// http://digitalmedia.risd.edu/pbadger/PhysComp/index.php?n=Devices.CombinedFilterAndFeedbackDelayCodeFromTheTutorials /* Filter combined with Feedback (Echo) Delay from the Teensy Audio Library examples. Check the pins you use on pots. Inputs to the mixer are on inputs 0 (signal) and 1 (delay line) */ #include <Audio.h> #include <Wire.h> #include <SPI.h> #include <SD.h> #include <SerialFlash.h> // GUItool: begin automatically generated code AudioPlaySdWav playSdWav1; //xy=192,121 AudioFilterStateVariable filter1; //xy=396,132 AudioMixer4 mixer1; //xy=584,134 AudioEffectDelay delay1; //xy=598,313 AudioOutputI2S i2s1; //xy=799,289 AudioConnection patchCord1(playSdWav1, 0, filter1, 0); AudioConnection patchCord2(filter1, 1, mixer1, 0); // filter 1, 1 is bandbass - // try filter 1, 0 for high pass // try filter 1, 2 for high pass AudioConnection patchCord3(mixer1, delay1); AudioConnection patchCord4(delay1, 0, mixer1, 1); AudioConnection patchCord5(delay1, 0, i2s1, 0); AudioConnection patchCord6(delay1, 0, i2s1, 1); AudioControlSGTL5000 sgtl5000_1; //xy=597,539 // GUItool: end automatically generated code #include <Bounce.h> Bounce button0 = Bounce(17, 5); float freq ; int knob2; void setup() { Serial.begin(57600); // you may have to set serial monitor to higher speed pinMode(0, INPUT_PULLUP); AudioMemory(200); sgtl5000_1.enable(); sgtl5000_1.volume(0.55); sgtl5000_1.enable(); sgtl5000_1.volume(0.5); SPI.setMOSI(7); SPI.setSCK(14); if (!(SD.begin(10))) { while (1) { Serial.println("Unable to access the SD card"); delay(500); } } mixer1.gain(0, 0.7); mixer1.gain(1, 0.7); delay1.delay(0, 400); filter1.resonance(2.5); // values between 0.7 and 5.0 useful delay(1000); } void loop() { // uncomment for A3 knob to control the feedback level if (playSdWav1.isPlaying() == false) { Serial.println("Start playing"); playSdWav1.play("SDTEST1.WAV"); delay(20); // wait for library to parse WAV info } int knob = analogRead(16); float feedback = (float)knob / 1050.0; mixer1.gain(1, feedback); Serial.println(feedback); // uncomment for pin 0 button to double the feedback (allowing unstable) /* button0.update(); if (button0.read() == LOW) { mixer1.gain(1, feedback * 2.0); } */ // read the knob and adjust the filter frequency knob2 = analogRead(A1) + 20; // quick and dirty equation for exp scale frequency adjust freq = expf((float)knob2 / 150.0) * 20.0 + 80.0; filter1.frequency(freq); /* //uncomment for freq debug Serial.print(knob2); Serial.print("\t"); Serial.print("freq = "); Serial.println(freq); delay(5); */ }