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<p>Control the TLV320AIC3206 chip that is at the heart of the Tympan audio interface.
The TLV320AIC3206 is used in slave mode, where Teensy controls
all clocks and I2S timing in order to get the audio data to and from the chip.
<p align=center><img src="img/TympanAudioInterface-Features.jpg"></p>
<h3>Audio Connections</h3>
<p>This object has no audio inputs or outputs. Separate i2s objects
are used to send and receive audio data. I2S master mode objects
must be used, because this object configures the TLV320AIC3206 in slave
mode, where it depends on Teensy to provide all I2S clocks.
This object controls
how the TLV320AIC3206 will use those I2S audio streams.</p>
<p>These are the most commonly used TLV320AIC3206 functions.</p>
<p class=func><span class=keyword>enable</span>();</p>
<p class=desc>Start the TLV320AIC3206 with default configuration settings.
This function should be called first.
<p class=func><span class=keyword>volume_dB</span>(float value_dB);</p>
<p class=desc>Set DAC output volume level. Range is -63.6dB to +24dB, in
0.5dB steps. Decimal values that are not increments of 0.5 will be rounded
to the nearest step.
<p class=func><span class=keyword>inputSelect</span>(int value);</p>
<p class=desc>Select which input to use:</p>
<p class=desc>TYMPAN_INPUT_JACK_AS_MIC - Use Mic Jack, turn MIC BIAS on @2.5V</p>
<p class=desc>TYMPAN_INPUT_JACK_AS_LINEIN - Use Mic Jack as Line In - MIC BIAS off</p>
<p class=desc>TYMPAN_INPUT_ON_BOARD_MIC - use on-board microphones, BIAS off</p>
<p class=desc>TYMPAN_INPUT_LINE_IN - use the IN1 solder pads on the TYMPAN</p>
<p class=func><span class=keyword>setInputGain_dB</span>(float value_dB);</p>
<p class=desc>When using the microphone input, set the amplifier gain.
Range is 0dB to 47.5dB in 0.5dB steps. Decimal values that are not
increments of 0.5 will be rounded to the nearest step.
<p>This example demonstrates the basic features of this module:
<p class=exam>File > Examples > OpenAudio_ArduinoLibrary > Tympan_TLV320AIC3206
<p>TODO: Add more examples, following example above.