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* radioCESSB_Z_transmit_F32.h
* This is a modification of the CESSB algorithm to output SSB at zero carrier
* instead of 1350 Hz as the Weaver modulation produces. This allows
* transmission with zero-IF radios where the finite carrier balance
* of the hardware mixers produces the mid-band tone.The basic change
* is to use the phasing method in place of the Weaver method. However,
* all filters needed to be changed and are at the bottom of this file.
* The 12 and 24 ksps sample rates of the radioCESSB_transmit_F32 class
* are continued here as they were more than adequate for the Weaver method.
* The sine/cosine oscillator is not needed here and has been removed.
* 18 Jan 2023 (c) copyright Bob Larkin
* But with With much credit to:
* Chip Audette (OpenAudio)
* and of course, to PJRC for the Teensy and Teensy Audio Library
* The development of the Controlled Envelope Single Side Band (CESSB)
* was done by Dave Hershberger, W9GR. Many thanks to Dave.
* The following description is mostly taken
* from Frank, DD4WH and is on line at the GNU Radio site, ref:
* and has been revised by Bob L. to reflect the phasing method change.
* Controlled Envelope Single Sideband is an invention by Dave Hershberger
* W9GR with the aim to "allow your rig to output more average power while
* keeping peak envelope power PEP the same". The increase in perceived
* loudness can be up to 4dB without any audible increase in distortion
* and without making you sound "processed" (Hershberger 2014, 2016b).
* The principle to achieve this is relatively simple. The process
* involves only audio baseband processing which can be done digitally in
* software without the need for modifications in the hardware or messing
* with the RF output of your rig.
* Controlled Envelope Single Sideband can be produced using three
* processing blocks making up a complete CESSB system:
* 1. An SSB modulator. This is implemented as the phasing method to allow
* minimum (12 kHz) decimated sample rate with the output of I & Q
* signals (a complex SSB signal).
* 2. A baseband envelope clipper. This takes the modulus of the I & Q
* signals (also called the magnitude), which is sqrt(I * I + Q * Q)
* and divides the I & Q signals by the modulus, IF the signal is
* larger than 1.0. If not, the signal remains untouched. After
* clipping, the signal is lowpass filtered with a linear phase FIR
* low pass filter with a stopband frequency of 3.0kHz
* 3. An overshoot controller . This does something similar as the
* envelope clipper: Again, the modulus is calculated (but now on
* the basis of the current and two preceding and two subsequent
* samples). If the signals modulus is larger than 1 (clipping),
* the signals I and Q are divided by the maximum of 1 or of
* (1.9 * signal). That means the clipping is overcompensated by 1.9
* [the phasing method seems to perform best with 1.4*signal]
* which leads to a much better suppression of the overshoots from
* the first two stages. Finally, the resulting signal is again
* lowpass-filtered with a linear phase FIR filter with stopband
* frequency of 3.0khz
* It is important that the sample rate is high enough so that the higher
* frequency components of the output of the modulator, clipper and
* overshoot controller do not alias back into the desired signal. Also
* all the filters should be linear phase filters (FIR, not IIR).
* This CESSB system can reduce the overshoot of the SSB modulator from
* 61% to 1.3%, meaning about 2.5 times higher perceived SSB output power
* (Hershberger 2014).
* References:
* 1-Hershberger, D.L. (2014): Controlled Envelope Single Sideband. QEX
* November/December 2014 pp3-13.
* 2-Hershberger, D.L. (2016a): External Processing for Controlled
* Envelope Single Sideband. - QEX January/February 2016 pp9-12.
* 3-Hershberger, D.L. (2016b): Understanding Controlled Envelope Single
* Sideband. - QST February 2016 pp30-36.
* 4-Forum discussion on CESSB on the Flex-Radio forum,
* Status: Experimental
* Inputs: 0 is voice audio input
* Outputs: 0 is I 1 is Q
* Functions, available during operation:
* void frequency(float32_t fr) Sets LO frequency Hz
* void setSampleRate_Hz(float32_t fs_Hz) Allows dynamic sample rate change for this function
* struct levels* getLevels(int what) {
* what = 0 returns a pointer to struct levels before data is ready
* what = 1 returns a pointer to struct levels
* uint32_t levelDataCount() return countPower0
* void setGains(float32_t gIn, float32_t gCompensate, float32_t gOut)
* Time: T3.6 For an update of a 128 sample block, estimated 700 microseconds
* T4.0 For an update of a 128 sample block, measured 211 microseconds
* These times are for a 48 ksps rate.
* NOTE: Do NOT follow this block with any non-linear phase filtering,
* such as IIR. Minimize any linear-phase filtering such as FIR.
* Such activities enhance the overshoots and defeat the purpose of CESSB.
#ifndef _radioCESSB_Z_transmit_f32_h
#define _radioCESSB_Z_transmit_f32_h
#include "Arduino.h"
#include "AudioStream_F32.h"
#include "arm_math.h"
#include "mathDSP_F32.h"
#define SAMPLE_RATE_0 0
#define SAMPLE_RATE_44_50 1
#define SAMPLE_RATE_88_100 2
#ifndef M_PI
#define M_PI 3.141592653589793f
#ifndef M_PI_2
#define M_PI_2 1.570796326794897f
#ifndef M_TWOPI
#define M_TWOPI (M_PI * 2.0f)
// For the average power and peak voltage readings, global
struct levelsZ {
float32_t pwr0;
float32_t peak0;
float32_t pwr1;
float32_t peak1;
uint32_t countP; // Number of averaged samples for pwr0.
class radioCESSB_Z_transmit_F32 : public AudioStream_F32 {
//GUI: inputs:1, outputs:2 //this line used for automatic generation of GUI node
//GUI: shortName:CESSBTransmit //this line used for automatic generation of GUI node
radioCESSB_Z_transmit_F32(void) :
AudioStream_F32(1, inputQueueArray_f32)
//uses default AUDIO_SAMPLE_RATE from AudioStream.h
//setBlockLength(128); Always default 128
radioCESSB_Z_transmit_F32(const AudioSettings_F32 &settings) :
AudioStream_F32(1, inputQueueArray_f32)
//setBlockLength(128); Always default 128
// Sample rate starts at default 44.1 ksps. That will work. Filters
// are designed for 48 and 96 ksps, however. This is a *required*
// function at setup().
void setSampleRate_Hz(const float fs_Hz) {
sample_rate_Hz = fs_Hz;
if(sample_rate_Hz>44000.0f && sample_rate_Hz<50100.0f)
// Design point is 48 ksps
sampleRate = SAMPLE_RATE_44_50;
nW = 32;
nC = 64;
countLevelMax = 37; // About 0.1 sec for 48 ksps
inverseMaxCount = 1.0f/(float32_t)countLevelMax;
arm_fir_decimate_init_f32(&decimateInst, 65, 4,
(float32_t*)decimateFilter48, &pStateDecimate[0], 128);
arm_fir_init_f32(&firInstHilbertI, 201, (float32_t*)hilbert201_130Hz12000Hz,
&pStateHilbertI[0], nW);
arm_fir_init_f32(&firInstInterpolate1I, 23, (float32_t*)interpolateFilter1,
&pStateInterpolate1I[0], nC);
arm_fir_init_f32(&firInstInterpolate1Q, 23, (float32_t*)interpolateFilter1,
&pStateInterpolate1Q[0], nC);
arm_fir_init_f32(&firInstClipperI, 123, (float32_t*)clipperOut,
&pStateClipperI[0], nC);
arm_fir_init_f32(&firInstClipperQ, 123, (float32_t*)clipperOut,
&pStateClipperQ[0], nC);
arm_fir_init_f32(&firInstOShootI, 123, (float32_t*)clipperOut,
&pStateOShootI[0], nC);
arm_fir_init_f32(&firInstOShootQ, 123, (float32_t*)clipperOut,
&pStateOShootQ[0], nC);
arm_fir_init_f32(&firInstInterpolate2I, 23, (float32_t*)interpolateFilter1,
&pStateInterpolate2I[0], nC);
arm_fir_init_f32(&firInstInterpolate2Q, 23, (float32_t*)interpolateFilter1,
&pStateInterpolate2Q[0], nC);
else if(sample_rate_Hz>88000.0f && sample_rate_Hz<100100.0f)
// Design point is 96 ksps
/* sampleRate = SAMPLE_RATE_88_100; //<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<FIXUP
nW = 16;
nC = 32;
countLevelMax = 75; // About 0.1 sec for 96 ksps
inverseMaxCount = 1.0f/(float32_t)countLevelMax;
arm_fir_decimate_init_f32 (&decimateInst, 55, 4,
(float32_t*)decimateFilter48, pStateDecimate, 128);
arm_fir_init_f32(&firInstClipper, 199, basebandFilter,
&StateFirClipperF32[0], 128);
// Unsupported sample rate
sampleRate = SAMPLE_RATE_0;
nW = 1;
nC = 1;
newLevelDataReady = false;
struct levelsZ* getLevels(int what) {
if(what != 0) // 0 leaves a way to get pointer before data is ready
levelData.pwr0 = powerSum0/((float32_t)countPower0);
levelData.peak0 = maxMag0;
levelData.pwr1 = powerSum1/(float32_t)countPower1;
levelData.peak1 = maxMag1;
levelData.countP = countPower0;
// Automatic reset for next set of readings
powerSum0 = 0.0f;
maxMag0 = -1.0f;
powerSum1 = 0.0f;
maxMag1 = -1.0f;
countPower0 = 0;
countPower1 = 0;
return &levelData;
uint32_t levelDataCount(void) {
return countPower0; // Input count, out may be different
void setGains(float32_t gIn, float32_t gCompensate, float32_t gOut)
gainIn = gIn;
gainCompensate = gCompensate;
gainOut = gOut;
// The LSB/USB selection depends on the processing of the IQ signals
// inside this class. It may get flipped with later processing.
void setSideband(bool _sbReverse)
sidebandReverse = _sbReverse;
virtual void update(void);
void sincos_Z_(float32_t ph);
struct levelsZ levelData;
audio_block_f32_t *inputQueueArray_f32[1];
uint32_t jjj = 0; // Used for diagnostic printing
// Input/Output is at 48 or 96 ksps. Hilbert generation is at 12 ksps.
// Clipping and overshoot processing is at 24 ksps.
// Next line is to indicate that setSampleRateHz() has not executed
int sampleRate = SAMPLE_RATE_0;
float32_t sample_rate_Hz = AUDIO_SAMPLE_RATE; // 44.1 ksps
int16_t nW = 32; // 32 or 16
int16_t nC = 64; // 64 or 32
uint16_t block_length = 128;
bool sidebandReverse = false;
float32_t pStateDecimate[128 + 65 - 1]; // Goes with CMSIS decimate function
arm_fir_decimate_instance_f32 decimateInst;
float32_t pStateHilbertI[32 + 201 - 1];
arm_fir_instance_f32 firInstHilbertI;
float32_t pStateInterpolate1I[64 + 23 - 1]; // For interpolate 12 to 24 ksps
arm_fir_instance_f32 firInstInterpolate1I;
float32_t pStateInterpolate1Q[64 + 23 - 1];
arm_fir_instance_f32 firInstInterpolate1Q;
float32_t pStateClipperI[64 + 123 - 1]; // Goes with Clipper filter
arm_fir_instance_f32 firInstClipperI; // at 24 ksps
float32_t pStateClipperQ[64 + 123 - 1];
arm_fir_instance_f32 firInstClipperQ;
float32_t pStateOShootI[64+123-1];
arm_fir_instance_f32 firInstOShootI;
float32_t pStateOShootQ[64+123-1];
arm_fir_instance_f32 firInstOShootQ;
float32_t pStateInterpolate2I[128 + 23 - 1]; // For interpolate 12 to 24 ksps
arm_fir_instance_f32 firInstInterpolate2I;
float32_t pStateInterpolate2Q[128 + 23 - 1];
arm_fir_instance_f32 firInstInterpolate2Q;
// float32_t sn, cs;
float32_t gainIn = 1.0f;
float32_t gainCompensate = 1.4f;
float32_t gainOut = 1.0f; // Does not change CESSB, here for convenience to set transmit power
float32_t delayHilbertQ[128];
uint16_t indexDelayHilbertQ = 0;
// A tiny delay to allow negative time for the previous path
float32_t osEnv[4];
uint16_t indexOsEnv = 4; // 0 to 3 by using a 2-bit mask
// We need a delay for overshoot remove to account for the FIR
// filter in the correction path. Some where around 128 taps works
// but if we make the delay exactly 2^6=64 the delay line is simple
// resulting in a FIR size of 2*64+1=129 taps.
float32_t osDelayI[64];
float32_t osDelayQ[64];
uint16_t indexOsDelay = 64;
// RMS and Peak variable for monitoring levels and changes to the
// Peak to RMS ratio. These are temporary storage. Data is
// transferred by global levelData struct at the top of this file.
float32_t powerSum0 = 0.0f;
float32_t maxMag0 = -1.0f;
float32_t powerSum1 = 0.0f;
float32_t maxMag1 = -1.0f;
uint32_t countPower0 = 0;
uint32_t countPower1 = 0;
bool newLevelDataReady = false;
int countLevel = 0;
int countLevelMax = 37; // About 0.1 sec for 48 ksps
float32_t inverseMaxCount = 1.0f/(float32_t)countLevelMax;
/* Input filter for decimate by 4:
* FIR filter designed with
* Sampling frequency: 48000 Hz
* 0 Hz - 3000 Hz ripple = 0.075 dB
* 6000 Hz - 24000 Hz atten = -95.93 dB */
const float32_t decimateFilter48[65] = {
0.00004685f, 0.00016629f, 0.00038974f, 0.00073279f, 0.00113663f, 0.00148721f,
0.00159057f, 0.00125129f, 0.00032821f,-0.00114283f,-0.00289782f,-0.00441933f,
-0.00505118f,-0.00418143f,-0.00151748f, 0.00268876f, 0.00751487f, 0.01147689f,
0.01286243f, 0.01027735f, 0.00323528f,-0.00737003f,-0.01913035f,-0.02842381f,
-0.03117447f,-0.02390063f,-0.00480378f, 0.02544011f, 0.06344286f, 0.10357132f,
0.13904464f, 0.16342506f, 0.17210799f, 0.16342506f, 0.13904464f, 0.10357132f,
0.06344286f, 0.02544011f,-0.00480378f,-0.02390063f,-0.03117447f,-0.02842381f,
-0.01913035f,-0.00737003f, 0.00323528f, 0.01027735f, 0.01286243f, 0.01147689f,
0.00751487f, 0.00268876f,-0.00151748f,-0.00418143f,-0.00505118f,-0.00441933f,
-0.00289782f,-0.00114283f, 0.00032821f, 0.00125129f, 0.00159057f, 0.00148721f,
0.00113663f, 0.00073279f, 0.00038974f, 0.00016629f, 0.00004685};
/* 90 degree Hilbert filter
* FIR filter designed Iowa Hills suite - Thank you.
* Sampling frequency: 12000 Hz
* 130 Hz - 5870 Hz ripple = 0.0036 dB */
const float32_t hilbert201_130Hz12000Hz[201] = {
0.000000000f, 0.000081360f, 0.000000000f, 0.000114966f, 0.000000000f, 0.000155734f,
0.000000000f, 0.000204564f, 0.000000000f, 0.000262417f, 0.000000000f, 0.000330320f,
0.000000000f, 0.000409359f, 0.000000000f, 0.000500689f, 0.000000000f, 0.000605532f,
0.000000000f, 0.000725179f, 0.000000000f, 0.000860994f, 0.000000000f, 0.001014419f,
0.000000000f, 0.001186978f, 0.000000000f, 0.001380282f, 0.000000000f, 0.001596041f,
0.000000000f, 0.001836068f, 0.000000000f, 0.002102298f, 0.000000000f, 0.002396800f,
0.000000000f, 0.002721798f, 0.000000000f, 0.003079696f, 0.000000000f, 0.003473107f,
0.000000000f, 0.003904895f, 0.000000000f, 0.004378221f, 0.000000000f, 0.004896603f,
0.000000000f, 0.005463995f, 0.000000000f, 0.006084876f, 0.000000000f, 0.006764381f,
0.000000000f, 0.007508449f, 0.000000000f, 0.008324026f, 0.000000000f, 0.009219325f,
0.000000000f, 0.010204165f, 0.000000000f, 0.011290428f, 0.000000000f, 0.012492662f,
0.000000000f, 0.013828919f, 0.000000000f, 0.015321902f, 0.000000000f, 0.017000603f,
0.000000000f, 0.018902655f, 0.000000000f, 0.021077827f, 0.000000000f, 0.023593325f,
0.000000000f, 0.026542141f, 0.000000000f, 0.030056654f, 0.000000000f, 0.034331851f,
0.000000000f, 0.039667098f, 0.000000000f, 0.046546491f, 0.000000000f, 0.055806835f,
0.000000000f, 0.069029606f, 0.000000000f, 0.089604827f, 0.000000000f, 0.126348239f,
0.000000000f, 0.211587134f, 0.000000000f, 0.636276105f, 0.000000000f,-0.636276105f,
0.000000000f,-0.211587134f, 0.000000000f,-0.126348239f, 0.000000000f,-0.089604827f,
0.000000000f,-0.069029606f, 0.000000000f,-0.055806835f, 0.000000000f,-0.046546491f,
0.000000000f,-0.039667098f, 0.000000000f,-0.034331851f, 0.000000000f,-0.030056654f,
0.000000000f,-0.026542141f, 0.000000000f,-0.023593325f, 0.000000000f,-0.021077827f,
0.000000000f,-0.018902655f, 0.000000000f,-0.017000603f, 0.000000000f,-0.015321902f,
0.000000000f,-0.013828919f, 0.000000000f,-0.012492662f, 0.000000000f,-0.011290428f,
0.000000000f,-0.010204165f, 0.000000000f,-0.009219325f, 0.000000000f,-0.008324026f,
0.000000000f,-0.007508449f, 0.000000000f,-0.006764381f, 0.000000000f,-0.006084876f,
0.000000000f,-0.005463995f, 0.000000000f,-0.004896603f, 0.000000000f,-0.004378221f,
0.000000000f,-0.003904895f, 0.000000000f,-0.003473107f, 0.000000000f,-0.003079696f,
0.000000000f,-0.002721798f, 0.000000000f,-0.002396800f, 0.000000000f,-0.002102298f,
0.000000000f,-0.001836068f, 0.000000000f,-0.001596041f, 0.000000000f,-0.001380282f,
0.000000000f,-0.001186978f, 0.000000000f,-0.001014419f, 0.000000000f,-0.000860994f,
0.000000000f,-0.000725179f, 0.000000000f,-0.000605532f, 0.000000000f,-0.000500689f,
0.000000000f,-0.000409359f, 0.000000000f,-0.000330320f, 0.000000000f,-0.000262417f,
0.000000000f,-0.000204564f, 0.000000000f,-0.000155734f, 0.000000000f,-0.000114966f,
0.000000000f,-0.000081360f, 0.000000000};
/* Filter for outputs of clipper
* Use also overshoot corrector, but might be able to use less terms.
* FIR filter designed with
* Sample frequency: 24000 Hz
* 0 Hz - 2800 Hz ripple = 0.14 dB
* 3200 Hz - 12000 Hz atten = 40.51 dB */
const float32_t clipperOut[123] = {
-0.003947255f, 0.001759588f, 0.002221444f, 0.002407244f, 0.001833343f, 0.000524622f,
-0.000946260f,-0.001768428f,-0.001395297f, 0.000055916f, 0.001779024f, 0.002694998f,
0.002099736f, 0.000157764f,-0.002092190f,-0.003282801f,-0.002542927f,-0.000116969f,
0.002694319f, 0.004153363f, 0.003197589f, 0.000143560f,-0.003346600f,-0.005148200f,
-0.003947437f,-0.000152425f, 0.004166345f, 0.006378882f, 0.004871469f, 0.000164557f,
-0.005173898f,-0.007896395f,-0.006014470f,-0.000173552f, 0.006447615f, 0.009828080f,
0.007480359f, 0.000184482f,-0.008116957f,-0.012379161f,-0.009436712f,-0.000194737f,
0.010412610f, 0.015941971f, 0.012213107f, 0.000200845f,-0.013823966f,-0.021360759f,
-0.016552097f,-0.000205707f, 0.019544260f, 0.030836344f, 0.024523278f, 0.000211298f,
-0.031509151f,-0.052450055f,-0.044811840f,-0.000214078f, 0.074661107f, 0.158953216f,
0.225159581f, 0.250214862f, 0.225159581f, 0.158953216f, 0.074661107f,-0.000214078f,
-0.044811840f,-0.052450055f,-0.031509151f, 0.000211298f, 0.024523278f, 0.030836344f,
0.019544260f,-0.000205707f,-0.016552097f,-0.021360759f,-0.013823966f, 0.000200845f,
0.012213107f, 0.015941971f, 0.010412610f,-0.000194737f,-0.009436712f,-0.012379161f,
-0.008116957f, 0.000184482f, 0.007480359f, 0.009828080f, 0.006447615f,-0.000173552f,
-0.006014470f,-0.007896395f,-0.005173898f, 0.000164557f, 0.004871469f, 0.006378882f,
0.004166345f,-0.000152425f,-0.003947437f,-0.005148200f,-0.003346600f, 0.000143560f,
0.003197589f, 0.004153363f, 0.002694319f,-0.000116969f,-0.002542927f,-0.003282801f,
-0.002092190f, 0.000157764f, 0.002099736f, 0.002694998f, 0.001779024f, 0.000055916f,
-0.001395297f,-0.001768428f,-0.000946260f, 0.000524622f, 0.001833343f, 0.002407244f,
0.002221444f, 0.001759588f,-0.003947255f};
/* FIR filter designed with
* Sampling frequency: 24000 sps
* 0 Hz - 3000 Hz gain = 2 ripple = 0.11 dB
* 6000 Hz - 12000 Hz atten = -62.4 dB
* (At Sampling Frequency=48ksps, double all frequency values) */
const float32_t interpolateFilter1[23] = {
-0.00413402f,-0.01306124f,-0.01106321f, 0.01383359f, 0.04386756f, 0.02731837f,
-0.05470066f,-0.12407408f,-0.04389386f, 0.23355907f, 0.56707488f, 0.71763165f,
0.56707488f, 0.23355907f,-0.04389386f,-0.12407408f,-0.05470066f, 0.02731837f,
0.04386756f, 0.01383359f,-0.01106321f,-0.01306124f,-0.00413402};
}; // end Class