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// FreqShifter_FD
// Demonstrate frequency shifting via frequency domain processin.
// Created: Chip Audette (OpenAudio) Aug 2019
// Approach: This processing is performed in the frequency domain.
// Frequencies can only be shifted by an integer number of bins,
// so small frequency shifts are not possible. For example, for
// a sample rate of 44.1kHz, and when using N=256, one can only
// shift frequencies in multiples of 44.1/256 = 172.3 Hz.
// This processing is performed in the frequency domain where
// we take the FFT, shift the bins upward or downward, take
// the IFFT, and listen to the results. In effect, this is
// single sideband modulation, which will sound very unnatural
// (like robot voices!). Maybe you'll like it, or maybe not.
// Probably not, unless you like weird. ;)
// You can shift frequencies upward or downward with this algorithm.
// Frequency Domain Processing:
// * Take samples in the time domain
// * Take FFT to convert to frequency domain
// * Manipulate the frequency bins to do the freqyebct shifting
// * Take IFFT to convert back to time domain
// * Send samples back to the audio interface
// Built for the Tympan library for Teensy 3.6-based hardware
// MIT License. Use at your own risk.
#include <Tympan_Library.h>
#include "SerialManager.h"
//set the sample rate and block size
const float sample_rate_Hz = 44117.f; ; //24000 or 44117 (or other frequencies in the table in AudioOutputI2S_F32)
const int audio_block_samples = 64; //for freq domain processing choose a power of 2 (16, 32, 64, 128) but no higher than 128
AudioSettings_F32 audio_settings(sample_rate_Hz, audio_block_samples);
//create audio library objects for handling the audio
Tympan audioHardware(TympanRev::D); //do TympanRev::C or TympanRev::D
AudioInputI2S_F32 i2s_in(audio_settings); //Digital audio *from* the Tympan AIC.
AudioEffectFreqShiftFD_F32 freqShift(audio_settings); //create the frequency-domain processing block
AudioEffectGain_F32 gain1; //Applies digital gain to audio data.
AudioOutputI2S_F32 i2s_out(audio_settings); //Digital audio out *to* the Tympan AIC.
//Make all of the audio connections
AudioConnection_F32 patchCord10(i2s_in, 0, freqShift, 0); //use the Left input
AudioConnection_F32 patchCord20(freqShift, 0, gain1, 0); //connect to gain
AudioConnection_F32 patchCord30(gain1, 0, i2s_out, 0); //connect to the left output
AudioConnection_F32 patchCord40(gain1, 0, i2s_out, 1); //connect to the right output
//control display and serial interaction
bool enable_printCPUandMemory = false;
void togglePrintMemoryAndCPU(void) { enable_printCPUandMemory = !enable_printCPUandMemory; };
SerialManager serialManager(audioHardware);
#define mySerial audioHardware //audioHardware is a printable stream!
//inputs and levels
float input_gain_dB = 15.0f; //gain on the microphone
float vol_knob_gain_dB = 0.0; //will be overridden by volume knob
void switchToPCBMics(void) {
mySerial.println("Switching to PCB Mics.");
audioHardware.inputSelect(TYMPAN_INPUT_ON_BOARD_MIC); // use the microphone jack - defaults to mic bias OFF
void switchToLineInOnMicJack(void) {
mySerial.println("Switching to Line-in on Mic Jack.");
audioHardware.inputSelect(TYMPAN_INPUT_JACK_AS_LINEIN); // use the microphone jack - defaults to mic bias OFF
void switchToMicInOnMicJack(void) {
mySerial.println("Switching to Mic-In on Mic Jack.");
audioHardware.inputSelect(TYMPAN_INPUT_JACK_AS_MIC); // use the microphone jack - defaults to mic bias OFF
audioHardware.setEnableStereoExtMicBias(true); //put the mic bias on both channels
// define the setup() function, the function that is called once when the device is booting
void setup() {
audioHardware.beginBothSerial(); delay(1000);
mySerial.println("freqShifter: starting setup()...");
mySerial.print(" : sample rate (Hz) = "); mySerial.println(audio_settings.sample_rate_Hz);
mySerial.print(" : block size (samples) = "); mySerial.println(audio_settings.audio_block_samples);
// Audio connections require memory to work. For more
// detailed information, see the MemoryAndCpuUsage example
AudioMemory_F32(40, audio_settings);
// Configure the FFT parameters algorithm
int overlap_factor = 4; //set to 2, 4 or 8...which yields 50%, 75%, or 87.5% overlap (8x)
int N_FFT = audio_block_samples * overlap_factor;
Serial.print(" : N_FFT = "); Serial.println(N_FFT);
freqShift.setup(audio_settings, N_FFT); //do after AudioMemory_F32();
//configure the frequency shifting
float shiftFreq_Hz = 750.0; //shift audio upward a bit
float Hz_per_bin = audio_settings.sample_rate_Hz / ((float)N_FFT);
int shift_bins = (int)(shiftFreq_Hz / Hz_per_bin + 0.5); //round to nearest bin
shiftFreq_Hz = shift_bins * Hz_per_bin;
Serial.print("Setting shift to "); Serial.print(shiftFreq_Hz); Serial.print(" Hz, which is "); Serial.print(shift_bins); Serial.println(" bins");
freqShift.setShift_bins(shift_bins); //0 is no ffreq shifting.
//Enable the Tympan to start the audio flowing!
audioHardware.enable(); // activate AIC
//setup DC-blocking highpass filter running in the ADC hardware itself
float cutoff_Hz = 60.0; //set the default cutoff frequency for the highpass filter
audioHardware.setHPFonADC(true,cutoff_Hz,audio_settings.sample_rate_Hz); //set to false to disble
//Choose the desired input
switchToPCBMics(); //use PCB mics as input
//switchToMicInOnMicJack(); //use Mic jack as mic input (ie, with mic bias)
//switchToLineInOnMicJack(); //use Mic jack as line input (ie, no mic bias)
//Set the desired volume levels
audioHardware.volume_dB(0); // headphone amplifier. -63.6 to +24 dB in 0.5dB steps.
// configure the blue potentiometer
servicePotentiometer(millis(),0); //update based on the knob setting the "0" is not relevant here.
//finish the setup by printing the help menu to the serial connections
// define the loop() function, the function that is repeated over and over for the life of the device
void loop() {
//respond to Serial commands
while (Serial.available()) serialManager.respondToByte((char); //USB Serial
//while (Serial1.available()) serialManager.respondToByte((char); //BT Serial
//check the potentiometer
servicePotentiometer(millis(), 100); //service the potentiometer every 100 msec
//check to see whether to print the CPU and Memory Usage
if (enable_printCPUandMemory) printCPUandMemory(millis(), 3000); //print every 3000 msec
} //end loop();
// ///////////////// Servicing routines
//servicePotentiometer: listens to the blue potentiometer and sends the new pot value
// to the audio processing algorithm as a control parameter
void servicePotentiometer(unsigned long curTime_millis, const unsigned long updatePeriod_millis) {
//static unsigned long updatePeriod_millis = 100; //how many milliseconds between updating the potentiometer reading?
static unsigned long lastUpdate_millis = 0;
static float prev_val = -1.0;
//has enough time passed to update everything?
if (curTime_millis < lastUpdate_millis) lastUpdate_millis = 0; //handle wrap-around of the clock
if ((curTime_millis - lastUpdate_millis) > updatePeriod_millis) { //is it time to update the user interface?
//read potentiometer
float val = float(audioHardware.readPotentiometer()) / 1023.0; //0.0 to 1.0
val = (1.0/9.0) * (float)((int)(9.0 * val + 0.5)); //quantize so that it doesn't chatter...0 to 1.0
//use the potentiometer value to control something interesting
if (abs(val - prev_val) > 0.05) { //is it different than befor?
prev_val = val; //save the value for comparison for the next time around
//change the volume
float vol_dB = 0.f + 30.0f * ((val - 0.5) * 2.0); //set volume as 0dB +/- 30 dB
audioHardware.print("Changing output volume to = "); audioHardware.print(vol_dB); audioHardware.println(" dB");
lastUpdate_millis = curTime_millis;
} // end if
} //end servicePotentiometer();
//This routine prints the current and maximum CPU usage and the current usage of the AudioMemory that has been allocated
void printCPUandMemory(unsigned long curTime_millis, unsigned long updatePeriod_millis) {
//static unsigned long updatePeriod_millis = 3000; //how many milliseconds between updating gain reading?
static unsigned long lastUpdate_millis = 0;
//has enough time passed to update everything?
if (curTime_millis < lastUpdate_millis) lastUpdate_millis = 0; //handle wrap-around of the clock
if ((curTime_millis - lastUpdate_millis) > updatePeriod_millis) { //is it time to update the user interface?
mySerial.print("printCPUandMemory: ");
mySerial.print("CPU Cur/Peak: ");
mySerial.print("%, ");
mySerial.print("Dyn MEM Float32 Cur/Peak: ");
lastUpdate_millis = curTime_millis; //we will use this value the next time around.
void printGainSettings(void) {
mySerial.print("Gain (dB): ");
mySerial.print("Vol Knob = "); mySerial.print(vol_knob_gain_dB,1);
//mySerial.print(", Input PGA = "); mySerial.print(input_gain_dB,1);
void incrementKnobGain(float increment_dB) { //"extern" to make it available to other files, such as SerialManager.h
void setVolKnobGain_dB(float gain_dB) {
vol_knob_gain_dB = gain_dB;
int incrementFreqShift(int incr_factor) {
int cur_shift_bins = freqShift.getShift_bins();
return freqShift.setShift_bins(cur_shift_bins + incr_factor);