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11 years ago
This file is part of the JUCE library.
Copyright (c) 2015 - ROLI Ltd.
11 years ago
Permission is granted to use this software under the terms of either:
a) the GPL v2 (or any later version)
b) the Affero GPL v3
Details of these licenses can be found at:
JUCE is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY
WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR
A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details.
To release a closed-source product which uses JUCE, commercial licenses are
available: visit for more information.
template <typename Type>
Rectangle<Type> coordsToRectangle (Type x, Type y, Type w, Type h)
const int maxVal = 0x3fffffff;
jassert ((int) x >= -maxVal && (int) x <= maxVal
&& (int) y >= -maxVal && (int) y <= maxVal
&& (int) w >= 0 && (int) w <= maxVal
&& (int) h >= 0 && (int) h <= maxVal);
11 years ago
return Rectangle<Type> (x, y, w, h);
LowLevelGraphicsContext::LowLevelGraphicsContext() {}
LowLevelGraphicsContext::~LowLevelGraphicsContext() {}
Graphics::Graphics (const Image& imageToDrawOnto)
: context (*imageToDrawOnto.createLowLevelContext()),
contextToDelete (&context),
saveStatePending (false)
jassert (imageToDrawOnto.isValid()); // Can't draw into a null image!
Graphics::Graphics (LowLevelGraphicsContext& internalContext) noexcept
: context (internalContext),
saveStatePending (false)
void Graphics::resetToDefaultState()
context.setFill (FillType());
context.setFont (Font());
context.setInterpolationQuality (Graphics::mediumResamplingQuality);
bool Graphics::isVectorDevice() const
return context.isVectorDevice();
bool Graphics::reduceClipRegion (const Rectangle<int>& area)
return context.clipToRectangle (area);
bool Graphics::reduceClipRegion (const int x, const int y, const int w, const int h)
return reduceClipRegion (Rectangle<int> (x, y, w, h));
bool Graphics::reduceClipRegion (const RectangleList<int>& clipRegion)
return context.clipToRectangleList (clipRegion);
bool Graphics::reduceClipRegion (const Path& path, const AffineTransform& transform)
context.clipToPath (path, transform);
return ! context.isClipEmpty();
bool Graphics::reduceClipRegion (const Image& image, const AffineTransform& transform)
context.clipToImageAlpha (image, transform);
return ! context.isClipEmpty();
void Graphics::excludeClipRegion (const Rectangle<int>& rectangleToExclude)
context.excludeClipRectangle (rectangleToExclude);
bool Graphics::isClipEmpty() const
return context.isClipEmpty();
Rectangle<int> Graphics::getClipBounds() const
return context.getClipBounds();
void Graphics::saveState()
saveStatePending = true;
void Graphics::restoreState()
if (saveStatePending)
saveStatePending = false;
void Graphics::saveStateIfPending()
if (saveStatePending)
saveStatePending = false;
void Graphics::setOrigin (Point<int> newOrigin)
context.setOrigin (newOrigin);
void Graphics::setOrigin (int x, int y)
setOrigin (Point<int> (x, y));
void Graphics::addTransform (const AffineTransform& transform)
context.addTransform (transform);
bool Graphics::clipRegionIntersects (const Rectangle<int>& area) const
return context.clipRegionIntersects (area);
void Graphics::beginTransparencyLayer (float layerOpacity)
context.beginTransparencyLayer (layerOpacity);
void Graphics::endTransparencyLayer()
void Graphics::setColour (Colour newColour)
context.setFill (newColour);
void Graphics::setOpacity (const float newOpacity)
context.setOpacity (newOpacity);
void Graphics::setGradientFill (const ColourGradient& gradient)
setFillType (gradient);
void Graphics::setTiledImageFill (const Image& imageToUse, const int anchorX, const int anchorY, const float opacity)
context.setFill (FillType (imageToUse, AffineTransform::translation ((float) anchorX, (float) anchorY)));
context.setOpacity (opacity);
void Graphics::setFillType (const FillType& newFill)
context.setFill (newFill);
void Graphics::setFont (const Font& newFont)
context.setFont (newFont);
void Graphics::setFont (const float newFontHeight)
setFont (context.getFont().withHeight (newFontHeight));
Font Graphics::getCurrentFont() const
return context.getFont();
void Graphics::drawSingleLineText (const String& text, const int startX, const int baselineY,
Justification justification) const
if (text.isNotEmpty())
11 years ago
// Don't pass any vertical placement flags to this method - they'll be ignored.
jassert (justification.getOnlyVerticalFlags() == 0);
const int flags = justification.getOnlyHorizontalFlags();
if (flags == Justification::right)
if (startX < context.getClipBounds().getX())
else if (flags == Justification::left)
if (startX > context.getClipBounds().getRight())
GlyphArrangement arr;
arr.addLineOfText (context.getFont(), text, (float) startX, (float) baselineY);
11 years ago
if (flags != Justification::left)
float w = arr.getBoundingBox (0, -1, true).getWidth();
if ((flags & (Justification::horizontallyCentred | Justification::horizontallyJustified)) != 0)
w /= 2.0f;
arr.draw (*this, AffineTransform::translation (-w, 0));
arr.draw (*this);
void Graphics::drawMultiLineText (const String& text, const int startX,
const int baselineY, const int maximumLineWidth) const
if (text.isNotEmpty()
&& startX < context.getClipBounds().getRight())
GlyphArrangement arr;
arr.addJustifiedText (context.getFont(), text,
(float) startX, (float) baselineY, (float) maximumLineWidth,
arr.draw (*this);
void Graphics::drawText (const String& text, const Rectangle<float>& area,
Justification justificationType, bool useEllipsesIfTooBig) const
11 years ago
if (text.isNotEmpty() && context.clipRegionIntersects (area.getSmallestIntegerContainer()))
11 years ago
GlyphArrangement arr;
arr.addCurtailedLineOfText (context.getFont(), text, 0.0f, 0.0f,
area.getWidth(), useEllipsesIfTooBig);
11 years ago
arr.justifyGlyphs (0, arr.getNumGlyphs(),
area.getX(), area.getY(), area.getWidth(), area.getHeight(),
11 years ago
arr.draw (*this);
void Graphics::drawText (const String& text, const Rectangle<int>& area,
Justification justificationType, bool useEllipsesIfTooBig) const
drawText (text, area.toFloat(), justificationType, useEllipsesIfTooBig);
11 years ago
void Graphics::drawText (const String& text, const int x, const int y, const int width, const int height,
Justification justificationType, const bool useEllipsesIfTooBig) const
11 years ago
drawText (text, Rectangle<int> (x, y, width, height), justificationType, useEllipsesIfTooBig);
void Graphics::drawFittedText (const String& text, const Rectangle<int>& area,
Justification justification,
const int maximumNumberOfLines,
const float minimumHorizontalScale) const
if (text.isNotEmpty() && (! area.isEmpty()) && context.clipRegionIntersects (area))
GlyphArrangement arr;
arr.addFittedText (context.getFont(), text,
(float) area.getX(), (float) area.getY(),
(float) area.getWidth(), (float) area.getHeight(),
arr.draw (*this);
void Graphics::drawFittedText (const String& text, const int x, const int y, const int width, const int height,
Justification justification,
const int maximumNumberOfLines,
const float minimumHorizontalScale) const
drawFittedText (text, coordsToRectangle (x, y, width, height),
justification, maximumNumberOfLines, minimumHorizontalScale);
void Graphics::fillRect (const Rectangle<int>& r) const
context.fillRect (r, false);
void Graphics::fillRect (const Rectangle<float>& r) const
context.fillRect (r);
void Graphics::fillRect (int x, int y, int width, int height) const
context.fillRect (coordsToRectangle (x, y, width, height), false);
void Graphics::fillRect (float x, float y, float width, float height) const
fillRect (coordsToRectangle (x, y, width, height));
void Graphics::fillRectList (const RectangleList<float>& rectangles) const
context.fillRectList (rectangles);
void Graphics::fillRectList (const RectangleList<int>& rects) const
for (const Rectangle<int>* r = rects.begin(), * const e = rects.end(); r != e; ++r)
context.fillRect (*r, false);
void Graphics::setPixel (int x, int y) const
context.fillRect (Rectangle<int> (x, y, 1, 1), false);
void Graphics::fillAll() const
fillRect (context.getClipBounds());
void Graphics::fillAll (Colour colourToUse) const
if (! colourToUse.isTransparent())
const Rectangle<int> clip (context.getClipBounds());
context.setFill (colourToUse);
context.fillRect (clip, false);
void Graphics::fillPath (const Path& path, const AffineTransform& transform) const
if ((! context.isClipEmpty()) && ! path.isEmpty())
context.fillPath (path, transform);
void Graphics::strokePath (const Path& path,
const PathStrokeType& strokeType,
const AffineTransform& transform) const
Path stroke;
strokeType.createStrokedPath (stroke, path, transform, context.getPhysicalPixelScaleFactor());
fillPath (stroke);
void Graphics::drawRect (float x, float y, float width, float height, float lineThickness) const
drawRect (coordsToRectangle (x, y, width, height), lineThickness);
void Graphics::drawRect (int x, int y, int width, int height, int lineThickness) const
drawRect (coordsToRectangle (x, y, width, height), lineThickness);
void Graphics::drawRect (const Rectangle<int>& r, int lineThickness) const
drawRect (r.toFloat(), (float) lineThickness);
void Graphics::drawRect (Rectangle<float> r, const float lineThickness) const
jassert (r.getWidth() >= 0.0f && r.getHeight() >= 0.0f);
11 years ago
RectangleList<float> rects;
rects.addWithoutMerging (r.removeFromTop (lineThickness));
rects.addWithoutMerging (r.removeFromBottom (lineThickness));
rects.addWithoutMerging (r.removeFromLeft (lineThickness));
rects.addWithoutMerging (r.removeFromRight (lineThickness));
context.fillRectList (rects);
void Graphics::fillEllipse (const Rectangle<float>& area) const
11 years ago
Path p;
p.addEllipse (area);
fillPath (p);
11 years ago
11 years ago
void Graphics::fillEllipse (float x, float y, float w, float h) const
11 years ago
11 years ago
fillEllipse (Rectangle<float> (x, y, w, h));
11 years ago
void Graphics::drawEllipse (float x, float y, float width, float height, float lineThickness) const
Path p;
p.addEllipse (x, y, width, height);
strokePath (p, PathStrokeType (lineThickness));
void Graphics::drawEllipse (const Rectangle<float>& area, float lineThickness) const
drawEllipse (area.getX(), area.getY(), area.getWidth(), area.getHeight(), lineThickness);
void Graphics::fillRoundedRectangle (float x, float y, float width, float height, float cornerSize) const
fillRoundedRectangle (coordsToRectangle (x, y, width, height), cornerSize);
void Graphics::fillRoundedRectangle (const Rectangle<float>& r, const float cornerSize) const
Path p;
p.addRoundedRectangle (r, cornerSize);
fillPath (p);
void Graphics::drawRoundedRectangle (float x, float y, float width, float height,
float cornerSize, float lineThickness) const
drawRoundedRectangle (coordsToRectangle (x, y, width, height), cornerSize, lineThickness);
void Graphics::drawRoundedRectangle (const Rectangle<float>& r, float cornerSize, float lineThickness) const
Path p;
p.addRoundedRectangle (r, cornerSize);
strokePath (p, PathStrokeType (lineThickness));
void Graphics::drawArrow (const Line<float>& line, float lineThickness, float arrowheadWidth, float arrowheadLength) const
Path p;
p.addArrow (line, lineThickness, arrowheadWidth, arrowheadLength);
fillPath (p);
void Graphics::fillCheckerBoard (const Rectangle<int>& area,
const int checkWidth, const int checkHeight,
Colour colour1, Colour colour2) const
jassert (checkWidth > 0 && checkHeight > 0); // can't be zero or less!
if (checkWidth > 0 && checkHeight > 0)
if (colour1 == colour2)
context.setFill (colour1);
context.fillRect (area, false);
const Rectangle<int> clipped (context.getClipBounds().getIntersection (area));
if (! clipped.isEmpty())
context.clipToRectangle (clipped);
const int checkNumX = (clipped.getX() - area.getX()) / checkWidth;
const int checkNumY = (clipped.getY() - area.getY()) / checkHeight;
const int startX = area.getX() + checkNumX * checkWidth;
const int startY = area.getY() + checkNumY * checkHeight;
const int right = clipped.getRight();
const int bottom = clipped.getBottom();
for (int i = 0; i < 2; ++i)
context.setFill (i == ((checkNumX ^ checkNumY) & 1) ? colour1 : colour2);
int cy = i;
for (int y = startY; y < bottom; y += checkHeight)
for (int x = startX + (cy++ & 1) * checkWidth; x < right; x += checkWidth * 2)
context.fillRect (Rectangle<int> (x, y, checkWidth, checkHeight), false);
void Graphics::drawVerticalLine (const int x, float top, float bottom) const
if (top < bottom)
context.fillRect (Rectangle<float> ((float) x, top, 1.0f, bottom - top));
void Graphics::drawHorizontalLine (const int y, float left, float right) const
if (left < right)
context.fillRect (Rectangle<float> (left, (float) y, right - left, 1.0f));
void Graphics::drawLine (const Line<float>& line) const
context.drawLine (line);
void Graphics::drawLine (float x1, float y1, float x2, float y2) const
context.drawLine (Line<float> (x1, y1, x2, y2));
void Graphics::drawLine (float x1, float y1, float x2, float y2, float lineThickness) const
drawLine (Line<float> (x1, y1, x2, y2), lineThickness);
void Graphics::drawLine (const Line<float>& line, const float lineThickness) const
Path p;
p.addLineSegment (line, lineThickness);
fillPath (p);
void Graphics::drawDashedLine (const Line<float>& line, const float* const dashLengths,
const int numDashLengths, const float lineThickness, int n) const
jassert (n >= 0 && n < numDashLengths); // your start index must be valid!
const Point<double> delta ((line.getEnd() - line.getStart()).toDouble());
const double totalLen = delta.getDistanceFromOrigin();
if (totalLen >= 0.1)
const double onePixAlpha = 1.0 / totalLen;
for (double alpha = 0.0; alpha < 1.0;)
jassert (dashLengths[n] > 0); // can't have zero-length dashes!
const double lastAlpha = alpha;
alpha += dashLengths [n] * onePixAlpha;
n = (n + 1) % numDashLengths;
if ((n & 1) != 0)
const Line<float> segment (line.getStart() + (delta * lastAlpha).toFloat(),
line.getStart() + (delta * jmin (1.0, alpha)).toFloat());
if (lineThickness != 1.0f)
drawLine (segment, lineThickness);
context.drawLine (segment);
void Graphics::setImageResamplingQuality (const Graphics::ResamplingQuality newQuality)
context.setInterpolationQuality (newQuality);
void Graphics::drawImageAt (const Image& imageToDraw, int x, int y, bool fillAlphaChannel) const
drawImageTransformed (imageToDraw,
AffineTransform::translation ((float) x, (float) y),
void Graphics::drawImageWithin (const Image& imageToDraw,
int dx, int dy, int dw, int dh,
RectanglePlacement placementWithinTarget,
const bool fillAlphaChannelWithCurrentBrush) const
if (imageToDraw.isValid())
drawImageTransformed (imageToDraw,
placementWithinTarget.getTransformToFit (imageToDraw.getBounds().toFloat(),
coordsToRectangle (dx, dy, dw, dh).toFloat()),
void Graphics::drawImage (const Image& imageToDraw,
int dx, int dy, int dw, int dh,
int sx, int sy, int sw, int sh,
const bool fillAlphaChannelWithCurrentBrush) const
if (imageToDraw.isValid() && context.clipRegionIntersects (coordsToRectangle (dx, dy, dw, dh)))
drawImageTransformed (imageToDraw.getClippedImage (coordsToRectangle (sx, sy, sw, sh)),
AffineTransform::scale (dw / (float) sw, dh / (float) sh)
.translated ((float) dx, (float) dy),
void Graphics::drawImageTransformed (const Image& imageToDraw,
const AffineTransform& transform,
const bool fillAlphaChannelWithCurrentBrush) const
if (imageToDraw.isValid() && ! context.isClipEmpty())
if (fillAlphaChannelWithCurrentBrush)
context.clipToImageAlpha (imageToDraw, transform);
context.drawImage (imageToDraw, transform);
Graphics::ScopedSaveState::ScopedSaveState (Graphics& g) : context (g)