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* @file
* @author Steve Lascos
* @company Blackaddr Audio
* This file contains specific definitions for each Blackaddr Audio hardware
* board.
* @copyright This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
* it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
* the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
* (at your option) any later version.*
* This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* GNU General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
* along with this program. If not, see <>.
#include <Arduino.h>
#include <cstdint>
#include <cstddef>
* BALibrary is a namespace/Library for Guitar processing from Blackaddr Audio.
namespace BALibrary {
* Hardware Configuration
/// enum to specify the TGA Board revision
enum class TgaBoard : unsigned {
REV_A = 0, ///< indicates using REV A of the TGA Pro
REV_B, ///< indicates using REV B of the TGA Pro
MKII_REV1, ///< indicates using MKII, Rev 1 of the TGA Pro
MULTIVERSE_REV1 ///< indicates using the Aviate Audio MULTIVERSE_REV1
/// enum to specify the TGA Board revision
enum class TeensyProcessor : unsigned {
TEENSY3 = 0, ///< indicates using REV A of the TGA Pro
TEENSY4, ///< indicates using REV B of the TGA Pro
/// enum to specify the TGA Pro Expansion Board revision
enum class ExpansionBoard : unsigned {
NO_EXPANSION = 0, ///< default, indicates no expansion board is present
REV_1, ///< indicates using REV 1 of the Expansion Board
REV_2, ///< indicates using REV 2 of the Expansion Board
REV_3, ///< indicates using REV 3 of the Expansion Board (MKII Series)
MULTIVERSE_REV1 ///< indicates using the Aviate Audio Multiverse for controls
/// enum to specify SPI memory dize
enum class SpiMemorySize : unsigned {
NO_MEMORY = 0, ///< default, indicates no SPI memory installed
MEM_1M, ///< indicates 1Mbit memory is installed
MEM_4M, ///< indicates 4Mbit memory is installed
MEM_64M ///< indicates 64Mbit memory is installed
constexpr unsigned NUM_MEM_SLOTS = 2; ///< The TGA Pro has two SPI ports for memory
/// enum to specify MEM0 or MEM1
enum MemSelect : unsigned {
MEM0 = 0, ///< SPI RAM MEM0
MEM1 = 1 ///< SPI RAM MEM1
* SPI Memory Definitions
/// stores Spi memory size information
struct SpiMemoryDefinition {
/// Settings for 64Mbit SPI MEM
constexpr SpiMemoryDefinition SPI_MEMORY_64M = {
.MEM_SIZE_BYTES = 8388608,
/// Settings for 4Mbit SPI MEM
constexpr SpiMemoryDefinition SPI_MEMORY_4M = {
.MEM_SIZE_BYTES = 524288,
.DIE_BOUNDARY = 262144
/// Settings for 1Mbit SPI MEM
constexpr SpiMemoryDefinition SPI_MEMORY_1M = {
.MEM_SIZE_BYTES = 131072,
/// Settings for No memory
constexpr SpiMemoryDefinition SPI_MEMORY_NONE = {
* General Purpose SPI Interfaces
/// enum to specify which SPI port is being used
enum class SpiDeviceId : unsigned {
SPI_DEVICE0 = 0, ///< Arduino SPI device
SPI_DEVICE1 = 1 ///< Arduino SPI1 device
// GPIOs and Testpoints are accessed via enumerated class constants.
enum class GPIO {
GPIO0 = 0,
GPIO1 = 1,
GPIO2 = 2,
GPIO3 = 3,
GPIO4 = 4,
GPIO5 = 5,
GPIO6 = 6,
GPIO7 = 7,
TP1 = 8,
TP2 = 9
* BAHardware is a global object that holds hardware configuration options for
* board revisions and ordering options. It is created automatically, and only
* one is present. For configuration, the MACROS specified at the top of
* BAHardware.h should be used.
class BAHardware {
BAHardware(); ///< default constructor
/// sets the TGA Pro board revision
/// @param tgaBoard enum to specify board revision
void set(TgaBoard tgaBoard);
/// get the configured TGA Pro board revision
/// @returns enum for the board revision
TgaBoard getTgaBoard(void);
/// get the configured Teensy Processor
/// @returns enum for the processor
TeensyProcessor getTeensyProcessor();
/// sets the Expansion board revision
/// @param expansionBoard enum to specify the expansion board revision
void set(ExpansionBoard expansionBoard);
/// get the configured Expansion Board revision
/// @returns enum for the board revision
ExpansionBoard getExpansionBoard(void);
/// sets the configured size of a SPI memory
/// @param memSelect specifies which memory device you are configuring
/// @param spiMem specifies the memory definition provide (Size, etc.)
void set(MemSelect memSelect, SpiMemoryDefinition spiMem);
/// gets the memory definition for a given memory device
/// @param mem enum to specify memory device to query
SpiMemoryDefinition getSpiMemoryDefinition(MemSelect mem);
/// get the size of the given memory in bytes, defaults to MEM0
/// @param memSelect enum specifies the memory to query
/// @returns size in bytes
size_t getSpiMemSizeBytes(MemSelect memSelect = MemSelect::MEM0);
/// get the size of the given memory in bytes, defaults to MEM0
/// @param memIndex unsigned specifies the memory to query
/// @returns size in bytes
size_t getSpiMemSizeBytes(unsigned memIndex);
/// get the maximum address in a given memory, defaults to MEM0
/// @param memSelect enum specifies the memory to query
/// @returns the last valid address location in the memory
size_t getSpiMemMaxAddr (MemSelect memSelect = MemSelect::MEM0);
/// get the maximum address in a given memory, defaults to MEM0
/// @param memIndex unsigned specifies the memory to query
/// @returns the last valid address location in the memory
size_t getSpiMemMaxAddr (unsigned memIndex);
TgaBoard m_tgaBoard = TgaBoard::MKII_REV1; ///< stores the configured TGA Pro revision
TeensyProcessor m_teensyProcessor = TeensyProcessor::TEENSY4; ///< store the processor in use
ExpansionBoard m_expansionBoard = ExpansionBoard::NO_EXPANSION; ///< stores the configured Expansion Board revision
SpiMemoryDefinition m_spiMem0 = SPI_MEMORY_NONE; ///< stores the definition for MEM0
SpiMemoryDefinition m_spiMem1 = SPI_MEMORY_NONE; ///< stores the definition for MEM1
extern BAHardware BAHardwareConfig; ///< external definition of global configuration class object
// In your Arudino .ino file, use #defines for your TGA Pro revision and options
// to correctly configure your hardware
#define TGA_PRO_REVA(x) BALibrary::BAHardwareConfig.set(TgaBoard::REV_A) ///< Macro for specifying REV A of the TGA Pro
#define TGA_PRO_REVB(x) BALibrary::BAHardwareConfig.set(TgaBoard::REV_B) ///< Macro for specifying REV B of the TGA Pro
#define TGA_PRO_MKII_REV1(x) BALibrary::BAHardwareConfig.set(TgaBoard::MKII_REV1) ///< Macro for specifying REV B of the TGA Pro
#define MULTIVERSE_REV1(x) BALibrary::BAHardwareConfig.set(TgaBoard::MULTIVERSE_REV1) ///< Macro for specifying REV B of the TGA Pro
#define TGA_PRO_EXPAND_REV2(x) BALibrary::BAHardwareConfig.setExpansionBoard(ExpansionBoard::REV_2) ///< Macro for specifying REV 2 of the Expansion Board
#define TGA_PRO_EXPAND_REV3(x) BALibrary::BAHardwareConfig.setExpansionBoard(ExpansionBoard::REV_3) ///< Macro for specifying REV 2 of the Expansion Board
#define MULTIVERSE_REV1_EXPAND(x) BALibrary::BAHardwareConfig.setExpansionBoard(ExpansionBoard::MULTIVERSE_REV1) ///< Macro for specifying Multiverse
#define SPI_MEM0_1M(x) BALibrary::BAHardwareConfig.set(MEM0, SPI_MEMORY_1M) ///< Macro for specifying MEM0 is 1Mbit
#define SPI_MEM0_4M(x) BALibrary::BAHardwareConfig.set(MEM0, SPI_MEMORY_4M) ///< Macro for specifying MEM0 is 4Mbit
#define SPI_MEM0_64M(x) BALibrary::BAHardwareConfig.set(MEM0, SPI_MEMORY_64M) ///< Macro for specifying MEM0 is 64Mbit
#define SPI_MEM1_1M(x) BALibrary::BAHardwareConfig.set(MEM1, SPI_MEMORY_1M) ///< Macro for specifying MEM1 is 1Mbit
#define SPI_MEM1_4M(x) BALibrary::BAHardwareConfig.set(MEM1, SPI_MEMORY_4M) ///< Macro for specifying MEM1 is 4Mbit
#define SPI_MEM1_64M(x) BALibrary::BAHardwareConfig.set(MEM1, SPI_MEMORY_64M) ///< Macro for specifying MEM1 is 64Mbit
extern uint8_t USR_LED_ID; ///< Teensy IO number for the user LED.
extern unsigned BA_EXPAND_NUM_POT;
extern unsigned BA_EXPAND_NUM_SW;
extern unsigned BA_EXPAND_NUM_LED;
extern unsigned BA_EXPAND_NUM_ENC;
extern uint8_t BA_EXPAND_POT1_PIN; // 14_A0_TX3_SPDIFOUT
extern uint8_t BA_EXPAND_POT2_PIN; // 15_A1_RX3_SPDIFIN
extern uint8_t BA_EXPAND_POT3_PIN; // 16_A2_RX4_SCL1
extern uint8_t BA_EXPAND_SW1_PIN; // 2_OUT2
extern uint8_t BA_EXPAND_SW2_PIN; // 3_LRCLK2
extern uint8_t BA_EXPAND_LED1_PIN; // 4_BLCK2
extern uint8_t BA_EXPAND_LED2_PIN; // 5_IN2
// Only used on Aviate Audio Multiverse
// START Multiverse definitions
extern uint8_t BA_EXPAND_POT4_PIN;
extern uint8_t BA_EXPAND_POT5_PIN;
extern uint8_t BA_EXPAND_POT6_PIN;
extern uint8_t BA_EXPAND_SW3_PIN;
extern uint8_t BA_EXPAND_SW4_PIN;
extern uint8_t BA_EXPAND_SW5_PIN;
extern uint8_t BA_EXPAND_SW6_PIN;
extern uint8_t BA_EXPAND_ENC1_A_PIN;
extern uint8_t BA_EXPAND_ENC1_B_PIN;
extern uint8_t BA_EXPAND_ENC2_A_PIN;
extern uint8_t BA_EXPAND_ENC2_B_PIN;
extern uint8_t BA_EXPAND_ENC3_A_PIN;
extern uint8_t BA_EXPAND_ENC3_B_PIN;
extern uint8_t BA_EXPAND_ENC4_A_PIN;
extern uint8_t BA_EXPAND_ENC4_B_PIN;
// END Multiverse defintiions
extern uint8_t GPIO0;
extern uint8_t GPIO1;
extern uint8_t GPIO2;
extern uint8_t GPIO3;
extern uint8_t GPIO4;
extern uint8_t GPIO5;
extern uint8_t GPIO6;
extern uint8_t GPIO7;
extern uint8_t TP1;
extern uint8_t TP2;
// SPI0 and SPI1 pinouts
extern uint8_t SPI0_SCK_PIN;
extern uint8_t SPI0_CS_PIN;
extern uint8_t SPI0_MISO_PIN;
extern uint8_t SPI0_MOSI_PIN;
extern uint8_t SPI1_SCK_PIN;
extern uint8_t SPI1_CS_PIN;
extern uint8_t SPI1_MISO_PIN;
extern uint8_t SPI1_MOSI_PIN;
#if defined(ARDUINO_TEENSY41) || defined(ARDUINO_TEENSY_MICROMOD) || defined(__MK66FX1M0__) || defined(__MK64FX512__)
* Teensy 4.X Hardware Settings
#if defined(__IMXRT1062__) // T4.0
constexpr uint32_t SCL_SDA_PAD_CFG = 0xF808;
constexpr uint32_t I2S_PAD_CFG = 0x0008;
} // namespace BALibrary