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* Copyright 2012 Google Inc.
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
#include <math.h>
#include <cstdlib>
#ifdef HAVE_NEON
#include <cpu-features.h>
#include "synth.h"
#include "sin.h"
#include "fm_op_kernel.h"
#ifdef HAVE_NEONx
static bool hasNeon() {
return true;
return (android_getCpuFeatures() & ANDROID_CPU_ARM_FEATURE_NEON) != 0;
extern "C"
void neon_fm_kernel(const int *in, const int *busin, int *out, int count,
int32_t phase0, int32_t freq, int32_t gain1, int32_t dgain);
const int32_t __attribute__ ((aligned(16))) zeros[N] = {0};
static bool hasNeon() {
return false;
void FmOpKernel::compute(int32_t *output, const int32_t *input,
int32_t phase0, int32_t freq,
11 years ago
int32_t gain1, int32_t gain2, bool add) {
int32_t dgain = (gain2 - gain1 + (N >> 1)) >> LG_N;
int32_t gain = gain1;
int32_t phase = phase0;
if (hasNeon()) {
#ifdef HAVE_NEON
neon_fm_kernel(input, add ? output : zeros, output, N,
phase0, freq, gain, dgain);
} else {
if (add) {
for (int i = 0; i < N; i++) {
gain += dgain;
int32_t y = Sin::lookup(phase + input[i]);
int32_t y1 = ((int64_t)y * (int64_t)gain) >> 24;
output[i] += y1;
phase += freq;
} else {
for (int i = 0; i < N; i++) {
gain += dgain;
int32_t y = Sin::lookup(phase + input[i]);
int32_t y1 = ((int64_t)y * (int64_t)gain) >> 24;
output[i] = y1;
phase += freq;
void FmOpKernel::compute_pure(int32_t *output, int32_t phase0, int32_t freq,
11 years ago
int32_t gain1, int32_t gain2, bool add) {
int32_t dgain = (gain2 - gain1 + (N >> 1)) >> LG_N;
int32_t gain = gain1;
int32_t phase = phase0;
if (hasNeon()) {
#ifdef HAVE_NEON
neon_fm_kernel(zeros, add ? output : zeros, output, N,
phase0, freq, gain, dgain);
} else {
if (add) {
for (int i = 0; i < N; i++) {
gain += dgain;
int32_t y = Sin::lookup(phase);
int32_t y1 = ((int64_t)y * (int64_t)gain) >> 24;
output[i] += y1;
phase += freq;
} else {
for (int i = 0; i < N; i++) {
gain += dgain;
int32_t y = Sin::lookup(phase);
int32_t y1 = ((int64_t)y * (int64_t)gain) >> 24;
output[i] = y1;
phase += freq;
void FmOpKernel::compute_fb(int32_t *output, int32_t phase0, int32_t freq,
int32_t gain1, int32_t gain2,
11 years ago
int32_t *fb_buf, int fb_shift, bool add) {
int32_t dgain = (gain2 - gain1 + (N >> 1)) >> LG_N;
int32_t gain = gain1;
int32_t phase = phase0;
int32_t y0 = fb_buf[0];
int32_t y = fb_buf[1];
if (add) {
for (int i = 0; i < N; i++) {
gain += dgain;
int32_t scaled_fb = (y0 + y) >> (fb_shift + 1);
y0 = y;
y = Sin::lookup(phase + scaled_fb);
y = ((int64_t)y * (int64_t)gain) >> 24;
output[i] += y;
phase += freq;
} else {
for (int i = 0; i < N; i++) {
gain += dgain;
int32_t scaled_fb = (y0 + y) >> (fb_shift + 1);
y0 = y;
y = Sin::lookup(phase + scaled_fb);
y = ((int64_t)y * (int64_t)gain) >> 24;
output[i] = y;
phase += freq;
fb_buf[0] = y0;
fb_buf[1] = y;
// Experimental sine wave generators below
#if 0
// Results: accuracy 64.3 mean, 170 worst case
// high accuracy: 5.0 mean, 49 worst case
void FmOpKernel::compute_pure(int32_t *output, int32_t phase0, int32_t freq,
int32_t gain1, int32_t gain2, bool add) {
int32_t dgain = (gain2 - gain1 + (N >> 1)) >> LG_N;
int32_t gain = gain1;
int32_t phase = phase0;
int32_t u = Sin::compute10(phase << 6);
u = ((int64_t)u * gain) >> 30;
int32_t v = Sin::compute10((phase << 6) + (1 << 28)); // quarter cycle
v = ((int64_t)v * gain) >> 30;
int32_t s = Sin::compute10(freq << 6);
int32_t c = Sin::compute10((freq << 6) + (1 << 28));
int32_t u = Sin::compute(phase);
u = ((int64_t)u * gain) >> 24;
int32_t v = Sin::compute(phase + (1 << 22)); // quarter cycle
v = ((int64_t)v * gain) >> 24;
int32_t s = Sin::compute(freq) << 6;
int32_t c = Sin::compute(freq + (1 << 22)) << 6;
for (int i = 0; i < N; i++) {
output[i] = u;
int32_t t = ((int64_t)v * (int64_t)c - (int64_t)u * (int64_t)s) >> 30;
u = ((int64_t)u * (int64_t)c + (int64_t)v * (int64_t)s) >> 30;
v = t;
#if 0
// Results: accuracy 392.3 mean, 15190 worst case (near freq = 0.5)
// for freq < 0.25, 275.2 mean, 716 worst
// high accuracy: 57.4 mean, 7559 worst
// freq < 0.25: 17.9 mean, 78 worst
void FmOpKernel::compute_pure(int32_t *output, int32_t phase0, int32_t freq,
int32_t gain1, int32_t gain2, bool add) {
int32_t dgain = (gain2 - gain1 + (N >> 1)) >> LG_N;
int32_t gain = gain1;
int32_t phase = phase0;
int32_t u = floor(gain * sin(phase * (M_PI / (1 << 23))) + 0.5);
int32_t v = floor(gain * cos((phase - freq * 0.5) * (M_PI / (1 << 23))) + 0.5);
int32_t a = floor((1 << 25) * sin(freq * (M_PI / (1 << 24))) + 0.5);
int32_t u = Sin::compute(phase);
u = ((int64_t)u * gain) >> 24;
int32_t v = Sin::compute(phase + (1 << 22) - (freq >> 1));
v = ((int64_t)v * gain) >> 24;
int32_t a = Sin::compute(freq >> 1) << 1;
for (int i = 0; i < N; i++) {
output[i] = u;
v -= ((int64_t)a * (int64_t)u) >> 24;
u += ((int64_t)a * (int64_t)v) >> 24;
#if 0
// Results: accuracy 370.0 mean, 15480 worst case (near freq = 0.5)
// with double accuracy initialization: mean 1.55, worst 58 (near freq = 0)
// with high accuracy: mean 4.2, worst 292 (near freq = 0.5)
void FmOpKernel::compute_pure(int32_t *output, int32_t phase0, int32_t freq,
int32_t gain1, int32_t gain2, bool add) {
int32_t dgain = (gain2 - gain1 + (N >> 1)) >> LG_N;
int32_t gain = gain1;
int32_t phase = phase0;
int32_t u = floor((1 << 30) * sin(phase * (M_PI / (1 << 23))) + 0.5);
double a_d = sin(freq * (M_PI / (1 << 24)));
int32_t v = floor((1LL << 31) * a_d * cos((phase - freq * 0.5) *
(M_PI / (1 << 23))) + 0.5);
int32_t aa = floor((1LL << 31) * a_d * a_d + 0.5);
int32_t u = Sin::compute10(phase << 6);
int32_t v = Sin::compute10((phase << 6) + (1 << 28) - (freq << 5));
int32_t a = Sin::compute10(freq << 5);
v = ((int64_t)v * (int64_t)a) >> 29;
int32_t aa = ((int64_t)a * (int64_t)a) >> 29;
int32_t u = Sin::compute(phase) << 6;
int32_t v = Sin::compute(phase + (1 << 22) - (freq >> 1));
int32_t a = Sin::compute(freq >> 1);
v = ((int64_t)v * (int64_t)a) >> 17;
int32_t aa = ((int64_t)a * (int64_t)a) >> 17;
if (aa < 0) aa = (1 << 31) - 1;
for (int i = 0; i < N; i++) {
gain += dgain;
output[i] = ((int64_t)u * (int64_t)gain) >> 30;
v -= ((int64_t)aa * (int64_t)u) >> 29;
u += v;
#if 0
// Results:: accuracy 112.3 mean, 4262 worst (near freq = 0.5)
// high accuracy 2.9 mean, 143 worst
void FmOpKernel::compute_pure(int32_t *output, int32_t phase0, int32_t freq,
int32_t gain1, int32_t gain2, bool add) {
int32_t dgain = (gain2 - gain1 + (N >> 1)) >> LG_N;
int32_t gain = gain1;
int32_t phase = phase0;
int32_t u = Sin::compute10(phase << 6);
int32_t lastu = Sin::compute10((phase - freq) << 6);
int32_t a = Sin::compute10((freq << 6) + (1 << 28)) << 1;
int32_t u = Sin::compute(phase) << 6;
int32_t lastu = Sin::compute(phase - freq) << 6;
int32_t a = Sin::compute(freq + (1 << 22)) << 7;
if (a < 0 && freq < 256) a = (1 << 31) - 1;
if (a > 0 && freq > 0x7fff00) a = -(1 << 31);
for (int i = 0; i < N; i++) {
gain += dgain;
output[i] = ((int64_t)u * (int64_t)gain) >> 30;
//output[i] = u;
int32_t newu = (((int64_t)u * (int64_t)a) >> 30) - lastu;
lastu = u;
u = newu;