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This file is part of the JUCE library .
Copyright ( c ) 2015 - ROLI Ltd .
Permission is granted to use this software under the terms of either :
a ) the GPL v2 ( or any later version )
b ) the Affero GPL v3
Details of these licenses can be found at : www . gnu . org / licenses
JUCE is distributed in the hope that it will be useful , but WITHOUT ANY
WARRANTY ; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR
A PARTICULAR PURPOSE . See the GNU General Public License for more details .
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
To release a closed - source product which uses JUCE , commercial licenses are
available : visit www . juce . com for more information .
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A component that displays a piano keyboard , whose notes can be clicked on .
This component will mimic a physical midi keyboard , showing the current state of
a MidiKeyboardState object . When the on - screen keys are clicked on , it will play these
notes by calling the noteOn ( ) and noteOff ( ) methods of its MidiKeyboardState object .
Another feature is that the computer keyboard can also be used to play notes . By
default it maps the top two rows of a standard querty keyboard to the notes , but
these can be remapped if needed . It will only respond to keypresses when it has
the keyboard focus , so to disable this feature you can call setWantsKeyboardFocus ( false ) .
The component is also a ChangeBroadcaster , so if you want to be informed when the
keyboard is scrolled , you can register a ChangeListener for callbacks .
@ see MidiKeyboardState
class JUCE_API MidiKeyboardComponent : public Component ,
public MidiKeyboardStateListener ,
public ChangeBroadcaster ,
private Timer
public :
/** The direction of the keyboard.
@ see setOrientation
enum Orientation
horizontalKeyboard ,
verticalKeyboardFacingLeft ,
verticalKeyboardFacingRight ,
} ;
/** Creates a MidiKeyboardComponent.
@ param state the midi keyboard model that this component will represent
@ param orientation whether the keyboard is horizonal or vertical
MidiKeyboardComponent ( MidiKeyboardState & state ,
Orientation orientation ) ;
/** Destructor. */
~ MidiKeyboardComponent ( ) ;
/** Changes the velocity used in midi note-on messages that are triggered by clicking
on the component .
Values are 0 to 1.0 , where 1.0 is the heaviest .
@ see setMidiChannel
void setVelocity ( float velocity , bool useMousePositionForVelocity ) ;
/** Changes the midi channel number that will be used for events triggered by clicking
on the component .
The channel must be between 1 and 16 ( inclusive ) . This is the channel that will be
passed on to the MidiKeyboardState : : noteOn ( ) method when the user clicks the component .
Although this is the channel used for outgoing events , the component can display
incoming events from more than one channel - see setMidiChannelsToDisplay ( )
@ see setVelocity
void setMidiChannel ( int midiChannelNumber ) ;
/** Returns the midi channel that the keyboard is using for midi messages.
@ see setMidiChannel
int getMidiChannel ( ) const noexcept { return midiChannel ; }
/** Sets a mask to indicate which incoming midi channels should be represented by
key movements .
The mask is a set of bits , where bit 0 = midi channel 1 , bit 1 = midi channel 2 , etc .
If the MidiKeyboardState has a key down for any of the channels whose bits are set
in this mask , the on - screen keys will also go down .
By default , this mask is set to 0xffff ( all channels displayed ) .
@ see setMidiChannel
void setMidiChannelsToDisplay ( int midiChannelMask ) ;
/** Returns the current set of midi channels represented by the component.
This is the value that was set with setMidiChannelsToDisplay ( ) .
int getMidiChannelsToDisplay ( ) const noexcept { return midiInChannelMask ; }
/** Changes the width used to draw the white keys. */
void setKeyWidth ( float widthInPixels ) ;
/** Returns the width that was set by setKeyWidth(). */
float getKeyWidth ( ) const noexcept { return keyWidth ; }
/** Changes the keyboard's current direction. */
void setOrientation ( Orientation newOrientation ) ;
/** Returns the keyboard's current direction. */
Orientation getOrientation ( ) const noexcept { return orientation ; }
/** Sets the range of midi notes that the keyboard will be limited to.
By default the range is 0 to 127 ( inclusive ) , but you can limit this if you
only want a restricted set of the keys to be shown .
Note that the values here are inclusive and must be between 0 and 127.
void setAvailableRange ( int lowestNote ,
int highestNote ) ;
/** Returns the first note in the available range.
@ see setAvailableRange
int getRangeStart ( ) const noexcept { return rangeStart ; }
/** Returns the last note in the available range.
@ see setAvailableRange
int getRangeEnd ( ) const noexcept { return rangeEnd ; }
/** If the keyboard extends beyond the size of the component, this will scroll
it to show the given key at the start .
Whenever the keyboard ' s position is changed , this will use the ChangeBroadcaster
base class to send a callback to any ChangeListeners that have been registered .
void setLowestVisibleKey ( int noteNumber ) ;
/** Returns the number of the first key shown in the component.
@ see setLowestVisibleKey
int getLowestVisibleKey ( ) const noexcept { return ( int ) firstKey ; }
/** Returns the length of the black notes.
This will be their vertical or horizontal length , depending on the keyboard ' s orientation .
int getBlackNoteLength ( ) const noexcept { return blackNoteLength ; }
/** If set to true, then scroll buttons will appear at either end of the keyboard
if there are too many notes to fit them all in the component at once .
void setScrollButtonsVisible ( bool canScroll ) ;
/** A set of colour IDs to use to change the colour of various aspects of the keyboard.
These constants can be used either via the Component : : setColour ( ) , or LookAndFeel : : setColour ( )
methods .
@ see Component : : setColour , Component : : findColour , LookAndFeel : : setColour , LookAndFeel : : findColour
enum ColourIds
whiteNoteColourId = 0x1005000 ,
blackNoteColourId = 0x1005001 ,
keySeparatorLineColourId = 0x1005002 ,
mouseOverKeyOverlayColourId = 0x1005003 , /**< This colour will be overlaid on the normal note colour. */
keyDownOverlayColourId = 0x1005004 , /**< This colour will be overlaid on the normal note colour. */
textLabelColourId = 0x1005005 ,
upDownButtonBackgroundColourId = 0x1005006 ,
upDownButtonArrowColourId = 0x1005007 ,
shadowColourId = 0x1005008
} ;
/** Returns the position within the component of the left-hand edge of a key.
Depending on the keyboard ' s orientation , this may be a horizontal or vertical
distance , in either direction .
int getKeyStartPosition ( int midiNoteNumber ) const ;
/** Returns the key at a given coordinate. */
int getNoteAtPosition ( Point < int > position ) ;
/** Deletes all key-mappings.
@ see setKeyPressForNote
void clearKeyMappings ( ) ;
/** Maps a key-press to a given note.
@ param key the key that should trigger the note
@ param midiNoteOffsetFromC how many semitones above C the triggered note should
be . The actual midi note that gets played will be
this value + ( 12 * the current base octave ) . To change
the base octave , see setKeyPressBaseOctave ( )
void setKeyPressForNote ( const KeyPress & key ,
int midiNoteOffsetFromC ) ;
/** Removes any key-mappings for a given note.
For a description of what the note number means , see setKeyPressForNote ( ) .
void removeKeyPressForNote ( int midiNoteOffsetFromC ) ;
/** Changes the base note above which key-press-triggered notes are played.
The set of key - mappings that trigger notes can be moved up and down to cover
the entire scale using this method .
The value passed in is an octave number between 0 and 10 ( inclusive ) , and
indicates which C is the base note to which the key - mapped notes are
relative .
void setKeyPressBaseOctave ( int newOctaveNumber ) ;
/** This sets the octave number which is shown as the octave number for middle C.
This affects only the default implementation of getWhiteNoteText ( ) , which
passes this octave number to MidiMessage : : getMidiNoteName ( ) in order to
get the note text . See MidiMessage : : getMidiNoteName ( ) for more info about
the parameter .
By default this value is set to 3.
@ see getOctaveForMiddleC
void setOctaveForMiddleC ( int octaveNumForMiddleC ) ;
/** This returns the value set by setOctaveForMiddleC().
@ see setOctaveForMiddleC
int getOctaveForMiddleC ( ) const noexcept { return octaveNumForMiddleC ; }
/** @internal */
void paint ( Graphics & ) override ;
/** @internal */
void resized ( ) override ;
/** @internal */
void mouseMove ( const MouseEvent & ) override ;
/** @internal */
void mouseDrag ( const MouseEvent & ) override ;
/** @internal */
void mouseDown ( const MouseEvent & ) override ;
/** @internal */
void mouseUp ( const MouseEvent & ) override ;
/** @internal */
void mouseEnter ( const MouseEvent & ) override ;
/** @internal */
void mouseExit ( const MouseEvent & ) override ;
/** @internal */
void mouseWheelMove ( const MouseEvent & , const MouseWheelDetails & ) override ;
/** @internal */
void timerCallback ( ) override ;
/** @internal */
bool keyStateChanged ( bool isKeyDown ) override ;
/** @internal */
bool keyPressed ( const KeyPress & ) override ;
/** @internal */
void focusLost ( FocusChangeType ) override ;
/** @internal */
void handleNoteOn ( MidiKeyboardState * , int midiChannel , int midiNoteNumber , float velocity ) override ;
/** @internal */
void handleNoteOff ( MidiKeyboardState * , int midiChannel , int midiNoteNumber ) override ;
/** @internal */
void colourChanged ( ) override ;
protected :
/** Draws a white note in the given rectangle.
isOver indicates whether the mouse is over the key , isDown indicates whether the key is
currently pressed down .
When doing this , be sure to note the keyboard ' s orientation .
virtual void drawWhiteNote ( int midiNoteNumber ,
Graphics & g ,
int x , int y , int w , int h ,
bool isDown , bool isOver ,
const Colour & lineColour ,
const Colour & textColour ) ;
/** Draws a black note in the given rectangle.
isOver indicates whether the mouse is over the key , isDown indicates whether the key is
currently pressed down .
When doing this , be sure to note the keyboard ' s orientation .
virtual void drawBlackNote ( int midiNoteNumber ,
Graphics & g ,
int x , int y , int w , int h ,
bool isDown , bool isOver ,
const Colour & noteFillColour ) ;
/** Allows text to be drawn on the white notes.
By default this is used to label the C in each octave , but could be used for other things .
@ see setOctaveForMiddleC
virtual String getWhiteNoteText ( const int midiNoteNumber ) ;
/** Draws the up and down buttons that change the base note. */
virtual void drawUpDownButton ( Graphics & g , int w , int h ,
const bool isMouseOver ,
const bool isButtonPressed ,
const bool movesOctavesUp ) ;
/** Callback when the mouse is clicked on a key.
You could use this to do things like handle right - clicks on keys , etc .
Return true if you want the click to trigger the note , or false if you
want to handle it yourself and not have the note played .
@ see mouseDraggedToKey
virtual bool mouseDownOnKey ( int midiNoteNumber , const MouseEvent & e ) ;
/** Callback when the mouse is dragged from one key onto another.
@ see mouseDownOnKey
virtual void mouseDraggedToKey ( int midiNoteNumber , const MouseEvent & e ) ;
/** Callback when the mouse is released from a key.
@ see mouseDownOnKey
virtual void mouseUpOnKey ( int midiNoteNumber , const MouseEvent & e ) ;
/** Calculates the positon of a given midi-note.
This can be overridden to create layouts with custom key - widths .
@ param midiNoteNumber the note to find
@ param keyWidth the desired width in pixels of one key - see setKeyWidth ( )
@ param x the x position of the left - hand edge of the key ( this method
always works in terms of a horizontal keyboard )
@ param w the width of the key
virtual void getKeyPosition ( int midiNoteNumber , float keyWidth ,
int & x , int & w ) const ;
private :
friend class MidiKeyboardUpDownButton ;
MidiKeyboardState & state ;
int xOffset , blackNoteLength ;
float keyWidth ;
Orientation orientation ;
int midiChannel , midiInChannelMask ;
float velocity ;
Array < int > mouseOverNotes , mouseDownNotes ;
BigInteger keysPressed , keysCurrentlyDrawnDown ;
bool shouldCheckState ;
int rangeStart , rangeEnd ;
float firstKey ;
bool canScroll , useMousePositionForVelocity , shouldCheckMousePos ;
ScopedPointer < Button > scrollDown , scrollUp ;
Array < KeyPress > keyPresses ;
Array < int > keyPressNotes ;
int keyMappingOctave , octaveNumForMiddleC ;
static const uint8 whiteNotes [ ] ;
static const uint8 blackNotes [ ] ;
void getKeyPos ( int midiNoteNumber , int & x , int & w ) const ;
int xyToNote ( Point < int > , float & mousePositionVelocity ) ;
int remappedXYToNote ( Point < int > , float & mousePositionVelocity ) const ;
void resetAnyKeysInUse ( ) ;
void updateNoteUnderMouse ( Point < int > , bool isDown , int fingerNum ) ;
void updateNoteUnderMouse ( const MouseEvent & , bool isDown ) ;
void repaintNote ( const int midiNoteNumber ) ;
void setLowestVisibleKeyFloat ( float noteNumber ) ;
Rectangle < int > getWhiteNotePos ( int noteNumber ) const ;
} ;