/* ============================================================================== This file is part of the JUCE library. Copyright (c) 2013 - Raw Material Software Ltd. Permission is granted to use this software under the terms of either: a) the GPL v2 (or any later version) b) the Affero GPL v3 Details of these licenses can be found at: www.gnu.org/licenses JUCE is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ To release a closed-source product which uses JUCE, commercial licenses are available: visit www.juce.com for more information. ============================================================================== */ //============================================================================== static void* juce_libjackHandle = nullptr; static void* juce_loadJackFunction (const char* const name) { if (juce_libjackHandle == nullptr) return nullptr; return dlsym (juce_libjackHandle, name); } #define JUCE_DECL_JACK_FUNCTION(return_type, fn_name, argument_types, arguments) \ return_type fn_name argument_types \ { \ typedef return_type (*fn_type) argument_types; \ static fn_type fn = (fn_type) juce_loadJackFunction (#fn_name); \ return (fn != nullptr) ? ((*fn) arguments) : (return_type) 0; \ } #define JUCE_DECL_VOID_JACK_FUNCTION(fn_name, argument_types, arguments) \ void fn_name argument_types \ { \ typedef void (*fn_type) argument_types; \ static fn_type fn = (fn_type) juce_loadJackFunction (#fn_name); \ if (fn != nullptr) (*fn) arguments; \ } //============================================================================== JUCE_DECL_JACK_FUNCTION (jack_client_t*, jack_client_open, (const char* client_name, jack_options_t options, jack_status_t* status, ...), (client_name, options, status)); JUCE_DECL_JACK_FUNCTION (int, jack_client_close, (jack_client_t *client), (client)); JUCE_DECL_JACK_FUNCTION (int, jack_activate, (jack_client_t* client), (client)); JUCE_DECL_JACK_FUNCTION (int, jack_deactivate, (jack_client_t* client), (client)); JUCE_DECL_JACK_FUNCTION (jack_nframes_t, jack_get_buffer_size, (jack_client_t* client), (client)); JUCE_DECL_JACK_FUNCTION (jack_nframes_t, jack_get_sample_rate, (jack_client_t* client), (client)); JUCE_DECL_VOID_JACK_FUNCTION (jack_on_shutdown, (jack_client_t* client, void (*function)(void* arg), void* arg), (client, function, arg)); JUCE_DECL_JACK_FUNCTION (void* , jack_port_get_buffer, (jack_port_t* port, jack_nframes_t nframes), (port, nframes)); JUCE_DECL_JACK_FUNCTION (jack_nframes_t, jack_port_get_total_latency, (jack_client_t* client, jack_port_t* port), (client, port)); JUCE_DECL_JACK_FUNCTION (jack_port_t* , jack_port_register, (jack_client_t* client, const char* port_name, const char* port_type, unsigned long flags, unsigned long buffer_size), (client, port_name, port_type, flags, buffer_size)); JUCE_DECL_VOID_JACK_FUNCTION (jack_set_error_function, (void (*func)(const char*)), (func)); JUCE_DECL_JACK_FUNCTION (int, jack_set_process_callback, (jack_client_t* client, JackProcessCallback process_callback, void* arg), (client, process_callback, arg)); JUCE_DECL_JACK_FUNCTION (const char**, jack_get_ports, (jack_client_t* client, const char* port_name_pattern, const char* type_name_pattern, unsigned long flags), (client, port_name_pattern, type_name_pattern, flags)); JUCE_DECL_JACK_FUNCTION (int, jack_connect, (jack_client_t* client, const char* source_port, const char* destination_port), (client, source_port, destination_port)); JUCE_DECL_JACK_FUNCTION (const char*, jack_port_name, (const jack_port_t* port), (port)); JUCE_DECL_JACK_FUNCTION (void*, jack_set_port_connect_callback, (jack_client_t* client, JackPortConnectCallback connect_callback, void* arg), (client, connect_callback, arg)); JUCE_DECL_JACK_FUNCTION (jack_port_t* , jack_port_by_id, (jack_client_t* client, jack_port_id_t port_id), (client, port_id)); JUCE_DECL_JACK_FUNCTION (int, jack_port_connected, (const jack_port_t* port), (port)); JUCE_DECL_JACK_FUNCTION (int, jack_port_connected_to, (const jack_port_t* port, const char* port_name), (port, port_name)); #if JUCE_DEBUG #define JACK_LOGGING_ENABLED 1 #endif #if JACK_LOGGING_ENABLED namespace { void jack_Log (const String& s) { std::cerr << s << std::endl; } const char* getJackErrorMessage (const jack_status_t status) { if (status & JackServerFailed || status & JackServerError) return "Unable to connect to JACK server"; if (status & JackVersionError) return "Client's protocol version does not match"; if (status & JackInvalidOption) return "The operation contained an invalid or unsupported option"; if (status & JackNameNotUnique) return "The desired client name was not unique"; if (status & JackNoSuchClient) return "Requested client does not exist"; if (status & JackInitFailure) return "Unable to initialize client"; return nullptr; } } #define JUCE_JACK_LOG_STATUS(x) { if (const char* m = getJackErrorMessage (x)) jack_Log (m); } #define JUCE_JACK_LOG(x) jack_Log(x) #else #define JUCE_JACK_LOG_STATUS(x) {} #define JUCE_JACK_LOG(x) {} #endif //============================================================================== #ifndef JUCE_JACK_CLIENT_NAME #define JUCE_JACK_CLIENT_NAME "JUCEJack" #endif struct JackPortIterator { JackPortIterator (jack_client_t* const client, const bool forInput) : ports (nullptr), index (-1) { if (client != nullptr) ports = juce::jack_get_ports (client, nullptr, nullptr, forInput ? JackPortIsOutput : JackPortIsInput); // (NB: This looks like it's the wrong way round, but it is correct!) } ~JackPortIterator() { ::free (ports); } bool next() { if (ports == nullptr || ports [index + 1] == nullptr) return false; name = CharPointer_UTF8 (ports[++index]); clientName = name.upToFirstOccurrenceOf (":", false, false); return true; } const char** ports; int index; String name; String clientName; }; class JackAudioIODeviceType; static Array<JackAudioIODeviceType*> activeDeviceTypes; //============================================================================== class JackAudioIODevice : public AudioIODevice { public: JackAudioIODevice (const String& deviceName, const String& inId, const String& outId) : AudioIODevice (deviceName, "JACK"), inputId (inId), outputId (outId), deviceIsOpen (false), callback (nullptr), totalNumberOfInputChannels (0), totalNumberOfOutputChannels (0) { jassert (deviceName.isNotEmpty()); jack_status_t status; client = juce::jack_client_open (JUCE_JACK_CLIENT_NAME, JackNoStartServer, &status); if (client == nullptr) { JUCE_JACK_LOG_STATUS (status); } else { juce::jack_set_error_function (errorCallback); // open input ports const StringArray inputChannels (getInputChannelNames()); for (int i = 0; i < inputChannels.size(); ++i) { String inputName; inputName << "in_" << ++totalNumberOfInputChannels; inputPorts.add (juce::jack_port_register (client, inputName.toUTF8(), JACK_DEFAULT_AUDIO_TYPE, JackPortIsInput, 0)); } // open output ports const StringArray outputChannels (getOutputChannelNames()); for (int i = 0; i < outputChannels.size (); ++i) { String outputName; outputName << "out_" << ++totalNumberOfOutputChannels; outputPorts.add (juce::jack_port_register (client, outputName.toUTF8(), JACK_DEFAULT_AUDIO_TYPE, JackPortIsOutput, 0)); } inChans.calloc (totalNumberOfInputChannels + 2); outChans.calloc (totalNumberOfOutputChannels + 2); } } ~JackAudioIODevice() { close(); if (client != nullptr) { juce::jack_client_close (client); client = nullptr; } } StringArray getChannelNames (bool forInput) const { StringArray names; for (JackPortIterator i (client, forInput); i.next();) if (i.clientName == getName()) names.add (i.name.fromFirstOccurrenceOf (":", false, false)); return names; } StringArray getOutputChannelNames() override { return getChannelNames (false); } StringArray getInputChannelNames() override { return getChannelNames (true); } Array<double> getAvailableSampleRates() override { Array<double> rates; if (client != nullptr) rates.add (juce::jack_get_sample_rate (client)); return rates; } Array<int> getAvailableBufferSizes() override { Array<int> sizes; if (client != nullptr) sizes.add (juce::jack_get_buffer_size (client)); return sizes; } int getDefaultBufferSize() override { return getCurrentBufferSizeSamples(); } int getCurrentBufferSizeSamples() override { return client != nullptr ? juce::jack_get_buffer_size (client) : 0; } double getCurrentSampleRate() override { return client != nullptr ? juce::jack_get_sample_rate (client) : 0; } String open (const BigInteger& inputChannels, const BigInteger& outputChannels, double /* sampleRate */, int /* bufferSizeSamples */) override { if (client == nullptr) { lastError = "No JACK client running"; return lastError; } lastError.clear(); close(); juce::jack_set_process_callback (client, processCallback, this); juce::jack_set_port_connect_callback (client, portConnectCallback, this); juce::jack_on_shutdown (client, shutdownCallback, this); juce::jack_activate (client); deviceIsOpen = true; if (! inputChannels.isZero()) { for (JackPortIterator i (client, true); i.next();) { if (inputChannels [i.index] && i.clientName == getName()) { int error = juce::jack_connect (client, i.ports[i.index], juce::jack_port_name ((jack_port_t*) inputPorts[i.index])); if (error != 0) JUCE_JACK_LOG ("Cannot connect input port " + String (i.index) + " (" + i.name + "), error " + String (error)); } } } if (! outputChannels.isZero()) { for (JackPortIterator i (client, false); i.next();) { if (outputChannels [i.index] && i.clientName == getName()) { int error = juce::jack_connect (client, juce::jack_port_name ((jack_port_t*) outputPorts[i.index]), i.ports[i.index]); if (error != 0) JUCE_JACK_LOG ("Cannot connect output port " + String (i.index) + " (" + i.name + "), error " + String (error)); } } } return lastError; } void close() override { stop(); if (client != nullptr) { juce::jack_deactivate (client); juce::jack_set_process_callback (client, processCallback, nullptr); juce::jack_set_port_connect_callback (client, portConnectCallback, nullptr); juce::jack_on_shutdown (client, shutdownCallback, nullptr); } deviceIsOpen = false; } void start (AudioIODeviceCallback* newCallback) override { if (deviceIsOpen && newCallback != callback) { if (newCallback != nullptr) newCallback->audioDeviceAboutToStart (this); AudioIODeviceCallback* const oldCallback = callback; { const ScopedLock sl (callbackLock); callback = newCallback; } if (oldCallback != nullptr) oldCallback->audioDeviceStopped(); } } void stop() override { start (nullptr); } bool isOpen() override { return deviceIsOpen; } bool isPlaying() override { return callback != nullptr; } int getCurrentBitDepth() override { return 32; } String getLastError() override { return lastError; } BigInteger getActiveOutputChannels() const override { return activeOutputChannels; } BigInteger getActiveInputChannels() const override { return activeInputChannels; } int getOutputLatencyInSamples() override { int latency = 0; for (int i = 0; i < outputPorts.size(); i++) latency = jmax (latency, (int) juce::jack_port_get_total_latency (client, (jack_port_t*) outputPorts [i])); return latency; } int getInputLatencyInSamples() override { int latency = 0; for (int i = 0; i < inputPorts.size(); i++) latency = jmax (latency, (int) juce::jack_port_get_total_latency (client, (jack_port_t*) inputPorts [i])); return latency; } String inputId, outputId; private: void process (const int numSamples) { int numActiveInChans = 0, numActiveOutChans = 0; for (int i = 0; i < totalNumberOfInputChannels; ++i) { if (activeInputChannels[i]) if (jack_default_audio_sample_t* in = (jack_default_audio_sample_t*) juce::jack_port_get_buffer ((jack_port_t*) inputPorts.getUnchecked(i), numSamples)) inChans [numActiveInChans++] = (float*) in; } for (int i = 0; i < totalNumberOfOutputChannels; ++i) { if (activeOutputChannels[i]) if (jack_default_audio_sample_t* out = (jack_default_audio_sample_t*) juce::jack_port_get_buffer ((jack_port_t*) outputPorts.getUnchecked(i), numSamples)) outChans [numActiveOutChans++] = (float*) out; } const ScopedLock sl (callbackLock); if (callback != nullptr) { if ((numActiveInChans + numActiveOutChans) > 0) callback->audioDeviceIOCallback (const_cast <const float**> (inChans.getData()), numActiveInChans, outChans, numActiveOutChans, numSamples); } else { for (int i = 0; i < numActiveOutChans; ++i) zeromem (outChans[i], sizeof (float) * numSamples); } } static int processCallback (jack_nframes_t nframes, void* callbackArgument) { if (callbackArgument != nullptr) ((JackAudioIODevice*) callbackArgument)->process (nframes); return 0; } void updateActivePorts() { BigInteger newOutputChannels, newInputChannels; for (int i = 0; i < outputPorts.size(); ++i) if (juce::jack_port_connected ((jack_port_t*) outputPorts.getUnchecked(i))) newOutputChannels.setBit (i); for (int i = 0; i < inputPorts.size(); ++i) if (juce::jack_port_connected ((jack_port_t*) inputPorts.getUnchecked(i))) newInputChannels.setBit (i); if (newOutputChannels != activeOutputChannels || newInputChannels != activeInputChannels) { AudioIODeviceCallback* const oldCallback = callback; stop(); activeOutputChannels = newOutputChannels; activeInputChannels = newInputChannels; if (oldCallback != nullptr) start (oldCallback); sendDeviceChangedCallback(); } } static void portConnectCallback (jack_port_id_t, jack_port_id_t, int, void* arg) { if (JackAudioIODevice* device = static_cast <JackAudioIODevice*> (arg)) device->updateActivePorts(); } static void threadInitCallback (void* /* callbackArgument */) { JUCE_JACK_LOG ("JackAudioIODevice::initialise"); } static void shutdownCallback (void* callbackArgument) { JUCE_JACK_LOG ("JackAudioIODevice::shutdown"); if (JackAudioIODevice* device = (JackAudioIODevice*) callbackArgument) { device->client = nullptr; device->close(); } } static void errorCallback (const char* msg) { JUCE_JACK_LOG ("JackAudioIODevice::errorCallback " + String (msg)); } static void sendDeviceChangedCallback(); bool deviceIsOpen; jack_client_t* client; String lastError; AudioIODeviceCallback* callback; CriticalSection callbackLock; HeapBlock <float*> inChans, outChans; int totalNumberOfInputChannels; int totalNumberOfOutputChannels; Array<void*> inputPorts, outputPorts; BigInteger activeInputChannels, activeOutputChannels; }; //============================================================================== class JackAudioIODeviceType : public AudioIODeviceType { public: JackAudioIODeviceType() : AudioIODeviceType ("JACK"), hasScanned (false) { activeDeviceTypes.add (this); } ~JackAudioIODeviceType() { activeDeviceTypes.removeFirstMatchingValue (this); } void scanForDevices() { hasScanned = true; inputNames.clear(); inputIds.clear(); outputNames.clear(); outputIds.clear(); if (juce_libjackHandle == nullptr) juce_libjackHandle = dlopen ("libjack.so.0", RTLD_LAZY); if (juce_libjackHandle == nullptr) juce_libjackHandle = dlopen ("libjack.so", RTLD_LAZY); if (juce_libjackHandle == nullptr) return; jack_status_t status; // open a dummy client if (jack_client_t* const client = juce::jack_client_open ("JuceJackDummy", JackNoStartServer, &status)) { // scan for output devices for (JackPortIterator i (client, false); i.next();) { if (i.clientName != (JUCE_JACK_CLIENT_NAME) && ! inputNames.contains (i.clientName)) { inputNames.add (i.clientName); inputIds.add (i.ports [i.index]); } } // scan for input devices for (JackPortIterator i (client, true); i.next();) { if (i.clientName != (JUCE_JACK_CLIENT_NAME) && ! outputNames.contains (i.clientName)) { outputNames.add (i.clientName); outputIds.add (i.ports [i.index]); } } juce::jack_client_close (client); } else { JUCE_JACK_LOG_STATUS (status); } } StringArray getDeviceNames (bool wantInputNames) const { jassert (hasScanned); // need to call scanForDevices() before doing this return wantInputNames ? inputNames : outputNames; } int getDefaultDeviceIndex (bool /* forInput */) const { jassert (hasScanned); // need to call scanForDevices() before doing this return 0; } bool hasSeparateInputsAndOutputs() const { return true; } int getIndexOfDevice (AudioIODevice* device, bool asInput) const { jassert (hasScanned); // need to call scanForDevices() before doing this if (JackAudioIODevice* d = dynamic_cast <JackAudioIODevice*> (device)) return asInput ? inputIds.indexOf (d->inputId) : outputIds.indexOf (d->outputId); return -1; } AudioIODevice* createDevice (const String& outputDeviceName, const String& inputDeviceName) { jassert (hasScanned); // need to call scanForDevices() before doing this const int inputIndex = inputNames.indexOf (inputDeviceName); const int outputIndex = outputNames.indexOf (outputDeviceName); if (inputIndex >= 0 || outputIndex >= 0) return new JackAudioIODevice (outputIndex >= 0 ? outputDeviceName : inputDeviceName, inputIds [inputIndex], outputIds [outputIndex]); return nullptr; } void portConnectionChange() { callDeviceChangeListeners(); } private: StringArray inputNames, outputNames, inputIds, outputIds; bool hasScanned; JUCE_DECLARE_NON_COPYABLE_WITH_LEAK_DETECTOR (JackAudioIODeviceType) }; void JackAudioIODevice::sendDeviceChangedCallback() { for (int i = activeDeviceTypes.size(); --i >= 0;) if (JackAudioIODeviceType* d = activeDeviceTypes[i]) d->portConnectionChange(); } //============================================================================== AudioIODeviceType* AudioIODeviceType::createAudioIODeviceType_JACK() { return new JackAudioIODeviceType(); }