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* FFT_Overrlapped_OA_F32
* Purpose: Encapsulate the ARM floating point FFT/IFFT functions
* in a way that naturally interfaces to my float32
* extension of the Teensy Audio Library.
* Provides functionality to do overlapped FFT/IFFT where
* each audio block is a fraction (1, 1/2, 1/4) of the
* totaly FFT length. This class handles all of the
* data shuffling to composite the previous data blocks
* with the current data block to provide the full FFT.
* Does similar data shuffling (overlapp-add) for IFFT.
* Created: Chip Audette (
* Jan-Jul 2017
* Typical Usage as FFT:
* //setup the audio stuff
* float sample_rate_Hz = 44100.0; //define sample rate
* int audio_block_samples = 32; //define size of audio blocks
* AudioSettings_F32 audio_settings(sample_rate_Hz, audio_block_samples);
* // ... continue creating all of your Audio Processing Blocks ...
* // within a custom audio processing algorithm that you've written
* // you'd create the FFT and IFFT elements
* int NFFT = 128; //define length of FFT that you want (multiple of audio_block_samples)
* FFT_Overrlapped_F32 FFT_obj(audio_settings,NFFT); //Creare FFT object
* FFT_Overrlapped_F32 IFFT_obj(audio_settings,NFFT); //Creare IFFT object
* float complex_2N_buffer[2*NFFT]; //create buffer to hold the FFT output
* // within your own algorithm's "update()" function (which is what
* // is called automatically by the Teensy Audio Libarary approach
* // to audio processing), you can execute the FFT and IFFT
* // First, get the audio and convert to frequency-domain using an FFT
* audio_block_f32_t *in_audio_block = AudioStream_F32::receiveReadOnly_f32();
* FFT_obj.execute(in_audio_block, complex_2N_buffer); //output is in complex_2N_buffer
* AudioStream_F32::release(in_audio_block); //We just passed ownership to FFT_obj, so release it here.
* // Next do whatever processing you'd like on the frequency domain data
* // that is held in complex_2N_buffer
* // Finally, you can convert back to the time domain via IFFT
* audio_block_f32_t *out_audio_block = IFFT_obj.execute(complex_2N_buffer);
* //note that the "out_audio_block" is mananged by IFFT_obj, so don't worry about releasing it.
* willie.from.texas 9-10-2018
* I've been using the CMSIS Version 5.3.0 DSP Library since May 2018 (see
* I might be the only person on this forum using it. The library allows me to use the 32-bit floating point
* capability of the Teensy 3.6. I have been able to use it in real-time with 16-bit sample rates
* out of both ADCs up to around 450 kHz (i-q data). I'm very happy with the performance I am obtaining.
* Here is the FFT/IFFT performance I am getting with the library:
* # Points Forward rfft Inverse rfft Forward cfft Inverse cfft
* 512 201 us 247 us 239 us 294 us
* 1024 362 us 454 us 588 us 714 us
* 2048 846 us 1066 us 1376 us 1620 us
* 4096 1860 us 2304 us 2504 us 2990 us
* License: MIT License
#ifndef _FFT_Overlapped_OA_F32_h
#define _FFT_Overlapped_OA_F32_h
#include "AudioStream_F32.h"
#include <arm_math.h>
#include "FFT_OA_F32.h"
//#include "utility/dspinst.h" //copied from analyze_fft256.cpp. Do we need this?
// set the max amount of allowed overlap...some number larger than you'll want to use
#define MAX_N_BUFF_BLOCKS 32 //32 blocks x 16 sample blocks enables NFFT = 512, if the Teensy could keep up.
class FFT_Overlapped_Base_OA_F32 { //handles all the data structures for the overlapping stuff. Doesn't care if FFT or IFFT
FFT_Overlapped_Base_OA_F32(void) {};
~FFT_Overlapped_Base_OA_F32(void) {
if (N_BUFF_BLOCKS > 0) {
for (int i = 0; i < N_BUFF_BLOCKS; i++) {
if (buff_blocks[i] != NULL) AudioStream_F32::release(buff_blocks[i]);
if (complex_buffer != NULL) delete complex_buffer;
virtual int setup(const AudioSettings_F32 &settings, const int _N_FFT) {
int N_FFT;
///choose valid _N_FFT
if (!FFT_F32::is_valid_N_FFT(_N_FFT)) {
Serial.println(F("FFT_Overlapped_Base_F32: *** ERROR ***"));
Serial.print(F(" : N_FFT ")); Serial.print(_N_FFT);
Serial.print(F(" is not allowed. Try a power of 2 between 16 and 2048"));
N_FFT = -1;
return N_FFT;
//how many buffers will compose each FFT?
audio_block_samples = settings.audio_block_samples;
N_BUFF_BLOCKS = _N_FFT / audio_block_samples; //truncates!
//what does the fft length actually end up being?
N_FFT = N_BUFF_BLOCKS * audio_block_samples;
//allocate memory for buffers...this is dynamic allocation. Always dangerous.
complex_buffer = new float32_t[2*N_FFT]; //should I check to see if it was successfully allcoated?
//initialize the blocks for holding the previous data
for (int i = 0; i < N_BUFF_BLOCKS; i++) {
buff_blocks[i] = AudioStream_F32::allocate_f32();
return N_FFT;
virtual int getNFFT(void) = 0;
virtual int getNBuffBlocks(void) { return N_BUFF_BLOCKS; }
int N_BUFF_BLOCKS = 0;
int audio_block_samples;
audio_block_f32_t *buff_blocks[MAX_N_BUFF_BLOCKS];
float32_t *complex_buffer;
void clear_audio_block(audio_block_f32_t *block) {
for (int i = 0; i < block->length; i++) block->data[i] = 0.f;
class FFT_Overlapped_OA_F32: public FFT_Overlapped_Base_OA_F32
FFT_Overlapped_OA_F32(void): FFT_Overlapped_Base_OA_F32() {};
FFT_Overlapped_OA_F32(const AudioSettings_F32 &settings): FFT_Overlapped_Base_OA_F32() { }
FFT_Overlapped_OA_F32(const AudioSettings_F32 &settings, const int _N_FFT): FFT_Overlapped_Base_OA_F32() {
virtual int setup(const AudioSettings_F32 &settings, const int _N_FFT) {
int N_FFT = FFT_Overlapped_Base_OA_F32::setup(settings, _N_FFT);
//setup the FFT routines
N_FFT = myFFT.setup(N_FFT);
return N_FFT;
virtual void execute(audio_block_f32_t *block, float *complex_2N_buffer);
virtual int getNFFT(void) { return myFFT.getNFFT(); };
FFT_F32* getFFTObject(void) { return &myFFT; };
virtual void rebuildNegativeFrequencySpace(float *complex_2N_buffer) { myFFT.rebuildNegativeFrequencySpace(complex_2N_buffer); }
FFT_F32 myFFT;
class IFFT_Overlapped_OA_F32: public FFT_Overlapped_Base_OA_F32
IFFT_Overlapped_OA_F32(void): FFT_Overlapped_Base_OA_F32() {};
IFFT_Overlapped_OA_F32(const AudioSettings_F32 &settings): FFT_Overlapped_Base_OA_F32() { }
IFFT_Overlapped_OA_F32(const AudioSettings_F32 &settings, const int _N_FFT): FFT_Overlapped_Base_OA_F32() {
virtual int setup(const AudioSettings_F32 &settings, const int _N_FFT) {
int N_FFT = FFT_Overlapped_Base_OA_F32::setup(settings, _N_FFT);
//setup the FFT routines
N_FFT = myIFFT.setup(N_FFT);
return N_FFT;
virtual audio_block_f32_t* execute(float *complex_2N_buffer);
virtual int getNFFT(void) { return myIFFT.getNFFT(); };
IFFT_F32* getFFTObject(void) { return &myIFFT; };
IFFT_F32* getIFFTObject(void) { return &myIFFT; };