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This file is part of the JUCE library .
Copyright ( c ) 2015 - ROLI Ltd .
Permission is granted to use this software under the terms of either :
a ) the GPL v2 ( or any later version )
b ) the Affero GPL v3
Details of these licenses can be found at : www . gnu . org / licenses
JUCE is distributed in the hope that it will be useful , but WITHOUT ANY
WARRANTY ; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR
A PARTICULAR PURPOSE . See the GNU General Public License for more details .
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
To release a closed - source product which uses JUCE , commercial licenses are
available : visit www . juce . com for more information .
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class ToolbarItemComponent ;
class ToolbarItemFactory ;
A toolbar component .
A toolbar contains a horizontal or vertical strip of ToolbarItemComponents ,
and looks after their order and layout .
Items ( icon buttons or other custom components ) are added to a toolbar using a
ToolbarItemFactory - each type of item is given a unique ID number , and a
toolbar might contain more than one instance of a particular item type .
Toolbars can be interactively customised , allowing the user to drag the items
around , and to drag items onto or off the toolbar , using the ToolbarItemPalette
component as a source of new items .
@ see ToolbarItemFactory , ToolbarItemComponent , ToolbarItemPalette
class JUCE_API Toolbar : public Component ,
public DragAndDropContainer ,
public DragAndDropTarget ,
private ButtonListener // (can't use Button::Listener due to idiotic VC2005 bug)
public :
/** Creates an empty toolbar component.
To add some icons or other components to your toolbar , you ' ll need to
create a ToolbarItemFactory class that can create a suitable set of
ToolbarItemComponents .
@ see ToolbarItemFactory , ToolbarItemComponents
Toolbar ( ) ;
/** Destructor.
Any items on the bar will be deleted when the toolbar is deleted .
~ Toolbar ( ) ;
/** Changes the bar's orientation.
@ see isVertical
void setVertical ( bool shouldBeVertical ) ;
/** Returns true if the bar is set to be vertical, or false if it's horizontal.
You can change the bar ' s orientation with setVertical ( ) .
bool isVertical ( ) const noexcept { return vertical ; }
/** Returns the depth of the bar.
If the bar is horizontal , this will return its height ; if it ' s vertical , it
will return its width .
@ see getLength
int getThickness ( ) const noexcept ;
/** Returns the length of the bar.
If the bar is horizontal , this will return its width ; if it ' s vertical , it
will return its height .
@ see getThickness
int getLength ( ) const noexcept ;
/** Deletes all items from the bar.
void clear ( ) ;
/** Adds an item to the toolbar.
The factory ' s ToolbarItemFactory : : createItem ( ) will be called by this method
to create the component that will actually be added to the bar .
The new item will be inserted at the specified index ( if the index is - 1 , it
will be added to the right - hand or bottom end of the bar ) .
Once added , the component will be automatically deleted by this object when it
is no longer needed .
@ see ToolbarItemFactory
void addItem ( ToolbarItemFactory & factory ,
int itemId ,
int insertIndex = - 1 ) ;
/** Deletes one of the items from the bar. */
void removeToolbarItem ( int itemIndex ) ;
/** Removes an item from the bar and returns it. */
ToolbarItemComponent * removeAndReturnItem ( int itemIndex ) ;
/** Returns the number of items currently on the toolbar.
@ see getItemId , getItemComponent
int getNumItems ( ) const noexcept ;
/** Returns the ID of the item with the given index.
If the index is less than zero or greater than the number of items ,
this will return nullptr .
@ see getNumItems
int getItemId ( int itemIndex ) const noexcept ;
/** Returns the component being used for the item with the given index.
If the index is less than zero or greater than the number of items ,
this will return nullptr .
@ see getNumItems
ToolbarItemComponent * getItemComponent ( int itemIndex ) const noexcept ;
/** Clears this toolbar and adds to it the default set of items that the specified
factory creates .
@ see ToolbarItemFactory : : getDefaultItemSet
void addDefaultItems ( ToolbarItemFactory & factoryToUse ) ;
/** Options for the way items should be displayed.
@ see setStyle , getStyle
enum ToolbarItemStyle
iconsOnly , /**< Means that the toolbar should just contain icons. */
iconsWithText , /**< Means that the toolbar should have text labels under each icon. */
textOnly /**< Means that the toolbar only display text labels for each item. */
} ;
/** Returns the toolbar's current style.
@ see ToolbarItemStyle , setStyle
ToolbarItemStyle getStyle ( ) const noexcept { return toolbarStyle ; }
/** Changes the toolbar's current style.
@ see ToolbarItemStyle , getStyle , ToolbarItemComponent : : setStyle
void setStyle ( const ToolbarItemStyle & newStyle ) ;
/** Flags used by the showCustomisationDialog() method. */
enum CustomisationFlags
allowIconsOnlyChoice = 1 , /**< If this flag is specified, the customisation dialog can
show the " icons only " option on its choice of toolbar styles . */
allowIconsWithTextChoice = 2 , /**< If this flag is specified, the customisation dialog can
show the " icons with text " option on its choice of toolbar styles . */
allowTextOnlyChoice = 4 , /**< If this flag is specified, the customisation dialog can
show the " text only " option on its choice of toolbar styles . */
showResetToDefaultsButton = 8 , /**< If this flag is specified, the customisation dialog can
show a button to reset the toolbar to its default set of items . */
allCustomisationOptionsEnabled = ( allowIconsOnlyChoice | allowIconsWithTextChoice | allowTextOnlyChoice | showResetToDefaultsButton )
} ;
/** Pops up a modal dialog box that allows this toolbar to be customised by the user.
The dialog contains a ToolbarItemPalette and various controls for editing other
aspects of the toolbar . The dialog box will be opened modally , but the method will
return immediately .
The factory is used to determine the set of items that will be shown on the
palette .
The optionFlags parameter is a bitwise - or of values from the CustomisationFlags
enum .
@ see ToolbarItemPalette
void showCustomisationDialog ( ToolbarItemFactory & factory ,
int optionFlags = allCustomisationOptionsEnabled ) ;
/** Turns on or off the toolbar's editing mode, in which its items can be
rearranged by the user .
( In most cases it ' s easier just to use showCustomisationDialog ( ) instead of
trying to enable editing directly ) .
@ see ToolbarItemPalette
void setEditingActive ( bool editingEnabled ) ;
/** A set of colour IDs to use to change the colour of various aspects of the toolbar.
These constants can be used either via the Component : : setColour ( ) , or LookAndFeel : : setColour ( )
methods .
@ see Component : : setColour , Component : : findColour , LookAndFeel : : setColour , LookAndFeel : : findColour
enum ColourIds
backgroundColourId = 0x1003200 , /**< A colour to use to fill the toolbar's background. For
more control over this , override LookAndFeel : : paintToolbarBackground ( ) . */
separatorColourId = 0x1003210 , /**< A colour to use to draw the separator lines. */
buttonMouseOverBackgroundColourId = 0x1003220 , /**< A colour used to paint the background of buttons when the mouse is
over them . */
buttonMouseDownBackgroundColourId = 0x1003230 , /**< A colour used to paint the background of buttons when the mouse is
held down on them . */
labelTextColourId = 0x1003240 , /**< A colour to use for drawing the text under buttons
when the style is set to iconsWithText or textOnly . */
editingModeOutlineColourId = 0x1003250 /**< A colour to use for an outline around buttons when
the customisation dialog is active and the mouse moves over them . */
} ;
/** Returns a string that represents the toolbar's current set of items.
This lets you later restore the same item layout using restoreFromString ( ) .
@ see restoreFromString
String toString ( ) const ;
/** Restores a set of items that was previously stored in a string by the toString()
method .
The factory object is used to create any item components that are needed .
@ see toString
bool restoreFromString ( ToolbarItemFactory & factoryToUse ,
const String & savedVersion ) ;
/** This abstract base class is implemented by LookAndFeel classes. */
struct JUCE_API LookAndFeelMethods
virtual ~ LookAndFeelMethods ( ) { }
virtual void paintToolbarBackground ( Graphics & , int width , int height , Toolbar & ) = 0 ;
virtual Button * createToolbarMissingItemsButton ( Toolbar & ) = 0 ;
virtual void paintToolbarButtonBackground ( Graphics & , int width , int height ,
bool isMouseOver , bool isMouseDown ,
ToolbarItemComponent & ) = 0 ;
virtual void paintToolbarButtonLabel ( Graphics & , int x , int y , int width , int height ,
const String & text , ToolbarItemComponent & ) = 0 ;
} ;
/** @internal */
void paint ( Graphics & ) override ;
/** @internal */
void resized ( ) override ;
/** @internal */
void mouseDown ( const MouseEvent & ) override ;
/** @internal */
bool isInterestedInDragSource ( const SourceDetails & ) override ;
/** @internal */
void itemDragMove ( const SourceDetails & ) override ;
/** @internal */
void itemDragExit ( const SourceDetails & ) override ;
/** @internal */
void itemDropped ( const SourceDetails & ) override ;
/** @internal */
void updateAllItemPositions ( bool animate ) ;
/** @internal */
static ToolbarItemComponent * createItem ( ToolbarItemFactory & , int itemId ) ;
/** @internal */
static const char * const toolbarDragDescriptor ;
private :
ScopedPointer < Button > missingItemsButton ;
bool vertical , isEditingActive ;
ToolbarItemStyle toolbarStyle ;
class MissingItemsComponent ;
friend class MissingItemsComponent ;
OwnedArray < ToolbarItemComponent > items ;
class Spacer ;
class CustomisationDialog ;
void buttonClicked ( Button * ) override ;
void addItemInternal ( ToolbarItemFactory & factory , int itemId , int insertIndex ) ;
ToolbarItemComponent * getNextActiveComponent ( int index , int delta ) const ;
} ;