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2 years ago
* @file DFRobot_AS3935_I2C.h
* @brief This is a library for AS3935_I2C from DFRobot
* @copyright Copyright (c) 2010 DFRobot Co.Ltd (
* @license The MIT License (MIT)
* @author [TangJie](
* @version V1.0.2
* @date 2019-09-28
* @url
6 years ago
#ifndef DFRobot_AS3935_I2C_h
#define DFRobot_AS3935_I2C_h
6 years ago
#include "Arduino.h"
#include "stdlib.h"
#include "Wire.h"
6 years ago
6 years ago
// I2C address
2 years ago
#define AS3935_ADD1 0x01 ///< A0=high, A1=low
#define AS3935_ADD3 0x03 ///< A0=high, A1=high
#define AS3935_ADD2 0x02 ///< A0=low, A1=high
6 years ago
//#define ENABLE_DBG
#define DBG(...){Serial.print("[");Serial.print(__FUNCTION__);\
Serial.print("]");Serial.print(__VA_ARGS__); Serial.println("");}
#define DBG(...)
2 years ago
class DFRobot_AS3935_I2C{
* @fn DFRobot_AS3935_I2C
* @brief AS3935 object
* @param irqx irq pin
* @param devAddx i2c address
* @return None
DFRobot_AS3935_I2C(uint8_t irqx, uint8_t devAddx);
* @fn DFRobot_AS3935_I2C
* @brief AS3935 object
* @param irqx irq pin
* @return None
DFRobot_AS3935_I2C(uint8_t irqx);
* @fn begin
* @brief I2C init
* @return uint8_t type, indicates the initialization status
* @retval 0 succeed
* @retval 1 failure
uint8_t begin(void);
* @fn setI2CAddress
* @brief set i2c address
* @param devAddx i2c address
* @return None
void setI2CAddress(uint8_t devAddx);
* @fn manualCal
* @brief manual calibration
* @param capacitance capacitance
* @param location location
* @param disturber disturber
* @return None
void manualCal(uint8_t capacitance, uint8_t location, uint8_t disturber);
* @fn defInit
* @brief reset registers to default
* @return int type,represents rest state
* @retval 0 success
int defInit(void);
* @fn disturberEn
* @brief Disturber detection enabled
* @return None
void disturberEn(void);
* @fn disturberDis
* @brief Disturber detection disenabled
* @return None
void disturberDis(void);
* @fn setIRQOutputSource
* @brief Set interrupt source
* @param irqSelect 0 = NONE, 1 = TRCO, 2 = SRCO, 3 = LCO
* @return None
void setIRQOutputSource(uint8_t irqSelect);
* @fn setTuningCaps
* @brief set capacitance
* @param capVal size
* @return None
void setTuningCaps(uint8_t capVal);
* @fn getInterruptSrc
* @brief get interrupt source
* @return uint8_t typereturns the interrupt source type
* @retval 0 interrupt result not expected
* @retval 1 lightning caused interrupt
* @retval 2 disturber detected
* @retval 3 Noise level too high
uint8_t getInterruptSrc(void);
* @fn getLightningDistKm
* @brief get lightning distance
* @return unit kilometer
uint8_t getLightningDistKm(void);
* @fn getStrikeEnergyRaw
* @brief get lightning energy intensity
* @return lightning energy intensity(0-1000)
uint32_t getStrikeEnergyRaw(void);
* @fn setIndoors
* @brief Set to the indoor model
* @return None
void setIndoors(void);
* @fn setOutdoors
* @brief Set to the outdoor model
* @return None
void setOutdoors(void);
* @fn setOutdoors
* @brief Get the noise level
* @return Return noise level
uint8_t getNoiseFloorLvl(void);
* @fn setNoiseFloorLvl
* @brief Set the noise level
* @param 0~7,More than 7 will use the default value:2
* @return None
void setNoiseFloorLvl(uint8_t nfSel);
* @fn getWatchdogThreshold
* @brief read WDTH
* @return Return interference level
uint8_t getWatchdogThreshold(void);
* @fn setWatchdogThreshold
* @brief Set an anti-interference rating
* @param 0~7,More than 7 will use the default value:2
* @return None
void setWatchdogThreshold(uint8_t wdth);
* @fn getSpikeRejection
* @brief read SREJ (spike rejection)
* @return Return SREJ value
uint8_t getSpikeRejection(void);
* @fn setSpikeRejection
* @brief Modify SREJ (spike rejection)
* @param 0~7,More than 7 will use the default value:2
* @return None
void setSpikeRejection(uint8_t srej);
* @fn setLcoFdiv
* @brief Sets LCO_FDIV register
* @param fdiv Set 0, 1, 2 or 3 for ratios of 16, 32, 64 and 128, respectively
* @return None
void setLcoFdiv(uint8_t fdiv);
* @fn printAllRegs
* @brief view register data
* @return None
void printAllRegs(void);
* @fn powerUp
* @brief Configure sensor
* @return None
void powerUp(void);
6 years ago
2 years ago
uint8_t irq, devAdd;
uint8_t singRegRead(uint8_t regAdd);
void singRegWrite(uint8_t regAdd, uint8_t dataMask, uint8_t regData);
int reset(void);
void powerDown(void);
void calRCO(void);
void clearStatistics(void);
uint8_t setMinStrikes(uint8_t minStrk);
2 years ago
* @fn writeReg
* @brief Write register value through IIC bus
* @param reg Register address 8bits
* @param pBuf Storage cache to write data in
* @param size The length of data to be written
void writeReg(uint8_t reg, void *pBuf, size_t size);
//void writeRegNoStop(uint8_t reg, void *pBuf, size_t size)
2 years ago
* @fn readReg
* @brief Read register value through IIC bus
* @param reg Register address 8bits
* @param pBuf Read data storage cache
* @param size Read the length of data
* @return Return the read length
size_t readReg(uint8_t reg, void *pBuf, size_t size);
6 years ago