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This file is part of the JUCE library .
Copyright ( c ) 2015 - ROLI Ltd .
Permission is granted to use this software under the terms of either :
a ) the GPL v2 ( or any later version )
b ) the Affero GPL v3
Details of these licenses can be found at : www . gnu . org / licenses
JUCE is distributed in the hope that it will be useful , but WITHOUT ANY
WARRANTY ; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR
A PARTICULAR PURPOSE . See the GNU General Public License for more details .
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
To release a closed - source product which uses JUCE , commercial licenses are
available : visit www . juce . com for more information .
= = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = =
A slider control for changing a value .
The slider can be horizontal , vertical , or rotary , and can optionally have
a text - box inside it to show an editable display of the current value .
To use it , create a Slider object and use the setSliderStyle ( ) method
to set up the type you want . To set up the text - entry box , use setTextBoxStyle ( ) .
To define the values that it can be set to , see the setRange ( ) and setValue ( ) methods .
There are also lots of custom tweaks you can do by subclassing and overriding
some of the virtual methods , such as changing the scaling , changing the format of
the text display , custom ways of limiting the values , etc .
You can register Slider : : Listener objects with a slider , and they ' ll be called when
the value changes .
@ see Slider : : Listener
class JUCE_API Slider : public Component ,
public SettableTooltipClient
public :
/** The types of slider available.
@ see setSliderStyle , setRotaryParameters
enum SliderStyle
LinearHorizontal , /**< A traditional horizontal slider. */
LinearVertical , /**< A traditional vertical slider. */
LinearBar , /**< A horizontal bar slider with the text label drawn on top of it. */
LinearBarVertical ,
Rotary , /**< A rotary control that you move by dragging the mouse in a circular motion, like a knob.
@ see setRotaryParameters */
RotaryHorizontalDrag , /**< A rotary control that you move by dragging the mouse left-to-right.
@ see setRotaryParameters */
RotaryVerticalDrag , /**< A rotary control that you move by dragging the mouse up-and-down.
@ see setRotaryParameters */
RotaryHorizontalVerticalDrag , /**< A rotary control that you move by dragging the mouse up-and-down or left-to-right.
@ see setRotaryParameters */
IncDecButtons , /**< A pair of buttons that increment or decrement the slider's value by the increment set in setRange(). */
TwoValueHorizontal , /**< A horizontal slider that has two thumbs instead of one, so it can show a minimum and maximum value.
@ see setMinValue , setMaxValue */
TwoValueVertical , /**< A vertical slider that has two thumbs instead of one, so it can show a minimum and maximum value.
@ see setMinValue , setMaxValue */
ThreeValueHorizontal , /**< A horizontal slider that has three thumbs instead of one, so it can show a minimum and maximum
value , with the current value being somewhere between them .
@ see setMinValue , setMaxValue */
ThreeValueVertical , /**< A vertical slider that has three thumbs instead of one, so it can show a minimum and maximum
value , with the current value being somewhere between them .
@ see setMinValue , setMaxValue */
} ;
/** The position of the slider's text-entry box.
@ see setTextBoxStyle
enum TextEntryBoxPosition
NoTextBox , /**< Doesn't display a text box. */
TextBoxLeft , /**< Puts the text box to the left of the slider, vertically centred. */
TextBoxRight , /**< Puts the text box to the right of the slider, vertically centred. */
TextBoxAbove , /**< Puts the text box above the slider, horizontally centred. */
TextBoxBelow /**< Puts the text box below the slider, horizontally centred. */
} ;
/** Describes the type of mouse-dragging that is happening when a value is being changed.
@ see snapValue
enum DragMode
notDragging , /**< Dragging is not active. */
absoluteDrag , /**< The dragging corresponds directly to the value that is displayed. */
velocityDrag /**< The dragging value change is relative to the velocity of the mouse mouvement. */
} ;
/** Creates a slider.
When created , you can set up the slider ' s style and range with setSliderStyle ( ) , setRange ( ) , etc .
Slider ( ) ;
/** Creates a slider.
When created , you can set up the slider ' s style and range with setSliderStyle ( ) , setRange ( ) , etc .
explicit Slider ( const String & componentName ) ;
/** Creates a slider with some explicit options. */
Slider ( SliderStyle style , TextEntryBoxPosition textBoxPosition ) ;
/** Destructor. */
~ Slider ( ) ;
/** Changes the type of slider interface being used.
@ param newStyle the type of interface
@ see setRotaryParameters , setVelocityBasedMode ,
void setSliderStyle ( SliderStyle newStyle ) ;
/** Returns the slider's current style.
@ see setSliderStyle
SliderStyle getSliderStyle ( ) const noexcept ;
/** Changes the properties of a rotary slider.
@ param startAngleRadians the angle ( in radians , clockwise from the top ) at which
the slider ' s minimum value is represented
@ param endAngleRadians the angle ( in radians , clockwise from the top ) at which
the slider ' s maximum value is represented . This must be
greater than startAngleRadians
@ param stopAtEnd determines what happens when a circular drag action rotates beyond
the minimum or maximum angle . If true , the value will stop changing
until the mouse moves back the way it came ; if false , the value
will snap back to the value nearest to the mouse . Note that this has
no effect if the drag mode is vertical or horizontal .
void setRotaryParameters ( float startAngleRadians ,
float endAngleRadians ,
bool stopAtEnd ) ;
/** Sets the distance the mouse has to move to drag the slider across
the full extent of its range .
This only applies when in modes like RotaryHorizontalDrag , where it ' s using
relative mouse movements to adjust the slider .
void setMouseDragSensitivity ( int distanceForFullScaleDrag ) ;
/** Returns the current sensitivity value set by setMouseDragSensitivity(). */
int getMouseDragSensitivity ( ) const noexcept ;
/** Changes the way the mouse is used when dragging the slider.
If true , this will turn on velocity - sensitive dragging , so that
the faster the mouse moves , the bigger the movement to the slider . This
helps when making accurate adjustments if the slider ' s range is quite large .
If false , the slider will just try to snap to wherever the mouse is .
void setVelocityBasedMode ( bool isVelocityBased ) ;
/** Returns true if velocity-based mode is active.
@ see setVelocityBasedMode
bool getVelocityBasedMode ( ) const noexcept ;
/** Changes aspects of the scaling used when in velocity-sensitive mode.
These apply when you ' ve used setVelocityBasedMode ( ) to turn on velocity mode ,
or if you ' re holding down ctrl .
@ param sensitivity higher values than 1.0 increase the range of acceleration used
@ param threshold the minimum number of pixels that the mouse needs to move for it
to be treated as a movement
@ param offset values greater than 0.0 increase the minimum speed that will be used when
the threshold is reached
@ param userCanPressKeyToSwapMode if true , then the user can hold down the ctrl or command
key to toggle velocity - sensitive mode
void setVelocityModeParameters ( double sensitivity = 1.0 ,
int threshold = 1 ,
double offset = 0.0 ,
bool userCanPressKeyToSwapMode = true ) ;
/** Returns the velocity sensitivity setting.
@ see setVelocityModeParameters
double getVelocitySensitivity ( ) const noexcept ;
/** Returns the velocity threshold setting.
@ see setVelocityModeParameters
int getVelocityThreshold ( ) const noexcept ;
/** Returns the velocity offset setting.
@ see setVelocityModeParameters
double getVelocityOffset ( ) const noexcept ;
/** Returns the velocity user key setting.
@ see setVelocityModeParameters
bool getVelocityModeIsSwappable ( ) const noexcept ;
/** Sets up a skew factor to alter the way values are distributed.
You may want to use a range of values on the slider where more accuracy
is required towards one end of the range , so this will logarithmically
spread the values across the length of the slider .
If the factor is < 1.0 , the lower end of the range will fill more of the
slider ' s length ; if the factor is > 1.0 , the upper end of the range
will be expanded instead . A factor of 1.0 doesn ' t skew it at all .
To set the skew position by using a mid - point , use the setSkewFactorFromMidPoint ( )
method instead .
@ see getSkewFactor , setSkewFactorFromMidPoint
void setSkewFactor ( double factor ) ;
/** Sets up a skew factor to alter the way values are distributed.
This allows you to specify the slider value that should appear in the
centre of the slider ' s visible range .
@ see setSkewFactor , getSkewFactor
void setSkewFactorFromMidPoint ( double sliderValueToShowAtMidPoint ) ;
/** Returns the current skew factor.
See setSkewFactor for more info .
@ see setSkewFactor , setSkewFactorFromMidPoint
double getSkewFactor ( ) const noexcept ;
/** Used by setIncDecButtonsMode().
enum IncDecButtonMode
incDecButtonsNotDraggable ,
incDecButtonsDraggable_AutoDirection ,
incDecButtonsDraggable_Horizontal ,
} ;
/** When the style is IncDecButtons, this lets you turn on a mode where the mouse
can be dragged on the buttons to drag the values .
By default this is turned off . When enabled , clicking on the buttons still works
them as normal , but by holding down the mouse on a button and dragging it a little
distance , it flips into a mode where the value can be dragged . The drag direction can
either be set explicitly to be vertical or horizontal , or can be set to
incDecButtonsDraggable_AutoDirection so that it depends on whether the buttons
are side - by - side or above each other .
void setIncDecButtonsMode ( IncDecButtonMode mode ) ;
/** Changes the location and properties of the text-entry box.
@ param newPosition where it should go ( or NoTextBox to not have one at all )
@ param isReadOnly if true , it ' s a read - only display
@ param textEntryBoxWidth the width of the text - box in pixels . Make sure this leaves enough
room for the slider as well !
@ param textEntryBoxHeight the height of the text - box in pixels . Make sure this leaves enough
room for the slider as well !
@ see setTextBoxIsEditable , getValueFromText , getTextFromValue
void setTextBoxStyle ( TextEntryBoxPosition newPosition ,
bool isReadOnly ,
int textEntryBoxWidth ,
int textEntryBoxHeight ) ;
/** Returns the status of the text-box.
@ see setTextBoxStyle
TextEntryBoxPosition getTextBoxPosition ( ) const noexcept ;
/** Returns the width used for the text-box.
@ see setTextBoxStyle
int getTextBoxWidth ( ) const noexcept ;
/** Returns the height used for the text-box.
@ see setTextBoxStyle
int getTextBoxHeight ( ) const noexcept ;
/** Makes the text-box editable.
By default this is true , and the user can enter values into the textbox ,
but it can be turned off if that ' s not suitable .
@ see setTextBoxStyle , getValueFromText , getTextFromValue
void setTextBoxIsEditable ( bool shouldBeEditable ) ;
/** Returns true if the text-box is read-only.
@ see setTextBoxStyle
bool isTextBoxEditable ( ) const noexcept ;
/** If the text-box is editable, this will give it the focus so that the user can
type directly into it .
This is basically the effect as the user clicking on it .
void showTextBox ( ) ;
/** If the text-box currently has focus and is being edited, this resets it and takes keyboard
focus away from it .
@ param discardCurrentEditorContents if true , the slider ' s value will be left
unchanged ; if false , the current contents of the
text editor will be used to set the slider position
before it is hidden .
void hideTextBox ( bool discardCurrentEditorContents ) ;
/** Changes the slider's current value.
This will trigger a callback to Slider : : Listener : : sliderValueChanged ( ) for any listeners
that are registered , and will synchronously call the valueChanged ( ) method in case subclasses
want to handle it .
@ param newValue the new value to set - this will be restricted by the
minimum and maximum range , and will be snapped to the
nearest interval if one has been set
@ param notification can be one of the NotificationType values , to request
a synchronous or asynchronous call to the valueChanged ( ) method
of any Slider : : Listeners that are registered .
void setValue ( double newValue , NotificationType notification = sendNotificationAsync ) ;
/** Returns the slider's current value. */
double getValue ( ) const ;
/** Returns the Value object that represents the slider's current position.
You can use this Value object to connect the slider ' s position to external values or setters ,
either by taking a copy of the Value , or by using Value : : referTo ( ) to make it point to
your own Value object .
@ see Value , getMaxValue , getMinValueObject
Value & getValueObject ( ) noexcept ;
/** Sets the limits that the slider's value can take.
@ param newMinimum the lowest value allowed
@ param newMaximum the highest value allowed
@ param newInterval the steps in which the value is allowed to increase - if this
is not zero , the value will always be ( newMinimum + ( newInterval * an integer ) ) .
void setRange ( double newMinimum ,
double newMaximum ,
double newInterval = 0 ) ;
/** Returns the current maximum value.
@ see setRange
double getMaximum ( ) const noexcept ;
/** Returns the current minimum value.
@ see setRange
double getMinimum ( ) const noexcept ;
/** Returns the current step-size for values.
@ see setRange
double getInterval ( ) const noexcept ;
/** For a slider with two or three thumbs, this returns the lower of its values.
For a two - value slider , the values are controlled with getMinValue ( ) and getMaxValue ( ) .
A slider with three values also uses the normal getValue ( ) and setValue ( ) methods to
control the middle value .
@ see setMinValue , getMaxValue , TwoValueHorizontal , TwoValueVertical , ThreeValueHorizontal , ThreeValueVertical
double getMinValue ( ) const ;
/** For a slider with two or three thumbs, this returns the lower of its values.
You can use this Value object to connect the slider ' s position to external values or setters ,
either by taking a copy of the Value , or by using Value : : referTo ( ) to make it point to
your own Value object .
@ see Value , getMinValue , getMaxValueObject
Value & getMinValueObject ( ) noexcept ;
/** For a slider with two or three thumbs, this sets the lower of its values.
This will trigger a callback to Slider : : Listener : : sliderValueChanged ( ) for any listeners
that are registered , and will synchronously call the valueChanged ( ) method in case subclasses
want to handle it .
@ param newValue the new value to set - this will be restricted by the
minimum and maximum range , and will be snapped to the nearest
interval if one has been set .
@ param notification can be one of the NotificationType values , to request
a synchronous or asynchronous call to the valueChanged ( ) method
of any Slider : : Listeners that are registered .
@ param allowNudgingOfOtherValues if false , this value will be restricted to being below the
max value ( in a two - value slider ) or the mid value ( in a three - value
slider ) . If true , then if this value goes beyond those values ,
it will push them along with it .
@ see getMinValue , setMaxValue , setValue
void setMinValue ( double newValue ,
NotificationType notification = sendNotificationAsync ,
bool allowNudgingOfOtherValues = false ) ;
/** For a slider with two or three thumbs, this returns the higher of its values.
For a two - value slider , the values are controlled with getMinValue ( ) and getMaxValue ( ) .
A slider with three values also uses the normal getValue ( ) and setValue ( ) methods to
control the middle value .
@ see getMinValue , TwoValueHorizontal , TwoValueVertical , ThreeValueHorizontal , ThreeValueVertical
double getMaxValue ( ) const ;
/** For a slider with two or three thumbs, this returns the higher of its values.
You can use this Value object to connect the slider ' s position to external values or setters ,
either by taking a copy of the Value , or by using Value : : referTo ( ) to make it point to
your own Value object .
@ see Value , getMaxValue , getMinValueObject
Value & getMaxValueObject ( ) noexcept ;
/** For a slider with two or three thumbs, this sets the lower of its values.
This will trigger a callback to Slider : : Listener : : sliderValueChanged ( ) for any listeners
that are registered , and will synchronously call the valueChanged ( ) method in case subclasses
want to handle it .
@ param newValue the new value to set - this will be restricted by the
minimum and maximum range , and will be snapped to the nearest
interval if one has been set .
@ param notification can be one of the NotificationType values , to request
a synchronous or asynchronous call to the valueChanged ( ) method
of any Slider : : Listeners that are registered .
@ param allowNudgingOfOtherValues if false , this value will be restricted to being above the
min value ( in a two - value slider ) or the mid value ( in a three - value
slider ) . If true , then if this value goes beyond those values ,
it will push them along with it .
@ see getMaxValue , setMinValue , setValue
void setMaxValue ( double newValue ,
NotificationType notification = sendNotificationAsync ,
bool allowNudgingOfOtherValues = false ) ;
/** For a slider with two or three thumbs, this sets the minimum and maximum thumb positions.
This will trigger a callback to Slider : : Listener : : sliderValueChanged ( ) for any listeners
that are registered , and will synchronously call the valueChanged ( ) method in case subclasses
want to handle it .
@ param newMinValue the new minimum value to set - this will be snapped to the
nearest interval if one has been set .
@ param newMaxValue the new minimum value to set - this will be snapped to the
nearest interval if one has been set .
@ param notification can be one of the NotificationType values , to request
a synchronous or asynchronous call to the valueChanged ( ) method
of any Slider : : Listeners that are registered .
@ see setMaxValue , setMinValue , setValue
void setMinAndMaxValues ( double newMinValue , double newMaxValue ,
NotificationType notification = sendNotificationAsync ) ;
/** A class for receiving callbacks from a Slider.
To be told when a slider ' s value changes , you can register a Slider : : Listener
object using Slider : : addListener ( ) .
@ see Slider : : addListener , Slider : : removeListener
class JUCE_API Listener
public :
/** Destructor. */
virtual ~ Listener ( ) { }
/** Called when the slider's value is changed.
This may be caused by dragging it , or by typing in its text entry box ,
or by a call to Slider : : setValue ( ) .
You can find out the new value using Slider : : getValue ( ) .
@ see Slider : : valueChanged
virtual void sliderValueChanged ( Slider * slider ) = 0 ;
/** Called when the slider is about to be dragged.
This is called when a drag begins , then it ' s followed by multiple calls
to sliderValueChanged ( ) , and then sliderDragEnded ( ) is called after the
user lets go .
@ see sliderDragEnded , Slider : : startedDragging
virtual void sliderDragStarted ( Slider * ) { }
/** Called after a drag operation has finished.
@ see sliderDragStarted , Slider : : stoppedDragging
virtual void sliderDragEnded ( Slider * ) { }
} ;
/** Adds a listener to be called when this slider's value changes. */
void addListener ( Listener * listener ) ;
/** Removes a previously-registered listener. */
void removeListener ( Listener * listener ) ;
/** This lets you choose whether double-clicking moves the slider to a given position.
By default this is turned off , but it ' s handy if you want a double - click to act
as a quick way of resetting a slider . Just pass in the value you want it to
go to when double - clicked .
@ see getDoubleClickReturnValue
void setDoubleClickReturnValue ( bool shouldDoubleClickBeEnabled ,
double valueToSetOnDoubleClick ) ;
/** Returns the values last set by setDoubleClickReturnValue() method.
@ see setDoubleClickReturnValue
double getDoubleClickReturnValue ( ) const noexcept ;
/** Returns true if double-clicking to reset to a default value is enabled.
@ see setDoubleClickReturnValue
bool isDoubleClickReturnEnabled ( ) const noexcept ;
/** Tells the slider whether to keep sending change messages while the user
is dragging the slider .
If set to true , a change message will only be sent when the user has
dragged the slider and let go . If set to false ( the default ) , then messages
will be continuously sent as they drag it while the mouse button is still
held down .
void setChangeNotificationOnlyOnRelease ( bool onlyNotifyOnRelease ) ;
/** This lets you change whether the slider thumb jumps to the mouse position
when you click .
By default , this is true . If it ' s false , then the slider moves with relative
motion when you drag it .
This only applies to linear bars , and won ' t affect two - or three - value
sliders .
void setSliderSnapsToMousePosition ( bool shouldSnapToMouse ) ;
/** Returns true if setSliderSnapsToMousePosition() has been enabled. */
bool getSliderSnapsToMousePosition ( ) const noexcept ;
/** If enabled, this gives the slider a pop-up bubble which appears while the
slider is being dragged .
This can be handy if your slider doesn ' t have a text - box , so that users can
see the value just when they ' re changing it .
If you pass a component as the parentComponentToUse parameter , the pop - up
bubble will be added as a child of that component when it ' s needed . If you
pass 0 , the pop - up will be placed on the desktop instead ( note that it ' s a
transparent window , so if you ' re using an OS that can ' t do transparent windows
you ' ll have to add it to a parent component instead ) .
void setPopupDisplayEnabled ( bool isEnabled , Component * parentComponentToUse ) ;
/** If a popup display is enabled and is currently visible, this returns the component
that is being shown , or nullptr if none is currently in use .
@ see setPopupDisplayEnabled
Component * getCurrentPopupDisplay ( ) const noexcept ;
/** If this is set to true, then right-clicking on the slider will pop-up
a menu to let the user change the way it works .
By default this is turned off , but when turned on , the menu will include
things like velocity sensitivity , and for rotary sliders , whether they
use a linear or rotary mouse - drag to move them .
void setPopupMenuEnabled ( bool menuEnabled ) ;
/** This can be used to stop the mouse scroll-wheel from moving the slider.
By default it ' s enabled .
void setScrollWheelEnabled ( bool enabled ) ;
/** Returns a number to indicate which thumb is currently being dragged by the mouse.
This will return 0 for the main thumb , 1 for the minimum - value thumb , 2 for
the maximum - value thumb , or - 1 if none is currently down .
int getThumbBeingDragged ( ) const noexcept ;
/** Callback to indicate that the user is about to start dragging the slider.
@ see Slider : : Listener : : sliderDragStarted
virtual void startedDragging ( ) ;
/** Callback to indicate that the user has just stopped dragging the slider.
@ see Slider : : Listener : : sliderDragEnded
virtual void stoppedDragging ( ) ;
/** Callback to indicate that the user has just moved the slider.
@ see Slider : : Listener : : sliderValueChanged
virtual void valueChanged ( ) ;
/** Subclasses can override this to convert a text string to a value.
When the user enters something into the text - entry box , this method is
called to convert it to a value .
The default implementation just tries to convert it to a double .
@ see getTextFromValue
virtual double getValueFromText ( const String & text ) ;
/** Turns the slider's current value into a text string.
Subclasses can override this to customise the formatting of the text - entry box .
The default implementation just turns the value into a string , using
a number of decimal places based on the range interval . If a suffix string
has been set using setTextValueSuffix ( ) , this will be appended to the text .
@ see getValueFromText
virtual String getTextFromValue ( double value ) ;
/** Sets a suffix to append to the end of the numeric value when it's displayed as
a string .
This is used by the default implementation of getTextFromValue ( ) , and is just
appended to the numeric value . For more advanced formatting , you can override
getTextFromValue ( ) and do something else .
void setTextValueSuffix ( const String & suffix ) ;
/** Returns the suffix that was set by setTextValueSuffix(). */
String getTextValueSuffix ( ) const ;
/** Returns the best number of decimal places to use when displaying this
slider ' s value .
It calculates the fewest decimal places needed to represent numbers with
the slider ' s interval setting .
int getNumDecimalPlacesToDisplay ( ) const noexcept ;
/** Allows a user-defined mapping of distance along the slider to its value.
The default implementation for this performs the skewing operation that
can be set up in the setSkewFactor ( ) method . Override it if you need
some kind of custom mapping instead , but make sure you also implement the
inverse function in valueToProportionOfLength ( ) .
@ param proportion a value 0 to 1.0 , indicating a distance along the slider
@ returns the slider value that is represented by this position
@ see valueToProportionOfLength
virtual double proportionOfLengthToValue ( double proportion ) ;
/** Allows a user-defined mapping of value to the position of the slider along its length.
The default implementation for this performs the skewing operation that
can be set up in the setSkewFactor ( ) method . Override it if you need
some kind of custom mapping instead , but make sure you also implement the
inverse function in proportionOfLengthToValue ( ) .
@ param value a valid slider value , between the range of values specified in
setRange ( )
@ returns a value 0 to 1.0 indicating the distance along the slider that
represents this value
@ see proportionOfLengthToValue
virtual double valueToProportionOfLength ( double value ) ;
/** Returns the X or Y coordinate of a value along the slider's length.
If the slider is horizontal , this will be the X coordinate of the given
value , relative to the left of the slider . If it ' s vertical , then this will
be the Y coordinate , relative to the top of the slider .
If the slider is rotary , this will throw an assertion and return 0. If the
value is out - of - range , it will be constrained to the length of the slider .
float getPositionOfValue ( double value ) ;
/** This can be overridden to allow the slider to snap to user-definable values.
If overridden , it will be called when the user tries to move the slider to
a given position , and allows a subclass to sanity - check this value , possibly
returning a different value to use instead .
@ param attemptedValue the value the user is trying to enter
@ param dragMode indicates whether the user is dragging with
the mouse ; notDragging if they are entering the value
using the text box or other non - dragging interaction
@ returns the value to use instead
virtual double snapValue ( double attemptedValue , DragMode dragMode ) ;
/** This can be called to force the text box to update its contents.
( Not normally needed , as this is done automatically ) .
void updateText ( ) ;
/** True if the slider moves horizontally. */
bool isHorizontal ( ) const noexcept ;
/** True if the slider moves vertically. */
bool isVertical ( ) const noexcept ;
/** True if the slider is in a rotary mode. */
bool isRotary ( ) const noexcept ;
/** True if the slider is in a linear bar mode. */
bool isBar ( ) const noexcept ;
/** A set of colour IDs to use to change the colour of various aspects of the slider.
These constants can be used either via the Component : : setColour ( ) , or LookAndFeel : : setColour ( )
methods .
@ see Component : : setColour , Component : : findColour , LookAndFeel : : setColour , LookAndFeel : : findColour
enum ColourIds
backgroundColourId = 0x1001200 , /**< A colour to use to fill the slider's background. */
thumbColourId = 0x1001300 , /**< The colour to draw the thumb with. It's up to the look
and feel class how this is used . */
trackColourId = 0x1001310 , /**< The colour to draw the groove that the thumb moves along. */
rotarySliderFillColourId = 0x1001311 , /**< For rotary sliders, this colour fills the outer curve. */
rotarySliderOutlineColourId = 0x1001312 , /**< For rotary sliders, this colour is used to draw the outer curve's outline. */
textBoxTextColourId = 0x1001400 , /**< The colour for the text in the text-editor box used for editing the value. */
textBoxBackgroundColourId = 0x1001500 , /**< The background colour for the text-editor box. */
textBoxHighlightColourId = 0x1001600 , /**< The text highlight colour for the text-editor box. */
textBoxOutlineColourId = 0x1001700 /**< The colour to use for a border around the text-editor box. */
} ;
/** A struct defining the placement of the slider area and the text box area
relative to the bounds of the whole Slider component .
struct SliderLayout
Rectangle < int > sliderBounds ;
Rectangle < int > textBoxBounds ;
} ;
/** This abstract base class is implemented by LookAndFeel classes to provide
slider drawing functionality .
struct JUCE_API LookAndFeelMethods
virtual ~ LookAndFeelMethods ( ) { }
virtual void drawLinearSlider ( Graphics & ,
int x , int y , int width , int height ,
float sliderPos ,
float minSliderPos ,
float maxSliderPos ,
const Slider : : SliderStyle ,
Slider & ) = 0 ;
virtual void drawLinearSliderBackground ( Graphics & ,
int x , int y , int width , int height ,
float sliderPos ,
float minSliderPos ,
float maxSliderPos ,
const Slider : : SliderStyle style ,
Slider & ) = 0 ;
virtual void drawLinearSliderThumb ( Graphics & ,
int x , int y , int width , int height ,
float sliderPos ,
float minSliderPos ,
float maxSliderPos ,
const Slider : : SliderStyle ,
Slider & ) = 0 ;
virtual int getSliderThumbRadius ( Slider & ) = 0 ;
virtual void drawRotarySlider ( Graphics & ,
int x , int y , int width , int height ,
float sliderPosProportional ,
float rotaryStartAngle ,
float rotaryEndAngle ,
Slider & ) = 0 ;
virtual Button * createSliderButton ( Slider & , bool isIncrement ) = 0 ;
virtual Label * createSliderTextBox ( Slider & ) = 0 ;
virtual ImageEffectFilter * getSliderEffect ( Slider & ) = 0 ;
virtual Font getSliderPopupFont ( Slider & ) = 0 ;
virtual int getSliderPopupPlacement ( Slider & ) = 0 ;
virtual SliderLayout getSliderLayout ( Slider & ) = 0 ;
// These methods' parameters have changed: see the new method signatures.
virtual void createSliderButton ( bool ) { }
virtual void getSliderEffect ( ) { }
virtual void getSliderPopupFont ( ) { }
virtual void getSliderPopupPlacement ( ) { }
# endif
} ;
/** @internal */
void paint ( Graphics & ) override ;
/** @internal */
void resized ( ) override ;
/** @internal */
void mouseDown ( const MouseEvent & ) override ;
/** @internal */
void mouseUp ( const MouseEvent & ) override ;
/** @internal */
void mouseDrag ( const MouseEvent & ) override ;
/** @internal */
void mouseDoubleClick ( const MouseEvent & ) override ;
/** @internal */
void mouseWheelMove ( const MouseEvent & , const MouseWheelDetails & ) override ;
/** @internal */
void modifierKeysChanged ( const ModifierKeys & ) override ;
/** @internal */
void lookAndFeelChanged ( ) override ;
/** @internal */
void enablementChanged ( ) override ;
/** @internal */
void focusOfChildComponentChanged ( FocusChangeType ) override ;
/** @internal */
void colourChanged ( ) override ;
private :
friend class Pimpl ;
friend struct ContainerDeletePolicy < Pimpl > ;
ScopedPointer < Pimpl > pimpl ;
void init ( SliderStyle , TextEntryBoxPosition ) ;
// These methods' bool parameters have changed: see the new method signature.
JUCE_DEPRECATED ( void setValue ( double , bool ) ) ;
JUCE_DEPRECATED ( void setValue ( double , bool , bool ) ) ;
JUCE_DEPRECATED ( void setMinValue ( double , bool , bool , bool ) ) ;
JUCE_DEPRECATED ( void setMinValue ( double , bool , bool ) ) ;
JUCE_DEPRECATED ( void setMinValue ( double , bool ) ) ;
JUCE_DEPRECATED ( void setMaxValue ( double , bool , bool , bool ) ) ;
JUCE_DEPRECATED ( void setMaxValue ( double , bool , bool ) ) ;
JUCE_DEPRECATED ( void setMaxValue ( double , bool ) ) ;
JUCE_DEPRECATED ( void setMinAndMaxValues ( double , double , bool , bool ) ) ;
JUCE_DEPRECATED ( void setMinAndMaxValues ( double , double , bool ) ) ;
virtual void snapValue ( double , bool ) { }
# endif
} ;
/** This typedef is just for compatibility with old code - newer code should use the Slider::Listener class directly. */
typedef Slider : : Listener SliderListener ;