/* Oscillator with Pitch modulation Created: Patrick Radius, Jan 2017 Purpose: Demonstrates the ability of the oscillator and pitch modulation. Demonstrates audio processing using floating point data type. Uses Teensy Audio Adapter. MIT License. use at your own risk. */ //These are the includes from the Teensy Audio Library #include //Teensy Audio Librarya #include #include #include #include #include //for AudioConvert_I16toF32, AudioConvert_F32toI16, and AudioEffectGain_F32 #define DO_USB 0 //set to 1 to enable USB audio. Be sure to go under the "Tools" menu and do "USB Type" -> "Audio" //create audio library objects for handling the audio AudioControlSGTL5000 sgtl5000; //controller for the Teensy Audio Board AudioOutputI2S i2s_out; //Digital audio *to* the Teensy Audio Board DAC. Expects Int16. Stereo AudioConvert_F32toI16 float2Int; //Converts Float to Int16. See class in AudioStream_F32.h AudioSynthWaveform_F32 osc1; // Audio-rate oscillator. AudioSynthWaveform_F32 lfo1; // Low-frequency oscillator to modulate the main oscillator with. AudioConnection_F32 patchCord1(osc1, 0, float2Int, 0); // connect the oscillator to the float 2 int converter AudioConnection_F32 patchCord2(lfo1, 0, osc1, 0); // connect the output of the lfo to the mod input of the oscillator AudioConnection patchCord3(float2Int, 0, i2s_out, 0); //Left out. AudioConnection patchCord4(float2Int, 0, i2s_out, 1); //Right out. //For output, you always need an i2s or else you have no clock to drive the audio subsystem. //So, even if you're not going to use the headphone/line-out, you need these lines AudioConnection patchCord5(float2Int, 0, i2s_out, 0); //connect the Left float processor to the Left output. AudioConnection patchCord6(float2Int, 0, i2s_out, 1); //connect the Right float processor to the Right output. //Now, if you want USB output, it gets enabled here #if DO_USB AudioOutputUSB usb_out; AudioConnection patchCord7(float2Int, 0, usb_out, 0); //connect the float processor to the Left output AudioConnection patchCord8(float2Int, 0, usb_out, 1); //connect the float processor to the Right output #endif // define the overall setup() function, the function that is called once when the device is booting void setup() { Serial.begin(115200); //open the USB serial link to enable debugging messages delay(500); //give the computer's USB serial system a moment to catch up. Serial.println("Teensy: AudioSynthWaveform_F32 example..."); //identify myself over the USB serial // Audio connections require memory, and the record queue // uses this memory to buffer incoming audio. AudioMemory(12); //allocate Int16 audio data blocks AudioMemory_F32(10); //allocate Float32 audio data blocks // Enable the audio shield, no input, and enable output sgtl5000.enable(); //start the audio board sgtl5000.volume(0.5); //volume can be 0.0 to 1.0. 0.5 seems to be the usual default. osc1.begin(1.0, 440.0, 0); // run main oscillator at nominal amplitude, note A4, sine wave lfo1.begin(1.0, 0.25, 1); // run lfo at nominal amplitude, 0.25hz (so 4 second period), saw wave osc1.pitchModAmount(3.0); // Set the amount of pitch modulation to be around 3 octaves } //end setup() unsigned long curTime_millis = 0; unsigned long lastMemUpdate_millis=0; // define the loop() function, the function that is repeated over and over for the life of the device void loop() { printCPUandMemoryUsage(&Serial); } //end loop(); void printCPUandMemoryUsage(Stream *s) { //print status information to the Serial port curTime_millis = millis(); //what time is it right now if ((curTime_millis - lastMemUpdate_millis) < 0) lastMemUpdate_millis=0; //handle case where millis wraps around! if ((curTime_millis - lastMemUpdate_millis) > 2000) { // print a summary of the current & maximum usage s->print("Usage/Max: "); s->print("oscillator CPU = "); s->print(osc1.processorUsage()); s->print("/"); s->print(osc1.processorUsageMax());s->print(", "); s->print("LFO CPU = "); s->print(lfo1.processorUsage()); s->print("/"); s->print(lfo1.processorUsageMax());s->print(", "); s->print("all CPU = " ); s->print(AudioProcessorUsage()); s->print("/"); s->print(AudioProcessorUsageMax());s->print(", "); s->print("Int16 Mem = ");s->print(AudioMemoryUsage()); s->print("/"); s->print(AudioMemoryUsageMax());s->print(", "); s->print("Float Mem = ");s->print(AudioMemoryUsage_F32());s->print("/"); s->print(AudioMemoryUsageMax_F32()); s->print(", "); s->println(); lastMemUpdate_millis = curTime_millis; //we will use this value the next time around. } };