/* MicroDexed MicroDexed is a port of the Dexed sound engine (https://github.com/asb2m10/dexed) for the Teensy-3.5/3.6/4.x with audio shield. Dexed ist heavily based on https://github.com/google/music-synthesizer-for-android (c)2018-2021 H. Wirtz This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by (at your option) any later version. This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA */ #ifdef ENABLE_LCD_UI #ifndef _UI_HPP_ #define _UI_HPP_ #include #include #include "config.h" #include "disp_plus.h" #include "synth_dexed.h" #include "effect_modulated_delay.h" #include "effect_stereo_mono.h" #if defined(USE_PLATEREVERB) #include "effect_platervbstereo.h" #elif defined(USE_FREEVERB_SIMD) #include "effect_freeverb_simd.h" #else #include "effect_freeverbf.h" #endif #include "template_mixer.hpp" #include "drumset.h" #include "sequencer.h" #if defined (USE_EPIANO) #include "synth_mda_epiano.h" #endif #define _LCDML_DISP_cols LCD_cols #define _LCDML_DISP_rows LCD_rows #ifdef I2C_DISPLAY #define _LCDML_DISP_cfg_cursor 0x7E // cursor Symbol #else #define _LCDML_DISP_cfg_cursor 0x8d // cursor Symbol #endif #define _LCDML_DISP_cfg_scrollbar 1 // enable a scrollbar #ifdef USE_SEQUENCER extern PeriodicTimer sequencer_timer; #endif extern void sequencer(void); extern bool check_sd_performance_exists(uint8_t number); extern config_t configuration; extern void set_volume(uint8_t v, uint8_t m); extern bool load_sysex(uint8_t b, uint8_t v); extern void generate_version_string(char* buffer, uint8_t len); extern void _softRestart(void); //extern float pseudo_log_curve(float value); extern float midi_volume_transform(uint8_t midi_amp); extern float volume_transform(float amp); extern uint8_t selected_instance_id; extern char receive_bank_filename[FILENAME_LEN]; extern void eeprom_update(void); #if NUM_DRUMS > 0 #include "drums.h" extern void get_sd_performance_name_json(uint8_t number); extern bool save_sd_performance_json(uint8_t p); extern uint8_t drum_midi_channel; extern drum_config_t drum_config[NUM_DRUMSET_CONFIG]; extern sequencer_t seq; uint8_t seq_active_function = 99; uint8_t activesample; #endif #ifdef DISPLAY_LCD_SPI extern void change_disp_sd(bool d); #endif #ifdef SGTL5000_AUDIO_ENHANCE #include "control_sgtl5000plus.h" extern AudioControlSGTL5000Plus sgtl5000; #else extern AudioControlSGTL5000 sgtl5000; #endif #if defined(USE_FX) extern AudioSynthWaveform* chorus_modulator[NUM_DEXED]; extern AudioEffectModulatedDelay* modchorus[NUM_DEXED]; extern AudioMixer<2>* chorus_mixer[NUM_DEXED]; extern AudioMixer<2>* delay_fb_mixer[NUM_DEXED]; extern AudioEffectDelay* delay_fx[NUM_DEXED]; extern AudioMixer<2>* delay_mixer[NUM_DEXED]; #endif extern AudioEffectMonoStereo* mono2stereo[NUM_DEXED]; extern AudioMixer<2> microdexed_peak_mixer; extern AudioAnalyzePeak microdexed_peak; #if defined(USE_FX) #if defined(USE_EPIANO) extern AudioSynthEPiano ep; extern AudioMixer<4> reverb_mixer_r; extern AudioMixer<4> reverb_mixer_l; #else extern AudioMixer<3> reverb_mixer_r; extern AudioMixer<3> reverb_mixer_l; #endif #if defined(USE_PLATEREVERB) extern AudioEffectPlateReverb reverb; #elif defined(USE_FREEVERB_SIMD) extern AudioEffectFreeverbSIMDStereo freeverb; #else extern AudioEffectFreeverbStereoFloat freeverb; #endif #endif #if defined(USE_FX) && defined(USE_EPIANO) extern AudioSynthWaveform ep_chorus_modulator; #if MOD_FILTER_OUTPUT != MOD_NO_FILTER_OUTPUT extern AudioFilterBiquad ep_modchorus_filter; #endif extern AudioEffectModulatedDelay ep_modchorus_r; extern AudioEffectModulatedDelay ep_modchorus_l; extern AudioAmplifier ep_chorus_inverter; extern AudioMixer<2> ep_chorus_mixer_r; extern AudioMixer<2> ep_chorus_mixer_l; extern AudioMixer<2> ep_delay_fb_mixer_r; extern AudioMixer<2> ep_delay_fb_mixer_l; extern AudioEffectDelay ep_delay_fx_r; extern AudioEffectDelay ep_delay_fx_l; extern AudioMixer<2> ep_delay_mixer_r; extern AudioMixer<2> ep_delay_mixer_l; #endif #if defined(USE_EPIANO) extern AudioMixer<5> master_mixer_r; extern AudioMixer<5> master_mixer_l; #else extern AudioMixer<4> master_mixer_r; extern AudioMixer<4> master_mixer_l; #endif extern AudioEffectStereoMono stereo2mono; extern AudioAnalyzePeak master_peak_r; extern AudioAnalyzePeak master_peak_l; extern char sd_string[LCD_cols + 1]; extern char g_voice_name[NUM_DEXED][VOICE_NAME_LEN]; extern char g_bank_name[NUM_DEXED][BANK_NAME_LEN]; extern int perform_attack_mod[NUM_DEXED]; extern int perform_release_mod[NUM_DEXED]; extern float midi_ticks_factor[10]; extern uint8_t midi_bpm; extern bool save_sys_flag; extern elapsedMillis save_sys; extern bool save_sys_flag; /*********************************************************************** GLOBAL ************************************************************************/ elapsedMillis back_from_volume; uint8_t instance_num[8][8]; const char accepted_chars[] = " ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ0123456789-abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz"; const char noteNames[12][3] = { "C", "C#", "D", "D#", "E", "F", "F#", "G", "G#", "A", "A#", "B" }; uint8_t active_perform_page = 1; uint8_t orig_attack_values[2][7]; uint8_t orig_release_values[2][7]; int temp_int; bool menu_select_toggle; float temp_float; #ifdef I2C_DISPLAY #include Disp_Plus lcd(LCD_I2C_ADDRESS, _LCDML_DISP_cols, _LCDML_DISP_rows); #endif #ifdef U8X8_DISPLAY #include #ifdef U8X8_HAVE_HW_SPI #include #endif #ifdef U8X8_HAVE_HW_I2C #include #endif Disp_Plus lcd(/* cs=*/ U8X8_CS_PIN, /* dc=*/ U8X8_DC_PIN, /* reset=*/ U8X8_RESET_PIN); //Disp_Plus lcd(U8X8_PIN_NONE); #endif const uint8_t scroll_bar[5][8] = { {B10001, B10001, B10001, B10001, B10001, B10001, B10001, B10001}, // scrollbar top {B11111, B11111, B10001, B10001, B10001, B10001, B10001, B10001}, // scroll state 1 {B10001, B10001, B11111, B11111, B10001, B10001, B10001, B10001}, // scroll state 2 {B10001, B10001, B10001, B10001, B11111, B11111, B10001, B10001}, // scroll state 3 {B10001, B10001, B10001, B10001, B10001, B10001, B11111, B11111} // scrollbar bottom }; const uint8_t block_bar[5][8] = { {B10000, B10000, B10000, B10000, B10000, B10000, B10000, B10000}, {B11000, B11000, B11000, B11000, B11000, B11000, B11000, B11000}, {B11100, B11100, B11100, B11100, B11100, B11100, B11100, B11100}, {B11110, B11110, B11110, B11110, B11110, B11110, B11110, B11110}, {B11111, B11111, B11111, B11111, B11111, B11111, B11111, B11111} }; const uint8_t meter_bar[5][8] = { {B10000, B10000, B10000, B10000, B10000, B10000, B10000, B10000}, {B01000, B01000, B01000, B01000, B01000, B01000, B01000, B01000}, {B00100, B00100, B00100, B00100, B00100, B00100, B00100, B00100}, {B00010, B00010, B00010, B00010, B00010, B00010, B00010, B00010}, {B00001, B00001, B00001, B00001, B00001, B00001, B00001, B00001} }; const uint8_t special_chars[22][8] = { {B11111, B11011, B10011, B11011, B11011, B11011, B11011, B11111}, // [0] 1 small invers {B11111, B11011, B10101, B11101, B11011, B10111, B10001, B11111}, // [1] 2 small invers {B11111, B11011, B10011, B11011, B11011, B11011, B11011, B11111}, // [2] 1 OP invers {B11111, B11011, B10101, B11101, B11011, B10111, B10001, B11111}, // [3] 2 OP invers {B11111, B10001, B11101, B11011, B11101, B10101, B11011, B11111}, // [4] 3 OP invers {B11111, B10111, B10111, B10101, B10001, B11101, B11101, B11111}, // [5] 4 OP invers {B11111, B10001, B10111, B10011, B11101, B11101, B10011, B11111}, // [6] 5 OP invers {B11111, B11001, B10111, B10011, B10101, B10101, B11011, B11111}, // [7] 6 OP invers {B00000, B00000, B00000, B00000, B00000, B00000, B00000, B11111}, // [8] Level 1 {B00000, B00000, B00000, B00000, B00000, B00000, B11111, B11111}, // [9] Level 2 {B00000, B00000, B00000, B00000, B00000, B11111, B11111, B11111}, // [10] Level 3 {B00000, B00000, B00000, B00000, B11111, B11111, B11111, B11111}, // [11] Level 4 {B00000, B00000, B00000, B11111, B11111, B11111, B11111, B11111}, // [12] Level 5 {B00000, B00000, B11111, B11111, B11111, B11111, B11111, B11111}, // [13] Level 6 {B00000, B11111, B11111, B11111, B11111, B11111, B11111, B11111}, // [14] Level 7 {B11111, B11111, B11111, B11111, B11111, B11111, B11111, B11111}, // [15] Level 8 {B00100, B00110, B00101, B00101, B01101, B11101, B11100, B11000}, // [16] Note {B01110, B10001, B10001, B01110, B00100, B00100, B00110, B00110}, // [17] Disabled 2nd instance symbol {B11111, B10001, B10111, B10001, B10111, B10111, B10111, B11111}, // [18] Favorites Icon {B01000, B01100, B01110, B01111, B01110, B01100, B01000, B00000}, // [19] Play Symbol {B00000, B01110, B11111, B11111, B11111, B01110, B00000, B00000}, // [20] Record Symbol {B00000, B00000, B01110, B01110, B01110, B00000, B00000, B00000} // [21] Stop Symbol }; enum { SCROLLBAR, BLOCKBAR, METERBAR }; enum { ENC_R, ENC_L }; enum {MENU_VOICE_BANK, MENU_VOICE_SOUND}; void lcdml_menu_display(void); void lcdml_menu_clear(void); void lcdml_menu_control(void); #ifdef USE_FX void UI_func_reverb_roomsize(uint8_t param); void UI_func_reverb_damping(uint8_t param); void UI_func_reverb_lowpass(uint8_t param); void UI_func_reverb_lodamp(uint8_t param); void UI_func_reverb_hidamp(uint8_t param); void UI_func_reverb_diffusion(uint8_t param); void UI_func_reverb_level(uint8_t param); void UI_func_chorus_frequency(uint8_t param); void UI_func_chorus_waveform(uint8_t param); void UI_func_chorus_depth(uint8_t param); void UI_func_chorus_level(uint8_t param); void UI_func_delay_time(uint8_t param); void UI_func_delay_feedback(uint8_t param); void UI_func_delay_level(uint8_t param); void UI_func_reverb_send(uint8_t param); void UI_func_filter_cutoff(uint8_t param); void UI_func_filter_resonance(uint8_t param); void UI_func_drum_reverb_send(uint8_t param); #endif void UI_func_transpose(uint8_t param); void UI_func_tune(uint8_t param); void UI_func_midi_channel(uint8_t param); void UI_func_lowest_note(uint8_t param); void UI_func_highest_note(uint8_t param); void UI_func_sound_intensity(uint8_t param); void UI_func_panorama(uint8_t param); void UI_func_stereo_mono(uint8_t param); void UI_func_note_refresh(uint8_t param); void UI_func_polyphony(uint8_t param); void UI_func_mono_poly(uint8_t param); void UI_func_pb_range(uint8_t param); void UI_func_pb_step(uint8_t param); void UI_func_mw_range(uint8_t param); void UI_func_mw_assign(uint8_t param); void UI_func_mw_mode(uint8_t param); void UI_func_fc_range(uint8_t param); void UI_func_fc_assign(uint8_t param); void UI_func_fc_mode(uint8_t param); void UI_func_bc_range(uint8_t param); void UI_func_bc_assign(uint8_t param); void UI_func_bc_mode(uint8_t param); void UI_func_at_range(uint8_t param); void UI_func_at_assign(uint8_t param); void UI_func_at_mode(uint8_t param); void UI_func_portamento_mode(uint8_t param); void UI_func_portamento_glissando(uint8_t param); void UI_func_portamento_time(uint8_t param); void UI_handle_OP(uint8_t param); void UI_func_information(uint8_t param); void UI_func_seq_pattern_editor(uint8_t param); void UI_func_seq_vel_editor(uint8_t param); void UI_func_seq_live_transpose_oct(uint8_t param); void UI_func_arp_shift(uint8_t param); void UI_func_seq_chord_keys_ammount(uint8_t param); void UI_func_seq_lenght(uint8_t param); void UI_func_seq_tempo(uint8_t param); void UI_func_seq_pat_chain(uint8_t param); void UI_func_arpeggio(uint8_t param); void UI_func_seq_mute_matrix(uint8_t param); void UI_func_seq_track_setup(uint8_t param); void UI_func_dexed_assign(uint8_t param); void UI_func_seq_display_style(uint8_t param); void UI_func_set_performance_name(uint8_t param); void UI_func_volume(uint8_t param); void UI_func_smart_filter(uint8_t param); void UI_func_drum_midi_channel(uint8_t param); void UI_func_load_performance(uint8_t param); void UI_func_save_performance(uint8_t param); void UI_func_save_voice(uint8_t param); void UI_func_midi_soft_thru(uint8_t param); void UI_func_velocity_level(uint8_t param); void UI_func_voice_select(uint8_t param); void UI_func_sysex_send_voice(uint8_t param); void UI_func_sysex_receive_bank(uint8_t param); void UI_func_sysex_send_bank(uint8_t param); void UI_func_eq_1(uint8_t param); void UI_func_eq_2(uint8_t param); void UI_func_eq_3(uint8_t param); void UI_func_eq_4(uint8_t param); void UI_func_eq_5(uint8_t param); void UI_func_eq_6(uint8_t param); void UI_func_eq_7(uint8_t param); void UI_func_startup(uint8_t param); void UI_function_not_enabled(void); void UI_function_not_implemented(uint8_t param); void UI_func_favorites(uint8_t param); void UI_func_epiano_sound_intensity(uint8_t param); void UI_func_epiano_panorama(uint8_t param); void UI_func_epiano_decay(uint8_t param); void UI_func_epiano_release(uint8_t param); void UI_func_epiano_hardness(uint8_t param); void UI_func_epiano_treble(uint8_t param); void UI_func_epiano_stereo(uint8_t param); void UI_func_epiano_tune(uint8_t param); void UI_func_epiano_detune(uint8_t param); void UI_func_epiano_pan_tremolo(uint8_t param); void UI_func_epiano_pan_lfo(uint8_t param); void UI_func_epiano_overdrive(uint8_t param); void UI_func_epiano_reverb_send(uint8_t param); void UI_func_epiano_midi_channel(uint8_t param); void UI_func_epiano_lowest_note(uint8_t param); void UI_func_epiano_highest_note(uint8_t param); void UI_func_epiano_transpose(uint8_t param); void UI_func_epiano_polyphony(uint8_t param); void UI_func_epiano_velocity_sense(uint8_t param); void UI_func_epiano_chorus_frequency(uint8_t param); void UI_func_epiano_chorus_waveform(uint8_t param); void UI_func_epiano_chorus_depth(uint8_t param); void UI_func_epiano_chorus_level(uint8_t param); void UI_update_instance_icons(); bool UI_select_name(uint8_t y, uint8_t x, char* edit_string, uint8_t len, bool init); uint8_t search_accepted_char(uint8_t c); void lcd_display_int(int16_t var, uint8_t size, bool zeros, bool brackets, bool sign); void lcd_display_float(float var, uint8_t size_number, uint8_t size_fraction, bool zeros, bool brackets, bool sign); void lcd_display_bar_int(const char* title, uint32_t value, float factor, int32_t min_value, int32_t max_value, uint8_t size, bool zeros, bool sign, bool init); void lcd_display_bar_float(const char* title, float value, float factor, int32_t min_value, int32_t max_value, uint8_t size_number, uint8_t size_fraction, bool zeros, bool sign, bool init); void lcd_display_meter_int(const char* title, uint32_t value, float factor, float offset, int32_t min_value, int32_t max_value, uint8_t size, bool zeros, bool sign, bool init); void lcd_display_meter_float(const char* title, float value, float factor, float offset, int32_t min_value, int32_t max_value, uint8_t size_number, uint8_t size_fraction, bool zeros, bool sign, bool init); void lcd_active_instance_number(uint8_t instance_id); void lcd_OP_active_instance_number(uint8_t instance_id, uint8_t op); void lcd_special_chars(uint8_t mode); void lcd_display_delay_sync(uint8_t sync); void string_trim(char *s); void save_favorite(uint8_t b, uint8_t v, uint8_t instance_id); void draw_favorite_icon(uint8_t b, uint8_t v, uint8_t instance_id); bool check_favorite(uint8_t b, uint8_t v, uint8_t instance_id); bool quick_check_favorites_in_bank(uint8_t b, uint8_t instance_id); void locate_previous_non_favorite(); void locate_previous_favorite(); void locate_next_favorite(); void locate_next_non_favorite(); void locate_random_non_favorite(); void UI_func_drums_main_volume(uint8_t param); void UI_func_drum_volume(uint8_t param); void UI_func_drum_pan(uint8_t param); void UI_func_drum_pitch(uint8_t param); void UI_func_drum_tune_offset(uint8_t param); char* basename(const char* filename); char* strip_extension(char* filename); // normal menu LCDMenuLib2_menu LCDML_0(255, 0, 0, NULL, NULL); // normal root menu element (do not change) LCDMenuLib2 LCDML(LCDML_0, _LCDML_DISP_rows, _LCDML_DISP_cols, lcdml_menu_display, lcdml_menu_clear, lcdml_menu_control); #if defined(USE_FX) #if defined(TEENSY4) #include "UI_FX_T4.h" #else #include "UI_FX_T3_6.h" #endif #else #include "UI_NO_FX.h" #endif int favsearcher = 0; // create menu LCDML_createMenu(_LCDML_DISP_cnt); /*********************************************************************** CONTROL ***********************************************************************/ class EncoderDirection { public: EncoderDirection(void) { reset(); } void reset(void) { button_short = false; button_long = false; button_pressed = false; left = false; right = false; up = false; down = false; } void ButtonShort(bool state) { button_short = state; } bool ButtonShort(void) { if (button_short == true) { button_short = false; return (true); } return (false); } void ButtonLong(bool state) { button_long = state; } bool ButtonLong(void) { if (button_long == true) { button_long = false; return (true); } return (false); } void ButtonPressed(bool state) { button_pressed = state; } bool ButtonPressed(void) { return (button_pressed); } void Left(bool state) { left = state; } bool Left(void) { if (left == true) { left = false; return (true); } return (false); } void Right(bool state) { right = state; } bool Right(void) { if (right == true) { right = false; return (true); } return (false); } void Up(bool state) { up = state; } bool Up(void) { if (up == true) { up = false; return (true); } return (false); } void Down(bool state) { down = state; } bool Down(void) { if (down == true) { down = false; return (true); } return (false); } private: bool button_short; bool button_long; bool button_pressed; bool left; bool right; bool up; bool down; }; MD_REncoder ENCODER[NUM_ENCODER] = {MD_REncoder(ENC_R_PIN_B, ENC_R_PIN_A), MD_REncoder(ENC_L_PIN_B, ENC_L_PIN_A)}; EncoderDirection encoderDir[NUM_ENCODER]; long g_LCDML_CONTROL_button_press_time[NUM_ENCODER] = {0, 0}; bool g_LCDML_CONTROL_button_prev[NUM_ENCODER] = {HIGH, HIGH}; uint8_t g_LCDML_CONTROL_prev[NUM_ENCODER] = {0, 0}; bool menu_init = true; #ifdef U8X8_DISPLAY const uint8_t * flipped_scroll_bar[5]; const uint8_t * flipped_block_bar[7]; const uint8_t * flipped_meter_bar[7]; uint8_t * rotTile(const uint8_t * tile) { uint8_t * newt = new uint8_t[8]; for (int x = 0; x < 8; x++) { uint8_t newb = 0; for (int y = 0 ; y < 8; y++) { newb |= (tile[y] << x) & 0x80; newb >>= 1; } newt[x] = newb; } return newt; } #endif void smart_filter(uint8_t dir) { bool found = false; //search backwards if (dir == 0) { if (seq.smartfilter) { do { if (found == false) activesample = constrain(activesample - 1, 0, NUM_DRUMSET_CONFIG - 2); for (uint8_t d = 0; d < 10; d++) { if (seq.seq_content_type[d] == 0) { for (uint8_t y = 0; y < 16; y++) { if (drum_config[activesample].midinote == seq.seq_data[d][y] || drum_config[activesample].midinote == seq.seq_vel[d][y]) { found = true; break; } } } } } while (found == false && activesample > 0 ); } else activesample = constrain(activesample - 1, 0, NUM_DRUMSET_CONFIG - 2); } else //search forwards { if (seq.smartfilter) { do { if (found == false) activesample = constrain(activesample + 1, 0, NUM_DRUMSET_CONFIG - 2); for (uint8_t d = 0; d < 10; d++) { if (seq.seq_content_type[d] == 0) { for (uint8_t y = 0; y < 16; y++) { if (drum_config[activesample].midinote == seq.seq_data[d][y] || drum_config[activesample].midinote == seq.seq_vel[d][y]) { found = true; break; } } } } } while (found == false && activesample < NUM_DRUMSET_CONFIG - 2 ); } else activesample = constrain(activesample + 1, 0, NUM_DRUMSET_CONFIG - 2); } } void setup_ui(void) { // LCD Begin #ifdef I2C_DISPLAY lcd.init(); lcd.backlight(); lcd.clear(); lcd.noCursor(); #else lcd.begin(); lcd.clear(); lcd.setFont(u8x8_font_amstrad_cpc_extended_f); #endif lcd.setCursor(3, 0); lcd.print(F("MicroDexed")); lcd.setCursor(0, 1); lcd.print(F("(c)parasiTstudio")); lcd_special_chars(SCROLLBAR); // LCDMenuLib Setup LCDML_setup(_LCDML_DISP_cnt); } #ifdef DEBUG void setup_debug_message(void) { // LCD Begin lcd.clear(); lcd.setCursor(1, 0); lcd.print(F("* DEBUG MODE *")); lcd.setCursor(1, 1); lcd.print(F("ENABLE CONSOLE")); delay(300); lcd.setCursor(1, 1); lcd.print(_LCDML_VERSION); lcd.print(F(" ")); } #endif void toggle_sequencer_play_status() { if (seq.seq_running == false && seq.seq_recording == false) { handleStart(); } else if (seq.seq_running == true && seq.seq_recording == false) { handleStop(); } } /*********************************************************************** MENU CONTROL ***********************************************************************/ uint8_t get_current_cursor_id(void) { LCDMenuLib2_menu *tmp; if ((tmp = LCDML.MENU_getCurrentObj()) != NULL) return (tmp->getChild(LCDML.MENU_getCursorPosAbs())->getID()); else return (0); } void lcdml_menu_control(void) { // If something must init, put in in the setup condition if (LCDML.BT_setup()) { pinMode(BUT_R_PIN, INPUT_PULLUP); pinMode(BUT_L_PIN, INPUT_PULLUP); ENCODER[ENC_R].begin(); ENCODER[ENC_L].begin(); } if (back_from_volume > BACK_FROM_VOLUME_MS && LCDML.FUNC_getID() == LCDML.OTHER_getIDFromFunction(UI_func_volume)) { encoderDir[ENC_L].reset(); encoderDir[ENC_R].reset(); if (LCDML.MENU_getLastActiveFunctionID() < 0xff) LCDML.OTHER_jumpToID(LCDML.MENU_getLastActiveFunctionID()); else LCDML.OTHER_setCursorToID(LCDML.MENU_getLastCursorPositionID()); //LCDML.FUNC_goBackToMenu(); } // Volatile Variables long g_LCDML_CONTROL_Encoder_position[NUM_ENCODER] = {ENCODER[ENC_R].read(), ENCODER[ENC_L].read()}; bool button[NUM_ENCODER] = {digitalRead(BUT_R_PIN), digitalRead(BUT_L_PIN)}; /************************************************************************************ Basic encoder handling (from LCDMenuLib2) ************************************************************************************/ // RIGHT if (g_LCDML_CONTROL_Encoder_position[ENC_R] <= -3) { if (!button[ENC_R]) { LCDML.BT_left(); #ifdef DEBUG Serial.println(F("ENC-R left")); #endif encoderDir[ENC_R].Left(true); g_LCDML_CONTROL_button_prev[ENC_R] = LOW; g_LCDML_CONTROL_button_press_time[ENC_R] = -1; } else { #ifdef DEBUG Serial.println(F("ENC-R down")); #endif encoderDir[ENC_R].Down(true); LCDML.BT_down(); } ENCODER[ENC_R].write(g_LCDML_CONTROL_Encoder_position[ENC_R] + 4); } else if (g_LCDML_CONTROL_Encoder_position[ENC_R] >= 3) { if (!button[ENC_R]) { #ifdef DEBUG Serial.println(F("ENC-R right")); #endif encoderDir[ENC_R].Right(true); LCDML.BT_right(); g_LCDML_CONTROL_button_prev[ENC_R] = LOW; g_LCDML_CONTROL_button_press_time[ENC_R] = -1; } else { #ifdef DEBUG Serial.println(F("ENC-R up")); #endif encoderDir[ENC_R].Up(true); LCDML.BT_up(); } ENCODER[ENC_R].write(g_LCDML_CONTROL_Encoder_position[ENC_R] - 4); } else { if (!button[ENC_R] && g_LCDML_CONTROL_button_prev[ENC_R]) //falling edge, button pressed { encoderDir[ENC_R].ButtonPressed(true); g_LCDML_CONTROL_button_prev[ENC_R] = LOW; g_LCDML_CONTROL_button_press_time[ENC_R] = millis(); } else if (button[ENC_R] && !g_LCDML_CONTROL_button_prev[ENC_R]) //rising edge, button not active { encoderDir[ENC_R].ButtonPressed(false); g_LCDML_CONTROL_button_prev[ENC_R] = HIGH; if (g_LCDML_CONTROL_button_press_time[ENC_R] < 0) { g_LCDML_CONTROL_button_press_time[ENC_R] = millis(); //Reset for left right action } else if ((millis() - g_LCDML_CONTROL_button_press_time[ENC_R]) >= LONG_BUTTON_PRESS) { #ifdef DEBUG Serial.println("ENC-R long released"); #endif //LCDML.BT_quit(); encoderDir[ENC_R].ButtonLong(true); } else if ((millis() - g_LCDML_CONTROL_button_press_time[ENC_R]) >= BUT_DEBOUNCE_MS) { #ifdef DEBUG Serial.println(F("ENC-R short")); #endif encoderDir[ENC_R].ButtonShort(true); LCDML.BT_enter(); } } } if (encoderDir[ENC_R].ButtonPressed() == true && (millis() - g_LCDML_CONTROL_button_press_time[ENC_R]) >= LONG_BUTTON_PRESS) { #ifdef DEBUG Serial.println("ENC-R long recognized"); #endif encoderDir[ENC_R].ButtonLong(true); // if (seq.seq_running) { // seq.seq_running = false; // seq.seq_recording = false; // seq.seq_step = 0; // seq.seq_chain_active_step = 0; // MicroDexed[0]->panic(); // } if (LCDML.FUNC_getID() == LCDML.OTHER_getIDFromFunction(UI_func_voice_select)) { LCDML.BT_enter(); LCDML.OTHER_updateFunc(); LCDML.loop_menu(); encoderDir[ENC_R].ButtonPressed(false); encoderDir[ENC_R].ButtonLong(false); } else { if (LCDML.FUNC_getID() < 0xff) LCDML.FUNC_setGBAToLastFunc(); else LCDML.FUNC_setGBAToLastCursorPos(); LCDML.OTHER_jumpToFunc(UI_func_voice_select); encoderDir[ENC_R].reset(); } } // LEFT if (g_LCDML_CONTROL_Encoder_position[ENC_L] <= -3) { if (!button[ENC_L]) { #ifdef DEBUG Serial.println(F("ENC-L left")); #endif encoderDir[ENC_L].Left(true); LCDML.BT_left(); g_LCDML_CONTROL_button_prev[ENC_L] = LOW; g_LCDML_CONTROL_button_press_time[ENC_L] = -1; } else { #ifdef DEBUG Serial.println(F("ENC-L down")); #endif encoderDir[ENC_L].Down(true); LCDML.BT_down(); if (LCDML.FUNC_getID() != LCDML.OTHER_getIDFromFunction(UI_func_volume)) { LCDML.OTHER_jumpToFunc(UI_func_volume); } } ENCODER[ENC_L].write(g_LCDML_CONTROL_Encoder_position[ENC_L] + 4); } else if (g_LCDML_CONTROL_Encoder_position[ENC_L] >= 3) { if (!button[ENC_L]) { #ifdef DEBUG Serial.println(F("ENC-L right")); #endif encoderDir[ENC_L].Right(true); LCDML.BT_right(); g_LCDML_CONTROL_button_prev[ENC_L] = LOW; g_LCDML_CONTROL_button_press_time[ENC_L] = -1; } else { #ifdef DEBUG Serial.println(F("ENC-L up")); #endif encoderDir[ENC_L].Up(true); LCDML.BT_up(); if (LCDML.FUNC_getID() != LCDML.OTHER_getIDFromFunction(UI_func_volume)) { LCDML.OTHER_jumpToFunc(UI_func_volume); } } ENCODER[ENC_L].write(g_LCDML_CONTROL_Encoder_position[ENC_L] - 4); } else { if (!button[ENC_L] && g_LCDML_CONTROL_button_prev[ENC_L]) //falling edge, button pressed { encoderDir[ENC_L].ButtonPressed(true); g_LCDML_CONTROL_button_prev[ENC_L] = LOW; g_LCDML_CONTROL_button_press_time[ENC_L] = millis(); } else if (button[ENC_L] && !g_LCDML_CONTROL_button_prev[ENC_L]) //rising edge, button not active { encoderDir[ENC_L].ButtonPressed(false); g_LCDML_CONTROL_button_prev[ENC_L] = HIGH; if (g_LCDML_CONTROL_button_press_time[ENC_L] < 0) { g_LCDML_CONTROL_button_press_time[ENC_L] = millis(); //Reset for left right action } else if ((millis() - g_LCDML_CONTROL_button_press_time[ENC_L]) >= LONG_BUTTON_PRESS) { #ifdef DEBUG Serial.println(F("ENC-L long released")); #endif //encoderDir[ENC_L].ButtonLong(true); //LCDML.BT_quit(); } else if ((millis() - g_LCDML_CONTROL_button_press_time[ENC_L]) >= BUT_DEBOUNCE_MS) { //LCDML.BT_enter(); #ifdef DEBUG Serial.println(F("ENC-L short")); #endif encoderDir[ENC_L].ButtonShort(true); if ((LCDML.MENU_getLastActiveFunctionID() == 0xff && LCDML.MENU_getLastCursorPositionID() == 0) || menu_init == true) { LCDML.MENU_goRoot(); menu_init = false; } else if (LCDML.FUNC_getID() == LCDML.OTHER_getIDFromFunction(UI_func_volume)) { encoderDir[ENC_L].reset(); encoderDir[ENC_R].reset(); if (LCDML.MENU_getLastActiveFunctionID() < 0xff) LCDML.OTHER_jumpToID(LCDML.MENU_getLastActiveFunctionID()); else LCDML.OTHER_setCursorToID(LCDML.MENU_getLastCursorPositionID()); } else LCDML.BT_quit(); } } } if (encoderDir[ENC_L].ButtonPressed() == true && (millis() - g_LCDML_CONTROL_button_press_time[ENC_L]) >= LONG_BUTTON_PRESS) { #ifdef DEBUG Serial.println(F("ENC-L long recognized")); #endif // when in Voice select Menu, long left-press sets/unsets favorite if (LCDML.FUNC_getID() == LCDML.OTHER_getIDFromFunction(UI_func_voice_select)) save_favorite(configuration.dexed[selected_instance_id].bank, configuration.dexed[selected_instance_id].voice, selected_instance_id); // when not in Voice select Menu, long left-press starts/stops sequencer else if (LCDML.FUNC_getID() != LCDML.OTHER_getIDFromFunction(UI_func_voice_select)) toggle_sequencer_play_status(); //for (uint8_t i = 0; i < NUM_DEXED; i++) // MicroDexed[i]->panic(); encoderDir[ENC_L].reset(); encoderDir[ENC_R].reset(); } } /*********************************************************************** MENU DISPLAY ***********************************************************************/ void lcdml_menu_clear(void) { lcd.clear(); lcd.setCursor(0, 0); } void lcdml_menu_display(void) { // update content // *************** if (LCDML.DISP_checkMenuUpdate()) { // clear menu // *************** LCDML.DISP_clear(); // declaration of some variables // *************** // content variable char content_text[_LCDML_DISP_cols]; // save the content text of every menu element // menu element object LCDMenuLib2_menu *tmp; // some limit values uint8_t i = LCDML.MENU_getScroll(); uint8_t maxi = _LCDML_DISP_rows + i; uint8_t n = 0; // check if this element has children if ((tmp = LCDML.MENU_getDisplayedObj()) != NULL) { // loop to display lines do { // check if a menu element has a condition and if the condition be true if (tmp->checkCondition()) { // check the type off a menu element if (tmp->checkType_menu() == true) { // display normal content LCDML_getContent(content_text, tmp->getID()); lcd.setCursor(1, n); lcd.print(content_text); } else { if (tmp->checkType_dynParam()) { tmp->callback(n); } } // increment some values i++; n++; } // try to go to the next sibling and check the number of displayed rows } while (((tmp = tmp->getSibling(1)) != NULL) && (i < maxi)); } } if (LCDML.DISP_checkMenuCursorUpdate()) { // init vars uint8_t n_max = (LCDML.MENU_getChilds() >= _LCDML_DISP_rows) ? _LCDML_DISP_rows : (LCDML.MENU_getChilds()); uint8_t scrollbar_min = 0; uint8_t scrollbar_max = LCDML.MENU_getChilds(); uint8_t scrollbar_cur_pos = LCDML.MENU_getCursorPosAbs(); uint8_t scroll_pos = ((1.*n_max * _LCDML_DISP_rows) / (scrollbar_max - 1) * scrollbar_cur_pos); // display rows for (uint8_t n = 0; n < n_max; n++) { //set cursor lcd.setCursor(0, n); //set cursor char if (n == LCDML.MENU_getCursorPos()) { lcd.write(_LCDML_DISP_cfg_cursor); } else { lcd.write(' '); } // delete or reset scrollbar if (_LCDML_DISP_cfg_scrollbar == 1) { if (scrollbar_max > n_max) { #ifdef I2C_DISPLAY lcd.setCursor((_LCDML_DISP_cols - 1), n); lcd.write((uint8_t)0); #else lcd.drawTile((_LCDML_DISP_cols - 1), n, 1, flipped_scroll_bar[0]); lcd.setCursor((_LCDML_DISP_cols), n + 1); #endif } else { lcd.setCursor((_LCDML_DISP_cols - 1), n); lcd.print(F(" ")); } } } // display scrollbar if (_LCDML_DISP_cfg_scrollbar == 1) { if (scrollbar_max > n_max) { //set scroll position if (scrollbar_cur_pos == scrollbar_min) { // min pos #ifdef I2C_DISPLAY lcd.setCursor((_LCDML_DISP_cols - 1), 0); lcd.write((uint8_t)1); #else lcd.drawTile((_LCDML_DISP_cols - 1), 0, 1, flipped_scroll_bar[1]); lcd.setCursor((_LCDML_DISP_cols), 1); #endif } else if (scrollbar_cur_pos == (scrollbar_max - 1)) { // max pos #ifdef I2C_DISPLAY lcd.setCursor((_LCDML_DISP_cols - 1), (n_max - 1)); lcd.write((uint8_t)4); #else lcd.drawTile((_LCDML_DISP_cols - 1), (n_max - 1), 1, flipped_scroll_bar[4]); lcd.setCursor((_LCDML_DISP_cols), (n_max)); #endif } else { // between #ifdef I2C_DISPLAY lcd.setCursor((_LCDML_DISP_cols - 1), scroll_pos / n_max); lcd.write((uint8_t)(scroll_pos % n_max) + 1); #else lcd.drawTile((_LCDML_DISP_cols - 1), scroll_pos / n_max, 1, flipped_scroll_bar[(scroll_pos % n_max) + 1]); lcd.setCursor((_LCDML_DISP_cols), (scroll_pos / n_max) + 1); #endif } } } } } //#################################################################################################################################################################################################### /*********************************************************************** MENU ***********************************************************************/ #ifdef USE_FX void UI_func_reverb_roomsize(uint8_t param) { if (LCDML.FUNC_setup()) // ****** SETUP ********* { encoderDir[ENC_R].reset(); lcd_special_chars(BLOCKBAR); lcd_display_bar_int("Reverb Room", configuration.fx.reverb_roomsize, 1.0, REVERB_ROOMSIZE_MIN, REVERB_ROOMSIZE_MAX, 3, false, false, true); } if (LCDML.FUNC_loop()) // ****** LOOP ********* { if ((LCDML.BT_checkDown() && encoderDir[ENC_R].Down()) || (LCDML.BT_checkUp() && encoderDir[ENC_R].Up())) { if (LCDML.BT_checkDown()) configuration.fx.reverb_roomsize = constrain(configuration.fx.reverb_roomsize + ENCODER[ENC_R].speed(), REVERB_ROOMSIZE_MIN, REVERB_ROOMSIZE_MAX); else if (LCDML.BT_checkUp()) configuration.fx.reverb_roomsize = constrain(configuration.fx.reverb_roomsize - ENCODER[ENC_R].speed(), REVERB_ROOMSIZE_MIN, REVERB_ROOMSIZE_MAX); } lcd_display_bar_int("Reverb Room", configuration.fx.reverb_roomsize, 1.0, REVERB_ROOMSIZE_MIN, REVERB_ROOMSIZE_MAX, 3, false, false, false); #ifdef USE_PLATEREVERB reverb.size(mapfloat(configuration.fx.reverb_roomsize, REVERB_ROOMSIZE_MIN, REVERB_ROOMSIZE_MAX, 0.0, 1.0)); #else freeverb.roomsize(mapfloat(configuration.fx.reverb_roomsize, REVERB_ROOMSIZE_MIN, REVERB_ROOMSIZE_MAX, 0.0, 1.0)); #endif } if (LCDML.FUNC_close()) // ****** STABLE END ********* { lcd_special_chars(SCROLLBAR); encoderDir[ENC_R].reset(); } } #if USE_PLATEREVERB != 1 void UI_func_reverb_damping(uint8_t param) { if (LCDML.FUNC_setup()) // ****** SETUP ********* { encoderDir[ENC_R].reset(); lcd_special_chars(BLOCKBAR); lcd_display_bar_int("Reverb Damp.", configuration.fx.reverb_damping, 1.0, REVERB_DAMPING_MIN, REVERB_DAMPING_MAX, 3, false, false, true); } if (LCDML.FUNC_loop()) // ****** LOOP ********* { if ((LCDML.BT_checkDown() && encoderDir[ENC_R].Down()) || (LCDML.BT_checkUp() && encoderDir[ENC_R].Up())) { if (LCDML.BT_checkDown()) configuration.fx.reverb_damping = constrain(configuration.fx.reverb_damping + ENCODER[ENC_R].speed(), REVERB_DAMPING_MIN, REVERB_DAMPING_MAX); else if (LCDML.BT_checkUp()) configuration.fx.reverb_damping = constrain(configuration.fx.reverb_damping - ENCODER[ENC_R].speed(), REVERB_DAMPING_MIN, REVERB_DAMPING_MAX); } lcd_display_bar_int("Reverb Damp.", configuration.fx.reverb_damping, 1.0, REVERB_DAMPING_MIN, REVERB_DAMPING_MAX, 3, false, false, false); freeverb.damping(mapfloat(configuration.fx.reverb_damping, REVERB_DAMPING_MIN, REVERB_DAMPING_MAX, 0.0, 1.0)); } if (LCDML.FUNC_close()) // ****** STABLE END ********* { lcd_special_chars(SCROLLBAR); encoderDir[ENC_R].reset(); } } #else void UI_func_reverb_lowpass(uint8_t param) { if (LCDML.FUNC_setup()) // ****** SETUP ********* { encoderDir[ENC_R].reset(); lcd_special_chars(BLOCKBAR); lcd_display_bar_int("Reverb Lowpass", configuration.fx.reverb_lowpass, 1.0, REVERB_LOWPASS_MIN, REVERB_LOWPASS_MAX, 3, false, false, true); } if (LCDML.FUNC_loop()) // ****** LOOP ********* { if ((LCDML.BT_checkDown() && encoderDir[ENC_R].Down()) || (LCDML.BT_checkUp() && encoderDir[ENC_R].Up())) { if (LCDML.BT_checkDown()) configuration.fx.reverb_lowpass = constrain(configuration.fx.reverb_lowpass + ENCODER[ENC_R].speed(), REVERB_LOWPASS_MIN, REVERB_LOWPASS_MAX); else if (LCDML.BT_checkUp()) configuration.fx.reverb_lowpass = constrain(configuration.fx.reverb_lowpass - ENCODER[ENC_R].speed(), REVERB_LOWPASS_MIN, REVERB_LOWPASS_MAX); } lcd_display_bar_int("Reverb Lowpass", configuration.fx.reverb_lowpass, 1.0, REVERB_LOWPASS_MIN, REVERB_LOWPASS_MAX, 3, false, false, false); reverb.lowpass(mapfloat(configuration.fx.reverb_lowpass, REVERB_LOWPASS_MIN, REVERB_LOWPASS_MAX, 0.0, 1.0)); } if (LCDML.FUNC_close()) // ****** STABLE END ********* { lcd_special_chars(SCROLLBAR); encoderDir[ENC_R].reset(); } } void UI_func_reverb_lodamp(uint8_t param) { if (LCDML.FUNC_setup()) // ****** SETUP ********* { encoderDir[ENC_R].reset(); lcd_special_chars(BLOCKBAR); lcd_display_bar_int("Reverb Lodamp.", configuration.fx.reverb_lodamp, 1.0, REVERB_LODAMP_MIN, REVERB_LODAMP_MAX, 3, false, false, true); } if (LCDML.FUNC_loop()) // ****** LOOP ********* { if ((LCDML.BT_checkDown() && encoderDir[ENC_R].Down()) || (LCDML.BT_checkUp() && encoderDir[ENC_R].Up())) { if (LCDML.BT_checkDown()) configuration.fx.reverb_lodamp = constrain(configuration.fx.reverb_lodamp + ENCODER[ENC_R].speed(), REVERB_LODAMP_MIN, REVERB_LODAMP_MAX); else if (LCDML.BT_checkUp()) configuration.fx.reverb_lodamp = constrain(configuration.fx.reverb_lodamp - ENCODER[ENC_R].speed(), REVERB_LODAMP_MIN, REVERB_LODAMP_MAX); } lcd_display_bar_int("Reverb Lodamp.", configuration.fx.reverb_lodamp, 1.0, REVERB_LODAMP_MIN, REVERB_LODAMP_MAX, 3, false, false, false); reverb.lodamp(mapfloat(configuration.fx.reverb_lodamp, REVERB_LODAMP_MIN, REVERB_LODAMP_MAX, 0.0, 1.0)); } if (LCDML.FUNC_close()) // ****** STABLE END ********* { lcd_special_chars(SCROLLBAR); encoderDir[ENC_R].reset(); } } void UI_func_reverb_hidamp(uint8_t param) { if (LCDML.FUNC_setup()) // ****** SETUP ********* { encoderDir[ENC_R].reset(); lcd_special_chars(BLOCKBAR); lcd_display_bar_int("Reverb Hidamp.", configuration.fx.reverb_hidamp, 1.0, REVERB_HIDAMP_MIN, REVERB_HIDAMP_MAX, 3, false, false, true); } if (LCDML.FUNC_loop()) // ****** LOOP ********* { if ((LCDML.BT_checkDown() && encoderDir[ENC_R].Down()) || (LCDML.BT_checkUp() && encoderDir[ENC_R].Up())) { if (LCDML.BT_checkDown()) configuration.fx.reverb_hidamp = constrain(configuration.fx.reverb_hidamp + ENCODER[ENC_R].speed(), REVERB_HIDAMP_MIN, REVERB_HIDAMP_MAX); else if (LCDML.BT_checkUp()) configuration.fx.reverb_hidamp = constrain(configuration.fx.reverb_hidamp - ENCODER[ENC_R].speed(), REVERB_HIDAMP_MIN, REVERB_HIDAMP_MAX); } lcd_display_bar_int("Reverb Hidamp.", configuration.fx.reverb_hidamp, 1.0, REVERB_HIDAMP_MIN, REVERB_HIDAMP_MAX, 3, false, false, false); reverb.hidamp(mapfloat(configuration.fx.reverb_hidamp, REVERB_HIDAMP_MIN, REVERB_HIDAMP_MAX, 0.0, 1.0)); } if (LCDML.FUNC_close()) // ****** STABLE END ********* { lcd_special_chars(SCROLLBAR); encoderDir[ENC_R].reset(); } } void UI_func_reverb_diffusion(uint8_t param) { if (LCDML.FUNC_setup()) // ****** SETUP ********* { encoderDir[ENC_R].reset(); lcd_special_chars(BLOCKBAR); lcd_display_bar_int("Reverb Diff.", configuration.fx.reverb_diffusion, 1.0, REVERB_DIFFUSION_MIN, REVERB_DIFFUSION_MAX, 3, false, false, true); } if (LCDML.FUNC_loop()) // ****** LOOP ********* { if ((LCDML.BT_checkDown() && encoderDir[ENC_R].Down()) || (LCDML.BT_checkUp() && encoderDir[ENC_R].Up())) { if (LCDML.BT_checkDown()) configuration.fx.reverb_diffusion = constrain(configuration.fx.reverb_diffusion + ENCODER[ENC_R].speed(), REVERB_DIFFUSION_MIN, REVERB_DIFFUSION_MAX); else if (LCDML.BT_checkUp()) configuration.fx.reverb_diffusion = constrain(configuration.fx.reverb_diffusion - ENCODER[ENC_R].speed(), REVERB_DIFFUSION_MIN, REVERB_DIFFUSION_MAX); } lcd_display_bar_int("Reverb Diff.", configuration.fx.reverb_diffusion, 1.0, REVERB_DIFFUSION_MIN, REVERB_DIFFUSION_MAX, 3, false, false, false); reverb.diffusion(mapfloat(configuration.fx.reverb_diffusion, REVERB_DIFFUSION_MIN, REVERB_DIFFUSION_MAX, 0.0, 1.0)); } if (LCDML.FUNC_close()) // ****** STABLE END ********* { lcd_special_chars(SCROLLBAR); encoderDir[ENC_R].reset(); } } #endif // PLATEREVERB != 1 void UI_func_reverb_level(uint8_t param) { if (LCDML.FUNC_setup()) // ****** SETUP ********* { encoderDir[ENC_R].reset(); lcd_special_chars(BLOCKBAR); lcd_display_bar_int("Reverb Level", configuration.fx.reverb_level, 1.0, REVERB_LEVEL_MIN, REVERB_LEVEL_MAX, 3, false, false, true); } if (LCDML.FUNC_loop()) // ****** LOOP ********* { if ((LCDML.BT_checkDown() && encoderDir[ENC_R].Down()) || (LCDML.BT_checkUp() && encoderDir[ENC_R].Up())) { if (LCDML.BT_checkDown()) configuration.fx.reverb_level = constrain(configuration.fx.reverb_level + ENCODER[ENC_R].speed(), REVERB_LEVEL_MIN, REVERB_LEVEL_MAX); else if (LCDML.BT_checkUp()) configuration.fx.reverb_level = constrain(configuration.fx.reverb_level - ENCODER[ENC_R].speed(), REVERB_LEVEL_MIN, REVERB_LEVEL_MAX); } lcd_display_bar_int("Reverb Level", configuration.fx.reverb_level, 1.0, REVERB_LEVEL_MIN, REVERB_LEVEL_MAX, 3, false, false, true); //master_mixer_r.gain(MASTER_MIX_CH_REVERB, pseudo_log_curve(mapfloat(configuration.fx.reverb_level, REVERB_LEVEL_MIN, REVERB_LEVEL_MAX, 0.0, 1.0))); //master_mixer_l.gain(MASTER_MIX_CH_REVERB, pseudo_log_curve(mapfloat(configuration.fx.reverb_level, REVERB_LEVEL_MIN, REVERB_LEVEL_MAX, 0.0, 1.0))); master_mixer_r.gain(MASTER_MIX_CH_REVERB, volume_transform(mapfloat(configuration.fx.reverb_level, REVERB_LEVEL_MIN, REVERB_LEVEL_MAX, 0.0, VOL_MAX_FLOAT))); master_mixer_l.gain(MASTER_MIX_CH_REVERB, volume_transform(mapfloat(configuration.fx.reverb_level, REVERB_LEVEL_MIN, REVERB_LEVEL_MAX, 0.0, VOL_MAX_FLOAT))); } if (LCDML.FUNC_close()) // ****** STABLE END ********* { lcd_special_chars(SCROLLBAR); encoderDir[ENC_R].reset(); } } void UI_func_chorus_frequency(uint8_t param) { if (LCDML.FUNC_setup()) // ****** SETUP ********* { encoderDir[ENC_R].reset(); lcd_special_chars(BLOCKBAR); lcd_display_bar_float("Chorus Frq.", configuration.fx.chorus_frequency[selected_instance_id], 0.1, CHORUS_FREQUENCY_MIN, CHORUS_FREQUENCY_MAX, 2, 1, false, false, true); lcd_active_instance_number(selected_instance_id); UI_update_instance_icons(); } if (LCDML.FUNC_loop()) // ****** LOOP ********* { if ((LCDML.BT_checkDown() && encoderDir[ENC_R].Down()) || (LCDML.BT_checkUp() && encoderDir[ENC_R].Up()) || (LCDML.BT_checkEnter() && encoderDir[ENC_R].ButtonShort())) { if (LCDML.BT_checkDown()) configuration.fx.chorus_frequency[selected_instance_id] = constrain(configuration.fx.chorus_frequency[selected_instance_id] + ENCODER[ENC_R].speed(), CHORUS_FREQUENCY_MIN, CHORUS_FREQUENCY_MAX); else if (LCDML.BT_checkUp()) configuration.fx.chorus_frequency[selected_instance_id] = constrain(configuration.fx.chorus_frequency[selected_instance_id] - ENCODER[ENC_R].speed(), CHORUS_FREQUENCY_MIN, CHORUS_FREQUENCY_MAX); #if NUM_DEXED > 1 else if (LCDML.BT_checkEnter()) { selected_instance_id = !selected_instance_id; lcd_active_instance_number(selected_instance_id); UI_update_instance_icons(); } #endif } lcd_display_bar_float("Chorus Frq.", configuration.fx.chorus_frequency[selected_instance_id], 0.1, CHORUS_FREQUENCY_MIN, CHORUS_FREQUENCY_MAX, 2, 1, false, false, false); chorus_modulator[selected_instance_id]->frequency(configuration.fx.chorus_frequency[selected_instance_id] / 10.0); } if (LCDML.FUNC_close()) // ****** STABLE END ********* { lcd_special_chars(SCROLLBAR); encoderDir[ENC_R].reset(); } } void UI_func_chorus_waveform(uint8_t param) { if (LCDML.FUNC_setup()) // ****** SETUP ********* { encoderDir[ENC_R].reset(); lcd.setCursor(0, 0); lcd.print(F("Chorus Wavefrm")); lcd_active_instance_number(selected_instance_id); UI_update_instance_icons(); } if (LCDML.FUNC_loop()) // ****** LOOP ********* { if (LCDML.BT_checkDown() && encoderDir[ENC_R].Down()) configuration.fx.chorus_waveform[selected_instance_id] = constrain(configuration.fx.chorus_waveform[selected_instance_id] + 1, CHORUS_WAVEFORM_MIN, CHORUS_WAVEFORM_MAX); else if (LCDML.BT_checkUp() && encoderDir[ENC_R].Up()) configuration.fx.chorus_waveform[selected_instance_id] = constrain(configuration.fx.chorus_waveform[selected_instance_id] - 1, CHORUS_WAVEFORM_MIN, CHORUS_WAVEFORM_MAX); #if NUM_DEXED > 1 else if (LCDML.BT_checkEnter() && encoderDir[ENC_R].ButtonShort()) { selected_instance_id = !selected_instance_id; lcd_active_instance_number(selected_instance_id); UI_update_instance_icons(); } #endif lcd.setCursor(0, 1); switch (configuration.fx.chorus_waveform[selected_instance_id]) { case 0: chorus_modulator[selected_instance_id]->begin(WAVEFORM_TRIANGLE); lcd.print(F("[TRIANGLE]")); break; case 1: chorus_modulator[selected_instance_id]->begin(WAVEFORM_SINE); lcd.print(F("[SINE ]")); break; default: chorus_modulator[selected_instance_id]->begin(WAVEFORM_TRIANGLE); lcd.print(F("[TRIANGLE]")); break; } } if (LCDML.FUNC_close()) // ****** STABLE END ********* { lcd_special_chars(SCROLLBAR); encoderDir[ENC_R].reset(); } } void UI_func_chorus_depth(uint8_t param) { if (LCDML.FUNC_setup()) // ****** SETUP ********* { encoderDir[ENC_R].reset(); lcd_special_chars(BLOCKBAR); lcd_display_bar_int("Chorus Dpt.", configuration.fx.chorus_depth[selected_instance_id], 1.0, CHORUS_DEPTH_MIN, CHORUS_DEPTH_MAX, 3, false, false, true); lcd_active_instance_number(selected_instance_id); UI_update_instance_icons(); } if (LCDML.FUNC_loop()) // ****** LOOP ********* { if ((LCDML.BT_checkDown() && encoderDir[ENC_R].Down()) || (LCDML.BT_checkUp() && encoderDir[ENC_R].Up()) || (LCDML.BT_checkEnter() && encoderDir[ENC_R].ButtonShort())) { if (LCDML.BT_checkDown()) configuration.fx.chorus_depth[selected_instance_id] = constrain(configuration.fx.chorus_depth[selected_instance_id] + ENCODER[ENC_R].speed(), CHORUS_DEPTH_MIN, CHORUS_DEPTH_MAX); else if (LCDML.BT_checkUp()) configuration.fx.chorus_depth[selected_instance_id] = constrain(configuration.fx.chorus_depth[selected_instance_id] - ENCODER[ENC_R].speed(), CHORUS_DEPTH_MIN, CHORUS_DEPTH_MAX); #if NUM_DEXED > 1 else if (LCDML.BT_checkEnter()) { selected_instance_id = !selected_instance_id; lcd_active_instance_number(selected_instance_id); UI_update_instance_icons(); } #endif } lcd_display_bar_int("Chorus Dpt.", configuration.fx.chorus_depth[selected_instance_id], 1.0, CHORUS_DEPTH_MIN, CHORUS_DEPTH_MAX, 3, false, false, false); chorus_modulator[selected_instance_id]->amplitude(configuration.fx.chorus_depth[selected_instance_id] / 100.0); } if (LCDML.FUNC_close()) // ****** STABLE END ********* { lcd_special_chars(SCROLLBAR); encoderDir[ENC_R].reset(); } } void UI_func_chorus_level(uint8_t param) { if (LCDML.FUNC_setup()) // ****** SETUP ********* { encoderDir[ENC_R].reset(); lcd_special_chars(BLOCKBAR); lcd_display_bar_int("Chorus Lvl.", configuration.fx.chorus_level[selected_instance_id], 1.0, CHORUS_LEVEL_MIN, CHORUS_LEVEL_MAX, 3, false, false, true); lcd_active_instance_number(selected_instance_id); UI_update_instance_icons(); } if (LCDML.FUNC_loop()) // ****** LOOP ********* { if ((LCDML.BT_checkDown() && encoderDir[ENC_R].Down()) || (LCDML.BT_checkUp() && encoderDir[ENC_R].Up()) || (LCDML.BT_checkEnter() && encoderDir[ENC_R].ButtonShort())) { if (LCDML.BT_checkDown()) { configuration.fx.chorus_level[selected_instance_id] = constrain(configuration.fx.chorus_level[selected_instance_id] + ENCODER[ENC_R].speed(), CHORUS_LEVEL_MIN, CHORUS_LEVEL_MAX); MD_sendControlChange(configuration.dexed[selected_instance_id].midi_channel, 93, configuration.fx.chorus_level[selected_instance_id]); } else if (LCDML.BT_checkUp()) { configuration.fx.chorus_level[selected_instance_id] = constrain(configuration.fx.chorus_level[selected_instance_id] - ENCODER[ENC_R].speed(), CHORUS_LEVEL_MIN, CHORUS_LEVEL_MAX); MD_sendControlChange(configuration.dexed[selected_instance_id].midi_channel, 93, configuration.fx.chorus_level[selected_instance_id]); } #if NUM_DEXED > 1 else if (LCDML.BT_checkEnter()) { selected_instance_id = !selected_instance_id; lcd_active_instance_number(selected_instance_id); UI_update_instance_icons(); } #endif } lcd_display_bar_int("Chorus Lvl.", configuration.fx.chorus_level[selected_instance_id], 1.0, CHORUS_LEVEL_MIN, CHORUS_LEVEL_MAX, 3, false, false, false); //chorus_mixer[selected_instance_id]->gain(0, pseudo_log_curve(1.0 - mapfloat(configuration.fx.chorus_level[selected_instance_id], CHORUS_LEVEL_MIN, CHORUS_LEVEL_MAX, 0.0, 0.5))); //chorus_mixer[selected_instance_id]->gain(1, pseudo_log_curve(mapfloat(configuration.fx.chorus_level[selected_instance_id], CHORUS_LEVEL_MIN, CHORUS_LEVEL_MAX, 0.0, 0.5))); //chorus_mixer[selected_instance_id]->gain(0, 1.0 - mapfloat(configuration.fx.chorus_level[selected_instance_id], CHORUS_LEVEL_MIN, CHORUS_LEVEL_MAX, 0.0, 0.5)); chorus_mixer[selected_instance_id]->gain(1, mapfloat(configuration.fx.chorus_level[selected_instance_id], CHORUS_LEVEL_MIN, CHORUS_LEVEL_MAX, 0.0, 0.5)); } if (LCDML.FUNC_close()) // ****** STABLE END ********* { lcd_special_chars(SCROLLBAR); encoderDir[ENC_R].reset(); } } void UI_func_delay_time(uint8_t param) { if (LCDML.FUNC_setup()) // ****** SETUP ********* { encoderDir[ENC_R].reset(); lcd_special_chars(BLOCKBAR); if (configuration.fx.delay_sync[selected_instance_id] > 0) { lcd_display_delay_sync(configuration.fx.delay_sync[selected_instance_id]); //goto MIDI Sync } else { #if DELAY_TIME_MAX >= 100 lcd_display_bar_int("Delay Time", configuration.fx.delay_time[selected_instance_id], 10.0, DELAY_TIME_MIN, DELAY_TIME_MAX, 4, false, false, true); #else lcd_display_bar_int("Delay Time", configuration.fx.delay_time[selected_instance_id], 10.0, DELAY_TIME_MIN, DELAY_TIME_MAX, 3, false, false, true); #endif } lcd_active_instance_number(selected_instance_id); UI_update_instance_icons(); } if (LCDML.FUNC_loop()) // ****** LOOP ********* { if ((LCDML.BT_checkDown() && encoderDir[ENC_R].Down()) || (LCDML.BT_checkUp() && encoderDir[ENC_R].Up()) || (LCDML.BT_checkEnter() && encoderDir[ENC_R].ButtonShort())) { if (LCDML.BT_checkDown()) { if (configuration.fx.delay_time[selected_instance_id] == DELAY_TIME_MIN && configuration.fx.delay_sync[selected_instance_id] > DELAY_SYNC_MIN) { // MIDI-sync delay configuration.fx.delay_sync[selected_instance_id] = constrain(configuration.fx.delay_sync[selected_instance_id] - 1, DELAY_SYNC_MIN, DELAY_SYNC_MAX); } else { configuration.fx.delay_time[selected_instance_id] = constrain(configuration.fx.delay_time[selected_instance_id] + ENCODER[ENC_R].speed(), DELAY_TIME_MIN, DELAY_TIME_MAX); MD_sendControlChange(configuration.dexed[selected_instance_id].midi_channel, 105, configuration.fx.delay_time[selected_instance_id]); } } else if (LCDML.BT_checkUp()) { if (configuration.fx.delay_time[selected_instance_id] == DELAY_TIME_MIN && configuration.fx.delay_sync[selected_instance_id] > DELAY_SYNC_MIN) { // MIDI-sync delay configuration.fx.delay_sync[selected_instance_id] = constrain(configuration.fx.delay_sync[selected_instance_id] + 1, DELAY_SYNC_MIN, DELAY_SYNC_MAX); } else { if (configuration.fx.delay_time[selected_instance_id] == DELAY_TIME_MIN) configuration.fx.delay_sync[selected_instance_id] = DELAY_SYNC_MIN + 1; else { configuration.fx.delay_time[selected_instance_id] = constrain(configuration.fx.delay_time[selected_instance_id] - ENCODER[ENC_R].speed(), DELAY_TIME_MIN, DELAY_TIME_MAX); MD_sendControlChange(configuration.dexed[selected_instance_id].midi_channel, 105, configuration.fx.delay_time[selected_instance_id]); } } } #if NUM_DEXED > 1 else if (LCDML.BT_checkEnter()) { selected_instance_id = !selected_instance_id; lcd_active_instance_number(selected_instance_id); UI_update_instance_icons(); } #endif } if (configuration.fx.delay_sync[selected_instance_id] > 0) { lcd_display_delay_sync(configuration.fx.delay_sync[selected_instance_id]);//MIDI Sync Delay } else { #if DELAY_TIME_MAX >= 100 lcd_display_bar_int("Delay Time", configuration.fx.delay_time[selected_instance_id], 10.0, DELAY_TIME_MIN, DELAY_TIME_MAX, 4, false, false, true); #else lcd_display_bar_int("Delay Time", configuration.fx.delay_time[selected_instance_id], 10.0, DELAY_TIME_MIN, DELAY_TIME_MAX, 3, false, false, true); #endif if (configuration.fx.delay_time[selected_instance_id] <= DELAY_TIME_MIN) delay_fx[selected_instance_id]->disable(0); else delay_fx[selected_instance_id]->delay(0, constrain(configuration.fx.delay_time[selected_instance_id], DELAY_TIME_MIN, DELAY_TIME_MAX) * 10); } } if (LCDML.FUNC_close()) // ****** STABLE END ********* { lcd_special_chars(SCROLLBAR); encoderDir[ENC_R].reset(); } } void UI_func_delay_feedback(uint8_t param) { if (LCDML.FUNC_setup()) // ****** SETUP ********* { encoderDir[ENC_R].reset(); lcd_special_chars(BLOCKBAR); lcd_display_bar_int("Delay Feedb.", configuration.fx.delay_feedback[selected_instance_id], 1.0, DELAY_FEEDBACK_MIN, DELAY_FEEDBACK_MAX, 3, false, false, true); lcd_active_instance_number(selected_instance_id); UI_update_instance_icons(); } if (LCDML.FUNC_loop()) // ****** LOOP ********* { if ((LCDML.BT_checkDown() && encoderDir[ENC_R].Down()) || (LCDML.BT_checkUp() && encoderDir[ENC_R].Up()) || (LCDML.BT_checkEnter() && encoderDir[ENC_R].ButtonShort())) { if (LCDML.BT_checkDown()) { configuration.fx.delay_feedback[selected_instance_id] = constrain(configuration.fx.delay_feedback[selected_instance_id] + ENCODER[ENC_R].speed(), DELAY_FEEDBACK_MIN, DELAY_FEEDBACK_MAX); MD_sendControlChange(configuration.dexed[selected_instance_id].midi_channel, 106, configuration.fx.delay_feedback[selected_instance_id]); } else if (LCDML.BT_checkUp()) { configuration.fx.delay_feedback[selected_instance_id] = constrain(configuration.fx.delay_feedback[selected_instance_id] - ENCODER[ENC_R].speed(), DELAY_FEEDBACK_MIN, DELAY_FEEDBACK_MAX); MD_sendControlChange(configuration.dexed[selected_instance_id].midi_channel, 106, configuration.fx.delay_feedback[selected_instance_id]); } #if NUM_DEXED > 1 else if (LCDML.BT_checkEnter()) { selected_instance_id = !selected_instance_id; lcd_active_instance_number(selected_instance_id); UI_update_instance_icons(); } #endif } lcd_display_bar_int("Delay Feedb.", configuration.fx.delay_feedback[selected_instance_id], 1.0, DELAY_FEEDBACK_MIN, DELAY_FEEDBACK_MAX, 3, false, false, false); delay_fb_mixer[selected_instance_id]->gain(1, midi_volume_transform(map(configuration.fx.delay_feedback[selected_instance_id], DELAY_FEEDBACK_MIN, DELAY_FEEDBACK_MAX, 0, 127))); // amount of feedback } if (LCDML.FUNC_close()) // ****** STABLE END ********* { lcd_special_chars(SCROLLBAR); encoderDir[ENC_R].reset(); } } void UI_func_delay_level(uint8_t param) { if (LCDML.FUNC_setup()) // ****** SETUP ********* { encoderDir[ENC_R].reset(); lcd_special_chars(BLOCKBAR); lcd_display_bar_int("Delay Lvl.", configuration.fx.delay_level[selected_instance_id], 1.0, DELAY_LEVEL_MIN, DELAY_LEVEL_MAX, 3, false, false, true); lcd_active_instance_number(selected_instance_id); UI_update_instance_icons(); } if (LCDML.FUNC_loop()) // ****** LOOP ********* { if ((LCDML.BT_checkDown() && encoderDir[ENC_R].Down()) || (LCDML.BT_checkUp() && encoderDir[ENC_R].Up()) || (LCDML.BT_checkEnter() && encoderDir[ENC_R].ButtonShort())) { if (LCDML.BT_checkDown()) { configuration.fx.delay_level[selected_instance_id] = constrain(configuration.fx.delay_level[selected_instance_id] + ENCODER[ENC_R].speed(), DELAY_LEVEL_MIN, DELAY_LEVEL_MAX); MD_sendControlChange(configuration.dexed[selected_instance_id].midi_channel, 107, configuration.fx.delay_level[selected_instance_id]); } else if (LCDML.BT_checkUp()) { configuration.fx.delay_level[selected_instance_id] = constrain(configuration.fx.delay_level[selected_instance_id] - ENCODER[ENC_R].speed(), DELAY_LEVEL_MIN, DELAY_LEVEL_MAX); MD_sendControlChange(configuration.dexed[selected_instance_id].midi_channel, 107, configuration.fx.delay_level[selected_instance_id]); } #if NUM_DEXED > 1 else if (LCDML.BT_checkEnter()) { selected_instance_id = !selected_instance_id; lcd_active_instance_number(selected_instance_id); UI_update_instance_icons(); } #endif } lcd_display_bar_int("Delay Lvl.", configuration.fx.delay_level[selected_instance_id], 1.0, DELAY_LEVEL_MIN, DELAY_LEVEL_MAX, 3, false, false, false); delay_mixer[selected_instance_id]->gain(1, midi_volume_transform(map(configuration.fx.delay_level[selected_instance_id], DELAY_LEVEL_MIN, DELAY_LEVEL_MAX, 0, 127))); } if (LCDML.FUNC_close()) // ****** STABLE END ********* { lcd_special_chars(SCROLLBAR); encoderDir[ENC_R].reset(); } } void UI_func_reverb_send(uint8_t param) { if (LCDML.FUNC_setup()) // ****** SETUP ********* { encoderDir[ENC_R].reset(); lcd_special_chars(BLOCKBAR); lcd_display_bar_int("Reverb Send", configuration.fx.reverb_send[selected_instance_id], 1.0, REVERB_SEND_MIN, REVERB_SEND_MAX, 3, false, false, true); lcd_active_instance_number(selected_instance_id); UI_update_instance_icons(); } if (LCDML.FUNC_loop()) // ****** LOOP ********* { if ((LCDML.BT_checkDown() && encoderDir[ENC_R].Down()) || (LCDML.BT_checkUp() && encoderDir[ENC_R].Up()) || (LCDML.BT_checkEnter() && encoderDir[ENC_R].ButtonShort())) { if (LCDML.BT_checkDown()) { configuration.fx.reverb_send[selected_instance_id] = constrain(configuration.fx.reverb_send[selected_instance_id] + ENCODER[ENC_R].speed(), REVERB_SEND_MIN, REVERB_SEND_MAX); MD_sendControlChange(configuration.dexed[selected_instance_id].midi_channel, 91, configuration.fx.reverb_send[selected_instance_id]); } else if (LCDML.BT_checkUp()) { configuration.fx.reverb_send[selected_instance_id] = constrain(configuration.fx.reverb_send[selected_instance_id] - ENCODER[ENC_R].speed(), REVERB_SEND_MIN, REVERB_SEND_MAX); MD_sendControlChange(configuration.dexed[selected_instance_id].midi_channel, 91, configuration.fx.reverb_send[selected_instance_id]); } #if NUM_DEXED > 1 else if (LCDML.BT_checkEnter()) { selected_instance_id = !selected_instance_id; lcd_active_instance_number(selected_instance_id); UI_update_instance_icons(); } #endif } lcd_display_bar_int("Reverb Send", configuration.fx.reverb_send[selected_instance_id], 1.0, REVERB_SEND_MIN, REVERB_SEND_MAX, 3, false, false, false); reverb_mixer_r.gain(selected_instance_id, volume_transform(mapfloat(configuration.fx.reverb_send[selected_instance_id], REVERB_SEND_MIN, REVERB_SEND_MAX, 0.0, VOL_MAX_FLOAT))); reverb_mixer_l.gain(selected_instance_id, volume_transform(mapfloat(configuration.fx.reverb_send[selected_instance_id], REVERB_SEND_MIN, REVERB_SEND_MAX, 0.0, VOL_MAX_FLOAT))); } if (LCDML.FUNC_close()) // ****** STABLE END ********* { lcd_special_chars(SCROLLBAR); encoderDir[ENC_R].reset(); } } void UI_func_filter_cutoff(uint8_t param) { if (LCDML.FUNC_setup()) // ****** SETUP ********* { encoderDir[ENC_R].reset(); lcd_special_chars(BLOCKBAR); lcd_display_bar_int("Filter Cutoff", configuration.fx.filter_cutoff[selected_instance_id], 1.0, FILTER_CUTOFF_MIN, FILTER_CUTOFF_MAX, 3, false, false, true); lcd_active_instance_number(selected_instance_id); UI_update_instance_icons(); } if (LCDML.FUNC_loop()) // ****** LOOP ********* { if ((LCDML.BT_checkDown() && encoderDir[ENC_R].Down()) || (LCDML.BT_checkUp() && encoderDir[ENC_R].Up()) || (LCDML.BT_checkEnter() && encoderDir[ENC_R].ButtonShort())) { if (LCDML.BT_checkDown()) { configuration.fx.filter_cutoff[selected_instance_id] = constrain(configuration.fx.filter_cutoff[selected_instance_id] + ENCODER[ENC_R].speed(), FILTER_CUTOFF_MIN, FILTER_CUTOFF_MAX); MD_sendControlChange(configuration.dexed[selected_instance_id].midi_channel, 104, configuration.fx.filter_cutoff[selected_instance_id]); } else if (LCDML.BT_checkUp()) { configuration.fx.filter_cutoff[selected_instance_id] = constrain(configuration.fx.filter_cutoff[selected_instance_id] - ENCODER[ENC_R].speed(), FILTER_CUTOFF_MIN, FILTER_CUTOFF_MAX); MD_sendControlChange(configuration.dexed[selected_instance_id].midi_channel, 104, configuration.fx.filter_cutoff[selected_instance_id]); } #if NUM_DEXED > 1 else if (LCDML.BT_checkEnter()) { selected_instance_id = !selected_instance_id; lcd_active_instance_number(selected_instance_id); UI_update_instance_icons(); } #endif } lcd_display_bar_int("Filter Cutoff", configuration.fx.filter_cutoff[selected_instance_id], 1.0, FILTER_CUTOFF_MIN, FILTER_CUTOFF_MAX, 3, false, false, false); MicroDexed[selected_instance_id]->setFilterCutoff(mapfloat(configuration.fx.filter_cutoff[selected_instance_id], FILTER_CUTOFF_MIN, FILTER_CUTOFF_MAX, 1.0, 0.0)); } if (LCDML.FUNC_close()) // ****** STABLE END ********* { lcd_special_chars(SCROLLBAR); encoderDir[ENC_R].reset(); } } void UI_func_filter_resonance(uint8_t param) { if (LCDML.FUNC_setup()) // ****** SETUP ********* { encoderDir[ENC_R].reset(); lcd_special_chars(BLOCKBAR); lcd_display_bar_int("Filter Reso.", configuration.fx.filter_resonance[selected_instance_id], 1.0, FILTER_RESONANCE_MIN, FILTER_RESONANCE_MAX, 3, false, false, true); lcd_active_instance_number(selected_instance_id); UI_update_instance_icons(); } if (LCDML.FUNC_loop()) // ****** LOOP ********* { if ((LCDML.BT_checkDown() && encoderDir[ENC_R].Down()) || (LCDML.BT_checkUp() && encoderDir[ENC_R].Up()) || (LCDML.BT_checkEnter() && encoderDir[ENC_R].ButtonShort())) { if (LCDML.BT_checkDown()) { configuration.fx.filter_resonance[selected_instance_id] = constrain(configuration.fx.filter_resonance[selected_instance_id] + ENCODER[ENC_R].speed(), FILTER_RESONANCE_MIN, FILTER_RESONANCE_MAX); MD_sendControlChange(configuration.dexed[selected_instance_id].midi_channel, 103, configuration.fx.filter_resonance[selected_instance_id]); } else if (LCDML.BT_checkUp()) { configuration.fx.filter_resonance[selected_instance_id] = constrain(configuration.fx.filter_resonance[selected_instance_id] - ENCODER[ENC_R].speed(), FILTER_RESONANCE_MIN, FILTER_RESONANCE_MAX); MD_sendControlChange(configuration.dexed[selected_instance_id].midi_channel, 103, configuration.fx.filter_resonance[selected_instance_id]); } #if NUM_DEXED > 1 else if (LCDML.BT_checkEnter()) { selected_instance_id = !selected_instance_id; lcd_active_instance_number(selected_instance_id); UI_update_instance_icons(); } #endif } lcd_display_bar_int("Filter Reso.", configuration.fx.filter_resonance[selected_instance_id], 1.0, FILTER_RESONANCE_MIN, FILTER_RESONANCE_MAX, 3, false, false, false); MicroDexed[selected_instance_id]->setFilterResonance(mapfloat(configuration.fx.filter_resonance[selected_instance_id], FILTER_RESONANCE_MIN, FILTER_RESONANCE_MAX, 1.0, 0.0)); } if (LCDML.FUNC_close()) // ****** STABLE END ********* { lcd_special_chars(SCROLLBAR); encoderDir[ENC_R].reset(); } } #endif void UI_func_transpose(uint8_t param) { if (LCDML.FUNC_setup()) // ****** SETUP ********* { encoderDir[ENC_R].reset(); lcd_special_chars(METERBAR); lcd_display_meter_int("Transpose", configuration.dexed[selected_instance_id].transpose, 1.0, -24.0, TRANSPOSE_MIN, TRANSPOSE_MAX, 2, false, true, true); lcd_active_instance_number(selected_instance_id); UI_update_instance_icons(); } if (LCDML.FUNC_loop()) // ****** LOOP ********* { if ((LCDML.BT_checkDown() && encoderDir[ENC_R].Down()) || (LCDML.BT_checkUp() && encoderDir[ENC_R].Up()) || (LCDML.BT_checkEnter() && encoderDir[ENC_R].ButtonShort())) { if (LCDML.BT_checkDown()) configuration.dexed[selected_instance_id].transpose = constrain(configuration.dexed[selected_instance_id].transpose + ENCODER[ENC_R].speed(), TRANSPOSE_MIN, TRANSPOSE_MAX); else if (LCDML.BT_checkUp()) configuration.dexed[selected_instance_id].transpose = constrain(configuration.dexed[selected_instance_id].transpose - ENCODER[ENC_R].speed(), TRANSPOSE_MIN, TRANSPOSE_MAX); #if NUM_DEXED > 1 else if (LCDML.BT_checkEnter()) { selected_instance_id = !selected_instance_id; lcd_active_instance_number(selected_instance_id); UI_update_instance_icons(); } #endif } lcd_display_meter_int("Transpose", configuration.dexed[selected_instance_id].transpose, 1.0, -24.0, TRANSPOSE_MIN, TRANSPOSE_MAX, 2, false, true, true); MicroDexed[selected_instance_id]->setTranspose(configuration.dexed[selected_instance_id].transpose); MicroDexed[selected_instance_id]->notesOff(); send_sysex_param(configuration.dexed[selected_instance_id].midi_channel, 144, configuration.dexed[selected_instance_id].transpose, 0); } if (LCDML.FUNC_close()) // ****** STABLE END ********* { lcd_special_chars(SCROLLBAR); encoderDir[ENC_R].reset(); } } void UI_func_tune(uint8_t param) { if (LCDML.FUNC_setup()) // ****** SETUP ********* { encoderDir[ENC_R].reset(); lcd_special_chars(METERBAR); lcd_display_meter_int("Fine Tune", configuration.dexed[selected_instance_id].tune, 1.0, -100.0, TUNE_MIN, TUNE_MAX, 3, false, true, true); lcd_active_instance_number(selected_instance_id); UI_update_instance_icons(); } if (LCDML.FUNC_loop()) // ****** LOOP ********* { if ((LCDML.BT_checkDown() && encoderDir[ENC_R].Down()) || (LCDML.BT_checkUp() && encoderDir[ENC_R].Up()) || (LCDML.BT_checkEnter() && encoderDir[ENC_R].ButtonShort())) { if (LCDML.BT_checkDown()) { configuration.dexed[selected_instance_id].tune = constrain(configuration.dexed[selected_instance_id].tune + ENCODER[ENC_R].speed(), TUNE_MIN, TUNE_MAX); MD_sendControlChange(configuration.dexed[selected_instance_id].midi_channel, 94, configuration.dexed[selected_instance_id].tune); } else if (LCDML.BT_checkUp()) { configuration.dexed[selected_instance_id].tune = constrain(configuration.dexed[selected_instance_id].tune - ENCODER[ENC_R].speed(), TUNE_MIN, TUNE_MAX); MD_sendControlChange(configuration.dexed[selected_instance_id].midi_channel, 94, configuration.dexed[selected_instance_id].tune); } #if NUM_DEXED > 1 else if (LCDML.BT_checkEnter()) { selected_instance_id = !selected_instance_id; lcd_active_instance_number(selected_instance_id); UI_update_instance_icons(); } #endif } lcd_display_meter_int("Fine Tune", configuration.dexed[selected_instance_id].tune, 1.0, -100.0, TUNE_MIN, TUNE_MAX, 3, false, true, false); MicroDexed[selected_instance_id]->setMasterTune((int((configuration.dexed[selected_instance_id].tune - 100) / 100.0 * 0x4000) << 11) * (1.0 / 12)); MicroDexed[selected_instance_id]->doRefreshVoice(); } if (LCDML.FUNC_close()) // ****** STABLE END ********* { lcd_special_chars(SCROLLBAR); encoderDir[ENC_R].reset(); } } void UI_func_midi_channel(uint8_t param) { if (LCDML.FUNC_setup()) // ****** SETUP ********* { encoderDir[ENC_R].reset(); lcd.setCursor(0, 0); lcd.print(F("MIDI Channel")); lcd_active_instance_number(selected_instance_id); UI_update_instance_icons(); } if (LCDML.FUNC_loop()) // ****** LOOP ********* { if (LCDML.BT_checkDown() && encoderDir[ENC_R].Down()) configuration.dexed[selected_instance_id].midi_channel = constrain(configuration.dexed[selected_instance_id].midi_channel + ENCODER[ENC_R].speed(), MIDI_CHANNEL_MIN, MIDI_CHANNEL_MAX); else if (LCDML.BT_checkUp() && encoderDir[ENC_R].Up()) configuration.dexed[selected_instance_id].midi_channel = constrain(configuration.dexed[selected_instance_id].midi_channel - ENCODER[ENC_R].speed(), MIDI_CHANNEL_MIN, MIDI_CHANNEL_MAX); #if NUM_DEXED > 1 else if (LCDML.BT_checkEnter() && encoderDir[ENC_R].ButtonShort()) { selected_instance_id = !selected_instance_id; lcd_active_instance_number(selected_instance_id); UI_update_instance_icons(); } #endif lcd.setCursor(0, 1); if (configuration.dexed[selected_instance_id].midi_channel == 0) { lcd.print(F("[OMNI]")); } else { lcd_display_int(configuration.dexed[selected_instance_id].midi_channel, 4, false, true, false); } } if (LCDML.FUNC_close()) // ****** STABLE END ********* { lcd_special_chars(SCROLLBAR); encoderDir[ENC_R].reset(); } } void getNoteName(char* noteName, uint8_t noteNumber) { char notes [12][3] = {"A", "A#", "B", "C", "C#", "D", "D#", "E", "F", "F#", "G", "G#"}; uint8_t oct_index = noteNumber - 12; noteNumber -= 21; sprintf(noteName, "%2s%1d", notes[noteNumber % 12], oct_index / 12); } void UI_func_lowest_note(uint8_t param) { char note_name[4]; if (LCDML.FUNC_setup()) // ****** SETUP ********* { encoderDir[ENC_R].reset(); getNoteName(note_name, configuration.dexed[selected_instance_id].lowest_note); lcd.setCursor(0, 0); lcd.print(F("Lowest Note")); lcd.setCursor(0, 1); lcd.print(F("[")); lcd.print(note_name); lcd.print(F("]")); lcd_active_instance_number(selected_instance_id); UI_update_instance_icons(); } if (LCDML.FUNC_loop()) // ****** LOOP ********* { if ((LCDML.BT_checkDown() && encoderDir[ENC_R].Down()) || (LCDML.BT_checkUp() && encoderDir[ENC_R].Up()) || (LCDML.BT_checkEnter() && encoderDir[ENC_R].ButtonShort())) { if (LCDML.BT_checkDown()) configuration.dexed[selected_instance_id].lowest_note = constrain(configuration.dexed[selected_instance_id].lowest_note + ENCODER[ENC_R].speed(), INSTANCE_LOWEST_NOTE_MIN, INSTANCE_LOWEST_NOTE_MAX); else if (LCDML.BT_checkUp()) configuration.dexed[selected_instance_id].lowest_note = constrain(configuration.dexed[selected_instance_id].lowest_note - ENCODER[ENC_R].speed(), INSTANCE_LOWEST_NOTE_MIN, INSTANCE_LOWEST_NOTE_MAX); #if NUM_DEXED > 1 else if (LCDML.BT_checkEnter()) { selected_instance_id = !selected_instance_id; lcd_active_instance_number(selected_instance_id); UI_update_instance_icons(); } #endif } getNoteName(note_name, configuration.dexed[selected_instance_id].lowest_note); lcd.setCursor(1, 1); lcd.print(note_name); } if (LCDML.FUNC_close()) // ****** STABLE END ********* { lcd_special_chars(SCROLLBAR); encoderDir[ENC_R].reset(); } } void UI_func_highest_note(uint8_t param) { char note_name[4]; if (LCDML.FUNC_setup()) // ****** SETUP ********* { encoderDir[ENC_R].reset(); getNoteName(note_name, configuration.dexed[selected_instance_id].highest_note); lcd.setCursor(0, 0); lcd.print(F("Highest Note")); lcd.setCursor(0, 1); lcd.print(F("[")); lcd.print(note_name); lcd.print(F("]")); lcd_active_instance_number(selected_instance_id); UI_update_instance_icons(); } if (LCDML.FUNC_loop()) // ****** LOOP ********* { if ((LCDML.BT_checkDown() && encoderDir[ENC_R].Down()) || (LCDML.BT_checkUp() && encoderDir[ENC_R].Up()) || (LCDML.BT_checkEnter() && encoderDir[ENC_R].ButtonShort())) { if (LCDML.BT_checkDown()) configuration.dexed[selected_instance_id].highest_note = constrain(configuration.dexed[selected_instance_id].highest_note + ENCODER[ENC_R].speed(), INSTANCE_HIGHEST_NOTE_MIN, INSTANCE_HIGHEST_NOTE_MAX); else if (LCDML.BT_checkUp()) configuration.dexed[selected_instance_id].highest_note = constrain(configuration.dexed[selected_instance_id].highest_note - ENCODER[ENC_R].speed(), INSTANCE_HIGHEST_NOTE_MIN, INSTANCE_HIGHEST_NOTE_MAX); #if NUM_DEXED > 1 else if (LCDML.BT_checkEnter()) { selected_instance_id = !selected_instance_id; lcd_active_instance_number(selected_instance_id); UI_update_instance_icons(); } #endif } getNoteName(note_name, configuration.dexed[selected_instance_id].highest_note); lcd.setCursor(1, 1); lcd.print(note_name); } if (LCDML.FUNC_close()) // ****** STABLE END ********* { lcd_special_chars(SCROLLBAR); encoderDir[ENC_R].reset(); } } void UI_func_sound_intensity(uint8_t param) { if (LCDML.FUNC_setup()) // ****** SETUP ********* { encoderDir[ENC_R].reset(); lcd_special_chars(BLOCKBAR); lcd_display_bar_int("Voice Level", configuration.dexed[selected_instance_id].sound_intensity, 1.0, SOUND_INTENSITY_MIN, SOUND_INTENSITY_MAX, 3, false, false, true); lcd_active_instance_number(selected_instance_id); UI_update_instance_icons(); } if (LCDML.FUNC_loop()) // ****** LOOP ********* { if ((LCDML.BT_checkDown() && encoderDir[ENC_R].Down()) || (LCDML.BT_checkUp() && encoderDir[ENC_R].Up()) || (LCDML.BT_checkEnter() && encoderDir[ENC_R].ButtonShort())) { encoderDir[ENC_R].reset(); if (LCDML.BT_checkDown()) { configuration.dexed[selected_instance_id].sound_intensity = constrain(configuration.dexed[selected_instance_id].sound_intensity + ENCODER[ENC_R].speed(), SOUND_INTENSITY_MIN, SOUND_INTENSITY_MAX); MD_sendControlChange(configuration.dexed[selected_instance_id].midi_channel, 7, configuration.dexed[selected_instance_id].sound_intensity); } else if (LCDML.BT_checkUp()) { configuration.dexed[selected_instance_id].sound_intensity = constrain(configuration.dexed[selected_instance_id].sound_intensity - ENCODER[ENC_R].speed(), SOUND_INTENSITY_MIN, SOUND_INTENSITY_MAX); MD_sendControlChange(configuration.dexed[selected_instance_id].midi_channel, 7, configuration.dexed[selected_instance_id].sound_intensity); } #if NUM_DEXED > 1 else if (LCDML.BT_checkEnter()) { selected_instance_id = !selected_instance_id; lcd_active_instance_number(selected_instance_id); UI_update_instance_icons(); } #endif } lcd_display_bar_int("Voice Level", configuration.dexed[selected_instance_id].sound_intensity, 1.0, SOUND_INTENSITY_MIN, SOUND_INTENSITY_MAX, 3, false, false, false); MicroDexed[selected_instance_id]->setGain(midi_volume_transform(map(configuration.dexed[selected_instance_id].sound_intensity, SOUND_INTENSITY_MIN, SOUND_INTENSITY_MAX, 0, 127))); } if (LCDML.FUNC_close()) // ****** STABLE END ********* { lcd_special_chars(SCROLLBAR); encoderDir[ENC_R].reset(); } } void UI_func_panorama(uint8_t param) { if (LCDML.FUNC_setup()) // ****** SETUP ********* { encoderDir[ENC_R].reset(); if (configuration.sys.mono > 0) { lcd.setCursor(0, 0); lcd.print(F("Panorama")); lcd.setCursor(0, 1); lcd.print(F("MONO-disabled")); return; } lcd_special_chars(METERBAR); lcd_display_meter_float("Panorama", configuration.dexed[selected_instance_id].pan, 0.05, -20.0, PANORAMA_MIN, PANORAMA_MAX, 1, 1, false, true, true); lcd_active_instance_number(selected_instance_id); UI_update_instance_icons(); } if (LCDML.FUNC_loop()) // ****** LOOP ********* { if (LCDML.BT_checkDown() && encoderDir[ENC_R].Down() && configuration.sys.mono == 0) { configuration.dexed[selected_instance_id].pan = constrain(configuration.dexed[selected_instance_id].pan + ENCODER[ENC_R].speed(), PANORAMA_MIN, PANORAMA_MAX); MD_sendControlChange(configuration.dexed[selected_instance_id].midi_channel, 10, map(configuration.dexed[selected_instance_id].pan, PANORAMA_MIN, PANORAMA_MAX, 0, 127)); } else if (LCDML.BT_checkUp() && encoderDir[ENC_R].Up() && configuration.sys.mono == 0) { configuration.dexed[selected_instance_id].pan = constrain(configuration.dexed[selected_instance_id].pan - ENCODER[ENC_R].speed(), PANORAMA_MIN, PANORAMA_MAX); MD_sendControlChange(configuration.dexed[selected_instance_id].midi_channel, 10, map(configuration.dexed[selected_instance_id].pan, PANORAMA_MIN, PANORAMA_MAX, 0, 127)); } #if NUM_DEXED > 1 else if (LCDML.BT_checkEnter() && encoderDir[ENC_R].ButtonShort()) { selected_instance_id = !selected_instance_id; lcd_active_instance_number(selected_instance_id); UI_update_instance_icons(); } #endif if (configuration.sys.mono == 0) { lcd_display_meter_float("Panorama", configuration.dexed[selected_instance_id].pan, 0.05, -20.0, PANORAMA_MIN, PANORAMA_MAX, 1, 1, false, true, false); mono2stereo[selected_instance_id]->panorama(mapfloat(configuration.dexed[selected_instance_id].pan, PANORAMA_MIN, PANORAMA_MAX, -1.0, 1.0)); } } if (LCDML.FUNC_close()) // ****** STABLE END ********* { lcd_special_chars(SCROLLBAR); encoderDir[ENC_R].reset(); } } void UI_func_favorites(uint8_t param) { static uint8_t old_favorites; if (LCDML.FUNC_setup()) // ****** SETUP ********* { encoderDir[ENC_L].reset(); old_favorites = configuration.sys.favorites; lcd.setCursor(0, 0); lcd.print(F("Favorites")); lcd.setCursor(0, 1); switch (configuration.sys.favorites) { case 0: lcd.print(F("[ All presets ]")); break; case 1: lcd.print(F("[ FAVs. only ]")); break; case 2: lcd.print(F("[non-FAVs. only]")); break; case 3: lcd.print(F("[random non-FAV]")); break; } } if (LCDML.FUNC_loop()) // ****** LOOP ********* { if (LCDML.BT_checkDown()) configuration.sys.favorites = constrain(configuration.sys.favorites + 1, 0, 3); else if (LCDML.BT_checkUp()) configuration.sys.favorites = constrain(configuration.sys.favorites - 1, 0, 3); lcd.setCursor(0, 1); switch (configuration.sys.favorites) { case 0: lcd.print(F("[ All presets ]")); break; case 1: lcd.print(F("[ FAVs. only ]")); break; case 2: lcd.print(F("[non-FAVs. only]")); break; case 3: lcd.print(F("[random non-FAV]")); break; } } if (LCDML.FUNC_close()) // ****** STABLE END ********* { lcd_special_chars(SCROLLBAR); encoderDir[ENC_L].reset(); if (old_favorites != configuration.sys.favorites) { save_sys_flag = true; save_sys = 0; } } } void UI_func_epiano_midi_channel(uint8_t param) { if (LCDML.FUNC_setup()) // ****** SETUP ********* { encoderDir[ENC_R].reset(); lcd.setCursor(0, 0); lcd.print(F("EP MIDI Channel")); } if (LCDML.FUNC_loop()) // ****** LOOP ********* { if (LCDML.BT_checkDown() && encoderDir[ENC_R].Down()) configuration.epiano.midi_channel = constrain(configuration.epiano.midi_channel + ENCODER[ENC_R].speed(), EP_MIDI_CHANNEL_MIN, EP_MIDI_CHANNEL_MAX); else if (LCDML.BT_checkUp() && encoderDir[ENC_R].Up()) configuration.epiano.midi_channel = constrain(configuration.epiano.midi_channel - ENCODER[ENC_R].speed(), EP_MIDI_CHANNEL_MIN, EP_MIDI_CHANNEL_MAX); lcd.setCursor(0, 1); if (configuration.epiano.midi_channel == 0) { lcd.print(F("[OMNI]")); } else { lcd_display_int(configuration.epiano.midi_channel, 4, false, true, false); } } if (LCDML.FUNC_close()) // ****** STABLE END ********* { lcd_special_chars(SCROLLBAR); encoderDir[ENC_R].reset(); } } void UI_func_epiano_lowest_note(uint8_t param) { char note_name[4]; if (LCDML.FUNC_setup()) // ****** SETUP ********* { encoderDir[ENC_R].reset(); getNoteName(note_name, configuration.epiano.lowest_note); lcd.setCursor(0, 0); lcd.print(F("EP Lowest Note")); lcd.setCursor(0, 1); lcd.print(F("[")); lcd.print(note_name); lcd.print(F("]")); } if (LCDML.FUNC_loop()) // ****** LOOP ********* { if ((LCDML.BT_checkDown() && encoderDir[ENC_R].Down()) || (LCDML.BT_checkUp() && encoderDir[ENC_R].Up()) || (LCDML.BT_checkEnter() && encoderDir[ENC_R].ButtonShort())) { if (LCDML.BT_checkDown()) configuration.epiano.lowest_note = constrain(configuration.epiano.lowest_note + ENCODER[ENC_R].speed(), EP_LOWEST_NOTE_MIN, EP_LOWEST_NOTE_MAX); else if (LCDML.BT_checkUp()) configuration.epiano.lowest_note = constrain(configuration.epiano.lowest_note - ENCODER[ENC_R].speed(), EP_LOWEST_NOTE_MIN, EP_LOWEST_NOTE_MAX); } getNoteName(note_name, configuration.epiano.lowest_note); lcd.setCursor(1, 1); lcd.print(note_name); } if (LCDML.FUNC_close()) // ****** STABLE END ********* { lcd_special_chars(SCROLLBAR); encoderDir[ENC_R].reset(); } } void UI_func_epiano_highest_note(uint8_t param) { char note_name[4]; if (LCDML.FUNC_setup()) // ****** SETUP ********* { encoderDir[ENC_R].reset(); getNoteName(note_name, configuration.dexed[selected_instance_id].highest_note); lcd.setCursor(0, 0); lcd.print(F("EP Highest Note")); lcd.setCursor(0, 1); lcd.print(F("[")); lcd.print(note_name); lcd.print(F("]")); } if (LCDML.FUNC_loop()) // ****** LOOP ********* { if ((LCDML.BT_checkDown() && encoderDir[ENC_R].Down()) || (LCDML.BT_checkUp() && encoderDir[ENC_R].Up()) || (LCDML.BT_checkEnter() && encoderDir[ENC_R].ButtonShort())) { if (LCDML.BT_checkDown()) configuration.epiano.highest_note = constrain(configuration.epiano.highest_note + ENCODER[ENC_R].speed(), EP_HIGHEST_NOTE_MIN, EP_HIGHEST_NOTE_MAX); else if (LCDML.BT_checkUp()) configuration.epiano.highest_note = constrain(configuration.epiano.highest_note - ENCODER[ENC_R].speed(), EP_HIGHEST_NOTE_MIN, EP_HIGHEST_NOTE_MAX); } getNoteName(note_name, configuration.epiano.highest_note); lcd.setCursor(1, 1); lcd.print(note_name); } if (LCDML.FUNC_close()) // ****** STABLE END ********* { lcd_special_chars(SCROLLBAR); encoderDir[ENC_R].reset(); } } void UI_func_epiano_sound_intensity(uint8_t param) { if (LCDML.FUNC_setup()) // ****** SETUP ********* { encoderDir[ENC_R].reset(); lcd_special_chars(BLOCKBAR); lcd_display_bar_int("EPiano Level", configuration.epiano.sound_intensity, 1.0, EP_SOUND_INTENSITY_MIN, EP_SOUND_INTENSITY_MAX, 3, false, false, true); } if (LCDML.FUNC_loop()) // ****** LOOP ********* { if ((LCDML.BT_checkDown() && encoderDir[ENC_R].Down()) || (LCDML.BT_checkUp() && encoderDir[ENC_R].Up()) || (LCDML.BT_checkEnter() && encoderDir[ENC_R].ButtonShort())) { encoderDir[ENC_R].reset(); if (LCDML.BT_checkDown()) { configuration.epiano.sound_intensity = constrain(configuration.epiano.sound_intensity + ENCODER[ENC_R].speed(), EP_SOUND_INTENSITY_MIN, EP_SOUND_INTENSITY_MAX); MD_sendControlChange(configuration.epiano.midi_channel, 7, configuration.epiano.sound_intensity); } else if (LCDML.BT_checkUp()) { configuration.epiano.sound_intensity = constrain(configuration.epiano.sound_intensity - ENCODER[ENC_R].speed(), EP_SOUND_INTENSITY_MIN, EP_SOUND_INTENSITY_MAX); MD_sendControlChange(configuration.epiano.midi_channel, 7, configuration.epiano.sound_intensity); } } lcd_display_bar_int("Voice Level", configuration.epiano.sound_intensity, 1.0, EP_SOUND_INTENSITY_MIN, EP_SOUND_INTENSITY_MAX, 3, false, false, false); ep.setVolume(mapfloat(configuration.epiano.sound_intensity, EP_SOUND_INTENSITY_MIN, EP_SOUND_INTENSITY_MAX, 0, 1.0)); } if (LCDML.FUNC_close()) // ****** STABLE END ********* { lcd_special_chars(SCROLLBAR); encoderDir[ENC_R].reset(); } } void UI_func_epiano_panorama(uint8_t param) { if (LCDML.FUNC_setup()) // ****** SETUP ********* { encoderDir[ENC_R].reset(); if (configuration.sys.mono > 0) { lcd.setCursor(0, 0); lcd.print(F("EP Panorama")); lcd.setCursor(0, 1); lcd.print(F("MONO-disabled")); return; } lcd_special_chars(METERBAR); lcd_display_meter_float("EP Panorama", configuration.epiano.pan, 0.05, -20.0, EP_PANORAMA_MIN, EP_PANORAMA_MAX, 1, 1, false, true, true); } if (LCDML.FUNC_loop()) // ****** LOOP ********* { if (LCDML.BT_checkDown() && encoderDir[ENC_R].Down() && configuration.sys.mono == 0) { configuration.epiano.pan = constrain(configuration.epiano.pan + ENCODER[ENC_R].speed(), EP_PANORAMA_MIN, EP_PANORAMA_MAX); MD_sendControlChange(configuration.epiano.midi_channel, 10, map(configuration.epiano.pan, EP_PANORAMA_MIN, EP_PANORAMA_MAX, 0, 127)); } else if (LCDML.BT_checkUp() && encoderDir[ENC_R].Up() && configuration.sys.mono == 0) { configuration.epiano.pan = constrain(configuration.epiano.pan - ENCODER[ENC_R].speed(), EP_PANORAMA_MIN, EP_PANORAMA_MAX); MD_sendControlChange(configuration.epiano.midi_channel, 10, map(configuration.epiano.pan, EP_PANORAMA_MIN, EP_PANORAMA_MAX, 0, 127)); } if (configuration.sys.mono == 0) { lcd_display_meter_float("EP Panorama", configuration.epiano.pan, 0.05, -20.0, EP_PANORAMA_MIN, EP_PANORAMA_MAX, 1, 1, false, true, false); //TODO //mono2stereo[selected_instance_id]->panorama(mapfloat(configuration.dexed[selected_instance_id].pan, PANORAMA_MIN, PANORAMA_MAX, -1.0, 1.0)); } } if (LCDML.FUNC_close()) // ****** STABLE END ********* { lcd_special_chars(SCROLLBAR); encoderDir[ENC_R].reset(); } } void UI_func_epiano_decay(uint8_t param) { if (LCDML.FUNC_setup()) // ****** SETUP ********* { encoderDir[ENC_R].reset(); lcd_special_chars(BLOCKBAR); lcd_display_bar_int("EPiano Decay", configuration.epiano.decay, 1.0, EP_DECAY_MIN, EP_DECAY_MAX, 3, false, false, true); } if (LCDML.FUNC_loop()) // ****** LOOP ********* { if ((LCDML.BT_checkDown() && encoderDir[ENC_R].Down()) || (LCDML.BT_checkUp() && encoderDir[ENC_R].Up()) || (LCDML.BT_checkEnter() && encoderDir[ENC_R].ButtonShort())) { encoderDir[ENC_R].reset(); if (LCDML.BT_checkDown()) { configuration.epiano.decay = constrain(configuration.epiano.decay + ENCODER[ENC_R].speed(), EP_DECAY_MIN, EP_DECAY_MAX); } else if (LCDML.BT_checkUp()) { configuration.epiano.decay = constrain(configuration.epiano.decay - ENCODER[ENC_R].speed(), EP_DECAY_MIN, EP_DECAY_MAX); } } lcd_display_bar_int("EPiano Decay", configuration.epiano.decay, 1.0, EP_DECAY_MIN, EP_DECAY_MAX, 3, false, false, false); ep.setDecay(mapfloat(configuration.epiano.decay, EP_DECAY_MIN, EP_DECAY_MAX, 0, 1.0)); } if (LCDML.FUNC_close()) // ****** STABLE END ********* { lcd_special_chars(SCROLLBAR); encoderDir[ENC_R].reset(); } } void UI_func_epiano_release(uint8_t param) { if (LCDML.FUNC_setup()) // ****** SETUP ********* { encoderDir[ENC_R].reset(); lcd_special_chars(BLOCKBAR); lcd_display_bar_int("EPiano Release", configuration.epiano.release, 1.0, EP_RELEASE_MIN, EP_RELEASE_MAX, 3, false, false, true); } if (LCDML.FUNC_loop()) // ****** LOOP ********* { if ((LCDML.BT_checkDown() && encoderDir[ENC_R].Down()) || (LCDML.BT_checkUp() && encoderDir[ENC_R].Up()) || (LCDML.BT_checkEnter() && encoderDir[ENC_R].ButtonShort())) { encoderDir[ENC_R].reset(); if (LCDML.BT_checkDown()) { configuration.epiano.release = constrain(configuration.epiano.release + ENCODER[ENC_R].speed(), EP_RELEASE_MIN, EP_RELEASE_MAX); } else if (LCDML.BT_checkUp()) { configuration.epiano.decay = constrain(configuration.epiano.decay - ENCODER[ENC_R].speed(), EP_DECAY_MIN, EP_DECAY_MAX); } } lcd_display_bar_int("EPiano Release", configuration.epiano.release, 1.0, EP_RELEASE_MIN, EP_RELEASE_MAX, 3, false, false, false); ep.setRelease(mapfloat(configuration.epiano.release, EP_RELEASE_MIN, EP_RELEASE_MAX, 0, 1.0)); } if (LCDML.FUNC_close()) // ****** STABLE END ********* { lcd_special_chars(SCROLLBAR); encoderDir[ENC_R].reset(); } } void UI_func_epiano_hardness(uint8_t param) { if (LCDML.FUNC_setup()) // ****** SETUP ********* { encoderDir[ENC_R].reset(); lcd_special_chars(BLOCKBAR); lcd_display_bar_int("EPiano Hardness", configuration.epiano.hardness, 1.0, EP_HARDNESS_MIN, EP_HARDNESS_MAX, 3, false, false, true); } if (LCDML.FUNC_loop()) // ****** LOOP ********* { if ((LCDML.BT_checkDown() && encoderDir[ENC_R].Down()) || (LCDML.BT_checkUp() && encoderDir[ENC_R].Up()) || (LCDML.BT_checkEnter() && encoderDir[ENC_R].ButtonShort())) { encoderDir[ENC_R].reset(); if (LCDML.BT_checkDown()) { configuration.epiano.hardness = constrain(configuration.epiano.hardness + ENCODER[ENC_R].speed(), EP_HARDNESS_MIN, EP_HARDNESS_MAX); } else if (LCDML.BT_checkUp()) { configuration.epiano.hardness = constrain(configuration.epiano.hardness - ENCODER[ENC_R].speed(), EP_HARDNESS_MIN, EP_HARDNESS_MAX); } } lcd_display_bar_int("EPiano Hardness", configuration.epiano.hardness, 1.0, EP_HARDNESS_MIN, EP_HARDNESS_MAX, 3, false, false, false); ep.setHardness(mapfloat(configuration.epiano.hardness, EP_HARDNESS_MIN, EP_HARDNESS_MAX, 0, 1.0)); } if (LCDML.FUNC_close()) // ****** STABLE END ********* { lcd_special_chars(SCROLLBAR); encoderDir[ENC_R].reset(); } } void UI_func_epiano_treble(uint8_t param) { if (LCDML.FUNC_setup()) // ****** SETUP ********* { encoderDir[ENC_R].reset(); lcd_special_chars(BLOCKBAR); lcd_display_bar_int("EPiano Treble", configuration.epiano.treble, 1.0, EP_TREBLE_MIN, EP_TREBLE_MAX, 3, false, false, true); } if (LCDML.FUNC_loop()) // ****** LOOP ********* { if ((LCDML.BT_checkDown() && encoderDir[ENC_R].Down()) || (LCDML.BT_checkUp() && encoderDir[ENC_R].Up()) || (LCDML.BT_checkEnter() && encoderDir[ENC_R].ButtonShort())) { encoderDir[ENC_R].reset(); if (LCDML.BT_checkDown()) { configuration.epiano.treble = constrain(configuration.epiano.treble + ENCODER[ENC_R].speed(), EP_TREBLE_MIN, EP_TREBLE_MAX); } else if (LCDML.BT_checkUp()) { configuration.epiano.treble = constrain(configuration.epiano.treble - ENCODER[ENC_R].speed(), EP_TREBLE_MIN, EP_TREBLE_MAX); } } lcd_display_bar_int("EPiano Treble", configuration.epiano.treble, 1.0, EP_TREBLE_MIN, EP_TREBLE_MAX, 3, false, false, false); ep.setTreble(mapfloat(configuration.epiano.treble, EP_TREBLE_MIN, EP_TREBLE_MAX, 0, 1.0)); } if (LCDML.FUNC_close()) // ****** STABLE END ********* { lcd_special_chars(SCROLLBAR); encoderDir[ENC_R].reset(); } } void UI_func_epiano_stereo(uint8_t param) { if (LCDML.FUNC_setup()) // ****** SETUP ********* { encoderDir[ENC_R].reset(); lcd_special_chars(BLOCKBAR); lcd_display_bar_int("EPiano Stereo", configuration.epiano.stereo, 1.0, EP_STEREO_MIN, EP_STEREO_MAX, 3, false, false, true); } if (LCDML.FUNC_loop()) // ****** LOOP ********* { if ((LCDML.BT_checkDown() && encoderDir[ENC_R].Down()) || (LCDML.BT_checkUp() && encoderDir[ENC_R].Up()) || (LCDML.BT_checkEnter() && encoderDir[ENC_R].ButtonShort())) { encoderDir[ENC_R].reset(); if (LCDML.BT_checkDown()) { configuration.epiano.stereo = constrain(configuration.epiano.stereo + ENCODER[ENC_R].speed(), EP_STEREO_MIN, EP_STEREO_MAX); } else if (LCDML.BT_checkUp()) { configuration.epiano.stereo = constrain(configuration.epiano.stereo - ENCODER[ENC_R].speed(), EP_STEREO_MIN, EP_STEREO_MAX); } } lcd_display_bar_int("EPiano Stereo", configuration.epiano.stereo, 1.0, EP_STEREO_MIN, EP_STEREO_MAX, 3, false, false, false); ep.setStereo(mapfloat(configuration.epiano.stereo, EP_STEREO_MIN, EP_STEREO_MAX, 0, 1.0)); } if (LCDML.FUNC_close()) // ****** STABLE END ********* { lcd_special_chars(SCROLLBAR); encoderDir[ENC_R].reset(); } } void UI_func_epiano_tune(uint8_t param) { if (LCDML.FUNC_setup()) // ****** SETUP ********* { encoderDir[ENC_R].reset(); lcd_special_chars(METERBAR); lcd_display_meter_int("EPiano Tune", configuration.epiano.tune, 1.0, -100.0, EP_TUNE_MIN, EP_TUNE_MAX, 3, false, true, true); } if (LCDML.FUNC_loop()) // ****** LOOP ********* { if ((LCDML.BT_checkDown() && encoderDir[ENC_R].Down()) || (LCDML.BT_checkUp() && encoderDir[ENC_R].Up()) || (LCDML.BT_checkEnter() && encoderDir[ENC_R].ButtonShort())) { if (LCDML.BT_checkDown()) { configuration.epiano.tune = constrain(configuration.epiano.tune + ENCODER[ENC_R].speed(), EP_TUNE_MIN, EP_TUNE_MAX); MD_sendControlChange(configuration.epiano.midi_channel, 94, configuration.epiano.tune); } else if (LCDML.BT_checkUp()) { configuration.epiano.tune = constrain(configuration.epiano.tune - ENCODER[ENC_R].speed(), EP_TUNE_MIN, EP_TUNE_MAX); MD_sendControlChange(configuration.epiano.midi_channel, 94, configuration.epiano.tune); } } lcd_display_meter_int("EPiano Tune", configuration.epiano.tune, 1.0, -100.0, EP_TUNE_MIN, EP_TUNE_MAX, 3, false, true, false); ep.setTune((configuration.epiano.tune - 100) / 100.0); } if (LCDML.FUNC_close()) // ****** STABLE END ********* { lcd_special_chars(SCROLLBAR); encoderDir[ENC_R].reset(); } } void UI_func_epiano_detune(uint8_t param) { if (LCDML.FUNC_setup()) // ****** SETUP ********* { encoderDir[ENC_R].reset(); lcd_special_chars(BLOCKBAR); lcd_display_bar_int("EPiano Detune", configuration.epiano.detune, 1.0, EP_DETUNE_MIN, EP_DETUNE_MAX, 3, false, false, true); } if (LCDML.FUNC_loop()) // ****** LOOP ********* { if ((LCDML.BT_checkDown() && encoderDir[ENC_R].Down()) || (LCDML.BT_checkUp() && encoderDir[ENC_R].Up()) || (LCDML.BT_checkEnter() && encoderDir[ENC_R].ButtonShort())) { encoderDir[ENC_R].reset(); if (LCDML.BT_checkDown()) { configuration.epiano.detune = constrain(configuration.epiano.detune + ENCODER[ENC_R].speed(), EP_DETUNE_MIN, EP_DETUNE_MAX); } else if (LCDML.BT_checkUp()) { configuration.epiano.detune = constrain(configuration.epiano.detune - ENCODER[ENC_R].speed(), EP_DETUNE_MIN, EP_DETUNE_MAX); } } lcd_display_bar_int("EPiano Detune", configuration.epiano.detune, 1.0, EP_DETUNE_MIN, EP_DETUNE_MAX, 3, false, false, false); ep.setDetune(mapfloat(configuration.epiano.detune, EP_DETUNE_MIN, EP_DETUNE_MAX, 0, 1.0)); } if (LCDML.FUNC_close()) // ****** STABLE END ********* { lcd_special_chars(SCROLLBAR); encoderDir[ENC_R].reset(); } } void UI_func_epiano_pan_tremolo(uint8_t param) { if (LCDML.FUNC_setup()) // ****** SETUP ********* { encoderDir[ENC_R].reset(); lcd_special_chars(BLOCKBAR); lcd_display_bar_int("EPiano PanTrem", configuration.epiano.pan_tremolo, 1.0, EP_PAN_TREMOLO_MIN, EP_PAN_TREMOLO_MAX, 3, false, false, true); } if (LCDML.FUNC_loop()) // ****** LOOP ********* { if ((LCDML.BT_checkDown() && encoderDir[ENC_R].Down()) || (LCDML.BT_checkUp() && encoderDir[ENC_R].Up()) || (LCDML.BT_checkEnter() && encoderDir[ENC_R].ButtonShort())) { encoderDir[ENC_R].reset(); if (LCDML.BT_checkDown()) { configuration.epiano.pan_tremolo = constrain(configuration.epiano.pan_tremolo + ENCODER[ENC_R].speed(), EP_PAN_TREMOLO_MIN, EP_PAN_TREMOLO_MAX); } else if (LCDML.BT_checkUp()) { configuration.epiano.pan_tremolo = constrain(configuration.epiano.pan_tremolo - ENCODER[ENC_R].speed(), EP_PAN_TREMOLO_MIN, EP_PAN_TREMOLO_MAX); } } lcd_display_bar_int("EPiano PanTrem", configuration.epiano.pan_tremolo, 1.0, EP_PAN_TREMOLO_MIN, EP_PAN_TREMOLO_MAX, 3, false, false, false); ep.setPanTremolo(mapfloat(configuration.epiano.pan_tremolo, EP_PAN_TREMOLO_MIN, EP_PAN_TREMOLO_MAX, 0, 1.0)); } if (LCDML.FUNC_close()) // ****** STABLE END ********* { lcd_special_chars(SCROLLBAR); encoderDir[ENC_R].reset(); } } void UI_func_epiano_pan_lfo(uint8_t param) { if (LCDML.FUNC_setup()) // ****** SETUP ********* { encoderDir[ENC_R].reset(); lcd_special_chars(BLOCKBAR); lcd_display_bar_int("EPiano PanLFO", configuration.epiano.pan_lfo, 1.0, EP_PAN_LFO_MIN, EP_PAN_LFO_MAX, 3, false, false, true); } if (LCDML.FUNC_loop()) // ****** LOOP ********* { if ((LCDML.BT_checkDown() && encoderDir[ENC_R].Down()) || (LCDML.BT_checkUp() && encoderDir[ENC_R].Up()) || (LCDML.BT_checkEnter() && encoderDir[ENC_R].ButtonShort())) { encoderDir[ENC_R].reset(); if (LCDML.BT_checkDown()) { configuration.epiano.pan_lfo = constrain(configuration.epiano.pan_lfo + ENCODER[ENC_R].speed(), EP_PAN_LFO_MIN, EP_PAN_LFO_MAX); } else if (LCDML.BT_checkUp()) { configuration.epiano.pan_lfo = constrain(configuration.epiano.pan_lfo - ENCODER[ENC_R].speed(), EP_PAN_LFO_MIN, EP_PAN_LFO_MAX); } } lcd_display_bar_int("EPiano PanLFO", configuration.epiano.pan_lfo, 1.0, EP_PAN_LFO_MIN, EP_PAN_LFO_MAX, 3, false, false, false); ep.setPanLFO(mapfloat(configuration.epiano.pan_lfo, EP_PAN_LFO_MIN, EP_PAN_LFO_MAX, 0, 1.0)); } if (LCDML.FUNC_close()) // ****** STABLE END ********* { lcd_special_chars(SCROLLBAR); encoderDir[ENC_R].reset(); } } void UI_func_epiano_overdrive(uint8_t param) { if (LCDML.FUNC_setup()) // ****** SETUP ********* { encoderDir[ENC_R].reset(); lcd_special_chars(BLOCKBAR); lcd_display_bar_int("EPiano Overdrive", configuration.epiano.overdrive, 1.0, EP_OVERDRIVE_MIN, EP_OVERDRIVE_MAX, 3, false, false, true); } if (LCDML.FUNC_loop()) // ****** LOOP ********* { if ((LCDML.BT_checkDown() && encoderDir[ENC_R].Down()) || (LCDML.BT_checkUp() && encoderDir[ENC_R].Up()) || (LCDML.BT_checkEnter() && encoderDir[ENC_R].ButtonShort())) { encoderDir[ENC_R].reset(); if (LCDML.BT_checkDown()) { configuration.epiano.overdrive = constrain(configuration.epiano.overdrive + ENCODER[ENC_R].speed(), EP_OVERDRIVE_MIN, EP_OVERDRIVE_MAX); } else if (LCDML.BT_checkUp()) { configuration.epiano.overdrive = constrain(configuration.epiano.overdrive - ENCODER[ENC_R].speed(), EP_OVERDRIVE_MIN, EP_OVERDRIVE_MAX); } } lcd_display_bar_int("EPiano Overdrive", configuration.epiano.overdrive, 1.0, EP_OVERDRIVE_MIN, EP_OVERDRIVE_MAX, 3, false, false, false); ep.setOverdrive(mapfloat(configuration.epiano.overdrive, EP_OVERDRIVE_MIN, EP_OVERDRIVE_MAX, 0, 1.0)); } if (LCDML.FUNC_close()) // ****** STABLE END ********* { lcd_special_chars(SCROLLBAR); encoderDir[ENC_R].reset(); } } void UI_func_epiano_transpose(uint8_t param) { if (LCDML.FUNC_setup()) // ****** SETUP ********* { encoderDir[ENC_R].reset(); lcd_special_chars(METERBAR); lcd_display_meter_int("EP Transpose", configuration.epiano.transpose, 1.0, 0.0, EP_TRANSPOSE_MIN, EP_TRANSPOSE_MAX, 2, false, true, true); } if (LCDML.FUNC_loop()) // ****** LOOP ********* { if ((LCDML.BT_checkDown() && encoderDir[ENC_R].Down()) || (LCDML.BT_checkUp() && encoderDir[ENC_R].Up()) || (LCDML.BT_checkEnter() && encoderDir[ENC_R].ButtonShort())) { if (LCDML.BT_checkDown()) configuration.epiano.transpose = constrain(configuration.epiano.transpose + ENCODER[ENC_R].speed(), EP_TRANSPOSE_MIN, EP_TRANSPOSE_MAX); else if (LCDML.BT_checkUp()) configuration.epiano.transpose = constrain(configuration.epiano.transpose - ENCODER[ENC_R].speed(), EP_TRANSPOSE_MIN, EP_TRANSPOSE_MAX); } lcd_display_meter_int("EP Transpose", configuration.dexed[selected_instance_id].transpose, 1.0, 0.0, EP_TRANSPOSE_MIN, EP_TRANSPOSE_MAX, 2, false, true, true); } if (LCDML.FUNC_close()) // ****** STABLE END ********* { lcd_special_chars(SCROLLBAR); encoderDir[ENC_R].reset(); } } void UI_func_epiano_polyphony(uint8_t param) { if (LCDML.FUNC_setup()) // ****** SETUP ********* { encoderDir[ENC_R].reset(); lcd_special_chars(BLOCKBAR); lcd_display_bar_int("EP Polyphony", configuration.epiano.polyphony, 1.0, EP_POLYPHONY_MIN, EP_POLYPHONY_MAX, 2, false, false, true); } if (LCDML.FUNC_loop()) // ****** LOOP ********* { if ((LCDML.BT_checkDown() && encoderDir[ENC_R].Down()) || (LCDML.BT_checkUp() && encoderDir[ENC_R].Up()) || (LCDML.BT_checkEnter() && encoderDir[ENC_R].ButtonShort())) { if (LCDML.BT_checkDown()) { configuration.epiano.polyphony = constrain(configuration.epiano.polyphony + 1, EP_POLYPHONY_MIN, EP_POLYPHONY_MAX); } else if (LCDML.BT_checkUp()) { if (configuration.epiano.polyphony - 1 < 0) configuration.epiano.polyphony = 0; else { configuration.epiano.polyphony = constrain(configuration.epiano.polyphony - 1, EP_POLYPHONY_MIN, EP_POLYPHONY_MAX); } } } lcd_display_bar_int("EP Polyphony", configuration.epiano.polyphony, 1.0, EP_POLYPHONY_MIN, EP_POLYPHONY_MAX, 2, false, false, false); ep.setPolyphony(configuration.epiano.polyphony); } if (LCDML.FUNC_close()) // ****** STABLE END ********* { lcd_special_chars(SCROLLBAR); encoderDir[ENC_R].reset(); } } void UI_func_epiano_velocity_sense(uint8_t param) { if (LCDML.FUNC_setup()) // ****** SETUP ********* { encoderDir[ENC_R].reset(); lcd_special_chars(BLOCKBAR); lcd_display_bar_int("EPiano VelSense", configuration.epiano.velocity_sense, 1.0, EP_VELOCITY_SENSE_MIN, EP_VELOCITY_SENSE_MAX, 3, false, false, true); } if (LCDML.FUNC_loop()) // ****** LOOP ********* { if ((LCDML.BT_checkDown() && encoderDir[ENC_R].Down()) || (LCDML.BT_checkUp() && encoderDir[ENC_R].Up()) || (LCDML.BT_checkEnter() && encoderDir[ENC_R].ButtonShort())) { encoderDir[ENC_R].reset(); if (LCDML.BT_checkDown()) { configuration.epiano.velocity_sense = constrain(configuration.epiano.velocity_sense + ENCODER[ENC_R].speed(), EP_VELOCITY_SENSE_MIN, EP_VELOCITY_SENSE_MAX); } else if (LCDML.BT_checkUp()) { configuration.epiano.velocity_sense = constrain(configuration.epiano.velocity_sense - ENCODER[ENC_R].speed(), EP_VELOCITY_SENSE_MIN, EP_VELOCITY_SENSE_MAX); } } lcd_display_bar_int("EPiano VelSense", configuration.epiano.velocity_sense, 1.0, EP_VELOCITY_SENSE_MIN, EP_VELOCITY_SENSE_MAX, 3, false, false, false); ep.setVelocitySense(mapfloat(configuration.epiano.velocity_sense, EP_VELOCITY_SENSE_MIN, EP_VELOCITY_SENSE_MAX, 0, 1.0)); } if (LCDML.FUNC_close()) // ****** STABLE END ********* { lcd_special_chars(SCROLLBAR); encoderDir[ENC_R].reset(); } } void UI_func_epiano_reverb_send(uint8_t param) { if (LCDML.FUNC_setup()) // ****** SETUP ********* { encoderDir[ENC_R].reset(); lcd_special_chars(BLOCKBAR); lcd_display_bar_int("EP Reverb Send", configuration.fx.ep_reverb_send, 1.0, EP_REVERB_SEND_MIN, EP_REVERB_SEND_MAX, 3, false, false, true); } if (LCDML.FUNC_loop()) // ****** LOOP ********* { if ((LCDML.BT_checkDown() && encoderDir[ENC_R].Down()) || (LCDML.BT_checkUp() && encoderDir[ENC_R].Up()) || (LCDML.BT_checkEnter() && encoderDir[ENC_R].ButtonShort())) { if (LCDML.BT_checkDown()) { configuration.fx.ep_reverb_send = constrain(configuration.fx.ep_reverb_send + ENCODER[ENC_R].speed(), EP_REVERB_SEND_MIN, EP_REVERB_SEND_MAX); MD_sendControlChange(configuration.epiano.midi_channel, 91, configuration.fx.ep_reverb_send); } else if (LCDML.BT_checkUp()) { configuration.fx.ep_reverb_send = constrain(configuration.fx.ep_reverb_send - ENCODER[ENC_R].speed(), EP_REVERB_SEND_MIN, EP_REVERB_SEND_MAX); MD_sendControlChange(configuration.epiano.midi_channel, 91, configuration.fx.ep_reverb_send); } } lcd_display_bar_int("EP Reverb Send", configuration.fx.ep_reverb_send, 1.0, EP_REVERB_SEND_MIN, EP_REVERB_SEND_MAX, 3, false, false, false); reverb_mixer_r.gain(REVERB_MIX_CH_EPIANO, volume_transform(mapfloat(configuration.fx.ep_reverb_send, EP_REVERB_SEND_MIN, EP_REVERB_SEND_MAX, 0.0, VOL_MAX_FLOAT))); reverb_mixer_l.gain(REVERB_MIX_CH_EPIANO, volume_transform(mapfloat(configuration.fx.ep_reverb_send, EP_REVERB_SEND_MIN, EP_REVERB_SEND_MAX, 0.0, VOL_MAX_FLOAT))); } if (LCDML.FUNC_close()) // ****** STABLE END ********* { lcd_special_chars(SCROLLBAR); encoderDir[ENC_R].reset(); } } void UI_func_epiano_chorus_frequency(uint8_t param) { if (LCDML.FUNC_setup()) // ****** SETUP ********* { encoderDir[ENC_R].reset(); lcd_special_chars(BLOCKBAR); lcd_display_bar_float("EP Chorus Frq.", configuration.fx.ep_chorus_frequency, 0.1, EP_CHORUS_FREQUENCY_MIN, EP_CHORUS_FREQUENCY_MAX, 2, 1, false, false, true); } if (LCDML.FUNC_loop()) // ****** LOOP ********* { if ((LCDML.BT_checkDown() && encoderDir[ENC_R].Down()) || (LCDML.BT_checkUp() && encoderDir[ENC_R].Up()) || (LCDML.BT_checkEnter() && encoderDir[ENC_R].ButtonShort())) { if (LCDML.BT_checkDown()) configuration.fx.ep_chorus_frequency = constrain(configuration.fx.ep_chorus_frequency + ENCODER[ENC_R].speed(), EP_CHORUS_FREQUENCY_MIN, EP_CHORUS_FREQUENCY_MAX); else if (LCDML.BT_checkUp()) configuration.fx.ep_chorus_frequency = constrain(configuration.fx.ep_chorus_frequency - ENCODER[ENC_R].speed(), EP_CHORUS_FREQUENCY_MIN, EP_CHORUS_FREQUENCY_MAX); } lcd_display_bar_float("EP Chorus Frq.", configuration.fx.ep_chorus_frequency, 0.1, EP_CHORUS_FREQUENCY_MIN, EP_CHORUS_FREQUENCY_MAX, 2, 1, false, false, false); ep_chorus_modulator.frequency(configuration.fx.ep_chorus_frequency / 10.0); } if (LCDML.FUNC_close()) // ****** STABLE END ********* { lcd_special_chars(SCROLLBAR); encoderDir[ENC_R].reset(); } } void UI_func_epiano_chorus_waveform(uint8_t param) { if (LCDML.FUNC_setup()) // ****** SETUP ********* { encoderDir[ENC_R].reset(); lcd.setCursor(0, 0); lcd.print(F("EP Chorus Wavefrm")); } if (LCDML.FUNC_loop()) // ****** LOOP ********* { if (LCDML.BT_checkDown() && encoderDir[ENC_R].Down()) configuration.fx.ep_chorus_waveform = constrain(configuration.fx.ep_chorus_waveform + 1, EP_CHORUS_WAVEFORM_MIN, EP_CHORUS_WAVEFORM_MAX); else if (LCDML.BT_checkUp() && encoderDir[ENC_R].Up()) configuration.fx.ep_chorus_waveform = constrain(configuration.fx.ep_chorus_waveform - 1, EP_CHORUS_WAVEFORM_MIN, EP_CHORUS_WAVEFORM_MAX); lcd.setCursor(0, 1); switch (configuration.fx.ep_chorus_waveform) { case 0: ep_chorus_modulator.begin(WAVEFORM_TRIANGLE); lcd.print(F("[TRIANGLE]")); break; case 1: ep_chorus_modulator.begin(WAVEFORM_SINE); lcd.print(F("[SINE ]")); break; default: ep_chorus_modulator.begin(WAVEFORM_TRIANGLE); lcd.print(F("[TRIANGLE]")); break; } } if (LCDML.FUNC_close()) // ****** STABLE END ********* { lcd_special_chars(SCROLLBAR); encoderDir[ENC_R].reset(); } } void UI_func_epiano_chorus_depth(uint8_t param) { if (LCDML.FUNC_setup()) // ****** SETUP ********* { encoderDir[ENC_R].reset(); lcd_special_chars(BLOCKBAR); lcd_display_bar_int("EP Chorus Dpt.", configuration.fx.ep_chorus_depth, 1.0, EP_CHORUS_DEPTH_MIN, EP_CHORUS_DEPTH_MAX, 3, false, false, true); } if (LCDML.FUNC_loop()) // ****** LOOP ********* { if ((LCDML.BT_checkDown() && encoderDir[ENC_R].Down()) || (LCDML.BT_checkUp() && encoderDir[ENC_R].Up()) || (LCDML.BT_checkEnter() && encoderDir[ENC_R].ButtonShort())) { if (LCDML.BT_checkDown()) configuration.fx.ep_chorus_depth = constrain(configuration.fx.ep_chorus_depth + ENCODER[ENC_R].speed(), EP_CHORUS_DEPTH_MIN, EP_CHORUS_DEPTH_MAX); else if (LCDML.BT_checkUp()) configuration.fx.ep_chorus_depth = constrain(configuration.fx.ep_chorus_depth - ENCODER[ENC_R].speed(), EP_CHORUS_DEPTH_MIN, EP_CHORUS_DEPTH_MAX); } lcd_display_bar_int("Chorus Dpt.", configuration.fx.ep_chorus_depth, 1.0, EP_CHORUS_DEPTH_MIN, EP_CHORUS_DEPTH_MAX, 3, false, false, false); ep_chorus_modulator.amplitude(configuration.fx.ep_chorus_depth / 100.0); } if (LCDML.FUNC_close()) // ****** STABLE END ********* { lcd_special_chars(SCROLLBAR); encoderDir[ENC_R].reset(); } } void UI_func_epiano_chorus_level(uint8_t param) { if (LCDML.FUNC_setup()) // ****** SETUP ********* { encoderDir[ENC_R].reset(); lcd_special_chars(BLOCKBAR); lcd_display_bar_int("Chorus Lvl.", configuration.fx.ep_chorus_level, 1.0, EP_CHORUS_LEVEL_MIN, EP_CHORUS_LEVEL_MAX, 3, false, false, true); } if (LCDML.FUNC_loop()) // ****** LOOP ********* { if ((LCDML.BT_checkDown() && encoderDir[ENC_R].Down()) || (LCDML.BT_checkUp() && encoderDir[ENC_R].Up()) || (LCDML.BT_checkEnter() && encoderDir[ENC_R].ButtonShort())) { if (LCDML.BT_checkDown()) { configuration.fx.ep_chorus_level = constrain(configuration.fx.ep_chorus_level + ENCODER[ENC_R].speed(), EP_CHORUS_LEVEL_MIN, EP_CHORUS_LEVEL_MAX); MD_sendControlChange(configuration.epiano.midi_channel, 93, configuration.fx.ep_chorus_level); } else if (LCDML.BT_checkUp()) { configuration.fx.ep_chorus_level = constrain(configuration.fx.ep_chorus_level - ENCODER[ENC_R].speed(), EP_CHORUS_LEVEL_MIN, EP_CHORUS_LEVEL_MAX); MD_sendControlChange(configuration.epiano.midi_channel, 93, configuration.fx.ep_chorus_level); } } lcd_display_bar_int("Chorus Lvl.", configuration.fx.ep_chorus_level, 1.0, EP_CHORUS_LEVEL_MIN, EP_CHORUS_LEVEL_MAX, 3, false, false, false); ep_chorus_mixer_r.gain(1, mapfloat(configuration.fx.ep_chorus_level, EP_CHORUS_LEVEL_MIN, EP_CHORUS_LEVEL_MAX, 0.0, 0.5)); ep_chorus_mixer_l.gain(1, mapfloat(configuration.fx.ep_chorus_level, EP_CHORUS_LEVEL_MIN, EP_CHORUS_LEVEL_MAX, 0.0, 0.5)); } if (LCDML.FUNC_close()) // ****** STABLE END ********* { lcd_special_chars(SCROLLBAR); encoderDir[ENC_R].reset(); } } void UI_func_stereo_mono(uint8_t param) { static uint8_t old_mono; if (LCDML.FUNC_setup()) // ****** SETUP ********* { encoderDir[ENC_R].reset(); old_mono = configuration.sys.mono; lcd.setCursor(0, 0); lcd.print(F("Stereo/Mono")); lcd.setCursor(0, 1); switch (configuration.sys.mono) { case 0: lcd.print(F("[STEREO]")); stereo2mono.stereo(true); break; case 1: lcd.print(F("[MONO ]")); stereo2mono.stereo(false); break; case 2: lcd.print(F("[MONO-R]")); stereo2mono.stereo(false); break; case 3: lcd.print(F("[MONO-L]")); stereo2mono.stereo(false); break; } } if (LCDML.FUNC_loop()) // ****** LOOP ********* { if (LCDML.BT_checkDown()) configuration.sys.mono = constrain(configuration.sys.mono + 1, MONO_MIN, MONO_MAX); else if (LCDML.BT_checkUp()) configuration.sys.mono = constrain(configuration.sys.mono - 1, MONO_MIN, MONO_MAX); lcd.setCursor(0, 1); switch (configuration.sys.mono) { case 0: lcd.print(F("[STEREO]")); stereo2mono.stereo(true); break; case 1: lcd.print(F("[MONO ]")); stereo2mono.stereo(false); break; case 2: lcd.print(F("[MONO-R]")); stereo2mono.stereo(false); break; case 3: lcd.print(F("[MONO-L]")); stereo2mono.stereo(false); break; } set_volume(configuration.sys.vol, configuration.sys.mono); } if (LCDML.FUNC_close()) // ****** STABLE END ********* { lcd_special_chars(SCROLLBAR); encoderDir[ENC_L].reset(); if (old_mono != configuration.sys.mono) { save_sys_flag = true; save_sys = 0; } } } void UI_func_polyphony(uint8_t param) { if (LCDML.FUNC_setup()) // ****** SETUP ********* { encoderDir[ENC_R].reset(); lcd_special_chars(BLOCKBAR); #if NUM_DEXED>1 lcd_display_bar_int("Polyphony", configuration.dexed[selected_instance_id].polyphony, 1.0, POLYPHONY_MIN, POLYPHONY_MAX - configuration.dexed[(selected_instance_id + 1) % NUM_DEXED].polyphony, 2, false, false, true); #else lcd_display_bar_int("Polyphony", configuration.dexed[selected_instance_id].polyphony, 1.0, POLYPHONY_MIN, POLYPHONY_MAX, 2, false, false, true); #endif lcd_active_instance_number(selected_instance_id); UI_update_instance_icons(); } if (LCDML.FUNC_loop()) // ****** LOOP ********* { if ((LCDML.BT_checkDown() && encoderDir[ENC_R].Down()) || (LCDML.BT_checkUp() && encoderDir[ENC_R].Up()) || (LCDML.BT_checkEnter() && encoderDir[ENC_R].ButtonShort())) { if (LCDML.BT_checkDown()) { #if NUM_DEXED>1 if (configuration.dexed[selected_instance_id].polyphony < POLYPHONY_MAX - configuration.dexed[(selected_instance_id + 1) % NUM_DEXED].polyphony) configuration.dexed[selected_instance_id].polyphony = constrain(configuration.dexed[selected_instance_id].polyphony + 1, POLYPHONY_MIN, POLYPHONY_MAX - configuration.dexed[(selected_instance_id + 1) % NUM_DEXED].polyphony); #else configuration.dexed[selected_instance_id].polyphony = constrain(configuration.dexed[selected_instance_id].polyphony + 1, POLYPHONY_MIN, POLYPHONY_MAX); #endif } else if (LCDML.BT_checkUp()) { if (configuration.dexed[selected_instance_id].polyphony - 1 < 0) configuration.dexed[selected_instance_id].polyphony = 0; else { #if NUM_DEXED>1 configuration.dexed[selected_instance_id].polyphony = constrain(configuration.dexed[selected_instance_id].polyphony - 1, POLYPHONY_MIN, POLYPHONY_MAX - configuration.dexed[(selected_instance_id + 1) % NUM_DEXED].polyphony); #else configuration.dexed[selected_instance_id].polyphony = constrain(configuration.dexed[selected_instance_id].polyphony - 1, POLYPHONY_MIN, POLYPHONY_MAX); #endif } } #if NUM_DEXED > 1 else if (LCDML.BT_checkEnter()) { selected_instance_id = !selected_instance_id; lcd_active_instance_number(selected_instance_id); UI_update_instance_icons(); } lcd_active_instance_number(selected_instance_id); #endif } #if NUM_DEXED>1 lcd_display_bar_int("Polyphony", configuration.dexed[selected_instance_id].polyphony, 1.0, POLYPHONY_MIN, POLYPHONY_MAX - configuration.dexed[(selected_instance_id + 1) % NUM_DEXED].polyphony, 2, false, false, false); #else lcd_display_bar_int("Polyphony", configuration.dexed[selected_instance_id].polyphony, 1.0, POLYPHONY_MIN, POLYPHONY_MAX, 2, false, false, false); #endif MicroDexed[selected_instance_id]->setMaxNotes(configuration.dexed[selected_instance_id].polyphony); } if (LCDML.FUNC_close()) // ****** STABLE END ********* { lcd_special_chars(SCROLLBAR); encoderDir[ENC_R].reset(); } } void UI_func_mono_poly(uint8_t param) { if (LCDML.FUNC_setup()) // ****** SETUP ********* { encoderDir[ENC_R].reset(); lcd.setCursor(0, 0); lcd.print(F("Mono/Poly")); lcd_active_instance_number(selected_instance_id); UI_update_instance_icons(); } if (LCDML.FUNC_loop()) // ****** LOOP ********* { if ((LCDML.BT_checkDown() && encoderDir[ENC_R].Down()) || (LCDML.BT_checkUp() && encoderDir[ENC_R].Up())) { if (LCDML.BT_checkDown()) configuration.dexed[selected_instance_id].monopoly = constrain(configuration.dexed[selected_instance_id].monopoly + 1, MONOPOLY_MIN, MONOPOLY_MAX); else if (LCDML.BT_checkUp()) configuration.dexed[selected_instance_id].monopoly = constrain(configuration.dexed[selected_instance_id].monopoly - 1, MONOPOLY_MIN, MONOPOLY_MAX); MicroDexed[selected_instance_id]->setMonoMode(!configuration.dexed[selected_instance_id].monopoly); configuration.dexed[selected_instance_id].monopoly = MicroDexed[selected_instance_id]->getMonoMode(); } #if NUM_DEXED > 1 if (LCDML.BT_checkEnter() && encoderDir[ENC_R].ButtonShort()) { selected_instance_id = !selected_instance_id; lcd_active_instance_number(selected_instance_id); UI_update_instance_icons(); } lcd_active_instance_number(selected_instance_id); #endif } lcd.setCursor(0, 1); switch (configuration.dexed[selected_instance_id].monopoly) { case 1: lcd.print(F("[MONOPHONIC]")); break; case 0: lcd.print(F("[POLYPHONIC]")); break; } if (LCDML.FUNC_close()) // ****** STABLE END ********* { lcd_special_chars(SCROLLBAR); encoderDir[ENC_R].reset(); } } void UI_func_note_refresh(uint8_t param) { if (LCDML.FUNC_setup()) // ****** SETUP ********* { encoderDir[ENC_R].reset(); lcd.setCursor(0, 0); lcd.print(F("Note Refresh")); lcd_active_instance_number(selected_instance_id); UI_update_instance_icons(); } if (LCDML.FUNC_loop()) // ****** LOOP ********* { if ((LCDML.BT_checkDown() && encoderDir[ENC_R].Down()) || (LCDML.BT_checkUp() && encoderDir[ENC_R].Up()) || (LCDML.BT_checkEnter() && encoderDir[ENC_R].ButtonShort())) { if (LCDML.BT_checkDown()) configuration.dexed[selected_instance_id].note_refresh = constrain(configuration.dexed[selected_instance_id].note_refresh + 1, NOTE_REFRESH_MIN, NOTE_REFRESH_MAX); else if (LCDML.BT_checkUp()) configuration.dexed[selected_instance_id].note_refresh = constrain(configuration.dexed[selected_instance_id].note_refresh - 1, NOTE_REFRESH_MIN, NOTE_REFRESH_MAX); #if NUM_DEXED > 1 else if (LCDML.BT_checkEnter()) { selected_instance_id = !selected_instance_id; lcd_active_instance_number(selected_instance_id); UI_update_instance_icons(); } #endif } MicroDexed[selected_instance_id]->setRefreshMode(configuration.dexed[selected_instance_id].note_refresh); lcd.setCursor(0, 1); switch (configuration.dexed[selected_instance_id].note_refresh) { case 0: lcd.print(F("[NORMAL ]")); break; case 1: lcd.print(F("[RETRIGGERED]")); break; } } if (LCDML.FUNC_close()) // ****** STABLE END ********* { lcd_special_chars(SCROLLBAR); encoderDir[ENC_R].reset(); } } void UI_func_pb_range(uint8_t param) { if (LCDML.FUNC_setup()) // ****** SETUP ********* { encoderDir[ENC_R].reset(); lcd_special_chars(BLOCKBAR); lcd_display_bar_int("PB Range", configuration.dexed[selected_instance_id].pb_range, 1.0, PB_RANGE_MIN, PB_RANGE_MAX, 2, false, false, true); lcd_active_instance_number(selected_instance_id); UI_update_instance_icons(); } if (LCDML.FUNC_loop()) // ****** LOOP ********* { if ((LCDML.BT_checkDown() && encoderDir[ENC_R].Down()) || (LCDML.BT_checkUp() && encoderDir[ENC_R].Up()) || (LCDML.BT_checkEnter() && encoderDir[ENC_R].ButtonShort())) { if (LCDML.BT_checkDown()) configuration.dexed[selected_instance_id].pb_range = constrain(configuration.dexed[selected_instance_id].pb_range + ENCODER[ENC_R].speed(), PB_RANGE_MIN, PB_RANGE_MAX); else if (LCDML.BT_checkUp()) configuration.dexed[selected_instance_id].pb_range = constrain(configuration.dexed[selected_instance_id].pb_range - ENCODER[ENC_R].speed(), PB_RANGE_MIN, PB_RANGE_MAX); #if NUM_DEXED > 1 else if (LCDML.BT_checkEnter()) { selected_instance_id = !selected_instance_id; lcd_active_instance_number(selected_instance_id); UI_update_instance_icons(); } #endif } lcd_display_bar_int("PB Range", configuration.dexed[selected_instance_id].pb_range, 1.0, PB_RANGE_MIN, PB_RANGE_MAX, 2, false, false, false); MicroDexed[selected_instance_id]->setPBController(configuration.dexed[selected_instance_id].pb_range, configuration.dexed[selected_instance_id].pb_step); send_sysex_param(configuration.dexed[selected_instance_id].midi_channel, 65, configuration.dexed[selected_instance_id].pb_range, 2); } if (LCDML.FUNC_close()) // ****** STABLE END ********* { lcd_special_chars(SCROLLBAR); encoderDir[ENC_R].reset(); } } void UI_func_pb_step(uint8_t param) { if (LCDML.FUNC_setup()) // ****** SETUP ********* { encoderDir[ENC_R].reset(); lcd_special_chars(BLOCKBAR); lcd_display_bar_int("PB Step", configuration.dexed[selected_instance_id].pb_step, 1.0, PB_STEP_MIN, PB_STEP_MAX, 2, false, false, true); lcd_active_instance_number(selected_instance_id); UI_update_instance_icons(); } if (LCDML.FUNC_loop()) // ****** LOOP ********* { if ((LCDML.BT_checkDown() && encoderDir[ENC_R].Down()) || (LCDML.BT_checkUp() && encoderDir[ENC_R].Up()) || (LCDML.BT_checkEnter() && encoderDir[ENC_R].ButtonShort())) { if (LCDML.BT_checkDown()) configuration.dexed[selected_instance_id].pb_step = constrain(configuration.dexed[selected_instance_id].pb_step + ENCODER[ENC_R].speed(), PB_STEP_MIN, PB_STEP_MAX); else if (LCDML.BT_checkUp()) configuration.dexed[selected_instance_id].pb_step = constrain(configuration.dexed[selected_instance_id].pb_step - ENCODER[ENC_R].speed(), PB_STEP_MIN, PB_STEP_MAX); #if NUM_DEXED > 1 else if (LCDML.BT_checkEnter()) { selected_instance_id = !selected_instance_id; lcd_active_instance_number(selected_instance_id); UI_update_instance_icons(); } #endif } lcd_display_bar_int("PB Step", configuration.dexed[selected_instance_id].pb_step, 1.0, PB_STEP_MIN, PB_STEP_MAX, 2, false, false, false); MicroDexed[selected_instance_id]->setPBController(configuration.dexed[selected_instance_id].pb_range, configuration.dexed[selected_instance_id].pb_step); send_sysex_param(configuration.dexed[selected_instance_id].midi_channel, 66, configuration.dexed[selected_instance_id].pb_step, 2); } if (LCDML.FUNC_close()) // ****** STABLE END ********* { lcd_special_chars(SCROLLBAR); encoderDir[ENC_R].reset(); } } void UI_func_mw_range(uint8_t param) { if (LCDML.FUNC_setup()) // ****** SETUP ********* { encoderDir[ENC_R].reset(); lcd_special_chars(BLOCKBAR); lcd_display_bar_int("MW Range", configuration.dexed[selected_instance_id].mw_range, 1.0, MW_RANGE_MIN, MW_RANGE_MAX, 2, false, false, true); lcd_active_instance_number(selected_instance_id); UI_update_instance_icons(); } if (LCDML.FUNC_loop()) // ****** LOOP ********* { if ((LCDML.BT_checkDown() && encoderDir[ENC_R].Down()) || (LCDML.BT_checkUp() && encoderDir[ENC_R].Up()) || (LCDML.BT_checkEnter() && encoderDir[ENC_R].ButtonShort())) { if (LCDML.BT_checkDown()) configuration.dexed[selected_instance_id].mw_range = constrain(configuration.dexed[selected_instance_id].mw_range + ENCODER[ENC_R].speed(), MW_RANGE_MIN, MW_RANGE_MAX); else if (LCDML.BT_checkUp()) configuration.dexed[selected_instance_id].mw_range = constrain(configuration.dexed[selected_instance_id].mw_range - ENCODER[ENC_R].speed(), MW_RANGE_MIN, MW_RANGE_MAX); #if NUM_DEXED > 1 else if (LCDML.BT_checkEnter()) { selected_instance_id = !selected_instance_id; lcd_active_instance_number(selected_instance_id); UI_update_instance_icons(); } #endif } lcd_display_bar_int("MW Range", configuration.dexed[selected_instance_id].mw_range, 1.0, MW_RANGE_MIN, MW_RANGE_MAX, 2, false, false, false); MicroDexed[selected_instance_id]->setMWController(configuration.dexed[selected_instance_id].mw_range, configuration.dexed[selected_instance_id].mw_assign, configuration.dexed[selected_instance_id].mw_mode); send_sysex_param(configuration.dexed[selected_instance_id].midi_channel, 70, configuration.dexed[selected_instance_id].mw_range, 2); } if (LCDML.FUNC_close()) // ****** STABLE END ********* { lcd_special_chars(SCROLLBAR); encoderDir[ENC_R].reset(); } } void UI_func_mw_assign(uint8_t param) { if (LCDML.FUNC_setup()) // ****** SETUP ********* { encoderDir[ENC_R].reset(); lcd.setCursor(0, 0); lcd.print(F("MW Assign")); lcd_active_instance_number(selected_instance_id); UI_update_instance_icons(); } if (LCDML.FUNC_loop()) // ****** LOOP ********* { if ((LCDML.BT_checkDown() && encoderDir[ENC_R].Down()) || (LCDML.BT_checkUp() && encoderDir[ENC_R].Up()) || (LCDML.BT_checkEnter() && encoderDir[ENC_R].ButtonShort())) { if (LCDML.BT_checkDown()) configuration.dexed[selected_instance_id].mw_assign = constrain(configuration.dexed[selected_instance_id].mw_assign + 1, MW_ASSIGN_MIN, MW_ASSIGN_MAX); else if (LCDML.BT_checkUp()) configuration.dexed[selected_instance_id].mw_assign = constrain(configuration.dexed[selected_instance_id].mw_assign - 1, MW_ASSIGN_MIN, MW_ASSIGN_MAX); #if NUM_DEXED > 1 else if (LCDML.BT_checkEnter()) { selected_instance_id = !selected_instance_id; lcd_active_instance_number(selected_instance_id); UI_update_instance_icons(); } #endif } MicroDexed[selected_instance_id]->setMWController(configuration.dexed[selected_instance_id].mw_range, configuration.dexed[selected_instance_id].mw_assign, configuration.dexed[selected_instance_id].mw_mode); send_sysex_param(configuration.dexed[selected_instance_id].midi_channel, 71, configuration.dexed[selected_instance_id].mw_assign, 2); lcd.setCursor(0, 1); switch (configuration.dexed[selected_instance_id].mw_assign) { case 0: lcd.print(F("[ NONE ]")); break; case 1: lcd.print(F("[PTCH ]")); break; case 2: lcd.print(F("[ AMP ]")); break; case 3: lcd.print(F("[PTCH AMP ]")); break; case 4: lcd.print(F("[ EG]")); break; case 5: lcd.print(F("[PTCH EG]")); break; case 6: lcd.print(F("[ AMP EG]")); break; case 7: lcd.print(F("[PTCH AMP EG]")); break; } } if (LCDML.FUNC_close()) // ****** STABLE END ********* { lcd_special_chars(SCROLLBAR); encoderDir[ENC_R].reset(); } } void UI_func_mw_mode(uint8_t param) { if (LCDML.FUNC_setup()) // ****** SETUP ********* { encoderDir[ENC_R].reset(); lcd.setCursor(0, 0); lcd.print(F("MW Mode")); lcd_active_instance_number(selected_instance_id); UI_update_instance_icons(); } if (LCDML.FUNC_loop()) // ****** LOOP ********* { if ((LCDML.BT_checkDown() && encoderDir[ENC_R].Down()) || (LCDML.BT_checkUp() && encoderDir[ENC_R].Up()) || (LCDML.BT_checkEnter() && encoderDir[ENC_R].ButtonShort())) { if (LCDML.BT_checkDown()) configuration.dexed[selected_instance_id].mw_mode = constrain(configuration.dexed[selected_instance_id].mw_mode + 1, MW_MODE_MIN, MW_MODE_MAX); else if (LCDML.BT_checkUp()) configuration.dexed[selected_instance_id].mw_mode = constrain(configuration.dexed[selected_instance_id].mw_mode - 1, MW_MODE_MIN, MW_MODE_MAX); #if NUM_DEXED > 1 else if (LCDML.BT_checkEnter()) { selected_instance_id = !selected_instance_id; lcd_active_instance_number(selected_instance_id); UI_update_instance_icons(); } #endif } MicroDexed[selected_instance_id]->setMWController(configuration.dexed[selected_instance_id].mw_range, configuration.dexed[selected_instance_id].mw_assign, configuration.dexed[selected_instance_id].mw_mode); MicroDexed[selected_instance_id]->ControllersRefresh(); lcd.setCursor(0, 1); switch (configuration.dexed[selected_instance_id].mw_mode) { case 0: lcd.print(F("[LINEAR ]")); break; case 1: lcd.print(F("[REVERSE LIN.]")); break; case 2: lcd.print(F("[DIRECT ]")); break; } } if (LCDML.FUNC_close()) // ****** STABLE END ********* { lcd_special_chars(SCROLLBAR); encoderDir[ENC_R].reset(); } } void UI_func_fc_range(uint8_t param) { if (LCDML.FUNC_setup()) // ****** SETUP ********* { encoderDir[ENC_R].reset(); lcd_special_chars(BLOCKBAR); lcd_display_bar_int("FC Range", configuration.dexed[selected_instance_id].fc_range, 1.0, FC_RANGE_MIN, FC_RANGE_MAX, 2, false, false, true); lcd_active_instance_number(selected_instance_id); UI_update_instance_icons(); } if (LCDML.FUNC_loop()) // ****** LOOP ********* { if ((LCDML.BT_checkDown() && encoderDir[ENC_R].Down()) || (LCDML.BT_checkUp() && encoderDir[ENC_R].Up()) || (LCDML.BT_checkEnter() && encoderDir[ENC_R].ButtonShort())) { if (LCDML.BT_checkDown()) configuration.dexed[selected_instance_id].fc_range = constrain(configuration.dexed[selected_instance_id].fc_range + ENCODER[ENC_R].speed(), FC_RANGE_MIN, FC_RANGE_MAX); else if (LCDML.BT_checkUp()) configuration.dexed[selected_instance_id].fc_range = constrain(configuration.dexed[selected_instance_id].fc_range - ENCODER[ENC_R].speed(), FC_RANGE_MIN, FC_RANGE_MAX); #if NUM_DEXED > 1 else if (LCDML.BT_checkEnter()) { selected_instance_id = !selected_instance_id; lcd_active_instance_number(selected_instance_id); UI_update_instance_icons(); } #endif } lcd_display_bar_int("FC Range", configuration.dexed[selected_instance_id].fc_range, 1.0, FC_RANGE_MIN, FC_RANGE_MAX, 2, false, false, false); MicroDexed[selected_instance_id]->setFCController(configuration.dexed[selected_instance_id].fc_range, configuration.dexed[selected_instance_id].fc_assign, configuration.dexed[selected_instance_id].fc_mode); send_sysex_param(configuration.dexed[selected_instance_id].midi_channel, 72, configuration.dexed[selected_instance_id].fc_range, 2); } if (LCDML.FUNC_close()) // ****** STABLE END ********* { lcd_special_chars(SCROLLBAR); encoderDir[ENC_R].reset(); } } void UI_func_fc_assign(uint8_t param) { if (LCDML.FUNC_setup()) // ****** SETUP ********* { encoderDir[ENC_R].reset(); lcd.setCursor(0, 0); lcd.print(F("FC Assign")); lcd_active_instance_number(selected_instance_id); UI_update_instance_icons(); } if (LCDML.FUNC_loop()) // ****** LOOP ********* { if ((LCDML.BT_checkDown() && encoderDir[ENC_R].Down()) || (LCDML.BT_checkUp() && encoderDir[ENC_R].Up()) || (LCDML.BT_checkEnter() && encoderDir[ENC_R].ButtonShort())) { if (LCDML.BT_checkDown()) configuration.dexed[selected_instance_id].fc_assign = constrain(configuration.dexed[selected_instance_id].fc_assign + 1, FC_ASSIGN_MIN, FC_ASSIGN_MAX); else if (LCDML.BT_checkUp()) configuration.dexed[selected_instance_id].fc_assign = constrain(configuration.dexed[selected_instance_id].fc_assign - 1, FC_ASSIGN_MIN, FC_ASSIGN_MAX); #if NUM_DEXED > 1 else if (LCDML.BT_checkEnter()) { selected_instance_id = !selected_instance_id; lcd_active_instance_number(selected_instance_id); UI_update_instance_icons(); } #endif } MicroDexed[selected_instance_id]->setFCController(configuration.dexed[selected_instance_id].fc_range, configuration.dexed[selected_instance_id].fc_assign, configuration.dexed[selected_instance_id].fc_mode); send_sysex_param(configuration.dexed[selected_instance_id].midi_channel, 73, configuration.dexed[selected_instance_id].fc_assign, 2); lcd.setCursor(0, 1); switch (configuration.dexed[selected_instance_id].fc_assign) { case 0: lcd.print(F("[ NONE ]")); break; case 1: lcd.print(F("[PTCH ]")); break; case 2: lcd.print(F("[ AMP ]")); break; case 3: lcd.print(F("[PTCH AMP ]")); break; case 4: lcd.print(F("[ EG]")); break; case 5: lcd.print(F("[PTCH EG]")); break; case 6: lcd.print(F("[ AMP EG]")); break; case 7: lcd.print(F("[PTCH AMP EG]")); break; } } if (LCDML.FUNC_close()) // ****** STABLE END ********* { lcd_special_chars(SCROLLBAR); encoderDir[ENC_R].reset(); } } void UI_func_fc_mode(uint8_t param) { if (LCDML.FUNC_setup()) // ****** SETUP ********* { encoderDir[ENC_R].reset(); lcd.setCursor(0, 0); lcd.print(F("FC Mode")); lcd_active_instance_number(selected_instance_id); UI_update_instance_icons(); } if (LCDML.FUNC_loop()) // ****** LOOP ********* { if ((LCDML.BT_checkDown() && encoderDir[ENC_R].Down()) || (LCDML.BT_checkUp() && encoderDir[ENC_R].Up()) || (LCDML.BT_checkEnter() && encoderDir[ENC_R].ButtonShort())) { if (LCDML.BT_checkDown()) configuration.dexed[selected_instance_id].fc_mode = constrain(configuration.dexed[selected_instance_id].fc_mode + 1, FC_MODE_MIN, FC_MODE_MAX); else if (LCDML.BT_checkUp()) configuration.dexed[selected_instance_id].fc_mode = constrain(configuration.dexed[selected_instance_id].fc_mode - 1, FC_MODE_MIN, FC_MODE_MAX); #if NUM_DEXED > 1 else if (LCDML.BT_checkEnter()) { selected_instance_id = !selected_instance_id; lcd_active_instance_number(selected_instance_id); UI_update_instance_icons(); } #endif } MicroDexed[selected_instance_id]->setFCController(configuration.dexed[selected_instance_id].fc_range, configuration.dexed[selected_instance_id].fc_assign, configuration.dexed[selected_instance_id].fc_mode); MicroDexed[selected_instance_id]->ControllersRefresh(); lcd.setCursor(0, 1); switch (configuration.dexed[selected_instance_id].fc_mode) { case 0: lcd.print(F("[LINEAR ]")); break; case 1: lcd.print(F("[REVERSE LIN.]")); break; case 2: lcd.print(F("[DIRECT ]")); break; } } if (LCDML.FUNC_close()) // ****** STABLE END ********* { lcd_special_chars(SCROLLBAR); encoderDir[ENC_R].reset(); } } void UI_func_bc_range(uint8_t param) { if (LCDML.FUNC_setup()) // ****** SETUP ********* { encoderDir[ENC_R].reset(); lcd_special_chars(BLOCKBAR); lcd_display_bar_int("BC Range", configuration.dexed[selected_instance_id].bc_range, 1.0, BC_RANGE_MIN, BC_RANGE_MAX, 2, false, false, true); lcd_active_instance_number(selected_instance_id); UI_update_instance_icons(); } if (LCDML.FUNC_loop()) // ****** LOOP ********* { if ((LCDML.BT_checkDown() && encoderDir[ENC_R].Down()) || (LCDML.BT_checkUp() && encoderDir[ENC_R].Up()) || (LCDML.BT_checkEnter() && encoderDir[ENC_R].ButtonShort())) { if (LCDML.BT_checkDown()) configuration.dexed[selected_instance_id].bc_range = constrain(configuration.dexed[selected_instance_id].bc_range + ENCODER[ENC_R].speed(), BC_RANGE_MIN, BC_RANGE_MAX); else if (LCDML.BT_checkUp()) configuration.dexed[selected_instance_id].bc_range = constrain(configuration.dexed[selected_instance_id].bc_range - ENCODER[ENC_R].speed(), BC_RANGE_MIN, BC_RANGE_MAX); #if NUM_DEXED > 1 else if (LCDML.BT_checkEnter()) { selected_instance_id = !selected_instance_id; lcd_active_instance_number(selected_instance_id); UI_update_instance_icons(); } #endif } lcd_display_bar_int("BC Range", configuration.dexed[selected_instance_id].bc_range, 1.0, BC_RANGE_MIN, BC_RANGE_MAX, 2, false, false, false); MicroDexed[selected_instance_id]->setBCController(configuration.dexed[selected_instance_id].bc_range, configuration.dexed[selected_instance_id].bc_assign, configuration.dexed[selected_instance_id].bc_mode); send_sysex_param(configuration.dexed[selected_instance_id].midi_channel, 74, configuration.dexed[selected_instance_id].bc_range, 2); } if (LCDML.FUNC_close()) // ****** STABLE END ********* { lcd_special_chars(SCROLLBAR); encoderDir[ENC_R].reset(); } } void UI_func_bc_assign(uint8_t param) { if (LCDML.FUNC_setup()) // ****** SETUP ********* { encoderDir[ENC_R].reset(); lcd.setCursor(0, 0); lcd.print(F("BC Assign")); lcd_active_instance_number(selected_instance_id); UI_update_instance_icons(); } if (LCDML.FUNC_loop()) // ****** LOOP ********* { if ((LCDML.BT_checkDown() && encoderDir[ENC_R].Down()) || (LCDML.BT_checkUp() && encoderDir[ENC_R].Up()) || (LCDML.BT_checkEnter() && encoderDir[ENC_R].ButtonShort())) { if (LCDML.BT_checkDown()) configuration.dexed[selected_instance_id].bc_assign = constrain(configuration.dexed[selected_instance_id].bc_assign + 1, BC_ASSIGN_MIN, BC_ASSIGN_MAX); else if (LCDML.BT_checkUp()) configuration.dexed[selected_instance_id].bc_assign = constrain(configuration.dexed[selected_instance_id].bc_assign - 1, BC_ASSIGN_MIN, BC_ASSIGN_MAX); #if NUM_DEXED > 1 else if (LCDML.BT_checkEnter()) { selected_instance_id = !selected_instance_id; lcd_active_instance_number(selected_instance_id); UI_update_instance_icons(); } #endif } MicroDexed[selected_instance_id]->setBCController(configuration.dexed[selected_instance_id].bc_range, configuration.dexed[selected_instance_id].bc_assign, configuration.dexed[selected_instance_id].bc_mode); send_sysex_param(configuration.dexed[selected_instance_id].midi_channel, 75, configuration.dexed[selected_instance_id].bc_assign, 2); lcd.setCursor(0, 1); switch (configuration.dexed[selected_instance_id].bc_assign) { case 0: lcd.print(F("[ NONE ]")); break; case 1: lcd.print(F("[PTCH ]")); break; case 2: lcd.print(F("[ AMP ]")); break; case 3: lcd.print(F("[PTCH AMP ]")); break; case 4: lcd.print(F("[ EG]")); break; case 5: lcd.print(F("[PTCH EG]")); break; case 6: lcd.print(F("[ AMP EG]")); break; case 7: lcd.print(F("[PTCH AMP EG]")); break; } } if (LCDML.FUNC_close()) // ****** STABLE END ********* { lcd_special_chars(SCROLLBAR); encoderDir[ENC_R].reset(); } } void UI_func_bc_mode(uint8_t param) { if (LCDML.FUNC_setup()) // ****** SETUP ********* { encoderDir[ENC_R].reset(); lcd.setCursor(0, 0); lcd.print(F("BC Mode")); lcd_active_instance_number(selected_instance_id); UI_update_instance_icons(); } if (LCDML.FUNC_loop()) // ****** LOOP ********* { if ((LCDML.BT_checkDown() && encoderDir[ENC_R].Down()) || (LCDML.BT_checkUp() && encoderDir[ENC_R].Up()) || (LCDML.BT_checkEnter() && encoderDir[ENC_R].ButtonShort())) { if (LCDML.BT_checkDown()) configuration.dexed[selected_instance_id].bc_mode = constrain(configuration.dexed[selected_instance_id].bc_mode + 1, BC_MODE_MIN, BC_MODE_MAX); else if (LCDML.BT_checkUp()) configuration.dexed[selected_instance_id].bc_mode = constrain(configuration.dexed[selected_instance_id].bc_mode - 1, BC_MODE_MIN, BC_MODE_MAX); #if NUM_DEXED > 1 else if (LCDML.BT_checkEnter()) { selected_instance_id = !selected_instance_id; lcd_active_instance_number(selected_instance_id); UI_update_instance_icons(); } #endif } MicroDexed[selected_instance_id]->setBCController(configuration.dexed[selected_instance_id].bc_range, configuration.dexed[selected_instance_id].bc_assign, configuration.dexed[selected_instance_id].bc_mode); MicroDexed[selected_instance_id]->ControllersRefresh(); lcd.setCursor(0, 1); switch (configuration.dexed[selected_instance_id].bc_mode) { case 0: lcd.print(F("[LINEAR ]")); break; case 1: lcd.print(F("[REVERSE LIN.]")); break; case 2: lcd.print(F("[DIRECT ]")); break; } } if (LCDML.FUNC_close()) // ****** STABLE END ********* { lcd_special_chars(SCROLLBAR); encoderDir[ENC_R].reset(); } } void UI_func_at_range(uint8_t param) { if (LCDML.FUNC_setup()) // ****** SETUP ********* { encoderDir[ENC_R].reset(); lcd_special_chars(BLOCKBAR); lcd_display_bar_int("AT Range", configuration.dexed[selected_instance_id].at_range, 1.0, AT_RANGE_MIN, AT_RANGE_MAX, 2, false, false, true); lcd_active_instance_number(selected_instance_id); UI_update_instance_icons(); } if (LCDML.FUNC_loop()) // ****** LOOP ********* { if ((LCDML.BT_checkDown() && encoderDir[ENC_R].Down()) || (LCDML.BT_checkUp() && encoderDir[ENC_R].Up()) || (LCDML.BT_checkEnter() && encoderDir[ENC_R].ButtonShort())) { if (LCDML.BT_checkDown()) configuration.dexed[selected_instance_id].at_range = constrain(configuration.dexed[selected_instance_id].at_range + ENCODER[ENC_R].speed(), AT_RANGE_MIN, AT_RANGE_MAX); else if (LCDML.BT_checkUp()) configuration.dexed[selected_instance_id].at_range = constrain(configuration.dexed[selected_instance_id].at_range - ENCODER[ENC_R].speed(), AT_RANGE_MIN, AT_RANGE_MAX); #if NUM_DEXED > 1 else if (LCDML.BT_checkEnter()) { selected_instance_id = !selected_instance_id; lcd_active_instance_number(selected_instance_id); UI_update_instance_icons(); } #endif } lcd_display_bar_int("AT Range", configuration.dexed[selected_instance_id].at_range, 1.0, AT_RANGE_MIN, AT_RANGE_MAX, 2, false, false, false); MicroDexed[selected_instance_id]->setATController(configuration.dexed[selected_instance_id].at_range, configuration.dexed[selected_instance_id].at_assign, configuration.dexed[selected_instance_id].at_mode); send_sysex_param(configuration.dexed[selected_instance_id].midi_channel, 76, configuration.dexed[selected_instance_id].at_range, 2); } if (LCDML.FUNC_close()) // ****** STABLE END ********* { lcd_special_chars(SCROLLBAR); encoderDir[ENC_R].reset(); } } void UI_func_at_assign(uint8_t param) { if (LCDML.FUNC_setup()) // ****** SETUP ********* { encoderDir[ENC_R].reset(); lcd.setCursor(0, 0); lcd.print(F("AT Assign")); lcd_active_instance_number(selected_instance_id); UI_update_instance_icons(); } if (LCDML.FUNC_loop()) // ****** LOOP ********* { if ((LCDML.BT_checkDown() && encoderDir[ENC_R].Down()) || (LCDML.BT_checkUp() && encoderDir[ENC_R].Up()) || (LCDML.BT_checkEnter() && encoderDir[ENC_R].ButtonShort())) { if (LCDML.BT_checkDown()) configuration.dexed[selected_instance_id].at_assign = constrain(configuration.dexed[selected_instance_id].at_assign + 1, AT_ASSIGN_MIN, AT_ASSIGN_MAX); else if (LCDML.BT_checkUp()) configuration.dexed[selected_instance_id].at_assign = constrain(configuration.dexed[selected_instance_id].at_assign - 1, AT_ASSIGN_MIN, AT_ASSIGN_MAX); #if NUM_DEXED > 1 else if (LCDML.BT_checkEnter()) { selected_instance_id = !selected_instance_id; lcd_active_instance_number(selected_instance_id); UI_update_instance_icons(); } #endif } MicroDexed[selected_instance_id]->setATController(configuration.dexed[selected_instance_id].at_range, configuration.dexed[selected_instance_id].at_assign, configuration.dexed[selected_instance_id].at_mode); send_sysex_param(configuration.dexed[selected_instance_id].midi_channel, 77, configuration.dexed[selected_instance_id].at_assign, 2); lcd.setCursor(0, 1); switch (configuration.dexed[selected_instance_id].at_assign) { case 0: lcd.print(F("[ NONE ]")); break; case 1: lcd.print(F("[PTCH ]")); break; case 2: lcd.print(F("[ AMP ]")); break; case 3: lcd.print(F("[PTCH AMP ]")); break; case 4: lcd.print(F("[ EG]")); break; case 5: lcd.print(F("[PTCH EG]")); break; case 6: lcd.print(F("[ AMP EG]")); break; case 7: lcd.print(F("[PTCH AMP EG]")); break; } } if (LCDML.FUNC_close()) // ****** STABLE END ********* { lcd_special_chars(SCROLLBAR); encoderDir[ENC_R].reset(); } } void UI_func_at_mode(uint8_t param) { if (LCDML.FUNC_setup()) // ****** SETUP ********* { encoderDir[ENC_R].reset(); lcd.setCursor(0, 0); lcd.print(F("AT Mode")); lcd_active_instance_number(selected_instance_id); UI_update_instance_icons(); } if (LCDML.FUNC_loop()) // ****** LOOP ********* { if ((LCDML.BT_checkDown() && encoderDir[ENC_R].Down()) || (LCDML.BT_checkUp() && encoderDir[ENC_R].Up()) || (LCDML.BT_checkEnter() && encoderDir[ENC_R].ButtonShort())) { if (LCDML.BT_checkDown()) configuration.dexed[selected_instance_id].at_mode = constrain(configuration.dexed[selected_instance_id].at_mode + 1, AT_MODE_MIN, AT_MODE_MAX); else if (LCDML.BT_checkUp()) configuration.dexed[selected_instance_id].at_mode = constrain(configuration.dexed[selected_instance_id].at_mode - 1, AT_MODE_MIN, AT_MODE_MAX); #if NUM_DEXED > 1 else if (LCDML.BT_checkEnter()) { selected_instance_id = !selected_instance_id; lcd_active_instance_number(selected_instance_id); UI_update_instance_icons(); } #endif } MicroDexed[selected_instance_id]->setATController(configuration.dexed[selected_instance_id].at_range, configuration.dexed[selected_instance_id].at_assign, configuration.dexed[selected_instance_id].at_mode); MicroDexed[selected_instance_id]->ControllersRefresh(); lcd.setCursor(0, 1); switch (configuration.dexed[selected_instance_id].at_mode) { case 0: lcd.print(F("[LINEAR ]")); break; case 1: lcd.print(F("[REVERSE LIN.]")); break; case 2: lcd.print(F("[DIRECT ]")); break; } } if (LCDML.FUNC_close()) // ****** STABLE END ********* { lcd_special_chars(SCROLLBAR); encoderDir[ENC_R].reset(); } } void UI_func_portamento_mode(uint8_t param) { if (LCDML.FUNC_setup()) // ****** SETUP ********* { encoderDir[ENC_R].reset(); lcd.setCursor(0, 0); lcd.print(F("Port. Mode")); lcd_active_instance_number(selected_instance_id); UI_update_instance_icons(); } if (LCDML.FUNC_loop()) // ****** LOOP ********* { if ((LCDML.BT_checkDown() && encoderDir[ENC_R].Down()) || (LCDML.BT_checkUp() && encoderDir[ENC_R].Up()) || (LCDML.BT_checkEnter() && encoderDir[ENC_R].ButtonShort())) { if (LCDML.BT_checkDown()) configuration.dexed[selected_instance_id].portamento_mode = constrain(configuration.dexed[selected_instance_id].portamento_mode + 1, PORTAMENTO_MODE_MIN, PORTAMENTO_MODE_MAX); else if (LCDML.BT_checkUp()) configuration.dexed[selected_instance_id].portamento_mode = constrain(configuration.dexed[selected_instance_id].portamento_mode - 1, PORTAMENTO_MODE_MIN, PORTAMENTO_MODE_MAX); #if NUM_DEXED > 1 else if (LCDML.BT_checkEnter()) { selected_instance_id = !selected_instance_id; lcd_active_instance_number(selected_instance_id); UI_update_instance_icons(); } #endif } MicroDexed[selected_instance_id]->setPortamentoMode(configuration.dexed[selected_instance_id].portamento_mode, configuration.dexed[selected_instance_id].portamento_glissando, configuration.dexed[selected_instance_id].portamento_time); send_sysex_param(configuration.dexed[selected_instance_id].midi_channel, 67, configuration.dexed[selected_instance_id].portamento_mode, 2); lcd.setCursor(0, 1); switch (configuration.dexed[selected_instance_id].portamento_mode) { case 0: if (configuration.dexed[selected_instance_id].monopoly == 1) lcd.print(F("[RETAIN ]")); else lcd.print(F("[FINGERED]")); break; case 1: if (configuration.dexed[selected_instance_id].monopoly == 1) lcd.print(F("[FOLLOW ]")); else lcd.print(F("[FULL ]")); break; } } if (LCDML.FUNC_close()) // ****** STABLE END ********* { lcd_special_chars(SCROLLBAR); encoderDir[ENC_R].reset(); } } void UI_func_portamento_glissando(uint8_t param) { if (LCDML.FUNC_setup()) // ****** SETUP ********* { encoderDir[ENC_R].reset(); lcd.setCursor(0, 0); lcd.print(F("Port. Gliss.")); lcd_active_instance_number(selected_instance_id); UI_update_instance_icons(); } if (LCDML.FUNC_loop()) // ****** LOOP ********* { if ((LCDML.BT_checkDown() && encoderDir[ENC_R].Down()) || (LCDML.BT_checkUp() && encoderDir[ENC_R].Up()) || (LCDML.BT_checkEnter() && encoderDir[ENC_R].ButtonShort())) { if (LCDML.BT_checkDown()) configuration.dexed[selected_instance_id].portamento_glissando = constrain(configuration.dexed[selected_instance_id].portamento_glissando + 1, PORTAMENTO_GLISSANDO_MIN, PORTAMENTO_GLISSANDO_MAX); else if (LCDML.BT_checkUp()) configuration.dexed[selected_instance_id].portamento_glissando = constrain(configuration.dexed[selected_instance_id].portamento_glissando - 1, PORTAMENTO_GLISSANDO_MIN, PORTAMENTO_GLISSANDO_MAX); #if NUM_DEXED > 1 else if (LCDML.BT_checkEnter()) { selected_instance_id = !selected_instance_id; lcd_active_instance_number(selected_instance_id); UI_update_instance_icons(); } #endif } MicroDexed[selected_instance_id]->setPortamentoMode(configuration.dexed[selected_instance_id].portamento_mode, configuration.dexed[selected_instance_id].portamento_glissando, configuration.dexed[selected_instance_id].portamento_time); send_sysex_param(configuration.dexed[selected_instance_id].midi_channel, 68, configuration.dexed[selected_instance_id].portamento_glissando, 2); lcd.setCursor(0, 1); switch (configuration.dexed[selected_instance_id].portamento_glissando) { case 0: lcd.print(F("[OFF]")); break; case 1: lcd.print(F("[ON ]")); break; } } if (LCDML.FUNC_close()) // ****** STABLE END ********* { lcd_special_chars(SCROLLBAR); encoderDir[ENC_R].reset(); } } void UI_func_portamento_time(uint8_t param) { if (LCDML.FUNC_setup()) // ****** SETUP ********* { encoderDir[ENC_R].reset(); lcd_special_chars(BLOCKBAR); lcd_display_bar_int("Port. Time", configuration.dexed[selected_instance_id].portamento_time, 1.0, PORTAMENTO_TIME_MIN, PORTAMENTO_TIME_MAX, 2, false, false, true); lcd_active_instance_number(selected_instance_id); UI_update_instance_icons(); } if (LCDML.FUNC_loop()) // ****** LOOP ********* { if ((LCDML.BT_checkDown() && encoderDir[ENC_R].Down()) || (LCDML.BT_checkUp() && encoderDir[ENC_R].Up()) || (LCDML.BT_checkEnter() && encoderDir[ENC_R].ButtonShort())) { if (LCDML.BT_checkDown()) configuration.dexed[selected_instance_id].portamento_time = constrain(configuration.dexed[selected_instance_id].portamento_time + ENCODER[ENC_R].speed(), PORTAMENTO_TIME_MIN, PORTAMENTO_TIME_MAX); else if (LCDML.BT_checkUp()) configuration.dexed[selected_instance_id].portamento_time = constrain(configuration.dexed[selected_instance_id].portamento_time - ENCODER[ENC_R].speed(), PORTAMENTO_TIME_MIN, PORTAMENTO_TIME_MAX); #if NUM_DEXED > 1 else if (LCDML.BT_checkEnter()) { selected_instance_id = !selected_instance_id; lcd_active_instance_number(selected_instance_id); UI_update_instance_icons(); } #endif } lcd_display_bar_int("Portam. Time", configuration.dexed[selected_instance_id].portamento_time, 1.0, PORTAMENTO_TIME_MIN, PORTAMENTO_TIME_MAX, 2, false, false, false); MicroDexed[selected_instance_id]->setPortamentoMode(configuration.dexed[selected_instance_id].portamento_mode, configuration.dexed[selected_instance_id].portamento_glissando, configuration.dexed[selected_instance_id].portamento_time); send_sysex_param(configuration.dexed[selected_instance_id].midi_channel, 69, configuration.dexed[selected_instance_id].portamento_time, 2); } if (LCDML.FUNC_close()) // ****** STABLE END ********* { lcd_special_chars(SCROLLBAR); encoderDir[ENC_R].reset(); } } void UI_handle_OP(uint8_t param) { static uint8_t op_selected; lcd_OP_active_instance_number(selected_instance_id, configuration.dexed[selected_instance_id].op_enabled); if (LCDML.FUNC_setup()) // ****** SETUP ********* { encoderDir[ENC_R].reset(); lcd.setCursor(0, 0); lcd.print(F("OP Enable")); lcd.setCursor(0, 1); for (uint8_t i = 2; i < 8; i++) lcd.write(i); UI_update_instance_icons(); lcd.setCursor(op_selected, 1); lcd.blink(); } if (LCDML.FUNC_loop()) // ****** LOOP ********* { if (LCDML.BT_checkUp() && encoderDir[ENC_R].Up()) { #if NUM_DEXED>1 if (op_selected == 0) { selected_instance_id = !selected_instance_id; op_selected = 5; lcd_OP_active_instance_number(selected_instance_id, configuration.dexed[selected_instance_id].op_enabled); } else #endif op_selected = constrain(op_selected - 1, 0, 5); } else if (LCDML.BT_checkDown() && encoderDir[ENC_R].Down()) { #if NUM_DEXED>1 if (op_selected == 5) { selected_instance_id = !selected_instance_id; op_selected = 0; lcd_OP_active_instance_number(selected_instance_id, configuration.dexed[selected_instance_id].op_enabled); } else #endif op_selected = constrain(op_selected + 1, 0, 5); } else if (LCDML.BT_checkEnter() && encoderDir[ENC_R].ButtonShort()) { if (bitRead(configuration.dexed[selected_instance_id].op_enabled, op_selected)) bitClear(configuration.dexed[selected_instance_id].op_enabled, op_selected); else bitSet(configuration.dexed[selected_instance_id].op_enabled, op_selected); lcd_OP_active_instance_number(selected_instance_id, configuration.dexed[selected_instance_id].op_enabled); } lcd.setCursor(op_selected, 1); MicroDexed[selected_instance_id]->setOPAll(configuration.dexed[selected_instance_id].op_enabled); MicroDexed[selected_instance_id]->doRefreshVoice(); send_sysex_param(configuration.dexed[selected_instance_id].midi_channel, 155, configuration.dexed[selected_instance_id].op_enabled, 0); } if (LCDML.FUNC_close()) // ****** STABLE END ********* { lcd.noBlink(); lcd.noCursor(); lcd_special_chars(SCROLLBAR); encoderDir[ENC_R].reset(); } } void UI_func_drum_reverb_send(uint8_t param) { char displayname[8] = {0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0}; if (LCDML.FUNC_setup()) // ****** SETUP ********* { encoderDir[ENC_R].reset(); temp_int = (int)(drum_config[activesample].reverb_send * 100); lcd.setCursor(0, 0); lcd.print("Drum Rev. Send"); lcd.setCursor(1, 1); sprintf(displayname, "%02d", activesample); lcd.print(displayname); lcd.show(4, 5, 6, basename(drum_config[activesample].name)); } if (LCDML.FUNC_loop()) // ****** LOOP ********* { if (menu_select_toggle == false) { if ((LCDML.BT_checkDown() && encoderDir[ENC_R].Down()) || (LCDML.BT_checkUp() && encoderDir[ENC_R].Up()) || (LCDML.BT_checkEnter() && encoderDir[ENC_R].ButtonShort())) { if (LCDML.BT_checkDown()) { // activesample = constrain(activesample + ENCODER[ENC_R].speed(), 0, NUM_DRUMSET_CONFIG - 2); smart_filter(1); } else if (LCDML.BT_checkUp()) { // activesample = constrain(activesample - ENCODER[ENC_R].speed(), 0, NUM_DRUMSET_CONFIG - 2); smart_filter(0); } } } else { if ((LCDML.BT_checkDown() && encoderDir[ENC_R].Down()) || (LCDML.BT_checkUp() && encoderDir[ENC_R].Up()) || (LCDML.BT_checkEnter() && encoderDir[ENC_R].ButtonShort())) { if (LCDML.BT_checkDown()) { temp_int = constrain(temp_int + ENCODER[ENC_R].speed(), 0, REVERB_SEND_MAX); } else if (LCDML.BT_checkUp()) { temp_int = constrain(temp_int - ENCODER[ENC_R].speed(), 0, REVERB_SEND_MAX); } } } if (LCDML.BT_checkEnter()) { if (menu_select_toggle) { menu_select_toggle = false; } else { menu_select_toggle = true; temp_int = (int)(drum_config[activesample].reverb_send * 100); } } if (menu_select_toggle == false) { lcd.setCursor(11, 1); lcd.print(" "); lcd.setCursor(15, 1); lcd.print(" "); lcd.setCursor(0, 1); lcd.print("["); lcd.setCursor(3, 1); lcd.print("]"); lcd.setCursor(1, 1); sprintf(displayname, "%02d", activesample); lcd.print(displayname); lcd.show(4, 5, 6, basename(drum_config[activesample].name)); sprintf(displayname, "%03d", (int)(drum_config[activesample].reverb_send * 100) ); lcd.setCursor(12, 1); lcd.print(displayname); } else { lcd.setCursor(0, 1); lcd.print(" "); lcd.setCursor(3, 1); lcd.print(" "); lcd.setCursor(11, 1); lcd.print("["); lcd.setCursor(15, 1); lcd.print("]"); sprintf(displayname, "%03d", temp_int); lcd.setCursor(12, 1); lcd.print(displayname); drum_config[activesample].reverb_send = mapfloat(temp_int, 0, 100, 0.0, 1.0); } } if (LCDML.FUNC_close()) // ****** STABLE END ********* { encoderDir[ENC_R].reset(); } } void UI_func_drum_midi_channel(uint8_t param) { if (LCDML.FUNC_setup()) // ****** SETUP ********* { encoderDir[ENC_R].reset(); lcd.setCursor(0, 0); lcd.print(F("MIDI Channel")); } if (LCDML.FUNC_loop()) // ****** LOOP ********* { if (LCDML.BT_checkDown() && encoderDir[ENC_R].Down()) drum_midi_channel = constrain(drum_midi_channel + ENCODER[ENC_R].speed(), MIDI_CHANNEL_MIN, MIDI_CHANNEL_MAX); else if (LCDML.BT_checkUp() && encoderDir[ENC_R].Up()) drum_midi_channel = constrain(drum_midi_channel - ENCODER[ENC_R].speed(), MIDI_CHANNEL_MIN, MIDI_CHANNEL_MAX); lcd.setCursor(0, 1); if (drum_midi_channel == 0) { lcd.print(F("[OMNI]")); } else { lcd_display_int(drum_midi_channel, 4, false, true, false); } } if (LCDML.FUNC_close()) // ****** STABLE END ********* encoderDir[ENC_R].reset(); } void UI_func_drums_main_volume(uint8_t param) { char displayname[4] = {0, 0, 0, 0}; if (LCDML.FUNC_setup()) // ****** SETUP ********* { encoderDir[ENC_R].reset(); temp_int = mapfloat(seq.drums_volume, 0.0, VOL_MAX_FLOAT, 0, 100); lcd.setCursor(0, 0); lcd.print(" Drums M.Volume "); } if (LCDML.FUNC_loop()) // ****** LOOP ********* { if ((LCDML.BT_checkDown() && encoderDir[ENC_R].Down()) || (LCDML.BT_checkUp() && encoderDir[ENC_R].Up()) || (LCDML.BT_checkEnter() && encoderDir[ENC_R].ButtonShort())) { if (LCDML.BT_checkDown()) { temp_int = constrain(temp_int + ENCODER[ENC_R].speed(), 0, 100); } else if (LCDML.BT_checkUp()) { temp_int = constrain(temp_int - ENCODER[ENC_R].speed(), 0, 100); } } lcd.setCursor(5, 1); sprintf(displayname, "%03d", temp_int); lcd.print(displayname); lcd.setCursor(8, 1); lcd.print("/100"); master_mixer_r.gain (MASTER_MIX_CH_DRUMS, volume_transform(mapfloat(temp_int, 0, 100, 0.0, VOL_MAX_FLOAT))); master_mixer_l.gain (MASTER_MIX_CH_DRUMS, volume_transform(mapfloat(temp_int, 0, 100, 0.0, VOL_MAX_FLOAT))); seq.drums_volume = mapfloat(temp_int, 0, 100, 0.0, VOL_MAX_FLOAT); } if (LCDML.FUNC_close()) // ****** STABLE END ********* { encoderDir[ENC_R].reset(); } } void UI_func_drum_tune_offset(uint8_t param) { char displayname[8] = {0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0}; if (LCDML.FUNC_setup()) // ****** SETUP ********* { encoderDir[ENC_R].reset(); temp_int = (int)(drum_config[activesample].p_offset * 200); lcd.setCursor(0, 0); lcd.print("DrumSmp. Tune"); lcd.setCursor(1, 1); lcd.setCursor(1, 1); sprintf(displayname, "%02d", activesample); lcd.print(displayname); lcd.show(1, 4, 7, basename(drum_config[activesample].name)); } if (LCDML.FUNC_loop()) // ****** LOOP ********* { if (menu_select_toggle == false) { if ((LCDML.BT_checkDown() && encoderDir[ENC_R].Down()) || (LCDML.BT_checkUp() && encoderDir[ENC_R].Up()) || (LCDML.BT_checkEnter() && encoderDir[ENC_R].ButtonShort())) { if (LCDML.BT_checkDown()) { activesample = constrain(activesample + ENCODER[ENC_R].speed(), 0, NUM_DRUMSET_CONFIG - 2); } else if (LCDML.BT_checkUp()) { activesample = constrain(activesample - ENCODER[ENC_R].speed(), 0, NUM_DRUMSET_CONFIG - 2); } } } else { if ((LCDML.BT_checkDown() && encoderDir[ENC_R].Down()) || (LCDML.BT_checkUp() && encoderDir[ENC_R].Up()) || (LCDML.BT_checkEnter() && encoderDir[ENC_R].ButtonShort())) { if (LCDML.BT_checkDown()) { temp_int = constrain(temp_int + ENCODER[ENC_R].speed(), 0, 400); } else if (LCDML.BT_checkUp()) { temp_int = constrain(temp_int - ENCODER[ENC_R].speed(), 0, 400); } } } if (LCDML.BT_checkEnter()) { if (menu_select_toggle) { menu_select_toggle = false; } else { menu_select_toggle = true; temp_int = (int)(drum_config[activesample].p_offset * 200); } } if (menu_select_toggle == false) { lcd.setCursor(11, 1); lcd.print(" "); lcd.setCursor(15, 1); lcd.print(" "); lcd.setCursor(0, 1); lcd.print("["); lcd.setCursor(3, 1); lcd.print("]"); lcd.setCursor(1, 1); sprintf(displayname, "%02d", activesample); lcd.print(displayname); lcd.show(1, 4, 7, basename(drum_config[activesample].name)); sprintf(displayname, "%03d", (int)(drum_config[activesample].p_offset * 200) ); lcd.setCursor(12, 1); lcd.print(displayname); } else { temp_float = mapfloat(temp_int, 0, 400, 0.0, 2.0); lcd.setCursor(0, 1); lcd.print(" "); lcd.setCursor(3, 1); lcd.print(" "); lcd.setCursor(11, 1); lcd.print("["); lcd.setCursor(15, 1); lcd.print("]"); sprintf(displayname, "%03d", temp_int); lcd.setCursor(12, 1); lcd.print(displayname); drum_config[activesample].p_offset = temp_float; } } if (LCDML.FUNC_close()) // ****** STABLE END ********* { encoderDir[ENC_R].reset(); } } void UI_func_drum_pitch(uint8_t param) { char displayname[8] = {0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0}; if (LCDML.FUNC_setup()) // ****** SETUP ********* { encoderDir[ENC_R].reset(); temp_int = (int)(drum_config[activesample].pitch * 200); lcd.setCursor(0, 0); lcd.print("DrumSmp. Pitch"); lcd.setCursor(1, 1); lcd.setCursor(1, 1); sprintf(displayname, "%02d", activesample); lcd.print(displayname); lcd.show(1, 4, 7, basename(drum_config[activesample].name)); } if (LCDML.FUNC_loop()) // ****** LOOP ********* { if (menu_select_toggle == false) { if ((LCDML.BT_checkDown() && encoderDir[ENC_R].Down()) || (LCDML.BT_checkUp() && encoderDir[ENC_R].Up()) || (LCDML.BT_checkEnter() && encoderDir[ENC_R].ButtonShort())) { if (LCDML.BT_checkDown()) { activesample = constrain(activesample + ENCODER[ENC_R].speed(), 0, NUM_DRUMSET_CONFIG - 2); } else if (LCDML.BT_checkUp()) { activesample = constrain(activesample - ENCODER[ENC_R].speed(), 0, NUM_DRUMSET_CONFIG - 2); } } } else { if ((LCDML.BT_checkDown() && encoderDir[ENC_R].Down()) || (LCDML.BT_checkUp() && encoderDir[ENC_R].Up()) || (LCDML.BT_checkEnter() && encoderDir[ENC_R].ButtonShort())) { if (LCDML.BT_checkDown()) { temp_int = constrain(temp_int + ENCODER[ENC_R].speed(), 0, 400); } else if (LCDML.BT_checkUp()) { temp_int = constrain(temp_int - ENCODER[ENC_R].speed(), 0, 400); } } } if (LCDML.BT_checkEnter()) { if (menu_select_toggle) { menu_select_toggle = false; } else { menu_select_toggle = true; temp_int = (int)(drum_config[activesample].pitch * 200); } } if (menu_select_toggle == false) { lcd.setCursor(11, 1); lcd.print(" "); lcd.setCursor(15, 1); lcd.print(" "); lcd.setCursor(0, 1); lcd.print("["); lcd.setCursor(3, 1); lcd.print("]"); lcd.setCursor(1, 1); sprintf(displayname, "%02d", activesample); lcd.print(displayname); lcd.show(1, 4, 7, basename(drum_config[activesample].name)); sprintf(displayname, "%03d", (int)(drum_config[activesample].pitch * 200) ); lcd.setCursor(12, 1); lcd.print(displayname); } else { temp_float = mapfloat(temp_int, 0, 400, 0.0, 2.0); lcd.setCursor(0, 1); lcd.print(" "); lcd.setCursor(3, 1); lcd.print(" "); lcd.setCursor(11, 1); lcd.print("["); lcd.setCursor(15, 1); lcd.print("]"); sprintf(displayname, "%03d", temp_int); lcd.setCursor(12, 1); lcd.print(displayname); drum_config[activesample].pitch = temp_float; } } if (LCDML.FUNC_close()) // ****** STABLE END ********* { encoderDir[ENC_R].reset(); } } void UI_func_drum_volume(uint8_t param) { char displayname[8] = {0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0}; if (LCDML.FUNC_setup()) // ****** SETUP ********* { encoderDir[ENC_R].reset(); temp_int = (int)(drum_config[activesample].vol_max * 100); lcd.setCursor(0, 0); lcd.print("DrumSmp. Volume"); lcd.setCursor(1, 1); lcd.setCursor(1, 1); sprintf(displayname, "%02d", activesample); lcd.print(displayname); lcd.show(1, 4, 7, basename(drum_config[activesample].name)); } if (LCDML.FUNC_loop()) // ****** LOOP ********* { if (menu_select_toggle == false) { if ((LCDML.BT_checkDown() && encoderDir[ENC_R].Down()) || (LCDML.BT_checkUp() && encoderDir[ENC_R].Up()) || (LCDML.BT_checkEnter() && encoderDir[ENC_R].ButtonShort())) { if (LCDML.BT_checkDown()) { // activesample = constrain(activesample + ENCODER[ENC_R].speed(), 0, NUM_DRUMSET_CONFIG - 2); smart_filter(1); } else if (LCDML.BT_checkUp()) { // activesample = constrain(activesample - ENCODER[ENC_R].speed(), 0, NUM_DRUMSET_CONFIG - 2); smart_filter(0); } } } else { if ((LCDML.BT_checkDown() && encoderDir[ENC_R].Down()) || (LCDML.BT_checkUp() && encoderDir[ENC_R].Up()) || (LCDML.BT_checkEnter() && encoderDir[ENC_R].ButtonShort())) { if (LCDML.BT_checkDown()) { temp_int = constrain(temp_int + ENCODER[ENC_R].speed(), 0, 100); } else if (LCDML.BT_checkUp()) { temp_int = constrain(temp_int - ENCODER[ENC_R].speed(), 0, 100); } } } if (LCDML.BT_checkEnter()) { if (menu_select_toggle) { menu_select_toggle = false; } else { menu_select_toggle = true; temp_int = (int)(drum_config[activesample].vol_max * 100); } } if (menu_select_toggle == false) { lcd.setCursor(11, 1); lcd.print(" "); lcd.setCursor(15, 1); lcd.print(" "); lcd.setCursor(0, 1); lcd.print("["); lcd.setCursor(3, 1); lcd.print("]"); lcd.setCursor(1, 1); sprintf(displayname, "%02d", activesample); lcd.print(displayname); lcd.show(1, 4, 7, basename(drum_config[activesample].name)); sprintf(displayname, "%03d", (int)(drum_config[activesample].vol_max * 100) ); lcd.setCursor(12, 1); lcd.print(displayname); } else { temp_float = mapfloat(temp_int, 0, 100, 0.0, 1.0); lcd.setCursor(0, 1); lcd.print(" "); lcd.setCursor(3, 1); lcd.print(" "); lcd.setCursor(11, 1); lcd.print("["); lcd.setCursor(15, 1); lcd.print("]"); sprintf(displayname, "%03d", temp_int); lcd.setCursor(12, 1); lcd.print(displayname); drum_config[activesample].vol_max = temp_float; } } if (LCDML.FUNC_close()) // ****** STABLE END ********* { encoderDir[ENC_R].reset(); } } void UI_func_arp_shift(uint8_t param) { char displayname[4] = {0, 0, 0, 0}; if (LCDML.FUNC_setup()) // ****** SETUP ********* { encoderDir[ENC_R].reset(); lcd.setCursor(0, 0); lcd.print("Arp/Chord Transp"); lcd.setCursor(0, 1); lcd.print("Oct"); lcd.setCursor(4, 1); sprintf(displayname, "%02d", seq.seq_oct_shift); lcd.print(displayname); lcd.setCursor(8, 1); lcd.print("Shift"); lcd.setCursor(14, 1); lcd.print(seq.seq_element_shift); } if (LCDML.FUNC_loop()) // ****** LOOP ********* { if (menu_select_toggle == false) { if ((LCDML.BT_checkDown() && encoderDir[ENC_R].Down()) || (LCDML.BT_checkUp() && encoderDir[ENC_R].Up()) || (LCDML.BT_checkEnter() && encoderDir[ENC_R].ButtonShort())) { if (LCDML.BT_checkDown()) { seq.seq_oct_shift = constrain(seq.seq_oct_shift + ENCODER[ENC_R].speed(), -2, 2); } else if (LCDML.BT_checkUp()) { seq.seq_oct_shift = constrain(seq.seq_oct_shift - ENCODER[ENC_R].speed(), -2, 2); } } } else { if ((LCDML.BT_checkDown() && encoderDir[ENC_R].Down()) || (LCDML.BT_checkUp() && encoderDir[ENC_R].Up()) || (LCDML.BT_checkEnter() && encoderDir[ENC_R].ButtonShort())) { if (LCDML.BT_checkDown()) { seq.seq_element_shift = constrain(seq.seq_element_shift + ENCODER[ENC_R].speed(), 0, 6); } else if (LCDML.BT_checkUp()) { seq.seq_element_shift = constrain(seq.seq_element_shift - ENCODER[ENC_R].speed(), 0, 6); } } } if (LCDML.BT_checkEnter()) { menu_select_toggle = !menu_select_toggle; } if (menu_select_toggle == false) { lcd.setCursor(13, 1); lcd.print(" "); lcd.setCursor(15, 1); lcd.print(" "); lcd.setCursor(3, 1); lcd.print("["); lcd.setCursor(6, 1); lcd.print("]"); lcd.setCursor(4, 1); sprintf(displayname, "%02d", seq.seq_oct_shift); lcd.print(displayname); } else { lcd.setCursor(3, 1); lcd.print(" "); lcd.setCursor(6, 1); lcd.print(" "); lcd.setCursor(13, 1); lcd.print("["); lcd.setCursor(15, 1); lcd.print("]"); lcd.setCursor(14, 1); lcd.print(seq.seq_element_shift); } } if (LCDML.FUNC_close()) // ****** STABLE END ********* { encoderDir[ENC_R].reset(); } } void UI_func_drum_pan(uint8_t param) { char displayname[8] = {0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0}; if (LCDML.FUNC_setup()) // ****** SETUP ********* { encoderDir[ENC_R].reset(); temp_int = mapfloat(drum_config[activesample].pan, -1.0, 1.0, -99, 99); lcd.setCursor(0, 0); lcd.print("DrmSmp. Panorama"); lcd.setCursor(1, 1); sprintf(displayname, "%02d", activesample); lcd.print(displayname); lcd.show(1, 4, 6, basename(drum_config[activesample].name)); } if (LCDML.FUNC_loop()) // ****** LOOP ********* { if (menu_select_toggle == false) { if ((LCDML.BT_checkDown() && encoderDir[ENC_R].Down()) || (LCDML.BT_checkUp() && encoderDir[ENC_R].Up()) || (LCDML.BT_checkEnter() && encoderDir[ENC_R].ButtonShort())) { if (LCDML.BT_checkDown()) { //activesample = constrain(activesample + ENCODER[ENC_R].speed(), 0, NUM_DRUMSET_CONFIG - 2); smart_filter(1); } else if (LCDML.BT_checkUp()) { //activesample = constrain(activesample - ENCODER[ENC_R].speed(), 0, NUM_DRUMSET_CONFIG - 2); smart_filter(0); } } } else { if ((LCDML.BT_checkDown() && encoderDir[ENC_R].Down()) || (LCDML.BT_checkUp() && encoderDir[ENC_R].Up()) || (LCDML.BT_checkEnter() && encoderDir[ENC_R].ButtonShort())) { if (LCDML.BT_checkDown()) { temp_int = constrain(temp_int + ENCODER[ENC_R].speed(), -99, 99); } else if (LCDML.BT_checkUp()) { temp_int = constrain(temp_int - ENCODER[ENC_R].speed(), -99, 99); } } } if (LCDML.BT_checkEnter()) { if (menu_select_toggle) { menu_select_toggle = false; } else { menu_select_toggle = true; } } if (menu_select_toggle == false) { lcd.setCursor(11, 1); lcd.print(" "); lcd.setCursor(15, 1); lcd.print(" "); lcd.setCursor(0, 1); lcd.print("["); lcd.setCursor(3, 1); lcd.print("]"); lcd.setCursor(1, 1); sprintf(displayname, "%02d", activesample); lcd.print(displayname); lcd.show(1, 4, 6, basename(drum_config[activesample].name)); } else { lcd.setCursor(0, 1); lcd.print(" "); lcd.setCursor(3, 1); lcd.print(" "); lcd.setCursor(11, 1); lcd.print("["); lcd.setCursor(15, 1); lcd.print("]"); drum_config[activesample].pan = mapfloat(temp_int, -99, 99, -1.0, 1.0); } temp_int = mapfloat(drum_config[activesample].pan, -1.0, 1.0, -99, 99); lcd.setCursor(12, 1); if (temp_int > 1) { lcd.print("R"); } else if (temp_int < 0) { lcd.print("L"); } else { lcd.print("C"); } sprintf(displayname, "%02d", abs(temp_int)); lcd.setCursor(13, 1); lcd.print( displayname); } if (LCDML.FUNC_close()) // ****** STABLE END ********* { encoderDir[ENC_R].reset(); } } const char* seq_find_drum_name_from_note(uint8_t note) { bool found = false; const char* shortname; for (uint8_t d = 0; d < NUM_DRUMSET_CONFIG - 1; d++) { if (note == drum_config[d].midinote) { shortname = basename(drum_config[d].name); found = true; break; } } if (found == false) shortname = " "; return shortname; } const char* seq_find_shortname(uint8_t sstep) { const char* shortname; bool found = false; if (seq.seq_content_type[seq.seq_active_track] == 0 && seq.seq_vel[seq.seq_active_track][sstep] < 210) //is Drumtrack and not a pitched sample { for (uint8_t d = 0; d < NUM_DRUMSET_CONFIG - 1; d++) { if (seq.seq_data[seq.seq_active_track][sstep] == drum_config[d].midinote) { shortname = drum_config[d].shortname; found = true; break; } } if (found == false) shortname = "-"; } else { if (seq.seq_data[seq.seq_active_track][sstep] > 0 && seq.seq_data[seq.seq_active_track][sstep] != 130) shortname = noteNames[seq.seq_data[seq.seq_active_track][sstep] % 12]; else if (seq.seq_data[seq.seq_active_track][sstep] == 130) shortname = "~"; // note has tie/latch else shortname = "-"; } return shortname; } void seq_printAllSeqSteps() { lcd.setCursor(0, 1); for (uint8_t i = 0; i < 16; i++) { lcd.print(seq_find_shortname(i)[0]); } } #ifdef TESTDISPLAY20x4 void seq_printVelGraphBar() { lcd.setCursor(0, 2); for (uint8_t i = 0; i < 16; i++) { if (seq.seq_vel[seq.seq_active_track][i] == 0) lcd.print(" "); else if (seq.seq_vel[seq.seq_active_track][i] > 0 && seq.seq_vel[seq.seq_active_track][i] <= 20) lcd.write(1); else if (seq.seq_vel[seq.seq_active_track][i] > 21 && seq.seq_vel[seq.seq_active_track][i] <= 40) lcd.write(2); else if (seq.seq_vel[seq.seq_active_track][i] > 41 && seq.seq_vel[seq.seq_active_track][i] <= 60) lcd.write(3); else if (seq.seq_vel[seq.seq_active_track][i] > 61 && seq.seq_vel[seq.seq_active_track][i] <= 80) lcd.write(4); else if (seq.seq_vel[seq.seq_active_track][i] > 81 && seq.seq_vel[seq.seq_active_track][i] <= 90) lcd.write(5); else if (seq.seq_vel[seq.seq_active_track][i] > 91 && seq.seq_vel[seq.seq_active_track][i] <= 105) lcd.write(6); else if (seq.seq_vel[seq.seq_active_track][i] > 105 && seq.seq_vel[seq.seq_active_track][i] <= 128) lcd.write(7); else lcd.print("C"); } } #endif void UI_func_seq_display_style(uint8_t param) { if (LCDML.FUNC_setup()) // ****** SETUP ********* { encoderDir[ENC_R].reset(); lcd.setCursor(0, 0); lcd.print("Seq. Disp. Style"); lcd.setCursor(0, 1); lcd.print("Pat."); lcd.setCursor(9, 1); lcd.print("="); } if (LCDML.FUNC_loop()) // ****** LOOP ********* { if (menu_select_toggle == false) { if ((LCDML.BT_checkDown() && encoderDir[ENC_R].Down()) || (LCDML.BT_checkUp() && encoderDir[ENC_R].Up()) || (LCDML.BT_checkEnter() && encoderDir[ENC_R].ButtonShort())) { if (LCDML.BT_checkDown()) { seq.seq_active_track = constrain(seq.seq_active_track + ENCODER[ENC_R].speed(), 0, NUM_SEQ_PATTERN - 1); } else if (LCDML.BT_checkUp()) { seq.seq_active_track = constrain(seq.seq_active_track - ENCODER[ENC_R].speed(), 0, NUM_SEQ_PATTERN - 1); } } } else { if ((LCDML.BT_checkDown() && encoderDir[ENC_R].Down()) || (LCDML.BT_checkUp() && encoderDir[ENC_R].Up()) || (LCDML.BT_checkEnter() && encoderDir[ENC_R].ButtonShort())) { if (LCDML.BT_checkDown()) { seq.seq_content_type[seq.seq_active_track] = constrain(seq.seq_content_type[seq.seq_active_track] + ENCODER[ENC_R].speed(), 0, 2); } else if (LCDML.BT_checkUp()) { seq.seq_content_type[seq.seq_active_track] = constrain(seq.seq_content_type[seq.seq_active_track] - ENCODER[ENC_R].speed(), 0, 2); } } } if (LCDML.BT_checkEnter()) { menu_select_toggle = !menu_select_toggle; } if (menu_select_toggle == false) { lcd.setCursor(10, 1); lcd.print(" "); lcd.setCursor(15, 1); lcd.print(" "); lcd.setCursor(4, 1); lcd.print("["); if (seq.seq_active_track < 10) lcd.print ("0"); lcd.print(seq.seq_active_track); lcd.print("]"); } else { lcd.setCursor(4, 1); lcd.print(" "); lcd.setCursor(7, 1); lcd.print(" "); lcd.setCursor(10, 1); lcd.print("["); lcd.setCursor(15, 1); lcd.print("]"); } lcd.setCursor(11, 1); if (seq.seq_content_type[seq.seq_active_track] == 0) lcd.print("Drum"); else if (seq.seq_content_type[seq.seq_active_track] == 1) lcd.print("Inst"); else lcd.print("Chrd"); } if (LCDML.FUNC_close()) // ****** STABLE END ********* { encoderDir[ENC_R].reset(); } } void UI_func_seq_live_transpose_oct(uint8_t param) { //Select octave for live transpose of sequencer instrument track. Should be one of the lowest octaves available on the keyboard. //Allowed range: C1-C5 to not restrict too much, even for very unusual user setups/configurations. char note_name[4]; char note_name2[4]; if (LCDML.FUNC_setup()) // ****** SETUP ********* { encoderDir[ENC_R].reset(); getNoteName(note_name, seq.seq_transpose); getNoteName(note_name2, seq.seq_transpose + 12); lcd.setCursor(0, 0); lcd.print(F("Live Transp.Oct.")); lcd.setCursor(0, 1); lcd.print(F("[")); lcd.print(note_name); lcd.print(F("] - ")); lcd.print(("[")); lcd.print(note_name2); lcd.print(("]")); } if (LCDML.FUNC_loop()) // ****** LOOP ********* { if ((LCDML.BT_checkDown() && encoderDir[ENC_R].Down()) || (LCDML.BT_checkUp() && encoderDir[ENC_R].Up()) || (LCDML.BT_checkEnter() && encoderDir[ENC_R].ButtonShort())) { if (LCDML.BT_checkDown()) seq.seq_transpose = constrain(seq.seq_transpose + ENCODER[ENC_R].speed(), 24, 60); else if (LCDML.BT_checkUp()) seq.seq_transpose = constrain(seq.seq_transpose - ENCODER[ENC_R].speed(), 24, 60); } getNoteName(note_name, seq.seq_transpose); getNoteName(note_name2, seq.seq_transpose + 12); lcd.setCursor(0, 1); lcd.print(F("[")); lcd.print(note_name); lcd.print(F("] - ")); lcd.print(("[")); lcd.print(note_name2); lcd.print(("]")); } if (LCDML.FUNC_close()) // ****** STABLE END ********* { encoderDir[ENC_R].reset(); } } void UI_func_seq_chord_keys_ammount(uint8_t param) { char displayname[4] = {0, 0, 0, 0}; if (LCDML.FUNC_setup()) // ****** SETUP ********* { encoderDir[ENC_R].reset(); lcd.setCursor(0, 0); lcd.print("ChordTrack Keys:"); lcd.setCursor(8, 1); lcd.print("Keys"); } if (LCDML.FUNC_loop()) // ****** LOOP ********* { if ((LCDML.BT_checkDown() && encoderDir[ENC_R].Down()) || (LCDML.BT_checkUp() && encoderDir[ENC_R].Up()) || (LCDML.BT_checkEnter() && encoderDir[ENC_R].ButtonShort())) { if (LCDML.BT_checkDown()) seq.seq_chord_key_ammount = constrain(seq.seq_chord_key_ammount + ENCODER[ENC_R].speed(), 1, 7); else if (LCDML.BT_checkUp()) seq.seq_chord_key_ammount = constrain(seq.seq_chord_key_ammount - ENCODER[ENC_R].speed(), 1, 7); } lcd.setCursor(4, 1); lcd.print("["); sprintf(displayname, "%02d", seq.seq_chord_key_ammount); lcd.print(displayname); lcd.print("]"); } if (LCDML.FUNC_close()) // ****** STABLE END ********* { encoderDir[ENC_R].reset(); } } void UI_func_seq_lenght(uint8_t param) { if (LCDML.FUNC_setup()) // ****** SETUP ********* { encoderDir[ENC_R].reset(); lcd.setCursor(0, 0); lcd.print(" Seq. lenght "); } if (LCDML.FUNC_loop()) // ****** LOOP ********* { if ((LCDML.BT_checkDown() && encoderDir[ENC_R].Down()) || (LCDML.BT_checkUp() && encoderDir[ENC_R].Up()) || (LCDML.BT_checkEnter() && encoderDir[ENC_R].ButtonShort())) { if (LCDML.BT_checkDown()) seq.seq_chain_lenght = constrain(seq.seq_chain_lenght + ENCODER[ENC_R].speed(), 0, 3); else if (LCDML.BT_checkUp()) seq.seq_chain_lenght = constrain(seq.seq_chain_lenght - ENCODER[ENC_R].speed(), 0, 3); } lcd.setCursor(3, 1); lcd.print((seq.seq_chain_lenght + 1) * 16 ); lcd.setCursor(7, 1); lcd.print("Steps"); } if (LCDML.FUNC_close()) // ****** STABLE END ********* { encoderDir[ENC_R].reset(); } } void UI_func_seq_tempo(uint8_t param) { char tmp[7]; if (LCDML.FUNC_setup()) // ****** SETUP ********* { encoderDir[ENC_R].reset(); lcd.setCursor(0, 0); lcd.print(" Seq. Tempo "); lcd.setCursor(5, 1); lcd.print("BPM"); lcd.setCursor(14, 1); lcd.print("ms"); } if (LCDML.FUNC_loop()) // ****** LOOP ********* { if ((LCDML.BT_checkDown() && encoderDir[ENC_R].Down()) || (LCDML.BT_checkUp() && encoderDir[ENC_R].Up()) || (LCDML.BT_checkEnter() && encoderDir[ENC_R].ButtonShort())) { if (LCDML.BT_checkDown()) seq.seq_bpm = constrain(seq.seq_bpm + ENCODER[ENC_R].speed(), 50, 190); else if (LCDML.BT_checkUp()) seq.seq_bpm = constrain(seq.seq_bpm - ENCODER[ENC_R].speed(), 50, 190); } seq.seq_tempo_ms = 60000000 / seq.seq_bpm / 4; lcd.setCursor(0, 1); sprintf(tmp, "[%3d]", seq.seq_bpm); lcd.print(tmp); lcd.setCursor(11, 1); sprintf(tmp, "%3d", seq.seq_tempo_ms / 1000); lcd.print(tmp); #ifdef USE_FX for (uint8_t i = 0; i < MAX_DEXED; i++) { if (configuration.fx.delay_sync[i] > 0) { uint16_t midi_sync_delay_time = uint16_t(60000.0 * midi_ticks_factor[configuration.fx.delay_sync[i]] / seq.seq_bpm); delay_fx[i]->delay(0, constrain(midi_sync_delay_time, DELAY_TIME_MIN, DELAY_TIME_MAX * 10)); } } #endif //sequencer_timer.stop(); #ifdef USE_SEQUENCER sequencer_timer.begin(sequencer, seq.seq_tempo_ms / 2); #endif } if (LCDML.FUNC_close()) // ****** STABLE END ********* { encoderDir[ENC_R].reset(); } } void UI_func_seq_vel_editor(uint8_t param) { char tmp[5]; if (LCDML.FUNC_setup()) // ****** SETUP ********* { // setup function encoderDir[ENC_R].reset(); lcd.setCursor(0, 0); lcd.print("V:"); sprintf(tmp, "%03d", seq.seq_vel[seq.seq_active_track][seq.seq_menu - 1]); lcd.setCursor(2, 0); lcd.print(tmp); lcd.setCursor(12, 0); lcd.print("["); lcd.setCursor(13, 0); if (seq.seq_active_track < 10) lcd.print("0"); lcd.print(seq.seq_active_track); lcd.setCursor(15, 0); lcd.print("]"); seq_printAllSeqSteps(); } if (LCDML.FUNC_loop()) // ****** LOOP ********* { if (seq_active_function == 99) { if ((LCDML.BT_checkDown() && encoderDir[ENC_R].Down()) || (LCDML.BT_checkUp() && encoderDir[ENC_R].Up())) { if (LCDML.BT_checkDown()) seq.seq_menu = constrain(seq.seq_menu + 1, 0, 16); else if (LCDML.BT_checkUp()) seq.seq_menu = constrain(seq.seq_menu - 1, 0, 16); } } else if (seq_active_function == 0) { if ((LCDML.BT_checkDown() && encoderDir[ENC_R].Down()) || (LCDML.BT_checkUp() && encoderDir[ENC_R].Up())) { if (LCDML.BT_checkDown()) seq.seq_active_track = constrain(seq.seq_active_track + 1, 0, NUM_SEQ_PATTERN - 1); else if (LCDML.BT_checkUp()) seq.seq_active_track = constrain(seq.seq_active_track - 1, 0, NUM_SEQ_PATTERN - 1); } } if ( seq.seq_data[seq.seq_active_track][seq.seq_menu - 1] > 0 ) { if (seq.seq_vel[seq.seq_active_track][seq.seq_menu - 1] < 210) //it is a normal sample { if (seq_active_function == 1 && seq.seq_content_type[seq.seq_active_track] < 2 ) { //if is Drum or normal Instrument Track if ((LCDML.BT_checkDown() && encoderDir[ENC_R].Down()) || (LCDML.BT_checkUp() && encoderDir[ENC_R].Up())) { if (LCDML.BT_checkDown()) seq.seq_vel[seq.seq_active_track][seq.seq_menu - 1] = constrain(seq.seq_vel[seq.seq_active_track][seq.seq_menu - 1] + 1, 0, 127); else if (LCDML.BT_checkUp()) seq.seq_vel[seq.seq_active_track][seq.seq_menu - 1] = constrain(seq.seq_vel[seq.seq_active_track][seq.seq_menu - 1] - 1, 0, 127); } } else if (seq_active_function == 1 && seq.seq_content_type[seq.seq_active_track] > 1 ) { //is in Chord or Arp Mode if ((LCDML.BT_checkDown() && encoderDir[ENC_R].Down()) || (LCDML.BT_checkUp() && encoderDir[ENC_R].Up())) { if (LCDML.BT_checkDown()) seq.seq_vel[seq.seq_active_track][seq.seq_menu - 1] = constrain(seq.seq_vel[seq.seq_active_track][seq.seq_menu - 1] + 1, 200, 205); else if (LCDML.BT_checkUp()) seq.seq_vel[seq.seq_active_track][seq.seq_menu - 1] = constrain(seq.seq_vel[seq.seq_active_track][seq.seq_menu - 1] - 1, 200, 205); } } } else { //is in pitched Sample Mode if ((LCDML.BT_checkDown() && encoderDir[ENC_R].Down()) || (LCDML.BT_checkUp() && encoderDir[ENC_R].Up())) { if (LCDML.BT_checkDown()) seq.seq_vel[seq.seq_active_track][seq.seq_menu - 1] = constrain(seq.seq_vel[seq.seq_active_track][seq.seq_menu - 1] + 1, 210, 215); else if (LCDML.BT_checkUp()) seq.seq_vel[seq.seq_active_track][seq.seq_menu - 1] = constrain(seq.seq_vel[seq.seq_active_track][seq.seq_menu - 1] - 1, 210, 215); } } } if (LCDML.BT_checkEnter()) //handle button presses during menu >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> { if ( seq.seq_menu == 0 && seq_active_function == 99) { seq_active_function = 0; } else if ( seq.seq_menu == 0 && seq_active_function == 0) { seq_active_function = 99; } else if (seq.seq_menu > 0 && seq_active_function == 99) { seq_active_function = 1; } else seq_active_function = 99; } //button check end <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<< if ( seq.seq_content_type[seq.seq_active_track] > 1 && seq.seq_vel[seq.seq_active_track][seq.seq_menu - 1] < 200) seq.seq_vel[seq.seq_active_track][seq.seq_menu - 1] = 200; if (seq_active_function == 0) { lcd.setCursor(0, 0); if (seq.seq_content_type[seq.seq_active_track] == 0) lcd.print("Drum Track "); else if (seq.seq_content_type[seq.seq_active_track] == 1) lcd.print("Instr. Track "); else lcd.print("Chord Track "); } if (seq.seq_menu > 0 && seq.seq_content_type[seq.seq_active_track] == 0) { lcd.setCursor(0, 0); if (seq.seq_vel[seq.seq_active_track][seq.seq_menu - 1] < 210 && seq.seq_vel[seq.seq_active_track][seq.seq_menu - 1] > 0) //it is a normal sample { lcd.print("V:"); sprintf(tmp, "%03d", seq.seq_vel[seq.seq_active_track][seq.seq_menu - 1]); lcd.setCursor(2, 0); lcd.print(tmp); } else { // else it is a live-pitched sample if (seq.seq_vel[seq.seq_active_track][seq.seq_menu - 1] > 0) { lcd.setCursor(0, 0); lcd.print("Smp:["); lcd.setCursor(12, 0); lcd.print("]"); lcd.show(0, 5, 7, basename(drum_config[seq.seq_vel[seq.seq_active_track][seq.seq_menu - 1] - 210].name)); } } } if (seq.seq_menu == 0) { lcd.setCursor(12, 0); lcd.print("["); if (seq.seq_active_track < 10) lcd.print("0"); lcd.print(seq.seq_active_track); lcd.print("]"); lcd.setCursor(0, 1); seq_printAllSeqSteps(); } else if (seq.seq_menu == 1) { lcd.setCursor(12, 0); lcd.print(" "); lcd.setCursor(15, 0); lcd.print(" "); lcd.setCursor(0, 1); lcd.write(219); // cursor symbol lcd.setCursor(1, 1); lcd.print(seq_find_shortname(1)[0] ); if (seq.seq_vel[seq.seq_active_track][seq.seq_menu - 1] < 210 && seq.seq_content_type[seq.seq_active_track] < 2) //it is a normal sample { sprintf(tmp, "%03d", seq.seq_vel[seq.seq_active_track][seq.seq_menu - 1]); lcd.setCursor(2, 0); lcd.print(tmp); } } else if (seq.seq_menu > 1) { lcd.setCursor(seq.seq_menu - 1, 1); lcd.write(219); // cursor symbol lcd.setCursor(seq.seq_menu - 2, 1); lcd.print(seq_find_shortname(seq.seq_menu - 2)[0] ); if (seq.seq_menu < 16) { lcd.setCursor(seq.seq_menu , 1); lcd.print(seq_find_shortname(seq.seq_menu)[0] ); } } if (seq.seq_menu > 0) { lcd.setCursor(4, 0); if (seq.seq_data[seq.seq_active_track][seq.seq_menu - 1] > 0) { if (seq.seq_content_type[seq.seq_active_track] == 0) //is Drumtrack { lcd.setCursor(0, 0); if (seq.seq_vel[seq.seq_active_track][seq.seq_menu - 1] < 210) //it is a normal sample { lcd.print("V:"); sprintf(tmp, "%03d", seq.seq_vel[seq.seq_active_track][seq.seq_menu - 1]); lcd.print(tmp); //lcd.setCursor(7, 0); //lcd.print(" "); lcd.show(0, 6, 5, seq_find_drum_name_from_note( seq.seq_data[seq.seq_active_track][seq.seq_menu - 1]) ); } else { // else it is a live-pitched sample lcd.setCursor(0, 0); lcd.print("Smp:["); lcd.setCursor(12, 0); lcd.print("]"); lcd.setCursor(1, 0); lcd.show(0, 5, 7, basename(drum_config[seq.seq_vel[seq.seq_active_track][seq.seq_menu - 1] - 210].name)); } } else { if ( seq.seq_data[seq.seq_active_track][seq.seq_menu - 1] != 130 ) //note not latched { if (seq.seq_content_type[seq.seq_active_track] < 2) { lcd.setCursor(0, 0); lcd.print("Vel:"); sprintf(tmp, "%03d", seq.seq_vel[seq.seq_active_track][seq.seq_menu - 1]); lcd.setCursor(4, 0); lcd.print(tmp); lcd.print(" "); } lcd.setCursor(8, 0); lcd.print(noteNames[seq.seq_data[seq.seq_active_track][seq.seq_menu - 1] % 12 ][0] ); if (noteNames[seq.seq_data[seq.seq_active_track][seq.seq_menu - 1] % 12 ][1] != '\0' ) { lcd.print(noteNames[seq.seq_data[seq.seq_active_track][seq.seq_menu - 1] % 12 ][1] ); } lcd.print( (seq.seq_data[seq.seq_active_track][seq.seq_menu - 1] / 12) - 1); lcd.print(" "); } else { //note is latched lcd.setCursor(0, 0); lcd.print("latched note "); } if (seq.seq_content_type[seq.seq_active_track] > 1) { lcd.setCursor(0, 0); if (seq.seq_vel[seq.seq_active_track][seq.seq_menu - 1] == 200) lcd.print("Major " ); else if (seq.seq_vel[seq.seq_active_track][seq.seq_menu - 1] == 201) lcd.print("Minor " ); else if (seq.seq_vel[seq.seq_active_track][seq.seq_menu - 1] == 202) lcd.print("Seven " ); else if (seq.seq_vel[seq.seq_active_track][seq.seq_menu - 1] == 203) lcd.print("Aug " ); else if (seq.seq_vel[seq.seq_active_track][seq.seq_menu - 1] == 204) lcd.print("Dim " ); else if (seq.seq_vel[seq.seq_active_track][seq.seq_menu - 1] == 205) lcd.print("Major7 " ); } } } else { lcd.setCursor(0, 0); lcd.print(" "); } } } if (LCDML.FUNC_close()) // ****** STABLE END ********* { encoderDir[ENC_R].reset(); } } void seq_clear_active_pattern() { memset(seq.seq_data[seq.seq_active_track], 0, sizeof(seq.seq_data[seq.seq_active_track])); memset(seq.seq_vel[seq.seq_active_track], 0, sizeof(seq.seq_vel[seq.seq_active_track])); } void seq_clear_all_patterns() { for (uint8_t i = 0; i < NUM_SEQ_PATTERN - 1; i++) { memset(seq.seq_data[i], 0, sizeof(seq.seq_data[i])); memset(seq.seq_vel[i], 0, sizeof(seq.seq_vel[i])); } } void seq_refresh_display_play_status() { if (seq.seq_running == false && seq.seq_recording == false) { lcd.createChar(0, (uint8_t*)special_chars[19]); //play symbol #ifdef TESTDISPLAY20x4 lcd.setCursor(14, 0); #else lcd.setCursor(10, 0); #endif lcd.write(0); } else if (seq.seq_running == true && seq.seq_recording == false) { seq.seq_note_in = 0; lcd.createChar(0, (uint8_t*)special_chars[20]); //record symbol #ifdef TESTDISPLAY20x4 lcd.setCursor(14, 0); #else lcd.setCursor(10, 0); #endif lcd.write(0); } else if (seq.seq_running == true && seq.seq_recording == true) { seq.seq_note_in = 0; lcd.createChar(0, (uint8_t*)special_chars[21]); //stop symbol #ifdef TESTDISPLAY20x4 lcd.setCursor(14, 0); #else lcd.setCursor(10, 0); #endif lcd.write(0); } } void arp_refresh_display_play_status() { if (seq.seq_running == false ) { lcd.createChar(0, (uint8_t*)special_chars[19]); //play symbol lcd.setCursor(13, 0); lcd.write(0); } else if (seq.seq_running == true ) { seq.seq_note_in = 0; lcd.createChar(0, (uint8_t*)special_chars[21]); //stop symbol lcd.setCursor(13, 0); lcd.write(0); } } void seq_print_current_note() { lcd.print(noteNames[seq.seq_data[seq.seq_active_track][seq.seq_menu - 3] % 12 ][0] ); if (noteNames[seq.seq_data[seq.seq_active_track][seq.seq_menu - 3] % 12 ][1] != '\0' ) { lcd.print(noteNames[seq.seq_data[seq.seq_active_track][seq.seq_menu - 3] % 12 ][1] ); } lcd.print( (seq.seq_data[seq.seq_active_track][seq.seq_menu - 3] / 12) - 1); lcd.print(" "); } void check_variable_samples_basespeed() { for (uint8_t i = 0; i < 6; i++) { if (drum_config[i].p_offset == 0) drum_config[i].p_offset = 1; } } void UI_func_seq_pattern_editor(uint8_t param) { if (LCDML.FUNC_setup()) // ****** SETUP ********* { check_variable_samples_basespeed(); lcd.createChar(0, (uint8_t*)special_chars[19]); //play symbol + record symbol switching #ifdef TESTDISPLAY20x4 lcd.createChar(1, (uint8_t*)special_chars[9]); //bar graph lcd.createChar(2, (uint8_t*)special_chars[10]); //bar graph lcd.createChar(3, (uint8_t*)special_chars[11]); //bar graph lcd.createChar(4, (uint8_t*)special_chars[12]); //bar graph lcd.createChar(5, (uint8_t*)special_chars[13]); //bar graph lcd.createChar(6, (uint8_t*)special_chars[14]); //bar graph lcd.createChar(7, (uint8_t*)special_chars[15]); //bar graph #endif temp_int = seq.seq_data[seq.seq_active_track][0]; encoderDir[ENC_R].reset(); seq.seq_note_in = 0; // setup function seq_refresh_display_play_status(); #ifdef TESTDISPLAY20x4 lcd.setCursor(17, 0); #else lcd.setCursor(13, 0); #endif if (seq.seq_active_track < 10)lcd.print("0"); lcd.print(seq.seq_active_track); seq_printAllSeqSteps(); #ifdef TESTDISPLAY20x4 seq_printVelGraphBar(); #endif } if (LCDML.FUNC_loop()) // ****** LOOP ********* { if (seq_active_function == 40 ) { // pitch edit sample if ((LCDML.BT_checkDown() && encoderDir[ENC_R].Down()) || (LCDML.BT_checkUp() && encoderDir[ENC_R].Up())) { if (LCDML.BT_checkDown()) { seq.seq_data[seq.seq_active_track][seq.seq_menu - 3] = constrain(seq.seq_data[seq.seq_active_track][seq.seq_menu - 3] + 1, 1, 108); } else if (LCDML.BT_checkUp()) { seq.seq_data[seq.seq_active_track][seq.seq_menu - 3] = constrain(seq.seq_data[seq.seq_active_track][seq.seq_menu - 3] - 1, 1, 108); } } } else if (seq.seq_menu == 33) { // is in sub-function - fill pattern seq_active_function = 95; if ((LCDML.BT_checkDown() && encoderDir[ENC_R].Down()) || (LCDML.BT_checkUp() && encoderDir[ENC_R].Up())) { if (LCDML.BT_checkDown()) { seq.seq_temp_active_menu = constrain(seq.seq_temp_active_menu + 1, 0, 3); } else if (LCDML.BT_checkUp()) { seq.seq_temp_active_menu = constrain(seq.seq_temp_active_menu - 1, 0, 3); } } } else if (seq.seq_menu == 32) { // is in sub-function - fill pattern seq_active_function = 97; if (seq.seq_content_type[seq.seq_active_track] == 0) { if ((LCDML.BT_checkDown() && encoderDir[ENC_R].Down()) || (LCDML.BT_checkUp() && encoderDir[ENC_R].Up())) { if (LCDML.BT_checkDown()) { seq.seq_temp_select_menu = constrain(seq.seq_temp_select_menu + 1, 0, NUM_DRUMSET_CONFIG - 1); } else if (LCDML.BT_checkUp()) { seq.seq_temp_select_menu = constrain(seq.seq_temp_select_menu - 1, 0, NUM_DRUMSET_CONFIG - 1); } } } else { if ((LCDML.BT_checkDown() && encoderDir[ENC_R].Down()) || (LCDML.BT_checkUp() && encoderDir[ENC_R].Up())) { if (LCDML.BT_checkDown()) seq.seq_temp_select_menu = constrain(seq.seq_temp_select_menu + 1, 0, 108 ); else if (LCDML.BT_checkUp()) seq.seq_temp_select_menu = constrain(seq.seq_temp_select_menu - 1, 0, 108 ); } } } else if (seq.seq_menu == 30 || seq.seq_menu == 31 ) { // is in sub-function - swap pattern or copy pattern seq_active_function = 98; if ((LCDML.BT_checkDown() && encoderDir[ENC_R].Down()) || (LCDML.BT_checkUp() && encoderDir[ENC_R].Up())) { if (LCDML.BT_checkDown()) { temp_int = constrain(temp_int + 1, 0, NUM_SEQ_PATTERN - 1); if (temp_int == seq.seq_active_track)temp_int++; if (temp_int > NUM_SEQ_PATTERN - 1)temp_int = 0; } else if (LCDML.BT_checkUp()) { temp_int = constrain(temp_int - 1, 0, NUM_SEQ_PATTERN - 1); if (temp_int == seq.seq_active_track)temp_int--; if (temp_int < 0)temp_int = NUM_SEQ_PATTERN - 1; } } } else if (seq.seq_menu == 34) { // is in transpose edit seq_active_function = 94; if ((LCDML.BT_checkDown() && encoderDir[ENC_R].Down()) || (LCDML.BT_checkUp() && encoderDir[ENC_R].Up())) { if (LCDML.BT_checkDown()) { temp_int = constrain(temp_int + 1, -36, 36); if (temp_int > 36)temp_int = 36; } else if (LCDML.BT_checkUp()) { temp_int = constrain(temp_int - 1, -36, 36); if (temp_int < -36)temp_int = -36; } } } else if (seq_active_function == 99 ) { if ((LCDML.BT_checkDown() && encoderDir[ENC_R].Down()) || (LCDML.BT_checkUp() && encoderDir[ENC_R].Up())) { if (LCDML.BT_checkDown()) seq.seq_menu = constrain(seq.seq_menu + 1, 0, 18); else if (LCDML.BT_checkUp()) seq.seq_menu = constrain(seq.seq_menu - 1, 0, 18); } } else if (seq_active_function == 0 ) { if (seq.seq_content_type[seq.seq_active_track] == 0) // is in Drumedit mode { if ((LCDML.BT_checkDown() && encoderDir[ENC_R].Down()) || (LCDML.BT_checkUp() && encoderDir[ENC_R].Up())) { if (LCDML.BT_checkDown()) activesample = constrain(activesample + 1, 0, NUM_DRUMSET_CONFIG + 5 ); else if (LCDML.BT_checkUp()) activesample = constrain(activesample - 1, 0, NUM_DRUMSET_CONFIG + 5 ); } } else //is in Instrument Mode { if ((LCDML.BT_checkDown() && encoderDir[ENC_R].Down()) || (LCDML.BT_checkUp() && encoderDir[ENC_R].Up())) { if (LCDML.BT_checkDown()) temp_int = constrain(temp_int + 1, 0, 116 ); else if (LCDML.BT_checkUp()) temp_int = constrain(temp_int - 1, 0, 116 ); } } } else if (seq_active_function == 2) { if ((LCDML.BT_checkDown() && encoderDir[ENC_R].Down()) || (LCDML.BT_checkUp() && encoderDir[ENC_R].Up())) { if (LCDML.BT_checkDown()) seq.seq_active_track = constrain(seq.seq_active_track + 1, 0, NUM_SEQ_PATTERN - 1); else if (LCDML.BT_checkUp()) seq.seq_active_track = constrain(seq.seq_active_track - 1, 0, NUM_SEQ_PATTERN - 1); lcd.setCursor(1, 0); if (seq.seq_content_type[seq.seq_active_track] == 0) lcd.print("Drum "); else if (seq.seq_content_type[seq.seq_active_track] == 1) lcd.print("Instr "); else if (seq.seq_content_type[seq.seq_active_track] == 2) lcd.print("Chord "); else lcd.print("Arp "); } } if (LCDML.BT_checkEnter()) //handle button presses during menu >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> { if (seq.seq_menu > 2 && seq.seq_menu < 19 && seq.seq_vel[seq.seq_active_track][seq.seq_menu - 3] > 209 && seq_active_function != 40 && activesample != NUM_DRUMSET_CONFIG - 1) //edit pitch of sample { seq_active_function = 40; } else if ( seq_active_function == 40 ) // get out of pitch edit for samples { lcd.setCursor(8, 0); lcd.print(" "); seq_active_function = 0; activesample = 0; seq_refresh_display_play_status(); seq_printAllSeqSteps(); } else if (seq.seq_menu == 34 ) //transpose pattern { seq.seq_menu = 0; seq_active_function = 0; activesample = 0; temp_int = seq.seq_data[seq.seq_active_track][0]; lcd.setCursor(8, 0); lcd.print(" "); lcd.setCursor(12, 0); lcd.print(" "); lcd.setCursor(13, 0); if (seq.seq_active_track < 10)lcd.print("0"); lcd.print(seq.seq_active_track); seq_refresh_display_play_status(); seq_printAllSeqSteps(); } else if (seq.seq_menu == 32 && seq_active_function == 97) //fill pattern every 1/4, 1/8, 1/16 step with active sample/note step 1 { seq_active_function = 96; seq.seq_menu = 33; } else if (seq.seq_menu == 33 && seq_active_function == 95) //fill pattern every 1/4, 1/8, 1/16 step with active sample/note step 2 { if (seq.seq_content_type[seq.seq_active_track] == 0) { //Drumtrack for (uint8_t i = 0; i < 16; i++) { seq.seq_data[seq.seq_active_track][i] = drum_config[seq.seq_temp_select_menu].midinote; seq.seq_vel[seq.seq_active_track][i] = 120; if (seq.seq_temp_active_menu == 0) i = i + 3; else if (seq.seq_temp_active_menu == 1) i = i + 1; } } else { //Inst. Track for (uint8_t i = 0; i < 16; i++) { seq.seq_data[seq.seq_active_track][i] = seq.seq_temp_select_menu; seq.seq_vel[seq.seq_active_track][i] = 120; if (seq.seq_temp_active_menu == 0) i = i + 3; else if (seq.seq_temp_active_menu == 1) i = i + 1; } } seq.seq_menu = 0; seq_active_function = 0; activesample = 0; temp_int = seq.seq_data[seq.seq_active_track][0]; lcd.setCursor(8, 0); lcd.print(" "); seq_refresh_display_play_status(); seq_printAllSeqSteps(); } else if (seq.seq_menu == 31 && seq_active_function != 40) //copy patterns { memcpy( seq.seq_data[temp_int], seq.seq_data[seq.seq_active_track], sizeof(seq.seq_data[0])); memcpy( seq.seq_vel[temp_int], seq.seq_vel[seq.seq_active_track], sizeof(seq.seq_vel[0])); seq.seq_content_type[temp_int] = seq.seq_content_type[seq.seq_active_track]; seq.seq_menu = 0; seq_active_function = 0; activesample = 0; temp_int = seq.seq_data[seq.seq_active_track][0]; lcd.setCursor(8, 0); lcd.print(" "); seq_refresh_display_play_status(); seq_printAllSeqSteps(); } else if (seq.seq_menu == 30 && seq_active_function != 40) //swap patterns { uint8_t data_temp[1][16]; uint8_t vel_temp[1][16]; uint8_t content_type_temp; memcpy( data_temp[0], seq.seq_data[seq.seq_active_track], sizeof(data_temp[0])); memcpy( vel_temp[0], seq.seq_vel[seq.seq_active_track], sizeof(vel_temp[0])); content_type_temp = seq.seq_content_type[seq.seq_active_track]; memcpy( seq.seq_data[seq.seq_active_track], seq.seq_data[temp_int], sizeof(data_temp[0])); memcpy( seq.seq_vel[seq.seq_active_track], seq.seq_vel[temp_int], sizeof(vel_temp[0])); seq.seq_content_type[seq.seq_active_track] = seq.seq_content_type[temp_int]; memcpy( seq.seq_data[temp_int], data_temp[0], sizeof(data_temp[0])); memcpy( seq.seq_vel[temp_int], vel_temp[0], sizeof(vel_temp[0])); seq.seq_content_type[temp_int] = content_type_temp; seq.seq_menu = 0; seq_active_function = 0; activesample = 0; lcd.setCursor(8, 0); lcd.print(" "); temp_int = seq.seq_data[seq.seq_active_track][0]; seq_refresh_display_play_status(); seq_printAllSeqSteps(); } if ( seq.seq_menu == 0 && seq_active_function == 99) { seq_active_function = 0; } else if ( seq.seq_menu == 0 && seq_active_function == 0) { if ( (seq.seq_content_type[seq.seq_active_track] == 0 && activesample == NUM_DRUMSET_CONFIG + 5) || (seq.seq_content_type[seq.seq_active_track] > 0 && temp_int == 116) ) { //transpose pattern lcd.setCursor(0, 0); lcd.print("Transpose:[ 00]"); for (uint8_t i = 0; i < 16; i++) { seq.seq_data_buffer[i] = seq.seq_data[seq.seq_active_track][i]; } seq.seq_menu = 34; temp_int = 0; seq.seq_temp_select_menu = 0; seq.seq_temp_active_menu = 0; } if ( (seq.seq_content_type[seq.seq_active_track] == 0 && activesample == NUM_DRUMSET_CONFIG + 4) || (seq.seq_content_type[seq.seq_active_track] > 0 && temp_int == 115) ) { //fill patterns lcd.setCursor(0, 0); lcd.print("Fill Pattern:"); lcd.setCursor(9, 1); lcd.print(" "); seq.seq_menu = 32; seq.seq_temp_select_menu = 0; seq.seq_temp_active_menu = 0; } else if ( (seq.seq_content_type[seq.seq_active_track] == 0 && activesample == NUM_DRUMSET_CONFIG + 3) || (seq.seq_content_type[seq.seq_active_track] > 0 && temp_int == 114) ) { //swap patterns: Active pattern <-> destination pattern lcd.setCursor(0, 0); lcd.print("SwapPattern:"); temp_int = seq.seq_active_track + 1; if (temp_int > NUM_SEQ_PATTERN - 1)temp_int = 0; seq.seq_menu = 30; } else if ( ( seq.seq_content_type[seq.seq_active_track] == 0 && activesample == NUM_DRUMSET_CONFIG + 2) || ( seq.seq_content_type[seq.seq_active_track] > 0 && temp_int == 113) ) { //copy pattern lcd.setCursor(0, 0); lcd.print("Copy Pattern:"); temp_int = seq.seq_active_track + 1; if (temp_int > NUM_SEQ_PATTERN - 1)temp_int = 0; seq.seq_menu = 31; } else if ( (seq.seq_content_type[seq.seq_active_track] == 0 && activesample == NUM_DRUMSET_CONFIG + 1) || (seq.seq_content_type[seq.seq_active_track] > 0 && temp_int == 112) ) { //clear all patterns seq_clear_all_patterns(); seq_printAllSeqSteps(); } else if ( (seq.seq_content_type[seq.seq_active_track] == 0 && activesample == NUM_DRUMSET_CONFIG) || (seq.seq_content_type[seq.seq_active_track] > 0 && temp_int == 111) ) { //clear pattern seq_clear_active_pattern(); seq_printAllSeqSteps(); } seq_active_function = 99; } if ( seq.seq_menu == 1 && seq_active_function != 40) { if (seq.seq_running == false && seq.seq_recording == false) { handleStart(); } else if (seq.seq_running == true && seq.seq_recording == false) { seq.seq_running = true; seq.seq_recording = true; seq.seq_note_in = 0; } else if (seq.seq_running == true && seq.seq_recording == true) { handleStop(); } } else if ( seq.seq_menu == 2 && seq_active_function != 40) { if (seq_active_function != 2) seq_active_function = 2; else seq_active_function = 99; if (seq.seq_content_type[seq.seq_active_track] == 0) { if (activesample < NUM_DRUMSET_CONFIG - 1) lcd.show(0, 1, 6, basename(drum_config[activesample].name)); } else { if (temp_int < 109) { lcd.setCursor(3, 0); lcd.print(" "); lcd.setCursor(1, 0); lcd.print(noteNames[temp_int % 12 ]); lcd.print( (temp_int / 12) - 1); } } } else if (seq.seq_menu > 2 && seq.seq_menu < 30 && seq_active_function != 40) { if (seq_active_function == 99) { if (seq.seq_content_type[seq.seq_active_track] == 0) { //Drumtrack if ( drum_config[activesample].midinote > 209 ) //it is a pitched sample { seq.seq_vel[seq.seq_active_track][seq.seq_menu - 3] = drum_config[activesample].midinote; //seq.seq_data[seq.seq_active_track][seq.seq_menu - 3] = MIDI_C4; } else // if (activesample == NUM_DRUMSET_CONFIG - 1) //user selected EMPTY note for pitched sample // { // seq.seq_data[seq.seq_active_track][seq.seq_menu - 3] = 0; // seq.seq_vel[seq.seq_active_track][seq.seq_menu - 3] = 0; // } // else //check if note is already there, if not -> insert it, else remove it from grid. if (seq.seq_data[seq.seq_active_track][seq.seq_menu - 3] == drum_config[activesample].midinote) { seq.seq_data[seq.seq_active_track][seq.seq_menu - 3] = 0; seq.seq_vel[seq.seq_active_track][seq.seq_menu - 3] = 0; } else { seq.seq_data[seq.seq_active_track][seq.seq_menu - 3] = drum_config[activesample].midinote; seq.seq_vel[seq.seq_active_track][seq.seq_menu - 3] = 120; } } else { //Inst. Track if (temp_int == 109 || seq.seq_data[seq.seq_active_track][seq.seq_menu - 3] == temp_int ) { //clear note seq.seq_data[seq.seq_active_track][seq.seq_menu - 3] = 0; seq.seq_vel[seq.seq_active_track][seq.seq_menu - 3] = 0; } else if (temp_int == 110) { //latch note seq.seq_data[seq.seq_active_track][seq.seq_menu - 3] = 130; //seq.seq_vel[seq.seq_active_track][seq.seq_menu - 3] = 0; } else { seq.seq_data[seq.seq_active_track][seq.seq_menu - 3] = temp_int; seq.seq_vel[seq.seq_active_track][seq.seq_menu - 3] = 120; } } } else seq_active_function = 99; } } //button check end <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<< if (seq.seq_menu == 34 && seq_active_function == 94) { //transpose char displayname[4] = {0, 0, 0, 0}; lcd.setCursor(10, 0); lcd.print("["); lcd.setCursor(11, 0); if (temp_int > 0) { lcd.print("+"); } else if (temp_int < 0) { lcd.print("-"); } else { lcd.print(" "); } sprintf(displayname, "%02d", abs(temp_int)); lcd.print( displayname); lcd.print("]"); for (uint8_t i = 0; i < 16; i++) { if (seq.seq_content_type[seq.seq_active_track] == 0) { //drums if (seq.seq_data_buffer[i] != 0 && seq.seq_data_buffer[i] + temp_int >= 0 && seq.seq_data_buffer[i] + temp_int < 254 && seq.seq_vel[seq.seq_active_track][i] >= 210 ) // pitched drums only seq.seq_data[seq.seq_active_track][i] = seq.seq_data_buffer[i] + temp_int; } else //instruments if (seq.seq_content_type[seq.seq_active_track] > 0) { if (seq.seq_data_buffer[i] != 0 && seq.seq_data_buffer[i] != 130 && seq.seq_data_buffer[i] + temp_int > 0 && seq.seq_data_buffer[i] + temp_int < 254) seq.seq_data[seq.seq_active_track][i] = seq.seq_data_buffer[i] + temp_int; } } seq_printAllSeqSteps(); } else if (seq.seq_menu == 33) { //fill pattern 2nd parameter lcd.setCursor(4, 1); lcd.print(" "); lcd.setCursor(9, 1); lcd.print(" "); lcd.setCursor(10, 1); lcd.print("["); lcd.setCursor(15, 1); lcd.print("]"); lcd.setCursor(11, 1); if (seq.seq_temp_active_menu == 0) lcd.print(" 1/4"); else if (seq.seq_temp_active_menu == 1) lcd.print(" 1/8"); else if (seq.seq_temp_active_menu == 2) lcd.print("1/16"); } else if (seq.seq_menu == 32 ) { //fill pattern if (seq.seq_content_type[seq.seq_active_track] == 0) { //drum lcd.setCursor(0, 1); lcd.print("with"); lcd.setCursor(4, 1); lcd.print("["); lcd.setCursor(9, 1); lcd.print("]"); lcd.show(1, 5, 4, basename(drum_config[seq.seq_temp_select_menu].name)); lcd.setCursor(11, 1); if (seq.seq_temp_active_menu == 0) lcd.print(" 1/4"); else if (seq.seq_temp_active_menu == 1) lcd.print(" 1/8"); else if (seq.seq_temp_active_menu == 2) lcd.print("1/16"); } else { //inst lcd.setCursor(0, 1); lcd.print("with"); lcd.setCursor(4, 1); lcd.print("["); lcd.setCursor(5, 1); lcd.print(noteNames[seq.seq_temp_select_menu % 12 ]); lcd.print( (seq.seq_temp_select_menu / 12) - 1); lcd.print(" "); lcd.setCursor(9, 1); lcd.print("]"); lcd.setCursor(11, 1); if (seq.seq_temp_active_menu == 0) lcd.print(" 1/4"); else if (seq.seq_temp_active_menu == 1) lcd.print(" 1/8"); else if (seq.seq_temp_active_menu == 2) lcd.print("1/16"); } } else if (seq.seq_menu == 31) { //copy pattern lcd.setCursor(12, 0); lcd.print("["); lcd.setCursor(15, 0); lcd.print("]"); lcd.setCursor(0, 1); lcd.print(" to:[ ]"); lcd.setCursor(13, 1); if (temp_int < 10) lcd.print("0"); lcd.print(temp_int); } else if (seq.seq_menu == 30) { //swap pattern lcd.setCursor(12, 0); lcd.print("["); lcd.setCursor(15, 0); lcd.print("]"); lcd.setCursor(0, 1); lcd.print(" with:[ ]"); lcd.setCursor(13, 1); if (temp_int < 10) lcd.print("0"); lcd.print(temp_int); } else if (seq.seq_menu == 0) { #ifdef TESTDISPLAY20x4 lcd.setCursor(13, 0); lcd.print(" "); lcd.setCursor(15, 0); lcd.print(" "); #else lcd.setCursor(9, 0); lcd.print(" "); lcd.setCursor(11, 0); lcd.print(" "); #endif lcd.setCursor(0, 0); lcd.print("["); if (seq.seq_content_type[seq.seq_active_track] == 0) //Drum Mode { if (activesample < NUM_DRUMSET_CONFIG - 1) { lcd.show(0, 1, 6, basename(drum_config[activesample].name)); } else if (activesample == NUM_DRUMSET_CONFIG - 1) { lcd.setCursor(1, 0); lcd.print("EMPTY "); } else if (activesample == NUM_DRUMSET_CONFIG ) { lcd.setCursor(1, 0); lcd.print("ClrPat"); } else if (activesample == NUM_DRUMSET_CONFIG + 1) { lcd.setCursor(1, 0); lcd.print("ClrAll"); } else if (activesample == NUM_DRUMSET_CONFIG + 2) { lcd.setCursor(1, 0); lcd.print("Copy P"); } else if (activesample == NUM_DRUMSET_CONFIG + 3) { lcd.setCursor(1, 0); lcd.print("Swap P"); } else if (activesample == NUM_DRUMSET_CONFIG + 4) { lcd.setCursor(1, 0); lcd.print("Fill P"); } else if (activesample == NUM_DRUMSET_CONFIG + 5) { lcd.setCursor(1, 0); lcd.print("Transp"); } lcd.setCursor(7, 0); lcd.print("]"); } else //Inst. Mode { if (temp_int < 109) { lcd.setCursor(3, 0); lcd.print(" "); lcd.setCursor(1, 0); lcd.print(noteNames[temp_int % 12 ]); lcd.print( (temp_int / 12) - 1); } else if (temp_int == 109) { lcd.setCursor(1, 0); lcd.print("EMPTY "); } else if (temp_int == 110) { lcd.setCursor(1, 0); lcd.print("LATCH "); } else if (temp_int == 111) { lcd.setCursor(1, 0); lcd.print("ClrPat"); } else if (temp_int == 112) { lcd.setCursor(1, 0); lcd.print("ClrAll"); } else if (temp_int == 113) { lcd.setCursor(1, 0); lcd.print("Copy P"); } else if (temp_int == 114) { lcd.setCursor(1, 0); lcd.print("Swap P"); } else if (temp_int == 115) { lcd.setCursor(1, 0); lcd.print("Fill P"); } else if (temp_int == 116) { lcd.setCursor(1, 0); lcd.print("Transp"); } lcd.setCursor(7, 0); lcd.print("]"); } } else if (seq.seq_menu == 1) { lcd.setCursor(0, 0); lcd.print(" "); lcd.setCursor(7, 0); lcd.print(" "); #ifdef TESTDISPLAY20x4 lcd.setCursor(16, 0); lcd.print(" "); lcd.setCursor(19, 0); lcd.print(" "); #else lcd.setCursor(12, 0); lcd.print(" "); lcd.setCursor(15, 0); lcd.print(" "); #endif #ifdef TESTDISPLAY20x4 lcd.setCursor(13, 0); lcd.print("["); seq_refresh_display_play_status(); lcd.setCursor(15, 0); lcd.print("]"); #else lcd.setCursor(9, 0); lcd.print("["); seq_refresh_display_play_status(); lcd.setCursor(11, 0); lcd.print("]"); #endif } if (seq.seq_menu == 2) { #ifdef TESTDISPLAY20x4 lcd.setCursor(13, 0); lcd.print(" "); lcd.setCursor(15, 0); lcd.print(" "); lcd.setCursor(16, 0); lcd.print("["); lcd.setCursor(17, 0); if (seq.seq_active_track < 10) lcd.print("0"); lcd.print(seq.seq_active_track); lcd.setCursor(19, 0); lcd.print("]"); #else lcd.setCursor(9, 0); lcd.print(" "); lcd.setCursor(11, 0); lcd.print(" "); lcd.setCursor(12, 0); lcd.print("["); lcd.setCursor(13, 0); if (seq.seq_active_track < 10) lcd.print("0"); lcd.print(seq.seq_active_track); lcd.setCursor(15, 0); lcd.print("]"); if (seq.seq_content_type[seq.seq_active_track] == 0) //Drum Mode { lcd.setCursor(0, 0); lcd.print(" "); lcd.show(0, 1, 6, basename(drum_config[activesample].name)); lcd.print(" "); } #endif lcd.setCursor(0, 1); seq_printAllSeqSteps(); #ifdef TESTDISPLAY20x4 seq_printVelGraphBar(); #endif } if (seq.seq_menu == 3) { #ifdef TESTDISPLAY20x4 lcd.setCursor(16, 0); lcd.print(" "); lcd.setCursor(19, 0); lcd.print(" "); #else lcd.setCursor(12, 0); lcd.print(" "); lcd.setCursor(15, 0); lcd.print(" "); #endif // lcd.setCursor(0, 1); // lcd.print("_"); // lcd.setCursor(1, 1); // lcd.print(seq_find_shortname(1)[0]); } if (seq.seq_menu > 2 && seq.seq_menu < 19 && seq_active_function != 40) { if (seq.seq_menu == 3) lcd.setCursor(0, 1); else lcd.setCursor(seq.seq_menu - 3, 1); lcd.write(219); // cursor symbol if (seq.seq_menu > 3) { lcd.setCursor(seq.seq_menu - 4, 1); lcd.print(seq_find_shortname(seq.seq_menu - 4)[0]); } if (seq.seq_menu < 18) { lcd.setCursor(seq.seq_menu - 2, 1); lcd.print(seq_find_shortname(seq.seq_menu - 2)[0]); } if (seq.seq_vel[seq.seq_active_track][seq.seq_menu - 3] > 209 && activesample != NUM_DRUMSET_CONFIG - 1 ) //is pitched sample and selected item is not set to EMPTY { lcd.setCursor(0, 0); lcd.print("[EDIT "); seq_print_current_note(); lcd.setCursor(8, 0); lcd.print("?]"); } else //print current sample name on active step if not empty if (seq.seq_data[seq.seq_active_track][seq.seq_menu - 3] > 0) { lcd.setCursor(0, 0); lcd.print(" "); lcd.show(0, 1, 6, seq_find_drum_name_from_note( seq.seq_data[seq.seq_active_track][seq.seq_menu - 3]) ); lcd.print(" "); } else { //if step empty, print selected, active sample if (seq.seq_data[seq.seq_active_track][seq.seq_menu - 3] == 0) lcd.setCursor(0, 0); lcd.print(" "); lcd.show(0, 1, 6, basename(drum_config[activesample].name)); lcd.print(" "); } } else if (seq_active_function == 40 && activesample != NUM_DRUMSET_CONFIG - 1) { //is in pitch edit function 40 lcd.setCursor(1, 0); lcd.show(0, 1, 4, basename(drum_config[activesample].name)); lcd.setCursor(5, 0); lcd.print("-"); lcd.setCursor(6, 0); seq_print_current_note(); lcd.setCursor(9, 0); lcd.print("]"); } } if (LCDML.FUNC_close()) // ****** STABLE END ********* { encoderDir[ENC_R].reset(); seq.seq_menu = 0; seq_active_function = 99; lcd_special_chars(SCROLLBAR); } } void UI_func_arpeggio(uint8_t param) { if (LCDML.FUNC_setup()) // ****** SETUP ********* { encoderDir[ENC_R].reset(); lcd.createChar(0, (uint8_t*)special_chars[19]); //play symbol lcd.createChar(2, (uint8_t*)special_chars[21]); //stop symbol seq.seq_temp_select_menu = 0; seq.seq_temp_active_menu = 0; lcd.setCursor( 0, 0); lcd.print("Len"); lcd.setCursor(7, 0); lcd.print( seq.seq_chord_names[seq.arp_chord][0]); lcd.print( seq.seq_chord_names[seq.arp_chord][1]); lcd.print( seq.seq_chord_names[seq.arp_chord][2]); lcd.print( seq.seq_chord_names[seq.arp_chord][3]); lcd.setCursor( 0, 1); lcd.print("Style"); lcd.setCursor( 11, 1); lcd.print("1/16"); arp_refresh_display_play_status(); } if (LCDML.FUNC_loop()) // ****** LOOP ********* { if ((LCDML.BT_checkDown() && encoderDir[ENC_R].Down()) || (LCDML.BT_checkUp() && encoderDir[ENC_R].Up()) || (LCDML.BT_checkEnter() && encoderDir[ENC_R].ButtonShort())) { if (seq.seq_temp_active_menu == 0) { if (LCDML.BT_checkDown()) seq.seq_temp_select_menu = constrain(seq.seq_temp_select_menu + ENCODER[ENC_R].speed(), 0, 3); else if (LCDML.BT_checkUp()) seq.seq_temp_select_menu = constrain(seq.seq_temp_select_menu - ENCODER[ENC_R].speed(), 0, 3); } else if (seq.seq_temp_active_menu == 1) // Octave setting { if (LCDML.BT_checkDown()) seq.arp_lenght = constrain(seq.arp_lenght + ENCODER[ENC_R].speed(), 0, 9); else if (LCDML.BT_checkUp()) seq.arp_lenght = constrain(seq.arp_lenght - ENCODER[ENC_R].speed(), 0, 9); } else if (seq.seq_temp_active_menu == 2) // Style setting { if (LCDML.BT_checkDown()) seq.arp_style = constrain(seq.arp_style + ENCODER[ENC_R].speed(), 0, 3); else if (LCDML.BT_checkUp()) seq.arp_style = constrain(seq.arp_style - ENCODER[ENC_R].speed(), 0, 3); } else if (seq.seq_temp_active_menu == 3) // Arp Speed setting { if (LCDML.BT_checkDown()) seq.arp_speed = constrain(seq.arp_speed + ENCODER[ENC_R].speed(), 0, 1); else if (LCDML.BT_checkUp()) seq.arp_speed = constrain(seq.arp_speed - ENCODER[ENC_R].speed(), 0, 1); } if (LCDML.BT_checkEnter()) //handle button presses during menu >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> { if ( seq.seq_temp_select_menu == 0 && seq.seq_temp_active_menu == 0 ) { seq.seq_temp_active_menu = 1; } else if ( seq.seq_temp_select_menu == 0 && seq.seq_temp_active_menu == 1 ) { seq.seq_temp_active_menu = 0; } if ( seq.seq_temp_select_menu == 1 && seq.seq_temp_active_menu == 0 ) { seq.seq_temp_active_menu = 2; } else if ( seq.seq_temp_select_menu == 1 && seq.seq_temp_active_menu == 2 ) { seq.seq_temp_active_menu = 0; } else if ( seq.seq_temp_select_menu == 2 ) { if (seq.seq_running) { seq.seq_running = !seq.seq_running; handleStop(); arp_refresh_display_play_status(); seq.seq_step = 0; seq.arp_octave = 0; seq.arp_step = 0; seq.seq_chain_active_step = 0; } else { seq.seq_running = !seq.seq_running; arp_refresh_display_play_status(); handleStart(); } } else if ( seq.seq_temp_select_menu == 3 && seq.seq_temp_active_menu == 0 ) { seq.seq_temp_active_menu = 3; } else if ( seq.seq_temp_select_menu == 3 && seq.seq_temp_active_menu == 3 ) { seq.seq_temp_active_menu = 0; } } } lcd.setCursor( 4, 0); if (seq.arp_lenght == 0) lcd.print("A"); else lcd.print(seq.arp_lenght); //play all elements or from 1-xx elements lcd.setCursor( 6, 1); lcd.print( seq.arp_style_names[seq.arp_style][0] ); lcd.print( seq.arp_style_names[seq.arp_style][1] ); lcd.print( seq.arp_style_names[seq.arp_style][2] ); lcd.setCursor( 11, 1); if (seq.arp_speed == 0)lcd.print("1/16"); else if (seq.arp_speed == 1)lcd.print("1/8 "); if (seq.seq_temp_select_menu == 0) { lcd.setCursor( 3, 0); lcd.print("["); lcd.setCursor( 5, 0); lcd.print("]"); lcd.setCursor( 5, 1); lcd.print(" "); lcd.setCursor( 9, 1); lcd.print(" "); lcd.setCursor( 13, 1); lcd.print(" "); lcd.setCursor( 15, 1); lcd.print(" "); } else if (seq.seq_temp_select_menu == 1) { lcd.setCursor( 5, 1); lcd.print("["); lcd.setCursor( 9, 1); lcd.print("]"); lcd.setCursor( 3, 0); lcd.print(" "); lcd.setCursor( 5, 0); lcd.print(" "); lcd.setCursor( 13, 0); lcd.print(" "); lcd.setCursor( 15, 0); lcd.print(" "); } else if (seq.seq_temp_select_menu == 2) { lcd.setCursor( 5, 1); lcd.print(" "); lcd.setCursor( 9, 1); lcd.print(" "); lcd.setCursor( 13, 0); lcd.print("["); lcd.setCursor( 15, 0); lcd.print("]"); lcd.setCursor( 10, 1); lcd.print(" "); lcd.setCursor( 15, 1); lcd.print(" "); } else if (seq.seq_temp_select_menu == 3) { lcd.setCursor( 13, 0); lcd.print(" "); lcd.setCursor( 15, 0); lcd.print(" "); lcd.setCursor( 10, 1); lcd.print("["); lcd.setCursor( 15, 1); lcd.print("]"); lcd.setCursor( 3, 0); lcd.print(" "); lcd.setCursor( 5, 0); lcd.print(" "); } } if (LCDML.FUNC_close()) // ****** STABLE END ********* { encoderDir[ENC_R].reset(); lcd_special_chars(SCROLLBAR); } } void UI_func_seq_pat_chain(uint8_t param) { if (LCDML.FUNC_setup()) // ****** SETUP ********* { // setup function seq.seq_temp_select_menu = 0; seq.seq_temp_active_menu = 99; seq.seq_menu = 0; lcd.setCursor( 0, 0); lcd.print("ChainStep:"); lcd.setCursor( 13, 0); lcd.print(seq.seq_chain_active_chainstep + 1); lcd.setCursor( 14, 0); lcd.print("/"); lcd.setCursor( 15, 0); lcd.print(seq.seq_chain_lenght + 1); lcd.setCursor( 0, 1); lcd.print("T"); lcd.setCursor(10 , 1); lcd.print("=P"); } if (LCDML.FUNC_loop()) // ****** LOOP ********* { if (seq.seq_temp_active_menu == 99) { if ((LCDML.BT_checkDown() && encoderDir[ENC_R].Down()) || (LCDML.BT_checkUp() && encoderDir[ENC_R].Up())) { if (LCDML.BT_checkDown()) seq.seq_menu = constrain(seq.seq_menu + 1, 0, 2); //menu select else if (LCDML.BT_checkUp()) seq.seq_menu = constrain(seq.seq_menu - 1, 0, 2); } } else if (seq.seq_temp_active_menu == 90) { if ((LCDML.BT_checkDown() && encoderDir[ENC_R].Down()) || (LCDML.BT_checkUp() && encoderDir[ENC_R].Up())) { if (LCDML.BT_checkDown()) seq.seq_temp_select_menu = constrain(seq.seq_temp_select_menu + 1, 0, NUM_SEQ_TRACKS - 1); else if (LCDML.BT_checkUp()) seq.seq_temp_select_menu = constrain(seq.seq_temp_select_menu - 1, 0, NUM_SEQ_TRACKS - 1); } } else if (seq.seq_temp_active_menu == 20) { if ((LCDML.BT_checkDown() && encoderDir[ENC_R].Down()) || (LCDML.BT_checkUp() && encoderDir[ENC_R].Up())) { if (LCDML.BT_checkDown()) seq.seq_chain_active_chainstep = constrain(seq.seq_chain_active_chainstep + 1, 0, seq.seq_chain_lenght); else if (LCDML.BT_checkUp()) seq.seq_chain_active_chainstep = constrain(seq.seq_chain_active_chainstep - 1, 0, seq.seq_chain_lenght); } } else if (seq.seq_temp_active_menu == 18) { if ((LCDML.BT_checkDown() && encoderDir[ENC_R].Down()) || (LCDML.BT_checkUp() && encoderDir[ENC_R].Up())) { if (LCDML.BT_checkDown()) { seq.seq_patternchain[seq.seq_chain_active_chainstep][seq.seq_temp_select_menu] = constrain(seq.seq_patternchain[seq.seq_chain_active_chainstep][seq.seq_temp_select_menu] + 1, 0, NUM_SEQ_PATTERN ); } else if (LCDML.BT_checkUp()) { seq.seq_patternchain[seq.seq_chain_active_chainstep][seq.seq_temp_select_menu] = constrain(seq.seq_patternchain[seq.seq_chain_active_chainstep][seq.seq_temp_select_menu] - 1, 0, NUM_SEQ_PATTERN ); } } } if (LCDML.BT_checkEnter()) //handle button presses during menu >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> { if (seq.seq_temp_active_menu == 99 && seq.seq_menu == 0 ) { seq.seq_temp_active_menu = 20; } else if (seq.seq_temp_active_menu == 99 && seq.seq_menu == 1 ) { seq.seq_temp_active_menu = 90; } else if (seq.seq_temp_active_menu == 99 && seq.seq_menu == 2 ) { seq.seq_temp_active_menu = 18; } else seq.seq_temp_active_menu = 99; } if (seq.seq_menu == 0) // Chainselect modify { lcd.setCursor( 12, 1); lcd.print(" "); lcd.setCursor( 15, 1); lcd.print(" "); lcd.setCursor(1 , 1); lcd.print(" "); lcd.setCursor(3 , 1); lcd.print(" "); lcd.setCursor( 11, 0); lcd.print("["); lcd.setCursor( 13, 0); lcd.print("]"); } else if (seq.seq_menu == 1 ) { lcd.setCursor( 12, 1); lcd.print(" "); lcd.setCursor( 15, 1); lcd.print(" "); lcd.setCursor( 11, 0); lcd.print(" "); lcd.setCursor( 13, 0); lcd.print(" "); lcd.setCursor(1 , 1); lcd.print("["); lcd.setCursor(3 , 1); lcd.print("]"); } else if (seq.seq_menu == 2 ) { lcd.setCursor( 11, 0); lcd.print(" "); lcd.setCursor( 13, 0); lcd.print(" "); lcd.setCursor(1 , 1); lcd.print(" "); lcd.setCursor(3 , 1); lcd.print(" "); lcd.setCursor( 12, 1); lcd.print("["); lcd.setCursor( 15, 1); lcd.print("]"); } lcd.setCursor( 12, 0); lcd.print(seq.seq_chain_active_chainstep + 1); lcd.setCursor(2 , 1); lcd.print( seq.seq_temp_select_menu + 1); lcd.setCursor(4 , 1); if (seq.seq_track_type[seq.seq_temp_select_menu] == 0 ) lcd.print("(Drum)"); else if (seq.seq_track_type[seq.seq_temp_select_menu] == 1 ) lcd.print("(Inst)"); else if (seq.seq_track_type[seq.seq_temp_select_menu] == 2 ) lcd.print("(Chrd)"); else lcd.print("(Arp.)"); lcd.setCursor( 13, 1); if (seq.seq_patternchain[seq.seq_chain_active_chainstep][seq.seq_temp_select_menu] == NUM_SEQ_PATTERN)lcd.print("--"); //empty pattern else { if (seq.seq_patternchain[seq.seq_chain_active_chainstep][seq.seq_temp_select_menu] < 10) lcd.print("0"); lcd.print(seq.seq_patternchain[seq.seq_chain_active_chainstep][seq.seq_temp_select_menu] ); } } if (LCDML.FUNC_close()) // ****** STABLE END ********* { encoderDir[ENC_R].reset(); } } #ifdef TESTDISPLAY20x4 void UI_func_seq_mute_matrix(uint8_t param) // for test display 20x4 { if (LCDML.FUNC_setup()) // ****** SETUP ********* { // setup function seq.seq_temp_active_menu = 99; seq.seq_temp_select_menu = 1; seq.seq_menu = 0; temp_int = 0; //y offset lcd.setCursor( 0, 0); } if (LCDML.FUNC_loop()) // ****** LOOP ********* { uint8_t xscroll; if (seq.seq_temp_active_menu == 99) { if ((LCDML.BT_checkDown() && encoderDir[ENC_R].Down()) || (LCDML.BT_checkUp() && encoderDir[ENC_R].Up())) { if (LCDML.BT_checkDown()) { seq.seq_temp_select_menu = constrain(seq.seq_temp_select_menu + 1, 0, NUM_SEQ_TRACKS + 1); if (seq.seq_temp_select_menu == NUM_SEQ_TRACKS + 1 && temp_int != 3) //next chain step { lcd.setCursor( 14 , temp_int); lcd.print(" "); lcd.setCursor( 18 , temp_int); lcd.print(" "); seq.seq_temp_select_menu = 1; if (temp_int < 3)temp_int++; } if (seq.seq_temp_select_menu == NUM_SEQ_TRACKS + 1 && temp_int == 3) seq.seq_temp_select_menu = NUM_SEQ_TRACKS; } else if (LCDML.BT_checkUp()) { seq.seq_temp_select_menu = constrain(seq.seq_temp_select_menu - 1, 0, NUM_SEQ_TRACKS + 1); if (seq.seq_temp_select_menu == 0 && temp_int > 0) //prev chain step { lcd.setCursor( 2 , temp_int); lcd.print(" "); lcd.setCursor( 6 , temp_int); lcd.print(" "); seq.seq_temp_select_menu = NUM_SEQ_TRACKS - 1 ; if (temp_int >= 0)temp_int = temp_int - 1; lcd.setCursor( 14 , temp_int); lcd.print("["); lcd.setCursor( 18 , temp_int); lcd.print("]"); } else if (seq.seq_temp_select_menu < 1 && temp_int == 0 ) seq.seq_temp_select_menu = 1; } } } if (LCDML.BT_checkEnter()) //handle button presses during menu >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> { if (seq.seq_patternchain[temp_int][seq.seq_temp_select_menu - 1] < NUM_SEQ_PATTERN) seq.seq_patternchain[temp_int][seq.seq_temp_select_menu - 1] = seq.seq_patternchain[temp_int][seq.seq_temp_select_menu - 1] + (NUM_SEQ_PATTERN + 10); else if (seq.seq_patternchain[temp_int][seq.seq_temp_select_menu - 1] > NUM_SEQ_PATTERN && seq.seq_patternchain[temp_int][seq.seq_temp_select_menu - 1] != 99) seq.seq_patternchain[temp_int][seq.seq_temp_select_menu - 1] = seq.seq_patternchain[temp_int][seq.seq_temp_select_menu - 1] - (NUM_SEQ_PATTERN + 10); else if (seq.seq_patternchain[temp_int][seq.seq_temp_select_menu - 1] == 99) seq.seq_patternchain[temp_int][seq.seq_temp_select_menu - 1] = NUM_SEQ_PATTERN - 1; } if (seq.seq_temp_select_menu - 1 < 4)xscroll = 0; else if (seq.seq_temp_select_menu - 1 == 4)xscroll = 1; else xscroll = 2; for (uint8_t y = 0; y < 4; y++) { for (uint8_t x = 0; x < NUM_SEQ_TRACKS - 2; x++) { lcd.setCursor( x * 4 + 3, y); if (seq.seq_patternchain[y][x + xscroll] < NUM_SEQ_PATTERN ) { if (seq.seq_track_type[x + xscroll ] == 0 ) lcd.print("D"); else if (seq.seq_track_type[x + xscroll ] == 1 ) lcd.print("I"); else if (seq.seq_track_type[x + xscroll ] == 2 ) lcd.print("C"); else lcd.print("A"); if (seq.seq_patternchain[y][x + xscroll] < 10) lcd.print("0"); lcd.print( seq.seq_patternchain[y][x + xscroll] ); } else lcd.print("OFF"); } } if (xscroll == 0) { //print cursor lcd.setCursor( (seq.seq_temp_select_menu - 1) * 4 + 2, temp_int); lcd.print("["); lcd.setCursor( (seq.seq_temp_select_menu - 1) * 4 + 6, temp_int); lcd.print("]"); if ((seq.seq_temp_select_menu - 1) > 0) { lcd.setCursor( (seq.seq_temp_select_menu - 1) * 4 + 2 - 4 , temp_int); lcd.print(" "); } if ((seq.seq_temp_select_menu - 1) < 4) { lcd.setCursor( (seq.seq_temp_select_menu - 1) * 4 + 6 + 4 , temp_int); lcd.print(" "); } } lcd.setCursor( 0, 0); lcd.print("T"); lcd.print(seq.seq_temp_select_menu); lcd.setCursor( 0, 1); lcd.print("S"); lcd.print(temp_int + 1); // Chain Step } if (LCDML.FUNC_close()) // ****** STABLE END ********* { encoderDir[ENC_R].reset(); } } #else void UI_func_seq_mute_matrix(uint8_t param) // for standard display 16x2 { if (LCDML.FUNC_setup()) // ****** SETUP ********* { // setup function seq.seq_temp_active_menu = 99; seq.seq_temp_select_menu = 1; seq.seq_menu = 0; temp_int = 0; //y offset lcd.setCursor( 0, 0); } if (LCDML.FUNC_loop()) // ****** LOOP ********* { uint8_t xscroll; if (seq.seq_temp_active_menu == 99) { if ((LCDML.BT_checkDown() && encoderDir[ENC_R].Down()) || (LCDML.BT_checkUp() && encoderDir[ENC_R].Up())) { if (LCDML.BT_checkDown()) { seq.seq_temp_select_menu = constrain(seq.seq_temp_select_menu + 1, 0, NUM_SEQ_TRACKS + 1); if (seq.seq_temp_select_menu == NUM_SEQ_TRACKS + 1 && temp_int != 3) //next chain step { lcd.setCursor( 10 , 1); lcd.print(" "); lcd.setCursor( 14 , 1); lcd.print(" "); seq.seq_temp_select_menu = 1; if (temp_int < 3)temp_int++; } if (seq.seq_temp_select_menu == NUM_SEQ_TRACKS + 1 && temp_int == 3) seq.seq_temp_select_menu = NUM_SEQ_TRACKS; } else if (LCDML.BT_checkUp()) { seq.seq_temp_select_menu = constrain(seq.seq_temp_select_menu - 1, 0, NUM_SEQ_TRACKS + 1); if (seq.seq_temp_select_menu == 0 && temp_int > 0) //prev chain step { lcd.setCursor( 2 , 1); lcd.print(" "); lcd.setCursor( 6 , 1); lcd.print(" "); seq.seq_temp_select_menu = NUM_SEQ_TRACKS - 1 ; if (temp_int >= 0)temp_int = temp_int - 1; lcd.setCursor( 10 , 1); lcd.print("["); lcd.setCursor( 14 , 1); lcd.print("]"); } else if (seq.seq_temp_select_menu < 1 && temp_int == 0 ) seq.seq_temp_select_menu = 1; } } } if (LCDML.BT_checkEnter()) //handle button presses during menu >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> { if (seq.seq_patternchain[temp_int][seq.seq_temp_select_menu - 1] < NUM_SEQ_PATTERN) seq.seq_patternchain[temp_int][seq.seq_temp_select_menu - 1] = seq.seq_patternchain[temp_int][seq.seq_temp_select_menu - 1] + (NUM_SEQ_PATTERN + 10); else if (seq.seq_patternchain[temp_int][seq.seq_temp_select_menu - 1] > NUM_SEQ_PATTERN && seq.seq_patternchain[temp_int][seq.seq_temp_select_menu - 1] != 99) seq.seq_patternchain[temp_int][seq.seq_temp_select_menu - 1] = seq.seq_patternchain[temp_int][seq.seq_temp_select_menu - 1] - (NUM_SEQ_PATTERN + 10); else if (seq.seq_patternchain[temp_int][seq.seq_temp_select_menu - 1] == 99) seq.seq_patternchain[temp_int][seq.seq_temp_select_menu - 1] = NUM_SEQ_PATTERN - 1; } if (seq.seq_temp_select_menu - 1 < 3)xscroll = 0; else xscroll = seq.seq_temp_select_menu - 3; if (xscroll == 0) { //print cursor lcd.setCursor( (seq.seq_temp_select_menu - 1) * 4 + 2, 1); lcd.print("["); lcd.setCursor( (seq.seq_temp_select_menu - 1) * 4 + 6, 1); lcd.print("]"); if ((seq.seq_temp_select_menu - 1) > 0) { lcd.setCursor( (seq.seq_temp_select_menu - 1) * 4 + 2 - 4 , 1); lcd.print(" "); } if ((seq.seq_temp_select_menu - 1) < 4) { lcd.setCursor( (seq.seq_temp_select_menu - 1) * 4 + 6 + 4 , 1); lcd.print(" "); } lcd.setCursor( 3, 0); lcd.print("T1"); lcd.setCursor( 7, 0); lcd.print("T2"); lcd.setCursor( 11, 0); lcd.print("T3"); } else { lcd.setCursor( 3, 0); lcd.print("T"); lcd.print(seq.seq_temp_select_menu - 2); lcd.setCursor( 7, 0); lcd.print("T"); lcd.print(seq.seq_temp_select_menu - 2 + 1); lcd.setCursor( 11, 0); lcd.print("T"); lcd.print(seq.seq_temp_select_menu - 2 + 2); } for (uint8_t x = 0; x < NUM_SEQ_TRACKS - 3; x++) { lcd.setCursor( x * 4 + 3, 1); if (seq.seq_patternchain[temp_int][x + xscroll] < NUM_SEQ_PATTERN ) { if (seq.seq_track_type[x + xscroll] == 0 ) lcd.print("D"); else if (seq.seq_track_type[x + xscroll ] == 1 ) lcd.print("I"); else if (seq.seq_track_type[x + xscroll ] == 2 ) lcd.print("C"); else lcd.print("A"); if (seq.seq_patternchain[temp_int][x + xscroll] < 10) lcd.print("0"); lcd.print( seq.seq_patternchain[temp_int][x + xscroll] ); } else lcd.print("OFF"); } lcd.setCursor( 0, 1); lcd.print("S"); lcd.print(temp_int + 1); // Chain Step } if (LCDML.FUNC_close()) // ****** STABLE END ********* { encoderDir[ENC_R].reset(); } } #endif void UI_func_seq_track_setup(uint8_t param) { if (LCDML.FUNC_setup()) // ****** SETUP ********* { // setup function seq.seq_temp_active_menu = 99; seq.seq_temp_select_menu = 0; lcd.setCursor(0 , 0); lcd.print("Track Setup"); lcd.setCursor(0 , 1); lcd.print("Track "); } if (LCDML.FUNC_loop()) // ****** LOOP ********* { if (seq.seq_temp_active_menu == 99) { if ((LCDML.BT_checkDown() && encoderDir[ENC_R].Down()) || (LCDML.BT_checkUp() && encoderDir[ENC_R].Up())) { if (LCDML.BT_checkDown()) seq.seq_temp_select_menu = constrain(seq.seq_temp_select_menu + 1, 0, NUM_SEQ_TRACKS - 1); else if (LCDML.BT_checkUp()) seq.seq_temp_select_menu = constrain(seq.seq_temp_select_menu - 1, 0, NUM_SEQ_TRACKS - 1); } } else { if ((LCDML.BT_checkDown() && encoderDir[ENC_R].Down()) || (LCDML.BT_checkUp() && encoderDir[ENC_R].Up())) { if (LCDML.BT_checkDown()) seq.seq_track_type[seq.seq_temp_active_menu] = constrain(seq.seq_track_type[seq.seq_temp_active_menu] + 1, 0, 3); else if (LCDML.BT_checkUp()) seq.seq_track_type[seq.seq_temp_active_menu] = constrain(seq.seq_track_type[seq.seq_temp_active_menu] - 1, 0, 3); } } if (LCDML.BT_checkEnter()) //handle button presses during menu >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> { if (seq.seq_temp_active_menu == 99) { seq.seq_temp_active_menu = seq.seq_temp_select_menu; } else { seq.seq_temp_active_menu = 99; } } if (seq.seq_temp_active_menu == 99) { lcd.setCursor(8 , 1); lcd.print(" "); lcd.setCursor(15 , 1); lcd.print(" "); lcd.setCursor(5 , 1); lcd.print("["); lcd.setCursor(6 , 1); lcd.print(seq.seq_temp_select_menu + 1); lcd.setCursor(7 , 1); lcd.print("]"); lcd.setCursor(9 , 1); } else { lcd.setCursor(5 , 1); lcd.print(" "); lcd.setCursor(7 , 1); lcd.print(" "); lcd.setCursor(8 , 1); lcd.print("["); lcd.setCursor(15 , 1); lcd.print("]"); lcd.setCursor(9 , 1); } if (seq.seq_track_type[seq.seq_temp_select_menu] == 0 ) lcd.print("Drums "); else if (seq.seq_track_type[seq.seq_temp_select_menu] == 1 ) lcd.print("Instru"); else if (seq.seq_track_type[seq.seq_temp_select_menu] == 2 )lcd.print("Chords"); else lcd.print("Arp "); } if (LCDML.FUNC_close()) // ****** STABLE END ********* { encoderDir[ENC_R].reset(); } } void UI_func_dexed_assign(uint8_t param) { if (LCDML.FUNC_setup()) // ****** SETUP ********* { // setup function seq.seq_temp_active_menu = 99; seq.seq_temp_select_menu = 0; lcd.setCursor(0 , 0); lcd.print("Dexed Assign"); lcd.setCursor(0 , 1); lcd.print("Track "); } if (LCDML.FUNC_loop()) // ****** LOOP ********* { if (seq.seq_temp_active_menu == 99) { if ((LCDML.BT_checkDown() && encoderDir[ENC_R].Down()) || (LCDML.BT_checkUp() && encoderDir[ENC_R].Up())) { if (LCDML.BT_checkDown()) seq.seq_temp_select_menu = constrain(seq.seq_temp_select_menu + 1, 0, NUM_SEQ_TRACKS - 1); else if (LCDML.BT_checkUp()) seq.seq_temp_select_menu = constrain(seq.seq_temp_select_menu - 1, 0, NUM_SEQ_TRACKS - 1); } } else { if ((LCDML.BT_checkDown() && encoderDir[ENC_R].Down()) || (LCDML.BT_checkUp() && encoderDir[ENC_R].Up())) { if (LCDML.BT_checkDown()) seq.seq_inst_dexed[seq.seq_temp_active_menu] = constrain(seq.seq_inst_dexed[seq.seq_temp_active_menu] + 1, 0, 1); else if (LCDML.BT_checkUp()) seq.seq_inst_dexed[seq.seq_temp_active_menu] = constrain(seq.seq_inst_dexed[seq.seq_temp_active_menu] - 1, 0, 1); } } if (LCDML.BT_checkEnter()) //handle button presses during menu >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> { if (seq.seq_temp_active_menu == 99) { seq.seq_temp_active_menu = seq.seq_temp_select_menu; } else { seq.seq_temp_active_menu = 99; } } if (seq.seq_temp_active_menu == 99) { lcd.setCursor(8 , 1); lcd.print(" "); lcd.setCursor(15 , 1); lcd.print(" "); lcd.setCursor(5 , 1); lcd.print("["); lcd.setCursor(6 , 1); lcd.print(seq.seq_temp_select_menu + 1); lcd.setCursor(7 , 1); lcd.print("]"); lcd.setCursor(9 , 1); } else { lcd.setCursor(5 , 1); lcd.print(" "); lcd.setCursor(7 , 1); lcd.print(" "); lcd.setCursor(8 , 1); lcd.print("["); lcd.setCursor(15 , 1); lcd.print("]"); lcd.setCursor(9 , 1); } if (seq.seq_inst_dexed[seq.seq_temp_select_menu] == 0 ) lcd.print("dexed0"); else if (seq.seq_inst_dexed[seq.seq_temp_select_menu] == 1 ) lcd.print("dexed1"); else lcd.print("??????"); } if (LCDML.FUNC_close()) // ****** STABLE END ********* { encoderDir[ENC_R].reset(); } } void UI_func_load_performance(uint8_t param) { static uint8_t mode; if (LCDML.FUNC_setup()) // ****** SETUP ********* { char tmp[10]; if (seq.seq_state_last_loadsave != 200)temp_int = seq.seq_state_last_loadsave; else temp_int = param; mode = 0; encoderDir[ENC_R].reset(); lcd.setCursor(0, 0); lcd.print(F("Load Performance ")); lcd.setCursor(0, 1); sprintf(tmp, "[%2d]", param); lcd.print(tmp); } if (LCDML.FUNC_loop()) // ****** LOOP ********* { if ((LCDML.BT_checkDown() && encoderDir[ENC_R].Down()) || (LCDML.BT_checkUp() && encoderDir[ENC_R].Up()) || (LCDML.BT_checkEnter() && encoderDir[ENC_R].ButtonShort())) { if (LCDML.BT_checkDown()) { temp_int = constrain(temp_int + ENCODER[ENC_L].speed(), 0, 99); } else if (LCDML.BT_checkUp()) { temp_int = constrain(temp_int - ENCODER[ENC_L].speed(), 0, 99); } else if (LCDML.BT_checkEnter()) { mode = 0xff; lcd.setCursor(0, 1); if (load_sd_performance_json(temp_int) == false) lcd.print("Does not exist."); else { load_sd_performance_json(temp_int); seq.seq_state_last_loadsave = temp_int; lcd.print("Done. "); } delay(MESSAGE_WAIT_TIME); LCDML.FUNC_goBackToMenu(); } } lcd.setCursor(0, 1); char tmp[10]; sprintf(tmp, "[%2d]", temp_int); lcd.print(tmp); if (check_sd_performance_exists(temp_int)) { get_sd_performance_name_json(temp_int); if ( seq.seq_name_temp[0] != 0 ) lcd.show(1, 5, 11, seq.seq_name_temp); else lcd.print(" -- DATA --"); } else lcd.print(" "); } if (LCDML.FUNC_close()) // ****** STABLE END ********* { if (mode < 0xff) { lcd.show(1, 0, 16, "Canceled."); delay(MESSAGE_WAIT_TIME); } else { configuration.sys.performance_number = temp_int; save_sd_sys_json(); encoderDir[ENC_R].reset(); } } } void UI_func_save_performance(uint8_t param) { static bool overwrite; static bool yesno; static uint8_t mode; if (LCDML.FUNC_setup()) // ****** SETUP ********* { char tmp[FILENAME_LEN]; yesno = false; if (seq.seq_state_last_loadsave != 200) temp_int = seq.seq_state_last_loadsave; else temp_int = 0; mode = 0; encoderDir[ENC_R].reset(); lcd.setCursor(0, 0); lcd.print(F("Save Performance")); lcd.setCursor(0, 1); sprintf(tmp, "[%2d]", temp_int); lcd.print(tmp); sprintf(tmp, "/%s/%d/%s.json", PERFORMANCE_CONFIG_PATH, temp_int, SEQUENCER_CONFIG_NAME); if (SD.exists(tmp)) overwrite = true; else overwrite = false; if (check_sd_performance_exists(temp_int)) { get_sd_performance_name_json(temp_int); if ( seq.seq_name_temp[0] != 0 ) lcd.show(1, 5, 11, seq.seq_name_temp); else lcd.print(" -- DATA --"); } } if (LCDML.FUNC_loop()) // ****** LOOP ********* { if ((LCDML.BT_checkDown() && encoderDir[ENC_R].Down()) || (LCDML.BT_checkUp() && encoderDir[ENC_R].Up()) || (LCDML.BT_checkEnter() && encoderDir[ENC_R].ButtonShort())) { if (LCDML.BT_checkDown()) { if (mode == 0) temp_int = constrain(temp_int + ENCODER[ENC_L].speed(), 0, 99); else yesno = true; } else if (LCDML.BT_checkUp()) { if (mode == 0) temp_int = constrain(temp_int - ENCODER[ENC_L].speed(), 0, 99); else yesno = false; } else if (LCDML.BT_checkEnter()) { if (mode == 0 && overwrite == true) { mode = 1; lcd.setCursor(0, 1); lcd.print(F("Overwrite: [ ]")); } else { mode = 0xff; if (overwrite == false || yesno == true) { if (yesno == true) { char tmp[FILENAME_LEN]; sprintf(tmp, "/%s/%d/%s.json", PERFORMANCE_CONFIG_PATH, temp_int, SEQUENCER_CONFIG_NAME); SD.remove(tmp); } lcd.show(1, 0, 16, "Done."); seq.seq_state_last_loadsave = temp_int; delay(MESSAGE_WAIT_TIME); LCDML.FUNC_goBackToMenu(); } else if (overwrite == true && yesno == false) { char tmp[10]; mode = 0; lcd.setCursor(0, 1); sprintf(tmp, "[%2d] ", temp_int); lcd.print(tmp); } } } if (mode == 0) { char tmp[FILENAME_LEN]; sprintf(tmp, "/%s/%d/%s.json", PERFORMANCE_CONFIG_PATH, temp_int, SEQUENCER_CONFIG_NAME); if (SD.exists(tmp)) overwrite = true; else overwrite = false; lcd.setCursor(0, 1); sprintf(tmp, "[%2d]", temp_int); lcd.print(tmp); lcd.setCursor(5, 1); if (overwrite == false) { lcd.print("-- EMPTY --"); } else if (check_sd_performance_exists(temp_int)) { get_sd_performance_name_json(temp_int); if ( seq.seq_name_temp[0] != 0 ) lcd.show(1, 5, 11, seq.seq_name_temp); else lcd.print("-- DATA --"); } else lcd.print(" "); } else { lcd.setCursor(12, 1); if (yesno == true) lcd.print(F("YES")); else lcd.print(F("NO ")); } } encoderDir[ENC_R].reset(); } if (LCDML.FUNC_close()) // ****** STABLE END ********* { if (mode < 0xff) { lcd.show(1, 0, 16, "Canceled."); delay(MESSAGE_WAIT_TIME); } encoderDir[ENC_R].reset(); } } void UI_func_information(uint8_t param) { if (LCDML.FUNC_setup()) // ****** SETUP ********* { char version_string[LCD_cols + 1]; encoderDir[ENC_R].reset(); generate_version_string(version_string, sizeof(version_string)); // setup function lcd.setCursor(0, 0); lcd.print(version_string); lcd.setCursor(0, 1); lcd.print(sd_string); } if (LCDML.FUNC_loop()) // ****** LOOP ********* { ; } if (LCDML.FUNC_close()) // ****** STABLE END ********* { encoderDir[ENC_R].reset(); } } void UI_func_midi_soft_thru(uint8_t param) { static uint8_t old_soft_midi_thru; if (LCDML.FUNC_setup()) // ****** SETUP ********* { encoderDir[ENC_R].reset(); lcd.setCursor(0, 0); lcd.print(F("MIDI Soft THRU")); } if (LCDML.FUNC_loop()) // ****** LOOP ********* { if ((LCDML.BT_checkDown() && encoderDir[ENC_R].Down()) || (LCDML.BT_checkUp() && encoderDir[ENC_R].Up())) { if (LCDML.BT_checkDown()) configuration.sys.soft_midi_thru = constrain(configuration.sys.soft_midi_thru + 1, SOFT_MIDI_THRU_MIN, SOFT_MIDI_THRU_MAX); else if (LCDML.BT_checkUp()) configuration.sys.soft_midi_thru = constrain(configuration.sys.soft_midi_thru - 1, SOFT_MIDI_THRU_MIN, SOFT_MIDI_THRU_MAX); } lcd.setCursor(0, 1); switch (configuration.sys.soft_midi_thru) { case 0: lcd.print(F("[OFF]")); break; case 1: lcd.print(F("[ON ]")); break; } } if (LCDML.FUNC_close()) // ****** STABLE END ********* { encoderDir[ENC_R].reset(); if (old_soft_midi_thru != configuration.sys.soft_midi_thru) { save_sys_flag = true; save_sys = 0; } } } void UI_func_smart_filter(uint8_t param) { if (LCDML.FUNC_setup()) // ****** SETUP ********* { encoderDir[ENC_R].reset(); lcd.setCursor(0, 0); lcd.print(F("Drm Smart Filter")); } if (LCDML.FUNC_loop()) // ****** LOOP ********* { if ((LCDML.BT_checkDown() && encoderDir[ENC_R].Down()) || (LCDML.BT_checkUp() && encoderDir[ENC_R].Up())) { if (LCDML.BT_checkDown()) seq.smartfilter = !seq.smartfilter; else if (LCDML.BT_checkUp()) seq.smartfilter = !seq.smartfilter; } lcd.setCursor(0, 1); if (seq.smartfilter) lcd.print(F("[ON ]")); else lcd.print(F("[OFF]")); } if (LCDML.FUNC_close()) // ****** STABLE END ********* { encoderDir[ENC_R].reset(); } } void UI_func_velocity_level(uint8_t param) { if (LCDML.FUNC_setup()) // ****** SETUP ********* { encoderDir[ENC_R].reset(); lcd_special_chars(BLOCKBAR); lcd_display_bar_int("Velocity Lvl", configuration.dexed[selected_instance_id].velocity_level, 1.0, VELOCITY_LEVEL_MIN, VELOCITY_LEVEL_MAX, 3, false, false, true); lcd_active_instance_number(selected_instance_id); UI_update_instance_icons(); } if (LCDML.FUNC_loop()) // ****** LOOP ********* { if ((LCDML.BT_checkDown() && encoderDir[ENC_R].Down()) || (LCDML.BT_checkUp() && encoderDir[ENC_R].Up())) { if (LCDML.BT_checkDown()) configuration.dexed[selected_instance_id].velocity_level = constrain(configuration.dexed[selected_instance_id].velocity_level + ENCODER[ENC_R].speed(), VELOCITY_LEVEL_MIN, VELOCITY_LEVEL_MAX); else if (LCDML.BT_checkUp()) configuration.dexed[selected_instance_id].velocity_level = constrain(configuration.dexed[selected_instance_id].velocity_level - ENCODER[ENC_R].speed(), VELOCITY_LEVEL_MIN, VELOCITY_LEVEL_MAX); } #if NUM_DEXED > 1 else if (LCDML.BT_checkEnter()) { selected_instance_id = !selected_instance_id; lcd_active_instance_number(selected_instance_id); UI_update_instance_icons(); } #endif lcd_display_bar_int("Velocity Lvl", configuration.dexed[selected_instance_id].velocity_level, 1.0, VELOCITY_LEVEL_MIN, VELOCITY_LEVEL_MAX, 3, false, false, false); } if (LCDML.FUNC_close()) // ****** STABLE END ********* { lcd_special_chars(SCROLLBAR); encoderDir[ENC_R].reset(); } } void UI_update_instance_icons() { #ifdef TESTDISPLAY20x4 lcd.setCursor(18, 0); lcd.write(0); //Icon for first instance lcd.setCursor(19, 0); lcd.write(1); //Icon for second instance #else lcd.setCursor(14, 0); lcd.write(0); //Icon for first instance lcd.setCursor(15, 0); lcd.write(1); //Icon for second instance #endif } void UI_func_voice_select(uint8_t param) { static uint8_t menu_voice_select = MENU_VOICE_SOUND; if (LCDML.FUNC_setup()) // ****** SETUP ********* { #ifdef TESTDISPLAY20x4 lcd.setCursor(0, 3); lcd.print("MENU"); lcd.setCursor(17, 3); lcd.print("+/-"); #endif encoderDir[ENC_R].reset(); lcd_active_instance_number(selected_instance_id); char bank_name[BANK_NAME_LEN]; char voice_name[VOICE_NAME_LEN]; if (!get_bank_name(configuration.dexed[selected_instance_id].bank, bank_name, sizeof(bank_name))) strcpy(bank_name, "*ERROR*"); if (!get_voice_by_bank_name(configuration.dexed[selected_instance_id].bank, bank_name, configuration.dexed[selected_instance_id].voice, voice_name, sizeof(voice_name))) strcpy(voice_name, "*ERROR*"); UI_update_instance_icons(); lcd.createChar(2, (uint8_t*)special_chars[18]); // favorites symbol #ifdef TEENSY3_6 lcd.createChar(6, (uint8_t*)special_chars[16]); // MIDI activity note symbol lcd.createChar(7, (uint8_t*)special_chars[16]); // MIDI activity note symbol #endif } if (LCDML.FUNC_loop()) // ****** LOOP ********* { char bank_name[BANK_NAME_LEN]; char voice_name[VOICE_NAME_LEN]; if ((LCDML.BT_checkDown() && encoderDir[ENC_R].Down()) || (LCDML.BT_checkUp() && encoderDir[ENC_R].Up()) || (LCDML.BT_checkEnter() && (encoderDir[ENC_R].ButtonShort() || encoderDir[ENC_R].ButtonLong()))) { uint8_t bank_tmp; int8_t voice_tmp; // Reset Performance Modifiers to 0 after every preset change for (uint8_t count_tmp = 0; count_tmp < NUM_DEXED; count_tmp++) { perform_attack_mod[count_tmp] = 0; perform_release_mod[count_tmp] = 0; } active_perform_page = 1; if (LCDML.BT_checkUp()) { //start : show all presets if (configuration.sys.favorites == 0) { switch (menu_voice_select) { case MENU_VOICE_BANK: memset(g_bank_name[selected_instance_id], 0, BANK_NAME_LEN); bank_tmp = constrain(configuration.dexed[selected_instance_id].bank - ENCODER[ENC_R].speed(), 0, MAX_BANKS - 1); configuration.dexed[selected_instance_id].bank = bank_tmp; #ifdef DISPLAY_LCD_SPI change_disp_sd(false); #endif load_sd_voice(configuration.dexed[selected_instance_id].bank, configuration.dexed[selected_instance_id].voice, selected_instance_id); #ifdef DISPLAY_LCD_SPI change_disp_sd(true); #endif break; case MENU_VOICE_SOUND: memset(g_voice_name[selected_instance_id], 0, VOICE_NAME_LEN); voice_tmp = configuration.dexed[selected_instance_id].voice - ENCODER[ENC_R].speed(); if (voice_tmp < 0 && configuration.dexed[selected_instance_id].voice - 1 >= 0) { configuration.dexed[selected_instance_id].voice--; configuration.dexed[selected_instance_id].voice = constrain(configuration.dexed[selected_instance_id].voice, 0, MAX_BANKS - 1); } else if (voice_tmp < 0 && configuration.dexed[selected_instance_id].voice - 1 <= 0) { voice_tmp = 0; } if (voice_tmp < 0) voice_tmp = MAX_VOICES + voice_tmp; configuration.dexed[selected_instance_id].voice = constrain(voice_tmp, 0, MAX_VOICES - 1); #ifdef DISPLAY_LCD_SPI change_disp_sd(false); #endif load_sd_voice(configuration.dexed[selected_instance_id].bank, configuration.dexed[selected_instance_id].voice, selected_instance_id); #ifdef DISPLAY_LCD_SPI change_disp_sd(true); #endif break; } } else //only Favs if (configuration.sys.favorites == 1) { locate_previous_favorite(); #ifdef DISPLAY_LCD_SPI change_disp_sd(false); #endif load_sd_voice(configuration.dexed[selected_instance_id].bank, configuration.dexed[selected_instance_id].voice, selected_instance_id); #ifdef DISPLAY_LCD_SPI change_disp_sd(true); #endif } else //only non-Favs if (configuration.sys.favorites == 2) { locate_previous_non_favorite(); #ifdef DISPLAY_LCD_SPI change_disp_sd(false); #endif load_sd_voice(configuration.dexed[selected_instance_id].bank, configuration.dexed[selected_instance_id].voice, selected_instance_id); #ifdef DISPLAY_LCD_SPI change_disp_sd(true); #endif //break; } else //random non-Favs if (configuration.sys.favorites == 3) { locate_random_non_favorite(); #ifdef DISPLAY_LCD_SPI change_disp_sd(false); #endif load_sd_voice(configuration.dexed[selected_instance_id].bank, configuration.dexed[selected_instance_id].voice, selected_instance_id); #ifdef DISPLAY_LCD_SPI change_disp_sd(true); #endif } } //end UP else if (LCDML.BT_checkDown()) { //start : show all presets if (configuration.sys.favorites == 0) { switch (menu_voice_select) { case MENU_VOICE_BANK: memset(g_bank_name[selected_instance_id], 0, BANK_NAME_LEN); bank_tmp = constrain(configuration.dexed[selected_instance_id].bank + ENCODER[ENC_R].speed(), 0, MAX_BANKS - 1); configuration.dexed[selected_instance_id].bank = bank_tmp; #ifdef DISPLAY_LCD_SPI change_disp_sd(false); #endif load_sd_voice(configuration.dexed[selected_instance_id].bank, configuration.dexed[selected_instance_id].voice, selected_instance_id); #ifdef DISPLAY_LCD_SPI change_disp_sd(true); #endif break; case MENU_VOICE_SOUND: memset(g_voice_name[selected_instance_id], 0, VOICE_NAME_LEN); voice_tmp = configuration.dexed[selected_instance_id].voice + ENCODER[ENC_R].speed(); if (voice_tmp >= MAX_VOICES && configuration.dexed[selected_instance_id].voice + 1 < MAX_BANKS) { voice_tmp %= MAX_VOICES; configuration.dexed[selected_instance_id].voice++; configuration.dexed[selected_instance_id].voice = constrain(configuration.dexed[selected_instance_id].voice, 0, MAX_BANKS - 1); } else if (voice_tmp >= MAX_VOICES && configuration.dexed[selected_instance_id].voice + 1 >= MAX_BANKS) { voice_tmp = MAX_VOICES - 1; } configuration.dexed[selected_instance_id].voice = constrain(voice_tmp, 0, MAX_VOICES - 1); #ifdef DISPLAY_LCD_SPI change_disp_sd(false); #endif load_sd_voice(configuration.dexed[selected_instance_id].bank, configuration.dexed[selected_instance_id].voice, selected_instance_id); #ifdef DISPLAY_LCD_SPI change_disp_sd(true); #endif break; } } else //only Favs if (configuration.sys.favorites == 1) { locate_next_favorite(); #ifdef DISPLAY_LCD_SPI change_disp_sd(false); #endif load_sd_voice(configuration.dexed[selected_instance_id].bank, configuration.dexed[selected_instance_id].voice, selected_instance_id); #ifdef DISPLAY_LCD_SPI change_disp_sd(true); #endif //break; } else //only non-Favs if (configuration.sys.favorites == 2) { locate_next_non_favorite(); #ifdef DISPLAY_LCD_SPI change_disp_sd(false); #endif load_sd_voice(configuration.dexed[selected_instance_id].bank, configuration.dexed[selected_instance_id].voice, selected_instance_id); #ifdef DISPLAY_LCD_SPI change_disp_sd(true); #endif //break; } else //random non-Favs if (configuration.sys.favorites == 3) { locate_random_non_favorite(); #ifdef DISPLAY_LCD_SPI change_disp_sd(false); #endif load_sd_voice(configuration.dexed[selected_instance_id].bank, configuration.dexed[selected_instance_id].voice, selected_instance_id); #ifdef DISPLAY_LCD_SPI change_disp_sd(true); #endif } } else if (LCDML.BT_checkEnter() && encoderDir[ENC_R].ButtonPressed()) { if (menu_voice_select == MENU_VOICE_BANK) menu_voice_select = MENU_VOICE_SOUND; else menu_voice_select = MENU_VOICE_BANK; } #if NUM_DEXED > 1 else if (LCDML.BT_checkEnter()) { selected_instance_id = !selected_instance_id; lcd_active_instance_number(selected_instance_id); UI_update_instance_icons(); } #endif } if (strlen(g_bank_name[selected_instance_id]) > 0) { strcpy(bank_name, g_bank_name[selected_instance_id]); } else { if (!get_bank_name(configuration.dexed[selected_instance_id].bank, bank_name, sizeof(bank_name))) strcpy(bank_name, "*ERROR*"); } if (strlen(g_voice_name[selected_instance_id]) > 0) { strcpy(voice_name, g_voice_name[selected_instance_id]); } else { if (!get_voice_by_bank_name(configuration.dexed[selected_instance_id].bank, bank_name, configuration.dexed[selected_instance_id].voice, voice_name, sizeof(voice_name))) strcpy(voice_name, "*ERROR*"); } lcd.show(0, 0, 2, configuration.dexed[selected_instance_id].bank); lcd.show(1, 0, 2, configuration.dexed[selected_instance_id].voice + 1); #ifdef TESTDISPLAY20x4 string_toupper(bank_name); lcd.show(0, 4, 8, bank_name); string_toupper(voice_name); lcd.show(1, 4, 10, voice_name); switch (menu_voice_select) { case MENU_VOICE_BANK: lcd.show(0, 3, 1, "["); lcd.show(0, 12, 1, "]"); lcd.show(1, 3, 1, " "); lcd.show(1, 14, 1, " "); break; case MENU_VOICE_SOUND: lcd.show(0, 3, 1, " "); lcd.show(0, 12, 1, " "); lcd.show(1, 3, 1, "["); lcd.show(1, 14, 1, "]"); break; } #else string_toupper(bank_name); lcd.show(0, 3, 8, bank_name); lcd.show(0, 12, 1, " "); //forced because this char does not clear after fav-search (because the bank name is one char to short to do it). string_toupper(voice_name); lcd.show(1, 3, 10, voice_name); switch (menu_voice_select) { case MENU_VOICE_BANK: lcd.show(0, 2, 1, "["); lcd.show(0, 11, 1, "]"); lcd.show(1, 2, 1, " "); lcd.show(1, 13, 1, " "); break; case MENU_VOICE_SOUND: lcd.show(0, 2, 1, " "); lcd.show(0, 11, 1, " "); lcd.show(1, 2, 1, "["); lcd.show(1, 13, 1, "]"); break; } #endif draw_favorite_icon(configuration.dexed[selected_instance_id].bank, configuration.dexed[selected_instance_id].voice, selected_instance_id); } if (LCDML.FUNC_close()) // ****** STABLE END ********* { lcd_special_chars(SCROLLBAR); encoderDir[ENC_R].reset(); } } void UI_func_volume(uint8_t param) { char tmp[6]; static uint8_t old_volume; if (LCDML.FUNC_setup()) // ****** SETUP ********* { old_volume = configuration.sys.vol; encoderDir[ENC_L].reset(); if (active_perform_page == 1) { //Master Volume lcd_special_chars(BLOCKBAR); lcd_display_bar_int("Master Vol.", configuration.sys.vol, 1.0, VOLUME_MIN, VOLUME_MAX, 3, false, false, true); back_from_volume = 0; } else if (active_perform_page == 2) { // Live Performance Mod - Attack lcd.setCursor(0, 0); lcd.print("Live Modify"); lcd.setCursor(0, 1); lcd.print("Attack = "); lcd.setCursor(13, 1); sprintf(tmp, "%03d", perform_attack_mod[selected_instance_id]); lcd.print(tmp); back_from_volume = 0; } else if (active_perform_page == 3) { // Live Performance Mod - Release lcd.setCursor(0, 0); lcd.print("Live Modify"); lcd.setCursor(11, 1); lcd.print("Release = "); lcd.setCursor(13, 1); sprintf(tmp, "%03d", perform_release_mod[selected_instance_id]); lcd.print(tmp); back_from_volume = 0; } lcd.setCursor(12, 0); lcd.print("P"); lcd.setCursor(13, 0); lcd.print(active_perform_page); lcd.setCursor(14, 0); lcd.print("/3"); } if (LCDML.FUNC_loop()) // ****** LOOP ********* { if ( LCDML.BT_checkDown() && encoderDir[ENC_R].Down() ) { back_from_volume = 0; active_perform_page++; if (active_perform_page > 3)active_perform_page = 1; } else if ( LCDML.BT_checkUp() && encoderDir[ENC_R].Up() ) { back_from_volume = 0; active_perform_page--; if (active_perform_page < 1)active_perform_page = 3; } if ((LCDML.BT_checkDown() && encoderDir[ENC_L].Down() ) || (LCDML.BT_checkUp() && encoderDir[ENC_L].Up() )) { if (active_perform_page == 1) { back_from_volume = 0; if (LCDML.BT_checkDown() ) { configuration.sys.vol = constrain(configuration.sys.vol + ENCODER[ENC_L].speed(), VOLUME_MIN, VOLUME_MAX); } else if (LCDML.BT_checkUp() ) { configuration.sys.vol = constrain(configuration.sys.vol - ENCODER[ENC_L].speed(), VOLUME_MIN, VOLUME_MAX); } } else if ( active_perform_page == 2) { //Attack if (LCDML.BT_checkDown() ) { if (perform_attack_mod[selected_instance_id] == 0) for (uint8_t i = 0; i < 6; i++) { orig_attack_values[selected_instance_id][i] = MicroDexed[selected_instance_id]->getOPRate(i, ATTACK); } perform_attack_mod[selected_instance_id] = constrain(perform_attack_mod[selected_instance_id] + ENCODER[ENC_L].speed(), -MAX_PERF_MOD, MAX_PERF_MOD); for (uint8_t i = 0; i < 6; i++) MicroDexed[selected_instance_id]->setOPRate(i, ATTACK, orig_attack_values[selected_instance_id][i] - perform_attack_mod[selected_instance_id] ); } else if (LCDML.BT_checkUp() ) { if (perform_attack_mod[selected_instance_id] == 0) // Save initial Values for (uint8_t i = 0; i < 6; i++) { orig_attack_values[selected_instance_id][i] = MicroDexed[selected_instance_id]->getOPRate(i, ATTACK); } perform_attack_mod[selected_instance_id] = constrain(perform_attack_mod[selected_instance_id] - ENCODER[ENC_L].speed(), -MAX_PERF_MOD, MAX_PERF_MOD); for (uint8_t i = 0; i < 6; i++) MicroDexed[selected_instance_id]->setOPRate(i, ATTACK, orig_attack_values[selected_instance_id][i] - perform_attack_mod[selected_instance_id] ); } } else if (active_perform_page == 3) { //Release if (LCDML.BT_checkDown() ) { if (perform_release_mod[selected_instance_id] == 0) // Save initial Values for (uint8_t i = 0; i < 6; i++) { orig_release_values[selected_instance_id][i] = MicroDexed[selected_instance_id]->getOPRate(i, RELEASE); } perform_release_mod[selected_instance_id] = constrain(perform_release_mod[selected_instance_id] + ENCODER[ENC_L].speed(), -MAX_PERF_MOD, MAX_PERF_MOD); for (uint8_t i = 0; i < 6; i++) MicroDexed[selected_instance_id]->setOPRate(i, RELEASE, orig_release_values[selected_instance_id][i] - perform_release_mod[selected_instance_id] ); } else if (LCDML.BT_checkUp() ) { if (perform_release_mod[selected_instance_id] == 0) for (uint8_t i = 0; i < 6; i++) { orig_release_values[selected_instance_id][i] = MicroDexed[selected_instance_id]->getOPRate(i, RELEASE); } perform_release_mod[selected_instance_id] = constrain(perform_release_mod[selected_instance_id] - ENCODER[ENC_L].speed(), -MAX_PERF_MOD, MAX_PERF_MOD); for (uint8_t i = 0; i < 6; i++) MicroDexed[selected_instance_id]->setOPRate(i, RELEASE, orig_release_values[selected_instance_id][i] - perform_release_mod[selected_instance_id] ); } } } lcd.setCursor(13, 0); lcd.print(active_perform_page); if (active_perform_page == 1) { //Master Volume lcd.setCursor(0, 0); lcd.print("Master Vol. "); lcd_special_chars(BLOCKBAR); lcd_display_bar_int("Master Vol.", configuration.sys.vol, 1.0, VOLUME_MIN, VOLUME_MAX, 3, false, false, false); set_volume(configuration.sys.vol, configuration.sys.mono); } else if (active_perform_page == 2) { //Attack lcd.setCursor(0, 0); lcd.print("Live Modify"); lcd.setCursor(0, 1); lcd.print("Attack = "); lcd.setCursor(13, 1); sprintf(tmp, "%03d", perform_attack_mod[selected_instance_id]); lcd.print(tmp); back_from_volume = 0; } else if (active_perform_page == 3) { //Release lcd.setCursor(0, 0); lcd.print("Live Modify"); lcd.setCursor(0, 1); lcd.print("Release = "); lcd.setCursor(13, 1); sprintf(tmp, "%03d", perform_release_mod[selected_instance_id]); lcd.print(tmp); back_from_volume = 0; } } if (LCDML.FUNC_close()) // ****** STABLE END ********* { lcd_special_chars(SCROLLBAR); encoderDir[ENC_L].reset(); if (old_volume != configuration.sys.vol) { eeprom_update(); save_sys_flag = true; save_sys = 0; } } } void UI_func_save_voice(uint8_t param) { static bool yesno; static uint8_t mode; if (LCDML.FUNC_setup()) // ****** SETUP ********* { encoderDir[ENC_R].reset(); yesno = false; #if NUM_DEXED == 1 mode = 1; #else mode = 0; #endif #if NUM_DEXED == 1 char bank_name[BANK_NAME_LEN]; if (!get_bank_name(configuration.dexed[selected_instance_id].bank, bank_name, sizeof(bank_name))) strcpy(bank_name, "*ERROR*"); lcd.setCursor(0, 0); lcd.print(F("Save to Bank")); lcd.show(1, 0, 2, configuration.dexed[selected_instance_id].bank); lcd.show(1, 3, 10, bank_name); lcd.show(1, 2, 1, "["); lcd.show(1, 13, 1, "]"); #else lcd.setCursor(0, 0); lcd.print(F("Save Instance")); lcd_active_instance_number(selected_instance_id); lcd.setCursor(5, 1); lcd.write(0); lcd.setCursor(10, 1); lcd.write(1); #endif } if (LCDML.FUNC_loop()) // ****** LOOP ********* { char bank_name[BANK_NAME_LEN]; char voice_name[VOICE_NAME_LEN]; if ((LCDML.BT_checkDown() && encoderDir[ENC_R].Down()) || (LCDML.BT_checkUp() && encoderDir[ENC_R].Up())) { switch (mode) { case 0: // Instance selection if (LCDML.BT_checkDown() || LCDML.BT_checkUp()) selected_instance_id = !selected_instance_id; lcd_active_instance_number(selected_instance_id); lcd.setCursor(5, 1); lcd.write(0); lcd.setCursor(10, 1); lcd.write(1); break; case 1: // Bank selection if (LCDML.BT_checkDown()) configuration.dexed[selected_instance_id].bank = constrain(configuration.dexed[selected_instance_id].bank + ENCODER[ENC_R].speed(), 0, MAX_BANKS - 1); else if (LCDML.BT_checkUp() && configuration.dexed[selected_instance_id].voice > 0) configuration.dexed[selected_instance_id].bank = constrain(configuration.dexed[selected_instance_id].bank - ENCODER[ENC_R].speed(), 0, MAX_BANKS - 1); if (!get_bank_name(configuration.dexed[selected_instance_id].bank, bank_name, sizeof(bank_name))) strcpy(bank_name, "*ERROR*"); lcd.show(1, 0, 2, configuration.dexed[selected_instance_id].bank); lcd.show(1, 3, 10, bank_name); break; case 2: // Voice selection if (LCDML.BT_checkDown() && configuration.dexed[selected_instance_id].voice < MAX_VOICES - 1) configuration.dexed[selected_instance_id].voice = constrain(configuration.dexed[selected_instance_id].voice + ENCODER[ENC_R].speed(), 0, MAX_VOICES - 1); else if (LCDML.BT_checkUp() && configuration.dexed[selected_instance_id].voice > 0) configuration.dexed[selected_instance_id].voice = constrain(configuration.dexed[selected_instance_id].voice - ENCODER[ENC_R].speed(), 0, MAX_VOICES - 1); if (!get_bank_name(configuration.dexed[selected_instance_id].bank, bank_name, sizeof(bank_name))) strncpy(bank_name, "*ERROR*", sizeof(bank_name)); if (!get_voice_by_bank_name(configuration.dexed[selected_instance_id].bank, bank_name, configuration.dexed[selected_instance_id].voice, voice_name, sizeof(voice_name))) strncpy(voice_name, "*ERROR*", sizeof(voice_name)); lcd.show(1, 0, 2, configuration.dexed[selected_instance_id].voice + 1); lcd.show(1, 3, 10, voice_name); break; case 3: // Yes/No selection yesno = !yesno; if (yesno == true) { lcd.show(1, 1, 3, "YES"); } else { lcd.show(1, 1, 3, "NO"); } break; } } else if (LCDML.BT_checkEnter()) { if (encoderDir[ENC_R].ButtonShort()) mode++; switch (mode) { case 1: if (!get_bank_name(configuration.dexed[selected_instance_id].bank, bank_name, sizeof(bank_name))) strncpy(bank_name, "*ERROR*", sizeof(bank_name)); lcd.setCursor(0, 0); lcd.print(F("Save to Bank")); lcd.show(1, 0, 2, configuration.dexed[selected_instance_id].bank); lcd.show(1, 3, 10, bank_name); lcd.show(1, 2, 2, " ["); lcd.show(1, 14, 1, "]"); break; case 2: if (!get_bank_name(configuration.dexed[selected_instance_id].bank, bank_name, sizeof(bank_name))) strncpy(bank_name, "*ERROR*", sizeof(bank_name)); if (!get_voice_by_bank_name(configuration.dexed[selected_instance_id].bank, bank_name, configuration.dexed[selected_instance_id].voice, voice_name, sizeof(voice_name))) strncpy(voice_name, "*ERROR*", sizeof(voice_name)); lcd.show(0, 0, 16, "Save to Bank"); lcd.show(0, 13, 2, configuration.dexed[selected_instance_id].bank); lcd.show(1, 0, 2, configuration.dexed[selected_instance_id].voice + 1); lcd.show(1, 3, 10, voice_name); break; case 3: lcd.show(0, 0, 16, "Overwrite?"); lcd.show(1, 0, 15, "[NO"); lcd.show(1, 4, 1, "]"); break; default: if (yesno == true) { #ifdef DEBUG bool ret = save_sd_voice(configuration.dexed[selected_instance_id].bank, configuration.dexed[selected_instance_id].voice, selected_instance_id); if (ret == true) Serial.println(F("Saving voice OK.")); else Serial.println(F("Error while saving voice.")); #else save_sd_voice(configuration.dexed[selected_instance_id].bank, configuration.dexed[selected_instance_id].voice, selected_instance_id); #endif lcd.show(1, 0, 16, "Done."); delay(MESSAGE_WAIT_TIME); mode = 0xff; break; } LCDML.FUNC_goBackToMenu(); } } } if (LCDML.FUNC_close()) // ****** STABLE END ********* { lcd_special_chars(SCROLLBAR); if (mode < 0xff) { lcd.show(1, 0, 16, "Canceled."); delay(MESSAGE_WAIT_TIME); } encoderDir[ENC_R].reset(); } } void UI_func_sysex_receive_bank(uint8_t param) { static bool yesno; static uint8_t mode; static uint8_t bank_number; static uint8_t ui_select_name_state; if (LCDML.FUNC_setup()) // ****** SETUP ********* { encoderDir[ENC_R].reset(); yesno = false; mode = 0; bank_number = configuration.dexed[selected_instance_id].bank; memset(receive_bank_filename, 0, sizeof(receive_bank_filename)); lcd.setCursor(0, 0); lcd.print(F("MIDI Recv Bank")); lcd.setCursor(2, 1); lcd.print(F("[")); lcd.setCursor(14, 1); lcd.print(F("]")); if (!get_bank_name(configuration.dexed[selected_instance_id].bank, receive_bank_filename, sizeof(receive_bank_filename))) strcpy(receive_bank_filename, "*ERROR*"); lcd.show(1, 0, 2, bank_number); lcd.show(1, 3, 10, receive_bank_filename); } if (LCDML.FUNC_loop()) // ****** LOOP ********* { if ((LCDML.BT_checkDown() && encoderDir[ENC_R].Down()) || (LCDML.BT_checkUp() && encoderDir[ENC_R].Up())) { if (LCDML.BT_checkDown()) { switch (mode) { case 0: bank_number = constrain(bank_number + ENCODER[ENC_R].speed(), 0, MAX_BANKS - 1); if (!get_bank_name(bank_number, receive_bank_filename, sizeof(receive_bank_filename))) strcpy(receive_bank_filename, "*ERROR*"); lcd.show(1, 0, 2, bank_number); lcd.show(1, 3, 10, receive_bank_filename); break; case 1: yesno = !yesno; if (yesno) lcd.show(1, 12, 3, "YES"); else lcd.show(1, 12, 3, "NO"); break; case 2: ui_select_name_state = UI_select_name(1, 1, receive_bank_filename, BANK_NAME_LEN - 1, false); break; } } else if (LCDML.BT_checkUp()) { switch (mode) { case 0: bank_number = constrain(bank_number - ENCODER[ENC_R].speed(), 0, MAX_BANKS - 1); if (!get_bank_name(bank_number, receive_bank_filename, sizeof(receive_bank_filename))) strcpy(receive_bank_filename, "*ERROR*"); lcd.show(1, 0, 2, bank_number); lcd.show(1, 3, 10, receive_bank_filename); break; case 1: yesno = !yesno; if (yesno) lcd.show(1, 12, 3, "YES"); else lcd.show(1, 12, 3, "NO"); break; case 2: ui_select_name_state = UI_select_name(1, 1, receive_bank_filename, BANK_NAME_LEN - 1, false); break; } } } else if (LCDML.BT_checkEnter() && encoderDir[ENC_R].ButtonShort()) { if (mode == 0) { if (!strcmp(receive_bank_filename, "*ERROR*")) { yesno = true; strcpy(receive_bank_filename, "NONAME"); mode = 2; lcd.setCursor(0, 1); lcd.print(F("[ ] ")); ui_select_name_state = UI_select_name(1, 1, receive_bank_filename, BANK_NAME_LEN - 1, true); lcd.blink(); } else { mode = 1; lcd.setCursor(0, 1); lcd.print(F("Overwrite: [NO ]")); } } else if (mode == 1 && yesno == true) { mode = 2; lcd.setCursor(0, 1); lcd.print(F("[ ] ")); ui_select_name_state = UI_select_name(1, 1, receive_bank_filename, BANK_NAME_LEN - 1, true); lcd.blink(); } else if (mode == 2) { ui_select_name_state = UI_select_name(1, 1, receive_bank_filename, BANK_NAME_LEN - 1, false); if (ui_select_name_state == true) { if (yesno == true) { #ifdef DEBUG Serial.print(F("Bank name: [")); Serial.print(receive_bank_filename); Serial.println(F("]")); #endif char tmp[FILENAME_LEN]; strcpy(tmp, receive_bank_filename); sprintf(receive_bank_filename, "/%d/%s.syx", bank_number, tmp); #ifdef DEBUG Serial.print(F("Receiving into bank ")); Serial.print(bank_number); Serial.print(F(" as filename ")); Serial.print(receive_bank_filename); Serial.println(F(".")); #endif mode = 0xff; lcd.noBlink(); lcd.setCursor(0, 1); lcd.print(F("Waiting... ")); /// Storing is done in SYSEX code } } } else if (mode >= 1 && yesno == false) { Serial.println(mode, DEC); memset(receive_bank_filename, 0, sizeof(receive_bank_filename)); mode = 0xff; lcd.noBlink(); lcd.setCursor(0, 1); lcd.print(F("Canceled. ")); delay(MESSAGE_WAIT_TIME); LCDML.FUNC_goBackToMenu(); } } encoderDir[ENC_R].reset(); } if (LCDML.FUNC_close()) // ****** STABLE END ********* { encoderDir[ENC_R].reset(); memset(receive_bank_filename, 0, sizeof(receive_bank_filename)); lcd.noBlink(); if (mode < 0xff) { lcd.setCursor(0, 1); lcd.print(F("Canceled. ")); delay(MESSAGE_WAIT_TIME); } } } void UI_func_set_performance_name(uint8_t param) { static uint8_t mode; static uint8_t ui_select_name_state; if (LCDML.FUNC_setup()) // ****** SETUP ********* { encoderDir[ENC_R].reset(); mode = 0; lcd.setCursor(0, 0); lcd.print(F("Perf. Name")); } if (LCDML.FUNC_loop()) // ****** LOOP ********* { if ((LCDML.BT_checkDown() && encoderDir[ENC_R].Down()) || (LCDML.BT_checkUp() && encoderDir[ENC_R].Up())) { if (LCDML.BT_checkDown()) { if (mode == 1) ui_select_name_state = UI_select_name(1, 1, seq.seq_name_temp, BANK_NAME_LEN - 1, false); } else if (LCDML.BT_checkUp()) { if (mode == 1) ui_select_name_state = UI_select_name(1, 1, seq.seq_name_temp, BANK_NAME_LEN - 1, false); // if (ui_select_name_state == false) { // lcd.setCursor(12, 1); // lcd.print(" "); // lcd.setCursor(0, 1); // lcd.print("["); // lcd.setCursor(11, 1); // lcd.print("]"); // lcd.blink(); // ui_select_name_state = UI_select_name(1, 1, seq.seq_name_temp, BANK_NAME_LEN - 1, true); // } } } else if (LCDML.BT_checkEnter() && encoderDir[ENC_R].ButtonShort()) { if (mode == 1) { ui_select_name_state = UI_select_name(1, 1, seq.seq_name_temp, BANK_NAME_LEN - 1, false); if (ui_select_name_state == true) { strcpy( seq.seq_name, seq.seq_name_temp); mode = 0xff; lcd.noBlink(); lcd.setCursor(0, 1); lcd.print(F("OK. ")); delay(MESSAGE_WAIT_TIME); LCDML.FUNC_goBackToMenu(); } } } if (mode == 0 ) { mode = 1; strcpy(seq.seq_name_temp, seq.seq_name); lcd.setCursor(0, 1); lcd.print(F("[ ] ")); ui_select_name_state = UI_select_name(1, 1, seq.seq_name_temp, BANK_NAME_LEN - 1, true); lcd.blink(); } } if (LCDML.FUNC_close()) // ****** STABLE END ********* { encoderDir[ENC_R].reset(); lcd.noBlink(); } } void UI_func_sysex_send_bank(uint8_t param) { char bank_name[BANK_NAME_LEN]; static uint8_t bank_number; if (LCDML.FUNC_setup()) // ****** SETUP ********* { encoderDir[ENC_R].reset(); bank_number = configuration.dexed[selected_instance_id].bank; lcd.setCursor(0, 0); lcd.print(F("MIDI Send Bank")); if (!get_bank_name(configuration.dexed[selected_instance_id].bank, bank_name, sizeof(bank_name))) strncpy(bank_name, "*ERROR*", sizeof(bank_name)); lcd.show(1, 2, 1, "["); lcd.show(1, 14, 1, "]"); lcd.show(1, 0, 2, configuration.dexed[selected_instance_id].bank); lcd.show(1, 3, 10, bank_name); } if (LCDML.FUNC_loop()) // ****** LOOP ********* { if ((LCDML.BT_checkDown() && encoderDir[ENC_R].Down()) || (LCDML.BT_checkUp() && encoderDir[ENC_R].Up())) { if (LCDML.BT_checkDown()) { bank_number = constrain(bank_number + ENCODER[ENC_R].speed(), 0, MAX_BANKS - 1); } else if (LCDML.BT_checkUp()) { bank_number = constrain(bank_number - ENCODER[ENC_R].speed(), 0, MAX_BANKS - 1); } if (!get_bank_name(bank_number, bank_name, sizeof(bank_name))) strcpy(bank_name, "*ERROR*"); lcd.show(1, 0, 2, bank_number); lcd.show(1, 3, 10, bank_name); } else if (LCDML.BT_checkEnter() && encoderDir[ENC_R].ButtonShort()) { File sysex; char filename[FILENAME_LEN]; if (get_bank_name(bank_number, bank_name, sizeof(bank_name))) { sprintf(filename, "/%d/%s.syx", bank_number, bank_name); #ifdef DEBUG Serial.print(F("Send bank ")); Serial.print(filename); Serial.println(F(" from SD.")); #endif sysex = SD.open(filename); if (!sysex) { #ifdef DEBUG Serial.println(F("Connot read from SD.")); #endif lcd.show(1, 0, 16, "Read error."); bank_number = 0xff; } else { uint8_t bank_data[4104]; sysex.read(bank_data, 4104); sysex.close(); lcd.show(1, 0, 16, "Sending Ch"); if (configuration.dexed[selected_instance_id].midi_channel == MIDI_CHANNEL_OMNI) { lcd.show(1, 11, 2, "01"); send_sysex_bank(1, bank_data); } else { lcd.show(1, 11, 2, configuration.dexed[selected_instance_id].midi_channel + 1); send_sysex_bank(configuration.dexed[selected_instance_id].midi_channel, bank_data); } lcd.show(1, 0, 16, "Done."); bank_number = 0xff; } } else { lcd.show(1, 0, 16, "No bank."); bank_number = 0xff; } delay(MESSAGE_WAIT_TIME); LCDML.FUNC_goBackToMenu(); } } if (LCDML.FUNC_close()) // ****** STABLE END ********* { encoderDir[ENC_R].reset(); if (bank_number < 0xff) { lcd.setCursor(0, 1); lcd.print(F("Canceled. ")); delay(MESSAGE_WAIT_TIME); } } } void UI_func_sysex_send_voice(uint8_t param) { static uint8_t mode; static uint8_t bank_number; static uint8_t voice_number; if (LCDML.FUNC_setup()) // ****** SETUP ********* { encoderDir[ENC_R].reset(); mode = 0; bank_number = configuration.dexed[selected_instance_id].bank; voice_number = configuration.dexed[selected_instance_id].voice; char bank_name[BANK_NAME_LEN]; if (!get_bank_name(bank_number, bank_name, sizeof(bank_name))) strcpy(bank_name, "*ERROR*"); lcd.setCursor(0, 0); lcd.print(F("MIDI Send Voice")); lcd.show(1, 0, 2, bank_number); lcd.show(1, 3, 10, bank_name); lcd.show(1, 2, 1, "["); lcd.show(1, 13, 1, "]"); } if (LCDML.FUNC_loop()) // ****** LOOP ********* { char bank_name[BANK_NAME_LEN]; char voice_name[VOICE_NAME_LEN]; if ((LCDML.BT_checkDown() && encoderDir[ENC_R].Down()) || (LCDML.BT_checkUp() && encoderDir[ENC_R].Up())) { switch (mode) { case 0: // Bank selection if (LCDML.BT_checkDown()) bank_number = constrain(bank_number + ENCODER[ENC_R].speed(), 0, MAX_BANKS - 1); else if (LCDML.BT_checkUp() && bank_number > 0) bank_number = constrain(bank_number - ENCODER[ENC_R].speed(), 0, MAX_BANKS - 1); if (!get_bank_name(bank_number, bank_name, sizeof(bank_name))) strcpy(bank_name, "*ERROR*"); lcd.show(1, 0, 2, bank_number); lcd.show(1, 3, 10, bank_name); break; case 1: // Voice selection if (LCDML.BT_checkDown() && voice_number < MAX_VOICES - 1) voice_number = constrain(voice_number + ENCODER[ENC_R].speed(), 0, MAX_VOICES - 1); else if (LCDML.BT_checkUp() && voice_number > 0) voice_number = constrain(voice_number - ENCODER[ENC_R].speed(), 0, MAX_VOICES - 1); if (!get_bank_name(bank_number, bank_name, sizeof(bank_name))) strncpy(bank_name, "*ERROR*", sizeof(bank_name)); if (!get_voice_by_bank_name(bank_number, bank_name, voice_number, voice_name, sizeof(voice_name))) strncpy(voice_name, "*ERROR*", sizeof(voice_name)); lcd.show(1, 0, 2, voice_number + 1); lcd.show(1, 3, 10, voice_name); break; } } else if (LCDML.BT_checkEnter()) { if (encoderDir[ENC_R].ButtonShort()) mode++; switch (mode) { case 1: if (!get_bank_name(bank_number, bank_name, sizeof(bank_name))) strncpy(bank_name, "*ERROR*", sizeof(bank_name)); if (!get_voice_by_bank_name(bank_number, bank_name, voice_number, voice_name, sizeof(voice_name))) strncpy(voice_name, "*ERROR*", sizeof(voice_name)); lcd.show(1, 0, 2, voice_number + 1); lcd.show(1, 3, 10, voice_name); break; case 2: File sysex; char filename[FILENAME_LEN]; if (get_bank_name(bank_number, bank_name, sizeof(bank_name))) { sprintf(filename, "/%d/%s.syx", bank_number, bank_name); #ifdef DEBUG Serial.print(F("Send voice ")); Serial.print(voice_number); Serial.print(F(" of ")); Serial.print(filename); Serial.println(F(" from SD.")); #endif sysex = SD.open(filename); if (!sysex) { #ifdef DEBUG Serial.println(F("Connot read from SD.")); #endif lcd.show(1, 0, 16, "Read error."); bank_number = 0xff; } else { uint8_t voice_data[155]; uint8_t encoded_voice_data[128]; sysex.seek(6 + (voice_number * 128)); sysex.read(encoded_voice_data, 128); MicroDexed[selected_instance_id]->decodeVoice(voice_data, encoded_voice_data); lcd.show(1, 0, 16, "Sending Ch"); if (configuration.dexed[selected_instance_id].midi_channel == MIDI_CHANNEL_OMNI) { lcd.show(1, 11, 2, "01"); send_sysex_voice(1, voice_data); } else { lcd.show(1, 11, 2, configuration.dexed[selected_instance_id].midi_channel + 1); send_sysex_voice(configuration.dexed[selected_instance_id].midi_channel, voice_data); } delay(MESSAGE_WAIT_TIME); lcd.show(1, 0, 16, "Done."); sysex.close(); bank_number = 0xff; } } else { lcd.show(1, 0, 16, "No voice."); bank_number = 0xff; } mode = 0xff; delay(MESSAGE_WAIT_TIME); LCDML.FUNC_goBackToMenu(); break; } } } if (LCDML.FUNC_close()) // ****** STABLE END ********* { if (mode < 0xff) { lcd.show(1, 0, 16, "Canceled."); delay(MESSAGE_WAIT_TIME); } encoderDir[ENC_R].reset(); } } void UI_func_eq_1(uint8_t param) { #ifndef SGTL5000_AUDIO_ENHANCE if (LCDML.FUNC_setup()) // ****** SETUP ********* { encoderDir[ENC_R].reset(); lcd.setCursor(0, 0); lcd.print(F("EQ Low-Cut")); lcd.setCursor(0, 1); lcd.print(F("Not implemented.")); } #else if (LCDML.FUNC_setup()) // ****** SETUP ********* { encoderDir[ENC_R].reset(); lcd_special_chars(METERBAR); } if (LCDML.FUNC_loop()) // ****** LOOP ********* { if ((LCDML.BT_checkDown() && encoderDir[ENC_R].Down()) || (LCDML.BT_checkUp() && encoderDir[ENC_R].Up())) { if (LCDML.BT_checkDown()) { configuration.fx.eq_1 = constrain(configuration.fx.eq_1 + ENCODER[ENC_R].speed(), EQ_1_MIN, EQ_1_MAX); } else if (LCDML.BT_checkUp()) { configuration.fx.eq_1 = constrain(configuration.fx.eq_1 - ENCODER[ENC_R].speed(), EQ_1_MIN, EQ_1_MAX); } } lcd_display_meter_int("EQ Low-Cut [Hz]", configuration.fx.eq_1, 1.0, 0.0, EQ_1_MIN, EQ_1_MAX, 3, false, false, true); sgtl5000.setEQFc(1, float(configuration.fx.eq_1)); sgtl5000.setEQGain(1, 6.0); sgtl5000.commitFilter(1); #ifdef DEBUG sgtl5000.show_params(1); #endif } if (LCDML.FUNC_close()) // ****** STABLE END ********* { lcd_special_chars(SCROLLBAR); encoderDir[ENC_R].reset(); } #endif } void UI_func_eq_2(uint8_t param) { #ifndef SGTL5000_AUDIO_ENHANCE if (LCDML.FUNC_setup()) // ****** SETUP ********* { encoderDir[ENC_R].reset(); lcd.setCursor(0, 0); lcd.print(F("EQ 120Hz")); lcd.setCursor(0, 1); lcd.print(F("Not implemented.")); } #else if (LCDML.FUNC_setup()) // ****** SETUP ********* { encoderDir[ENC_R].reset(); lcd_special_chars(METERBAR); } if (LCDML.FUNC_loop()) // ****** LOOP ********* { if ((LCDML.BT_checkDown() && encoderDir[ENC_R].Down()) || (LCDML.BT_checkUp() && encoderDir[ENC_R].Up())) { if (LCDML.BT_checkDown()) { configuration.fx.eq_2 = constrain(configuration.fx.eq_2 + ENCODER[ENC_R].speed(), EQ_2_MIN, EQ_2_MAX); } else if (LCDML.BT_checkUp()) { configuration.fx.eq_2 = constrain(configuration.fx.eq_2 - ENCODER[ENC_R].speed(), EQ_2_MIN, EQ_2_MAX); } } lcd_display_meter_float("EQ 120Hz [dB]", configuration.fx.eq_2, 0.1, 0.0, EQ_2_MIN, EQ_2_MAX, 1, 1, false, true, true); sgtl5000.setEQGain(2, mapfloat(configuration.fx.eq_2, EQ_2_MIN, EQ_2_MAX, -9.9, 9.9)); sgtl5000.commitFilter(2); #ifdef DEBUG sgtl5000.show_params(2); #endif } if (LCDML.FUNC_close()) // ****** STABLE END ********* { lcd_special_chars(SCROLLBAR); encoderDir[ENC_R].reset(); } #endif } void UI_func_eq_3(uint8_t param) { #ifndef SGTL5000_AUDIO_ENHANCE if (LCDML.FUNC_setup()) // ****** SETUP ********* { encoderDir[ENC_R].reset(); lcd.setCursor(0, 0); lcd.print(F("EQ 220Hz")); lcd.setCursor(0, 1); lcd.print(F("Not implemented.")); } #else if (LCDML.FUNC_setup()) // ****** SETUP ********* { encoderDir[ENC_R].reset(); lcd_special_chars(METERBAR); } if (LCDML.FUNC_loop()) // ****** LOOP ********* { if ((LCDML.BT_checkDown() && encoderDir[ENC_R].Down()) || (LCDML.BT_checkUp() && encoderDir[ENC_R].Up())) { if (LCDML.BT_checkDown()) { configuration.fx.eq_3 = constrain(configuration.fx.eq_3 + ENCODER[ENC_R].speed(), EQ_3_MIN, EQ_3_MAX); } else if (LCDML.BT_checkUp()) { configuration.fx.eq_3 = constrain(configuration.fx.eq_3 - ENCODER[ENC_R].speed(), EQ_3_MIN, EQ_3_MAX); } } lcd_display_meter_float("EQ 220Hz [dB]", configuration.fx.eq_3, 0.1, 0.0, EQ_3_MIN, EQ_3_MAX, 1, 1, false, true, true); sgtl5000.setEQGain(3, mapfloat(configuration.fx.eq_3, EQ_3_MIN, EQ_3_MAX, -9.9, 9.9)); sgtl5000.commitFilter(3); #ifdef DEBUG sgtl5000.show_params(3); #endif } if (LCDML.FUNC_close()) // ****** STABLE END ********* { lcd_special_chars(SCROLLBAR); encoderDir[ENC_R].reset(); } #endif } void UI_func_eq_4(uint8_t param) { #ifndef SGTL5000_AUDIO_ENHANCE if (LCDML.FUNC_setup()) // ****** SETUP ********* { encoderDir[ENC_R].reset(); lcd.setCursor(0, 0); lcd.print(F("EQ 1000Hz")); lcd.setCursor(0, 1); lcd.print(F("Not implemented.")); } #else if (LCDML.FUNC_setup()) // ****** SETUP ********* { encoderDir[ENC_R].reset(); lcd_special_chars(METERBAR); } if (LCDML.FUNC_loop()) // ****** LOOP ********* { if ((LCDML.BT_checkDown() && encoderDir[ENC_R].Down()) || (LCDML.BT_checkUp() && encoderDir[ENC_R].Up())) { if (LCDML.BT_checkDown()) { configuration.fx.eq_4 = constrain(configuration.fx.eq_4 + ENCODER[ENC_R].speed(), EQ_4_MIN, EQ_4_MAX); } else if (LCDML.BT_checkUp()) { configuration.fx.eq_4 = constrain(configuration.fx.eq_4 - ENCODER[ENC_R].speed(), EQ_4_MIN, EQ_4_MAX); } } lcd_display_meter_float("EQ 1000Hz [dB]", configuration.fx.eq_4, 0.1, 0.0, EQ_4_MIN, EQ_4_MAX, 1, 1, false, true, true); sgtl5000.setEQGain(4, mapfloat(configuration.fx.eq_4, EQ_4_MIN, EQ_4_MAX, -9.9, 9.9)); sgtl5000.commitFilter(4); #ifdef DEBUG sgtl5000.show_params(4); #endif } if (LCDML.FUNC_close()) // ****** STABLE END ********* { lcd_special_chars(SCROLLBAR); encoderDir[ENC_R].reset(); } #endif } void UI_func_eq_5(uint8_t param) { #ifndef SGTL5000_AUDIO_ENHANCE if (LCDML.FUNC_setup()) // ****** SETUP ********* { encoderDir[ENC_R].reset(); lcd.setCursor(0, 0); lcd.print(F("EQ 2000Hz")); lcd.setCursor(0, 1); lcd.print(F("Not implemented.")); } #else if (LCDML.FUNC_setup()) // ****** SETUP ********* { encoderDir[ENC_R].reset(); lcd_special_chars(METERBAR); } if (LCDML.FUNC_loop()) // ****** LOOP ********* { if ((LCDML.BT_checkDown() && encoderDir[ENC_R].Down()) || (LCDML.BT_checkUp() && encoderDir[ENC_R].Up())) { if (LCDML.BT_checkDown()) { configuration.fx.eq_5 = constrain(configuration.fx.eq_5 + ENCODER[ENC_R].speed(), EQ_5_MIN, EQ_5_MAX); } else if (LCDML.BT_checkUp()) { configuration.fx.eq_5 = constrain(configuration.fx.eq_5 - ENCODER[ENC_R].speed(), EQ_5_MIN, EQ_5_MAX); } } lcd_display_meter_float("EQ 2000Hz [dB]", configuration.fx.eq_5, 0.1, 0.0, EQ_5_MIN, EQ_5_MAX, 1, 1, false, true, true); sgtl5000.setEQGain(5, mapfloat(configuration.fx.eq_5, EQ_5_MIN, EQ_5_MAX, -9.9, 9.9)); sgtl5000.commitFilter(5); #ifdef DEBUG sgtl5000.show_params(5); #endif } if (LCDML.FUNC_close()) // ****** STABLE END ********* { lcd_special_chars(SCROLLBAR); encoderDir[ENC_R].reset(); } #endif } void UI_func_eq_6(uint8_t param) { #ifndef SGTL5000_AUDIO_ENHANCE if (LCDML.FUNC_setup()) // ****** SETUP ********* { encoderDir[ENC_R].reset(); lcd.setCursor(0, 0); lcd.print(F("EQ 7000Hz")); lcd.setCursor(0, 1); lcd.print(F("Not implemented.")); } #else if (LCDML.FUNC_setup()) // ****** SETUP ********* { encoderDir[ENC_R].reset(); lcd_special_chars(METERBAR); } if (LCDML.FUNC_loop()) // ****** LOOP ********* { if ((LCDML.BT_checkDown() && encoderDir[ENC_R].Down()) || (LCDML.BT_checkUp() && encoderDir[ENC_R].Up())) { if (LCDML.BT_checkDown()) { configuration.fx.eq_6 = constrain(configuration.fx.eq_6 + ENCODER[ENC_R].speed(), EQ_6_MIN, EQ_6_MAX); } else if (LCDML.BT_checkUp()) { configuration.fx.eq_6 = constrain(configuration.fx.eq_6 - ENCODER[ENC_R].speed(), EQ_6_MIN, EQ_6_MAX); } } lcd_display_meter_float("EQ 7000Hz [dB]", configuration.fx.eq_6, 0.1, 0.0, EQ_6_MIN, EQ_6_MAX, 1, 1, false, true, true); sgtl5000.setEQGain(6, mapfloat(configuration.fx.eq_6, EQ_6_MIN, EQ_6_MAX, -9.9, 9.9)); sgtl5000.commitFilter(6); #ifdef DEBUG sgtl5000.show_params(6); #endif } if (LCDML.FUNC_close()) // ****** STABLE END ********* { lcd_special_chars(SCROLLBAR); encoderDir[ENC_R].reset(); } #endif } void UI_func_eq_7(uint8_t param) { #ifndef SGTL5000_AUDIO_ENHANCE if (LCDML.FUNC_setup()) // ****** SETUP ********* { encoderDir[ENC_R].reset(); lcd.setCursor(0, 0); lcd.print(F("EQ High-Cut")); lcd.setCursor(0, 1); lcd.print(F("Not implemented.")); } #else if (LCDML.FUNC_setup()) // ****** SETUP ********* { encoderDir[ENC_R].reset(); lcd_special_chars(METERBAR); } if (LCDML.FUNC_loop()) // ****** LOOP ********* { if ((LCDML.BT_checkDown() && encoderDir[ENC_R].Down()) || (LCDML.BT_checkUp() && encoderDir[ENC_R].Up())) { if (LCDML.BT_checkDown()) { configuration.fx.eq_7 = constrain(configuration.fx.eq_7 + ENCODER[ENC_R].speed(), EQ_7_MIN, EQ_7_MAX); } else if (LCDML.BT_checkUp()) { configuration.fx.eq_7 = constrain(configuration.fx.eq_7 - ENCODER[ENC_R].speed(), EQ_7_MIN, EQ_7_MAX); } } lcd_display_meter_float("EQ High-Cut[kHz]", configuration.fx.eq_7, 1.0, 0.0, EQ_7_MIN, EQ_7_MAX, 3, 1, false, false, true); sgtl5000.setEQFc(7, float(configuration.fx.eq_7) * 1000.0); sgtl5000.commitFilter(7); #ifdef DEBUG sgtl5000.show_params(7); #endif } if (LCDML.FUNC_close()) // ****** STABLE END ********* { lcd_special_chars(SCROLLBAR); encoderDir[ENC_R].reset(); } #endif } void UI_func_startup(uint8_t param) { bool stored = false; static uint8_t old_load_at_startup; if (LCDML.FUNC_setup()) // ****** SETUP ********* { old_load_at_startup = configuration.sys.load_at_startup; encoderDir[ENC_R].reset(); lcd.setCursor(0, 0); lcd.show(0, 0, 16, "Load at startup"); if (configuration.sys.load_at_startup == 255) lcd.show(1, 0, 16, "Last Perf."); else if (configuration.sys.load_at_startup <= PERFORMANCE_NUM_MAX) { lcd.show(1, 0, 16, "Fixed Perf. ["); lcd.show(1, 13, 2, configuration.sys.load_at_startup); lcd.show(1, 15, 1, "]"); } } if (LCDML.FUNC_loop()) // ****** LOOP ********* { if ((LCDML.BT_checkDown() && encoderDir[ENC_R].Down()) || (LCDML.BT_checkUp() && encoderDir[ENC_R].Up()) || (LCDML.BT_checkEnter() && encoderDir[ENC_R].ButtonShort())) { if (LCDML.BT_checkDown()) { if (configuration.sys.load_at_startup == 255) configuration.sys.load_at_startup = PERFORMANCE_NUM_MIN; else if (configuration.sys.load_at_startup >= 0 && configuration.sys.load_at_startup <= PERFORMANCE_NUM_MAX) configuration.sys.load_at_startup++; if (configuration.sys.load_at_startup > PERFORMANCE_NUM_MAX) configuration.sys.load_at_startup = 255; } else if (LCDML.BT_checkUp()) { if (configuration.sys.load_at_startup == 255) configuration.sys.load_at_startup = PERFORMANCE_NUM_MAX; else if (configuration.sys.load_at_startup >= PERFORMANCE_NUM_MIN && configuration.sys.load_at_startup <= PERFORMANCE_NUM_MAX) configuration.sys.load_at_startup--; } else if (LCDML.BT_checkEnter()) { stored = true; lcd.show(1, 0, 16, "Done."); save_sd_sys_json(); if (configuration.sys.load_at_startup <= PERFORMANCE_NUM_MAX && configuration.sys.load_at_startup != configuration.sys.performance_number) load_sd_performance_json(configuration.sys.load_at_startup); delay(MESSAGE_WAIT_TIME); LCDML.FUNC_goBackToMenu(); } lcd.setCursor(0, 1); if (configuration.sys.load_at_startup == 255) lcd.show(1, 0, 16, "Last Perf."); else if (configuration.sys.load_at_startup <= PERFORMANCE_NUM_MAX) { lcd.show(1, 0, 16, "Fixed Perf. ["); lcd.show(1, 13, 2, configuration.sys.load_at_startup); lcd.show(1, 15, 1, "]"); } } } if (LCDML.FUNC_close()) // ****** STABLE END ********* { //lcd_special_chars(SCROLLBAR); if (stored == false) { lcd.show(1, 0, 16, "Canceled."); configuration.sys.load_at_startup = old_load_at_startup; delay(MESSAGE_WAIT_TIME); } encoderDir[ENC_R].reset(); } } void UI_function_not_enabled(void) { if (LCDML.FUNC_setup()) // ****** SETUP ********* { encoderDir[ENC_R].reset(); lcd.setCursor(0, 0); lcd.print(F("Function not")); lcd.setCursor(0, 1); lcd.print(F("enbaled!")); } if (LCDML.FUNC_loop()) // ****** LOOP ********* { ; } if (LCDML.FUNC_close()) // ****** STABLE END ********* { encoderDir[ENC_R].reset(); } } void UI_function_not_implemented(uint8_t param) { if (LCDML.FUNC_setup()) // ****** SETUP ********* { encoderDir[ENC_R].reset(); lcd.setCursor(0, 0); lcd.print(F("Function not")); lcd.setCursor(0, 1); lcd.print(F("implemented!")); } if (LCDML.FUNC_loop()) // ****** LOOP ********* { ; } if (LCDML.FUNC_close()) // ****** STABLE END ********* { encoderDir[ENC_R].reset(); } } bool UI_select_name(uint8_t y, uint8_t x, char* edit_string, uint8_t len, bool init) { static int8_t edit_pos; static bool edit_mode; static uint8_t edit_value; static uint8_t last_char_pos; if (init == true) { edit_mode = false; edit_pos = 0; edit_value = search_accepted_char(edit_string[edit_pos]); last_char_pos = strlen(edit_string); string_trim(edit_string); // just to be sure lcd.setCursor(x, y); lcd.print(edit_string); lcd.setCursor(x, y); return (false); } if (LCDML.BT_checkDown() || LCDML.BT_checkUp()) { if (LCDML.BT_checkDown()) { if (edit_mode == true) { edit_value = search_accepted_char(edit_string[edit_pos]); if (edit_value < sizeof(accepted_chars) - 2) edit_value++; if (edit_value == 0 && edit_string[constrain(edit_pos + 1, 0, len)] > 0) edit_value = 1; edit_string[edit_pos] = accepted_chars[edit_value]; lcd.setCursor(x + edit_pos, y); lcd.print(edit_string[edit_pos]); } else { if (edit_string[edit_pos] != 0 && edit_string[edit_pos] != 32) edit_pos = constrain(edit_pos + 1, 0, len); else { if (edit_pos + 1 > last_char_pos) edit_pos = len; } if (edit_pos == len) { lcd.noBlink(); lcd.setCursor(x - 1, y); lcd.print(F(" ")); lcd.setCursor(x + len, y); lcd.print(F(" ")); lcd.setCursor(x + len + 1, y); lcd.print(F("[OK]")); } } } else if (LCDML.BT_checkUp()) { if (edit_mode == true) { edit_value = search_accepted_char(edit_string[edit_pos]); if (edit_value >= 1) edit_value--; if (edit_value == 0 && edit_string[constrain(edit_pos + 1, 0, len)] > 0) edit_value = 1; edit_string[edit_pos] = accepted_chars[edit_value]; lcd.setCursor(x + edit_pos, y); lcd.print(edit_string[edit_pos]); } else { if (edit_pos - 1 > last_char_pos) edit_pos = last_char_pos; else edit_pos = constrain(edit_pos - 1, 0, len - 1); if (edit_pos == last_char_pos) { lcd.setCursor(x - 1, y); lcd.print(F("[")); lcd.setCursor(x + len, y); lcd.print(F("]")); lcd.setCursor(x + len + 1, y); lcd.print(F(" ")); lcd.blink(); } } } } else if (LCDML.BT_checkEnter()) { last_char_pos = strlen(edit_string); if (edit_pos >= len) { edit_pos = 0; edit_mode = false; return (true); } else { last_char_pos = strlen(edit_string); edit_mode = !edit_mode; } if (edit_mode == false && edit_pos < len && edit_string[edit_pos] != 0 && edit_string[edit_pos] != 32) edit_pos++; if (edit_mode == true) { lcd.setCursor(x + len + 1, y); lcd.print(F("*")); } else { lcd.setCursor(x + len + 1, y); lcd.print(F(" ")); } } lcd.setCursor(x + edit_pos, y); encoderDir[ENC_R].reset(); return (false); } uint8_t search_accepted_char(uint8_t c) { //if (c == 0) // c = 32; for (uint8_t i = 0; i < sizeof(accepted_chars) - 1; i++) { Serial.print(i, DEC); Serial.print(":"); Serial.print(c); Serial.print("=="); Serial.println(accepted_chars[i], DEC); if (c == accepted_chars[i]) return (i); } return (0); } void lcd_display_int(int16_t var, uint8_t size, bool zeros, bool brackets, bool sign) { lcd_display_float(float(var), size, 0, zeros, brackets, sign); } void lcd_display_float(float var, uint8_t size_number, uint8_t size_fraction, bool zeros, bool brackets, bool sign) { char s[LCD_cols + 1]; char f[LCD_cols + 1]; if (size_fraction > 0) { if (zeros == true && sign == true) sprintf(f, "%%+0%d.%df", size_number + size_fraction + 2, size_fraction); else if (zeros == true && sign == false) sprintf(f, "%%+0%d.%df", size_number + size_fraction + 1, size_fraction); else if (zeros == false && sign == true) sprintf(f, "%%+%d.%df", size_number + size_fraction + 2, size_fraction); else if (zeros == false && sign == false) sprintf(f, "%%%d.%df", size_number + size_fraction + 1, size_fraction); sprintf(s, f, var); } else { if (zeros == true && sign == true) sprintf(f, "%%+0%dd", size_number + 1); else if (zeros == true && sign == false) sprintf(f, "%%%0dd", size_number); else if (zeros == false && sign == true) sprintf(f, "%%+%dd", size_number + 1); else if (zeros == false && sign == false) sprintf(f, "%%%dd", size_number); sprintf(s, f, int(var)); } if (brackets == true) { char tmp[LCD_cols + 1]; strcpy(tmp, s); sprintf(s, "[%s]", tmp); } lcd.print(s); } inline void lcd_display_bar_int(const char* title, uint32_t value, float factor, int32_t min_value, int32_t max_value, uint8_t size, bool zeros, bool sign, bool init) { lcd_display_bar_float(title, float(value), factor, min_value, max_value, size, 0, zeros, sign, init); } void lcd_display_bar_float(const char* title, float value, float factor, int32_t min_value, int32_t max_value, uint8_t size_number, uint8_t size_fraction, bool zeros, bool sign, bool init) { uint8_t size; float v; float _vi = 0.0; uint8_t vf; uint8_t vi; if (size_fraction == 0) size = size_number; else size = size_number + size_fraction + 1; if (sign == true) size++; v = float((value - min_value) * (LCD_cols - size)) / (max_value - min_value); vf = uint8_t(modff(v, &_vi) * 10.0 + 0.5); vi = uint8_t(_vi); if (sign == true) size += 1; // Title if (init == true) lcd.show(0, 0, LCD_cols - 2, title); //lcd.show(0, 0, LCD_cols - 3, title); // Value lcd.setCursor(LCD_cols - size, 1); lcd_display_float(value * factor, size_number, size_fraction, zeros, false, sign); // TBD // Bar lcd.setCursor(0, 1); if (vi == 0) { lcd.write((uint8_t)(vf / 2.0 - 0.5) + 2); for (uint8_t i = vi + 1; i < LCD_cols - size; i++) lcd.print(F(" ")); // empty block } else { for (uint8_t i = 0; i < vi; i++) lcd.write((uint8_t)4 + 2); // full block if (vi < LCD_cols - size) lcd.write((uint8_t)(vf / 2.0 - 0.5) + 2); for (uint8_t i = vi + 1; i < LCD_cols - size; i++) lcd.print(F(" ")); // empty block } } inline void lcd_display_meter_int(const char* title, uint32_t value, float factor, float offset, int32_t min_value, int32_t max_value, uint8_t size, bool zeros, bool sign, bool init) { lcd_display_meter_float(title, float(value), factor, offset, min_value, max_value, size, 0, zeros, sign, init); } void lcd_display_meter_float(const char* title, float value, float factor, float offset, int32_t min_value, int32_t max_value, uint8_t size_number, uint8_t size_fraction, bool zeros, bool sign, bool init) { uint8_t size = 0; float v; float _vi = 0.0; uint8_t vf; uint8_t vi; if (size_fraction == 0) size = size_number; else size = size_number + size_fraction + 1; if (sign == true) size++; v = float((value - min_value) * (LCD_cols - size)) / (max_value - min_value); vf = uint8_t(modff(v, &_vi) * 10.0 + 0.5); vi = uint8_t(_vi); if (init == true) { // Title lcd.setCursor(0, 0); lcd.print(title); } // Value lcd.setCursor(LCD_cols - size, 1); lcd_display_float((value + offset) * factor, size_number, size_fraction, zeros, false, sign); // Bar lcd.setCursor(0, 1); if (vi == 0) { lcd.write((uint8_t)(vf / 2.0) + 2); for (uint8_t i = 1; i < LCD_cols - size; i++) lcd.print(F(" ")); // empty block } else if (vi == LCD_cols - size) { for (uint8_t i = 0; i < LCD_cols - size - 1; i++) lcd.print(F(" ")); // empty block lcd.write(4 + 2); } else { for (uint8_t i = 0; i < LCD_cols - size; i++) lcd.print(F(" ")); // empty block lcd.setCursor(vi, 1); lcd.write((uint8_t)(vf / 2.0) + 2); for (uint8_t i = vi + 1; i < LCD_cols - size; i++) lcd.print(F(" ")); // empty block } } uint8_t bit_reverse8(uint8_t v) { uint8_t result = 0; for ( ; v > 0; v >>= 1 ) (result <<= 1) |= (v & 1); return (result); } void lcd_active_instance_number(uint8_t instance_id) { for (uint8_t i = 0; i < 8; i++) { if (instance_id == 0) { if (configuration.dexed[instance_id].polyphony == 0) instance_num[0][i] = bit_reverse8(special_chars[0][i]); else instance_num[0][i] = special_chars[0][i]; if (configuration.dexed[!instance_id].polyphony == 0) { instance_num[1][i] = bit_reverse8(special_chars[1][i]); instance_num[1][i] = ~instance_num[1][i]; } else instance_num[1][i] = ~special_chars[1][i]; } else { if (configuration.dexed[!instance_id].polyphony == 0) { instance_num[0][i] = bit_reverse8(special_chars[0][i]); instance_num[0][i] = ~instance_num[0][i]; } else instance_num[0][i] = ~special_chars[0][i]; if (configuration.dexed[instance_id].polyphony == 0) instance_num[1][i] = bit_reverse8(special_chars[1][i]); else instance_num[1][i] = special_chars[1][i]; } } #if NUM_DEXED == 1 lcd.createChar(0, instance_num[0]); lcd.createChar(1, (uint8_t*)special_chars[17]); #else lcd.createChar(0, instance_num[0]); lcd.createChar(1, instance_num[1]); #endif } void lcd_OP_active_instance_number(uint8_t instance_id, uint8_t op) { uint8_t i, n; for (n = 2; n < 8; n++) { for (i = 0; i < 8; i++) { if (bitRead(op, n - 2)) instance_num[n][i] = special_chars[n][i]; else instance_num[n][i] = ~special_chars[n][i]; } lcd.createChar(n, instance_num[n]); } for (i = 0; i < 8; i++) { if (instance_id == 0) { if (configuration.dexed[instance_id].polyphony == 0) instance_num[0][i] = bit_reverse8(special_chars[0][i]); else instance_num[0][i] = special_chars[0][i]; if (configuration.dexed[!instance_id].polyphony == 0) { instance_num[1][i] = bit_reverse8(special_chars[1][i]); instance_num[1][i] = ~instance_num[1][i]; } else instance_num[1][i] = ~special_chars[1][i]; } else { if (configuration.dexed[!instance_id].polyphony == 0) { instance_num[0][i] = bit_reverse8(special_chars[0][i]); instance_num[0][i] = ~instance_num[0][i]; } else instance_num[0][i] = ~special_chars[0][i]; if (configuration.dexed[instance_id].polyphony == 0) instance_num[1][i] = bit_reverse8(special_chars[1][i]); else instance_num[1][i] = special_chars[1][i]; } } lcd.createChar(0, instance_num[0]); #if NUM_DEXED > 1 lcd.createChar(1, instance_num[1]); #else lcd.createChar(1, (uint8_t *)special_chars[17]); #endif } void lcd_special_chars(uint8_t mode) { switch (mode) { case SCROLLBAR: // set special chars for scrollbar for (uint8_t i = 0; i < 5; i++) { #ifdef I2C_DISPLAY lcd.createChar(i, (uint8_t*)scroll_bar[i]); #else flipped_scroll_bar[i] = rotTile(scroll_bar[i]); #endif } break; case BLOCKBAR: // set special chars for volume-bar for (uint8_t i = 0; i < 7; i++) { #ifdef I2C_DISPLAY lcd.createChar(i + 2, (uint8_t*)block_bar[i]); #else flipped_block_bar[i] = rotTile(block_bar[i]); #endif } break; case METERBAR: // set special chars for panorama-bar for (uint8_t i = 0; i < 7; i++) { #ifdef I2C_DISPLAY lcd.createChar(i + 2, (uint8_t*)meter_bar[i]); #else flipped_meter_bar[i] = rotTile(meter_bar[i]); #endif } break; } } #ifdef USE_FX void lcd_display_delay_sync(uint8_t sync) { lcd.show(0, 0, LCD_cols - 2, "Delay Sync"); if (seq.seq_running == false)lcd.show(1, 0, 10, "MIDI Sync "); else lcd.show(1, 0, 10, "Seq. Sync "); switch (sync) { case 1: lcd.show(1, 10, 6, "1/16"); break; case 2: lcd.show(1, 10, 6, "1/16T"); break; case 3: lcd.show(1, 10, 6, "1/8"); break; case 4: lcd.show(1, 10, 6, "1/8T"); break; case 5: lcd.show(1, 10, 6, "1/4"); break; case 6: lcd.show(1, 10, 6, "1/4T"); break; case 7: lcd.show(1, 10, 6, "1/2"); break; case 8: lcd.show(1, 10, 6, "1/2T"); break; case 9: lcd.show(1, 10, 6, "1/1"); break; } if (seq.seq_running == false) { uint16_t midi_sync_delay_time = uint16_t(60000.0 * midi_ticks_factor[sync] / midi_bpm + 0.5); if (midi_sync_delay_time > DELAY_MAX_TIME) { #ifdef DEBUG Serial.println(F("Calculated MIDI-Sync delay: ")); Serial.print(round(60000.0 * midi_ticks_factor[sync] / midi_bpm), DEC); Serial.println(F("ms")); Serial.println(F("MIDI-Sync delay: midi_sync_delay_time")); Serial.print(midi_sync_delay_time, DEC); Serial.println(F("ms")); #endif } } else { uint16_t midi_sync_delay_time = uint16_t(60000.0 * midi_ticks_factor[sync] / seq.seq_bpm); delay_fx[selected_instance_id]->delay(0, constrain(midi_sync_delay_time, DELAY_TIME_MIN, DELAY_TIME_MAX * 10)); } lcd.show(1, 15, 1, "!"); } #endif void string_trim(char *s) { int i; while (isspace (*s)) s++; // skip left side white spaces for (i = strlen (s) - 1; (isspace (s[i])); i--) ; // skip right side white spaces s[i + 1] = '\0'; } void locate_previous_non_favorite() { //find prev. non fav in current bank lcd.setCursor(3, 0); lcd.print("= 0 && configuration.dexed[selected_instance_id].bank >= 0) { lcd.setCursor(3, 0); lcd.print("= 1 && favsearcher < 36); // if found, we are done. else quick check in previous banks if ( check_favorite(configuration.dexed[selected_instance_id].bank, configuration.dexed[selected_instance_id].voice, selected_instance_id) == false && configuration.dexed[selected_instance_id].voice >= 0 && configuration.dexed[selected_instance_id].bank >= 0 && favsearcher < 170) { configuration.dexed[selected_instance_id].voice = 32; do { //seek for previous bank configuration.dexed[selected_instance_id].bank--; favsearcher++; } while (quick_check_favorites_in_bank(configuration.dexed[selected_instance_id].bank, selected_instance_id) == false && favsearcher < 132 && configuration.dexed[selected_instance_id].bank >= 0); do { //last try to search if a bank with fav was found configuration.dexed[selected_instance_id].voice--; favsearcher++; } while ( check_favorite(configuration.dexed[selected_instance_id].bank, configuration.dexed[selected_instance_id].voice, selected_instance_id) == false && configuration.dexed[selected_instance_id].voice >= 1 && favsearcher < 170); } } favsearcher = 0; } void locate_next_favorite() { bool RollOver = false; if (configuration.dexed[selected_instance_id].voice > 30 && configuration.dexed[selected_instance_id].bank >= MAX_BANKS - 1 ) { //if at end of all banks configuration.dexed[selected_instance_id].bank = 0; configuration.dexed[selected_instance_id].voice = 0; RollOver = true; } else if (configuration.dexed[selected_instance_id].voice > 30 && configuration.dexed[selected_instance_id].bank < MAX_BANKS - 1 ) { //if at end of any other bank configuration.dexed[selected_instance_id].bank++; configuration.dexed[selected_instance_id].voice = 0; } if (configuration.dexed[selected_instance_id].voice <= 30 && configuration.dexed[selected_instance_id].bank <= MAX_BANKS ) { lcd.setCursor(3, 0); lcd.print(">SEARCHING"); do { //first find next fav in current bank if (RollOver == false) configuration.dexed[selected_instance_id].voice++; else RollOver = true; favsearcher++; } while ( check_favorite(configuration.dexed[selected_instance_id].bank, configuration.dexed[selected_instance_id].voice, selected_instance_id) == false && configuration.dexed[selected_instance_id].voice <= 32 && favsearcher < 36); // if found, we are done. else quick check in next banks if ( check_favorite(configuration.dexed[selected_instance_id].bank, configuration.dexed[selected_instance_id].voice, selected_instance_id) == false && configuration.dexed[selected_instance_id].bank < MAX_BANKS && favsearcher < 170) { configuration.dexed[selected_instance_id].voice = 0; do { //seek in next bank configuration.dexed[selected_instance_id].bank++; if ( configuration.dexed[selected_instance_id].bank > MAX_BANKS - 1 && favsearcher < 190) { configuration.dexed[selected_instance_id].bank = 0; configuration.dexed[selected_instance_id].voice = 0; } favsearcher++; } while (quick_check_favorites_in_bank(configuration.dexed[selected_instance_id].bank, selected_instance_id) == false && favsearcher < 132 ); if ( check_favorite(configuration.dexed[selected_instance_id].bank, configuration.dexed[selected_instance_id].voice, selected_instance_id) == false && configuration.dexed[selected_instance_id].voice <= 32 && favsearcher < 190) { do { //last bank to search if a fav can be found configuration.dexed[selected_instance_id].voice++; favsearcher++; } while ( check_favorite(configuration.dexed[selected_instance_id].bank, configuration.dexed[selected_instance_id].voice, selected_instance_id) == false && favsearcher < 170); } } } favsearcher = 0; } void locate_next_non_favorite() { //find next non-fav in current bank lcd.setCursor(3, 0); lcd.print(">SEARCHING"); do { configuration.dexed[selected_instance_id].voice++; if (configuration.dexed[selected_instance_id].voice > 31) { configuration.dexed[selected_instance_id].voice = 0; //configuration.dexed[selected_instance_id].bank++; if (configuration.dexed[selected_instance_id].bank > MAX_BANKS - 1) configuration.dexed[selected_instance_id].bank = 0; do { //seek for next bank configuration.dexed[selected_instance_id].bank++; if (configuration.dexed[selected_instance_id].bank > MAX_BANKS - 1) configuration.dexed[selected_instance_id].bank = 0; favsearcher++; } while (quick_check_favorites_in_bank(configuration.dexed[selected_instance_id].bank, selected_instance_id) == true && favsearcher < 132); } favsearcher++; } while ( check_favorite(configuration.dexed[selected_instance_id].bank, configuration.dexed[selected_instance_id].voice, selected_instance_id) == true && favsearcher < 170); favsearcher = 0; } void locate_random_non_favorite() { //find random non-fav do { configuration.dexed[selected_instance_id].voice = random(32); configuration.dexed[selected_instance_id].bank = random(MAX_BANKS - 1); favsearcher++; } while ( check_favorite(configuration.dexed[selected_instance_id].bank, configuration.dexed[selected_instance_id].voice, selected_instance_id) == true && favsearcher < 100); favsearcher = 0; } bool check_favorite(uint8_t b, uint8_t v, uint8_t instance_id) { b = constrain(b, 0, MAX_BANKS - 1); v = constrain(v, 0, MAX_VOICES - 1); char tmp[18]; File myFav; if (sd_card > 0) { sprintf(tmp, "/%s/%d/%d.fav", FAV_CONFIG_PATH, b, v); #ifdef DEBUG Serial.print("check if Voice is a Favorite: "); Serial.print(tmp); Serial.println(); #endif if (SD.exists(tmp)) { //is Favorite #ifdef DEBUG Serial.println(" - It is in Favorites."); #endif return true; } else { // it was not a favorite #ifdef DEBUG Serial.println(" - It is not in Favorites."); #endif return false; } } else return false; } void draw_favorite_icon(uint8_t b, uint8_t v, uint8_t instance_id) { b = constrain(b, 0, MAX_BANKS - 1); v = constrain(v, 0, MAX_VOICES - 1); char tmp[18]; File myFav; if (sd_card > 0) { sprintf(tmp, "/%s/%d/%d.fav", FAV_CONFIG_PATH, b, v); if (SD.exists(tmp)) { //is Favorite #ifdef TESTDISPLAY20x4 lcd.setCursor(17, 0); #else lcd.setCursor(13, 0); #endif lcd.write(2); //fav symbol } else { // it was not a favorite #ifdef TESTDISPLAY20x4 lcd.setCursor(17, 0); #else lcd.setCursor(13, 0); #endif lcd.print(" "); } } } bool quick_check_favorites_in_bank(uint8_t b, uint8_t instance_id) { b = constrain(b, 0, MAX_BANKS - 1); char tmp[18]; if (sd_card > 0) { sprintf(tmp, "/%s/%d", FAV_CONFIG_PATH, b); #ifdef DEBUG Serial.print("check if there is a Favorite in Bank: "); Serial.print(tmp); Serial.println(); #endif if (SD.exists(tmp) ) { // this bank HAS at least 1 favorite(s) #ifdef DEBUG Serial.println("quickcheck found a FAV in bank!"); #endif return (true); } else { // no favorites in bank stored return (false); #ifdef DEBUG Serial.println(" - It is no Favorite in current Bank."); #endif } } else return false; } void save_favorite(uint8_t b, uint8_t v, uint8_t instance_id) { #ifdef DEBUG Serial.println("Starting saving Favorite."); #endif b = constrain(b, 0, MAX_BANKS - 1); v = constrain(v, 0, MAX_VOICES - 1); char tmp[18]; char tmpfolder[18]; File myFav; uint8_t i = 0, countfavs = 0; if (sd_card > 0) { sprintf(tmp, "/%s/%d/%d.fav", FAV_CONFIG_PATH, b, v); sprintf(tmpfolder, "/%s/%d", FAV_CONFIG_PATH, b); #ifdef DEBUG Serial.println("Save Favorite to SD card..."); Serial.println(tmp); #endif if (!SD.exists(tmp)) { //create Favorite Semaphore if (!SD.exists(tmpfolder)) { SD.mkdir(tmpfolder); } myFav = SD.open(tmp, FILE_WRITE); myFav.close(); Serial.println("Favorite saved..."); #ifdef TESTDISPLAY20x4 lcd.setCursor(17, 0); #else lcd.setCursor(13, 0); #endif lcd.write(2); //fav symbol #ifdef DEBUG Serial.println("Added to Favorites..."); #endif } else { // delete the file, is no longer a favorite SD.remove(tmp); #ifdef DEBUG Serial.println("Removed from Favorites..."); #endif for (i = 0; i < 32; i++) { //if no other favs exist in current bank, remove folder sprintf(tmp, "/%s/%d/%d.fav", FAV_CONFIG_PATH, b, i); if (SD.exists(tmp)) countfavs++; } if (countfavs == 0) { sprintf(tmp, "/%s/%d", FAV_CONFIG_PATH, b); SD.rmdir(tmp); #ifdef DEBUG Serial.println("Fav count in bank:"); Serial.print(countfavs); Serial.println("Removed folder since no voice in bank flagged as favorite any more"); #endif } #ifdef TESTDISPLAY20x4 lcd.setCursor(17, 0); #else lcd.setCursor(13, 0); #endif lcd.print(" "); //remove fav symbol #ifdef DEBUG Serial.println("Removed from Favorites..."); #endif } } } char* basename(const char* filename) { char* p = strrchr (filename, '/'); return p ? p + 1 : (char *) filename; } #endif #endif