// ArduinoJson - https://arduinojson.org // Copyright Benoit Blanchon 2014-2021 // MIT License #include <ArduinoJson.h> #include <catch.hpp> TEST_CASE("JsonDocument::operator[]") { DynamicJsonDocument doc(4096); const JsonDocument& cdoc = doc; SECTION("object") { deserializeJson(doc, "{\"hello\":\"world\"}"); SECTION("const char*") { REQUIRE(doc["hello"] == "world"); REQUIRE(cdoc["hello"] == "world"); } SECTION("std::string") { REQUIRE(doc[std::string("hello")] == "world"); REQUIRE(cdoc[std::string("hello")] == "world"); } SECTION("supports operator|") { REQUIRE((doc["hello"] | "nope") == std::string("world")); REQUIRE((doc["world"] | "nope") == std::string("nope")); } } SECTION("array") { deserializeJson(doc, "[\"hello\",\"world\"]"); REQUIRE(doc[1] == "world"); REQUIRE(cdoc[1] == "world"); } } TEST_CASE("JsonDocument automatically promotes to object") { DynamicJsonDocument doc(4096); doc["one"]["two"]["three"] = 4; REQUIRE(doc["one"]["two"]["three"] == 4); } TEST_CASE("JsonDocument automatically promotes to array") { DynamicJsonDocument doc(4096); doc[2] = 2; REQUIRE(doc.as<std::string>() == "[null,null,2]"); }