Your ROOT_URL in app.ini is but you are visiting
You should set ROOT_URL correctly, otherwise the web may not work correctly.
* support for 6 defined buttons up, down, left, right, back/quit, enter
* support for 64 custom events it could be a button click or something else. This events could be combined with a special handling to open a defined menu function when the status is changed.
* separation of structural and functional level
* support for screensaver which is shown after x seconds
* display a scrollbar when more menu elements in a layer then display rows
* the menu function are only updated when a button is hit / a custom event is called or a trigger is set
* it is possible to set special conditions to display an element
* it is possible to change parameter direct from the menu
* possibility to jump from one menu element directly to another
* examples for many different LCD libraries
* examples for different functionality (change param, set params, ...)
* when you change from LCDMenuLib v2.3.4 to LCDMenuLib2 v1.0.0 or higher
** the backend system is removed from this lib use this when you need a task system: