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* fir_filterbank.cpp
* Created: Chip Audette, Creare LLC, Feb 2017
* Primarly built upon CHAPRO "Generic Hearing Aid" from
* Boys Town National Research Hospital (BTNRH):
* License: MIT License. Use at your own risk.
#include "AudioConfigFIRFilterBank_F32.h"
#include "utility/BTNRH_rfft.h"
void AudioConfigFIRFilterBank_F32::fir_filterbank(float *bb, float *cf, const int nc, const int nw_orig, const int wt, const float sr)
double p, w, a = 0.16, sm = 0;
float *ww, *bk, *xx, *yy;
int j, k, kk, nt, nf, ns, *be;
int nw = nextPowerOfTwo(nw_orig);
//Serial.print("AudioConfigFIRFilterBank: fir_filterbank: nw_orig = "); Serial.print(nw_orig);
//Serial.print(", nw = "); Serial.println(nw);
nt = nw * 2; //we're going to do an fft that's twice as long (zero padded)
nf = nw + 1; //number of bins to nyquist in the zero-padded FFT. Also nf = nt/2+1
ns = nf * 2;
be = (int *) calloc(nc + 1, sizeof(int));
ww = (float *) calloc(nw, sizeof(float));
xx = (float *) calloc(ns, sizeof(float));
yy = (float *) calloc(ns, sizeof(float));
// window
for (j = 0; j < nw; j++) ww[j]=0.0f; //clear
for (j = 0; j < nw_orig; j++) {
p = M_PI * (2.0 * j - nw_orig) / nw_orig;
if (wt == 0) {
w = 0.54 + 0.46 * cos(p); // Hamming
} else if (wt==1) {
w = (1 - a + cos(p) + a * cos(2 * p)) / 2; // Blackman
} else {
//win = (1 - cos(2*pi*[1:N]/(N+1)))/2; //WEA's matlab call, indexing starts from 1, not zero
w = (1.0 - cosf(2.0*M_PI*((float)(j))/((float)(nw_orig-1))))/2.0;
sm += w;
ww[j] = (float) w;
// frequency bands...add the DC-facing band and add the Nyquist-facing band
be[0] = 0;
for (k = 1; k < nc; k++) {
kk = round(nf * cf[k - 1] * (2 / sr)); //original
be[k] = (kk > nf) ? nf : kk;
be[nc] = nf;
// channel tranfer functions
fzero(xx, ns);
xx[nw_orig / 2] = 1; //make a single-sample impulse centered on our eventual window
BTNRH_FFT::cha_fft_rc(xx, nt);
for (k = 0; k < nc; k++) {
fzero(yy, ns); //zero the temporary output
//int nbins = (be[k + 1] - be[k]) * 2; Serial.print("fir_filterbank: chan ");Serial.print(k); Serial.print(", nbins = ");Serial.println(nbins);
fcopy(yy + be[k] * 2, xx + be[k] * 2, (be[k + 1] - be[k]) * 2); //copy just our passband
BTNRH_FFT::cha_fft_cr(yy, nt); //IFFT back into the time domain
// apply window to iFFT of bandpass
for (j = 0; j < nw; j++) {
yy[j] *= ww[j];
bk = bb + k * nw_orig; //pointer to location in output array
fcopy(bk, yy, nw_orig); //copy the filter coefficients to the output array
//print out the coefficients
//for (int i=0; i<nw; i++) { Serial.print(yy[i]*1000.0f);Serial.print(" "); }; Serial.println();