# BOUNCE 2 Debouncing library for Arduino and Wiring by Thomas Ouellet Fredericks with many contributions from the community : https://github.com/thomasfredericks/Bounce2/graphs/contributors Basically, the mechanical part of buttons and switches vibrate slightly when closed or opened causing multiple undesired false states (similar to noise). This library filters out these undesired state changes. More about debouncing: * John Errington's Experiments with an Arduino : [Using digital inputs: Switch bounce and solutions to it](http://www.skillbank.co.uk/arduino/switchbounce.htm) * Wikipedia article : http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Debounce#Contact_bounce See the bottom of this page for a basic usage example and the "examples" folder for more. The library is composed of three classes: * Debouncer : The code that does the actual debouncing. Only advanced users should play with this class. * Bounce : This is the general use library. It links the Debouncer to a hardware pin on your board. * Button : A special version of Bounce for buttons that are pressed. # INSTALLATION & DOWNLOAD Install through your software's Library Manager or download the latest version [here](https://github.com/thomasfredericks/Bounce2/archive/master.zip) and put the "Bounce2" folder in your "libraries" folder. Please note that the original version of this library (Bounce 1) is included in the "extras" folder of the download but not supported anymore. ## BASIC USE ### INSTANTIATE ```cpp #include <Bounce2.h> Bounce b = Bounce(); // Instantiate a Bounce object ``` ### SETUP ```cpp b.attach ( <PIN> , <PIN MODE> ); b.interval( <INTERVAL IN MS> ); ``` ### LOOP ```cpp b.update(); if ( b.changed() ) { // THE STATE OF THE INPUT CHANGED int deboucedValue = b.read(); // DO SOMETHING WITH THE VALUE } ``` ## BOUNCE EXAMPLE ```cpp // This example toggles the debug LED (pin 13) on or off when a button on pin 2 is pressed. // Include the Bounce2 library found here : // https://github.com/thomasfredericks/Bounce2 #include <Bounce2.h> #define BUTTON_PIN 2 #define LED_PIN 13 int ledState = LOW; Bounce b = Bounce(); // Instantiate a Bounce object void setup() { b.attach(BUTTON_PIN,INPUT_PULLUP); // Attach the debouncer to a pin with INPUT_PULLUP mode b.interval(25); // Use a debounce interval of 25 milliseconds pinMode(LED_PIN,OUTPUT); // Setup the LED digitalWrite(LED_PIN,ledState); // Turn off the LED } void loop() { b.update(); // Update the Bounce instance if ( b.fell() ) { // Call code if button transitions from HIGH to LOW ledState = !ledState; // Toggle LED state digitalWrite(LED_PIN,ledState); // Apply new LED state } } ``` ## BUTTON EXAMPLE ```cpp /* DESCRIPTION ==================== This is an example of the Bounce2::Button class. When the user presses a physical button, it toggles a LED on or off. The Button class matches an electrical state to a physical action. Use .setPressedState(LOW or HIGH) to set the detection state for when the button is pressed. INSTRUCTIONS ==================== Set BUTTON_PIN to the pin attached to the button. Set LED_PIN to the pin attached to a LED. */ // Include the Bounce2 library found here : // https://github.com/thomasfredericks/Bounce2 #include <Bounce2.h> // INSTANTIATE A Button OBJECT Bounce2::Button button = Bounce2::Button(); // WE WILL attach() THE BUTTON TO THE FOLLOWING PIN IN setup() #define BUTTON_PIN 39 // DEFINE THE PIN FOR THE LED : // 1) SOME BOARDS HAVE A DEFAULT LED (LED_BUILTIN) //#define LED_PIN LED_BUILTIN // 2) OTHERWISE SET YOUR OWN PIN #define LED_PIN 13 // SET A VARIABLE TO STORE THE LED STATE bool ledState = LOW; void setup() { // BUTTON SETUP // SELECT ONE OF THE FOLLOWING : // 1) IF YOUR BUTTON HAS AN INTERNAL PULL-UP // button.attach( BUTTON_PIN , INPUT_PULLUP ); // USE INTERNAL PULL-UP // 2) IF YOUR BUTTON USES AN EXTERNAL PULL-UP button.attach( BUTTON_PIN, INPUT ); // USE EXTERNAL PULL-UP // DEBOUNCE INTERVAL IN MILLISECONDS button.interval(5); // INDICATE THAT THE LOW STATE CORRESPONDS TO PHYSICALLY PRESSING THE BUTTON button.setPressedState(LOW); // LED SETUP pinMode(LED_PIN,OUTPUT); digitalWrite(LED_PIN,ledState); } void loop() { // UPDATE THE BUTTON // YOU MUST CALL THIS EVERY LOOP button.update(); if ( button.pressed() ) { // TOGGLE THE LED STATE : ledState = !ledState; // SET ledState TO THE OPPOSITE OF ledState digitalWrite(LED_PIN,ledState); } } ``` # DOCUMENTATION The complete class documentation can be found in the "docs" folder or [online here](http://thomasfredericks.github.io/Bounce2/). ## GITHUB PAGE (SOURCE CODE) https://github.com/thomasfredericks/Bounce2 # HAVE A QUESTION? Please post your questions [here](http://forum.arduino.cc/index.php?topic=266132.0). # ALTERNATE DEBOUNCE ALGORITHMS FOR ADVANCED USERS AND SPECIFIC CASES ## STABLE INTERVAL By default, the Bounce library uses a stable interval to process the debouncing. This is simpler to understand and can cancel unwanted noise.  ## LOCK-OUT INTERVAL By defining "#define BOUNCE_LOCK_OUT" in "Bounce.h" (or in your code before including "Bounce.h") you can activate an alternative debouncing method. This method is a lot more responsive, but does not cancel noise. ``` #define BOUNCE_LOCK_OUT ```  ## WITH PROMPT DETECTION By defining "#define BOUNCE_WITH_PROMPT_DETECTION" in "Bounce.h" (or in your code before including "Bounce.h") you can activate an alternative debouncing method. Button state changes are available immediately so long as the previous state has been stable for the timeout period. Otherwise the state will be updated as soon as the timeout period allows. * Able to report acurate switch time normally with no delay. * Use when accurate switch transition timing is important. ``` #define BOUNCE_WITH_PROMPT_DETECTION ```