/* libFLAC - Free Lossless Audio Codec library
* Copyright ( C ) 2001 - 2009 Josh Coalson
* Copyright ( C ) 2011 - 2014 Xiph . Org Foundation
* Redistribution and use in source and binary forms , with or without
* modification , are permitted provided that the following conditions
* are met :
* - Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright
* notice , this list of conditions and the following disclaimer .
* - Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright
* notice , this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the
* documentation and / or other materials provided with the distribution .
* - Neither the name of the Xiph . org Foundation nor the names of its
* contributors may be used to endorse or promote products derived from
* this software without specific prior written permission .
# include <sys/types.h> /* for off_t */
# include "export.h"
# include "callback.h"
# include "format.h"
/* --------------------------------------------------------------------
( For an example of how all these routines are used , see the source
code for the unit tests in src / test_libFLAC / metadata_ * . c , or
metaflac in src / metaflac / )
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - */
/** \file include/FLAC/metadata.h
* \ brief
* This module provides functions for creating and manipulating FLAC
* metadata blocks in memory , and three progressively more powerful
* interfaces for traversing and editing metadata in FLAC files .
* See the detailed documentation for each interface in the
* \ link flac_metadata metadata \ endlink module .
/** \defgroup flac_metadata FLAC/metadata.h: metadata interfaces
* \ ingroup flac
* \ brief
* This module provides functions for creating and manipulating FLAC
* metadata blocks in memory , and three progressively more powerful
* interfaces for traversing and editing metadata in native FLAC files .
* Note that currently only the Chain interface ( level 2 ) supports Ogg
* FLAC files , and it is read - only i . e . no writing back changed
* metadata to file .
* There are three metadata interfaces of increasing complexity :
* Level 0 :
* Read - only access to the STREAMINFO , VORBIS_COMMENT , CUESHEET , and
* PICTURE blocks .
* Level 1 :
* Read - write access to all metadata blocks . This level is write -
* efficient in most cases ( more on this below ) , and uses less memory
* than level 2.
* Level 2 :
* Read - write access to all metadata blocks . This level is write -
* efficient in all cases , but uses more memory since all metadata for
* the whole file is read into memory and manipulated before writing
* out again .
* What do we mean by efficient ? Since FLAC metadata appears at the
* beginning of the file , when writing metadata back to a FLAC file
* it is possible to grow or shrink the metadata such that the entire
* file must be rewritten . However , if the size remains the same during
* changes or PADDING blocks are utilized , only the metadata needs to be
* overwritten , which is much faster .
* Efficient means the whole file is rewritten at most one time , and only
* when necessary . Level 1 is not efficient only in the case that you
* cause more than one metadata block to grow or shrink beyond what can
* be accomodated by padding . In this case you should probably use level
* 2 , which allows you to edit all the metadata for a file in memory and
* write it out all at once .
* All levels know how to skip over and not disturb an ID3v2 tag at the
* front of the file .
* All levels access files via their filenames . In addition , level 2
* has additional alternative read and write functions that take an I / O
* handle and callbacks , for situations where access by filename is not
* possible .
* In addition to the three interfaces , this module defines functions for
* creating and manipulating various metadata objects in memory . As we see
* from the Format module , FLAC metadata blocks in memory are very primitive
* structures for storing information in an efficient way . Reading
* information from the structures is easy but creating or modifying them
* directly is more complex . The metadata object routines here facilitate
* this by taking care of the consistency and memory management drudgery .
* Unless you will be using the level 1 or 2 interfaces to modify existing
* metadata however , you will not probably not need these .
* From a dependency standpoint , none of the encoders or decoders require
* the metadata module . This is so that embedded users can strip out the
* metadata module from libFLAC to reduce the size and complexity .
# ifdef __cplusplus
extern " C " {
# endif
/** \defgroup flac_metadata_level0 FLAC/metadata.h: metadata level 0 interface
* \ ingroup flac_metadata
* \ brief
* The level 0 interface consists of individual routines to read the
* only a filename .
* They try to skip any ID3v2 tag at the head of the file .
* \ {
/** Read the STREAMINFO metadata block of the given FLAC file. This function
* will try to skip any ID3v2 tag at the head of the file .
* \ param filename The path to the FLAC file to read .
* \ param streaminfo A pointer to space for the STREAMINFO block . Since
* FLAC__StreamMetadata is a simple structure with no
* memory allocation involved , you pass the address of
* an existing structure . It need not be initialized .
* \ assert
* \ code filename ! = NULL \ endcode
* \ code streaminfo ! = NULL \ endcode
* \ retval FLAC__bool
* \ c true if a valid STREAMINFO block was read from \ a filename . Returns
* \ c false if there was a memory allocation error , a file decoder error ,
* or the file contained no STREAMINFO block . ( A memory allocation error
* is possible because this function must set up a file decoder . )
FLAC_API FLAC__bool FLAC__metadata_get_streaminfo ( const char * filename , FLAC__StreamMetadata * streaminfo ) ;
/** Read the VORBIS_COMMENT metadata block of the given FLAC file. This
* function will try to skip any ID3v2 tag at the head of the file .
* \ param filename The path to the FLAC file to read .
* \ param tags The address where the returned pointer will be
* stored . The \ a tags object must be deleted by
* the caller using FLAC__metadata_object_delete ( ) .
* \ assert
* \ code filename ! = NULL \ endcode
* \ code tags ! = NULL \ endcode
* \ retval FLAC__bool
* \ c true if a valid VORBIS_COMMENT block was read from \ a filename ,
* and \ a * tags will be set to the address of the metadata structure .
* Returns \ c false if there was a memory allocation error , a file
* decoder error , or the file contained no VORBIS_COMMENT block , and
* \ a * tags will be set to \ c NULL .
FLAC_API FLAC__bool FLAC__metadata_get_tags ( const char * filename , FLAC__StreamMetadata * * tags ) ;
/** Read the CUESHEET metadata block of the given FLAC file. This
* function will try to skip any ID3v2 tag at the head of the file .
* \ param filename The path to the FLAC file to read .
* \ param cuesheet The address where the returned pointer will be
* stored . The \ a cuesheet object must be deleted by
* the caller using FLAC__metadata_object_delete ( ) .
* \ assert
* \ code filename ! = NULL \ endcode
* \ code cuesheet ! = NULL \ endcode
* \ retval FLAC__bool
* \ c true if a valid CUESHEET block was read from \ a filename ,
* and \ a * cuesheet will be set to the address of the metadata
* structure . Returns \ c false if there was a memory allocation
* error , a file decoder error , or the file contained no CUESHEET
* block , and \ a * cuesheet will be set to \ c NULL .
FLAC_API FLAC__bool FLAC__metadata_get_cuesheet ( const char * filename , FLAC__StreamMetadata * * cuesheet ) ;
/** Read a PICTURE metadata block of the given FLAC file. This
* function will try to skip any ID3v2 tag at the head of the file .
* Since there can be more than one PICTURE block in a file , this
* function takes a number of parameters that act as constraints to
* the search . The PICTURE block with the largest area matching all
* the constraints will be returned , or \ a * picture will be set to
* \ c NULL if there was no such block .
* \ param filename The path to the FLAC file to read .
* \ param picture The address where the returned pointer will be
* stored . The \ a picture object must be deleted by
* the caller using FLAC__metadata_object_delete ( ) .
* \ param type The desired picture type . Use \ c - 1 to mean
* " any type " .
* \ param mime_type The desired MIME type , e . g . " image/jpeg " . The
* string will be matched exactly . Use \ c NULL to
* mean " any MIME type " .
* \ param description The desired description . The string will be
* matched exactly . Use \ c NULL to mean " any
* description " .
* \ param max_width The maximum width in pixels desired . Use
* \ c ( unsigned ) ( - 1 ) to mean " any width " .
* \ param max_height The maximum height in pixels desired . Use
* \ c ( unsigned ) ( - 1 ) to mean " any height " .
* \ param max_depth The maximum color depth in bits - per - pixel desired .
* Use \ c ( unsigned ) ( - 1 ) to mean " any depth " .
* \ param max_colors The maximum number of colors desired . Use
* \ c ( unsigned ) ( - 1 ) to mean " any number of colors " .
* \ assert
* \ code filename ! = NULL \ endcode
* \ code picture ! = NULL \ endcode
* \ retval FLAC__bool
* \ c true if a valid PICTURE block was read from \ a filename ,
* and \ a * picture will be set to the address of the metadata
* structure . Returns \ c false if there was a memory allocation
* error , a file decoder error , or the file contained no PICTURE
* block , and \ a * picture will be set to \ c NULL .
FLAC_API FLAC__bool FLAC__metadata_get_picture ( const char * filename , FLAC__StreamMetadata * * picture , FLAC__StreamMetadata_Picture_Type type , const char * mime_type , const FLAC__byte * description , unsigned max_width , unsigned max_height , unsigned max_depth , unsigned max_colors ) ;
/* \} */
/** \defgroup flac_metadata_level1 FLAC/metadata.h: metadata level 1 interface
* \ ingroup flac_metadata
* \ brief
* The level 1 interface provides read - write access to FLAC file metadata and
* operates directly on the FLAC file .
* The general usage of this interface is :
* - Create an iterator using FLAC__metadata_simple_iterator_new ( )
* - Attach it to a file using FLAC__metadata_simple_iterator_init ( ) and check
* the exit code . Call FLAC__metadata_simple_iterator_is_writable ( ) to
* see if the file is writable , or only read access is allowed .
* - Use FLAC__metadata_simple_iterator_next ( ) and
* FLAC__metadata_simple_iterator_prev ( ) to traverse the blocks .
* This is does not read the actual blocks themselves .
* FLAC__metadata_simple_iterator_next ( ) is relatively fast .
* FLAC__metadata_simple_iterator_prev ( ) is slower since it needs to search
* forward from the front of the file .
* - Use FLAC__metadata_simple_iterator_get_block_type ( ) or
* FLAC__metadata_simple_iterator_get_block ( ) to access the actual data at
* the current iterator position . The returned object is yours to modify
* and free .
* - Use FLAC__metadata_simple_iterator_set_block ( ) to write a modified block
* back . You must have write permission to the original file . Make sure to
* read the whole comment to FLAC__metadata_simple_iterator_set_block ( )
* below .
* - Use FLAC__metadata_simple_iterator_insert_block_after ( ) to add new blocks .
* Use the object creation functions from
* \ link flac_metadata_object here \ endlink to generate new objects .
* - Use FLAC__metadata_simple_iterator_delete_block ( ) to remove the block
* currently referred to by the iterator , or replace it with padding .
* - Destroy the iterator with FLAC__metadata_simple_iterator_delete ( ) when
* finished .
* \ note
* The FLAC file remains open the whole time between
* FLAC__metadata_simple_iterator_init ( ) and
* FLAC__metadata_simple_iterator_delete ( ) , so make sure you are not altering
* the file during this time .
* \ note
* Do not modify the \ a is_last , \ a length , or \ a type fields of returned
* FLAC__StreamMetadata objects . These are managed automatically .
* \ note
* If any of the modification functions
* ( FLAC__metadata_simple_iterator_set_block ( ) ,
* FLAC__metadata_simple_iterator_delete_block ( ) ,
* FLAC__metadata_simple_iterator_insert_block_after ( ) , etc . ) return \ c false ,
* you should delete the iterator as it may no longer be valid .
* \ {
struct FLAC__Metadata_SimpleIterator ;
/** The opaque structure definition for the level 1 iterator type.
* See the
* \ link flac_metadata_level1 metadata level 1 module \ endlink
* for a detailed description .
typedef struct FLAC__Metadata_SimpleIterator FLAC__Metadata_SimpleIterator ;
/** Status type for FLAC__Metadata_SimpleIterator.
* The iterator ' s current status can be obtained by calling FLAC__metadata_simple_iterator_status ( ) .
typedef enum {
/**< The iterator is in the normal OK state */
/**< The data passed into a function violated the function's usage criteria */
/**< The iterator could not open the target file */
/**< The iterator could not find the FLAC signature at the start of the file */
/**< The iterator tried to write to a file that was not writable */
/**< The iterator encountered input that does not conform to the FLAC metadata specification */
/**< The iterator encountered an error while reading the FLAC file */
/**< The iterator encountered an error while seeking in the FLAC file */
/**< The iterator encountered an error while writing the FLAC file */
/**< The iterator encountered an error renaming the FLAC file */
/**< The iterator encountered an error removing the temporary file */
/**< Memory allocation failed */
/**< The caller violated an assertion or an unexpected error occurred */
} FLAC__Metadata_SimpleIteratorStatus ;
/** Maps a FLAC__Metadata_SimpleIteratorStatus to a C string.
* Using a FLAC__Metadata_SimpleIteratorStatus as the index to this array
* will give the string equivalent . The contents should not be modified .
extern FLAC_API const char * const FLAC__Metadata_SimpleIteratorStatusString [ ] ;
/** Create a new iterator instance.
* \ retval FLAC__Metadata_SimpleIterator *
* \ c NULL if there was an error allocating memory , else the new instance .
FLAC_API FLAC__Metadata_SimpleIterator * FLAC__metadata_simple_iterator_new ( void ) ;
/** Free an iterator instance. Deletes the object pointed to by \a iterator.
* \ param iterator A pointer to an existing iterator .
* \ assert
* \ code iterator ! = NULL \ endcode
FLAC_API void FLAC__metadata_simple_iterator_delete ( FLAC__Metadata_SimpleIterator * iterator ) ;
/** Get the current status of the iterator. Call this after a function
* returns \ c false to get the reason for the error . Also resets the status
* \ param iterator A pointer to an existing iterator .
* \ assert
* \ code iterator ! = NULL \ endcode
* \ retval FLAC__Metadata_SimpleIteratorStatus
* The current status of the iterator .
FLAC_API FLAC__Metadata_SimpleIteratorStatus FLAC__metadata_simple_iterator_status ( FLAC__Metadata_SimpleIterator * iterator ) ;
/** Initialize the iterator to point to the first metadata block in the
* given FLAC file .
* \ param iterator A pointer to an existing iterator .
* \ param filename The path to the FLAC file .
* \ param read_only If \ c true , the FLAC file will be opened
* in read - only mode ; if \ c false , the FLAC
* file will be opened for edit even if no
* edits are performed .
* \ param preserve_file_stats If \ c true , the owner and modification
* time will be preserved even if the FLAC
* file is written to .
* \ assert
* \ code iterator ! = NULL \ endcode
* \ code filename ! = NULL \ endcode
* \ retval FLAC__bool
* \ c false if a memory allocation error occurs , the file can ' t be
* opened , or another error occurs , else \ c true .
FLAC_API FLAC__bool FLAC__metadata_simple_iterator_init ( FLAC__Metadata_SimpleIterator * iterator , const char * filename , FLAC__bool read_only , FLAC__bool preserve_file_stats ) ;
/** Returns \c true if the FLAC file is writable. If \c false, calls to
* FLAC__metadata_simple_iterator_set_block ( ) and
* FLAC__metadata_simple_iterator_insert_block_after ( ) will fail .
* \ param iterator A pointer to an existing iterator .
* \ assert
* \ code iterator ! = NULL \ endcode
* \ retval FLAC__bool
* See above .
FLAC_API FLAC__bool FLAC__metadata_simple_iterator_is_writable ( const FLAC__Metadata_SimpleIterator * iterator ) ;
/** Moves the iterator forward one metadata block, returning \c false if
* already at the end .
* \ param iterator A pointer to an existing initialized iterator .
* \ assert
* \ code iterator ! = NULL \ endcode
* \ a iterator has been successfully initialized with
* FLAC__metadata_simple_iterator_init ( )
* \ retval FLAC__bool
* \ c false if already at the last metadata block of the chain , else
* \ c true .
FLAC_API FLAC__bool FLAC__metadata_simple_iterator_next ( FLAC__Metadata_SimpleIterator * iterator ) ;
/** Moves the iterator backward one metadata block, returning \c false if
* already at the beginning .
* \ param iterator A pointer to an existing initialized iterator .
* \ assert
* \ code iterator ! = NULL \ endcode
* \ a iterator has been successfully initialized with
* FLAC__metadata_simple_iterator_init ( )
* \ retval FLAC__bool
* \ c false if already at the first metadata block of the chain , else
* \ c true .
FLAC_API FLAC__bool FLAC__metadata_simple_iterator_prev ( FLAC__Metadata_SimpleIterator * iterator ) ;
/** Returns a flag telling if the current metadata block is the last.
* \ param iterator A pointer to an existing initialized iterator .
* \ assert
* \ code iterator ! = NULL \ endcode
* \ a iterator has been successfully initialized with
* FLAC__metadata_simple_iterator_init ( )
* \ retval FLAC__bool
* \ c true if the current metadata block is the last in the file ,
* else \ c false .
FLAC_API FLAC__bool FLAC__metadata_simple_iterator_is_last ( const FLAC__Metadata_SimpleIterator * iterator ) ;
/** Get the offset of the metadata block at the current position. This
* avoids reading the actual block data which can save time for large
* blocks .
* \ param iterator A pointer to an existing initialized iterator .
* \ assert
* \ code iterator ! = NULL \ endcode
* \ a iterator has been successfully initialized with
* FLAC__metadata_simple_iterator_init ( )
* \ retval off_t
* The offset of the metadata block at the current iterator position .
* This is the byte offset relative to the beginning of the file of
* the current metadata block ' s header .
FLAC_API off_t FLAC__metadata_simple_iterator_get_block_offset ( const FLAC__Metadata_SimpleIterator * iterator ) ;
/** Get the type of the metadata block at the current position. This
* avoids reading the actual block data which can save time for large
* blocks .
* \ param iterator A pointer to an existing initialized iterator .
* \ assert
* \ code iterator ! = NULL \ endcode
* \ a iterator has been successfully initialized with
* FLAC__metadata_simple_iterator_init ( )
* \ retval FLAC__MetadataType
* The type of the metadata block at the current iterator position .
FLAC_API FLAC__MetadataType FLAC__metadata_simple_iterator_get_block_type ( const FLAC__Metadata_SimpleIterator * iterator ) ;
/** Get the length of the metadata block at the current position. This
* avoids reading the actual block data which can save time for large
* blocks .
* \ param iterator A pointer to an existing initialized iterator .
* \ assert
* \ code iterator ! = NULL \ endcode
* \ a iterator has been successfully initialized with
* FLAC__metadata_simple_iterator_init ( )
* \ retval unsigned
* The length of the metadata block at the current iterator position .
* The is same length as that in the
* < a href = " http://xiph.org/flac/format.html#metadata_block_header " > metadata block header < / a > ,
* i . e . the length of the metadata body that follows the header .
FLAC_API unsigned FLAC__metadata_simple_iterator_get_block_length ( const FLAC__Metadata_SimpleIterator * iterator ) ;
/** Get the application ID of the \c APPLICATION block at the current
* position . This avoids reading the actual block data which can save
* time for large blocks .
* \ param iterator A pointer to an existing initialized iterator .
* \ param id A pointer to a buffer of at least \ c 4 bytes where
* the ID will be stored .
* \ assert
* \ code iterator ! = NULL \ endcode
* \ code id ! = NULL \ endcode
* \ a iterator has been successfully initialized with
* FLAC__metadata_simple_iterator_init ( )
* \ retval FLAC__bool
* \ c true if the ID was successfully read , else \ c false , in which
* case you should check FLAC__metadata_simple_iterator_status ( ) to
* find out why . If the status is
* current metadata block is not an \ c APPLICATION block . Otherwise
* if the status is
* occurred and the iterator can no longer be used .
FLAC_API FLAC__bool FLAC__metadata_simple_iterator_get_application_id ( FLAC__Metadata_SimpleIterator * iterator , FLAC__byte * id ) ;
/** Get the metadata block at the current position. You can modify the
* block but must use FLAC__metadata_simple_iterator_set_block ( ) to
* write it back to the FLAC file .
* You must call FLAC__metadata_object_delete ( ) on the returned object
* when you are finished with it .
* \ param iterator A pointer to an existing initialized iterator .
* \ assert
* \ code iterator ! = NULL \ endcode
* \ a iterator has been successfully initialized with
* FLAC__metadata_simple_iterator_init ( )
* \ retval FLAC__StreamMetadata *
* The current metadata block , or \ c NULL if there was a memory
* allocation error .
FLAC_API FLAC__StreamMetadata * FLAC__metadata_simple_iterator_get_block ( FLAC__Metadata_SimpleIterator * iterator ) ;
/** Write a block back to the FLAC file. This function tries to be
* as efficient as possible ; how the block is actually written is
* shown by the following :
* Existing block is a STREAMINFO block and the new block is a
* STREAMINFO block : the new block is written in place . Make sure
* you know what you ' re doing when changing the values of a
* STREAMINFO block .
* Existing block is a STREAMINFO block and the new block is a
* not a STREAMINFO block : this is an error since the first block
* must be a STREAMINFO block . Returns \ c false without altering the
* file .
* Existing block is not a STREAMINFO block and the new block is a
* STREAMINFO block : this is an error since there may be only one
* STREAMINFO block . Returns \ c false without altering the file .
* Existing block and new block are the same length : the existing
* block will be replaced by the new block , written in place .
* Existing block is longer than new block : if use_padding is \ c true ,
* the existing block will be overwritten in place with the new
* block followed by a PADDING block , if possible , to make the total
* size the same as the existing block . Remember that a padding
* block requires at least four bytes so if the difference in size
* between the new block and existing block is less than that , the
* entire file will have to be rewritten , using the new block ' s
* exact size . If use_padding is \ c false , the entire file will be
* rewritten , replacing the existing block by the new block .
* Existing block is shorter than new block : if use_padding is \ c true ,
* the function will try and expand the new block into the following
* PADDING block , if it exists and doing so won ' t shrink the PADDING
* block to less than 4 bytes . If there is no following PADDING
* block , or it will shrink to less than 4 bytes , or use_padding is
* \ c false , the entire file is rewritten , replacing the existing block
* with the new block . Note that in this case any following PADDING
* block is preserved as is .
* After writing the block , the iterator will remain in the same
* place , i . e . pointing to the new block .
* \ param iterator A pointer to an existing initialized iterator .
* \ param block The block to set .
* \ param use_padding See above .
* \ assert
* \ code iterator ! = NULL \ endcode
* \ a iterator has been successfully initialized with
* FLAC__metadata_simple_iterator_init ( )
* \ code block ! = NULL \ endcode
* \ retval FLAC__bool
* \ c true if successful , else \ c false .
FLAC_API FLAC__bool FLAC__metadata_simple_iterator_set_block ( FLAC__Metadata_SimpleIterator * iterator , FLAC__StreamMetadata * block , FLAC__bool use_padding ) ;
/** This is similar to FLAC__metadata_simple_iterator_set_block()
* except that instead of writing over an existing block , it appends
* a block after the existing block . \ a use_padding is again used to
* tell the function to try an expand into following padding in an
* attempt to avoid rewriting the entire file .
* This function will fail and return \ c false if given a STREAMINFO
* block .
* After writing the block , the iterator will be pointing to the
* new block .
* \ param iterator A pointer to an existing initialized iterator .
* \ param block The block to set .
* \ param use_padding See above .
* \ assert
* \ code iterator ! = NULL \ endcode
* \ a iterator has been successfully initialized with
* FLAC__metadata_simple_iterator_init ( )
* \ code block ! = NULL \ endcode
* \ retval FLAC__bool
* \ c true if successful , else \ c false .
FLAC_API FLAC__bool FLAC__metadata_simple_iterator_insert_block_after ( FLAC__Metadata_SimpleIterator * iterator , FLAC__StreamMetadata * block , FLAC__bool use_padding ) ;
/** Deletes the block at the current position. This will cause the
* entire FLAC file to be rewritten , unless \ a use_padding is \ c true ,
* in which case the block will be replaced by an equal - sized PADDING
* block . The iterator will be left pointing to the block before the
* one just deleted .
* You may not delete the STREAMINFO block .
* \ param iterator A pointer to an existing initialized iterator .
* \ param use_padding See above .
* \ assert
* \ code iterator ! = NULL \ endcode
* \ a iterator has been successfully initialized with
* FLAC__metadata_simple_iterator_init ( )
* \ retval FLAC__bool
* \ c true if successful , else \ c false .
FLAC_API FLAC__bool FLAC__metadata_simple_iterator_delete_block ( FLAC__Metadata_SimpleIterator * iterator , FLAC__bool use_padding ) ;
/* \} */
/** \defgroup flac_metadata_level2 FLAC/metadata.h: metadata level 2 interface
* \ ingroup flac_metadata
* \ brief
* The level 2 interface provides read - write access to FLAC file metadata ;
* all metadata is read into memory , operated on in memory , and then written
* to file , which is more efficient than level 1 when editing multiple blocks .
* Currently Ogg FLAC is supported for read only , via
* FLAC__metadata_chain_read_ogg ( ) but a subsequent
* FLAC__metadata_chain_write ( ) will fail .
* The general usage of this interface is :
* - Create a new chain using FLAC__metadata_chain_new ( ) . A chain is a
* linked list of FLAC metadata blocks .
* - Read all metadata into the the chain from a FLAC file using
* FLAC__metadata_chain_read ( ) or FLAC__metadata_chain_read_ogg ( ) and
* check the status .
* - Optionally , consolidate the padding using
* FLAC__metadata_chain_merge_padding ( ) or
* FLAC__metadata_chain_sort_padding ( ) .
* - Create a new iterator using FLAC__metadata_iterator_new ( )
* - Initialize the iterator to point to the first element in the chain
* using FLAC__metadata_iterator_init ( )
* - Traverse the chain using FLAC__metadata_iterator_next and
* FLAC__metadata_iterator_prev ( ) .
* - Get a block for reading or modification using
* FLAC__metadata_iterator_get_block ( ) . The pointer to the object
* inside the chain is returned , so the block is yours to modify .
* Changes will be reflected in the FLAC file when you write the
* chain . You can also add and delete blocks ( see functions below ) .
* - When done , write out the chain using FLAC__metadata_chain_write ( ) .
* Make sure to read the whole comment to the function below .
* - Delete the chain using FLAC__metadata_chain_delete ( ) .
* \ note
* Even though the FLAC file is not open while the chain is being
* manipulated , you must not alter the file externally during
* this time . The chain assumes the FLAC file will not change
* between the time of FLAC__metadata_chain_read ( ) / FLAC__metadata_chain_read_ogg ( )
* and FLAC__metadata_chain_write ( ) .
* \ note
* Do not modify the is_last , length , or type fields of returned
* FLAC__StreamMetadata objects . These are managed automatically .
* \ note
* The metadata objects returned by FLAC__metadata_iterator_get_block ( )
* are owned by the chain ; do not FLAC__metadata_object_delete ( ) them .
* In the same way , blocks passed to FLAC__metadata_iterator_set_block ( )
* become owned by the chain and they will be deleted when the chain is
* deleted .
* \ {
struct FLAC__Metadata_Chain ;
/** The opaque structure definition for the level 2 chain type.
typedef struct FLAC__Metadata_Chain FLAC__Metadata_Chain ;
struct FLAC__Metadata_Iterator ;
/** The opaque structure definition for the level 2 iterator type.
typedef struct FLAC__Metadata_Iterator FLAC__Metadata_Iterator ;
typedef enum {
/**< The chain is in the normal OK state */
/**< The data passed into a function violated the function's usage criteria */
/**< The chain could not open the target file */
/**< The chain could not find the FLAC signature at the start of the file */
/**< The chain tried to write to a file that was not writable */
/**< The chain encountered input that does not conform to the FLAC metadata specification */
/**< The chain encountered an error while reading the FLAC file */
/**< The chain encountered an error while seeking in the FLAC file */
/**< The chain encountered an error while writing the FLAC file */
/**< The chain encountered an error renaming the FLAC file */
/**< The chain encountered an error removing the temporary file */
/**< Memory allocation failed */
/**< The caller violated an assertion or an unexpected error occurred */
/**< One or more of the required callbacks was NULL */
/**< FLAC__metadata_chain_write() was called on a chain read by
* FLAC__metadata_chain_read_with_callbacks ( ) / FLAC__metadata_chain_read_ogg_with_callbacks ( ) ,
* or
* FLAC__metadata_chain_write_with_callbacks ( ) / FLAC__metadata_chain_write_with_callbacks_and_tempfile ( )
* was called on a chain read by
* FLAC__metadata_chain_read ( ) / FLAC__metadata_chain_read_ogg ( ) .
* Matching read / write methods must always be used . */
/**< FLAC__metadata_chain_write_with_callbacks() was called when the
* chain write requires a tempfile ; use
* FLAC__metadata_chain_write_with_callbacks_and_tempfile ( ) instead .
* Or , FLAC__metadata_chain_write_with_callbacks_and_tempfile ( ) was
* called when the chain write does not require a tempfile ; use
* FLAC__metadata_chain_write_with_callbacks ( ) instead .
* Always check FLAC__metadata_chain_check_if_tempfile_needed ( )
* before writing via callbacks . */
} FLAC__Metadata_ChainStatus ;
/** Maps a FLAC__Metadata_ChainStatus to a C string.
* Using a FLAC__Metadata_ChainStatus as the index to this array
* will give the string equivalent . The contents should not be modified .
extern FLAC_API const char * const FLAC__Metadata_ChainStatusString [ ] ;
/*********** FLAC__Metadata_Chain ***********/
/** Create a new chain instance.
* \ retval FLAC__Metadata_Chain *
* \ c NULL if there was an error allocating memory , else the new instance .
FLAC_API FLAC__Metadata_Chain * FLAC__metadata_chain_new ( void ) ;
/** Free a chain instance. Deletes the object pointed to by \a chain.
* \ param chain A pointer to an existing chain .
* \ assert
* \ code chain ! = NULL \ endcode
FLAC_API void FLAC__metadata_chain_delete ( FLAC__Metadata_Chain * chain ) ;
/** Get the current status of the chain. Call this after a function
* returns \ c false to get the reason for the error . Also resets the
* \ param chain A pointer to an existing chain .
* \ assert
* \ code chain ! = NULL \ endcode
* \ retval FLAC__Metadata_ChainStatus
* The current status of the chain .
FLAC_API FLAC__Metadata_ChainStatus FLAC__metadata_chain_status ( FLAC__Metadata_Chain * chain ) ;
/** Read all metadata from a FLAC file into the chain.
* \ param chain A pointer to an existing chain .
* \ param filename The path to the FLAC file to read .
* \ assert
* \ code chain ! = NULL \ endcode
* \ code filename ! = NULL \ endcode
* \ retval FLAC__bool
* \ c true if a valid list of metadata blocks was read from
* \ a filename , else \ c false . On failure , check the status with
* FLAC__metadata_chain_status ( ) .
FLAC_API FLAC__bool FLAC__metadata_chain_read ( FLAC__Metadata_Chain * chain , const char * filename ) ;
/** Read all metadata from an Ogg FLAC file into the chain.
* \ note Ogg FLAC metadata data writing is not supported yet and
* FLAC__metadata_chain_write ( ) will fail .
* \ param chain A pointer to an existing chain .
* \ param filename The path to the Ogg FLAC file to read .
* \ assert
* \ code chain ! = NULL \ endcode
* \ code filename ! = NULL \ endcode
* \ retval FLAC__bool
* \ c true if a valid list of metadata blocks was read from
* \ a filename , else \ c false . On failure , check the status with
* FLAC__metadata_chain_status ( ) .
FLAC_API FLAC__bool FLAC__metadata_chain_read_ogg ( FLAC__Metadata_Chain * chain , const char * filename ) ;
/** Read all metadata from a FLAC stream into the chain via I/O callbacks.
* The \ a handle need only be open for reading , but must be seekable .
* The equivalent minimum stdio fopen ( ) file mode is \ c " r " ( or \ c " rb "
* for Windows ) .
* \ param chain A pointer to an existing chain .
* \ param handle The I / O handle of the FLAC stream to read . The
* handle will NOT be closed after the metadata is read ;
* that is the duty of the caller .
* \ param callbacks
* A set of callbacks to use for I / O . The mandatory
* callbacks are \ a read , \ a seek , and \ a tell .
* \ assert
* \ code chain ! = NULL \ endcode
* \ retval FLAC__bool
* \ c true if a valid list of metadata blocks was read from
* \ a handle , else \ c false . On failure , check the status with
* FLAC__metadata_chain_status ( ) .
FLAC_API FLAC__bool FLAC__metadata_chain_read_with_callbacks ( FLAC__Metadata_Chain * chain , FLAC__IOHandle handle , FLAC__IOCallbacks callbacks ) ;
/** Read all metadata from an Ogg FLAC stream into the chain via I/O callbacks.
* The \ a handle need only be open for reading , but must be seekable .
* The equivalent minimum stdio fopen ( ) file mode is \ c " r " ( or \ c " rb "
* for Windows ) .
* \ note Ogg FLAC metadata data writing is not supported yet and
* FLAC__metadata_chain_write ( ) will fail .
* \ param chain A pointer to an existing chain .
* \ param handle The I / O handle of the Ogg FLAC stream to read . The
* handle will NOT be closed after the metadata is read ;
* that is the duty of the caller .
* \ param callbacks
* A set of callbacks to use for I / O . The mandatory
* callbacks are \ a read , \ a seek , and \ a tell .
* \ assert
* \ code chain ! = NULL \ endcode
* \ retval FLAC__bool
* \ c true if a valid list of metadata blocks was read from
* \ a handle , else \ c false . On failure , check the status with
* FLAC__metadata_chain_status ( ) .
FLAC_API FLAC__bool FLAC__metadata_chain_read_ogg_with_callbacks ( FLAC__Metadata_Chain * chain , FLAC__IOHandle handle , FLAC__IOCallbacks callbacks ) ;
/** Checks if writing the given chain would require the use of a
* temporary file , or if it could be written in place .
* Under certain conditions , padding can be utilized so that writing
* edited metadata back to the FLAC file does not require rewriting the
* entire file . If rewriting is required , then a temporary workfile is
* required . When writing metadata using callbacks , you must check
* this function to know whether to call
* FLAC__metadata_chain_write_with_callbacks ( ) or
* FLAC__metadata_chain_write_with_callbacks_and_tempfile ( ) . When
* writing with FLAC__metadata_chain_write ( ) , the temporary file is
* handled internally .
* \ param chain A pointer to an existing chain .
* \ param use_padding
* Whether or not padding will be allowed to be used
* during the write . The value of \ a use_padding given
* here must match the value later passed to
* FLAC__metadata_chain_write_with_callbacks ( ) or
* FLAC__metadata_chain_write_with_callbacks_with_tempfile ( ) .
* \ assert
* \ code chain ! = NULL \ endcode
* \ retval FLAC__bool
* \ c true if writing the current chain would require a tempfile , or
* \ c false if metadata can be written in place .
FLAC_API FLAC__bool FLAC__metadata_chain_check_if_tempfile_needed ( FLAC__Metadata_Chain * chain , FLAC__bool use_padding ) ;
/** Write all metadata out to the FLAC file. This function tries to be as
* efficient as possible ; how the metadata is actually written is shown by
* the following :
* If the current chain is the same size as the existing metadata , the new
* data is written in place .
* If the current chain is longer than the existing metadata , and
* \ a use_padding is \ c true , and the last block is a PADDING block of
* sufficient length , the function will truncate the final padding block
* so that the overall size of the metadata is the same as the existing
* metadata , and then just rewrite the metadata . Otherwise , if not all of
* the above conditions are met , the entire FLAC file must be rewritten .
* If you want to use padding this way it is a good idea to call
* FLAC__metadata_chain_sort_padding ( ) first so that you have the maximum
* amount of padding to work with , unless you need to preserve ordering
* of the PADDING blocks for some reason .
* If the current chain is shorter than the existing metadata , and
* \ a use_padding is \ c true , and the final block is a PADDING block , the padding
* is extended to make the overall size the same as the existing data . If
* \ a use_padding is \ c true and the last block is not a PADDING block , a new
* PADDING block is added to the end of the new data to make it the same
* size as the existing data ( if possible , see the note to
* FLAC__metadata_simple_iterator_set_block ( ) about the four byte limit )
* and the new data is written in place . If none of the above apply or
* \ a use_padding is \ c false , the entire FLAC file is rewritten .
* If \ a preserve_file_stats is \ c true , the owner and modification time will
* be preserved even if the FLAC file is written .
* For this write function to be used , the chain must have been read with
* FLAC__metadata_chain_read ( ) / FLAC__metadata_chain_read_ogg ( ) , not
* FLAC__metadata_chain_read_with_callbacks ( ) / FLAC__metadata_chain_read_ogg_with_callbacks ( ) .
* \ param chain A pointer to an existing chain .
* \ param use_padding See above .
* \ param preserve_file_stats See above .
* \ assert
* \ code chain ! = NULL \ endcode
* \ retval FLAC__bool
* \ c true if the write succeeded , else \ c false . On failure ,
* check the status with FLAC__metadata_chain_status ( ) .
FLAC_API FLAC__bool FLAC__metadata_chain_write ( FLAC__Metadata_Chain * chain , FLAC__bool use_padding , FLAC__bool preserve_file_stats ) ;
/** Write all metadata out to a FLAC stream via callbacks.
* ( See FLAC__metadata_chain_write ( ) for the details on how padding is
* used to write metadata in place if possible . )
* The \ a handle must be open for updating and be seekable . The
* equivalent minimum stdio fopen ( ) file mode is \ c " r+ " ( or \ c " r+b "
* for Windows ) .
* For this write function to be used , the chain must have been read with
* FLAC__metadata_chain_read_with_callbacks ( ) / FLAC__metadata_chain_read_ogg_with_callbacks ( ) ,
* not FLAC__metadata_chain_read ( ) / FLAC__metadata_chain_read_ogg ( ) .
* Also , FLAC__metadata_chain_check_if_tempfile_needed ( ) must have returned
* \ c false .
* \ param chain A pointer to an existing chain .
* \ param use_padding See FLAC__metadata_chain_write ( )
* \ param handle The I / O handle of the FLAC stream to write . The
* handle will NOT be closed after the metadata is
* written ; that is the duty of the caller .
* \ param callbacks A set of callbacks to use for I / O . The mandatory
* callbacks are \ a write and \ a seek .
* \ assert
* \ code chain ! = NULL \ endcode
* \ retval FLAC__bool
* \ c true if the write succeeded , else \ c false . On failure ,
* check the status with FLAC__metadata_chain_status ( ) .
FLAC_API FLAC__bool FLAC__metadata_chain_write_with_callbacks ( FLAC__Metadata_Chain * chain , FLAC__bool use_padding , FLAC__IOHandle handle , FLAC__IOCallbacks callbacks ) ;
/** Write all metadata out to a FLAC stream via callbacks.
* ( See FLAC__metadata_chain_write ( ) for the details on how padding is
* used to write metadata in place if possible . )
* This version of the write - with - callbacks function must be used when
* FLAC__metadata_chain_check_if_tempfile_needed ( ) returns true . In
* this function , you must supply an I / O handle corresponding to the
* FLAC file to edit , and a temporary handle to which the new FLAC
* file will be written . It is the caller ' s job to move this temporary
* FLAC file on top of the original FLAC file to complete the metadata
* edit .
* The \ a handle must be open for reading and be seekable . The
* equivalent minimum stdio fopen ( ) file mode is \ c " r " ( or \ c " rb "
* for Windows ) .
* The \ a temp_handle must be open for writing . The
* equivalent minimum stdio fopen ( ) file mode is \ c " w " ( or \ c " wb "
* for Windows ) . It should be an empty stream , or at least positioned
* at the start - of - file ( in which case it is the caller ' s duty to
* truncate it on return ) .
* For this write function to be used , the chain must have been read with
* FLAC__metadata_chain_read_with_callbacks ( ) / FLAC__metadata_chain_read_ogg_with_callbacks ( ) ,
* not FLAC__metadata_chain_read ( ) / FLAC__metadata_chain_read_ogg ( ) .
* Also , FLAC__metadata_chain_check_if_tempfile_needed ( ) must have returned
* \ c true .
* \ param chain A pointer to an existing chain .
* \ param use_padding See FLAC__metadata_chain_write ( )
* \ param handle The I / O handle of the original FLAC stream to read .
* The handle will NOT be closed after the metadata is
* written ; that is the duty of the caller .
* \ param callbacks A set of callbacks to use for I / O on \ a handle .
* The mandatory callbacks are \ a read , \ a seek , and
* \ a eof .
* \ param temp_handle The I / O handle of the FLAC stream to write . The
* handle will NOT be closed after the metadata is
* written ; that is the duty of the caller .
* \ param temp_callbacks
* A set of callbacks to use for I / O on temp_handle .
* The only mandatory callback is \ a write .
* \ assert
* \ code chain ! = NULL \ endcode
* \ retval FLAC__bool
* \ c true if the write succeeded , else \ c false . On failure ,
* check the status with FLAC__metadata_chain_status ( ) .
FLAC_API FLAC__bool FLAC__metadata_chain_write_with_callbacks_and_tempfile ( FLAC__Metadata_Chain * chain , FLAC__bool use_padding , FLAC__IOHandle handle , FLAC__IOCallbacks callbacks , FLAC__IOHandle temp_handle , FLAC__IOCallbacks temp_callbacks ) ;
/** Merge adjacent PADDING blocks into a single block.
* \ note This function does not write to the FLAC file , it only
* modifies the chain .
* \ warning Any iterator on the current chain will become invalid after this
* call . You should delete the iterator and get a new one .
* \ param chain A pointer to an existing chain .
* \ assert
* \ code chain ! = NULL \ endcode
FLAC_API void FLAC__metadata_chain_merge_padding ( FLAC__Metadata_Chain * chain ) ;
/** This function will move all PADDING blocks to the end on the metadata,
* then merge them into a single block .
* \ note This function does not write to the FLAC file , it only
* modifies the chain .
* \ warning Any iterator on the current chain will become invalid after this
* call . You should delete the iterator and get a new one .
* \ param chain A pointer to an existing chain .
* \ assert
* \ code chain ! = NULL \ endcode
FLAC_API void FLAC__metadata_chain_sort_padding ( FLAC__Metadata_Chain * chain ) ;
/*********** FLAC__Metadata_Iterator ***********/
/** Create a new iterator instance.
* \ retval FLAC__Metadata_Iterator *
* \ c NULL if there was an error allocating memory , else the new instance .
FLAC_API FLAC__Metadata_Iterator * FLAC__metadata_iterator_new ( void ) ;
/** Free an iterator instance. Deletes the object pointed to by \a iterator.
* \ param iterator A pointer to an existing iterator .
* \ assert
* \ code iterator ! = NULL \ endcode
FLAC_API void FLAC__metadata_iterator_delete ( FLAC__Metadata_Iterator * iterator ) ;
/** Initialize the iterator to point to the first metadata block in the
* given chain .
* \ param iterator A pointer to an existing iterator .
* \ param chain A pointer to an existing and initialized ( read ) chain .
* \ assert
* \ code iterator ! = NULL \ endcode
* \ code chain ! = NULL \ endcode
FLAC_API void FLAC__metadata_iterator_init ( FLAC__Metadata_Iterator * iterator , FLAC__Metadata_Chain * chain ) ;
/** Moves the iterator forward one metadata block, returning \c false if
* already at the end .
* \ param iterator A pointer to an existing initialized iterator .
* \ assert
* \ code iterator ! = NULL \ endcode
* \ a iterator has been successfully initialized with
* FLAC__metadata_iterator_init ( )
* \ retval FLAC__bool
* \ c false if already at the last metadata block of the chain , else
* \ c true .
FLAC_API FLAC__bool FLAC__metadata_iterator_next ( FLAC__Metadata_Iterator * iterator ) ;
/** Moves the iterator backward one metadata block, returning \c false if
* already at the beginning .
* \ param iterator A pointer to an existing initialized iterator .
* \ assert
* \ code iterator ! = NULL \ endcode
* \ a iterator has been successfully initialized with
* FLAC__metadata_iterator_init ( )
* \ retval FLAC__bool
* \ c false if already at the first metadata block of the chain , else
* \ c true .
FLAC_API FLAC__bool FLAC__metadata_iterator_prev ( FLAC__Metadata_Iterator * iterator ) ;
/** Get the type of the metadata block at the current position.
* \ param iterator A pointer to an existing initialized iterator .
* \ assert
* \ code iterator ! = NULL \ endcode
* \ a iterator has been successfully initialized with
* FLAC__metadata_iterator_init ( )
* \ retval FLAC__MetadataType
* The type of the metadata block at the current iterator position .
FLAC_API FLAC__MetadataType FLAC__metadata_iterator_get_block_type ( const FLAC__Metadata_Iterator * iterator ) ;
/** Get the metadata block at the current position. You can modify
* the block in place but must write the chain before the changes
* are reflected to the FLAC file . You do not need to call
* FLAC__metadata_iterator_set_block ( ) to reflect the changes ;
* the pointer returned by FLAC__metadata_iterator_get_block ( )
* points directly into the chain .
* \ warning
* Do not call FLAC__metadata_object_delete ( ) on the returned object ;
* to delete a block use FLAC__metadata_iterator_delete_block ( ) .
* \ param iterator A pointer to an existing initialized iterator .
* \ assert
* \ code iterator ! = NULL \ endcode
* \ a iterator has been successfully initialized with
* FLAC__metadata_iterator_init ( )
* \ retval FLAC__StreamMetadata *
* The current metadata block .
FLAC_API FLAC__StreamMetadata * FLAC__metadata_iterator_get_block ( FLAC__Metadata_Iterator * iterator ) ;
/** Set the metadata block at the current position, replacing the existing
* block . The new block passed in becomes owned by the chain and it will be
* deleted when the chain is deleted .
* \ param iterator A pointer to an existing initialized iterator .
* \ param block A pointer to a metadata block .
* \ assert
* \ code iterator ! = NULL \ endcode
* \ a iterator has been successfully initialized with
* FLAC__metadata_iterator_init ( )
* \ code block ! = NULL \ endcode
* \ retval FLAC__bool
* \ c false if the conditions in the above description are not met , or
* a memory allocation error occurs , otherwise \ c true .
FLAC_API FLAC__bool FLAC__metadata_iterator_set_block ( FLAC__Metadata_Iterator * iterator , FLAC__StreamMetadata * block ) ;
/** Removes the current block from the chain. If \a replace_with_padding is
* \ c true , the block will instead be replaced with a padding block of equal
* size . You can not delete the STREAMINFO block . The iterator will be
* left pointing to the block before the one just " deleted " , even if
* \ a replace_with_padding is \ c true .
* \ param iterator A pointer to an existing initialized iterator .
* \ param replace_with_padding See above .
* \ assert
* \ code iterator ! = NULL \ endcode
* \ a iterator has been successfully initialized with
* FLAC__metadata_iterator_init ( )
* \ retval FLAC__bool
* \ c false if the conditions in the above description are not met ,
* otherwise \ c true .
FLAC_API FLAC__bool FLAC__metadata_iterator_delete_block ( FLAC__Metadata_Iterator * iterator , FLAC__bool replace_with_padding ) ;
/** Insert a new block before the current block. You cannot insert a block
* before the first STREAMINFO block . You cannot insert a STREAMINFO block
* as there can be only one , the one that already exists at the head when you
* read in a chain . The chain takes ownership of the new block and it will be
* deleted when the chain is deleted . The iterator will be left pointing to
* the new block .
* \ param iterator A pointer to an existing initialized iterator .
* \ param block A pointer to a metadata block to insert .
* \ assert
* \ code iterator ! = NULL \ endcode
* \ a iterator has been successfully initialized with
* FLAC__metadata_iterator_init ( )
* \ retval FLAC__bool
* \ c false if the conditions in the above description are not met , or
* a memory allocation error occurs , otherwise \ c true .
FLAC_API FLAC__bool FLAC__metadata_iterator_insert_block_before ( FLAC__Metadata_Iterator * iterator , FLAC__StreamMetadata * block ) ;
/** Insert a new block after the current block. You cannot insert a STREAMINFO
* block as there can be only one , the one that already exists at the head when
* you read in a chain . The chain takes ownership of the new block and it will
* be deleted when the chain is deleted . The iterator will be left pointing to
* the new block .
* \ param iterator A pointer to an existing initialized iterator .
* \ param block A pointer to a metadata block to insert .
* \ assert
* \ code iterator ! = NULL \ endcode
* \ a iterator has been successfully initialized with
* FLAC__metadata_iterator_init ( )
* \ retval FLAC__bool
* \ c false if the conditions in the above description are not met , or
* a memory allocation error occurs , otherwise \ c true .
FLAC_API FLAC__bool FLAC__metadata_iterator_insert_block_after ( FLAC__Metadata_Iterator * iterator , FLAC__StreamMetadata * block ) ;
/* \} */
/** \defgroup flac_metadata_object FLAC/metadata.h: metadata object methods
* \ ingroup flac_metadata
* \ brief
* This module contains methods for manipulating FLAC metadata objects .
* Since many are variable length we have to be careful about the memory
* management . We decree that all pointers to data in the object are
* owned by the object and memory - managed by the object .
* Use the FLAC__metadata_object_new ( ) and FLAC__metadata_object_delete ( )
* functions to create all instances . When using the
* FLAC__metadata_object_set_ * ( ) functions to set pointers to data , set
* \ a copy to \ c true to have the function make it ' s own copy of the data , or
* to \ c false to give the object ownership of your data . In the latter case
* your pointer must be freeable by free ( ) and will be free ( ) d when the object
* is FLAC__metadata_object_delete ( ) d . It is legal to pass a null pointer as
* the data pointer to a FLAC__metadata_object_set_ * ( ) function as long as
* the length argument is 0 and the \ a copy argument is \ c false .
* The FLAC__metadata_object_new ( ) and FLAC__metadata_object_clone ( ) function
* will return \ c NULL in the case of a memory allocation error , otherwise a new
* object . The FLAC__metadata_object_set_ * ( ) functions return \ c false in the
* case of a memory allocation error .
* We don ' t have the convenience of C + + here , so note that the library relies
* on you to keep the types straight . In other words , if you pass , for
* example , a FLAC__StreamMetadata * that represents a STREAMINFO block to
* FLAC__metadata_object_application_set_data ( ) , you will get an assertion
* failure .
* For convenience the FLAC__metadata_object_vorbiscomment_ * ( ) functions
* maintain a trailing NUL on each Vorbis comment entry . This is not counted
* toward the length or stored in the stream , but it can make working with plain
* comments ( those that don ' t contain embedded - NULs in the value ) easier .
* Entries passed into these functions have trailing NULs added if missing , and
* returned entries are guaranteed to have a trailing NUL .
* The FLAC__metadata_object_vorbiscomment_ * ( ) functions that take a Vorbis
* comment entry / name / value will first validate that it complies with the Vorbis
* comment specification and return false if it does not .
* There is no need to recalculate the length field on metadata blocks you
* have modified . They will be calculated automatically before they are
* written back to a file .
* \ {
/** Create a new metadata object instance of the given type.
* The object will be " empty " ; i . e . values and data pointers will be \ c 0 ,
* with the exception of FLAC__METADATA_TYPE_VORBIS_COMMENT , which will have
* the vendor string set ( but zero comments ) .
* Do not pass in a value greater than or equal to
* \ a FLAC__METADATA_TYPE_UNDEFINED unless you really know what you ' re
* doing .
* \ param type Type of object to create
* \ retval FLAC__StreamMetadata *
* \ c NULL if there was an error allocating memory or the type code is
* greater than FLAC__MAX_METADATA_TYPE_CODE , else the new instance .
FLAC_API FLAC__StreamMetadata * FLAC__metadata_object_new ( FLAC__MetadataType type ) ;
/** Create a copy of an existing metadata object.
* The copy is a " deep " copy , i . e . dynamically allocated data within the
* object is also copied . The caller takes ownership of the new block and
* is responsible for freeing it with FLAC__metadata_object_delete ( ) .
* \ param object Pointer to object to copy .
* \ assert
* \ code object ! = NULL \ endcode
* \ retval FLAC__StreamMetadata *
* \ c NULL if there was an error allocating memory , else the new instance .
FLAC_API FLAC__StreamMetadata * FLAC__metadata_object_clone ( const FLAC__StreamMetadata * object ) ;
/** Free a metadata object. Deletes the object pointed to by \a object.
* The delete is a " deep " delete , i . e . dynamically allocated data within the
* object is also deleted .
* \ param object A pointer to an existing object .
* \ assert
* \ code object ! = NULL \ endcode
FLAC_API void FLAC__metadata_object_delete ( FLAC__StreamMetadata * object ) ;
/** Compares two metadata objects.
* The compare is " deep " , i . e . dynamically allocated data within the
* object is also compared .
* \ param block1 A pointer to an existing object .
* \ param block2 A pointer to an existing object .
* \ assert
* \ code block1 ! = NULL \ endcode
* \ code block2 ! = NULL \ endcode
* \ retval FLAC__bool
* \ c true if objects are identical , else \ c false .
FLAC_API FLAC__bool FLAC__metadata_object_is_equal ( const FLAC__StreamMetadata * block1 , const FLAC__StreamMetadata * block2 ) ;
/** Sets the application data of an APPLICATION block.
* If \ a copy is \ c true , a copy of the data is stored ; otherwise , the object
* takes ownership of the pointer . The existing data will be freed if this
* function is successful , otherwise the original data will remain if \ a copy
* is \ c true and malloc ( ) fails .
* \ note It is safe to pass a const pointer to \ a data if \ a copy is \ c true .
* \ param object A pointer to an existing APPLICATION object .
* \ param data A pointer to the data to set .
* \ param length The length of \ a data in bytes .
* \ param copy See above .
* \ assert
* \ code object ! = NULL \ endcode
* \ code object - > type = = FLAC__METADATA_TYPE_APPLICATION \ endcode
* \ code ( data ! = NULL & & length > 0 ) | |
* ( data = = NULL & & length = = 0 & & copy = = false ) \ endcode
* \ retval FLAC__bool
* \ c false if \ a copy is \ c true and malloc ( ) fails , else \ c true .
FLAC_API FLAC__bool FLAC__metadata_object_application_set_data ( FLAC__StreamMetadata * object , FLAC__byte * data , unsigned length , FLAC__bool copy ) ;
/** Resize the seekpoint array.
* If the size shrinks , elements will truncated ; if it grows , new placeholder
* points will be added to the end .
* \ param object A pointer to an existing SEEKTABLE object .
* \ param new_num_points The desired length of the array ; may be \ c 0.
* \ assert
* \ code object ! = NULL \ endcode
* \ code object - > type = = FLAC__METADATA_TYPE_SEEKTABLE \ endcode
* \ code ( object - > data . seek_table . points = = NULL & & object - > data . seek_table . num_points = = 0 ) | |
* ( object - > data . seek_table . points ! = NULL & & object - > data . seek_table . num_points > 0 ) \ endcode
* \ retval FLAC__bool
* \ c false if memory allocation error , else \ c true .
FLAC_API FLAC__bool FLAC__metadata_object_seektable_resize_points ( FLAC__StreamMetadata * object , unsigned new_num_points ) ;
/** Set a seekpoint in a seektable.
* \ param object A pointer to an existing SEEKTABLE object .
* \ param point_num Index into seekpoint array to set .
* \ param point The point to set .
* \ assert
* \ code object ! = NULL \ endcode
* \ code object - > type = = FLAC__METADATA_TYPE_SEEKTABLE \ endcode
* \ code object - > data . seek_table . num_points > point_num \ endcode
FLAC_API void FLAC__metadata_object_seektable_set_point ( FLAC__StreamMetadata * object , unsigned point_num , FLAC__StreamMetadata_SeekPoint point ) ;
/** Insert a seekpoint into a seektable.
* \ param object A pointer to an existing SEEKTABLE object .
* \ param point_num Index into seekpoint array to set .
* \ param point The point to set .
* \ assert
* \ code object ! = NULL \ endcode
* \ code object - > type = = FLAC__METADATA_TYPE_SEEKTABLE \ endcode
* \ code object - > data . seek_table . num_points > = point_num \ endcode
* \ retval FLAC__bool
* \ c false if memory allocation error , else \ c true .
FLAC_API FLAC__bool FLAC__metadata_object_seektable_insert_point ( FLAC__StreamMetadata * object , unsigned point_num , FLAC__StreamMetadata_SeekPoint point ) ;
/** Delete a seekpoint from a seektable.
* \ param object A pointer to an existing SEEKTABLE object .
* \ param point_num Index into seekpoint array to set .
* \ assert
* \ code object ! = NULL \ endcode
* \ code object - > type = = FLAC__METADATA_TYPE_SEEKTABLE \ endcode
* \ code object - > data . seek_table . num_points > point_num \ endcode
* \ retval FLAC__bool
* \ c false if memory allocation error , else \ c true .
FLAC_API FLAC__bool FLAC__metadata_object_seektable_delete_point ( FLAC__StreamMetadata * object , unsigned point_num ) ;
/** Check a seektable to see if it conforms to the FLAC specification.
* See the format specification for limits on the contents of the
* seektable .
* \ param object A pointer to an existing SEEKTABLE object .
* \ assert
* \ code object ! = NULL \ endcode
* \ code object - > type = = FLAC__METADATA_TYPE_SEEKTABLE \ endcode
* \ retval FLAC__bool
* \ c false if seek table is illegal , else \ c true .
FLAC_API FLAC__bool FLAC__metadata_object_seektable_is_legal ( const FLAC__StreamMetadata * object ) ;
/** Append a number of placeholder points to the end of a seek table.
* \ note
* As with the other . . . _seektable_template_ . . . functions , you should
* call FLAC__metadata_object_seektable_template_sort ( ) when finished
* to make the seek table legal .
* \ param object A pointer to an existing SEEKTABLE object .
* \ param num The number of placeholder points to append .
* \ assert
* \ code object ! = NULL \ endcode
* \ code object - > type = = FLAC__METADATA_TYPE_SEEKTABLE \ endcode
* \ retval FLAC__bool
* \ c false if memory allocation fails , else \ c true .
FLAC_API FLAC__bool FLAC__metadata_object_seektable_template_append_placeholders ( FLAC__StreamMetadata * object , unsigned num ) ;
/** Append a specific seek point template to the end of a seek table.
* \ note
* As with the other . . . _seektable_template_ . . . functions , you should
* call FLAC__metadata_object_seektable_template_sort ( ) when finished
* to make the seek table legal .
* \ param object A pointer to an existing SEEKTABLE object .
* \ param sample_number The sample number of the seek point template .
* \ assert
* \ code object ! = NULL \ endcode
* \ code object - > type = = FLAC__METADATA_TYPE_SEEKTABLE \ endcode
* \ retval FLAC__bool
* \ c false if memory allocation fails , else \ c true .
FLAC_API FLAC__bool FLAC__metadata_object_seektable_template_append_point ( FLAC__StreamMetadata * object , FLAC__uint64 sample_number ) ;
/** Append specific seek point templates to the end of a seek table.
* \ note
* As with the other . . . _seektable_template_ . . . functions , you should
* call FLAC__metadata_object_seektable_template_sort ( ) when finished
* to make the seek table legal .
* \ param object A pointer to an existing SEEKTABLE object .
* \ param sample_numbers An array of sample numbers for the seek points .
* \ param num The number of seek point templates to append .
* \ assert
* \ code object ! = NULL \ endcode
* \ code object - > type = = FLAC__METADATA_TYPE_SEEKTABLE \ endcode
* \ retval FLAC__bool
* \ c false if memory allocation fails , else \ c true .
FLAC_API FLAC__bool FLAC__metadata_object_seektable_template_append_points ( FLAC__StreamMetadata * object , FLAC__uint64 sample_numbers [ ] , unsigned num ) ;
/** Append a set of evenly-spaced seek point templates to the end of a
* seek table .
* \ note
* As with the other . . . _seektable_template_ . . . functions , you should
* call FLAC__metadata_object_seektable_template_sort ( ) when finished
* to make the seek table legal .
* \ param object A pointer to an existing SEEKTABLE object .
* \ param num The number of placeholder points to append .
* \ param total_samples The total number of samples to be encoded ;
* the seekpoints will be spaced approximately
* \ a total_samples / \ a num samples apart .
* \ assert
* \ code object ! = NULL \ endcode
* \ code object - > type = = FLAC__METADATA_TYPE_SEEKTABLE \ endcode
* \ code total_samples > 0 \ endcode
* \ retval FLAC__bool
* \ c false if memory allocation fails , else \ c true .
FLAC_API FLAC__bool FLAC__metadata_object_seektable_template_append_spaced_points ( FLAC__StreamMetadata * object , unsigned num , FLAC__uint64 total_samples ) ;
/** Append a set of evenly-spaced seek point templates to the end of a
* seek table .
* \ note
* As with the other . . . _seektable_template_ . . . functions , you should
* call FLAC__metadata_object_seektable_template_sort ( ) when finished
* to make the seek table legal .
* \ param object A pointer to an existing SEEKTABLE object .
* \ param samples The number of samples apart to space the placeholder
* points . The first point will be at sample \ c 0 , the
* second at sample \ a samples , then 2 * \ a samples , and
* so on . As long as \ a samples and \ a total_samples
* are greater than \ c 0 , there will always be at least
* one seekpoint at sample \ c 0.
* \ param total_samples The total number of samples to be encoded ;
* the seekpoints will be spaced
* \ a samples samples apart .
* \ assert
* \ code object ! = NULL \ endcode
* \ code object - > type = = FLAC__METADATA_TYPE_SEEKTABLE \ endcode
* \ code samples > 0 \ endcode
* \ code total_samples > 0 \ endcode
* \ retval FLAC__bool
* \ c false if memory allocation fails , else \ c true .
FLAC_API FLAC__bool FLAC__metadata_object_seektable_template_append_spaced_points_by_samples ( FLAC__StreamMetadata * object , unsigned samples , FLAC__uint64 total_samples ) ;
/** Sort a seek table's seek points according to the format specification,
* removing duplicates .
* \ param object A pointer to a seek table to be sorted .
* \ param compact If \ c false , behaves like FLAC__format_seektable_sort ( ) .
* If \ c true , duplicates are deleted and the seek table is
* shrunk appropriately ; the number of placeholder points
* present in the seek table will be the same after the call
* as before .
* \ assert
* \ code object ! = NULL \ endcode
* \ code object - > type = = FLAC__METADATA_TYPE_SEEKTABLE \ endcode
* \ retval FLAC__bool
* \ c false if realloc ( ) fails , else \ c true .
FLAC_API FLAC__bool FLAC__metadata_object_seektable_template_sort ( FLAC__StreamMetadata * object , FLAC__bool compact ) ;
/** Sets the vendor string in a VORBIS_COMMENT block.
* For convenience , a trailing NUL is added to the entry if it doesn ' t have
* one already .
* If \ a copy is \ c true , a copy of the entry is stored ; otherwise , the object
* takes ownership of the \ c entry . entry pointer .
* \ note If this function returns \ c false , the caller still owns the
* pointer .
* \ param object A pointer to an existing VORBIS_COMMENT object .
* \ param entry The entry to set the vendor string to .
* \ param copy See above .
* \ assert
* \ code object ! = NULL \ endcode
* \ code object - > type = = FLAC__METADATA_TYPE_VORBIS_COMMENT \ endcode
* \ code ( entry . entry ! = NULL & & entry . length > 0 ) | |
* ( entry . entry = = NULL & & entry . length = = 0 ) \ endcode
* \ retval FLAC__bool
* \ c false if memory allocation fails or \ a entry does not comply with the
* Vorbis comment specification , else \ c true .
FLAC_API FLAC__bool FLAC__metadata_object_vorbiscomment_set_vendor_string ( FLAC__StreamMetadata * object , FLAC__StreamMetadata_VorbisComment_Entry entry , FLAC__bool copy ) ;
/** Resize the comment array.
* If the size shrinks , elements will truncated ; if it grows , new empty
* fields will be added to the end .
* \ param object A pointer to an existing VORBIS_COMMENT object .
* \ param new_num_comments The desired length of the array ; may be \ c 0.
* \ assert
* \ code object ! = NULL \ endcode
* \ code object - > type = = FLAC__METADATA_TYPE_VORBIS_COMMENT \ endcode
* \ code ( object - > data . vorbis_comment . comments = = NULL & & object - > data . vorbis_comment . num_comments = = 0 ) | |
* ( object - > data . vorbis_comment . comments ! = NULL & & object - > data . vorbis_comment . num_comments > 0 ) \ endcode
* \ retval FLAC__bool
* \ c false if memory allocation fails , else \ c true .
FLAC_API FLAC__bool FLAC__metadata_object_vorbiscomment_resize_comments ( FLAC__StreamMetadata * object , unsigned new_num_comments ) ;
/** Sets a comment in a VORBIS_COMMENT block.
* For convenience , a trailing NUL is added to the entry if it doesn ' t have
* one already .
* If \ a copy is \ c true , a copy of the entry is stored ; otherwise , the object
* takes ownership of the \ c entry . entry pointer .
* \ note If this function returns \ c false , the caller still owns the
* pointer .
* \ param object A pointer to an existing VORBIS_COMMENT object .
* \ param comment_num Index into comment array to set .
* \ param entry The entry to set the comment to .
* \ param copy See above .
* \ assert
* \ code object ! = NULL \ endcode
* \ code object - > type = = FLAC__METADATA_TYPE_VORBIS_COMMENT \ endcode
* \ code comment_num < object - > data . vorbis_comment . num_comments \ endcode
* \ code ( entry . entry ! = NULL & & entry . length > 0 ) | |
* ( entry . entry = = NULL & & entry . length = = 0 ) \ endcode
* \ retval FLAC__bool
* \ c false if memory allocation fails or \ a entry does not comply with the
* Vorbis comment specification , else \ c true .
FLAC_API FLAC__bool FLAC__metadata_object_vorbiscomment_set_comment ( FLAC__StreamMetadata * object , unsigned comment_num , FLAC__StreamMetadata_VorbisComment_Entry entry , FLAC__bool copy ) ;
/** Insert a comment in a VORBIS_COMMENT block at the given index.
* For convenience , a trailing NUL is added to the entry if it doesn ' t have
* one already .
* If \ a copy is \ c true , a copy of the entry is stored ; otherwise , the object
* takes ownership of the \ c entry . entry pointer .
* \ note If this function returns \ c false , the caller still owns the
* pointer .
* \ param object A pointer to an existing VORBIS_COMMENT object .
* \ param comment_num The index at which to insert the comment . The comments
* at and after \ a comment_num move right one position .
* To append a comment to the end , set \ a comment_num to
* \ c object - > data . vorbis_comment . num_comments .
* \ param entry The comment to insert .
* \ param copy See above .
* \ assert
* \ code object ! = NULL \ endcode
* \ code object - > type = = FLAC__METADATA_TYPE_VORBIS_COMMENT \ endcode
* \ code object - > data . vorbis_comment . num_comments > = comment_num \ endcode
* \ code ( entry . entry ! = NULL & & entry . length > 0 ) | |
* ( entry . entry = = NULL & & entry . length = = 0 & & copy = = false ) \ endcode
* \ retval FLAC__bool
* \ c false if memory allocation fails or \ a entry does not comply with the
* Vorbis comment specification , else \ c true .
FLAC_API FLAC__bool FLAC__metadata_object_vorbiscomment_insert_comment ( FLAC__StreamMetadata * object , unsigned comment_num , FLAC__StreamMetadata_VorbisComment_Entry entry , FLAC__bool copy ) ;
/** Appends a comment to a VORBIS_COMMENT block.
* For convenience , a trailing NUL is added to the entry if it doesn ' t have
* one already .
* If \ a copy is \ c true , a copy of the entry is stored ; otherwise , the object
* takes ownership of the \ c entry . entry pointer .
* \ note If this function returns \ c false , the caller still owns the
* pointer .
* \ param object A pointer to an existing VORBIS_COMMENT object .
* \ param entry The comment to insert .
* \ param copy See above .
* \ assert
* \ code object ! = NULL \ endcode
* \ code object - > type = = FLAC__METADATA_TYPE_VORBIS_COMMENT \ endcode
* \ code ( entry . entry ! = NULL & & entry . length > 0 ) | |
* ( entry . entry = = NULL & & entry . length = = 0 & & copy = = false ) \ endcode
* \ retval FLAC__bool
* \ c false if memory allocation fails or \ a entry does not comply with the
* Vorbis comment specification , else \ c true .
FLAC_API FLAC__bool FLAC__metadata_object_vorbiscomment_append_comment ( FLAC__StreamMetadata * object , FLAC__StreamMetadata_VorbisComment_Entry entry , FLAC__bool copy ) ;
/** Replaces comments in a VORBIS_COMMENT block with a new one.
* For convenience , a trailing NUL is added to the entry if it doesn ' t have
* one already .
* Depending on the the value of \ a all , either all or just the first comment
* whose field name ( s ) match the given entry ' s name will be replaced by the
* given entry . If no comments match , \ a entry will simply be appended .
* If \ a copy is \ c true , a copy of the entry is stored ; otherwise , the object
* takes ownership of the \ c entry . entry pointer .
* \ note If this function returns \ c false , the caller still owns the
* pointer .
* \ param object A pointer to an existing VORBIS_COMMENT object .
* \ param entry The comment to insert .
* \ param all If \ c true , all comments whose field name matches
* \ a entry ' s field name will be removed , and \ a entry will
* be inserted at the position of the first matching
* comment . If \ c false , only the first comment whose
* field name matches \ a entry ' s field name will be
* replaced with \ a entry .
* \ param copy See above .
* \ assert
* \ code object ! = NULL \ endcode
* \ code object - > type = = FLAC__METADATA_TYPE_VORBIS_COMMENT \ endcode
* \ code ( entry . entry ! = NULL & & entry . length > 0 ) | |
* ( entry . entry = = NULL & & entry . length = = 0 & & copy = = false ) \ endcode
* \ retval FLAC__bool
* \ c false if memory allocation fails or \ a entry does not comply with the
* Vorbis comment specification , else \ c true .
FLAC_API FLAC__bool FLAC__metadata_object_vorbiscomment_replace_comment ( FLAC__StreamMetadata * object , FLAC__StreamMetadata_VorbisComment_Entry entry , FLAC__bool all , FLAC__bool copy ) ;
/** Delete a comment in a VORBIS_COMMENT block at the given index.
* \ param object A pointer to an existing VORBIS_COMMENT object .
* \ param comment_num The index of the comment to delete .
* \ assert
* \ code object ! = NULL \ endcode
* \ code object - > type = = FLAC__METADATA_TYPE_VORBIS_COMMENT \ endcode
* \ code object - > data . vorbis_comment . num_comments > comment_num \ endcode
* \ retval FLAC__bool
* \ c false if realloc ( ) fails , else \ c true .
FLAC_API FLAC__bool FLAC__metadata_object_vorbiscomment_delete_comment ( FLAC__StreamMetadata * object , unsigned comment_num ) ;
/** Creates a Vorbis comment entry from NUL-terminated name and value strings.
* On return , the filled - in \ a entry - > entry pointer will point to malloc ( ) ed
* memory and shall be owned by the caller . For convenience the entry will
* have a terminating NUL .
* \ param entry A pointer to a Vorbis comment entry . The entry ' s
* \ c entry pointer should not point to allocated
* memory as it will be overwritten .
* \ param field_name The field name in ASCII , \ c NUL terminated .
* \ param field_value The field value in UTF - 8 , \ c NUL terminated .
* \ assert
* \ code entry ! = NULL \ endcode
* \ code field_name ! = NULL \ endcode
* \ code field_value ! = NULL \ endcode
* \ retval FLAC__bool
* \ c false if malloc ( ) fails , or if \ a field_name or \ a field_value does
* not comply with the Vorbis comment specification , else \ c true .
FLAC_API FLAC__bool FLAC__metadata_object_vorbiscomment_entry_from_name_value_pair ( FLAC__StreamMetadata_VorbisComment_Entry * entry , const char * field_name , const char * field_value ) ;
/** Splits a Vorbis comment entry into NUL-terminated name and value strings.
* The returned pointers to name and value will be allocated by malloc ( )
* and shall be owned by the caller .
* \ param entry An existing Vorbis comment entry .
* \ param field_name The address of where the returned pointer to the
* field name will be stored .
* \ param field_value The address of where the returned pointer to the
* field value will be stored .
* \ assert
* \ code ( entry . entry ! = NULL & & entry . length > 0 ) \ endcode
* \ code memchr ( entry . entry , ' = ' , entry . length ) ! = NULL \ endcode
* \ code field_name ! = NULL \ endcode
* \ code field_value ! = NULL \ endcode
* \ retval FLAC__bool
* \ c false if memory allocation fails or \ a entry does not comply with the
* Vorbis comment specification , else \ c true .
FLAC_API FLAC__bool FLAC__metadata_object_vorbiscomment_entry_to_name_value_pair ( const FLAC__StreamMetadata_VorbisComment_Entry entry , char * * field_name , char * * field_value ) ;
/** Check if the given Vorbis comment entry's field name matches the given
* field name .
* \ param entry An existing Vorbis comment entry .
* \ param field_name The field name to check .
* \ param field_name_length The length of \ a field_name , not including the
* terminating \ c NUL .
* \ assert
* \ code ( entry . entry ! = NULL & & entry . length > 0 ) \ endcode
* \ retval FLAC__bool
* \ c true if the field names match , else \ c false
FLAC_API FLAC__bool FLAC__metadata_object_vorbiscomment_entry_matches ( const FLAC__StreamMetadata_VorbisComment_Entry entry , const char * field_name , unsigned field_name_length ) ;
/** Find a Vorbis comment with the given field name.
* The search begins at entry number \ a offset ; use an offset of 0 to
* search from the beginning of the comment array .
* \ param object A pointer to an existing VORBIS_COMMENT object .
* \ param offset The offset into the comment array from where to start
* the search .
* \ param field_name The field name of the comment to find .
* \ assert
* \ code object ! = NULL \ endcode
* \ code object - > type = = FLAC__METADATA_TYPE_VORBIS_COMMENT \ endcode
* \ code field_name ! = NULL \ endcode
* \ retval int
* The offset in the comment array of the first comment whose field
* name matches \ a field_name , or \ c - 1 if no match was found .
FLAC_API int FLAC__metadata_object_vorbiscomment_find_entry_from ( const FLAC__StreamMetadata * object , unsigned offset , const char * field_name ) ;
/** Remove first Vorbis comment matching the given field name.
* \ param object A pointer to an existing VORBIS_COMMENT object .
* \ param field_name The field name of comment to delete .
* \ assert
* \ code object ! = NULL \ endcode
* \ code object - > type = = FLAC__METADATA_TYPE_VORBIS_COMMENT \ endcode
* \ retval int
* \ c - 1 for memory allocation error , \ c 0 for no matching entries ,
* \ c 1 for one matching entry deleted .
FLAC_API int FLAC__metadata_object_vorbiscomment_remove_entry_matching ( FLAC__StreamMetadata * object , const char * field_name ) ;
/** Remove all Vorbis comments matching the given field name.
* \ param object A pointer to an existing VORBIS_COMMENT object .
* \ param field_name The field name of comments to delete .
* \ assert
* \ code object ! = NULL \ endcode
* \ code object - > type = = FLAC__METADATA_TYPE_VORBIS_COMMENT \ endcode
* \ retval int
* \ c - 1 for memory allocation error , \ c 0 for no matching entries ,
* else the number of matching entries deleted .
FLAC_API int FLAC__metadata_object_vorbiscomment_remove_entries_matching ( FLAC__StreamMetadata * object , const char * field_name ) ;
/** Create a new CUESHEET track instance.
* The object will be " empty " ; i . e . values and data pointers will be \ c 0.
* \ retval FLAC__StreamMetadata_CueSheet_Track *
* \ c NULL if there was an error allocating memory , else the new instance .
FLAC_API FLAC__StreamMetadata_CueSheet_Track * FLAC__metadata_object_cuesheet_track_new ( void ) ;
/** Create a copy of an existing CUESHEET track object.
* The copy is a " deep " copy , i . e . dynamically allocated data within the
* object is also copied . The caller takes ownership of the new object and
* is responsible for freeing it with
* FLAC__metadata_object_cuesheet_track_delete ( ) .
* \ param object Pointer to object to copy .
* \ assert
* \ code object ! = NULL \ endcode
* \ retval FLAC__StreamMetadata_CueSheet_Track *
* \ c NULL if there was an error allocating memory , else the new instance .
FLAC_API FLAC__StreamMetadata_CueSheet_Track * FLAC__metadata_object_cuesheet_track_clone ( const FLAC__StreamMetadata_CueSheet_Track * object ) ;
/** Delete a CUESHEET track object
* \ param object A pointer to an existing CUESHEET track object .
* \ assert
* \ code object ! = NULL \ endcode
FLAC_API void FLAC__metadata_object_cuesheet_track_delete ( FLAC__StreamMetadata_CueSheet_Track * object ) ;
/** Resize a track's index point array.
* If the size shrinks , elements will truncated ; if it grows , new blank
* indices will be added to the end .
* \ param object A pointer to an existing CUESHEET object .
* \ param track_num The index of the track to modify . NOTE : this is not
* necessarily the same as the track ' s \ a number field .
* \ param new_num_indices The desired length of the array ; may be \ c 0.
* \ assert
* \ code object ! = NULL \ endcode
* \ code object - > type = = FLAC__METADATA_TYPE_CUESHEET \ endcode
* \ code object - > data . cue_sheet . num_tracks > track_num \ endcode
* \ code ( object - > data . cue_sheet . tracks [ track_num ] . indices = = NULL & & object - > data . cue_sheet . tracks [ track_num ] . num_indices = = 0 ) | |
* ( object - > data . cue_sheet . tracks [ track_num ] . indices ! = NULL & & object - > data . cue_sheet . tracks [ track_num ] . num_indices > 0 ) \ endcode
* \ retval FLAC__bool
* \ c false if memory allocation error , else \ c true .
FLAC_API FLAC__bool FLAC__metadata_object_cuesheet_track_resize_indices ( FLAC__StreamMetadata * object , unsigned track_num , unsigned new_num_indices ) ;
/** Insert an index point in a CUESHEET track at the given index.
* \ param object A pointer to an existing CUESHEET object .
* \ param track_num The index of the track to modify . NOTE : this is not
* necessarily the same as the track ' s \ a number field .
* \ param index_num The index into the track ' s index array at which to
* insert the index point . NOTE : this is not necessarily
* the same as the index point ' s \ a number field . The
* indices at and after \ a index_num move right one
* position . To append an index point to the end , set
* \ a index_num to
* \ c object - > data . cue_sheet . tracks [ track_num ] . num_indices .
* \ param index The index point to insert .
* \ assert
* \ code object ! = NULL \ endcode
* \ code object - > type = = FLAC__METADATA_TYPE_CUESHEET \ endcode
* \ code object - > data . cue_sheet . num_tracks > track_num \ endcode
* \ code object - > data . cue_sheet . tracks [ track_num ] . num_indices > = index_num \ endcode
* \ retval FLAC__bool
* \ c false if realloc ( ) fails , else \ c true .
FLAC_API FLAC__bool FLAC__metadata_object_cuesheet_track_insert_index ( FLAC__StreamMetadata * object , unsigned track_num , unsigned index_num , FLAC__StreamMetadata_CueSheet_Index index ) ;
/** Insert a blank index point in a CUESHEET track at the given index.
* A blank index point is one in which all field values are zero .
* \ param object A pointer to an existing CUESHEET object .
* \ param track_num The index of the track to modify . NOTE : this is not
* necessarily the same as the track ' s \ a number field .
* \ param index_num The index into the track ' s index array at which to
* insert the index point . NOTE : this is not necessarily
* the same as the index point ' s \ a number field . The
* indices at and after \ a index_num move right one
* position . To append an index point to the end , set
* \ a index_num to
* \ c object - > data . cue_sheet . tracks [ track_num ] . num_indices .
* \ assert
* \ code object ! = NULL \ endcode
* \ code object - > type = = FLAC__METADATA_TYPE_CUESHEET \ endcode
* \ code object - > data . cue_sheet . num_tracks > track_num \ endcode
* \ code object - > data . cue_sheet . tracks [ track_num ] . num_indices > = index_num \ endcode
* \ retval FLAC__bool
* \ c false if realloc ( ) fails , else \ c true .
FLAC_API FLAC__bool FLAC__metadata_object_cuesheet_track_insert_blank_index ( FLAC__StreamMetadata * object , unsigned track_num , unsigned index_num ) ;
/** Delete an index point in a CUESHEET track at the given index.
* \ param object A pointer to an existing CUESHEET object .
* \ param track_num The index into the track array of the track to
* modify . NOTE : this is not necessarily the same
* as the track ' s \ a number field .
* \ param index_num The index into the track ' s index array of the index
* to delete . NOTE : this is not necessarily the same
* as the index ' s \ a number field .
* \ assert
* \ code object ! = NULL \ endcode
* \ code object - > type = = FLAC__METADATA_TYPE_CUESHEET \ endcode
* \ code object - > data . cue_sheet . num_tracks > track_num \ endcode
* \ code object - > data . cue_sheet . tracks [ track_num ] . num_indices > index_num \ endcode
* \ retval FLAC__bool
* \ c false if realloc ( ) fails , else \ c true .
FLAC_API FLAC__bool FLAC__metadata_object_cuesheet_track_delete_index ( FLAC__StreamMetadata * object , unsigned track_num , unsigned index_num ) ;
/** Resize the track array.
* If the size shrinks , elements will truncated ; if it grows , new blank
* tracks will be added to the end .
* \ param object A pointer to an existing CUESHEET object .
* \ param new_num_tracks The desired length of the array ; may be \ c 0.
* \ assert
* \ code object ! = NULL \ endcode
* \ code object - > type = = FLAC__METADATA_TYPE_CUESHEET \ endcode
* \ code ( object - > data . cue_sheet . tracks = = NULL & & object - > data . cue_sheet . num_tracks = = 0 ) | |
* ( object - > data . cue_sheet . tracks ! = NULL & & object - > data . cue_sheet . num_tracks > 0 ) \ endcode
* \ retval FLAC__bool
* \ c false if memory allocation error , else \ c true .
FLAC_API FLAC__bool FLAC__metadata_object_cuesheet_resize_tracks ( FLAC__StreamMetadata * object , unsigned new_num_tracks ) ;
/** Sets a track in a CUESHEET block.
* If \ a copy is \ c true , a copy of the track is stored ; otherwise , the object
* takes ownership of the \ a track pointer .
* \ param object A pointer to an existing CUESHEET object .
* \ param track_num Index into track array to set . NOTE : this is not
* necessarily the same as the track ' s \ a number field .
* \ param track The track to set the track to . You may safely pass in
* a const pointer if \ a copy is \ c true .
* \ param copy See above .
* \ assert
* \ code object ! = NULL \ endcode
* \ code object - > type = = FLAC__METADATA_TYPE_CUESHEET \ endcode
* \ code track_num < object - > data . cue_sheet . num_tracks \ endcode
* \ code ( track - > indices ! = NULL & & track - > num_indices > 0 ) | |
* ( track - > indices = = NULL & & track - > num_indices = = 0 ) \ endcode
* \ retval FLAC__bool
* \ c false if \ a copy is \ c true and malloc ( ) fails , else \ c true .
FLAC_API FLAC__bool FLAC__metadata_object_cuesheet_set_track ( FLAC__StreamMetadata * object , unsigned track_num , FLAC__StreamMetadata_CueSheet_Track * track , FLAC__bool copy ) ;
/** Insert a track in a CUESHEET block at the given index.
* If \ a copy is \ c true , a copy of the track is stored ; otherwise , the object
* takes ownership of the \ a track pointer .
* \ param object A pointer to an existing CUESHEET object .
* \ param track_num The index at which to insert the track . NOTE : this
* is not necessarily the same as the track ' s \ a number
* field . The tracks at and after \ a track_num move right
* one position . To append a track to the end , set
* \ a track_num to \ c object - > data . cue_sheet . num_tracks .
* \ param track The track to insert . You may safely pass in a const
* pointer if \ a copy is \ c true .
* \ param copy See above .
* \ assert
* \ code object ! = NULL \ endcode
* \ code object - > type = = FLAC__METADATA_TYPE_CUESHEET \ endcode
* \ code object - > data . cue_sheet . num_tracks > = track_num \ endcode
* \ retval FLAC__bool
* \ c false if \ a copy is \ c true and malloc ( ) fails , else \ c true .
FLAC_API FLAC__bool FLAC__metadata_object_cuesheet_insert_track ( FLAC__StreamMetadata * object , unsigned track_num , FLAC__StreamMetadata_CueSheet_Track * track , FLAC__bool copy ) ;
/** Insert a blank track in a CUESHEET block at the given index.
* A blank track is one in which all field values are zero .
* \ param object A pointer to an existing CUESHEET object .
* \ param track_num The index at which to insert the track . NOTE : this
* is not necessarily the same as the track ' s \ a number
* field . The tracks at and after \ a track_num move right
* one position . To append a track to the end , set
* \ a track_num to \ c object - > data . cue_sheet . num_tracks .
* \ assert
* \ code object ! = NULL \ endcode
* \ code object - > type = = FLAC__METADATA_TYPE_CUESHEET \ endcode
* \ code object - > data . cue_sheet . num_tracks > = track_num \ endcode
* \ retval FLAC__bool
* \ c false if \ a copy is \ c true and malloc ( ) fails , else \ c true .
FLAC_API FLAC__bool FLAC__metadata_object_cuesheet_insert_blank_track ( FLAC__StreamMetadata * object , unsigned track_num ) ;
/** Delete a track in a CUESHEET block at the given index.
* \ param object A pointer to an existing CUESHEET object .
* \ param track_num The index into the track array of the track to
* delete . NOTE : this is not necessarily the same
* as the track ' s \ a number field .
* \ assert
* \ code object ! = NULL \ endcode
* \ code object - > type = = FLAC__METADATA_TYPE_CUESHEET \ endcode
* \ code object - > data . cue_sheet . num_tracks > track_num \ endcode
* \ retval FLAC__bool
* \ c false if realloc ( ) fails , else \ c true .
FLAC_API FLAC__bool FLAC__metadata_object_cuesheet_delete_track ( FLAC__StreamMetadata * object , unsigned track_num ) ;
/** Check a cue sheet to see if it conforms to the FLAC specification.
* See the format specification for limits on the contents of the
* cue sheet .
* \ param object A pointer to an existing CUESHEET object .
* \ param check_cd_da_subset If \ c true , check CUESHEET against more
* stringent requirements for a CD - DA ( audio ) disc .
* \ param violation Address of a pointer to a string . If there is a
* violation , a pointer to a string explanation of the
* violation will be returned here . \ a violation may be
* \ c NULL if you don ' t need the returned string . Do not
* free the returned string ; it will always point to static
* data .
* \ assert
* \ code object ! = NULL \ endcode
* \ code object - > type = = FLAC__METADATA_TYPE_CUESHEET \ endcode
* \ retval FLAC__bool
* \ c false if cue sheet is illegal , else \ c true .
FLAC_API FLAC__bool FLAC__metadata_object_cuesheet_is_legal ( const FLAC__StreamMetadata * object , FLAC__bool check_cd_da_subset , const char * * violation ) ;
/** Calculate and return the CDDB/freedb ID for a cue sheet. The function
* assumes the cue sheet corresponds to a CD ; the result is undefined
* if the cuesheet ' s is_cd bit is not set .
* \ param object A pointer to an existing CUESHEET object .
* \ assert
* \ code object ! = NULL \ endcode
* \ code object - > type = = FLAC__METADATA_TYPE_CUESHEET \ endcode
* \ retval FLAC__uint32
* The unsigned integer representation of the CDDB / freedb ID
FLAC_API FLAC__uint32 FLAC__metadata_object_cuesheet_calculate_cddb_id ( const FLAC__StreamMetadata * object ) ;
/** Sets the MIME type of a PICTURE block.
* If \ a copy is \ c true , a copy of the string is stored ; otherwise , the object
* takes ownership of the pointer . The existing string will be freed if this
* function is successful , otherwise the original string will remain if \ a copy
* is \ c true and malloc ( ) fails .
* \ note It is safe to pass a const pointer to \ a mime_type if \ a copy is \ c true .
* \ param object A pointer to an existing PICTURE object .
* \ param mime_type A pointer to the MIME type string . The string must be
* ASCII characters 0x20 - 0x7e , NUL - terminated . No validation
* is done .
* \ param copy See above .
* \ assert
* \ code object ! = NULL \ endcode
* \ code object - > type = = FLAC__METADATA_TYPE_PICTURE \ endcode
* \ code ( mime_type ! = NULL ) \ endcode
* \ retval FLAC__bool
* \ c false if \ a copy is \ c true and malloc ( ) fails , else \ c true .
FLAC_API FLAC__bool FLAC__metadata_object_picture_set_mime_type ( FLAC__StreamMetadata * object , char * mime_type , FLAC__bool copy ) ;
/** Sets the description of a PICTURE block.
* If \ a copy is \ c true , a copy of the string is stored ; otherwise , the object
* takes ownership of the pointer . The existing string will be freed if this
* function is successful , otherwise the original string will remain if \ a copy
* is \ c true and malloc ( ) fails .
* \ note It is safe to pass a const pointer to \ a description if \ a copy is \ c true .
* \ param object A pointer to an existing PICTURE object .
* \ param description A pointer to the description string . The string must be
* valid UTF - 8 , NUL - terminated . No validation is done .
* \ param copy See above .
* \ assert
* \ code object ! = NULL \ endcode
* \ code object - > type = = FLAC__METADATA_TYPE_PICTURE \ endcode
* \ code ( description ! = NULL ) \ endcode
* \ retval FLAC__bool
* \ c false if \ a copy is \ c true and malloc ( ) fails , else \ c true .
FLAC_API FLAC__bool FLAC__metadata_object_picture_set_description ( FLAC__StreamMetadata * object , FLAC__byte * description , FLAC__bool copy ) ;
/** Sets the picture data of a PICTURE block.
* If \ a copy is \ c true , a copy of the data is stored ; otherwise , the object
* takes ownership of the pointer . Also sets the \ a data_length field of the
* metadata object to what is passed in as the \ a length parameter . The
* existing data will be freed if this function is successful , otherwise the
* original data and data_length will remain if \ a copy is \ c true and
* malloc ( ) fails .
* \ note It is safe to pass a const pointer to \ a data if \ a copy is \ c true .
* \ param object A pointer to an existing PICTURE object .
* \ param data A pointer to the data to set .
* \ param length The length of \ a data in bytes .
* \ param copy See above .
* \ assert
* \ code object ! = NULL \ endcode
* \ code object - > type = = FLAC__METADATA_TYPE_PICTURE \ endcode
* \ code ( data ! = NULL & & length > 0 ) | |
* ( data = = NULL & & length = = 0 & & copy = = false ) \ endcode
* \ retval FLAC__bool
* \ c false if \ a copy is \ c true and malloc ( ) fails , else \ c true .
FLAC_API FLAC__bool FLAC__metadata_object_picture_set_data ( FLAC__StreamMetadata * object , FLAC__byte * data , FLAC__uint32 length , FLAC__bool copy ) ;
/** Check a PICTURE block to see if it conforms to the FLAC specification.
* See the format specification for limits on the contents of the
* PICTURE block .
* \ param object A pointer to existing PICTURE block to be checked .
* \ param violation Address of a pointer to a string . If there is a
* violation , a pointer to a string explanation of the
* violation will be returned here . \ a violation may be
* \ c NULL if you don ' t need the returned string . Do not
* free the returned string ; it will always point to static
* data .
* \ assert
* \ code object ! = NULL \ endcode
* \ code object - > type = = FLAC__METADATA_TYPE_PICTURE \ endcode
* \ retval FLAC__bool
* \ c false if PICTURE block is illegal , else \ c true .
FLAC_API FLAC__bool FLAC__metadata_object_picture_is_legal ( const FLAC__StreamMetadata * object , const char * * violation ) ;
/* \} */
# ifdef __cplusplus
# endif
# endif