You can not select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

838 lines
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11 years ago
This file is part of the JUCE library.
Copyright (c) 2013 - Raw Material Software Ltd.
Permission is granted to use this software under the terms of either:
a) the GPL v2 (or any later version)
b) the Affero GPL v3
Details of these licenses can be found at:
JUCE is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY
WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR
A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details.
To release a closed-source product which uses JUCE, commercial licenses are
available: visit for more information.
} // (juce namespace)
extern juce::JUCEApplicationBase* juce_CreateApplication(); // (from START_JUCE_APPLICATION)
namespace juce
JUCE_JNI_CALLBACK (JUCE_ANDROID_ACTIVITY_CLASSNAME, launchApp, void, (JNIEnv* env, jobject activity,
jstring appFile, jstring appDataDir))
android.initialise (env, activity, appFile, appDataDir);
DBG (SystemStats::getJUCEVersion());
JUCEApplicationBase::createInstance = &juce_CreateApplication;
JUCEApplicationBase* app = JUCEApplicationBase::createInstance();
if (! app->initialiseApp())
11 years ago
exit (app->getApplicationReturnValue());
11 years ago
jassert (MessageManager::getInstance()->isThisTheMessageThread());
JUCE_JNI_CALLBACK (JUCE_ANDROID_ACTIVITY_CLASSNAME, suspendApp, void, (JNIEnv* env, jobject activity))
if (JUCEApplicationBase* const app = JUCEApplicationBase::getInstance())
JUCE_JNI_CALLBACK (JUCE_ANDROID_ACTIVITY_CLASSNAME, resumeApp, void, (JNIEnv* env, jobject activity))
if (JUCEApplicationBase* const app = JUCEApplicationBase::getInstance())
JUCE_JNI_CALLBACK (JUCE_ANDROID_ACTIVITY_CLASSNAME, quitApp, void, (JNIEnv* env, jobject activity))
android.shutdown (env);
METHOD (drawBitmap, "drawBitmap", "([IIIFFIIZLandroid/graphics/Paint;)V") \
METHOD (getClipBounds, "getClipBounds", "()Landroid/graphics/Rect;")
DECLARE_JNI_CLASS (CanvasMinimal, "android/graphics/Canvas");
METHOD (setViewName, "setViewName", "(Ljava/lang/String;)V") \
METHOD (layout, "layout", "(IIII)V") \
METHOD (getLeft, "getLeft", "()I") \
METHOD (getTop, "getTop", "()I") \
METHOD (getWidth, "getWidth", "()I") \
METHOD (getHeight, "getHeight", "()I") \
METHOD (getLocationOnScreen, "getLocationOnScreen", "([I)V") \
METHOD (bringToFront, "bringToFront", "()V") \
METHOD (requestFocus, "requestFocus", "()Z") \
METHOD (setVisible, "setVisible", "(Z)V") \
METHOD (isVisible, "isVisible", "()Z") \
METHOD (hasFocus, "hasFocus", "()Z") \
METHOD (invalidate, "invalidate", "(IIII)V") \
METHOD (containsPoint, "containsPoint", "(II)Z") \
11 years ago
METHOD (showKeyboard, "showKeyboard", "(Ljava/lang/String;)V") \
11 years ago
METHOD (createGLView, "createGLView", "()L" JUCE_ANDROID_ACTIVITY_CLASSPATH "$OpenGLView;") \
class AndroidComponentPeer : public ComponentPeer
AndroidComponentPeer (Component& comp, const int windowStyleFlags)
: ComponentPeer (comp, windowStyleFlags),
usingAndroidGraphics (false),
fullScreen (false),
sizeAllocated (0)
// NB: must not put this in the initialiser list, as it invokes a callback,
// which will fail if the peer is only half-constructed.
view = GlobalRef (android.activity.callObjectMethod (JuceAppActivity.createNewView,
component.isOpaque(), (jlong) this));
if (isFocused())
if (MessageManager::getInstance()->isThisTheMessageThread())
android.activity.callVoidMethod (JuceAppActivity.deleteView, view.get());
struct ViewDeleter : public CallbackMessage
ViewDeleter (const GlobalRef& view_) : view (view_) {}
void messageCallback() override
android.activity.callVoidMethod (JuceAppActivity.deleteView, view.get());
GlobalRef view;
(new ViewDeleter (view))->post();
void* getNativeHandle() const override
return (void*) view.get();
void setVisible (bool shouldBeVisible) override
if (MessageManager::getInstance()->isThisTheMessageThread())
view.callVoidMethod (ComponentPeerView.setVisible, shouldBeVisible);
struct VisibilityChanger : public CallbackMessage
VisibilityChanger (const GlobalRef& view_, bool shouldBeVisible_)
: view (view_), shouldBeVisible (shouldBeVisible_)
void messageCallback() override
view.callVoidMethod (ComponentPeerView.setVisible, shouldBeVisible);
GlobalRef view;
bool shouldBeVisible;
(new VisibilityChanger (view, shouldBeVisible))->post();
void setTitle (const String& title) override
view.callVoidMethod (ComponentPeerView.setViewName, javaString (title).get());
void setBounds (const Rectangle<int>& r, bool isNowFullScreen) override
if (MessageManager::getInstance()->isThisTheMessageThread())
fullScreen = isNowFullScreen;
view.callVoidMethod (ComponentPeerView.layout,
r.getX(), r.getY(), r.getRight(), r.getBottom());
class ViewMover : public CallbackMessage
ViewMover (const GlobalRef& v, const Rectangle<int>& r) : view (v), bounds (r) {}
void messageCallback() override
view.callVoidMethod (ComponentPeerView.layout,
bounds.getX(), bounds.getY(), bounds.getRight(), bounds.getBottom());
GlobalRef view;
Rectangle<int> bounds;
(new ViewMover (view, r))->post();
Rectangle<int> getBounds() const override
return Rectangle<int> (view.callIntMethod (ComponentPeerView.getLeft),
view.callIntMethod (ComponentPeerView.getTop),
view.callIntMethod (ComponentPeerView.getWidth),
view.callIntMethod (ComponentPeerView.getHeight));
void handleScreenSizeChange()
if (isFullScreen())
setFullScreen (true);
Point<int> getScreenPosition() const
return Point<int> (view.callIntMethod (ComponentPeerView.getLeft),
view.callIntMethod (ComponentPeerView.getTop));
11 years ago
Point<float> localToGlobal (Point<float> relativePosition) override
11 years ago
11 years ago
return relativePosition + getScreenPosition().toFloat();
11 years ago
11 years ago
Point<float> globalToLocal (Point<float> screenPosition) override
11 years ago
11 years ago
return screenPosition - getScreenPosition().toFloat();
11 years ago
void setMinimised (bool shouldBeMinimised) override
// n/a
bool isMinimised() const override
return false;
void setFullScreen (bool shouldBeFullScreen) override
Rectangle<int> r (shouldBeFullScreen ? Desktop::getInstance().getDisplays().getMainDisplay().userArea
: lastNonFullscreenBounds);
if ((! shouldBeFullScreen) && r.isEmpty())
r = getBounds();
// (can't call the component's setBounds method because that'll reset our fullscreen flag)
if (! r.isEmpty())
setBounds (r, shouldBeFullScreen);
bool isFullScreen() const override
return fullScreen;
void setIcon (const Image& newIcon) override
// n/a
bool contains (Point<int> localPos, bool trueIfInAChildWindow) const override
return isPositiveAndBelow (localPos.x, component.getWidth())
&& isPositiveAndBelow (localPos.y, component.getHeight())
&& ((! trueIfInAChildWindow) || view.callBooleanMethod (ComponentPeerView.containsPoint,
localPos.x, localPos.y));
BorderSize<int> getFrameSize() const override
return BorderSize<int>();
bool setAlwaysOnTop (bool alwaysOnTop) override
return false;
void toFront (bool makeActive) override
view.callVoidMethod (ComponentPeerView.bringToFront);
if (makeActive)
void toBehind (ComponentPeer* other) override
void handleMouseDownCallback (int index, Point<float> pos, int64 time)
lastMousePos = pos;
// this forces a mouse-enter/up event, in case for some reason we didn't get a mouse-up before.
11 years ago
handleMouseEvent (index, pos, currentModifiers.withoutMouseButtons(), time);
11 years ago
if (isValidPeer (this))
handleMouseDragCallback (index, pos, time);
void handleMouseDragCallback (int index, Point<float> pos, int64 time)
lastMousePos = pos;
jassert (index < 64);
touchesDown = (touchesDown | (1 << (index & 63)));
currentModifiers = currentModifiers.withoutMouseButtons().withFlags (ModifierKeys::leftButtonModifier);
11 years ago
handleMouseEvent (index, pos, currentModifiers.withoutMouseButtons()
.withFlags (ModifierKeys::leftButtonModifier), time);
11 years ago
void handleMouseUpCallback (int index, Point<float> pos, int64 time)
lastMousePos = pos;
jassert (index < 64);
touchesDown = (touchesDown & ~(1 << (index & 63)));
if (touchesDown == 0)
currentModifiers = currentModifiers.withoutMouseButtons();
11 years ago
handleMouseEvent (index, pos, currentModifiers.withoutMouseButtons(), time);
11 years ago
void handleKeyDownCallback (int k, int kc)
handleKeyPress (k, kc);
void handleKeyUpCallback (int k, int kc)
bool isFocused() const override
return view.callBooleanMethod (ComponentPeerView.hasFocus);
void grabFocus() override
view.callBooleanMethod (ComponentPeerView.requestFocus);
void handleFocusChangeCallback (bool hasFocus)
if (hasFocus)
11 years ago
static const char* getVirtualKeyboardType (TextInputTarget::VirtualKeyboardType type) noexcept
11 years ago
11 years ago
switch (type)
case TextInputTarget::textKeyboard: return "text";
case TextInputTarget::numericKeyboard: return "number";
case TextInputTarget::urlKeyboard: return "textUri";
case TextInputTarget::emailAddressKeyboard: return "textEmailAddress";
case TextInputTarget::phoneNumberKeyboard: return "phone";
default: jassertfalse; break;
return "text";
void textInputRequired (Point<int>, TextInputTarget& target) override
view.callVoidMethod (ComponentPeerView.showKeyboard,
javaString (getVirtualKeyboardType (target.getKeyboardType())).get());
11 years ago
void dismissPendingTextInput() override
11 years ago
view.callVoidMethod (ComponentPeerView.showKeyboard, javaString ("").get());
11 years ago
void handlePaintCallback (JNIEnv* env, jobject canvas)
jobject rect = env->CallObjectMethod (canvas, CanvasMinimal.getClipBounds);
const int left = env->GetIntField (rect, RectClass.left);
const int top = env->GetIntField (rect,;
const int right = env->GetIntField (rect, RectClass.right);
const int bottom = env->GetIntField (rect, RectClass.bottom);
env->DeleteLocalRef (rect);
const Rectangle<int> clip (left, top, right - left, bottom - top);
const int sizeNeeded = clip.getWidth() * clip.getHeight();
if (sizeAllocated < sizeNeeded)
sizeAllocated = sizeNeeded;
buffer = GlobalRef (env->NewIntArray (sizeNeeded));
if (jint* dest = env->GetIntArrayElements ((jintArray) buffer.get(), 0))
Image temp (new PreallocatedImage (clip.getWidth(), clip.getHeight(),
dest, ! component.isOpaque()));
LowLevelGraphicsSoftwareRenderer g (temp);
g.setOrigin (-clip.getPosition());
handlePaint (g);
env->ReleaseIntArrayElements ((jintArray) buffer.get(), dest, 0);
env->CallVoidMethod (canvas, CanvasMinimal.drawBitmap, (jintArray) buffer.get(), 0, clip.getWidth(),
(jfloat) clip.getX(), (jfloat) clip.getY(),
clip.getWidth(), clip.getHeight(), true, (jobject) 0);
void repaint (const Rectangle<int>& area) override
if (MessageManager::getInstance()->isThisTheMessageThread())
view.callVoidMethod (ComponentPeerView.invalidate, area.getX(), area.getY(), area.getRight(), area.getBottom());
struct ViewRepainter : public CallbackMessage
ViewRepainter (const GlobalRef& view_, const Rectangle<int>& area_)
: view (view_), area (area_) {}
void messageCallback() override
view.callVoidMethod (ComponentPeerView.invalidate, area.getX(), area.getY(),
area.getRight(), area.getBottom());
GlobalRef view;
const Rectangle<int> area;
(new ViewRepainter (view, area))->post();
void performAnyPendingRepaintsNow() override
void setAlpha (float newAlpha) override
StringArray getAvailableRenderingEngines() override
return StringArray ("Software Renderer");
static ModifierKeys currentModifiers;
static Point<float> lastMousePos;
static int64 touchesDown;
GlobalRef view;
GlobalRef buffer;
bool usingAndroidGraphics, fullScreen;
int sizeAllocated;
class PreallocatedImage : public ImagePixelData
PreallocatedImage (const int width_, const int height_, jint* data_, bool hasAlpha_)
: ImagePixelData (Image::ARGB, width_, height_), data (data_), hasAlpha (hasAlpha_)
if (hasAlpha_)
zeromem (data_, width * height * sizeof (jint));
if (hasAlpha)
PixelARGB* pix = (PixelARGB*) data;
for (int i = width * height; --i >= 0;)
ImageType* createType() const override { return new SoftwareImageType(); }
LowLevelGraphicsContext* createLowLevelContext() override { return new LowLevelGraphicsSoftwareRenderer (Image (this)); }
void initialiseBitmapData (Image::BitmapData& bm, int x, int y, Image::BitmapData::ReadWriteMode mode)
bm.lineStride = width * sizeof (jint);
bm.pixelStride = sizeof (jint);
bm.pixelFormat = Image::ARGB; = (uint8*) (data + x + y * width);
ImagePixelData* clone()
PreallocatedImage* s = new PreallocatedImage (width, height, 0, hasAlpha);
s->allocatedData.malloc (sizeof (jint) * width * height);
s->data = s->allocatedData;
memcpy (s->data, data, sizeof (jint) * width * height);
return s;
jint* data;
HeapBlock<jint> allocatedData;
bool hasAlpha;
ModifierKeys AndroidComponentPeer::currentModifiers = 0;
Point<float> AndroidComponentPeer::lastMousePos;
int64 AndroidComponentPeer::touchesDown = 0;
#define JUCE_VIEW_CALLBACK(returnType, javaMethodName, params, juceMethodInvocation) \
JUCE_JNI_CALLBACK (JUCE_JOIN_MACRO (JUCE_ANDROID_ACTIVITY_CLASSNAME, _00024ComponentPeerView), javaMethodName, returnType, params) \
{ \
if (AndroidComponentPeer* peer = (AndroidComponentPeer*) (pointer_sized_uint) host) \
peer->juceMethodInvocation; \
JUCE_VIEW_CALLBACK (void, handlePaint, (JNIEnv* env, jobject view, jlong host, jobject canvas), handlePaintCallback (env, canvas))
JUCE_VIEW_CALLBACK (void, handleMouseDown, (JNIEnv* env, jobject view, jlong host, jint i, jfloat x, jfloat y, jlong time), handleMouseDownCallback (i, Point<float> ((float) x, (float) y), (int64) time))
JUCE_VIEW_CALLBACK (void, handleMouseDrag, (JNIEnv* env, jobject view, jlong host, jint i, jfloat x, jfloat y, jlong time), handleMouseDragCallback (i, Point<float> ((float) x, (float) y), (int64) time))
JUCE_VIEW_CALLBACK (void, handleMouseUp, (JNIEnv* env, jobject view, jlong host, jint i, jfloat x, jfloat y, jlong time), handleMouseUpCallback (i, Point<float> ((float) x, (float) y), (int64) time))
JUCE_VIEW_CALLBACK (void, viewSizeChanged, (JNIEnv* env, jobject view, jlong host), handleMovedOrResized())
JUCE_VIEW_CALLBACK (void, focusChanged, (JNIEnv* env, jobject view, jlong host, jboolean hasFocus), handleFocusChangeCallback (hasFocus))
JUCE_VIEW_CALLBACK (void, handleKeyDown, (JNIEnv* env, jobject view, jlong host, jint k, jint kc), handleKeyDownCallback ((int) k, (int) kc))
JUCE_VIEW_CALLBACK (void, handleKeyUp, (JNIEnv* env, jobject view, jlong host, jint k, jint kc), handleKeyUpCallback ((int) k, (int) kc))
ComponentPeer* Component::createNewPeer (int styleFlags, void*)
return new AndroidComponentPeer (*this, styleFlags);
jobject createOpenGLView (ComponentPeer* peer)
jobject parentView = static_cast <jobject> (peer->getNativeHandle());
return getEnv()->CallObjectMethod (parentView, ComponentPeerView.createGLView);
bool Desktop::canUseSemiTransparentWindows() noexcept
return true;
double Desktop::getDefaultMasterScale()
return 1.0;
Desktop::DisplayOrientation Desktop::getCurrentOrientation() const
return upright;
bool MouseInputSource::SourceList::addSource()
addSource (sources.size(), false);
return true;
11 years ago
Point<float> MouseInputSource::getCurrentRawMousePosition()
11 years ago
11 years ago
return AndroidComponentPeer::lastMousePos;
11 years ago
11 years ago
void MouseInputSource::setRawMousePosition (Point<float>)
11 years ago
// not needed
bool KeyPress::isKeyCurrentlyDown (const int keyCode)
return false;
void ModifierKeys::updateCurrentModifiers() noexcept
currentModifiers = AndroidComponentPeer::currentModifiers;
ModifierKeys ModifierKeys::getCurrentModifiersRealtime() noexcept
return AndroidComponentPeer::currentModifiers;
JUCE_API bool JUCE_CALLTYPE Process::isForegroundProcess() { return true; }
JUCE_API void JUCE_CALLTYPE Process::makeForegroundProcess() {}
JUCE_API void JUCE_CALLTYPE Process::hide() {}
void JUCE_CALLTYPE NativeMessageBox::showMessageBoxAsync (AlertWindow::AlertIconType iconType,
const String& title, const String& message,
Component* associatedComponent,
ModalComponentManager::Callback* callback)
android.activity.callVoidMethod (JuceAppActivity.showMessageBox, javaString (title).get(),
javaString (message).get(), (jlong) (pointer_sized_int) callback);
bool JUCE_CALLTYPE NativeMessageBox::showOkCancelBox (AlertWindow::AlertIconType iconType,
const String& title, const String& message,
Component* associatedComponent,
ModalComponentManager::Callback* callback)
jassert (callback != nullptr); // on android, all alerts must be non-modal!!
android.activity.callVoidMethod (JuceAppActivity.showOkCancelBox, javaString (title).get(),
javaString (message).get(), (jlong) (pointer_sized_int) callback);
return false;
int JUCE_CALLTYPE NativeMessageBox::showYesNoCancelBox (AlertWindow::AlertIconType iconType,
const String& title, const String& message,
Component* associatedComponent,
ModalComponentManager::Callback* callback)
jassert (callback != nullptr); // on android, all alerts must be non-modal!!
android.activity.callVoidMethod (JuceAppActivity.showYesNoCancelBox, javaString (title).get(),
javaString (message).get(), (jlong) (pointer_sized_int) callback);
return 0;
JUCE_JNI_CALLBACK (JUCE_ANDROID_ACTIVITY_CLASSNAME, alertDismissed, void, (JNIEnv* env, jobject activity,
jlong callbackAsLong, jint result))
if (ModalComponentManager::Callback* callback = (ModalComponentManager::Callback*) callbackAsLong)
callback->modalStateFinished (result);
delete callback;
void Desktop::setScreenSaverEnabled (const bool isEnabled)
bool Desktop::isScreenSaverEnabled()
return true;
void Desktop::setKioskComponent (Component* kioskModeComponent, bool enableOrDisable, bool allowMenusAndBars)
bool juce_areThereAnyAlwaysOnTopWindows()
return false;
void Desktop::Displays::findDisplays (float masterScale)
Display d;
d.userArea = d.totalArea = Rectangle<int> (android.screenWidth,
android.screenHeight) / masterScale;
d.isMain = true;
d.scale = masterScale;
d.dpi = android.dpi;
displays.add (d);
JUCE_JNI_CALLBACK (JUCE_ANDROID_ACTIVITY_CLASSNAME, setScreenSize, void, (JNIEnv* env, jobject activity,
jint screenWidth, jint screenHeight,
jint dpi))
android.screenWidth = screenWidth;
android.screenHeight = screenHeight;
android.dpi = dpi;
const_cast<Desktop::Displays&> (Desktop::getInstance().getDisplays()).refresh();
Image juce_createIconForFile (const File& file)
return Image::null;
void* CustomMouseCursorInfo::create() const { return nullptr; }
void* MouseCursor::createStandardMouseCursor (const MouseCursor::StandardCursorType) { return nullptr; }
void MouseCursor::deleteMouseCursor (void* const /*cursorHandle*/, const bool /*isStandard*/) {}
void MouseCursor::showInWindow (ComponentPeer*) const {}
void MouseCursor::showInAllWindows() const {}
bool DragAndDropContainer::performExternalDragDropOfFiles (const StringArray& files, const bool canMove)
return false;
bool DragAndDropContainer::performExternalDragDropOfText (const String& text)
return false;
void LookAndFeel::playAlertSound()
void SystemClipboard::copyTextToClipboard (const String& text)
const LocalRef<jstring> t (javaString (text));
android.activity.callVoidMethod (JuceAppActivity.setClipboardContent, t.get());
String SystemClipboard::getTextFromClipboard()
const LocalRef<jstring> text ((jstring) android.activity.callObjectMethod (JuceAppActivity.getClipboardContent));
return juceString (text);
const int extendedKeyModifier = 0x10000;
const int KeyPress::spaceKey = ' ';
const int KeyPress::returnKey = 66;
const int KeyPress::escapeKey = 4;
const int KeyPress::backspaceKey = 67;
const int KeyPress::leftKey = extendedKeyModifier + 1;
const int KeyPress::rightKey = extendedKeyModifier + 2;
const int KeyPress::upKey = extendedKeyModifier + 3;
const int KeyPress::downKey = extendedKeyModifier + 4;
const int KeyPress::pageUpKey = extendedKeyModifier + 5;
const int KeyPress::pageDownKey = extendedKeyModifier + 6;
const int KeyPress::endKey = extendedKeyModifier + 7;
const int KeyPress::homeKey = extendedKeyModifier + 8;
const int KeyPress::deleteKey = extendedKeyModifier + 9;
const int KeyPress::insertKey = -1;
const int KeyPress::tabKey = 61;
const int KeyPress::F1Key = extendedKeyModifier + 10;
const int KeyPress::F2Key = extendedKeyModifier + 11;
const int KeyPress::F3Key = extendedKeyModifier + 12;
const int KeyPress::F4Key = extendedKeyModifier + 13;
const int KeyPress::F5Key = extendedKeyModifier + 14;
const int KeyPress::F6Key = extendedKeyModifier + 16;
const int KeyPress::F7Key = extendedKeyModifier + 17;
const int KeyPress::F8Key = extendedKeyModifier + 18;
const int KeyPress::F9Key = extendedKeyModifier + 19;
const int KeyPress::F10Key = extendedKeyModifier + 20;
const int KeyPress::F11Key = extendedKeyModifier + 21;
const int KeyPress::F12Key = extendedKeyModifier + 22;
const int KeyPress::F13Key = extendedKeyModifier + 23;
const int KeyPress::F14Key = extendedKeyModifier + 24;
const int KeyPress::F15Key = extendedKeyModifier + 25;
const int KeyPress::F16Key = extendedKeyModifier + 26;
const int KeyPress::numberPad0 = extendedKeyModifier + 27;
const int KeyPress::numberPad1 = extendedKeyModifier + 28;
const int KeyPress::numberPad2 = extendedKeyModifier + 29;
const int KeyPress::numberPad3 = extendedKeyModifier + 30;
const int KeyPress::numberPad4 = extendedKeyModifier + 31;
const int KeyPress::numberPad5 = extendedKeyModifier + 32;
const int KeyPress::numberPad6 = extendedKeyModifier + 33;
const int KeyPress::numberPad7 = extendedKeyModifier + 34;
const int KeyPress::numberPad8 = extendedKeyModifier + 35;
const int KeyPress::numberPad9 = extendedKeyModifier + 36;
const int KeyPress::numberPadAdd = extendedKeyModifier + 37;
const int KeyPress::numberPadSubtract = extendedKeyModifier + 38;
const int KeyPress::numberPadMultiply = extendedKeyModifier + 39;
const int KeyPress::numberPadDivide = extendedKeyModifier + 40;
const int KeyPress::numberPadSeparator = extendedKeyModifier + 41;
const int KeyPress::numberPadDecimalPoint = extendedKeyModifier + 42;
const int KeyPress::numberPadEquals = extendedKeyModifier + 43;
const int KeyPress::numberPadDelete = extendedKeyModifier + 44;
const int KeyPress::playKey = extendedKeyModifier + 45;
const int KeyPress::stopKey = extendedKeyModifier + 46;
const int KeyPress::fastForwardKey = extendedKeyModifier + 47;
const int KeyPress::rewindKey = extendedKeyModifier + 48;