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// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
// This file is part of reSID, a MOS6581 SID emulator engine.
// Copyright (C) 2004 Dag Lem <>
// This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
// it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
// the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
// (at your option) any later version.
// This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
// but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
// GNU General Public License for more details.
// You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
// along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
// Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
#define __FILTER_CC__
#include "filter.h"
// Maximum cutoff frequency is specified as
// FCmax = 2.6e-5/C = 2.6e-5/2200e-12 = 11818.
// Measurements indicate a cutoff frequency range of approximately
// 220Hz - 18kHz on a MOS6581 fitted with 470pF capacitors. The function
// mapping FC to cutoff frequency has the shape of the tanh function, with
// a discontinuity at FCHI = 0x80.
// In contrast, the MOS8580 almost perfectly corresponds with the
// specification of a linear mapping from 30Hz to 12kHz.
// The mappings have been measured by feeding the SID with an external
// signal since the chip itself is incapable of generating waveforms of
// higher fundamental frequency than 4kHz. It is best to use the bandpass
// output at full resonance to pick out the cutoff frequency at any given
// FC setting.
// The mapping function is specified with spline interpolation points and
// the function values are retrieved via table lookup.
// NB! Cutoff frequency characteristics may vary, we have modeled two
// particular Commodore 64s.
fc_point Filter::f0_points_6581[] =
// ----------------------------
{ 0, 220 }, // 0x00 - repeated end point
{ 0, 220 }, // 0x00
{ 128, 230 }, // 0x10
{ 256, 250 }, // 0x20
{ 384, 300 }, // 0x30
{ 512, 420 }, // 0x40
{ 640, 780 }, // 0x50
{ 768, 1600 }, // 0x60
{ 832, 2300 }, // 0x68
{ 896, 3200 }, // 0x70
{ 960, 4300 }, // 0x78
{ 992, 5000 }, // 0x7c
{ 1008, 5400 }, // 0x7e
{ 1016, 5700 }, // 0x7f
{ 1023, 6000 }, // 0x7f 0x07
{ 1023, 6000 }, // 0x7f 0x07 - discontinuity
{ 1024, 4600 }, // 0x80 -
{ 1024, 4600 }, // 0x80
{ 1032, 4800 }, // 0x81
{ 1056, 5300 }, // 0x84
{ 1088, 6000 }, // 0x88
{ 1120, 6600 }, // 0x8c
{ 1152, 7200 }, // 0x90
{ 1280, 9500 }, // 0xa0
{ 1408, 12000 }, // 0xb0
{ 1536, 14500 }, // 0xc0
{ 1664, 16000 }, // 0xd0
{ 1792, 17100 }, // 0xe0
{ 1920, 17700 }, // 0xf0
{ 2047, 18000 }, // 0xff 0x07
{ 2047, 18000 } // 0xff 0x07 - repeated end point
fc_point Filter::f0_points_8580[] =
// ----------------------------
{ 0, 0 }, // 0x00 - repeated end point
{ 0, 0 }, // 0x00
{ 128, 800 }, // 0x10
{ 256, 1600 }, // 0x20
{ 384, 2500 }, // 0x30
{ 512, 3300 }, // 0x40
{ 640, 4100 }, // 0x50
{ 768, 4800 }, // 0x60
{ 896, 5600 }, // 0x70
{ 1024, 6500 }, // 0x80
{ 1152, 7500 }, // 0x90
{ 1280, 8400 }, // 0xa0
{ 1408, 9200 }, // 0xb0
{ 1536, 9800 }, // 0xc0
{ 1664, 10500 }, // 0xd0
{ 1792, 11000 }, // 0xe0
{ 1920, 11700 }, // 0xf0
{ 2047, 12500 }, // 0xff 0x07
{ 2047, 12500 } // 0xff 0x07 - repeated end point
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// Constructor.
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
fc = 0;
res = 0;
filt = 0;
voice3off = 0;
hp_bp_lp = 0;
vol = 0;
// State of filter.
Vhp = 0;
Vbp = 0;
Vlp = 0;
Vnf = 0;
// Create mappings from FC to cutoff frequency.
interpolate(f0_points_6581, f0_points_6581
+ sizeof(f0_points_6581)/sizeof(*f0_points_6581) - 1,
PointPlotter<sound_sample>(f0_6581), 1.0);
interpolate(f0_points_8580, f0_points_8580
+ sizeof(f0_points_8580)/sizeof(*f0_points_8580) - 1,
PointPlotter<sound_sample>(f0_8580), 1.0);
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// Enable filter.
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
void Filter::enable_filter(bool enable)
enabled = enable;
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// Set chip model.
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
void Filter::set_chip_model(chip_model model)
if (model == MOS6581) {
// The mixer has a small input DC offset. This is found as follows:
// The "zero" output level of the mixer measured on the SID audio
// output pin is 5.50V at zero volume, and 5.44 at full
// volume. This yields a DC offset of (5.44V - 5.50V) = -0.06V.
// The DC offset is thus -0.06V/1.05V ~ -1/18 of the dynamic range
// of one voice. See for measurement of the dynamic
// range.
mixer_DC = -0xfff*0xff/18 >> 7;
f0 = f0_6581;
f0_points = f0_points_6581;
f0_count = sizeof(f0_points_6581)/sizeof(*f0_points_6581);
else {
// No DC offsets in the MOS8580.
mixer_DC = 0;
f0 = f0_8580;
f0_points = f0_points_8580;
f0_count = sizeof(f0_points_8580)/sizeof(*f0_points_8580);
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// SID reset.
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
void Filter::reset()
fc = 0;
res = 0;
filt = 0;
voice3off = 0;
hp_bp_lp = 0;
vol = 0;
// State of filter.
Vhp = 0;
Vbp = 0;
Vlp = 0;
Vnf = 0;
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// Register functions.
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
void Filter::writeFC_LO(reg8 fc_lo)
fc = (fc & 0x7f8) | (fc_lo & 0x007);
void Filter::writeFC_HI(reg8 fc_hi)
fc = (((unsigned int)fc_hi << 3) & 0x7f8) | (fc & 0x007);
void Filter::writeRES_FILT(reg8 res_filt)
res = (res_filt >> 4) & 0x0f;
filt = res_filt & 0x0f;
void Filter::writeMODE_VOL(reg8 mode_vol)
voice3off = mode_vol & 0x80;
hp_bp_lp = (mode_vol >> 4) & 0x07;
vol = mode_vol & 0x0f;
// Set filter cutoff frequency.
void Filter::set_w0()
const float pi = 3.1415926535897932385;
// Multiply with 1.048576 to facilitate division by 1 000 000 by right-
// shifting 20 times (2 ^ 20 = 1048576).
w0 = static_cast<sound_sample>(2.0*pi*f0[fc]*1.048576);
// Limit f0 to 16kHz to keep 1 cycle filter stable.
const sound_sample w0_max_1 = static_cast<sound_sample>(2.0*pi*16000.0*1.048576);
w0_ceil_1 = w0 <= w0_max_1 ? w0 : w0_max_1;
// Limit f0 to 4kHz to keep delta_t cycle filter stable.
const sound_sample w0_max_dt = static_cast<sound_sample>(2.0*pi*4000.0*1.048576);
w0_ceil_dt = w0 <= w0_max_dt ? w0 : w0_max_dt;
// Set filter resonance.
void Filter::set_Q()
// Q is controlled linearly by res. Q has approximate range [0.707, 1.7].
// As resonance is increased, the filter must be clocked more often to keep
// stable.
// The coefficient 1024 is dispensed of later by right-shifting 10 times
// (2 ^ 10 = 1024).
_1024_div_Q = static_cast<sound_sample>(1024.0/(0.707 + 1.0*res/15.0));
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// Spline functions.
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// Return the array of spline interpolation points used to map the FC register
// to filter cutoff frequency.
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
void Filter::fc_default(const fc_point*& points, int& count)
points = f0_points;
count = f0_count;
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// Given an array of interpolation points p with n points, the following
// statement will specify a new FC mapping:
// interpolate(p, p + n - 1, filter.fc_plotter(), 1.0);
// Note that the x range of the interpolation points *must* be [0, 2047],
// and that additional end points *must* be present since the end points
// are not interpolated.
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
PointPlotter<sound_sample> Filter::fc_plotter()
return PointPlotter<sound_sample>(f0);