
   This file is part of the JUCE library.
   Copyright (c) 2013 - Raw Material Software Ltd.

   Permission is granted to use this software under the terms of either:
   a) the GPL v2 (or any later version)
   b) the Affero GPL v3

   Details of these licenses can be found at: www.gnu.org/licenses

   JUCE is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY
   WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR
   A PARTICULAR PURPOSE.  See the GNU General Public License for more details.


   To release a closed-source product which uses JUCE, commercial licenses are
   available: visit www.juce.com for more information.


PositionedGlyph::PositionedGlyph() noexcept
    : character (0), glyph (0), x (0), y (0), w (0), whitespace (false)

PositionedGlyph::PositionedGlyph (const Font& font_, const juce_wchar character_, const int glyph_,
                                  const float x_, const float y_, const float w_, const bool whitespace_)
    : font (font_), character (character_), glyph (glyph_),
      x (x_), y (y_), w (w_), whitespace (whitespace_)

PositionedGlyph::PositionedGlyph (const PositionedGlyph& other)
    : font (other.font), character (other.character), glyph (other.glyph),
      x (other.x), y (other.y), w (other.w), whitespace (other.whitespace)

PositionedGlyph::~PositionedGlyph() {}

PositionedGlyph& PositionedGlyph::operator= (const PositionedGlyph& other)
    font = other.font;
    character = other.character;
    glyph = other.glyph;
    x = other.x;
    y = other.y;
    w = other.w;
    whitespace = other.whitespace;
    return *this;

static inline void drawGlyphWithFont (const Graphics& g, int glyph, const Font& font, const AffineTransform& t)
    LowLevelGraphicsContext& context = g.getInternalContext();
    context.setFont (font);
    context.drawGlyph (glyph, t);

void PositionedGlyph::draw (const Graphics& g) const
    if (! isWhitespace())
        drawGlyphWithFont (g, glyph, font, AffineTransform::translation (x, y));

void PositionedGlyph::draw (const Graphics& g, const AffineTransform& transform) const
    if (! isWhitespace())
        drawGlyphWithFont (g, glyph, font, AffineTransform::translation (x, y).followedBy (transform));

void PositionedGlyph::createPath (Path& path) const
    if (! isWhitespace())
        if (Typeface* const t = font.getTypeface())
            Path p;
            t->getOutlineForGlyph (glyph, p);

            path.addPath (p, AffineTransform::scale (font.getHeight() * font.getHorizontalScale(), font.getHeight())
                                             .translated (x, y));

bool PositionedGlyph::hitTest (float px, float py) const
    if (getBounds().contains (px, py) && ! isWhitespace())
        if (Typeface* const t = font.getTypeface())
            Path p;
            t->getOutlineForGlyph (glyph, p);

            AffineTransform::translation (-x, -y)
                            .scaled (1.0f / (font.getHeight() * font.getHorizontalScale()), 1.0f / font.getHeight())
                            .transformPoint (px, py);

            return p.contains (px, py);

    return false;

void PositionedGlyph::moveBy (const float deltaX,
                              const float deltaY)
    x += deltaX;
    y += deltaY;

    glyphs.ensureStorageAllocated (128);

GlyphArrangement::GlyphArrangement (const GlyphArrangement& other)
    : glyphs (other.glyphs)

GlyphArrangement& GlyphArrangement::operator= (const GlyphArrangement& other)
    glyphs = other.glyphs;
    return *this;


void GlyphArrangement::clear()

PositionedGlyph& GlyphArrangement::getGlyph (const int index) const noexcept
    return glyphs.getReference (index);

void GlyphArrangement::addGlyphArrangement (const GlyphArrangement& other)
    glyphs.addArray (other.glyphs);

void GlyphArrangement::addGlyph (const PositionedGlyph& glyph)
    glyphs.add (glyph);

void GlyphArrangement::removeRangeOfGlyphs (int startIndex, const int num)
    glyphs.removeRange (startIndex, num < 0 ? glyphs.size() : num);

void GlyphArrangement::addLineOfText (const Font& font,
                                      const String& text,
                                      const float xOffset,
                                      const float yOffset)
    addCurtailedLineOfText (font, text, xOffset, yOffset, 1.0e10f, false);

void GlyphArrangement::addCurtailedLineOfText (const Font& font,
                                               const String& text,
                                               const float xOffset,
                                               const float yOffset,
                                               const float maxWidthPixels,
                                               const bool useEllipsis)
    if (text.isNotEmpty())
        Array <int> newGlyphs;
        Array <float> xOffsets;
        font.getGlyphPositions (text, newGlyphs, xOffsets);
        const int textLen = newGlyphs.size();
        glyphs.ensureStorageAllocated (glyphs.size() + textLen);

        String::CharPointerType t (text.getCharPointer());

        for (int i = 0; i < textLen; ++i)
            const float nextX = xOffsets.getUnchecked (i + 1);

            if (nextX > maxWidthPixels + 1.0f)
                // curtail the string if it's too wide..
                if (useEllipsis && textLen > 3 && glyphs.size() >= 3)
                    insertEllipsis (font, xOffset + maxWidthPixels, 0, glyphs.size());

                const float thisX = xOffsets.getUnchecked (i);
                const bool isWhitespace = t.isWhitespace();

                glyphs.add (PositionedGlyph (font, t.getAndAdvance(),
                                             xOffset + thisX, yOffset,
                                             nextX - thisX, isWhitespace));

int GlyphArrangement::insertEllipsis (const Font& font, const float maxXPos,
                                      const int startIndex, int endIndex)
    int numDeleted = 0;

    if (glyphs.size() > 0)
        Array<int> dotGlyphs;
        Array<float> dotXs;
        font.getGlyphPositions ("..", dotGlyphs, dotXs);

        const float dx = dotXs[1];
        float xOffset = 0.0f, yOffset = 0.0f;

        while (endIndex > startIndex)
            const PositionedGlyph& pg = glyphs.getReference (--endIndex);
            xOffset = pg.x;
            yOffset = pg.y;

            glyphs.remove (endIndex);

            if (xOffset + dx * 3 <= maxXPos)

        for (int i = 3; --i >= 0;)
            glyphs.insert (endIndex++, PositionedGlyph (font, '.', dotGlyphs.getFirst(),
                                                        xOffset, yOffset, dx, false));
            xOffset += dx;

            if (xOffset > maxXPos)

    return numDeleted;

void GlyphArrangement::addJustifiedText (const Font& font,
                                         const String& text,
                                         float x, float y,
                                         const float maxLineWidth,
                                         Justification horizontalLayout)
    int lineStartIndex = glyphs.size();
    addLineOfText (font, text, x, y);

    const float originalY = y;

    while (lineStartIndex < glyphs.size())
        int i = lineStartIndex;

        if (glyphs.getReference(i).getCharacter() != '\n'
              && glyphs.getReference(i).getCharacter() != '\r')

        const float lineMaxX = glyphs.getReference (lineStartIndex).getLeft() + maxLineWidth;
        int lastWordBreakIndex = -1;

        while (i < glyphs.size())
            const PositionedGlyph& pg = glyphs.getReference (i);
            const juce_wchar c = pg.getCharacter();

            if (c == '\r' || c == '\n')

                if (c == '\r' && i < glyphs.size()
                     && glyphs.getReference(i).getCharacter() == '\n')

            else if (pg.isWhitespace())
                lastWordBreakIndex = i + 1;
            else if (pg.getRight() - 0.0001f >= lineMaxX)
                if (lastWordBreakIndex >= 0)
                    i = lastWordBreakIndex;



        const float currentLineStartX = glyphs.getReference (lineStartIndex).getLeft();
        float currentLineEndX = currentLineStartX;

        for (int j = i; --j >= lineStartIndex;)
            if (! glyphs.getReference (j).isWhitespace())
                currentLineEndX = glyphs.getReference (j).getRight();

        float deltaX = 0.0f;

        if (horizontalLayout.testFlags (Justification::horizontallyJustified))
            spreadOutLine (lineStartIndex, i - lineStartIndex, maxLineWidth);
        else if (horizontalLayout.testFlags (Justification::horizontallyCentred))
            deltaX = (maxLineWidth - (currentLineEndX - currentLineStartX)) * 0.5f;
        else if (horizontalLayout.testFlags (Justification::right))
            deltaX = maxLineWidth - (currentLineEndX - currentLineStartX);

        moveRangeOfGlyphs (lineStartIndex, i - lineStartIndex,
                           x + deltaX - currentLineStartX, y - originalY);

        lineStartIndex = i;

        y += font.getHeight();

void GlyphArrangement::addFittedText (const Font& f,
                                      const String& text,
                                      const float x, const float y,
                                      const float width, const float height,
                                      Justification layout,
                                      int maximumLines,
                                      const float minimumHorizontalScale)
    // doesn't make much sense if this is outside a sensible range of 0.5 to 1.0
    jassert (minimumHorizontalScale > 0 && minimumHorizontalScale <= 1.0f);

    if (text.containsAnyOf ("\r\n"))
        GlyphArrangement ga;
        ga.addJustifiedText (f, text, x, y, width, layout);

        const Rectangle<float> bb (ga.getBoundingBox (0, -1, false));

        float dy = y - bb.getY();

        if (layout.testFlags (Justification::verticallyCentred))   dy += (height - bb.getHeight()) * 0.5f;
        else if (layout.testFlags (Justification::bottom))         dy += (height - bb.getHeight());

        ga.moveRangeOfGlyphs (0, -1, 0.0f, dy);

        glyphs.addArray (ga.glyphs);

    int startIndex = glyphs.size();
    addLineOfText (f, text.trim(), x, y);

    if (glyphs.size() > startIndex)
        float lineWidth = glyphs.getReference (glyphs.size() - 1).getRight()
                            - glyphs.getReference (startIndex).getLeft();

        if (lineWidth <= 0)

        if (lineWidth * minimumHorizontalScale < width)
            if (lineWidth > width)
                stretchRangeOfGlyphs (startIndex, glyphs.size() - startIndex,
                                      width / lineWidth);

            justifyGlyphs (startIndex, glyphs.size() - startIndex,
                           x, y, width, height, layout);
        else if (maximumLines <= 1)
            fitLineIntoSpace (startIndex, glyphs.size() - startIndex,
                              x, y, width, height, f, layout, minimumHorizontalScale);
            Font font (f);
            String txt (text.trim());
            const int length = txt.length();
            const int originalStartIndex = startIndex;
            int numLines = 1;

            if (length <= 12 && ! txt.containsAnyOf (" -\t\r\n"))
                maximumLines = 1;

            maximumLines = jmin (maximumLines, length);

            while (numLines < maximumLines)

                const float newFontHeight = height / (float) numLines;

                if (newFontHeight < font.getHeight())
                    font.setHeight (jmax (8.0f, newFontHeight));

                    removeRangeOfGlyphs (startIndex, -1);
                    addLineOfText (font, txt, x, y);

                    lineWidth = glyphs.getReference (glyphs.size() - 1).getRight()
                                    - glyphs.getReference (startIndex).getLeft();

                if (numLines > lineWidth / width || newFontHeight < 8.0f)

            if (numLines < 1)
                numLines = 1;

            float lineY = y;
            float widthPerLine = lineWidth / numLines;

            for (int line = 0; line < numLines; ++line)
                int i = startIndex;
                float lineStartX = glyphs.getReference (startIndex).getLeft();

                if (line == numLines - 1)
                    widthPerLine = width;
                    i = glyphs.size();
                    while (i < glyphs.size())
                        lineWidth = (glyphs.getReference (i).getRight() - lineStartX);

                        if (lineWidth > widthPerLine)
                            // got to a point where the line's too long, so skip forward to find a
                            // good place to break it..
                            const int searchStartIndex = i;

                            while (i < glyphs.size())
                                if ((glyphs.getReference (i).getRight() - lineStartX) * minimumHorizontalScale < width)
                                    if (glyphs.getReference (i).isWhitespace()
                                         || glyphs.getReference (i).getCharacter() == '-')
                                    // can't find a suitable break, so try looking backwards..
                                    i = searchStartIndex;

                                    for (int back = 1; back < jmin (7, i - startIndex - 1); ++back)
                                        if (glyphs.getReference (i - back).isWhitespace()
                                             || glyphs.getReference (i - back).getCharacter() == '-')
                                            i -= back - 1;





                    int wsStart = i;
                    while (wsStart > 0 && glyphs.getReference (wsStart - 1).isWhitespace())

                    int wsEnd = i;

                    while (wsEnd < glyphs.size() && glyphs.getReference (wsEnd).isWhitespace())

                    removeRangeOfGlyphs (wsStart, wsEnd - wsStart);
                    i = jmax (wsStart, startIndex + 1);

                i -= fitLineIntoSpace (startIndex, i - startIndex,
                                       x, lineY, width, font.getHeight(), font,
                                       layout.getOnlyHorizontalFlags() | Justification::verticallyCentred,

                startIndex = i;
                lineY += font.getHeight();

                if (startIndex >= glyphs.size())

            justifyGlyphs (originalStartIndex, glyphs.size() - originalStartIndex,
                           x, y, width, height, layout.getFlags() & ~Justification::horizontallyJustified);

void GlyphArrangement::moveRangeOfGlyphs (int startIndex, int num, const float dx, const float dy)
    jassert (startIndex >= 0);

    if (dx != 0.0f || dy != 0.0f)
        if (num < 0 || startIndex + num > glyphs.size())
            num = glyphs.size() - startIndex;

        while (--num >= 0)
            glyphs.getReference (startIndex++).moveBy (dx, dy);

int GlyphArrangement::fitLineIntoSpace (int start, int numGlyphs, float x, float y, float w, float h, const Font& font,
                                        Justification justification, float minimumHorizontalScale)
    int numDeleted = 0;
    const float lineStartX = glyphs.getReference (start).getLeft();
    float lineWidth = glyphs.getReference (start + numGlyphs - 1).getRight() - lineStartX;

    if (lineWidth > w)
        if (minimumHorizontalScale < 1.0f)
            stretchRangeOfGlyphs (start, numGlyphs, jmax (minimumHorizontalScale, w / lineWidth));
            lineWidth = glyphs.getReference (start + numGlyphs - 1).getRight() - lineStartX - 0.5f;

        if (lineWidth > w)
            numDeleted = insertEllipsis (font, lineStartX + w, start, start + numGlyphs);
            numGlyphs -= numDeleted;

    justifyGlyphs (start, numGlyphs, x, y, w, h, justification);
    return numDeleted;

void GlyphArrangement::stretchRangeOfGlyphs (int startIndex, int num,
                                             const float horizontalScaleFactor)
    jassert (startIndex >= 0);

    if (num < 0 || startIndex + num > glyphs.size())
        num = glyphs.size() - startIndex;

    if (num > 0)
        const float xAnchor = glyphs.getReference (startIndex).getLeft();

        while (--num >= 0)
            PositionedGlyph& pg = glyphs.getReference (startIndex++);

            pg.x = xAnchor + (pg.x - xAnchor) * horizontalScaleFactor;
            pg.font.setHorizontalScale (pg.font.getHorizontalScale() * horizontalScaleFactor);
            pg.w *= horizontalScaleFactor;

Rectangle<float> GlyphArrangement::getBoundingBox (int startIndex, int num, const bool includeWhitespace) const
    jassert (startIndex >= 0);

    if (num < 0 || startIndex + num > glyphs.size())
        num = glyphs.size() - startIndex;

    Rectangle<float> result;

    while (--num >= 0)
        const PositionedGlyph& pg = glyphs.getReference (startIndex++);

        if (includeWhitespace || ! pg.isWhitespace())
            result = result.getUnion (pg.getBounds());

    return result;

void GlyphArrangement::justifyGlyphs (const int startIndex, const int num,
                                      const float x, const float y, const float width, const float height,
                                      Justification justification)
    jassert (num >= 0 && startIndex >= 0);

    if (glyphs.size() > 0 && num > 0)
        const Rectangle<float> bb (getBoundingBox (startIndex, num, ! justification.testFlags (Justification::horizontallyJustified
                                                                                                | Justification::horizontallyCentred)));
        float deltaX = 0.0f, deltaY = 0.0f;

        if (justification.testFlags (Justification::horizontallyJustified))     deltaX = x - bb.getX();
        else if (justification.testFlags (Justification::horizontallyCentred))  deltaX = x + (width - bb.getWidth()) * 0.5f - bb.getX();
        else if (justification.testFlags (Justification::right))                deltaX = x + width - bb.getRight();
        else                                                                    deltaX = x - bb.getX();

        if (justification.testFlags (Justification::top))                       deltaY = y - bb.getY();
        else if (justification.testFlags (Justification::bottom))               deltaY = y + height - bb.getBottom();
        else                                                                    deltaY = y + (height - bb.getHeight()) * 0.5f - bb.getY();

        moveRangeOfGlyphs (startIndex, num, deltaX, deltaY);

        if (justification.testFlags (Justification::horizontallyJustified))
            int lineStart = 0;
            float baseY = glyphs.getReference (startIndex).getBaselineY();

            int i;
            for (i = 0; i < num; ++i)
                const float glyphY = glyphs.getReference (startIndex + i).getBaselineY();

                if (glyphY != baseY)
                    spreadOutLine (startIndex + lineStart, i - lineStart, width);

                    lineStart = i;
                    baseY = glyphY;

            if (i > lineStart)
                spreadOutLine (startIndex + lineStart, i - lineStart, width);

void GlyphArrangement::spreadOutLine (const int start, const int num, const float targetWidth)
    if (start + num < glyphs.size()
         && glyphs.getReference (start + num - 1).getCharacter() != '\r'
         && glyphs.getReference (start + num - 1).getCharacter() != '\n')
        int numSpaces = 0;
        int spacesAtEnd = 0;

        for (int i = 0; i < num; ++i)
            if (glyphs.getReference (start + i).isWhitespace())
                spacesAtEnd = 0;

        numSpaces -= spacesAtEnd;

        if (numSpaces > 0)
            const float startX = glyphs.getReference (start).getLeft();
            const float endX = glyphs.getReference (start + num - 1 - spacesAtEnd).getRight();

            const float extraPaddingBetweenWords
                = (targetWidth - (endX - startX)) / (float) numSpaces;

            float deltaX = 0.0f;

            for (int i = 0; i < num; ++i)
                glyphs.getReference (start + i).moveBy (deltaX, 0.0f);

                if (glyphs.getReference (start + i).isWhitespace())
                    deltaX += extraPaddingBetweenWords;

inline void GlyphArrangement::drawGlyphUnderline (const Graphics& g, const PositionedGlyph& pg,
                                                  const int i, const AffineTransform& transform) const
    const float lineThickness = (pg.font.getDescent()) * 0.3f;

    float nextX = pg.x + pg.w;

    if (i < glyphs.size() - 1 && glyphs.getReference (i + 1).y == pg.y)
        nextX = glyphs.getReference (i + 1).x;

    Path p;
    p.addRectangle (pg.x, pg.y + lineThickness * 2.0f, nextX - pg.x, lineThickness);
    g.fillPath (p, transform);

void GlyphArrangement::draw (const Graphics& g) const
    for (int i = 0; i < glyphs.size(); ++i)
        const PositionedGlyph& pg = glyphs.getReference(i);

        if (pg.font.isUnderlined())
            drawGlyphUnderline (g, pg, i, AffineTransform::identity);

        pg.draw (g);

void GlyphArrangement::draw (const Graphics& g, const AffineTransform& transform) const
    for (int i = 0; i < glyphs.size(); ++i)
        const PositionedGlyph& pg = glyphs.getReference(i);

        if (pg.font.isUnderlined())
            drawGlyphUnderline (g, pg, i, transform);

        pg.draw (g, transform);

void GlyphArrangement::createPath (Path& path) const
    for (int i = 0; i < glyphs.size(); ++i)
        glyphs.getReference (i).createPath (path);

int GlyphArrangement::findGlyphIndexAt (const float x, const float y) const
    for (int i = 0; i < glyphs.size(); ++i)
        if (glyphs.getReference (i).hitTest (x, y))
            return i;

    return -1;