
                               int idealWidth, int idealHeight,
                               const bool triggerMenuItemAutomaticallyWhenClicked,
                               const PopupMenu* subMenu)
    items.add (new Item (itemResultID, String::empty, true, false, Image::null,
                         Colours::black, false,
                         new HelperClasses::NormalComponentWrapper (customComponent, idealWidth, idealHeight,
                         subMenu, nullptr));

void PopupMenu::addSubMenu (const String& subMenuName,
                            const PopupMenu& subMenu,
                            const bool isActive,
                            const Image& iconToUse,
                            const bool isTicked,
                            const int itemResultID)
    items.add (new Item (itemResultID, subMenuName, isActive && (itemResultID != 0 || subMenu.getNumItems() > 0), isTicked,
                         iconToUse, Colours::black, false, nullptr, &subMenu, nullptr));

void PopupMenu::addSeparator()
    if (items.size() > 0 && ! items.getLast()->isSeparator)
        items.add (new Item());

void PopupMenu::addSectionHeader (const String& title)
    addCustomItem (PopupMenuSettings::sectionHeaderID, new HelperClasses::HeaderItemComponent (title));

    : targetComponent (nullptr),
      visibleItemID (0),
      minWidth (0),
      maxColumns (0),
      standardHeight (0)
    targetArea.setPosition (Desktop::getMousePosition());

PopupMenu::Options PopupMenu::Options::withTargetComponent (Component* comp) const noexcept
    Options o (*this);
    o.targetComponent = comp;

    if (comp != nullptr)
        o.targetArea = comp->getScreenBounds();

    return o;

PopupMenu::Options PopupMenu::Options::withTargetScreenArea (const Rectangle<int>& area) const noexcept
    Options o (*this);
    o.targetArea = area;
    return o;

PopupMenu::Options PopupMenu::Options::withMinimumWidth (int w) const noexcept
    Options o (*this);
    o.minWidth = w;
    return o;

PopupMenu::Options PopupMenu::Options::withMaximumNumColumns (int cols) const noexcept
    Options o (*this);
    o.maxColumns = cols;
    return o;

PopupMenu::Options PopupMenu::Options::withStandardItemHeight (int height) const noexcept
    Options o (*this);
    o.standardHeight = height;
    return o;

PopupMenu::Options PopupMenu::Options::withItemThatMustBeVisible (int idOfItemToBeVisible) const noexcept
    Options o (*this);
    o.visibleItemID = idOfItemToBeVisible;
    return o;

Component* PopupMenu::createWindow (const Options& options,
                                    ApplicationCommandManager** managerOfChosenCommand) const
    if (items.size() > 0)
        return new HelperClasses::MenuWindow (*this, nullptr, options,
                                              ! options.targetArea.isEmpty(),

    return nullptr;

// This invokes any command manager commands and deletes the menu window when it is dismissed
class PopupMenuCompletionCallback  : public ModalComponentManager::Callback
        : managerOfChosenCommand (nullptr),
          prevFocused (Component::getCurrentlyFocusedComponent()),
          prevTopLevel (prevFocused != nullptr ? prevFocused->getTopLevelComponent() : nullptr)
        PopupMenuSettings::menuWasHiddenBecauseOfAppChange = false;

    void modalStateFinished (int result)
        if (managerOfChosenCommand != nullptr && result != 0)
            ApplicationCommandTarget::InvocationInfo info (result);
            info.invocationMethod = ApplicationCommandTarget::InvocationInfo::fromMenu;

            managerOfChosenCommand->invoke (info, true);

        // (this would be the place to fade out the component, if that's what's required)
        component = nullptr;

        if (! PopupMenuSettings::menuWasHiddenBecauseOfAppChange)
            if (prevTopLevel != nullptr)
                prevTopLevel->toFront (true);

            if (prevFocused != nullptr)

    ApplicationCommandManager* managerOfChosenCommand;
    ScopedPointer<Component> component;
    WeakReference<Component> prevFocused, prevTopLevel;

    JUCE_DECLARE_NON_COPYABLE (PopupMenuCompletionCallback)

int PopupMenu::showWithOptionalCallback (const Options& options, ModalComponentManager::Callback* const userCallback,
                                         const bool canBeModal)
    ScopedPointer<ModalComponentManager::Callback> userCallbackDeleter (userCallback);
    ScopedPointer<PopupMenuCompletionCallback> callback (new PopupMenuCompletionCallback());

    if (Component* window = createWindow (options, &(callback->managerOfChosenCommand)))
        callback->component = window;

        window->setVisible (true); // (must be called before enterModalState on Windows to avoid DropShadower confusion)
        window->enterModalState (false, userCallbackDeleter.release());
        ModalComponentManager::getInstance()->attachCallback (window, callback.release());

        window->toFront (false);  // need to do this after making it modal, or it could
                                  // be stuck behind other comps that are already modal..

        if (userCallback == nullptr && canBeModal)
            return window->runModalLoop();
        jassert (! (userCallback == nullptr && canBeModal));

    return 0;

int PopupMenu::showMenu (const Options& options)
    return showWithOptionalCallback (options, nullptr, true);

void PopupMenu::showMenuAsync (const Options& options, ModalComponentManager::Callback* userCallback)
    jassert (userCallback != nullptr);

    showWithOptionalCallback (options, userCallback, false);

int PopupMenu::show (const int itemIDThatMustBeVisible,
                     const int minimumWidth, const int maximumNumColumns,
                     const int standardItemHeight,
                     ModalComponentManager::Callback* callback)
    return showWithOptionalCallback (Options().withItemThatMustBeVisible (itemIDThatMustBeVisible)
                                              .withMinimumWidth (minimumWidth)
                                              .withMaximumNumColumns (maximumNumColumns)
                                              .withStandardItemHeight (standardItemHeight),
                                     callback, true);

int PopupMenu::showAt (const Rectangle<int>& screenAreaToAttachTo,
                       const int itemIDThatMustBeVisible,
                       const int minimumWidth, const int maximumNumColumns,
                       const int standardItemHeight,
                       ModalComponentManager::Callback* callback)
    return showWithOptionalCallback (Options().withTargetScreenArea (screenAreaToAttachTo)
                                              .withItemThatMustBeVisible (itemIDThatMustBeVisible)
                                              .withMinimumWidth (minimumWidth)
                                              .withMaximumNumColumns (maximumNumColumns)
                                              .withStandardItemHeight (standardItemHeight),
                                     callback, true);

int PopupMenu::showAt (Component* componentToAttachTo,
                       const int itemIDThatMustBeVisible,
                       const int minimumWidth, const int maximumNumColumns,
                       const int standardItemHeight,
                       ModalComponentManager::Callback* callback)
    Options options (Options().withItemThatMustBeVisible (itemIDThatMustBeVisible)
                              .withMinimumWidth (minimumWidth)
                              .withMaximumNumColumns (maximumNumColumns)
                              .withStandardItemHeight (standardItemHeight));

    if (componentToAttachTo != nullptr)
        options = options.withTargetComponent (componentToAttachTo);

    return showWithOptionalCallback (options, callback, true);

bool JUCE_CALLTYPE PopupMenu::dismissAllActiveMenus()
    const Array<HelperClasses::MenuWindow*>& windows = HelperClasses::MenuWindow::getActiveWindows();
    const int numWindows = windows.size();

    for (int i = numWindows; --i >= 0;)
        if (HelperClasses::MenuWindow* const pmw = windows[i])
            pmw->dismissMenu (nullptr);

    return numWindows > 0;

int PopupMenu::getNumItems() const noexcept
    int num = 0;

    for (int i = items.size(); --i >= 0;)
        if (! items.getUnchecked(i)->isSeparator)

    return num;

bool PopupMenu::containsCommandItem (const int commandID) const
    for (int i = items.size(); --i >= 0;)
        const Item& mi = *items.getUnchecked (i);

        if ((mi.itemID == commandID && mi.commandManager != nullptr)
             || (mi.subMenu != nullptr && mi.subMenu->containsCommandItem (commandID)))
            return true;

    return false;

bool PopupMenu::containsAnyActiveItems() const noexcept
    for (int i = items.size(); --i >= 0;)
        const Item& mi = *items.getUnchecked (i);

        if (mi.subMenu != nullptr)
            if (mi.subMenu->containsAnyActiveItems())
                return true;
        else if (mi.isActive)
            return true;

    return false;

void PopupMenu::setLookAndFeel (LookAndFeel* const newLookAndFeel)
    lookAndFeel = newLookAndFeel;

PopupMenu::CustomComponent::CustomComponent (bool autoTrigger)
    : isHighlighted (false),
      triggeredAutomatically (autoTrigger)


void PopupMenu::CustomComponent::setHighlighted (bool shouldBeHighlighted)
    isHighlighted = shouldBeHighlighted;

void PopupMenu::CustomComponent::triggerMenuItem()
    if (HelperClasses::ItemComponent* const mic = dynamic_cast<HelperClasses::ItemComponent*> (getParentComponent()))
        if (HelperClasses::MenuWindow* const pmw = dynamic_cast <HelperClasses::MenuWindow*> (mic->getParentComponent()))
            pmw->dismissMenu (&mic->itemInfo);
            // something must have gone wrong with the component hierarchy if this happens..
        // why isn't this component inside a menu? Not much point triggering the item if
        // there's no menu.

PopupMenu::MenuItemIterator::MenuItemIterator (const PopupMenu& m)
    : subMenu (nullptr),
      itemId (0),
      isSeparator (false),
      isTicked (false),
      isEnabled (false),
      isCustomComponent (false),
      isSectionHeader (false),
      customColour (nullptr),
      menu (m),
      index (0)


bool PopupMenu::MenuItemIterator::next()
    if (index >= menu.items.size())
        return false;

    const Item* const item = menu.items.getUnchecked (index);

    if (item->isSeparator && index >= menu.items.size()) // (avoid showing a separator at the end)
        return false;

    itemName        = item->customComp != nullptr ? item->customComp->getName() : item->text;
    subMenu         = item->subMenu;
    itemId          = item->itemID;
    isSeparator     = item->isSeparator;
    isTicked        = item->isTicked;
    isEnabled       = item->isActive;
    isSectionHeader = dynamic_cast <HelperClasses::HeaderItemComponent*> (static_cast <CustomComponent*> (item->customComp)) != nullptr;
    isCustomComponent = (! isSectionHeader) && item->customComp != nullptr;
    customColour    = item->usesColour ? &(item->textColour) : nullptr;
    customImage     = item->image;
    commandManager  = item->commandManager;

    return true;

void PopupMenu::MenuItemIterator::addItemTo (PopupMenu& targetMenu)
    targetMenu.items.add (new Item (itemId, itemName, isEnabled, isTicked, customImage,
                                    customColour != nullptr ? *customColour : Colours::black, customColour != nullptr,
                                    subMenu, commandManager));