You can not select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

634 lines
25 KiB

11 years ago
This file is part of the JUCE library.
Copyright (c) 2015 - ROLI Ltd.
11 years ago
Permission is granted to use this software under the terms of either:
a) the GPL v2 (or any later version)
b) the Affero GPL v3
Details of these licenses can be found at:
JUCE is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY
WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR
A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details.
To release a closed-source product which uses JUCE, commercial licenses are
available: visit for more information.
setColour (TreeView::selectedItemBackgroundColourId, Colour (0x301111ee));
const Colour textButtonColour (0xffeeeeff);
setColour (TextButton::buttonColourId, textButtonColour);
setColour (ComboBox::buttonColourId, textButtonColour);
setColour (TextEditor::outlineColourId, Colours::transparentBlack);
11 years ago
setColour (TabbedButtonBar::tabOutlineColourId, Colour (0x66000000));
setColour (TabbedComponent::outlineColourId, Colour (0x66000000));
11 years ago
setColour (Slider::trackColourId, Colour (0xbbffffff));
setColour (Slider::thumbColourId, Colour (0xffddddff));
setColour (BubbleComponent::backgroundColourId, Colour (0xeeeeeedd));
11 years ago
setColour (ScrollBar::thumbColourId, Colour::greyLevel (0.8f).contrasting().withAlpha (0.13f));
LookAndFeel_V3::~LookAndFeel_V3() {}
bool LookAndFeel_V3::areScrollbarButtonsVisible() { return false; }
void LookAndFeel_V3::drawStretchableLayoutResizerBar (Graphics& g, int /*w*/, int /*h*/, bool /*isVerticalBar*/,
bool isMouseOver, bool isMouseDragging)
if (isMouseOver || isMouseDragging)
g.fillAll (Colours::yellow.withAlpha (0.4f));
void LookAndFeel_V3::drawScrollbar (Graphics& g, ScrollBar& scrollbar, int x, int y, int width, int height,
bool isScrollbarVertical, int thumbStartPosition, int thumbSize, bool isMouseOver, bool isMouseDown)
Path thumbPath;
if (thumbSize > 0)
const float thumbIndent = (isScrollbarVertical ? width : height) * 0.25f;
const float thumbIndentx2 = thumbIndent * 2.0f;
if (isScrollbarVertical)
thumbPath.addRoundedRectangle (x + thumbIndent, thumbStartPosition + thumbIndent,
width - thumbIndentx2, thumbSize - thumbIndentx2, (width - thumbIndentx2) * 0.5f);
thumbPath.addRoundedRectangle (thumbStartPosition + thumbIndent, y + thumbIndent,
thumbSize - thumbIndentx2, height - thumbIndentx2, (height - thumbIndentx2) * 0.5f);
Colour thumbCol (scrollbar.findColour (ScrollBar::thumbColourId, true));
if (isMouseOver || isMouseDown)
thumbCol = thumbCol.withMultipliedAlpha (2.0f);
g.setColour (thumbCol);
g.fillPath (thumbPath);
g.setColour (thumbCol.contrasting ((isMouseOver || isMouseDown) ? 0.2f : 0.1f));
g.strokePath (thumbPath, PathStrokeType (1.0f));
void LookAndFeel_V3::drawConcertinaPanelHeader (Graphics& g, const Rectangle<int>& area,
bool isMouseOver, bool /*isMouseDown*/,
ConcertinaPanel&, Component& panel)
const Colour bkg (Colours::grey);
g.setGradientFill (ColourGradient (Colours::white.withAlpha (isMouseOver ? 0.4f : 0.2f), 0, (float) area.getY(),
Colours::darkgrey.withAlpha (0.1f), 0, (float) area.getBottom(), false));
g.setColour (bkg.contrasting().withAlpha (0.1f));
g.fillRect (area.withHeight (1));
g.fillRect (area.withTop (area.getBottom() - 1));
g.setColour (bkg.contrasting());
g.setFont (Font (area.getHeight() * 0.6f).boldened());
g.drawFittedText (panel.getName(), 4, 0, area.getWidth() - 6, area.getHeight(), Justification::centredLeft, 1);
static void drawButtonShape (Graphics& g, const Path& outline, Colour baseColour, float height)
const float mainBrightness = baseColour.getBrightness();
const float mainAlpha = baseColour.getFloatAlpha();
g.setGradientFill (ColourGradient (baseColour.brighter (0.2f), 0.0f, 0.0f,
baseColour.darker (0.25f), 0.0f, height, false));
g.fillPath (outline);
g.setColour (Colours::white.withAlpha (0.4f * mainAlpha * mainBrightness * mainBrightness));
g.strokePath (outline, PathStrokeType (1.0f), AffineTransform::translation (0.0f, 1.0f)
.scaled (1.0f, (height - 1.6f) / height));
g.setColour (Colours::black.withAlpha (0.4f * mainAlpha));
g.strokePath (outline, PathStrokeType (1.0f));
void LookAndFeel_V3::drawButtonBackground (Graphics& g, Button& button, const Colour& backgroundColour,
bool isMouseOverButton, bool isButtonDown)
Colour baseColour (backgroundColour.withMultipliedSaturation (button.hasKeyboardFocus (true) ? 1.3f : 0.9f)
.withMultipliedAlpha (button.isEnabled() ? 0.9f : 0.5f));
if (isButtonDown || isMouseOverButton)
baseColour = baseColour.contrasting (isButtonDown ? 0.2f : 0.1f);
const bool flatOnLeft = button.isConnectedOnLeft();
const bool flatOnRight = button.isConnectedOnRight();
const bool flatOnTop = button.isConnectedOnTop();
const bool flatOnBottom = button.isConnectedOnBottom();
const float width = button.getWidth() - 1.0f;
const float height = button.getHeight() - 1.0f;
if (width > 0 && height > 0)
const float cornerSize = 4.0f;
Path outline;
outline.addRoundedRectangle (0.5f, 0.5f, width, height, cornerSize, cornerSize,
! (flatOnLeft || flatOnTop),
! (flatOnRight || flatOnTop),
! (flatOnLeft || flatOnBottom),
! (flatOnRight || flatOnBottom));
drawButtonShape (g, outline, baseColour, height);
void LookAndFeel_V3::drawTableHeaderBackground (Graphics& g, TableHeaderComponent& header)
Rectangle<int> r (header.getLocalBounds());
g.setColour (Colours::black.withAlpha (0.5f));
g.fillRect (r.removeFromBottom (1));
g.setColour (Colours::white.withAlpha (0.6f));
g.fillRect (r);
g.setColour (Colours::black.withAlpha (0.5f));
for (int i = header.getNumColumns (true); --i >= 0;)
g.fillRect (header.getColumnPosition (i).removeFromRight (1));
int LookAndFeel_V3::getTabButtonOverlap (int /*tabDepth*/) { return -1; }
int LookAndFeel_V3::getTabButtonSpaceAroundImage() { return 0; }
void LookAndFeel_V3::createTabTextLayout (const TabBarButton& button, float length, float depth,
Colour colour, TextLayout& textLayout)
Font font (depth * 0.5f);
font.setUnderline (button.hasKeyboardFocus (false));
AttributedString s;
s.setJustification (Justification::centred);
s.append (button.getButtonText().trim(), font, colour);
textLayout.createLayout (s, length);
void LookAndFeel_V3::drawTabButton (TabBarButton& button, Graphics& g, bool isMouseOver, bool isMouseDown)
const Rectangle<int> activeArea (button.getActiveArea());
const TabbedButtonBar::Orientation o = button.getTabbedButtonBar().getOrientation();
const Colour bkg (button.getTabBackgroundColour());
if (button.getToggleState())
g.setColour (bkg);
Point<int> p1, p2;
switch (o)
case TabbedButtonBar::TabsAtBottom: p1 = activeArea.getBottomLeft(); p2 = activeArea.getTopLeft(); break;
case TabbedButtonBar::TabsAtTop: p1 = activeArea.getTopLeft(); p2 = activeArea.getBottomLeft(); break;
case TabbedButtonBar::TabsAtRight: p1 = activeArea.getTopRight(); p2 = activeArea.getTopLeft(); break;
case TabbedButtonBar::TabsAtLeft: p1 = activeArea.getTopLeft(); p2 = activeArea.getTopRight(); break;
default: jassertfalse; break;
g.setGradientFill (ColourGradient (bkg.brighter (0.2f), (float) p1.x, (float) p1.y,
bkg.darker (0.1f), (float) p2.x, (float) p2.y, false));
g.fillRect (activeArea);
11 years ago
g.setColour (button.findColour (TabbedButtonBar::tabOutlineColourId));
Rectangle<int> r (activeArea);
if (o != TabbedButtonBar::TabsAtBottom) g.fillRect (r.removeFromTop (1));
if (o != TabbedButtonBar::TabsAtTop) g.fillRect (r.removeFromBottom (1));
if (o != TabbedButtonBar::TabsAtRight) g.fillRect (r.removeFromLeft (1));
if (o != TabbedButtonBar::TabsAtLeft) g.fillRect (r.removeFromRight (1));
const float alpha = button.isEnabled() ? ((isMouseOver || isMouseDown) ? 1.0f : 0.8f) : 0.3f;
Colour col (bkg.contrasting().withMultipliedAlpha (alpha));
if (TabbedButtonBar* bar = button.findParentComponentOfClass<TabbedButtonBar>())
11 years ago
TabbedButtonBar::ColourIds colID = button.isFrontTab() ? TabbedButtonBar::frontTextColourId
: TabbedButtonBar::tabTextColourId;
if (bar->isColourSpecified (colID))
col = bar->findColour (colID);
else if (isColourSpecified (colID))
col = findColour (colID);
11 years ago
const Rectangle<float> area (button.getTextArea().toFloat());
float length = area.getWidth();
float depth = area.getHeight();
if (button.getTabbedButtonBar().isVertical())
std::swap (length, depth);
TextLayout textLayout;
createTabTextLayout (button, length, depth, col, textLayout);
AffineTransform t;
switch (o)
case TabbedButtonBar::TabsAtLeft: t = t.rotated (float_Pi * -0.5f).translated (area.getX(), area.getBottom()); break;
case TabbedButtonBar::TabsAtRight: t = t.rotated (float_Pi * 0.5f).translated (area.getRight(), area.getY()); break;
case TabbedButtonBar::TabsAtTop:
case TabbedButtonBar::TabsAtBottom: t = t.translated (area.getX(), area.getY()); break;
default: jassertfalse; break;
g.addTransform (t);
textLayout.draw (g, Rectangle<float> (length, depth));
void LookAndFeel_V3::drawTabAreaBehindFrontButton (TabbedButtonBar& bar, Graphics& g, const int w, const int h)
const float shadowSize = 0.15f;
Rectangle<int> shadowRect, line;
ColourGradient gradient (Colours::black.withAlpha (bar.isEnabled() ? 0.08f : 0.04f), 0, 0,
Colours::transparentBlack, 0, 0, false);
switch (bar.getOrientation())
case TabbedButtonBar::TabsAtLeft:
gradient.point1.x = (float) w;
gradient.point2.x = w * (1.0f - shadowSize);
shadowRect.setBounds ((int) gradient.point2.x, 0, w - (int) gradient.point2.x, h);
line.setBounds (w - 1, 0, 1, h);
case TabbedButtonBar::TabsAtRight:
gradient.point2.x = w * shadowSize;
shadowRect.setBounds (0, 0, (int) gradient.point2.x, h);
line.setBounds (0, 0, 1, h);
case TabbedButtonBar::TabsAtTop:
gradient.point1.y = (float) h;
gradient.point2.y = h * (1.0f - shadowSize);
shadowRect.setBounds (0, (int) gradient.point2.y, w, h - (int) gradient.point2.y);
line.setBounds (0, h - 1, w, 1);
case TabbedButtonBar::TabsAtBottom:
gradient.point2.y = h * shadowSize;
shadowRect.setBounds (0, 0, w, (int) gradient.point2.y);
line.setBounds (0, 0, w, 1);
default: break;
g.setGradientFill (gradient);
g.fillRect (shadowRect.expanded (2, 2));
g.setColour (bar.findColour (TabbedButtonBar::tabOutlineColourId));
g.fillRect (line);
void LookAndFeel_V3::drawTextEditorOutline (Graphics& g, int width, int height, TextEditor& textEditor)
if (textEditor.isEnabled())
if (textEditor.hasKeyboardFocus (true) && ! textEditor.isReadOnly())
g.setColour (textEditor.findColour (TextEditor::focusedOutlineColourId));
g.drawRect (0, 0, width, height, 2);
g.setColour (textEditor.findColour (TextEditor::outlineColourId));
g.drawRect (0, 0, width, height);
void LookAndFeel_V3::drawTreeviewPlusMinusBox (Graphics& g, const Rectangle<float>& area,
Colour backgroundColour, bool isOpen, bool isMouseOver)
Path p;
p.addTriangle (0.0f, 0.0f, 1.0f, isOpen ? 0.0f : 0.5f, isOpen ? 0.5f : 0.0f, 1.0f);
g.setColour (backgroundColour.contrasting().withAlpha (isMouseOver ? 0.5f : 0.3f));
g.fillPath (p, p.getTransformToScaleToFit (area.reduced (2, area.getHeight() / 4), true));
bool LookAndFeel_V3::areLinesDrawnForTreeView (TreeView&)
return false;
int LookAndFeel_V3::getTreeViewIndentSize (TreeView&)
return 20;
void LookAndFeel_V3::drawComboBox (Graphics& g, int width, int height, const bool /*isButtonDown*/,
int buttonX, int buttonY, int buttonW, int buttonH, ComboBox& box)
g.fillAll (box.findColour (ComboBox::backgroundColourId));
const Colour buttonColour (box.findColour (ComboBox::buttonColourId));
if (box.isEnabled() && box.hasKeyboardFocus (false))
g.setColour (buttonColour);
g.drawRect (0, 0, width, height, 2);
g.setColour (box.findColour (ComboBox::outlineColourId));
g.drawRect (0, 0, width, height);
const float arrowX = 0.3f;
const float arrowH = 0.2f;
Path p;
p.addTriangle (buttonX + buttonW * 0.5f, buttonY + buttonH * (0.45f - arrowH),
buttonX + buttonW * (1.0f - arrowX), buttonY + buttonH * 0.45f,
buttonX + buttonW * arrowX, buttonY + buttonH * 0.45f);
p.addTriangle (buttonX + buttonW * 0.5f, buttonY + buttonH * (0.55f + arrowH),
buttonX + buttonW * (1.0f - arrowX), buttonY + buttonH * 0.55f,
buttonX + buttonW * arrowX, buttonY + buttonH * 0.55f);
g.setColour (box.findColour (ComboBox::arrowColourId).withMultipliedAlpha (box.isEnabled() ? 1.0f : 0.3f));
g.fillPath (p);
void LookAndFeel_V3::drawLinearSlider (Graphics& g, int x, int y, int width, int height,
float sliderPos, float minSliderPos, float maxSliderPos,
const Slider::SliderStyle style, Slider& slider)
g.fillAll (slider.findColour (Slider::backgroundColourId));
if (style == Slider::LinearBar || style == Slider::LinearBarVertical)
const float fx = (float) x, fy = (float) y, fw = (float) width, fh = (float) height;
Path p;
if (style == Slider::LinearBarVertical)
p.addRectangle (fx, sliderPos, fw, 1.0f + fh - sliderPos);
p.addRectangle (fx, fy, sliderPos - fx, fh);
Colour baseColour (slider.findColour (Slider::thumbColourId)
.withMultipliedSaturation (slider.isEnabled() ? 1.0f : 0.5f)
.withMultipliedAlpha (0.8f));
g.setGradientFill (ColourGradient (baseColour.brighter (0.08f), 0.0f, 0.0f,
baseColour.darker (0.08f), 0.0f, (float) height, false));
g.fillPath (p);
g.setColour (baseColour.darker (0.2f));
if (style == Slider::LinearBarVertical)
g.fillRect (fx, sliderPos, fw, 1.0f);
g.fillRect (sliderPos, fy, 1.0f, fh);
drawLinearSliderBackground (g, x, y, width, height, sliderPos, minSliderPos, maxSliderPos, style, slider);
drawLinearSliderThumb (g, x, y, width, height, sliderPos, minSliderPos, maxSliderPos, style, slider);
void LookAndFeel_V3::drawLinearSliderBackground (Graphics& g, int x, int y, int width, int height,
float /*sliderPos*/,
float /*minSliderPos*/,
float /*maxSliderPos*/,
const Slider::SliderStyle /*style*/, Slider& slider)
const float sliderRadius = (float) (getSliderThumbRadius (slider) - 2);
const Colour trackColour (slider.findColour (Slider::trackColourId));
const Colour gradCol1 (trackColour.overlaidWith (Colour (slider.isEnabled() ? 0x13000000 : 0x09000000)));
const Colour gradCol2 (trackColour.overlaidWith (Colour (0x06000000)));
Path indent;
if (slider.isHorizontal())
const float iy = y + height * 0.5f - sliderRadius * 0.5f;
g.setGradientFill (ColourGradient (gradCol1, 0.0f, iy,
gradCol2, 0.0f, iy + sliderRadius, false));
indent.addRoundedRectangle (x - sliderRadius * 0.5f, iy, width + sliderRadius, sliderRadius, 5.0f);
const float ix = x + width * 0.5f - sliderRadius * 0.5f;
g.setGradientFill (ColourGradient (gradCol1, ix, 0.0f,
gradCol2, ix + sliderRadius, 0.0f, false));
indent.addRoundedRectangle (ix, y - sliderRadius * 0.5f, sliderRadius, height + sliderRadius, 5.0f);
g.fillPath (indent);
g.setColour (trackColour.contrasting (0.5f));
g.strokePath (indent, PathStrokeType (0.5f));
void LookAndFeel_V3::drawPopupMenuBackground (Graphics& g, int width, int height)
g.fillAll (findColour (PopupMenu::backgroundColourId));
(void) width; (void) height;
#if ! JUCE_MAC
g.setColour (findColour (PopupMenu::textColourId).withAlpha (0.6f));
g.drawRect (0, 0, width, height);
void LookAndFeel_V3::drawMenuBarBackground (Graphics& g, int width, int height,
bool, MenuBarComponent& menuBar)
const Colour colour (menuBar.findColour (PopupMenu::backgroundColourId));
Rectangle<int> r (width, height);
g.setColour (colour.contrasting (0.15f));
g.fillRect (r.removeFromTop (1));
g.fillRect (r.removeFromBottom (1));
g.setGradientFill (ColourGradient (colour, 0, 0, colour.darker (0.08f), 0, (float) height, false));
g.fillRect (r);
void LookAndFeel_V3::drawKeymapChangeButton (Graphics& g, int width, int height,
Button& button, const String& keyDescription)
const Colour textColour (button.findColour (0x100ad01 /*KeyMappingEditorComponent::textColourId*/, true));
if (keyDescription.isNotEmpty())
if (button.isEnabled())
g.setColour (textColour.withAlpha (button.isDown() ? 0.4f : (button.isOver() ? 0.2f : 0.1f)));
g.fillRoundedRectangle (button.getLocalBounds().toFloat(), 4.0f);
g.drawRoundedRectangle (button.getLocalBounds().toFloat(), 4.0f, 1.0f);
g.setColour (textColour);
g.setFont (height * 0.6f);
g.drawFittedText (keyDescription, 4, 0, width - 8, height, Justification::centred, 1);
const float thickness = 7.0f;
const float indent = 22.0f;
Path p;
p.addEllipse (0.0f, 0.0f, 100.0f, 100.0f);
p.addRectangle (indent, 50.0f - thickness, 100.0f - indent * 2.0f, thickness * 2.0f);
p.addRectangle (50.0f - thickness, indent, thickness * 2.0f, 50.0f - indent - thickness);
p.addRectangle (50.0f - thickness, 50.0f + thickness, thickness * 2.0f, 50.0f - indent - thickness);
p.setUsingNonZeroWinding (false);
g.setColour (textColour.darker(0.1f).withAlpha (button.isDown() ? 0.7f : (button.isOver() ? 0.5f : 0.3f)));
g.fillPath (p, p.getTransformToScaleToFit (2.0f, 2.0f, width - 4.0f, height - 4.0f, true));
if (button.hasKeyboardFocus (false))
g.setColour (textColour.withAlpha (0.4f));
g.drawRect (0, 0, width, height);
class LookAndFeel_V3_DocumentWindowButton : public Button
LookAndFeel_V3_DocumentWindowButton (const String& name, Colour c, const Path& normal, const Path& toggled)
: Button (name), colour (c), normalShape (normal), toggledShape (toggled)
void paintButton (Graphics& g, bool isMouseOverButton, bool isButtonDown) override
Colour background (Colours::grey);
if (ResizableWindow* rw = findParentComponentOfClass<ResizableWindow>())
background = rw->getBackgroundColour();
const float cx = getWidth() * 0.5f, cy = getHeight() * 0.5f;
const float diam = jmin (cx, cy) * (isButtonDown ? 0.60f : 0.65f);
g.setColour (background);
g.fillEllipse (cx - diam, cy - diam, diam * 2.0f, diam * 2.0f);
Colour c (background.contrasting (colour, 0.6f));
if (! isEnabled())
c = c.withAlpha (0.6f);
else if (isMouseOverButton)
c = c.brighter();
g.setColour (c);
g.drawEllipse (cx - diam, cy - diam, diam * 2.0f, diam * 2.0f, diam * 0.2f);
Path& p = getToggleState() ? toggledShape : normalShape;
float scale = 0.55f;
g.fillPath (p, p.getTransformToScaleToFit (cx - diam * scale, cy - diam * scale,
diam * 2.0f * scale, diam * 2.0f * scale, true));
Colour colour;
Path normalShape, toggledShape;
Button* LookAndFeel_V3::createDocumentWindowButton (int buttonType)
Path shape;
const float crossThickness = 0.25f;
if (buttonType == DocumentWindow::closeButton)
shape.addLineSegment (Line<float> (0.0f, 0.0f, 1.0f, 1.0f), crossThickness * 1.4f);
shape.addLineSegment (Line<float> (1.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f, 1.0f), crossThickness * 1.4f);
return new LookAndFeel_V3_DocumentWindowButton ("close", Colour (0xffdd1100), shape, shape);
if (buttonType == DocumentWindow::minimiseButton)
shape.addLineSegment (Line<float> (0.0f, 0.5f, 1.0f, 0.5f), crossThickness);
return new LookAndFeel_V3_DocumentWindowButton ("minimise", Colour (0xffaa8811), shape, shape);
if (buttonType == DocumentWindow::maximiseButton)
shape.addLineSegment (Line<float> (0.5f, 0.0f, 0.5f, 1.0f), crossThickness);
shape.addLineSegment (Line<float> (0.0f, 0.5f, 1.0f, 0.5f), crossThickness);
Path fullscreenShape;
fullscreenShape.startNewSubPath (45.0f, 100.0f);
fullscreenShape.lineTo (0.0f, 100.0f);
fullscreenShape.lineTo (0.0f, 0.0f);
fullscreenShape.lineTo (100.0f, 0.0f);
fullscreenShape.lineTo (100.0f, 45.0f);
fullscreenShape.addRectangle (45.0f, 45.0f, 100.0f, 100.0f);
PathStrokeType (30.0f).createStrokedPath (fullscreenShape, fullscreenShape);
return new LookAndFeel_V3_DocumentWindowButton ("maximise", Colour (0xff119911), shape, fullscreenShape);
return nullptr;
Path LookAndFeel_V3::getTickShape (const float height)
static const unsigned char pathData[]
= { 110,109,32,210,202,64,126,183,148,64,108,39,244,247,64,245,76,124,64,108,178,131,27,65,246,76,252,64,108,175,242,4,65,246,76,252,
64,108,236,5,68,65,0,0,160,180,108,240,150,90,65,21,136,52,63,108,48,59,16,65,0,0,32,65,108,32,210,202,64,126,183,148,64, 99,101,0,0 };
Path p;
p.loadPathFromData (pathData, sizeof (pathData));
p.scaleToFit (0, 0, height * 2.0f, height, true);
return p;
Path LookAndFeel_V3::getCrossShape (const float height)
static const unsigned char pathData[]
= { 110,109,88,57,198,65,29,90,171,65,108,63,53,154,65,8,172,126,65,108,76,55,198,65,215,163,38,65,108,141,151,175,65,82,184,242,64,108,117,147,131,65,90,100,81,65,108,184,30,47,65,82,184,242,64,108,59,223,1,65,215,163,38,65,108,84,227,89,65,8,172,126,65,
108,35,219,1,65,29,90,171,65,108,209,34,47,65,231,251,193,65,108,117,147,131,65,207,247,149,65,108,129,149,175,65,231,251,193,65,99,101,0,0 };
Path p;
p.loadPathFromData (pathData, sizeof (pathData));
p.scaleToFit (0, 0, height * 2.0f, height, true);
return p;