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This file is part of the JUCE library .
Copyright ( c ) 2013 - Raw Material Software Ltd .
Permission is granted to use this software under the terms of either :
a ) the GPL v2 ( or any later version )
b ) the Affero GPL v3
Details of these licenses can be found at : www . gnu . org / licenses
JUCE is distributed in the hope that it will be useful , but WITHOUT ANY
WARRANTY ; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR
A PARTICULAR PURPOSE . See the GNU General Public License for more details .
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
To release a closed - source product which uses JUCE , commercial licenses are
available : visit www . juce . com for more information .
= = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = =
class DocumentWindow : : ButtonListenerProxy : public ButtonListener // (can't use Button::Listener due to idiotic VC2005 bug)
public :
ButtonListenerProxy ( DocumentWindow & w ) : owner ( w ) { }
void buttonClicked ( Button * button ) override
if ( button = = owner . getMinimiseButton ( ) ) owner . minimiseButtonPressed ( ) ;
else if ( button = = owner . getMaximiseButton ( ) ) owner . maximiseButtonPressed ( ) ;
else if ( button = = owner . getCloseButton ( ) ) owner . closeButtonPressed ( ) ;
private :
DocumentWindow & owner ;
} ;
DocumentWindow : : DocumentWindow ( const String & title ,
Colour backgroundColour ,
int requiredButtons_ ,
bool addToDesktop_ )
: ResizableWindow ( title , backgroundColour , addToDesktop_ ) ,
titleBarHeight ( 26 ) ,
menuBarHeight ( 24 ) ,
requiredButtons ( requiredButtons_ ) ,
positionTitleBarButtonsOnLeft ( true ) ,
# else
positionTitleBarButtonsOnLeft ( false ) ,
# endif
drawTitleTextCentred ( true ) ,
menuBarModel ( nullptr )
setResizeLimits ( 128 , 128 , 32768 , 32768 ) ;
DocumentWindow : : lookAndFeelChanged ( ) ;
DocumentWindow : : ~ DocumentWindow ( )
// Don't delete or remove the resizer components yourself! They're managed by the
// DocumentWindow, and you should leave them alone! You may have deleted them
// accidentally by careless use of deleteAllChildren()..?
jassert ( menuBar = = nullptr | | getIndexOfChildComponent ( menuBar ) > = 0 ) ;
jassert ( titleBarButtons [ 0 ] = = nullptr | | getIndexOfChildComponent ( titleBarButtons [ 0 ] ) > = 0 ) ;
jassert ( titleBarButtons [ 1 ] = = nullptr | | getIndexOfChildComponent ( titleBarButtons [ 1 ] ) > = 0 ) ;
jassert ( titleBarButtons [ 2 ] = = nullptr | | getIndexOfChildComponent ( titleBarButtons [ 2 ] ) > = 0 ) ;
for ( int i = numElementsInArray ( titleBarButtons ) ; - - i > = 0 ; )
titleBarButtons [ i ] = nullptr ;
menuBar = nullptr ;
void DocumentWindow : : repaintTitleBar ( )
repaint ( getTitleBarArea ( ) ) ;
void DocumentWindow : : setName ( const String & newName )
if ( newName ! = getName ( ) )
Component : : setName ( newName ) ;
repaintTitleBar ( ) ;
void DocumentWindow : : setIcon ( const Image & imageToUse )
titleBarIcon = imageToUse ;
repaintTitleBar ( ) ;
void DocumentWindow : : setTitleBarHeight ( const int newHeight )
titleBarHeight = newHeight ;
resized ( ) ;
repaintTitleBar ( ) ;
void DocumentWindow : : setTitleBarButtonsRequired ( const int buttons , const bool onLeft )
requiredButtons = buttons ;
positionTitleBarButtonsOnLeft = onLeft ;
lookAndFeelChanged ( ) ;
void DocumentWindow : : setTitleBarTextCentred ( const bool textShouldBeCentred )
drawTitleTextCentred = textShouldBeCentred ;
repaintTitleBar ( ) ;
void DocumentWindow : : setMenuBar ( MenuBarModel * newMenuBarModel , const int newMenuBarHeight )
if ( menuBarModel ! = newMenuBarModel )
menuBar = nullptr ;
menuBarModel = newMenuBarModel ;
menuBarHeight = newMenuBarHeight > 0 ? newMenuBarHeight
: getLookAndFeel ( ) . getDefaultMenuBarHeight ( ) ;
if ( menuBarModel ! = nullptr )
setMenuBarComponent ( new MenuBarComponent ( menuBarModel ) ) ;
resized ( ) ;
Component * DocumentWindow : : getMenuBarComponent ( ) const noexcept
return menuBar ;
void DocumentWindow : : setMenuBarComponent ( Component * newMenuBarComponent )
// (call the Component method directly to avoid the assertion in ResizableWindow)
Component : : addAndMakeVisible ( menuBar = newMenuBarComponent ) ;
if ( menuBar ! = nullptr )
menuBar - > setEnabled ( isActiveWindow ( ) ) ;
resized ( ) ;
void DocumentWindow : : closeButtonPressed ( )
/* If you've got a close button, you have to override this method to get
rid of your window !
If the window is just a pop - up , you should override this method and make
it delete the window in whatever way is appropriate for your app . E . g . you
might just want to call " delete this " .
If your app is centred around this window such that the whole app should quit when
the window is closed , then you will probably want to use this method as an opportunity
to call JUCEApplicationBase : : quit ( ) , and leave the window to be deleted later by your
JUCEApplicationBase : : shutdown ( ) method . ( Doing it this way means that your window will
still get cleaned - up if the app is quit by some other means ( e . g . a cmd - Q on the mac
or closing it via the taskbar icon on Windows ) .
jassertfalse ;
void DocumentWindow : : minimiseButtonPressed ( )
setMinimised ( true ) ;
void DocumentWindow : : maximiseButtonPressed ( )
setFullScreen ( ! isFullScreen ( ) ) ;
void DocumentWindow : : paint ( Graphics & g )
ResizableWindow : : paint ( g ) ;
if ( resizableBorder = = nullptr )
RectangleList < int > border ( getLocalBounds ( ) ) ;
border . subtract ( getBorderThickness ( ) . subtractedFrom ( getLocalBounds ( ) ) ) ;
g . setColour ( getBackgroundColour ( ) . overlaidWith ( Colour ( 0x80000000 ) ) ) ;
g . fillRectList ( border ) ;
const Rectangle < int > titleBarArea ( getTitleBarArea ( ) ) ;
g . reduceClipRegion ( titleBarArea ) ;
g . setOrigin ( titleBarArea . getPosition ( ) ) ;
int titleSpaceX1 = 6 ;
int titleSpaceX2 = titleBarArea . getWidth ( ) - 6 ;
for ( int i = 0 ; i < 3 ; + + i )
if ( Button * const b = titleBarButtons [ i ] )
if ( positionTitleBarButtonsOnLeft )
titleSpaceX1 = jmax ( titleSpaceX1 , b - > getRight ( ) + ( getWidth ( ) - b - > getRight ( ) ) / 8 ) ;
titleSpaceX2 = jmin ( titleSpaceX2 , b - > getX ( ) - ( b - > getX ( ) / 8 ) ) ;
getLookAndFeel ( ) . drawDocumentWindowTitleBar ( * this , g ,
titleBarArea . getWidth ( ) ,
titleBarArea . getHeight ( ) ,
titleSpaceX1 ,
jmax ( 1 , titleSpaceX2 - titleSpaceX1 ) ,
titleBarIcon . isValid ( ) ? & titleBarIcon : 0 ,
! drawTitleTextCentred ) ;
void DocumentWindow : : resized ( )
ResizableWindow : : resized ( ) ;
if ( Button * const b = getMaximiseButton ( ) )
b - > setToggleState ( isFullScreen ( ) , dontSendNotification ) ;
const Rectangle < int > titleBarArea ( getTitleBarArea ( ) ) ;
getLookAndFeel ( )
. positionDocumentWindowButtons ( * this ,
titleBarArea . getX ( ) , titleBarArea . getY ( ) ,
titleBarArea . getWidth ( ) , titleBarArea . getHeight ( ) ,
titleBarButtons [ 0 ] ,
titleBarButtons [ 1 ] ,
titleBarButtons [ 2 ] ,
positionTitleBarButtonsOnLeft ) ;
if ( menuBar ! = nullptr )
menuBar - > setBounds ( titleBarArea . getX ( ) , titleBarArea . getBottom ( ) ,
titleBarArea . getWidth ( ) , menuBarHeight ) ;
BorderSize < int > DocumentWindow : : getBorderThickness ( )
return ResizableWindow : : getBorderThickness ( ) ;
BorderSize < int > DocumentWindow : : getContentComponentBorder ( )
BorderSize < int > border ( getBorderThickness ( ) ) ;
if ( ! isKioskMode ( ) )
border . setTop ( border . getTop ( )
+ ( isUsingNativeTitleBar ( ) ? 0 : titleBarHeight )
+ ( menuBar ! = nullptr ? menuBarHeight : 0 ) ) ;
return border ;
int DocumentWindow : : getTitleBarHeight ( ) const
return isUsingNativeTitleBar ( ) ? 0 : jmin ( titleBarHeight , getHeight ( ) - 4 ) ;
Rectangle < int > DocumentWindow : : getTitleBarArea ( )
const BorderSize < int > border ( getBorderThickness ( ) ) ;
if ( isKioskMode ( ) )
return Rectangle < int > ( ) ;
return Rectangle < int > ( border . getLeft ( ) , border . getTop ( ) ,
getWidth ( ) - border . getLeftAndRight ( ) , getTitleBarHeight ( ) ) ;
Button * DocumentWindow : : getCloseButton ( ) const noexcept { return titleBarButtons [ 2 ] ; }
Button * DocumentWindow : : getMinimiseButton ( ) const noexcept { return titleBarButtons [ 0 ] ; }
Button * DocumentWindow : : getMaximiseButton ( ) const noexcept { return titleBarButtons [ 1 ] ; }
int DocumentWindow : : getDesktopWindowStyleFlags ( ) const
int styleFlags = ResizableWindow : : getDesktopWindowStyleFlags ( ) ;
if ( ( requiredButtons & minimiseButton ) ! = 0 ) styleFlags | = ComponentPeer : : windowHasMinimiseButton ;
if ( ( requiredButtons & maximiseButton ) ! = 0 ) styleFlags | = ComponentPeer : : windowHasMaximiseButton ;
if ( ( requiredButtons & closeButton ) ! = 0 ) styleFlags | = ComponentPeer : : windowHasCloseButton ;
return styleFlags ;
void DocumentWindow : : lookAndFeelChanged ( )
for ( int i = numElementsInArray ( titleBarButtons ) ; - - i > = 0 ; )
titleBarButtons [ i ] = nullptr ;
if ( ! isUsingNativeTitleBar ( ) )
LookAndFeel & lf = getLookAndFeel ( ) ;
if ( ( requiredButtons & minimiseButton ) ! = 0 ) titleBarButtons [ 0 ] = lf . createDocumentWindowButton ( minimiseButton ) ;
if ( ( requiredButtons & maximiseButton ) ! = 0 ) titleBarButtons [ 1 ] = lf . createDocumentWindowButton ( maximiseButton ) ;
if ( ( requiredButtons & closeButton ) ! = 0 ) titleBarButtons [ 2 ] = lf . createDocumentWindowButton ( closeButton ) ;
for ( int i = 0 ; i < 3 ; + + i )
if ( Button * const b = titleBarButtons [ i ] )
if ( buttonListener = = nullptr )
buttonListener = new ButtonListenerProxy ( * this ) ;
b - > addListener ( buttonListener ) ;
b - > setWantsKeyboardFocus ( false ) ;
// (call the Component method directly to avoid the assertion in ResizableWindow)
Component : : addAndMakeVisible ( b ) ;
if ( Button * const b = getCloseButton ( ) )
b - > addShortcut ( KeyPress ( ' w ' , ModifierKeys : : commandModifier , 0 ) ) ;
# else
b - > addShortcut ( KeyPress ( KeyPress : : F4Key , ModifierKeys : : altModifier , 0 ) ) ;
# endif
activeWindowStatusChanged ( ) ;
ResizableWindow : : lookAndFeelChanged ( ) ;
void DocumentWindow : : parentHierarchyChanged ( )
lookAndFeelChanged ( ) ;
void DocumentWindow : : activeWindowStatusChanged ( )
ResizableWindow : : activeWindowStatusChanged ( ) ;
for ( int i = numElementsInArray ( titleBarButtons ) ; - - i > = 0 ; )
if ( Button * const b = titleBarButtons [ i ] )
b - > setEnabled ( isActiveWindow ( ) ) ;
if ( menuBar ! = nullptr )
menuBar - > setEnabled ( isActiveWindow ( ) ) ;
void DocumentWindow : : mouseDoubleClick ( const MouseEvent & e )
Button * const maximise = getMaximiseButton ( ) ;
if ( maximise ! = nullptr & & getTitleBarArea ( ) . contains ( e . x , e . y ) )
maximise - > triggerClick ( ) ;
void DocumentWindow : : userTriedToCloseWindow ( )
closeButtonPressed ( ) ;