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* @file AudioFilterConvolution_F32.cpp
* @author Giuseppe Callipo - IK8YFW -
* @version V1.0.0
* @date 02-05-2021
* @brief F32 Filter Convolution
This software is based on the AudioFilterConvolution routine
Written by Brian Millier on Mar 2017
and modified by Giuseppe Callipo - ik8yfw.
1) Class refactoring, change some methods visibility;
2) Filter coefficients calculation included into class;
3) Change the class for running in both with F32
OpenAudio_ArduinoLibrary for Teensy;
4) Added initFilter method for single anf fast initialization and on
the fly reinititializzation;
5) Optimize it to use as output audio filter on SDR receiver.
#include "AudioFilterConvolution_F32.h"
boolean AudioFilterConvolution_F32::begin(int status)
enabled = status;
void AudioFilterConvolution_F32::passThrough(int stat)
void AudioFilterConvolution_F32::impulse(float32_t *FIR_coef) {
// arm_q15_to_float(coefs, FIR_coef, 513); // convert int_buffer to float 32bit
int k = 0;
int i = 0;
enabled = 0; // shut off audio stream while impulse is loading
for (i = 0; i < (FFT_length / 2) + 1; i++)
FIR_filter_mask[k++] = FIR_coef[i];
FIR_filter_mask[k++] = 0;
for (i = FFT_length + 1; i < FFT_length * 2; i++)
FIR_filter_mask[i] = 0.0;
arm_cfft_f32( &arm_cfft_sR_f32_len1024, FIR_filter_mask, 0, 1);
for (int i = 0; i < 1024; i++) {
// Serial.println(FIR_filter_mask[i] * 32768);
// for 1st time thru, zero out the last sample buffer to 0
memset(last_sample_buffer_L, 0, sizeof(last_sample_buffer_L));
state = 0;
enabled = 1; //enable audio stream again
void AudioFilterConvolution_F32::update(void)
audio_block_f32_t *block;
float32_t *bp;
if (enabled != 1 ) return;
block = receiveWritable_f32(0); // MUST be Writable, as convolution results are written into block
if (block) {
switch (state) {
case 0:
bp = block->data;
for (int i = 0; i < AUDIO_BLOCK_SAMPLES; i++) {
buffer[i] = *bp++;
bp = block->data;
for (int i = 0; i < AUDIO_BLOCK_SAMPLES; i++) {
*bp++ = tbuffer[i]; // tbuffer contains results of last FFT/multiply/iFFT processing (convolution filtering)
state = 1;
case 1:
bp = block->data;
for (int i = 0; i < AUDIO_BLOCK_SAMPLES; i++) {
buffer[128+i] = *bp++;
bp = block->data;
for (int i = 0; i < AUDIO_BLOCK_SAMPLES; i++) {
*bp++ = tbuffer[i+128]; // tbuffer contains results of last FFT/multiply/iFFT processing (convolution filtering)
state = 2;
case 2:
bp = block->data;
for (int i = 0; i < AUDIO_BLOCK_SAMPLES; i++) {
buffer[256 + i] = *bp++;
bp = block->data;
for (int i = 0; i < AUDIO_BLOCK_SAMPLES; i++) {
*bp++ = tbuffer[i+256]; // tbuffer contains results of last FFT/multiply/iFFT processing (convolution filtering)
state = 3;
case 3:
bp = block->data;
for (int i = 0; i < AUDIO_BLOCK_SAMPLES; i++) {
buffer[384 + i] = *bp++;
bp = block->data;
for (int i = 0; i < AUDIO_BLOCK_SAMPLES; i++) {
*bp++ = tbuffer[i + 384]; // tbuffer contains results of last FFT/multiply/iFFT processing (convolution filtering)
state = 0;
// 4 blocks are in- now do the FFT1024,complex multiply and iFFT1024 on 512samples of data
// using the overlap/add method
// 1st convert Q15 samples to float
//arm_q15_to_float(buffer, float_buffer_L, 512);
arm_copy_f32 (buffer, float_buffer_L, 512);
// float_buffer samples are now standardized from > -1.0 to < 1.0
if (passThru ==0) {
memset(FFT_buffer + 1024, 0, sizeof(FFT_buffer) / 2); // zero pad last half of array- necessary to prevent aliasing in FFT
//fill FFT_buffer with current audio samples
k = 0;
for (i = 0; i < 512; i++)
FFT_buffer[k++] = float_buffer_L[i]; // real
FFT_buffer[k++] = float_buffer_L[i]; // imag
// calculations are performed in-place in FFT routines
arm_cfft_f32(&arm_cfft_sR_f32_len1024, FFT_buffer, 0, 1);// perform complex FFT
arm_cmplx_mult_cmplx_f32(FFT_buffer, FIR_filter_mask, iFFT_buffer, FFT_length); // complex multiplication in Freq domain = convolution in time domain
arm_cfft_f32(&arm_cfft_sR_f32_len1024, iFFT_buffer, 1, 1); // perform complex inverse FFT
k = 0;
l = 1024;
for (int i = 0; i < 512; i++) {
float_buffer_L[i] = last_sample_buffer_L[i] + iFFT_buffer[k++]; // this performs the "ADD" in overlap/Add
last_sample_buffer_L[i] = iFFT_buffer[l++]; // this saves 512 samples (overlap) for next time around
} //end if passTHru
// convert floats to Q15 and save in temporary array tbuffer
//arm_float_to_q15(&float_buffer_L[0], &tbuffer[0], BUFFER_SIZE*4);
arm_copy_f32 (&float_buffer_L[0], &tbuffer[0], BUFFER_SIZE*4);
float32_t AudioFilterConvolution_F32::Izero (float32_t x)
float32_t x2 = x / 2.0;
float32_t summe = 1.0;
float32_t ds = 1.0;
float32_t di = 1.0;
float32_t errorlimit = 1e-9;
float32_t tmp;
tmp = x2 / di;
tmp *= tmp;
ds *= tmp;
summe += ds;
di += 1.0;
} while (ds >= errorlimit * summe);
return (summe);
} // END Izero
float AudioFilterConvolution_F32::m_sinc(int m, float fc)
{ // fc is f_cut/(Fsamp/2)
// m is between -M and M step 2
float x = m*PIH;
if(m == 0)
return 1.0f;
return sinf(x*fc)/(fc*x);
void AudioFilterConvolution_F32::calc_FIR_coeffs (float * coeffs, int numCoeffs, float32_t fc, float32_t Astop, int type, float dfc, float Fsamprate)
// pointer to coefficients variable, no. of coefficients to calculate, frequency where it happens, stopband attenuation in dB,
// filter type, half-filter bandwidth (only for bandpass and notch)
{ // modified by WMXZ and DD4WH after
// Wheatley, M. (2011): CuteSDR Technical Manual., pages 118 - 120, FIR with Kaiser-Bessel Window
// assess required number of coefficients by
// numCoeffs = (Astop - 8.0) / (2.285 * TPI * normFtrans);
// selecting high-pass, numCoeffs is forced to an even number for better frequency response
int ii,jj;
float32_t Beta;
float32_t izb;
float fcf = fc;
int nc = numCoeffs;
fc = fc / Fsamprate;
dfc = dfc / Fsamprate;
// calculate Kaiser-Bessel window shape factor beta from stop-band attenuation
if (Astop < 20.96)
Beta = 0.0;
else if (Astop >= 50.0)
Beta = 0.1102 * (Astop - 8.71);
Beta = 0.5842 * powf((Astop - 20.96), 0.4) + 0.07886 * (Astop - 20.96);
izb = Izero (Beta);
if(type == 0) // low pass filter
// { fcf = fc;
{ fcf = fc * 2.0;
nc = numCoeffs;
else if(type == 1) // high-pass filter
{ fcf = -fc;
nc = 2*(numCoeffs/2);
else if ((type == 2) || (type==3)) // band-pass filter
fcf = dfc;
nc = 2*(numCoeffs/2); // maybe not needed
else if (type==4) // Hilbert transform
nc = 2*(numCoeffs/2);
// clear coefficients
for(ii=0; ii< 2*(nc-1); ii++) coeffs[ii]=0;
// set real delay
// set imaginary Hilbert coefficients
for(ii=1; ii< (nc+1); ii+=2)
if(2*ii==nc) continue;
float x =(float)(2*ii - nc)/(float)nc;
float w = Izero(Beta*sqrtf(1.0f - x*x))/izb; // Kaiser window
coeffs[2*ii+1] = 1.0f/(PIH*(float)(ii-nc/2)) * w ;
for(ii= - nc, jj=0; ii< nc; ii+=2,jj++)
float x =(float)ii/(float)nc;
float w = Izero(Beta*sqrtf(1.0f - x*x))/izb; // Kaiser window
coeffs[jj] = fcf * m_sinc(ii,fcf) * w;
coeffs[nc/2] += 1;
else if (type==2)
for(jj=0; jj< nc+1; jj++) coeffs[jj] *= 2.0f*cosf(PIH*(2*jj-nc)*fc);
else if (type==3)
for(jj=0; jj< nc+1; jj++) coeffs[jj] *= -2.0f*cosf(PIH*(2*jj-nc)*fc);
coeffs[nc/2] += 1;
} // END calc_FIR_coef
void AudioFilterConvolution_F32::initFilter ( float32_t fc, float32_t Astop, int type, float dfc){
//Init Fir
calc_FIR_coeffs (FIR_Coef, MAX_NUMCOEF, fc, Astop, type, dfc, fs);
begin(0); // set to zero to disable audio processing until impulse has been loaded
impulse(FIR_Coef); // generates Filter Mask and enables the audio stream