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// -*-c++-*-
* TuningsImpl.h
* Copyright 2019-2020 Paul Walker
* Released under the MIT License. See
* This contains the nasty nitty gritty implementation of the api in Tunings.h. You probably
* don't need to read it unless you have found and are fixing a bug, are curious, or want
* to add a feature to the API. For usages of this library, the documentation in Tunings.h and
* the usages in tests/all_tests.cpp should provide you more than enough guidance.
#include <iostream>
#include <iomanip>
#include <fstream>
#include <cstdlib>
#include <math.h>
#include <sstream>
#include <cctype>
namespace Tunings
inline double locale_atof(const char* s)
double result = 0;
std::istringstream istr(s);
istr >> result;
return result;
inline Tone toneFromString(const std::string &line, int lineno)
Tone t;
t.stringRep = line;
if (line.find(".") != std::string::npos)
t.type = Tone::kToneCents;
t.cents = locale_atof(line.c_str());
t.type = Tone::kToneRatio;
auto slashPos = line.find("/");
if (slashPos == std::string::npos)
t.ratio_n = atoi(line.c_str());
t.ratio_d = 1;
t.ratio_n = atoi(line.substr(0, slashPos).c_str());
t.ratio_d = atoi(line.substr(slashPos + 1).c_str());
if( t.ratio_n == 0 || t.ratio_d == 0 )
std::string s = "Invalid Tone in SCL file.";
if( lineno >= 0 )
s += "Line " + std::to_string(lineno) + ".";
s += " Line is '" + line + "'.";
throw TuningError(s);
// 2^(cents/1200) = n/d
// cents = 1200 * log(n/d) / log(2)
t.cents = 1200 * log(1.0 * t.ratio_n/t.ratio_d) / log(2.0);
t.floatValue = t.cents / 1200.0 + 1.0;
return t;
inline Scale scaleFromStream(std::istream &inf)
std::string line;
const int read_header = 0, read_count = 1, read_note = 2, trailing = 3;
int state = read_header;
Scale res;
std::ostringstream rawOSS;
int lineno = 0;
while (std::getline(inf, line))
rawOSS << line << "\n";
lineno ++;
if (line[0] == '!')
switch (state)
case read_header:
res.description = line;
state = read_count;
case read_count:
res.count = atoi(line.c_str());
state = read_note;
case read_note:
auto t = toneFromString(line, lineno);
if( (int)res.tones.size() == res.count )
state = trailing;
if( ! ( state == read_note || state == trailing ) )
throw TuningError( "Incomplete SCL file. Found no notes section in the file" );
if( (int)res.tones.size() != res.count )
std::string s = "Read fewer notes than count in file. Count=" + std::to_string( res.count )
+ " notes array size=" + std::to_string( res.tones.size() );
throw TuningError(s);
res.rawText = rawOSS.str();
return res;
inline Scale readSCLFile(std::string fname)
std::ifstream inf;;
if (!inf.is_open())
std::string s = "Unable to open file '" + fname + "'";
throw TuningError(s);
auto res = scaleFromStream(inf); = fname;
return res;
inline Scale parseSCLData(const std::string &d)
std::istringstream iss(d);
auto res = scaleFromStream(iss); = "Scale from Patch";
return res;
inline Scale evenTemperament12NoteScale()
std::string data = R"SCL(! even.scl
12 note even temperament
return parseSCLData(data);
inline Scale evenDivisionOfSpanByM( int Span, int M )
std::ostringstream oss;
oss.imbue( std::locale( "C" ) );
oss << "! Automatically generated ED" << Span << "-" << M << " scale\n";
oss << "Automatically generated ED" << Span << "-" << M << " scale\n";
oss << M << "\n";
oss << "!\n";
double topCents = 1200.0 * log(1.0 * Span) / log(2.0);
double dCents = topCents / M;
for( int i=1; i<M; ++i )
oss << std::fixed << dCents * i << "\n";
oss << Span << "/1\n";
return parseSCLData( oss.str() );
inline KeyboardMapping keyboardMappingFromStream(std::istream &inf)
std::string line;
KeyboardMapping res;
std::ostringstream rawOSS;
enum parsePosition {
map_size = 0,
parsePosition state = map_size;
int lineno = 0;
while (std::getline(inf, line))
rawOSS << line << "\n";
lineno ++;
if (line[0] == '!')
if( line == "x" ) line = "-1";
else if( state != trailing )
const char* lc = line.c_str();
bool validLine = line.length() > 0;
char badChar = '\0';
while( validLine && *lc != '\0' )
if( ! ( *lc == ' ' || std::isdigit( *lc ) || *lc == '.' || *lc == (char)13 || *lc == '\n' ) )
validLine = false;
badChar = *lc;
lc ++;
if( ! validLine )
throw TuningError( "Invalid line " + std::to_string( lineno ) + ". line='" + line + "'. Bad char is '" +
badChar + "/" + std::to_string( (int)badChar ) + "'" );
int i = std::atoi(line.c_str());
double v = locale_atof(line.c_str());
switch (state)
case map_size:
res.count = i;
case first_midi:
res.firstMidi = i;
case last_midi:
res.lastMidi = i;
case middle:
res.middleNote = i;
case reference:
res.tuningConstantNote = i;
case freq:
res.tuningFrequency = v;
res.tuningPitch = res.tuningFrequency / 8.17579891564371;
case degree:
res.octaveDegrees = i;
case keys:
if( (int)res.keys.size() == res.count ) state = trailing;
case trailing:
if( ! ( state == keys || state == trailing ) ) state = (parsePosition)(state + 1);
if( state == keys && res.count == 0 ) state = trailing;
if( ! ( state == keys || state == trailing ) )
throw TuningError( "Incomplete KBM file. Ubable to get to keys section of file" );
if( (int)res.keys.size() != res.count )
throw TuningError( "Different number of keys than mapping file indicates. Count is "
+ std::to_string( res.count ) + " and we parsed " + std::to_string( res.keys.size() ) + " keys." );
res.rawText = rawOSS.str();
return res;
inline KeyboardMapping readKBMFile(std::string fname)
std::ifstream inf;;
if (!inf.is_open())
std::string s = "Unable to open file '" + fname + "'";
throw TuningError(s);
auto res = keyboardMappingFromStream(inf); = fname;
return res;
inline KeyboardMapping parseKBMData(const std::string &d)
std::istringstream iss(d);
auto res = keyboardMappingFromStream(iss); = "Mapping from Patch";
return res;
inline Tuning::Tuning() : Tuning( evenTemperament12NoteScale(), KeyboardMapping() ) { }
inline Tuning::Tuning(const Scale &s ) : Tuning( s, KeyboardMapping() ) {}
inline Tuning::Tuning(const KeyboardMapping &k ) : Tuning( evenTemperament12NoteScale(), k ) {}
inline Tuning::Tuning(const Scale& s, const KeyboardMapping &k)
scale = s;
keyboardMapping = k;
if( s.count <= 0 )
throw TuningError( "Unable to tune to a scale with no notes. Your scale provided " + std::to_string( s.count ) + " notes." );
double pitches[N];
int posPitch0 = 256 + k.tuningConstantNote;
int posScale0 = 256 + k.middleNote;
double pitchMod = log(k.tuningPitch)/log(2) - 1;
int scalePositionOfTuningNote = k.tuningConstantNote - k.middleNote;
if( k.count > 0 )
scalePositionOfTuningNote = k.keys[scalePositionOfTuningNote];
double tuningCenterPitchOffset;
if( scalePositionOfTuningNote == 0 )
tuningCenterPitchOffset = 0;
double tshift = 0;
double dt = s.tones[s.count -1].floatValue - 1.0;
while( scalePositionOfTuningNote < 0 )
scalePositionOfTuningNote += s.count;
tshift += dt;;
while( scalePositionOfTuningNote > s.count )
scalePositionOfTuningNote -= s.count;
tshift -= dt;
if( scalePositionOfTuningNote == 0 )
tuningCenterPitchOffset = -tshift;
tuningCenterPitchOffset = s.tones[scalePositionOfTuningNote-1].floatValue - 1.0 - tshift;
for (int i=0; i<N; ++i)
// TODO: ScaleCenter and PitchCenter are now two different notes.
int distanceFromPitch0 = i - posPitch0;
int distanceFromScale0 = i - posScale0;
if( distanceFromPitch0 == 0 )
pitches[i] = 1;
lptable[i] = pitches[i] + pitchMod;
ptable[i] = pow( 2.0, lptable[i] );
scalepositiontable[i] = scalePositionOfTuningNote % s.count;
std::cout << "PITCH: i=" << i << " n=" << i - 256
<< " p=" << pitches[i]
<< " lp=" << lptable[i]
<< " tp=" << ptable[i]
<< " fr=" << ptable[i] * 8.175798915
<< std::endl;
We used to have this which assumed 1-12
Now we have our note number, our distance from the
center note, and the key remapping
int rounds = (distanceFromScale0-1) / s.count;
int thisRound = (distanceFromScale0-1) % s.count;
int rounds;
int thisRound;
int disable = false;
if( ( k.count == 0 ) )
rounds = (distanceFromScale0-1) / s.count;
thisRound = (distanceFromScale0-1) % s.count;
** Now we have this situation. We are at note i so we
** are m away from the center note which is distanceFromScale0
** If we mod that by the mapping size we know which note we are on
int mappingKey = distanceFromScale0 % k.count;
if( mappingKey < 0 )
mappingKey += k.count;
int cm = k.keys[mappingKey];
int push = 0;
if( cm < 0 )
disable = true;
push = mappingKey - cm;
rounds = (distanceFromScale0 - push - 1) / s.count;
thisRound = (distanceFromScale0 - push - 1) % s.count;
if( i > 296 && i < 340 )
std::cout << "MAPPING n=" << i - 256 << " pushes ds0=" << distanceFromScale0 << " cmc=" << k.count << " tr=" << thisRound << " r=" << rounds << " mk=" << mappingKey << " cm=" << cm << " push=" << push << " dis=" << disable << " mk-p-1=" << mappingKey - push - 1 << std::endl;
if( thisRound < 0 )
thisRound += s.count;
rounds -= 1;
if( disable )
pitches[i] = 0;
scalepositiontable[i] = -1;
pitches[i] = s.tones[thisRound].floatValue + rounds * (s.tones[s.count - 1].floatValue - 1.0) - tuningCenterPitchOffset;
scalepositiontable[i] = ( thisRound + 1 ) % s.count;
lptable[i] = pitches[i] + pitchMod;
ptable[i] = pow( 2.0, pitches[i] + pitchMod );
if( i > 296 && i < 340 )
std::cout << "PITCH: i=" << i << " n=" << i - 256
<< " ds0=" << distanceFromScale0
<< " dp0=" << distanceFromPitch0
<< " r=" << rounds << " t=" << thisRound
<< " p=" << pitches[i]
<< " t=" << s.tones[thisRound].floatValue << " " << s.tones[thisRound ].cents
<< " dis=" << disable
<< " tp=" << ptable[i]
<< " fr=" << ptable[i] * 8.175798915
<< " tcpo=" << tuningCenterPitchOffset
//<< " l2p=" << log(otp)/log(2.0)
//<< " l2p-p=" << log(otp)/log(2.0) - pitches[i] - rounds - 3
<< std::endl;
inline double Tuning::frequencyForMidiNote( int mn ) const {
auto mni = std::min( std::max( 0, mn + 256 ), N-1 );
return ptable[ mni ] * MIDI_0_FREQ;
inline double Tuning::frequencyForMidiNoteScaledByMidi0( int mn ) const {
auto mni = std::min( std::max( 0, mn + 256 ), N-1 );
return ptable[ mni ];
inline double Tuning::logScaledFrequencyForMidiNote( int mn ) const {
auto mni = std::min( std::max( 0, mn + 256 ), N-1 );
return lptable[ mni ];
inline int Tuning::scalePositionForMidiNote( int mn ) const {
auto mni = std::min( std::max( 0, mn + 256 ), N-1 );
return scalepositiontable[ mni ];
inline KeyboardMapping tuneA69To(double freq)
return tuneNoteTo( 69, freq );
inline KeyboardMapping tuneNoteTo( int midiNote, double freq )
return startScaleOnAndTuneNoteTo( 60, midiNote, freq );
inline KeyboardMapping startScaleOnAndTuneNoteTo( int scaleStart, int midiNote, double freq )
std::ostringstream oss;
oss.imbue( std::locale( "C" ) );
oss << "! Automatically generated mapping, tuning note " << midiNote << " to " << freq << " hz\n"
<< "!\n"
<< "! Size of Map\n"
<< 0 << "\n"
<< "! First and Last Midi Notes to map - map the entire keyboard\n"
<< 0 << "\n" << 127 << "\n"
<< "! Middle note where the first entry in the scale is mapped.\n"
<< scaleStart << "\n"
<< "! Reference not where frequency is fixed\n"
<< midiNote << "\n"
<< "! Frequency for midi note " << midiNote << "\n"
<< freq << "\n"
<< "! Scale degree for formal octave. This is am empty mapping so:\n"
<< 0 << "\n"
<< "! Mapping. This is an empty mapping so list no keys\n";
return parseKBMData( oss.str() );