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* New FT8Transmit.ino RSL 29 Aug 2022
* Generates a subset of possible FT8 messages.
* S/N is controlled accurately. Uses Teensy Floating Point
* OpenAudio_TeensyLibrary.
* See radioFT8Modulator_F32 for information on the implementation.
* This INO is in the public domain.
#include "Arduino.h"
#include "OpenAudio_ArduinoLibrary.h"
#include "AudioStream_F32.h"
#include <Audio.h>
// Only 48 and 96 kHz audio sample rates are currently supported.
const float sample_rate_Hz = 48000.0f;
const int audio_block_samples = 128;
AudioSettings_F32 audio_settings(sample_rate_Hz, audio_block_samples);
AudioSynthGaussian_F32 GaussianWhiteNoise1(audio_settings); //xy=101,148
RadioFT8Modulator_F32 FT8Mod1; //xy=117,277
AudioMixer4_F32 mixer4_1; //xy=282,218
AudioFilterFIRGeneral_F32 filterFIRgeneral1(audio_settings); //xy=452,181
AudioOutputI2S_F32 audioOutI2S1(audio_settings); //xy=532,243
AudioAnalyzeRMS_F32 rms1; //xy=625,180
AudioConnection_F32 patchCord1(GaussianWhiteNoise1, 0, mixer4_1, 0);
AudioConnection_F32 patchCord2(FT8Mod1, 0, mixer4_1, 1);
AudioConnection_F32 patchCord5(mixer4_1, filterFIRgeneral1);
AudioConnection_F32 patchCord3(filterFIRgeneral1, 0, audioOutI2S1, 0);
AudioConnection_F32 patchCord4(filterFIRgeneral1, 0, audioOutI2S1, 1);
AudioConnection_F32 patchCord6(filterFIRgeneral1, rms1);
AudioControlSGTL5000 sgtl5000_1; //xy=357,318
/* FIR filter to measure noise power in a 2500 Hz BW
* Designed with
* Sampling frequency: 48000 Hz
* 0 Hz to 100 Hz and 3000 Hz to 24000 Hz Attenuation = 60.031 dB
* 330 Hz to 2770 Hz Ripple = 0.073 dB
static float32_t filter2500BP[597] = {
-0.0005125820f,-0.0000202947f, 0.0000003593f, 0.0000329934f, 0.0000736751f, 0.0001169578f,
0.0001564562f, 0.0001855962f, 0.0001984728f, 0.0001906737f, 0.0001599822f, 0.0001068279f,
-0.0000100068f, 0.0000176282f, 0.0000087805f,-0.0000368277f,-0.0001142343f,-0.0002137524f,
-0.0004486501f,-0.0003412138f,-0.0002169625f,-0.0000927250f, 0.0000141208f, 0.0000880971f,
0.0001179086f, 0.0000982361f, 0.0000307076f,-0.0000761311f,-0.0002078708f,-0.0003460213f,
-0.0002412975f,-0.0000668730f, 0.0001011003f, 0.0002399869f, 0.0003306072f, 0.0003600909f,
0.0003239133f, 0.0002268029f, 0.0000823809f,-0.0000884979f,-0.0002604794f,-0.0004071616f,
-0.0005048299f,-0.0005359033f,-0.0004916409f,-0.0003736551f,-0.0001940102f, 0.0000261329f,
0.0002593430f, 0.0004753909f, 0.0006458134f, 0.0007476677f, 0.0007671322f, 0.0007017674f,
0.0005611468f, 0.0003658605f, 0.0001449418f,-0.0000679871f,-0.0002393698f,-0.0003405009f,
-0.0003517550f,-0.0002656412f,-0.0000882146f, 0.0001613566f, 0.0004531208f, 0.0007502948f,
0.0010142494f, 0.0012099822f, 0.0013111621f, 0.0013041379f, 0.0011902347f, 0.0009859932f,
0.0007212731f, 0.0004353657f, 0.0001717278f,-0.0000281207f,-0.0001305200f,-0.0001146943f,
0.0000239082f, 0.0002725259f, 0.0006024022f, 0.0009724061f, 0.0013345069f, 0.0016403901f,
0.0018483209f, 0.0019292574f, 0.0018713163f, 0.0016819017f, 0.0013872308f, 0.0010291844f,
0.0006595979f, 0.0003334254f, 0.0001008215f,-0.0000000058f, 0.0000514030f, 0.0002543686f,
0.0005865884f, 0.0010066897f, 0.0014595849f, 0.0018838923f, 0.0022204845f, 0.0024209305f,
0.0024546503f, 0.0023137474f, 0.0020147314f, 0.0015968377f, 0.0011170820f, 0.0006426406f,
0.0002415985f,-0.0000267023f,-0.0001203145f,-0.0000211214f, 0.0002619020f, 0.0006935370f,
0.0012155342f, 0.0017563231f, 0.0022384277f, 0.0025907218f, 0.0027584970f, 0.0027114957f,
0.0024488224f, 0.0019998882f, 0.0014211081f, 0.0007886354f, 0.0001880784f,-0.0002974170f,
-0.0005990413f,-0.0006724584f,-0.0005047619f,-0.0001171406f, 0.0004372104f, 0.0010797374f,
0.0017169949f, 0.0022534601f, 0.0026050371f, 0.0027112878f, 0.0025446519f, 0.0021152693f,
0.0014705327f, 0.0006894468f,-0.0001277897f,-0.0008733366f,-0.0014468246f,-0.0017698095f,
-0.0017974750f,-0.0015259241f,-0.0009938711f,-0.0002783418f, 0.0005151815f, 0.0012669280f,
0.0018594224f, 0.0021942034f, 0.0022063046f, 0.0018744400f, 0.0012252608f, 0.0003308740f,
-0.0031199655f,-0.0023787848f,-0.0014397352f,-0.0004436511f, 0.0004561031f, 0.0011150128f,
0.0014181900f, 0.0012975421f, 0.0007428372f,-0.0001950981f,-0.0014097317f,-0.0027521917f,
-0.0041474660f,-0.0028816782f,-0.0015956931f,-0.0004880525f, 0.0002612250f, 0.0005167695f,
-0.0024198814f,-0.0004183923f, 0.0007258785f, 0.0007867696f,-0.0003212561f,-0.0025231429f,
-0.0182248418f,-0.0160724049f,-0.0126028433f,-0.0082166040f,-0.0034743283f, 0.0009670264f,
0.0044354922f, 0.0063335060f, 0.0062244751f, 0.0039053136f,-0.0005450570f,-0.0067487839f,
-0.0276905793f,-0.0177980957f,-0.0040578279f, 0.0128017918f, 0.0316985253f, 0.0512872217f,
0.0700815899f, 0.0865943871f, 0.0994813474f, 0.1076734313f, 0.1104831570f, 0.1076734313f,
0.0994813474f, 0.0865943871f, 0.0700815899f, 0.0512872217f, 0.0316985253f, 0.0128017918f,
-0.0282527468f,-0.0215575093f,-0.0140477185f,-0.0067487839f,-0.0005450570f, 0.0039053136f,
0.0062244751f, 0.0063335060f, 0.0044354922f, 0.0009670264f,-0.0034743283f,-0.0082166040f,
-0.0127114002f,-0.0091349479f,-0.0055845169f,-0.0025231429f,-0.0003212561f, 0.0007867696f,
-0.0019902208f,-0.0006559859f, 0.0002085432f, 0.0005167695f, 0.0002612250f,-0.0004880525f,
0.0007428372f, 0.0012975421f, 0.0014181900f, 0.0011150128f, 0.0004561031f,-0.0004436511f,
-0.0026430272f,-0.0017363651f,-0.0006999772f, 0.0003308740f, 0.0012252608f, 0.0018744400f,
0.0022063046f, 0.0021942034f, 0.0018594224f, 0.0012669280f, 0.0005151815f,-0.0002783418f,
-0.0001277897f, 0.0006894468f, 0.0014705327f, 0.0021152693f, 0.0025446519f, 0.0027112878f,
0.0026050371f, 0.0022534601f, 0.0017169949f, 0.0010797374f, 0.0004372104f,-0.0001171406f,
-0.0005047619f,-0.0006724584f,-0.0005990413f,-0.0002974170f, 0.0001880784f, 0.0007886354f,
0.0014211081f, 0.0019998882f, 0.0024488224f, 0.0027114957f, 0.0027584970f, 0.0025907218f,
0.0022384277f, 0.0017563231f, 0.0012155342f, 0.0006935370f, 0.0002619020f,-0.0000211214f,
-0.0001203145f,-0.0000267023f, 0.0002415985f, 0.0006426406f, 0.0011170820f, 0.0015968377f,
0.0020147314f, 0.0023137474f, 0.0024546503f, 0.0024209305f, 0.0022204845f, 0.0018838923f,
0.0014595849f, 0.0010066897f, 0.0005865884f, 0.0002543686f, 0.0000514030f,-0.0000000058f,
0.0001008215f, 0.0003334254f, 0.0006595979f, 0.0010291844f, 0.0013872308f, 0.0016819017f,
0.0018713163f, 0.0019292574f, 0.0018483209f, 0.0016403901f, 0.0013345069f, 0.0009724061f,
0.0006024022f, 0.0002725259f, 0.0000239082f,-0.0001146943f,-0.0001305200f,-0.0000281207f,
0.0001717278f, 0.0004353657f, 0.0007212731f, 0.0009859932f, 0.0011902347f, 0.0013041379f,
0.0013111621f, 0.0012099822f, 0.0010142494f, 0.0007502948f, 0.0004531208f, 0.0001613566f,
0.0001449418f, 0.0003658605f, 0.0005611468f, 0.0007017674f, 0.0007671322f, 0.0007476677f,
0.0006458134f, 0.0004753909f, 0.0002593430f, 0.0000261329f,-0.0001940102f,-0.0003736551f,
0.0000823809f, 0.0002268029f, 0.0003239133f, 0.0003600909f, 0.0003306072f, 0.0002399869f,
0.0000307076f, 0.0000982361f, 0.0001179086f, 0.0000880971f, 0.0000141208f,-0.0000927250f,
0.0000087805f, 0.0000176282f,-0.0000100068f,-0.0000688527f,-0.0001495029f,-0.0002399160f,
-0.0001430419f,-0.0000514436f, 0.0000344273f, 0.0001068279f, 0.0001599822f, 0.0001906737f,
0.0001984728f, 0.0001855962f, 0.0001564562f, 0.0001169578f, 0.0000736751f, 0.0000329934f,
// Messages 0 to 7
const char* inputString[] = {
"CQ LL3JG KO26",
"L0UAA LL3JG +02",
"TNX BOB 73 GL",
int32_t sendNext = -1;
float32_t pStateArray[1322]; // 2*597+128
float32_t t60, t60Last;
uint32_t t60Base;
bool displayClock = false;
bool displayPower = false;
bool sendEvery15Sec = true;
bool doing15SecSend = false;
float32_t snrDB = 0.0f;
void setup(void) {
Serial.begin(9600); delay(500);
Serial.println("FT8Transmit.ino Ver 0.1 29 Aug 2022 W7PUA");
Serial.println("Use '?' to list commands and '=' to zero FT8 clock.");
Serial.println("Use 0 to 7 to set message.");
AudioMemory_F32(20, audio_settings);
// Calibration note: For the following = 0.1 and the GWN amplitude at 0.1,
// the power S/N at the output of the FIR filter is 6.617 dB or
// 4.589 as a power ratio. The filter is very close to a 2500 Hz BW
// so this is close to the WSJT defined S/N. Show on WSJT-X as -1.8 dB S/N.
// (Power as used here means the RMS object output squared.)
FT8Mod1.amplitude(0.04668); // for 0 dB S/N.
filterFIRgeneral1.LoadCoeffs(597, filter2500BP, pStateArray);
GaussianWhiteNoise1.amplitude(0.1f); // Do not change unless breaking the cal is wanted.
t60 = 0.000f;
t60Last = t60;
t60Base = millis();
void loop() {
int16_t inCmd;
if( Serial.available() )
inCmd =;
sendNext = 0;
Serial.print("Next FT8:");
Serial.println((char*) inputString[0]);
else if(inCmd=='1')
sendNext = 1;
Serial.print("Next FT8:");
Serial.println((char*) inputString[1]);
else if(inCmd=='2')
sendNext = 2;
Serial.print("Next FT8:");
Serial.println((char*) inputString[2]);
else if(inCmd=='3')
sendNext = 3;
Serial.print("Next FT8:");
Serial.println((char*) inputString[3]);
else if(inCmd=='4')
sendNext = 4;
Serial.print("Next FT8:");
Serial.println((char*) inputString[4]);
else if(inCmd=='5')
sendNext = 5;
Serial.print("Next FT8:");
Serial.println((char*) inputString[5]);
else if(inCmd=='6')
sendNext = 6;
Serial.print("Next FT8:");
Serial.println((char*) inputString[6]);
else if(inCmd=='7')
sendNext = 7;
Serial.print("Next FT8:");
Serial.println((char*) inputString[7]);
else if(inCmd=='w' || inCmd=='W') // S/N Up 1 dB
snrDB += 1.0f;
FT8Mod1.amplitude(powf(10.0f, 0.05f*(snrDB-26.617))); //0.04668 is amplitude for 0dB S/N
Serial.print("SNR Up 1 dB to "); Serial.println(snrDB, 3);
Serial.println("WARNING: S/N > 23 dB may cause DAC overload.");
else if(inCmd=='a' || inCmd=='A') // S/N Down 1 dB
snrDB -= 1.0f;
FT8Mod1.amplitude(powf(10.0f, 0.05f*(snrDB-26.617))); //0.04668 is amplitude for 0dB S/N
Serial.print("SNR Down 1 dB to "); Serial.println(snrDB, 3);
else if(inCmd=='t' || inCmd=='T') // Toggle Continuous and Trigger
sendEvery15Sec = !sendEvery15Sec;
Serial.println("Send every 15 sec");
Serial.println("Send triggered on Number");
else if(inCmd=='d' || inCmd=='D') // Toggle dB Power
displayPower = !displayPower;
Serial.println("Display dB Power every sec");
Serial.println("No Display Power");
else if(inCmd=='=') //Set minute clock to zero
t60 = 0;
t60Base = millis();
t60Last = t60;
Serial.println("Clock Zero'd");
else if(inCmd=='p' || inCmd=='P') // Increase clock 0.1 sec
t60 += 0.100;
t60Base -= 100;
Serial.println("Increase clock 0.1 sec");
else if(inCmd=='l' || inCmd=='L') // Decrease clock 0.1 sec
t60 -= 0.100;
t60Base += 100;
Serial.println("Decrease clock 0.1 sec");
else if(inCmd=='-') // Increase clock 1 sec
t60 += 1.000;
t60Last = t60;
t60Base -= 1000;
Serial.println("Increase clock 1 sec");
else if(inCmd==',') // Decrease clock 1 sec
t60 -= 1.000;
t60Last = t60;
t60Base -= 1000;
Serial.println("Decrease clock 1 sec");
else if(inCmd=='c' || inCmd=='C') // Toggle clock display
displayClock = !displayClock;
else if(inCmd=='?')
Serial.println("0, 1,...7 Select message 0 to 7");
Serial.println("w, W Increase S/N by 1 dB");
Serial.println("a, A Decrease S/N by 1 dB");
Serial.println("t, T Toggle Repeat every 15 sec or Trigger on msg entry");
Serial.println("d, D Toggle dB total power display, On or Off");
Serial.println("= Set local FT-8 clock to 0 (60 sec range).");
Serial.println("p, P Increase local FT8 clock by 0.1 sec");
Serial.println("l, L Decrease local FT8 clock by 0.1 sec");
Serial.println("- Increase local FT8 clock by 1 sec");
Serial.println(", Decrease local FT8 clock by 1 sec");
Serial.println("c, C Toggle Clock Display On or Off.");
Serial.println("? Help Display (this message)");
else if(inCmd>35) // Ignore anything below '#'
Serial.println("Cmd ???");
} // End, if Serial Available
// Update clock
t60 = 0.001f*(float32_t)(millis() - t60Base);
if(t60 >= 60.000f)
t60 -= 60.000f; // Seconds
t60Base += 60000; // milliSeconds
t60Last = t60;
Serial.print("Seconds: "); Serial.println(t60, 3);
if(t60-t60Last >= 1.000f)
Serial.print("Seconds: "); Serial.println(t60, 3);
if( rms1.available() && displayPower )
Serial.print("Power, dB = ");
Serial.println(20.0*, 2);
t60Last += 1.000f;
// Look for immediate triggered send
if(sendNext>=0 && !sendEvery15Sec)
FT8Mod1.sendData((char*) inputString[sendNext], 1, 0, 0);
sendNext = -1;
Serial.println("Immediate Triggered Send");
// Look for send every 15 sec
if(!FT8Mod1.FT8TransmitBusy() && timing15() && sendNext>=0 && sendEvery15Sec)
FT8Mod1.sendData((char*) inputString[sendNext], 1, 0, 0);
Serial.println("Send every 15 sec");
doing15SecSend = true;
} // End. loop
// Return true if time for new transmission
bool timing15(void) {
if(t60>=0.0f && t60<1.0f) return true;
if(t60>=15.0f && t60<16.0f) return true;
if(t60>=30.0f && t60<31.0f) return true;
if(t60>=45.0f && t60<46.0f) return true;
return false;