/** * * Copyright (c) 2013 Pascal Gauthier. * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or * modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as * published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of * the License, or (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be * useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied * warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR * PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public * License along with this program; if not, write to the Free * Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, * Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA. */ #include #include "PluginParam.h" #include "PluginProcessor.h" #include "PluginEditor.h" #include "Dexed.h" // ************************************************************************ // Ctrl::Ctrl(String name) { label << name; slider = NULL; button = NULL; comboBox = NULL; } void Ctrl::bind(Slider *s) { slider = s; updateComponent(); s->addListener(this); s->addMouseListener(this, true); } void Ctrl::bind(Button *b) { button = b; updateComponent(); b->addListener(this); b->addMouseListener(this, true); } void Ctrl::bind(ComboBox *c) { comboBox = c; updateComponent(); c->addListener(this); c->addMouseListener(this, true); } void Ctrl::unbind() { if (slider != NULL) { slider->removeListener(this); slider->removeMouseListener(this); slider = NULL; } if (button != NULL) { button->removeListener(this); button->removeMouseListener(this); button = NULL; } if (comboBox != NULL) { comboBox->removeListener(this); comboBox->removeMouseListener(this); comboBox = NULL; } } void Ctrl::publishValue(float value) { parent->beginParameterChangeGesture(idx); parent->setParameterNotifyingHost(idx, value); parent->endParameterChangeGesture(idx); } void Ctrl::sliderValueChanged(Slider* moved) { publishValue(moved->getValue()); } void Ctrl::buttonClicked(Button* clicked) { publishValue(clicked->getToggleState()); } void Ctrl::comboBoxChanged(ComboBox* combo) { publishValue((combo->getSelectedId() - 1) / combo->getNumItems()); } void Ctrl::mouseEnter(const juce::MouseEvent &event) { updateDisplayName(); } void Ctrl::updateDisplayName() { } // ************************************************************************ // CtrlDX - control DX mapping CtrlFloat::CtrlFloat(String name, float *storageValue) : Ctrl(name) { vPointer = storageValue; } float CtrlFloat::getValueHost() { return *vPointer; } void CtrlFloat::setValueHost(float v) { *vPointer = v; } String CtrlFloat::getValueDisplay() { String display; display << *vPointer; return display; } void CtrlFloat::updateComponent() { if (slider != NULL) { slider->setValue(*vPointer, dontSendNotification); } } // ************************************************************************ // CtrlDX - control DX mapping CtrlDX::CtrlDX(String name, int steps, int offset, int displayValue) : Ctrl(name) { this->displayValue = displayValue; this->steps = steps; dxValue = 0; dxOffset = offset; } float CtrlDX::getValueHost() { return dxValue / steps; } void CtrlDX::setValueHost(float f) { setValue((f * steps)); DexedAudioProcessorEditor *editor = (DexedAudioProcessorEditor *) parent->getActiveEditor(); if ( editor == NULL ) { return; } String msg; msg << label << " = " << getValueDisplay(); editor->global.setParamMessage(msg); } void CtrlDX::setValue(int v) { TRACE("setting value %d %d", dxOffset, v); if (v >= steps) { TRACE("WARNING: value too big %s : %d", label.toRawUTF8(), v); v = steps - 1; } dxValue = v; if (dxOffset >= 0) { if (parent != NULL) parent->setDxValue(dxOffset, dxValue); } } int CtrlDX::getValue() { if (dxOffset >= 0) dxValue = parent->data[dxOffset]; return dxValue; } int CtrlDX::getOffset() { return dxOffset; } String CtrlDX::getValueDisplay() { String ret; ret << ( getValue() + displayValue ); return ret; } void CtrlDX::updateDisplayName() { DexedAudioProcessorEditor *editor = (DexedAudioProcessorEditor *) parent->getActiveEditor(); if ( editor == NULL ) { return; } String msg; msg << label << " = " << getValueDisplay(); editor->global.setParamMessage(msg); } void CtrlDX::publishValue(float value) { Ctrl::publishValue(value / steps); updateDisplayName(); } void CtrlDX::sliderValueChanged(Slider* moved) { publishValue(((int) moved->getValue() - displayValue)); } void CtrlDX::comboBoxChanged(ComboBox* combo) { publishValue(combo->getSelectedId() - 1); } void CtrlDX::buttonClicked(Button *button) { publishValue((int) button->getToggleState()); } void CtrlDX::updateComponent() { if (slider != NULL) { slider->setValue(getValue() + displayValue, dontSendNotification); } if (button != NULL) { if (getValue() == 0) { button->setToggleState(false, dontSendNotification); } else { button->setToggleState(true, dontSendNotification); } } if (comboBox != NULL) { int cvalue = getValue() + 1; if (comboBox->getNumItems() <= cvalue) { cvalue = comboBox->getNumItems(); } comboBox->setSelectedId(cvalue, dontSendNotification); } } /*************************************************************** * */ void DexedAudioProcessor::initCtrl() { loadBuiltin(0); currentProgram = 0; fxCutoff = new CtrlFloat("Cutoff", &fx.uiCutoff); ctrl.add(fxCutoff); fxReso = new CtrlFloat("Resonance", &fx.uiReso); ctrl.add(fxReso); output = new CtrlFloat("Output", &fx.uiGain); ctrl.add(output); algo = new CtrlDX("ALGORITHM", 32, 134, 1); ctrl.add(algo); feedback = new CtrlDX("FEEDBACK", 8, 135); ctrl.add(feedback); oscSync = new CtrlDX("OSC KEY SYNC", 2, 136); ctrl.add(oscSync); lfoRate = new CtrlDX("LFO SPEED", 100, 137); ctrl.add(lfoRate); lfoDelay = new CtrlDX("LFO DELAY", 100, 138); ctrl.add(lfoDelay); lfoPitchDepth = new CtrlDX("LFO PM DEPTH", 100, 139); ctrl.add(lfoPitchDepth); lfoAmpDepth = new CtrlDX("LFO AM DEPTH", 100, 140); ctrl.add(lfoAmpDepth); lfoSync = new CtrlDX("LFO KEY SYNC", 2, 141); ctrl.add(lfoSync); lfoWaveform = new CtrlDX("LFO WAVE", 5, 142); ctrl.add(lfoWaveform); transpose = new CtrlDX("MIDDLE C", 49, 144); ctrl.add(transpose); pitchModSens = new CtrlDX("P MODE SENS.", 8, 143); ctrl.add(pitchModSens); for (int i=0;i<4;i++) { String rate; rate << "PITCH EG RATE " << (i+1); pitchEgRate[i] = new CtrlDX(rate, 99, 126+i); ctrl.add(pitchEgRate[i]); } for (int i=0;i<4;i++) { String level; level << "PITCH EG LEVEL " << (i+1); pitchEgLevel[i] = new CtrlDX(level, 99, 130+i); ctrl.add(pitchEgLevel[i]); } // fill operator values; for (int i = 0; i < 6; i++) { //// In the Sysex, OP6 comes first, then OP5... int opTarget = (5-i) * 21; int opVal = i; String opName; opName << "OP" << (opVal + 1); for (int j = 0; j < 4; j++) { String opRate; opRate << opName << " EG RATE " << (j + 1); opCtrl[opVal].egRate[j] = new CtrlDX(opRate, 100, opTarget + j); ctrl.add(opCtrl[opVal].egRate[j]); } for (int j = 0; j < 4; j++) { String opLevel; opLevel << opName << " EG LEVEL " << (j + 1); opCtrl[opVal].egLevel[j] = new CtrlDX(opLevel, 100, opTarget + j + 4); ctrl.add(opCtrl[opVal].egLevel[j]); } String opVol; opVol << opName << " OUTPUT LEVEL"; opCtrl[opVal].level = new CtrlDX(opVol, 100, opTarget + 16); ctrl.add(opCtrl[opVal].level); String opMode; opMode << opName << " MODE"; opCtrl[opVal].opMode = new CtrlDX(opMode, 2, opTarget + 17); ctrl.add(opCtrl[opVal].opMode); String coarse; coarse << opName << " F COARSE"; opCtrl[opVal].coarse = new CtrlDX(coarse, 32, opTarget + 18); ctrl.add(opCtrl[opVal].coarse); String fine; fine << opName << " F FINE"; opCtrl[opVal].fine = new CtrlDX(fine, 100, opTarget + 19); ctrl.add(opCtrl[opVal].fine); String detune; detune << opName << " OSC DETUNE"; opCtrl[opVal].detune = new CtrlDX(detune, 15, opTarget + 20, -7); ctrl.add(opCtrl[opVal].detune); String sclBrkPt; sclBrkPt << opName << " BREAK POINT"; opCtrl[opVal].sclBrkPt = new CtrlDX(sclBrkPt, 100, opTarget + 8); ctrl.add(opCtrl[opVal].sclBrkPt); String sclLeftDepth; sclLeftDepth << opName << " L SCALE DEPTH"; opCtrl[opVal].sclLeftDepth = new CtrlDX(sclLeftDepth, 100, opTarget + 9); ctrl.add(opCtrl[opVal].sclLeftDepth); String sclRightDepth; sclRightDepth << opName << " R SCALE DEPTH"; opCtrl[opVal].sclRightDepth = new CtrlDX(sclRightDepth, 100, opTarget + 10); ctrl.add(opCtrl[opVal].sclRightDepth); String sclLeftCurve; sclLeftCurve << opName << " L KEY SCALE"; opCtrl[opVal].sclLeftCurve = new CtrlDX(sclLeftCurve, 4, opTarget + 11); ctrl.add(opCtrl[opVal].sclLeftCurve); String sclRightCurve; sclRightCurve << opName << " R KEY SCALE"; opCtrl[opVal].sclRightCurve = new CtrlDX(sclRightCurve, 4, opTarget + 12); ctrl.add(opCtrl[opVal].sclRightCurve); String sclRate; sclRate << opName << " RATE SCALING"; opCtrl[opVal].sclRate = new CtrlDX(sclRate, 8, opTarget + 13); ctrl.add(opCtrl[opVal].sclRate); String ampModSens; ampModSens << opName << " A MOD SENS."; opCtrl[opVal].ampModSens = new CtrlDX(ampModSens, 4, opTarget + 14); ctrl.add(opCtrl[opVal].ampModSens); String velModSens; velModSens << opName << " KEY VELOCITY"; opCtrl[opVal].velModSens = new CtrlDX(velModSens, 8, opTarget + 15); ctrl.add(opCtrl[opVal].velModSens); } for (int i=0; i < ctrl.size(); i++) { ctrl[i]->idx = i; ctrl[i]->parent = this; } } void DexedAudioProcessor::setDxValue(int offset, int v) { TRACE("setting dx %d %d", offset, v); refreshVoice = true; if (offset >= 0) data[offset] = v; // MIDDLE C (transpose) if (offset == 144) panic(); if (!sendSysexChange) return; uint8 msg[7] = { 0xF0, 0x43, 0x10, offset > 127, 0, (uint8) v, 0xF7 }; msg[2] = 0x10 | sysexComm.getChl(); msg[4] = offset & 0x7F; if ( sysexComm.isOutputActive() ) { sysexComm.send(MidiMessage(msg,7)); } else { midiOut.addEvent(msg, 7, 0); } } void DexedAudioProcessor::unbindUI() { for (int i = 0; i < ctrl.size(); i++) { ctrl[i]->unbind(); } } //============================================================================== int DexedAudioProcessor::getNumParameters() { return ctrl.size(); } float DexedAudioProcessor::getParameter(int index) { return ctrl[index]->getValueHost(); } void DexedAudioProcessor::setParameter(int index, float newValue) { ctrl[index]->setValueHost(newValue); forceRefreshUI = true; } int DexedAudioProcessor::getNumPrograms() { return 32; } int DexedAudioProcessor::getCurrentProgram() { return currentProgram; } void DexedAudioProcessor::setCurrentProgram(int index) { TRACE("setting program %d state", index); if ( lastStateSave + 2 > time(NULL) ) { TRACE("skipping save, storage recall to close"); return; } for (int i = 0; i < MAX_ACTIVE_NOTES; i++) { if (voices[i].keydown == false && voices[i].live == true) { voices[i].live = false; } } index = index > 31 ? 31 : index; unpackProgram(index); lfo.reset(data + 137); currentProgram = index; triggerAsyncUpdate(); // reset parameter display DexedAudioProcessorEditor *editor = (DexedAudioProcessorEditor *) getActiveEditor(); if ( editor == NULL ) { return; } editor->global.setParamMessage(""); } const String DexedAudioProcessor::getProgramName(int index) { if (index >= 32) index = 31; return programNames[index]; } void DexedAudioProcessor::changeProgramName(int index, const String& newName) { } const String DexedAudioProcessor::getParameterName(int index) { return ctrl[index]->label; } const String DexedAudioProcessor::getParameterText(int index) { return ctrl[index]->getValueDisplay(); } void DexedAudioProcessor::loadPreference() { PropertiesFile prop(prefOptions); if ( ! prop.isValidFile() ) { return; } if ( prop.containsKey( String("normalizeDxVelocity") ) ) { normalizeDxVelocity = prop.getIntValue( String("normalizeDxVelocity") ); } if ( prop.containsKey( String("pitchRange") ) ) { controllers.values_[kControllerPitchRange] = prop.getIntValue( String("pitchRange") ); } if ( prop.containsKey( String("pitchStep") ) ) { controllers.values_[kControllerPitchStep] = prop.getIntValue( String("pitchStep") ); } if ( prop.containsKey( String("sysexIn") ) ) { sysexComm.setInput( prop.getValue("sysexIn") ); } if ( prop.containsKey( String("sysexOut") ) ) { sysexComm.setOutput( prop.getValue("sysexOut") ); } if ( prop.containsKey( String("sysexChl") ) ) { sysexComm.setChl( prop.getIntValue( String("sysexChl") ) ); } } void DexedAudioProcessor::savePreference() { PropertiesFile prop(prefOptions); prop.setValue(String("normalizeDxVelocity"), normalizeDxVelocity); prop.setValue(String("pitchRange"), controllers.values_[kControllerPitchRange]); prop.setValue(String("pitchStep"), controllers.values_[kControllerPitchStep]); prop.setValue(String("sysexIn"), sysexComm.getInput()); prop.setValue(String("sysexOut"), sysexComm.getOutput()); prop.setValue(String("sysexChl"), sysexComm.getChl()); prop.save(); }