35 lines
796 B
35 lines
796 B
// ArduinoJson - https://arduinojson.org
// Copyright Benoit Blanchon 2014-2021
// MIT License
#include <ArduinoJson.h>
#include <catch.hpp>
TEST_CASE("JsonObject::nesting()") {
DynamicJsonDocument doc(4096);
JsonObject obj = doc.to<JsonObject>();
SECTION("return 0 if uninitialized") {
JsonObject unitialized;
REQUIRE(unitialized.nesting() == 0);
SECTION("returns 1 for empty object") {
REQUIRE(obj.nesting() == 1);
SECTION("returns 1 for flat object") {
obj["hello"] = "world";
REQUIRE(obj.nesting() == 1);
SECTION("returns 2 with nested array") {
REQUIRE(obj.nesting() == 2);
SECTION("returns 2 with nested object") {
REQUIRE(obj.nesting() == 2);