/* ============================================================================== This file is part of the JUCE library. Copyright (c) 2013 - Raw Material Software Ltd. Permission is granted to use this software under the terms of either: a) the GPL v2 (or any later version) b) the Affero GPL v3 Details of these licenses can be found at: www.gnu.org/licenses JUCE is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ To release a closed-source product which uses JUCE, commercial licenses are available: visit www.juce.com for more information. ============================================================================== */ namespace FileChooserHelpers { struct FileChooserCallbackInfo { String initialPath; String returnedString; // need this to get non-existent pathnames from the directory chooser ScopedPointer<Component> customComponent; }; static int CALLBACK browseCallbackProc (HWND hWnd, UINT msg, LPARAM lParam, LPARAM lpData) { FileChooserCallbackInfo* info = (FileChooserCallbackInfo*) lpData; if (msg == BFFM_INITIALIZED) SendMessage (hWnd, BFFM_SETSELECTIONW, TRUE, (LPARAM) info->initialPath.toWideCharPointer()); else if (msg == BFFM_VALIDATEFAILEDW) info->returnedString = (LPCWSTR) lParam; else if (msg == BFFM_VALIDATEFAILEDA) info->returnedString = (const char*) lParam; return 0; } static UINT_PTR CALLBACK openCallback (HWND hdlg, UINT uiMsg, WPARAM /*wParam*/, LPARAM lParam) { if (uiMsg == WM_INITDIALOG) { Component* customComp = ((FileChooserCallbackInfo*) (((OPENFILENAMEW*) lParam)->lCustData))->customComponent; HWND dialogH = GetParent (hdlg); jassert (dialogH != 0); if (dialogH == 0) dialogH = hdlg; RECT r, cr; GetWindowRect (dialogH, &r); GetClientRect (dialogH, &cr); SetWindowPos (dialogH, 0, r.left, r.top, customComp->getWidth() + jmax (150, (int) (r.right - r.left)), jmax (150, (int) (r.bottom - r.top)), SWP_NOACTIVATE | SWP_NOOWNERZORDER | SWP_NOZORDER); customComp->setBounds (cr.right, cr.top, customComp->getWidth(), cr.bottom - cr.top); customComp->addToDesktop (0, dialogH); } else if (uiMsg == WM_NOTIFY) { LPOFNOTIFY ofn = (LPOFNOTIFY) lParam; if (ofn->hdr.code == CDN_SELCHANGE) { FileChooserCallbackInfo* info = (FileChooserCallbackInfo*) ofn->lpOFN->lCustData; if (FilePreviewComponent* comp = dynamic_cast<FilePreviewComponent*> (info->customComponent->getChildComponent(0))) { WCHAR path [MAX_PATH * 2] = { 0 }; CommDlg_OpenSave_GetFilePath (GetParent (hdlg), (LPARAM) &path, MAX_PATH); comp->selectedFileChanged (File (path)); } } } return 0; } class CustomComponentHolder : public Component { public: CustomComponentHolder (Component* const customComp) { setVisible (true); setOpaque (true); addAndMakeVisible (customComp); setSize (jlimit (20, 800, customComp->getWidth()), customComp->getHeight()); } void paint (Graphics& g) override { g.fillAll (Colours::lightgrey); } void resized() override { if (Component* const c = getChildComponent(0)) c->setBounds (getLocalBounds()); } private: JUCE_DECLARE_NON_COPYABLE_WITH_LEAK_DETECTOR (CustomComponentHolder) }; } //============================================================================== bool FileChooser::isPlatformDialogAvailable() { #if JUCE_DISABLE_NATIVE_FILECHOOSERS return false; #else return true; #endif } void FileChooser::showPlatformDialog (Array<File>& results, const String& title_, const File& currentFileOrDirectory, const String& filter, bool selectsDirectory, bool /*selectsFiles*/, bool isSaveDialogue, bool warnAboutOverwritingExistingFiles, bool selectMultipleFiles, FilePreviewComponent* extraInfoComponent) { using namespace FileChooserHelpers; const String title (title_); String defaultExtension; // scope of these strings must extend beyond dialog's lifetime. HeapBlock<WCHAR> files; const size_t charsAvailableForResult = 32768; files.calloc (charsAvailableForResult + 1); int filenameOffset = 0; FileChooserCallbackInfo info; // use a modal window as the parent for this dialog box // to block input from other app windows Component parentWindow (String::empty); const Rectangle<int> mainMon (Desktop::getInstance().getDisplays().getMainDisplay().userArea); parentWindow.setBounds (mainMon.getX() + mainMon.getWidth() / 4, mainMon.getY() + mainMon.getHeight() / 4, 0, 0); parentWindow.setOpaque (true); parentWindow.setAlwaysOnTop (juce_areThereAnyAlwaysOnTopWindows()); parentWindow.addToDesktop (0); if (extraInfoComponent == nullptr) parentWindow.enterModalState(); if (currentFileOrDirectory.isDirectory()) { info.initialPath = currentFileOrDirectory.getFullPathName(); } else { currentFileOrDirectory.getFileName().copyToUTF16 (files, charsAvailableForResult * sizeof (WCHAR)); info.initialPath = currentFileOrDirectory.getParentDirectory().getFullPathName(); } if (selectsDirectory) { BROWSEINFO bi = { 0 }; bi.hwndOwner = (HWND) parentWindow.getWindowHandle(); bi.pszDisplayName = files; bi.lpszTitle = title.toWideCharPointer(); bi.lParam = (LPARAM) &info; bi.lpfn = browseCallbackProc; #ifdef BIF_USENEWUI bi.ulFlags = BIF_USENEWUI | BIF_VALIDATE; #else bi.ulFlags = 0x50; #endif LPITEMIDLIST list = SHBrowseForFolder (&bi); if (! SHGetPathFromIDListW (list, files)) { files[0] = 0; info.returnedString.clear(); } LPMALLOC al; if (list != nullptr && SUCCEEDED (SHGetMalloc (&al))) al->Free (list); if (info.returnedString.isNotEmpty()) { results.add (File (String (files)).getSiblingFile (info.returnedString)); return; } } else { DWORD flags = OFN_EXPLORER | OFN_PATHMUSTEXIST | OFN_NOCHANGEDIR | OFN_HIDEREADONLY | OFN_ENABLESIZING; if (warnAboutOverwritingExistingFiles) flags |= OFN_OVERWRITEPROMPT; if (selectMultipleFiles) flags |= OFN_ALLOWMULTISELECT; if (extraInfoComponent != nullptr) { flags |= OFN_ENABLEHOOK; info.customComponent = new CustomComponentHolder (extraInfoComponent); info.customComponent->enterModalState(); } const size_t filterSpaceNumChars = 2048; HeapBlock<WCHAR> filters; filters.calloc (filterSpaceNumChars); const size_t bytesWritten = filter.copyToUTF16 (filters.getData(), filterSpaceNumChars * sizeof (WCHAR)); filter.copyToUTF16 (filters + (bytesWritten / sizeof (WCHAR)), ((filterSpaceNumChars - 1) * sizeof (WCHAR) - bytesWritten)); OPENFILENAMEW of = { 0 }; String localPath (info.initialPath); #ifdef OPENFILENAME_SIZE_VERSION_400W of.lStructSize = OPENFILENAME_SIZE_VERSION_400W; #else of.lStructSize = sizeof (of); #endif of.hwndOwner = (HWND) parentWindow.getWindowHandle(); of.lpstrFilter = filters.getData(); of.nFilterIndex = 1; of.lpstrFile = files; of.nMaxFile = (DWORD) charsAvailableForResult; of.lpstrInitialDir = localPath.toWideCharPointer(); of.lpstrTitle = title.toWideCharPointer(); of.Flags = flags; of.lCustData = (LPARAM) &info; if (extraInfoComponent != nullptr) of.lpfnHook = &openCallback; if (isSaveDialogue) { StringArray tokens; tokens.addTokens (filter, ";,", "\"'"); tokens.trim(); tokens.removeEmptyStrings(); if (tokens.size() == 1 && tokens[0].removeCharacters ("*.").isNotEmpty()) { defaultExtension = tokens[0].fromFirstOccurrenceOf (".", false, false); of.lpstrDefExt = defaultExtension.toWideCharPointer(); } if (! GetSaveFileName (&of)) return; } else { if (! GetOpenFileName (&of)) return; } filenameOffset = of.nFileOffset; } if (selectMultipleFiles && filenameOffset > 0 && files [filenameOffset - 1] == 0) { const WCHAR* filename = files + filenameOffset; while (*filename != 0) { results.add (File (String (files) + "\\" + String (filename))); filename += wcslen (filename) + 1; } } else if (files[0] != 0) { results.add (File (String (files))); } }