/* MicroDexed MicroDexed is a port of the Dexed sound engine (https://github.com/asb2m10/dexed) for the Teensy-3.5/3.6 with audio shield. Dexed ist heavily based on https://github.com/google/music-synthesizer-for-android (c)2018,2019 H. Wirtz This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA */ #ifndef CONFIG_H_INCLUDED #define CONFIG_H_INCLUDED #include "midinotes.h" // ATTENTION! For better latency you have to redefine AUDIO_BLOCK_SAMPLES from // 128 to 64 in /cores/teensy3/AudioStream.h // If you want to test the system with Linux and withous any keyboard and/or audio equipment, you can do the following: // 1. In Arduino-IDE enable "Tools->USB-Type->Serial + MIDI + Audio" // 2. Build the firmware with "MIDI_DEVICE_USB" enabled in config.h. // 3. Afterconnecting to a Linux system there should be a MIDI an audio device available that is called "MicroMDAEPiano", so you can start the following: // $ aplaymidi -p 20:0 # e.g. test.mid // $ arecord -f cd -Dhw:1,0 /tmp/bla.wav #define VERSION "0.9.7" //************************************************************************************************* //* DEVICE SETTINGS //************************************************************************************************* // MIDI //#define MIDI_DEVICE_DIN Serial1 #define MIDI_DEVICE_USB 1 #define MIDI_DEVICE_USB_HOST 1 #define MIDI_DEVICE_NUMBER 0 // AUDIO // If nothing is defined Teensy internal DAC is used as audio output device! // Left and right channel audio signal is presented on pins A21 and A22. //#define TEENSY_DAC //#define TEENSY_DAC_SYMMETRIC //#define TEENSY_AUDIO_BOARD //#define TGA_AUDIO_BOARD #define PT8211_AUDIO //************************************************************************************************* //* MIDI SETTINGS //************************************************************************************************* #define DEFAULT_MIDI_CHANNEL MIDI_CHANNEL_OMNI #define MIDI_MERGE_THRU 1 #define SYSEXBANK_DEFAULT 0 #define SYSEXSOUND_DEFAULT 0 //************************************************************************************************* //* DEXED AND EFECTS SETTINGS //************************************************************************************************* #define DEXED_ENGINE DEXED_ENGINE_MODERN // DEXED_ENGINE_MARKI // DEXED_ENGINE_OPL // CHORUS parameters #define MOD_DELAY_SAMPLE_BUFFER int32_t(TIME_MS2SAMPLES(20.0)) // 20.0 ms delay buffer. #define MOD_WAVEFORM WAVEFORM_TRIANGLE // WAVEFORM_SINE WAVEFORM_TRIANGLE WAVEFORM_SAWTOOTH WAVEFORM_SAWTOOTH_REVERSE #define MOD_FILTER_OUTPUT MOD_LINKWITZ_RILEY_FILTER_OUTPUT // MOD_LINKWITZ_RILEY_FILTER_OUTPUT MOD_BUTTERWORTH_FILTER_OUTPUT MOD_NO_FILTER_OUTPUT #define MOD_FILTER_CUTOFF_HZ 3000 #define USE_REVERB 1 //************************************************************************************************* //* AUDIO SETTINGS //************************************************************************************************* // https://rechneronline.de/funktionsgraphen/ #define VOLUME_CURVE 0.07 #ifndef TEENSY_AUDIO_BOARD #if AUDIO_BLOCK_SAMPLES == 64 #define AUDIO_MEM 450 #else #define AUDIO_MEM 225 #endif #define DELAY_MAX_TIME 600 #define REDUCE_LOUDNESS 1 #else #if AUDIO_BLOCK_SAMPLES == 64 #define AUDIO_MEM 900 #else #define AUDIO_MEM 450 #endif #define DELAY_MAX_TIME 1200 #define REDUCE_LOUDNESS 1 #endif #define SAMPLE_RATE 44100 #define SOFTEN_VALUE_CHANGE_STEPS 5 //************************************************************************************************* //* UI //************************************************************************************************* #define ENABLE_LCD_UI 1 #define LCD_I2C_ADDRESS 0x27 #define LCD_cols 16 #define LCD_rows 2 #define CONTROL_RATE_MS 50 #define BACK_FROM_VOLUME_MS 1000 //************************************************************************************************* //* DEBUG OUTPUT SETTINGS //************************************************************************************************* #define DEBUG 1 #define SERIAL_SPEED 38400 #define SHOW_XRUN 1 #define SHOW_CPU_LOAD_MSEC 5000 //************************************************************************************************* //* HARDWARE SETTINGS //************************************************************************************************* // Teensy Audio Shield: //#define SDCARD_CS_PIN 10 //#define SDCARD_MOSI_PIN 7 //#define SDCARD_SCK_PIN 14 #define SGTL5000_LINEOUT_LEVEL 29 // Teensy 3.5 & 3.6 SD card #define SDCARD_CS_PIN BUILTIN_SDCARD #define SDCARD_MOSI_PIN 11 // not actually used #define SDCARD_SCK_PIN 13 // not actually used // Encoder with button #define ENCODER_USE_INTERRUPTS #define NUM_ENCODER 2 #define ENC_L_PIN_A 3 #define ENC_L_PIN_B 2 #define BUT_L_PIN 4 #define ENC_R_PIN_A 28 #define ENC_R_PIN_B 29 #define BUT_R_PIN 30 #define BUT_DEBOUNCE_MS 20 #define LONG_BUTTON_PRESS 500 // LCD Display #define I2C_DISPLAY 1 // [I2C] SCL: Pin 19, SDA: Pin 18 (https://www.pjrc.com/teensy/td_libs_Wire.html) //#define LCD_GFX 1 #define LCD_I2C_ADDRESS 0x27 #define LCD_CHARS 16 #define LCD_LINES 2 // Internal timer #define AUTOSTORE_MS 5000 #define VOICE_SELECTION_MS 2000 // EEPROM address #define EEPROM_START_ADDRESS 0 #define MAX_BANKS 100 #define MAX_VOICES 32 // voices per bank #define BANK_NAME_LEN 13 // FAT12 filenames (plus '\0') #define VOICE_NAME_LEN 11 // 10 (plus '\0') //************************************************************************************************* //* DO NO CHANGE ANYTHING BEYOND IF YOU DON'T KNOW WHAT YOU ARE DOING !!! //************************************************************************************************* #define NUM_DEXED 1 // MIDI #ifdef MIDI_DEVICE_USB #define USBCON 1 #endif #if defined(__MK66FX1M0__) // Teensy-3.6 // Teensy-3.6 settings #define MIDI_DEVICE_USB_HOST 1 #if defined(USE_REVERB) #define MAX_NOTES 14 #else #define MAX_NOTES 16 #endif #else // Teensy-3.5 settings #undef MIDI_DEVICE_USB_HOST #define MAX_NOTES 11 #undef USE_REVERB #endif #define TRANSPOSE_FIX 24 // Audio #ifdef TGA_AUDIO_BOARD #define REDUCE_LOUDNESS 2 #endif // Some optimizations #define USE_TEENSY_DSP 1 #define SUM_UP_AS_INT 1 /* HELPER MACROS */ #define TIME_MS2SAMPLES(x) floor(uint32_t(x) * AUDIO_SAMPLE_RATE / 1000) #define SAMPLES2TIME_MS(x) float(uint32_t(x) * 1000 / AUDIO_SAMPLE_RATE) // Modulated delay options #define MOD_NO_FILTER_OUTPUT 0 #define MOD_BUTTERWORTH_FILTER_OUTPUT 1 #define MOD_LINKWITZ_RILEY_FILTER_OUTPUT 2 #if defined(TEENSY_DAC_SYMMETRIC) #define MONO_MIN 1 #define MONO_MAX 1 #define MONO_DEFAULT 1 #else #define MONO_MIN 0 #define MONO_MAX 3 #define MONO_DEFAULT 1 #endif #define VOLUME_MIN 0 #define VOLUME_MAX 100 #define VOLUME_DEFAULT 80 #define VOLUME_ENC_STEPS 20 #define PANORAMA_MIN -20 #define PANORAMA_MAX 20 #define PANORAMA_DEFAULT 0 #define MIDI_CHANNEL_MIN MIDI_CHANNEL_OMNI #define MIDI_CHANNEL_MAX 16 #define MIDI_CHANNEL_DEFAULT MIDI_CHANNEL_OMNI #define REVERB_ROOMSIZE_MIN 0 #define REVERB_ROOMSIZE_MAX 100 #define REVERB_ROOMSIZE_DEFAULT 0 #define REVERB_DAMPING_MIN 0 #define REVERB_DAMPING_MAX 100 #define REVERB_DAMPING_DEFAULT 0 #define REVERB_LEVEL_MIN 0 #define REVERB_LEVEL_MAX 100 #define REVERB_LEVEL_DEFAULT 0 #define CHORUS_FREQUENCY_MIN 0 #define CHORUS_FREQUENCY_MAX 100 #define CHORUS_FREQUENCY_DEFAULT 0 #define CHORUS_WAVEFORM_MIN 0 #define CHORUS_WAVEFORM_MAX 1 #define CHORUS_WAVEFORM_DEFAULT 0 #define CHORUS_DEPTH_MIN 0 #define CHORUS_DEPTH_MAX 100 #define CHORUS_DEPTH_DEFAULT 0 #define CHORUS_LEVEL_MIN 0 #define CHORUS_LEVEL_MAX 100 #define CHORUS_LEVEL_DEFAULT 0 #define DELAY_TIME_MIN 0 #define DELAY_TIME_MAX DELAY_MAX_TIME/10 #define DELAY_TIME_DEFAULT 0 #define DELAY_FEEDBACK_MIN 0 #define DELAY_FEEDBACK_MAX 100 #define DELAY_FEEDBACK_DEFAULT 0 #define DELAY_LEVEL_MIN 0 #define DELAY_LEVEL_MAX 100 #define DELAY_LEVEL_DEFAULT 0 #define FILTER_CUTOFF_MIN 0 #define FILTER_CUTOFF_MAX 100 #define FILTER_CUTOFF_DEFAULT 0 #define FILTER_RESONANCE_MIN 0 #define FILTER_RESONANCE_MAX 100 #define FILTER_RESONANCE_DEFAULT 0 #define LOUDNESS_MIN 0 #define LOUDNESS_MAX 100 #define LOUDNESS_DEFAULT 100 #define POLYPHONY_MIN 1 #define POLYPHONY_MAX MAX_NOTES #define POLYPHONY_DEFAULT MAX_NOTES #define ENGINE_MIN 0 #define ENGINE_MAX 2 #define ENGINE_DEFAULT 0 // struct for holding the current configuration struct config_t { uint32_t checksum; uint8_t bank; uint8_t voice; uint8_t vol; int8_t pan; uint8_t mono; uint8_t midi_channel; uint8_t reverb_roomsize; uint8_t reverb_damping; uint8_t reverb_level; uint8_t chorus_frequency; uint8_t chorus_waveform; uint8_t chorus_depth; uint8_t chorus_level; uint8_t delay_time; uint8_t delay_feedback; uint8_t delay_level; uint8_t filter_cutoff; uint8_t filter_resonance; uint8_t loudness; uint8_t polyphony; uint8_t engine; }; // struct for smoothing value changes struct value_change_t { float diff; uint16_t steps; }; inline float mapfloat(float val, float in_min, float in_max, float out_min, float out_max) { return (val - in_min) * (out_max - out_min) / (in_max - in_min) + out_min; } #endif // CONFIG_H_INCLUDED