This is an automatically generated GUI class created by the Introjucer!
Be careful when adding custom code to these files, as only the code within
the "//[xyz]" and "//[/xyz]" sections will be retained when the file is loaded
and re-saved.
Created with Introjucer version: 3.1.0
The Introjucer is part of the JUCE library - "Jules' Utility Class Extensions"
Copyright 2004-13 by Raw Material Software Ltd.
//[Headers] You can add your own extra header files here...
#include "OperatorEditor.h"
//[MiscUserDefs] You can add your own user definitions and misc code here...
OperatorEditor::OperatorEditor ()
addAndMakeVisible (s_egl1 = new Slider ("egl1"));
s_egl1->setRange (0, 99, 1);
s_egl1->setSliderStyle (Slider::RotaryVerticalDrag);
s_egl1->setTextBoxStyle (Slider::NoTextBox, false, 80, 20);
s_egl1->addListener (this);
addAndMakeVisible (s_egl2 = new Slider ("egl2"));
s_egl2->setRange (0, 99, 1);
s_egl2->setSliderStyle (Slider::RotaryVerticalDrag);
s_egl2->setTextBoxStyle (Slider::NoTextBox, false, 80, 20);
s_egl2->addListener (this);
addAndMakeVisible (s_egl3 = new Slider ("egl3"));
s_egl3->setRange (0, 99, 1);
s_egl3->setSliderStyle (Slider::RotaryVerticalDrag);
s_egl3->setTextBoxStyle (Slider::NoTextBox, false, 80, 20);
s_egl3->addListener (this);
addAndMakeVisible (s_egl4 = new Slider ("egl4"));
s_egl4->setRange (0, 99, 1);
s_egl4->setSliderStyle (Slider::RotaryVerticalDrag);
s_egl4->setTextBoxStyle (Slider::NoTextBox, false, 80, 20);
s_egl4->addListener (this);
addAndMakeVisible (s_egv1 = new Slider ("egr1"));
s_egv1->setRange (0, 99, 1);
s_egv1->setSliderStyle (Slider::RotaryVerticalDrag);
s_egv1->setTextBoxStyle (Slider::NoTextBox, false, 80, 20);
s_egv1->addListener (this);
addAndMakeVisible (s_egv2 = new Slider ("egr3"));
s_egv2->setRange (0, 99, 1);
s_egv2->setSliderStyle (Slider::RotaryVerticalDrag);
s_egv2->setTextBoxStyle (Slider::NoTextBox, false, 80, 20);
s_egv2->addListener (this);
addAndMakeVisible (s_egv3 = new Slider ("egr3"));
s_egv3->setRange (0, 99, 1);
s_egv3->setSliderStyle (Slider::RotaryVerticalDrag);
s_egv3->setTextBoxStyle (Slider::NoTextBox, false, 80, 20);
s_egv3->addListener (this);
addAndMakeVisible (s_egv4 = new Slider ("egr4"));
s_egv4->setRange (0, 99, 1);
s_egv4->setSliderStyle (Slider::RotaryVerticalDrag);
s_egv4->setTextBoxStyle (Slider::NoTextBox, false, 80, 20);
s_egv4->addListener (this);
addAndMakeVisible (opLevel = new Slider ("opLevel"));
opLevel->setRange (0, 99, 1);
opLevel->setSliderStyle (Slider::RotaryVerticalDrag);
opLevel->setTextBoxStyle (Slider::NoTextBox, false, 80, 20);
opLevel->addListener (this);
addAndMakeVisible (opFine = new Slider ("opFine"));
opFine->setRange (0, 99, 1);
opFine->setSliderStyle (Slider::RotaryVerticalDrag);
opFine->setTextBoxStyle (Slider::NoTextBox, false, 80, 20);
opFine->addListener (this);
addAndMakeVisible (opCoarse = new Slider ("opCoarse"));
opCoarse->setRange (0, 31, 1);
opCoarse->setSliderStyle (Slider::RotaryVerticalDrag);
opCoarse->setTextBoxStyle (Slider::NoTextBox, false, 80, 20);
opCoarse->addListener (this);
addAndMakeVisible (khzDisplay = new Label ("khz",
TRANS("1,000 kHz")));
khzDisplay->setFont (Font (12.60f, Font::plain));
khzDisplay->setJustificationType (Justification::centred);
khzDisplay->setEditable (false, false, false);
khzDisplay->setColour (Label::backgroundColourId, Colour (0x6a000000));
khzDisplay->setColour (Label::textColourId, Colours::white);
khzDisplay->setColour (Label::outlineColourId, Colour (0x00000000));
khzDisplay->setColour (TextEditor::textColourId, Colours::black);
khzDisplay->setColour (TextEditor::backgroundColourId, Colour (0x00000000));
addAndMakeVisible (detune = new Slider ("detune"));
detune->setRange (-7, 7, 1);
detune->setSliderStyle (Slider::RotaryVerticalDrag);
detune->setTextBoxStyle (Slider::NoTextBox, true, 80, 20);
detune->addListener (this);
addAndMakeVisible (envDisplay = new EnvDisplay());
envDisplay->setName ("envDisplay");
addAndMakeVisible (sclLeftLevel = new Slider ("sclLeftLevel"));
sclLeftLevel->setTooltip (TRANS("Keyboard Scale Level Left Depth "));
sclLeftLevel->setRange (0, 99, 1);
sclLeftLevel->setSliderStyle (Slider::RotaryVerticalDrag);
sclLeftLevel->setTextBoxStyle (Slider::NoTextBox, false, 80, 20);
sclLeftLevel->addListener (this);
addAndMakeVisible (sclRightLevel = new Slider ("sclRightLevel"));
sclRightLevel->setTooltip (TRANS("Keyboard Scale Level Right Depth "));
sclRightLevel->setRange (0, 99, 1);
sclRightLevel->setSliderStyle (Slider::RotaryVerticalDrag);
sclRightLevel->setTextBoxStyle (Slider::NoTextBox, false, 80, 20);
sclRightLevel->addListener (this);
addAndMakeVisible (sclLvlBrkPt = new Slider ("sclLvlBrkPt"));
sclLvlBrkPt->setTooltip (TRANS("Scale Level Breakpoint"));
sclLvlBrkPt->setRange (0, 99, 1);
sclLvlBrkPt->setSliderStyle (Slider::LinearHorizontal);
sclLvlBrkPt->setTextBoxStyle (Slider::NoTextBox, false, 80, 20);
sclLvlBrkPt->addListener (this);
addAndMakeVisible (sclRateScaling = new Slider ("sclRateScaling"));
sclRateScaling->setTooltip (TRANS("Keyboard Rate Scaling"));
sclRateScaling->setRange (0, 7, 1);
sclRateScaling->setSliderStyle (Slider::RotaryVerticalDrag);
sclRateScaling->setTextBoxStyle (Slider::NoTextBox, false, 80, 20);
sclRateScaling->addListener (this);
addAndMakeVisible (keyVelSens = new Slider ("keyVelSens"));
keyVelSens->setRange (0, 7, 1);
keyVelSens->setSliderStyle (Slider::RotaryVerticalDrag);
keyVelSens->setTextBoxStyle (Slider::NoTextBox, false, 80, 20);
keyVelSens->addListener (this);
addAndMakeVisible (ampModSens = new Slider ("ampModSens"));
ampModSens->setRange (0, 3, 1);
ampModSens->setSliderStyle (Slider::RotaryVerticalDrag);
ampModSens->setTextBoxStyle (Slider::NoTextBox, false, 80, 20);
ampModSens->addListener (this);
addAndMakeVisible (vu = new VuMeter());
vu->setName ("vu");
addAndMakeVisible (opMode = new ToggleButton ("opMode"));
opMode->setButtonText (String::empty);
opMode->addListener (this);
addAndMakeVisible (kbdLeftCurve = new ComboBoxImage());
kbdLeftCurve->setName ("kbdLeftCurve");
addAndMakeVisible (kbdRightCurve = new ComboBoxImage());
kbdRightCurve->setName ("kbdRightCurve");
setSize (287, 218);
//[Constructor] You can add your own custom stuff here..
light = DXLookNFeel::getLookAndFeel()->imageLight;
Image tmp = DXLookNFeel::getLookAndFeel()->imageScaling;
kbdLeftCurve->addItem("-LN", 1);
kbdLeftCurve->addItem("-EX", 2);
kbdLeftCurve->addItem("+EX", 3);
kbdLeftCurve->addItem("+LN", 4);
int posLeft[] = {0,5,4,3};
kbdLeftCurve->setImage(tmp, posLeft);
kbdRightCurve->addItem("-LN", 1);
kbdRightCurve->addItem("-EX", 2);
kbdRightCurve->addItem("+EX", 3);
kbdRightCurve->addItem("+LN", 4);
int posRight[] = {3,2,1,0};
kbdRightCurve->setImage(tmp, posRight);
background = DXLookNFeel::getLookAndFeel()->imageOperator;
//[Destructor_pre]. You can add your own custom destruction code here..
s_egl1 = nullptr;
s_egl2 = nullptr;
s_egl3 = nullptr;
s_egl4 = nullptr;
s_egv1 = nullptr;
s_egv2 = nullptr;
s_egv3 = nullptr;
s_egv4 = nullptr;
opLevel = nullptr;
opFine = nullptr;
opCoarse = nullptr;
khzDisplay = nullptr;
detune = nullptr;
envDisplay = nullptr;
sclLeftLevel = nullptr;
sclRightLevel = nullptr;
sclLvlBrkPt = nullptr;
sclRateScaling = nullptr;
keyVelSens = nullptr;
ampModSens = nullptr;
vu = nullptr;
opMode = nullptr;
kbdLeftCurve = nullptr;
kbdRightCurve = nullptr;
//[Destructor]. You can add your own custom destruction code here..
void OperatorEditor::paint (Graphics& g)
//[UserPrePaint] Add your own custom painting code here..
g.drawImage(background, 0, 0, 287, 218, 0, 0, 287, 218);
//[UserPaint] Add your own custom painting code here..
g.setColour (Colours::white);
g.setFont(Font (30.00f, Font::plain));
g.drawText(opNum, 242, 8, 30, 30, Justification::centred, true);
bool state = opMode->getToggleState();
// 129 x 24
g.drawImage(light, 127, 24, 14, 14, 0, state ? 0 : 14, 14, 14);
// 199 x 24
g.drawImage(light, 198, 24, 14, 14, 0, !state ? 0 : 14, 14, 14);
void OperatorEditor::resized()
s_egl1->setBounds (5, 128, 34, 34);
s_egl2->setBounds (33, 129, 34, 34);
s_egl3->setBounds (61, 128, 34, 34);
s_egl4->setBounds (89, 128, 34, 34);
s_egv1->setBounds (5, 169, 34, 34);
s_egv2->setBounds (33, 169, 34, 34);
s_egv3->setBounds (61, 169, 34, 34);
s_egv4->setBounds (89, 169, 34, 34);
opLevel->setBounds (245, 76, 34, 34);
opFine->setBounds (78, 24, 34, 34);
opCoarse->setBounds (43, 24, 34, 34);
khzDisplay->setBounds (15, 10, 95, 10);
detune->setBounds (6, 24, 34, 34);
envDisplay->setBounds (16, 83, 94, 30);
sclLeftLevel->setBounds (131, 115, 34, 34);
sclRightLevel->setBounds (241, 115, 34, 34);
sclLvlBrkPt->setBounds (178, 130, 54, 24);
sclRateScaling->setBounds (186, 179, 34, 34);
keyVelSens->setBounds (204, 76, 34, 34);
ampModSens->setBounds (140, 76, 34, 34);
vu->setBounds (132, 52, 140, 8);
opMode->setBounds (146, 19, 48, 26);
kbdLeftCurve->setBounds (128, 170, 36, 26);
kbdRightCurve->setBounds (240, 170, 36, 26);
//[UserResized] Add your own custom resize handling here..
void OperatorEditor::sliderValueChanged (Slider* sliderThatWasMoved)
if (sliderThatWasMoved == s_egl1)
//[UserSliderCode_s_egl1] -- add your slider handling code here..
else if (sliderThatWasMoved == s_egl2)
//[UserSliderCode_s_egl2] -- add your slider handling code here..
else if (sliderThatWasMoved == s_egl3)
//[UserSliderCode_s_egl3] -- add your slider handling code here..
else if (sliderThatWasMoved == s_egl4)
//[UserSliderCode_s_egl4] -- add your slider handling code here..
else if (sliderThatWasMoved == s_egv1)
//[UserSliderCode_s_egv1] -- add your slider handling code here..
else if (sliderThatWasMoved == s_egv2)
//[UserSliderCode_s_egv2] -- add your slider handling code here..
else if (sliderThatWasMoved == s_egv3)
//[UserSliderCode_s_egv3] -- add your slider handling code here..
else if (sliderThatWasMoved == s_egv4)
//[UserSliderCode_s_egv4] -- add your slider handling code here..
else if (sliderThatWasMoved == opLevel)
//[UserSliderCode_opLevel] -- add your slider handling code here..
else if (sliderThatWasMoved == opFine)
//[UserSliderCode_opFine] -- add your slider handling code here..
else if (sliderThatWasMoved == opCoarse)
//[UserSliderCode_opCoarse] -- add your slider handling code here..
else if (sliderThatWasMoved == detune)
//[UserSliderCode_detune] -- add your slider handling code here..
else if (sliderThatWasMoved == sclLeftLevel)
//[UserSliderCode_sclLeftLevel] -- add your slider handling code here..
else if (sliderThatWasMoved == sclRightLevel)
//[UserSliderCode_sclRightLevel] -- add your slider handling code here..
else if (sliderThatWasMoved == sclLvlBrkPt)
//[UserSliderCode_sclLvlBrkPt] -- add your slider handling code here..
else if (sliderThatWasMoved == sclRateScaling)
//[UserSliderCode_sclRateScaling] -- add your slider handling code here..
else if (sliderThatWasMoved == keyVelSens)
//[UserSliderCode_keyVelSens] -- add your slider handling code here..
else if (sliderThatWasMoved == ampModSens)
//[UserSliderCode_ampModSens] -- add your slider handling code here..
void OperatorEditor::buttonClicked (Button* buttonThatWasClicked)
if (buttonThatWasClicked == opMode)
//[UserButtonCode_opMode] -- add your button handler code here..
//[MiscUserCode] You can add your own definitions of your custom methods or any other code here...
void OperatorEditor::bind(DexedAudioProcessor *parent, int op) {
int offset = parent->opCtrl[op].egRate[0]->getOffset();
envDisplay->pvalues = &(parent->data[offset]);
processor = parent;
opNum << op + 1;
internalOp = 5-op;
void OperatorEditor::updateGain(float v) {
vu->v = v;
void OperatorEditor::updateDisplay() {
float freq = opCoarse->getValue();
float fine = opFine->getValue();
String txtFreq;
if (opMode->getToggleState() == 0) {
if ( freq == 0 )
freq = 0.5;
txtFreq << "f = " << (freq + ((freq*2) * (fine/100)));
} else {
freq = pow(10,((int)freq)&3);
freq = freq + ((freq*10) * (fine/100));
txtFreq << freq << " Hz";
int det = detune->getValue();
if ( det != 0 ) {
if ( det > 0 )
txtFreq << " +" << det;
txtFreq << " " << det;
khzDisplay->setText(txtFreq, dontSendNotification);
void OperatorEditor::updateEnvPos(char pos) {
envDisplay->vPos = pos;
void OperatorEditor::mouseDown(const MouseEvent &event) {
if ( event.mods.isRightButtonDown() ) {
PopupMenu popup;
popup.addItem(1, "Copy Operator Values");
popup.addItem(2, "Paste Envelope Values", processor->hasClipboardContent());
popup.addItem(3, "Paste Operator Values", processor->hasClipboardContent());
switch(popup.show()) {
case 1:
case 2:
case 3:
#if 0
/* -- Introjucer information section --
This is where the Introjucer stores the metadata that describe this GUI layout, so
make changes in here at your peril!
<JUCER_COMPONENT documentType="Component" className="OperatorEditor" componentName=""
parentClasses="public Component" constructorParams="" variableInitialisers=""
snapPixels="2" snapActive="0" snapShown="1" overlayOpacity="0.330"
fixedSize="1" initialWidth="287" initialHeight="218">
<BACKGROUND backgroundColour="ffffff"/>
<SLIDER name="egl1" id="dc070cc41347df47" memberName="s_egl1" virtualName=""
explicitFocusOrder="0" pos="5 128 34 34" min="0" max="99" int="1"
style="RotaryVerticalDrag" textBoxPos="NoTextBox" textBoxEditable="1"
textBoxWidth="80" textBoxHeight="20" skewFactor="1"/>
<SLIDER name="egl2" id="66f5195e9c374029" memberName="s_egl2" virtualName=""
explicitFocusOrder="0" pos="33 129 34 34" min="0" max="99" int="1"
style="RotaryVerticalDrag" textBoxPos="NoTextBox" textBoxEditable="1"
textBoxWidth="80" textBoxHeight="20" skewFactor="1"/>
<SLIDER name="egl3" id="9d57bd53203dcdb4" memberName="s_egl3" virtualName=""
explicitFocusOrder="0" pos="61 128 34 34" min="0" max="99" int="1"
style="RotaryVerticalDrag" textBoxPos="NoTextBox" textBoxEditable="1"
textBoxWidth="80" textBoxHeight="20" skewFactor="1"/>
<SLIDER name="egl4" id="4f7c3ece3ea2cf9c" memberName="s_egl4" virtualName=""
explicitFocusOrder="0" pos="89 128 34 34" min="0" max="99" int="1"
style="RotaryVerticalDrag" textBoxPos="NoTextBox" textBoxEditable="1"
textBoxWidth="80" textBoxHeight="20" skewFactor="1"/>
<SLIDER name="egr1" id="2ca8137d80da46fb" memberName="s_egv1" virtualName=""
explicitFocusOrder="0" pos="5 169 34 34" min="0" max="99" int="1"
style="RotaryVerticalDrag" textBoxPos="NoTextBox" textBoxEditable="1"
textBoxWidth="80" textBoxHeight="20" skewFactor="1"/>
<SLIDER name="egr3" id="4ad6d0c532d15973" memberName="s_egv2" virtualName=""
explicitFocusOrder="0" pos="33 169 34 34" min="0" max="99" int="1"
style="RotaryVerticalDrag" textBoxPos="NoTextBox" textBoxEditable="1"
textBoxWidth="80" textBoxHeight="20" skewFactor="1"/>
<SLIDER name="egr3" id="8a2027f9ede16b4f" memberName="s_egv3" virtualName=""
explicitFocusOrder="0" pos="61 169 34 34" min="0" max="99" int="1"
style="RotaryVerticalDrag" textBoxPos="NoTextBox" textBoxEditable="1"
textBoxWidth="80" textBoxHeight="20" skewFactor="1"/>
<SLIDER name="egr4" id="8c04f1c943d837e8" memberName="s_egv4" virtualName=""
explicitFocusOrder="0" pos="89 169 34 34" min="0" max="99" int="1"
style="RotaryVerticalDrag" textBoxPos="NoTextBox" textBoxEditable="1"
textBoxWidth="80" textBoxHeight="20" skewFactor="1"/>
<SLIDER name="opLevel" id="f8521c8214fb8993" memberName="opLevel" virtualName=""
explicitFocusOrder="0" pos="245 76 34 34" min="0" max="99" int="1"
style="RotaryVerticalDrag" textBoxPos="NoTextBox" textBoxEditable="1"
textBoxWidth="80" textBoxHeight="20" skewFactor="1"/>
<SLIDER name="opFine" id="e445aa61bd6cddcb" memberName="opFine" virtualName=""
explicitFocusOrder="0" pos="78 24 34 34" min="0" max="99" int="1"
style="RotaryVerticalDrag" textBoxPos="NoTextBox" textBoxEditable="1"
textBoxWidth="80" textBoxHeight="20" skewFactor="1"/>
<SLIDER name="opCoarse" id="4eec63d30d7488d2" memberName="opCoarse" virtualName=""
explicitFocusOrder="0" pos="43 24 34 34" min="0" max="31" int="1"
style="RotaryVerticalDrag" textBoxPos="NoTextBox" textBoxEditable="1"
textBoxWidth="80" textBoxHeight="20" skewFactor="1"/>
<LABEL name="khz" id="eb961eed8902a6fc" memberName="khzDisplay" virtualName=""
explicitFocusOrder="0" pos="15 10 95 10" bkgCol="6a000000" textCol="ffffffff"
outlineCol="0" edTextCol="ff000000" edBkgCol="0" labelText="1,000 kHz"
editableSingleClick="0" editableDoubleClick="0" focusDiscardsChanges="0"
fontname="Default font" fontsize="12.599999999999999645" bold="0"
italic="0" justification="36"/>
<SLIDER name="detune" id="f093ec8defca2fc2" memberName="detune" virtualName=""
explicitFocusOrder="0" pos="6 24 34 34" min="-7" max="7" int="1"
style="RotaryVerticalDrag" textBoxPos="NoTextBox" textBoxEditable="0"
textBoxWidth="80" textBoxHeight="20" skewFactor="1"/>
<GENERICCOMPONENT name="envDisplay" id="b18856de924c6340" memberName="envDisplay"
virtualName="" explicitFocusOrder="0" pos="16 83 94 30" class="EnvDisplay"
<SLIDER name="sclLeftLevel" id="bd6f338ae68e454f" memberName="sclLeftLevel"
virtualName="" explicitFocusOrder="0" pos="131 115 34 34" tooltip="Keyboard Scale Level Left Depth "
min="0" max="99" int="1" style="RotaryVerticalDrag" textBoxPos="NoTextBox"
textBoxEditable="1" textBoxWidth="80" textBoxHeight="20" skewFactor="1"/>
<SLIDER name="sclRightLevel" id="b9e23ed5187fc7e5" memberName="sclRightLevel"
virtualName="" explicitFocusOrder="0" pos="241 115 34 34" tooltip="Keyboard Scale Level Right Depth "
min="0" max="99" int="1" style="RotaryVerticalDrag" textBoxPos="NoTextBox"
textBoxEditable="1" textBoxWidth="80" textBoxHeight="20" skewFactor="1"/>
<SLIDER name="sclLvlBrkPt" id="c563ac3116923bbc" memberName="sclLvlBrkPt"
virtualName="" explicitFocusOrder="0" pos="178 130 54 24" tooltip="Scale Level Breakpoint"
min="0" max="99" int="1" style="LinearHorizontal" textBoxPos="NoTextBox"
textBoxEditable="1" textBoxWidth="80" textBoxHeight="20" skewFactor="1"/>
<SLIDER name="sclRateScaling" id="f0d17c8e09aa4c49" memberName="sclRateScaling"
virtualName="" explicitFocusOrder="0" pos="186 179 34 34" tooltip="Keyboard Rate Scaling"
min="0" max="7" int="1" style="RotaryVerticalDrag" textBoxPos="NoTextBox"
textBoxEditable="1" textBoxWidth="80" textBoxHeight="20" skewFactor="1"/>
<SLIDER name="keyVelSens" id="21795d045d07602b" memberName="keyVelSens"
virtualName="" explicitFocusOrder="0" pos="204 76 34 34" min="0"
max="7" int="1" style="RotaryVerticalDrag" textBoxPos="NoTextBox"
textBoxEditable="1" textBoxWidth="80" textBoxHeight="20" skewFactor="1"/>
<SLIDER name="ampModSens" id="634ceaa7b0f81a6c" memberName="ampModSens"
virtualName="" explicitFocusOrder="0" pos="140 76 34 34" min="0"
max="3" int="1" style="RotaryVerticalDrag" textBoxPos="NoTextBox"
textBoxEditable="1" textBoxWidth="80" textBoxHeight="20" skewFactor="1"/>
<GENERICCOMPONENT name="vu" id="6f952594ea99dc1e" memberName="vu" virtualName=""
explicitFocusOrder="0" pos="132 52 140 8" class="VuMeter" params=""/>
<TOGGLEBUTTON name="opMode" id="15db8e5c9dd13966" memberName="opMode" virtualName=""
explicitFocusOrder="0" pos="146 19 48 26" buttonText="" connectedEdges="0"
needsCallback="1" radioGroupId="0" state="0"/>
<GENERICCOMPONENT name="kbdLeftCurve" id="ee4e60dfcd6cb790" memberName="kbdLeftCurve"
virtualName="" explicitFocusOrder="0" pos="128 170 36 26" class="ComboBoxImage"
<GENERICCOMPONENT name="kbdRightCurve" id="f5ca44d67593488a" memberName="kbdRightCurve"
virtualName="" explicitFocusOrder="0" pos="240 170 36 26" class="ComboBoxImage"
//[EndFile] You can add extra defines here...