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* LiquidMenu library - getters_menu.ino
* This example demonastrates how to use getter functions instead of
* variables in "LiquidScreen" objects.
* It's possible to replace the variables in the "LiquidScreen"
* objects with getter functions in order to simplify the code in the
* main loop and reduce memory footprint.
* The getter functions can be of any return type, but they must have
* no parameters (e.g. bool getButtonState(), int getPosition()...).
* The circuit:
* - LCD RS pin to Arduino pin 12
* - LCD E pin to Arduino pin 11
* - LCD D4 pin to Arduino pin 5
* - LCD D5 pin to Arduino pin 4
* - LCD D6 pin to Arduino pin 3
* - LCD D7 pin to Arduino pin 2
* - LCD R/W pin to ground
* - LCD VSS pin to ground
* - LCD VDD pin to 5V
* - 10k ohm potentiometer: ends to 5V and ground, wiper to LCD V0
* - 150 ohm resistor from 5V to LCD Anode
* - LCD Cathode to ground
* - ----
* - some analog input to Arduino pin A1 (unconnected also works)
* Created Ocboter 11, 2018
* by José Manuel Pérez -
#include <LiquidCrystal.h>
#include <LiquidMenu.h>
const byte LCD_RS = 12;
const byte LCD_E = 11;
const byte LCD_D4 = 5;
const byte LCD_D5 = 4;
const byte LCD_D6 = 3;
const byte LCD_D7 = 2;
//LCD R/W pin to ground
//10K potentiometer wiper to VO
LiquidCrystal lcd(LCD_RS, LCD_E, LCD_D4, LCD_D5, LCD_D6, LCD_D7);
const byte potPin = A1;
unsigned long updatePeriod = 500;
unsigned long updateLastMs = 0;
// This is the first getter function, it reads the potentiometer value.
int readPot() {
return analogRead(potPin);
// This strings will be used by the second getter function.
const char potMinStr[] = "minimum";
const char potLowStr[] = "low";
const char potHighStr[] = "high";
const char potMaxStr[] = "maximum";
// This getter function demonstrates how to return a pointer to a string.
const char* getPotPosition() {
unsigned int potValue = readPot();
if (potValue < 10) {
return potMinStr;
} else if (potValue < 512) {
return potLowStr;
} else if (potValue < 1000) {
return potHighStr;
} else {
return potMaxStr;
LiquidLine welcome_line1(0, 0, "LiquidMenu ", LIQUIDMENU_VERSION);
LiquidLine welcome_line2(0, 1, "Getters menu");
LiquidScreen welcome_screen(welcome_line1, welcome_line2);
LiquidLine potValue_line(0, 0, "Value: ", readPot);
LiquidLine potPosition_line(0, 1, getPotPosition);
LiquidScreen pot_screen(potValue_line, potPosition_line);
LiquidMenu menu(lcd);
void setup() {
Serial.println("Getters menu");
pinMode(potPin, INPUT);
lcd.begin(16, 2);
// Display the welcome screen as a splash screen.
if (menu.get_currentScreen() == &welcome_screen) {
void loop() {
if (millis() - updateLastMs > updatePeriod) {
updateLastMs = millis();