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This file is part of the JUCE library .
Copyright ( c ) 2015 - ROLI Ltd .
Permission is granted to use this software under the terms of either :
a ) the GPL v2 ( or any later version )
b ) the Affero GPL v3
Details of these licenses can be found at : www . gnu . org / licenses
JUCE is distributed in the hope that it will be useful , but WITHOUT ANY
WARRANTY ; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR
A PARTICULAR PURPOSE . See the GNU General Public License for more details .
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
To release a closed - source product which uses JUCE , commercial licenses are
available : visit www . juce . com for more information .
= = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = =
class FileChooserDialogBox : : ContentComponent : public Component
public :
ContentComponent ( const String & name , const String & desc , FileBrowserComponent & chooser )
: Component ( name ) ,
chooserComponent ( chooser ) ,
okButton ( chooser . getActionVerb ( ) ) ,
cancelButton ( TRANS ( " Cancel " ) ) ,
newFolderButton ( TRANS ( " New Folder " ) ) ,
instructions ( desc )
addAndMakeVisible ( chooserComponent ) ;
addAndMakeVisible ( okButton ) ;
okButton . addShortcut ( KeyPress ( KeyPress : : returnKey ) ) ;
addAndMakeVisible ( cancelButton ) ;
cancelButton . addShortcut ( KeyPress ( KeyPress : : escapeKey ) ) ;
addChildComponent ( newFolderButton ) ;
setInterceptsMouseClicks ( false , true ) ;
void paint ( Graphics & g ) override
text . draw ( g , getLocalBounds ( ) . reduced ( 6 )
. removeFromTop ( ( int ) text . getHeight ( ) ) . toFloat ( ) ) ;
void resized ( ) override
const int buttonHeight = 26 ;
Rectangle < int > area ( getLocalBounds ( ) ) ;
text . createLayout ( getLookAndFeel ( ) . createFileChooserHeaderText ( getName ( ) , instructions ) ,
getWidth ( ) - 12.0f ) ;
area . removeFromTop ( roundToInt ( text . getHeight ( ) ) + 10 ) ;
chooserComponent . setBounds ( area . removeFromTop ( area . getHeight ( ) - buttonHeight - 20 ) ) ;
Rectangle < int > buttonArea ( area . reduced ( 16 , 10 ) ) ;
okButton . changeWidthToFitText ( buttonHeight ) ;
okButton . setBounds ( buttonArea . removeFromRight ( okButton . getWidth ( ) + 16 ) ) ;
buttonArea . removeFromRight ( 16 ) ;
cancelButton . changeWidthToFitText ( buttonHeight ) ;
cancelButton . setBounds ( buttonArea . removeFromRight ( cancelButton . getWidth ( ) ) ) ;
newFolderButton . changeWidthToFitText ( buttonHeight ) ;
newFolderButton . setBounds ( buttonArea . removeFromLeft ( newFolderButton . getWidth ( ) ) ) ;
FileBrowserComponent & chooserComponent ;
TextButton okButton , cancelButton , newFolderButton ;
private :
String instructions ;
TextLayout text ;
} ;
FileChooserDialogBox : : FileChooserDialogBox ( const String & name ,
const String & instructions ,
FileBrowserComponent & chooserComponent ,
const bool warnAboutOverwritingExistingFiles_ ,
Colour backgroundColour )
: ResizableWindow ( name , backgroundColour , true ) ,
warnAboutOverwritingExistingFiles ( warnAboutOverwritingExistingFiles_ )
content = new ContentComponent ( name , instructions , chooserComponent ) ;
setContentOwned ( content , false ) ;
setResizable ( true , true ) ;
setResizeLimits ( 300 , 300 , 1200 , 1000 ) ;
content - > okButton . addListener ( this ) ;
content - > cancelButton . addListener ( this ) ;
content - > newFolderButton . addListener ( this ) ;
content - > chooserComponent . addListener ( this ) ;
FileChooserDialogBox : : selectionChanged ( ) ;
FileChooserDialogBox : : ~ FileChooserDialogBox ( )
content - > chooserComponent . removeListener ( this ) ;
bool FileChooserDialogBox : : show ( int w , int h )
return showAt ( - 1 , - 1 , w , h ) ;
bool FileChooserDialogBox : : showAt ( int x , int y , int w , int h )
if ( w < = 0 ) w = getDefaultWidth ( ) ;
if ( h < = 0 ) h = 500 ;
if ( x < 0 | | y < 0 )
centreWithSize ( w , h ) ;
setBounds ( x , y , w , h ) ;
const bool ok = ( runModalLoop ( ) ! = 0 ) ;
setVisible ( false ) ;
return ok ;
# endif
void FileChooserDialogBox : : centreWithDefaultSize ( Component * componentToCentreAround )
centreAroundComponent ( componentToCentreAround , getDefaultWidth ( ) , 500 ) ;
int FileChooserDialogBox : : getDefaultWidth ( ) const
if ( Component * const previewComp = content - > chooserComponent . getPreviewComponent ( ) )
return 400 + previewComp - > getWidth ( ) ;
return 600 ;
void FileChooserDialogBox : : buttonClicked ( Button * button )
if ( button = = & ( content - > okButton ) )
okButtonPressed ( ) ;
else if ( button = = & ( content - > cancelButton ) )
closeButtonPressed ( ) ;
else if ( button = = & ( content - > newFolderButton ) )
createNewFolder ( ) ;
void FileChooserDialogBox : : closeButtonPressed ( )
setVisible ( false ) ;
void FileChooserDialogBox : : selectionChanged ( )
content - > okButton . setEnabled ( content - > chooserComponent . currentFileIsValid ( ) ) ;
content - > newFolderButton . setVisible ( content - > chooserComponent . isSaveMode ( )
& & content - > chooserComponent . getRoot ( ) . isDirectory ( ) ) ;
void FileChooserDialogBox : : fileDoubleClicked ( const File & )
selectionChanged ( ) ;
content - > okButton . triggerClick ( ) ;
void FileChooserDialogBox : : fileClicked ( const File & , const MouseEvent & ) { }
void FileChooserDialogBox : : browserRootChanged ( const File & ) { }
void FileChooserDialogBox : : okToOverwriteFileCallback ( int result , FileChooserDialogBox * box )
if ( result ! = 0 & & box ! = nullptr )
box - > exitModalState ( 1 ) ;
void FileChooserDialogBox : : okButtonPressed ( )
if ( warnAboutOverwritingExistingFiles
& & content - > chooserComponent . isSaveMode ( )
& & content - > chooserComponent . getSelectedFile ( 0 ) . exists ( ) )
AlertWindow : : showOkCancelBox ( AlertWindow : : WarningIcon ,
TRANS ( " File already exists " ) ,
TRANS ( " There's already a file called: FLNM " )
. replace ( " FLNM " , content - > chooserComponent . getSelectedFile ( 0 ) . getFullPathName ( ) )
+ " \n \n "
+ TRANS ( " Are you sure you want to overwrite it? " ) ,
TRANS ( " Overwrite " ) ,
TRANS ( " Cancel " ) ,
this ,
ModalCallbackFunction : : forComponent ( okToOverwriteFileCallback , this ) ) ;
exitModalState ( 1 ) ;
void FileChooserDialogBox : : createNewFolderCallback ( int result , FileChooserDialogBox * box ,
Component : : SafePointer < AlertWindow > alert )
if ( result ! = 0 & & alert ! = nullptr & & box ! = nullptr )
alert - > setVisible ( false ) ;
box - > createNewFolderConfirmed ( alert - > getTextEditorContents ( " Folder Name " ) ) ;
void FileChooserDialogBox : : createNewFolder ( )
File parent ( content - > chooserComponent . getRoot ( ) ) ;
if ( parent . isDirectory ( ) )
AlertWindow * aw = new AlertWindow ( TRANS ( " New Folder " ) ,
TRANS ( " Please enter the name for the folder " ) ,
AlertWindow : : NoIcon , this ) ;
aw - > addTextEditor ( " Folder Name " , String : : empty , String : : empty , false ) ;
aw - > addButton ( TRANS ( " Create Folder " ) , 1 , KeyPress ( KeyPress : : returnKey ) ) ;
aw - > addButton ( TRANS ( " Cancel " ) , 0 , KeyPress ( KeyPress : : escapeKey ) ) ;
aw - > enterModalState ( true ,
ModalCallbackFunction : : forComponent ( createNewFolderCallback , this ,
Component : : SafePointer < AlertWindow > ( aw ) ) ,
true ) ;
void FileChooserDialogBox : : createNewFolderConfirmed ( const String & nameFromDialog )
const String name ( File : : createLegalFileName ( nameFromDialog ) ) ;
if ( ! name . isEmpty ( ) )
const File parent ( content - > chooserComponent . getRoot ( ) ) ;
if ( ! parent . getChildFile ( name ) . createDirectory ( ) )
AlertWindow : : showMessageBoxAsync ( AlertWindow : : WarningIcon ,
TRANS ( " New Folder " ) ,
TRANS ( " Couldn't create the folder! " ) ) ;
content - > chooserComponent . refresh ( ) ;