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This file is part of the JUCE library .
Copyright ( c ) 2015 - ROLI Ltd .
Permission is granted to use this software under the terms of either :
a ) the GPL v2 ( or any later version )
b ) the Affero GPL v3
Details of these licenses can be found at : www . gnu . org / licenses
JUCE is distributed in the hope that it will be useful , but WITHOUT ANY
WARRANTY ; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR
A PARTICULAR PURPOSE . See the GNU General Public License for more details .
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
To release a closed - source product which uses JUCE , commercial licenses are
available : visit www . juce . com for more information .
= = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = =
ApplicationCommandManager : : ApplicationCommandManager ( )
: firstTarget ( nullptr )
keyMappings = new KeyPressMappingSet ( * this ) ;
Desktop : : getInstance ( ) . addFocusChangeListener ( this ) ;
ApplicationCommandManager : : ~ ApplicationCommandManager ( )
Desktop : : getInstance ( ) . removeFocusChangeListener ( this ) ;
keyMappings = nullptr ;
void ApplicationCommandManager : : clearCommands ( )
commands . clear ( ) ;
keyMappings - > clearAllKeyPresses ( ) ;
triggerAsyncUpdate ( ) ;
void ApplicationCommandManager : : registerCommand ( const ApplicationCommandInfo & newCommand )
// zero isn't a valid command ID!
jassert ( newCommand . commandID ! = 0 ) ;
// the name isn't optional!
jassert ( newCommand . shortName . isNotEmpty ( ) ) ;
if ( ApplicationCommandInfo * command = getMutableCommandForID ( newCommand . commandID ) )
// Trying to re-register the same command ID with different parameters can often indicate a typo.
// This assertion is here because I've found it useful catching some mistakes, but it may also cause
// false alarms if you're deliberately updating some flags for a command.
jassert ( newCommand . shortName = = getCommandForID ( newCommand . commandID ) - > shortName
& & newCommand . categoryName = = getCommandForID ( newCommand . commandID ) - > categoryName
& & newCommand . defaultKeypresses = = getCommandForID ( newCommand . commandID ) - > defaultKeypresses
& & ( newCommand . flags & ( ApplicationCommandInfo : : wantsKeyUpDownCallbacks | ApplicationCommandInfo : : hiddenFromKeyEditor | ApplicationCommandInfo : : readOnlyInKeyEditor ) )
= = ( getCommandForID ( newCommand . commandID ) - > flags & ( ApplicationCommandInfo : : wantsKeyUpDownCallbacks | ApplicationCommandInfo : : hiddenFromKeyEditor | ApplicationCommandInfo : : readOnlyInKeyEditor ) ) ) ;
* command = newCommand ;
ApplicationCommandInfo * const newInfo = new ApplicationCommandInfo ( newCommand ) ;
newInfo - > flags & = ~ ApplicationCommandInfo : : isTicked ;
commands . add ( newInfo ) ;
keyMappings - > resetToDefaultMapping ( newCommand . commandID ) ;
triggerAsyncUpdate ( ) ;
void ApplicationCommandManager : : registerAllCommandsForTarget ( ApplicationCommandTarget * target )
if ( target ! = nullptr )
Array < CommandID > commandIDs ;
target - > getAllCommands ( commandIDs ) ;
for ( int i = 0 ; i < commandIDs . size ( ) ; + + i )
ApplicationCommandInfo info ( commandIDs . getUnchecked ( i ) ) ;
target - > getCommandInfo ( info . commandID , info ) ;
registerCommand ( info ) ;
void ApplicationCommandManager : : removeCommand ( const CommandID commandID )
for ( int i = commands . size ( ) ; - - i > = 0 ; )
if ( commands . getUnchecked ( i ) - > commandID = = commandID )
commands . remove ( i ) ;
triggerAsyncUpdate ( ) ;
const Array < KeyPress > keys ( keyMappings - > getKeyPressesAssignedToCommand ( commandID ) ) ;
for ( int j = keys . size ( ) ; - - j > = 0 ; )
keyMappings - > removeKeyPress ( keys . getReference ( j ) ) ;
void ApplicationCommandManager : : commandStatusChanged ( )
triggerAsyncUpdate ( ) ;
ApplicationCommandInfo * ApplicationCommandManager : : getMutableCommandForID ( CommandID commandID ) const noexcept
for ( int i = commands . size ( ) ; - - i > = 0 ; )
if ( commands . getUnchecked ( i ) - > commandID = = commandID )
return commands . getUnchecked ( i ) ;
return nullptr ;
const ApplicationCommandInfo * ApplicationCommandManager : : getCommandForID ( const CommandID commandID ) const noexcept
return getMutableCommandForID ( commandID ) ;
String ApplicationCommandManager : : getNameOfCommand ( const CommandID commandID ) const noexcept
if ( const ApplicationCommandInfo * const ci = getCommandForID ( commandID ) )
return ci - > shortName ;
return String ( ) ;
String ApplicationCommandManager : : getDescriptionOfCommand ( const CommandID commandID ) const noexcept
if ( const ApplicationCommandInfo * const ci = getCommandForID ( commandID ) )
return ci - > description . isNotEmpty ( ) ? ci - > description
: ci - > shortName ;
return String ( ) ;
StringArray ApplicationCommandManager : : getCommandCategories ( ) const
StringArray s ;
for ( int i = 0 ; i < commands . size ( ) ; + + i )
s . addIfNotAlreadyThere ( commands . getUnchecked ( i ) - > categoryName , false ) ;
return s ;
Array < CommandID > ApplicationCommandManager : : getCommandsInCategory ( const String & categoryName ) const
Array < CommandID > results ;
for ( int i = 0 ; i < commands . size ( ) ; + + i )
if ( commands . getUnchecked ( i ) - > categoryName = = categoryName )
results . add ( commands . getUnchecked ( i ) - > commandID ) ;
return results ;
bool ApplicationCommandManager : : invokeDirectly ( const CommandID commandID , const bool asynchronously )
ApplicationCommandTarget : : InvocationInfo info ( commandID ) ;
info . invocationMethod = ApplicationCommandTarget : : InvocationInfo : : direct ;
return invoke ( info , asynchronously ) ;
bool ApplicationCommandManager : : invoke ( const ApplicationCommandTarget : : InvocationInfo & inf , const bool asynchronously )
// This call isn't thread-safe for use from a non-UI thread without locking the message
// manager first..
jassert ( MessageManager : : getInstance ( ) - > currentThreadHasLockedMessageManager ( ) ) ;
bool ok = false ;
ApplicationCommandInfo commandInfo ( 0 ) ;
if ( ApplicationCommandTarget * const target = getTargetForCommand ( inf . commandID , commandInfo ) )
ApplicationCommandTarget : : InvocationInfo info ( inf ) ;
info . commandFlags = commandInfo . flags ;
sendListenerInvokeCallback ( info ) ;
ok = target - > invoke ( info , asynchronously ) ;
commandStatusChanged ( ) ;
return ok ;
ApplicationCommandTarget * ApplicationCommandManager : : getFirstCommandTarget ( const CommandID )
return firstTarget ! = nullptr ? firstTarget
: findDefaultComponentTarget ( ) ;
void ApplicationCommandManager : : setFirstCommandTarget ( ApplicationCommandTarget * const newTarget ) noexcept
firstTarget = newTarget ;
ApplicationCommandTarget * ApplicationCommandManager : : getTargetForCommand ( const CommandID commandID ,
ApplicationCommandInfo & upToDateInfo )
ApplicationCommandTarget * target = getFirstCommandTarget ( commandID ) ;
if ( target = = nullptr )
target = JUCEApplication : : getInstance ( ) ;
if ( target ! = nullptr )
target = target - > getTargetForCommand ( commandID ) ;
if ( target ! = nullptr )
upToDateInfo . commandID = commandID ;
target - > getCommandInfo ( commandID , upToDateInfo ) ;
return target ;
ApplicationCommandTarget * ApplicationCommandManager : : findTargetForComponent ( Component * c )
ApplicationCommandTarget * target = dynamic_cast < ApplicationCommandTarget * > ( c ) ;
if ( target = = nullptr & & c ! = nullptr )
target = c - > findParentComponentOfClass < ApplicationCommandTarget > ( ) ;
return target ;
ApplicationCommandTarget * ApplicationCommandManager : : findDefaultComponentTarget ( )
Component * c = Component : : getCurrentlyFocusedComponent ( ) ;
if ( c = = nullptr )
if ( TopLevelWindow * const activeWindow = TopLevelWindow : : getActiveTopLevelWindow ( ) )
c = activeWindow - > getPeer ( ) - > getLastFocusedSubcomponent ( ) ;
if ( c = = nullptr )
c = activeWindow ;
if ( c = = nullptr & & Process : : isForegroundProcess ( ) )
Desktop & desktop = Desktop : : getInstance ( ) ;
// getting a bit desperate now: try all desktop comps..
for ( int i = desktop . getNumComponents ( ) ; - - i > = 0 ; )
if ( ComponentPeer * const peer = desktop . getComponent ( i ) - > getPeer ( ) )
if ( ApplicationCommandTarget * const target = findTargetForComponent ( peer - > getLastFocusedSubcomponent ( ) ) )
return target ;
if ( c ! = nullptr )
// if we're focused on a ResizableWindow, chances are that it's the content
// component that really should get the event. And if not, the event will
// still be passed up to the top level window anyway, so let's send it to the
// content comp.
if ( ResizableWindow * const resizableWindow = dynamic_cast < ResizableWindow * > ( c ) )
if ( Component * const content = resizableWindow - > getContentComponent ( ) )
c = content ;
if ( ApplicationCommandTarget * const target = findTargetForComponent ( c ) )
return target ;
return JUCEApplication : : getInstance ( ) ;
void ApplicationCommandManager : : addListener ( ApplicationCommandManagerListener * const listener )
listeners . add ( listener ) ;
void ApplicationCommandManager : : removeListener ( ApplicationCommandManagerListener * const listener )
listeners . remove ( listener ) ;
void ApplicationCommandManager : : sendListenerInvokeCallback ( const ApplicationCommandTarget : : InvocationInfo & info )
listeners . call ( & ApplicationCommandManagerListener : : applicationCommandInvoked , info ) ;
void ApplicationCommandManager : : handleAsyncUpdate ( )
listeners . call ( & ApplicationCommandManagerListener : : applicationCommandListChanged ) ;
void ApplicationCommandManager : : globalFocusChanged ( Component * )
commandStatusChanged ( ) ;